/* This file is part of Telegram Desktop, the official desktop application for the Telegram messaging service. For license and copyright information please follow this link: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LEGAL */ #include "facades.h" #include "info/info_memento.h" #include "core/click_handler_types.h" #include "core/application.h" #include "media/clip/media_clip_reader.h" #include "window/window_controller.h" #include "history/history_item_components.h" #include "data/data_peer.h" #include "data/data_user.h" #include "observer_peer.h" #include "mainwindow.h" #include "mainwidget.h" #include "apiwrap.h" #include "auth_session.h" #include "boxes/confirm_box.h" #include "window/layer_widget.h" #include "lang/lang_keys.h" #include "base/observer.h" #include "history/history.h" #include "history/history_item.h" #include "history/media/history_media.h" #include "styles/style_history.h" #include "data/data_session.h" namespace App { namespace internal { void CallDelayed(int duration, FnMut &&lambda) { Core::App().callDelayed(duration, std::move(lambda)); } } // namespace internal void sendBotCommand(PeerData *peer, UserData *bot, const QString &cmd, MsgId replyTo) { if (auto m = App::main()) { m->sendBotCommand(peer, bot, cmd, replyTo); } } void hideSingleUseKeyboard(const HistoryItem *msg) { if (auto m = App::main()) { m->hideSingleUseKeyboard(msg->history()->peer, msg->id); } } bool insertBotCommand(const QString &cmd) { if (auto m = App::main()) { return m->insertBotCommand(cmd); } return false; } void activateBotCommand( not_null msg, int row, int column) { const HistoryMessageMarkupButton *button = nullptr; if (auto markup = msg->Get()) { if (row < markup->rows.size()) { auto &buttonRow = markup->rows[row]; if (column < buttonRow.size()) { button = &buttonRow[column]; } } } if (!button) return; using ButtonType = HistoryMessageMarkupButton::Type; switch (button->type) { case ButtonType::Default: { // Copy string before passing it to the sending method // because the original button can be destroyed inside. MsgId replyTo = (msg->id > 0) ? msg->id : 0; sendBotCommand(msg->history()->peer, msg->fromOriginal()->asUser(), QString(button->text), replyTo); } break; case ButtonType::Callback: case ButtonType::Game: { if (auto m = App::main()) { m->app_sendBotCallback(button, msg, row, column); } } break; case ButtonType::Buy: { Ui::show(Box(lang(lng_payments_not_supported))); } break; case ButtonType::Url: { auto url = QString::fromUtf8(button->data); auto skipConfirmation = false; if (auto bot = msg->getMessageBot()) { if (bot->isVerified()) { skipConfirmation = true; } } if (skipConfirmation) { UrlClickHandler::Open(url); } else { HiddenUrlClickHandler::Open(url); } } break; case ButtonType::RequestLocation: { hideSingleUseKeyboard(msg); Ui::show(Box(lang(lng_bot_share_location_unavailable))); } break; case ButtonType::RequestPhone: { hideSingleUseKeyboard(msg); const auto msgId = msg->id; const auto history = msg->history(); Ui::show(Box(lang(lng_bot_share_phone), lang(lng_bot_share_phone_confirm), [=] { Ui::showPeerHistory(history, ShowAtTheEndMsgId); auto options = ApiWrap::SendOptions(history); options.replyTo = msgId; Auth().api().shareContact(Auth().user(), options); })); } break; case ButtonType::SwitchInlineSame: case ButtonType::SwitchInline: { if (auto m = App::main()) { if (auto bot = msg->getMessageBot()) { auto tryFastSwitch = [bot, &button, msgId = msg->id]() -> bool { auto samePeer = (button->type == ButtonType::SwitchInlineSame); if (samePeer) { Notify::switchInlineBotButtonReceived(QString::fromUtf8(button->data), bot, msgId); return true; } else if (bot->botInfo && bot->botInfo->inlineReturnPeerId) { if (Notify::switchInlineBotButtonReceived(QString::fromUtf8(button->data))) { return true; } } return false; }; if (!tryFastSwitch()) { m->inlineSwitchLayer('@' + bot->username + ' ' + QString::fromUtf8(button->data)); } } } } break; } } void searchByHashtag(const QString &tag, PeerData *inPeer) { if (const auto m = App::main()) { Ui::hideSettingsAndLayer(); Core::App().hideMediaView(); m->searchMessages( tag + ' ', (inPeer && !inPeer->isUser()) ? inPeer->owner().history(inPeer).get() : Dialogs::Key()); } } void showSettings() { if (auto w = App::wnd()) { w->showSettings(); } } void activateClickHandler(ClickHandlerPtr handler, ClickContext context) { crl::on_main(App::wnd(), [=] { handler->onClick(context); }); } void activateClickHandler(ClickHandlerPtr handler, Qt::MouseButton button) { activateClickHandler(handler, ClickContext{ button }); } } // namespace App namespace Ui { namespace internal { void showBox( object_ptr content, LayerOptions options, anim::type animated) { if (auto w = App::wnd()) { w->ui_showBox(std::move(content), options, animated); } } } // namespace internal void showMediaPreview( Data::FileOrigin origin, not_null document) { if (auto w = App::wnd()) { w->ui_showMediaPreview(origin, document); } } void showMediaPreview(Data::FileOrigin origin, not_null photo) { if (auto w = App::wnd()) { w->ui_showMediaPreview(origin, photo); } } void hideLayer(anim::type animated) { if (auto w = App::wnd()) { w->ui_showBox( { nullptr }, LayerOption::CloseOther, animated); } } void hideSettingsAndLayer(anim::type animated) { if (auto w = App::wnd()) { w->ui_hideSettingsAndLayer(animated); } } bool isLayerShown() { if (auto w = App::wnd()) return w->ui_isLayerShown(); return false; } void showPeerProfile(const PeerId &peer) { if (auto window = App::wnd()) { if (auto controller = window->controller()) { controller->showPeerInfo(peer); } } } void showPeerProfile(const PeerData *peer) { showPeerProfile(peer->id); } void showPeerProfile(not_null history) { showPeerProfile(history->peer->id); } void showPeerHistory( const PeerId &peer, MsgId msgId) { auto ms = crl::now(); if (auto m = App::main()) { m->ui_showPeerHistory( peer, Window::SectionShow::Way::ClearStack, msgId); } } void showPeerHistoryAtItem(not_null item) { showPeerHistory(item->history()->peer->id, item->id); } void showPeerHistory(not_null history, MsgId msgId) { showPeerHistory(history->peer->id, msgId); } void showPeerHistory(const PeerData *peer, MsgId msgId) { showPeerHistory(peer->id, msgId); } PeerData *getPeerForMouseAction() { return Core::App().ui_getPeerForMouseAction(); } bool skipPaintEvent(QWidget *widget, QPaintEvent *event) { if (auto w = App::wnd()) { if (w->contentOverlapped(widget, event)) { return true; } } return false; } } // namespace Ui namespace Notify { void userIsBotChanged(UserData *user) { if (MainWidget *m = App::main()) m->notify_userIsBotChanged(user); } void botCommandsChanged(UserData *user) { if (MainWidget *m = App::main()) { m->notify_botCommandsChanged(user); } peerUpdatedDelayed(user, PeerUpdate::Flag::BotCommandsChanged); } void inlineBotRequesting(bool requesting) { if (MainWidget *m = App::main()) m->notify_inlineBotRequesting(requesting); } void replyMarkupUpdated(const HistoryItem *item) { if (MainWidget *m = App::main()) { m->notify_replyMarkupUpdated(item); } } void inlineKeyboardMoved(const HistoryItem *item, int oldKeyboardTop, int newKeyboardTop) { if (MainWidget *m = App::main()) { m->notify_inlineKeyboardMoved(item, oldKeyboardTop, newKeyboardTop); } } bool switchInlineBotButtonReceived(const QString &query, UserData *samePeerBot, MsgId samePeerReplyTo) { if (auto main = App::main()) { return main->notify_switchInlineBotButtonReceived(query, samePeerBot, samePeerReplyTo); } return false; } void historyMuteUpdated(History *history) { if (MainWidget *m = App::main()) m->notify_historyMuteUpdated(history); } void unreadCounterUpdated() { Global::RefHandleUnreadCounterUpdate().call(); } } // namespace Notify #define DefineReadOnlyVar(Namespace, Type, Name) const Type &Name() { \ AssertCustom(Namespace##Data != nullptr, #Namespace "Data != nullptr in " #Namespace "::" #Name); \ return Namespace##Data->Name; \ } #define DefineRefVar(Namespace, Type, Name) DefineReadOnlyVar(Namespace, Type, Name) \ Type &Ref##Name() { \ AssertCustom(Namespace##Data != nullptr, #Namespace "Data != nullptr in " #Namespace "::Ref" #Name); \ return Namespace##Data->Name; \ } #define DefineVar(Namespace, Type, Name) DefineRefVar(Namespace, Type, Name) \ void Set##Name(const Type &Name) { \ AssertCustom(Namespace##Data != nullptr, #Namespace "Data != nullptr in " #Namespace "::Set" #Name); \ Namespace##Data->Name = Name; \ } namespace Global { namespace internal { struct Data { SingleQueuedInvokation HandleUnreadCounterUpdate = { [] { Core::App().call_handleUnreadCounterUpdate(); } }; SingleQueuedInvokation HandleDelayedPeerUpdates = { [] { Core::App().call_handleDelayedPeerUpdates(); } }; SingleQueuedInvokation HandleObservables = { [] { Core::App().call_handleObservables(); } }; Adaptive::WindowLayout AdaptiveWindowLayout = Adaptive::WindowLayout::Normal; Adaptive::ChatLayout AdaptiveChatLayout = Adaptive::ChatLayout::Normal; bool AdaptiveForWide = true; base::Observable AdaptiveChanged; bool DialogsModeEnabled = false; Dialogs::Mode DialogsMode = Dialogs::Mode::All; bool ModerateModeEnabled = false; bool ScreenIsLocked = false; int32 DebugLoggingFlags = 0; float64 RememberedSongVolume = kDefaultVolume; float64 SongVolume = kDefaultVolume; base::Observable SongVolumeChanged; float64 VideoVolume = kDefaultVolume; base::Observable VideoVolumeChanged; // config int32 ChatSizeMax = 200; int32 MegagroupSizeMax = 10000; int32 ForwardedCountMax = 100; int32 OnlineUpdatePeriod = 120000; int32 OfflineBlurTimeout = 5000; int32 OfflineIdleTimeout = 30000; int32 OnlineFocusTimeout = 1000; int32 OnlineCloudTimeout = 300000; int32 NotifyCloudDelay = 30000; int32 NotifyDefaultDelay = 1500; int32 PushChatPeriod = 60000; int32 PushChatLimit = 2; int32 SavedGifsLimit = 200; int32 EditTimeLimit = 172800; int32 RevokeTimeLimit = 172800; int32 RevokePrivateTimeLimit = 172800; bool RevokePrivateInbox = false; int32 StickersRecentLimit = 30; int32 StickersFavedLimit = 5; int32 PinnedDialogsCountMax = 5; int32 PinnedDialogsInFolderMax = 100; QString InternalLinksDomain = qsl("https://t.me/"); int32 ChannelsReadMediaPeriod = 86400 * 7; int32 CallReceiveTimeoutMs = 20000; int32 CallRingTimeoutMs = 90000; int32 CallConnectTimeoutMs = 30000; int32 CallPacketTimeoutMs = 10000; int32 WebFileDcId = cTestMode() ? 2 : 4; QString TxtDomainString = cTestMode() ? qsl("testapv2.stel.com") : qsl("apv2.stel.com"); bool PhoneCallsEnabled = true; bool BlockedMode = false; int32 CaptionLengthMax = 1024; base::Observable PhoneCallsEnabledChanged; HiddenPinnedMessagesMap HiddenPinnedMessages; Stickers::Sets StickerSets; Stickers::Order StickerSetsOrder; crl::time LastStickersUpdate = 0; crl::time LastRecentStickersUpdate = 0; crl::time LastFavedStickersUpdate = 0; Stickers::Order FeaturedStickerSetsOrder; int FeaturedStickerSetsUnreadCount = 0; base::Observable FeaturedStickerSetsUnreadCountChanged; crl::time LastFeaturedStickersUpdate = 0; Stickers::Order ArchivedStickerSetsOrder; bool AskDownloadPath = false; QString DownloadPath; QByteArray DownloadPathBookmark; base::Observable DownloadPathChanged; bool ReplaceEmoji = true; bool SuggestEmoji = true; bool SuggestStickersByEmoji = true; base::Observable ReplaceEmojiChanged; bool VoiceMsgPlaybackDoubled = false; bool SoundNotify = true; bool DesktopNotify = true; bool RestoreSoundNotifyFromTray = false; DBINotifyView NotifyView = dbinvShowPreview; bool NativeNotifications = false; int NotificationsCount = 3; Notify::ScreenCorner NotificationsCorner = Notify::ScreenCorner::BottomRight; bool NotificationsDemoIsShown = false; bool TryIPv6 = (cPlatform() == dbipWindows) ? false : true; std::vector ProxiesList; ProxyData SelectedProxy; ProxyData::Settings ProxySettings = ProxyData::Settings::System; bool UseProxyForCalls = false; base::Observable ConnectionTypeChanged; int AutoLock = 3600; bool LocalPasscode = false; base::Observable LocalPasscodeChanged; base::Variable WorkMode = { dbiwmWindowAndTray }; base::Observable UnreadCounterUpdate; base::Observable PeerChooseCancel; QString CallOutputDeviceID = qsl("default"); QString CallInputDeviceID = qsl("default"); int CallOutputVolume = 100; int CallInputVolume = 100; bool CallAudioDuckingEnabled = true; }; } // namespace internal } // namespace Global Global::internal::Data *GlobalData = nullptr; namespace Global { bool started() { return GlobalData != nullptr; } void start() { GlobalData = new internal::Data(); } void finish() { delete GlobalData; GlobalData = nullptr; } DefineRefVar(Global, SingleQueuedInvokation, HandleUnreadCounterUpdate); DefineRefVar(Global, SingleQueuedInvokation, HandleDelayedPeerUpdates); DefineRefVar(Global, SingleQueuedInvokation, HandleObservables); DefineVar(Global, Adaptive::WindowLayout, AdaptiveWindowLayout); DefineVar(Global, Adaptive::ChatLayout, AdaptiveChatLayout); DefineVar(Global, bool, AdaptiveForWide); DefineRefVar(Global, base::Observable, AdaptiveChanged); DefineVar(Global, bool, DialogsModeEnabled); DefineVar(Global, Dialogs::Mode, DialogsMode); DefineVar(Global, bool, ModerateModeEnabled); DefineVar(Global, bool, ScreenIsLocked); DefineVar(Global, int32, DebugLoggingFlags); DefineVar(Global, float64, RememberedSongVolume); DefineVar(Global, float64, SongVolume); DefineRefVar(Global, base::Observable, SongVolumeChanged); DefineVar(Global, float64, VideoVolume); DefineRefVar(Global, base::Observable, VideoVolumeChanged); // config DefineVar(Global, int32, ChatSizeMax); DefineVar(Global, int32, MegagroupSizeMax); DefineVar(Global, int32, ForwardedCountMax); DefineVar(Global, int32, OnlineUpdatePeriod); DefineVar(Global, int32, OfflineBlurTimeout); DefineVar(Global, int32, OfflineIdleTimeout); DefineVar(Global, int32, OnlineFocusTimeout); DefineVar(Global, int32, OnlineCloudTimeout); DefineVar(Global, int32, NotifyCloudDelay); DefineVar(Global, int32, NotifyDefaultDelay); DefineVar(Global, int32, PushChatPeriod); DefineVar(Global, int32, PushChatLimit); DefineVar(Global, int32, SavedGifsLimit); DefineVar(Global, int32, EditTimeLimit); DefineVar(Global, int32, RevokeTimeLimit); DefineVar(Global, int32, RevokePrivateTimeLimit); DefineVar(Global, bool, RevokePrivateInbox); DefineVar(Global, int32, StickersRecentLimit); DefineVar(Global, int32, StickersFavedLimit); DefineVar(Global, int32, PinnedDialogsCountMax); DefineVar(Global, int32, PinnedDialogsInFolderMax); DefineVar(Global, QString, InternalLinksDomain); DefineVar(Global, int32, ChannelsReadMediaPeriod); DefineVar(Global, int32, CallReceiveTimeoutMs); DefineVar(Global, int32, CallRingTimeoutMs); DefineVar(Global, int32, CallConnectTimeoutMs); DefineVar(Global, int32, CallPacketTimeoutMs); DefineVar(Global, int32, WebFileDcId); DefineVar(Global, QString, TxtDomainString); DefineVar(Global, bool, PhoneCallsEnabled); DefineVar(Global, bool, BlockedMode); DefineVar(Global, int32, CaptionLengthMax); DefineRefVar(Global, base::Observable, PhoneCallsEnabledChanged); DefineVar(Global, HiddenPinnedMessagesMap, HiddenPinnedMessages); DefineVar(Global, Stickers::Sets, StickerSets); DefineVar(Global, Stickers::Order, StickerSetsOrder); DefineVar(Global, crl::time, LastStickersUpdate); DefineVar(Global, crl::time, LastRecentStickersUpdate); DefineVar(Global, crl::time, LastFavedStickersUpdate); DefineVar(Global, Stickers::Order, FeaturedStickerSetsOrder); DefineVar(Global, int, FeaturedStickerSetsUnreadCount); DefineRefVar(Global, base::Observable, FeaturedStickerSetsUnreadCountChanged); DefineVar(Global, crl::time, LastFeaturedStickersUpdate); DefineVar(Global, Stickers::Order, ArchivedStickerSetsOrder); DefineVar(Global, bool, AskDownloadPath); DefineVar(Global, QString, DownloadPath); DefineVar(Global, QByteArray, DownloadPathBookmark); DefineRefVar(Global, base::Observable, DownloadPathChanged); DefineVar(Global, bool, ReplaceEmoji); DefineVar(Global, bool, SuggestEmoji); DefineVar(Global, bool, SuggestStickersByEmoji); DefineRefVar(Global, base::Observable, ReplaceEmojiChanged); DefineVar(Global, bool, VoiceMsgPlaybackDoubled); DefineVar(Global, bool, SoundNotify); DefineVar(Global, bool, DesktopNotify); DefineVar(Global, bool, RestoreSoundNotifyFromTray); DefineVar(Global, DBINotifyView, NotifyView); DefineVar(Global, bool, NativeNotifications); DefineVar(Global, int, NotificationsCount); DefineVar(Global, Notify::ScreenCorner, NotificationsCorner); DefineVar(Global, bool, NotificationsDemoIsShown); DefineVar(Global, bool, TryIPv6); DefineVar(Global, std::vector, ProxiesList); DefineVar(Global, ProxyData, SelectedProxy); DefineVar(Global, ProxyData::Settings, ProxySettings); DefineVar(Global, bool, UseProxyForCalls); DefineRefVar(Global, base::Observable, ConnectionTypeChanged); DefineVar(Global, int, AutoLock); DefineVar(Global, bool, LocalPasscode); DefineRefVar(Global, base::Observable, LocalPasscodeChanged); DefineRefVar(Global, base::Variable, WorkMode); DefineRefVar(Global, base::Observable, UnreadCounterUpdate); DefineRefVar(Global, base::Observable, PeerChooseCancel); DefineVar(Global, QString, CallOutputDeviceID); DefineVar(Global, QString, CallInputDeviceID); DefineVar(Global, int, CallOutputVolume); DefineVar(Global, int, CallInputVolume); DefineVar(Global, bool, CallAudioDuckingEnabled); rpl::producer ReplaceEmojiValue() { return rpl::single( Global::ReplaceEmoji() ) | rpl::then(base::ObservableViewer( Global::RefReplaceEmojiChanged() ) | rpl::map([] { return Global::ReplaceEmoji(); })); } } // namespace Global