/* This file is part of Telegram Desktop, the official desktop application for the Telegram messaging service. For license and copyright information please follow this link: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LEGAL */ #include "platform/mac/tray_mac.h" #include "base/platform/mac/base_utilities_mac.h" #include "core/application.h" #include "core/sandbox.h" #include "window/window_controller.h" #include "window/window_session_controller.h" #include "ui/painter.h" #include "styles/style_window.h" #include #import #import @interface CommonDelegate : NSObject { } - (void) menuDidClose:(NSMenu *)menu; - (void) menuWillOpen:(NSMenu *)menu; - (void) observeValueForKeyPath:(NSString *)keyPath ofObject:(id)object change:(NSDictionary *)change context:(void *)context; - (rpl::producer<>) closes; - (rpl::producer<>) aboutToShowRequests; - (rpl::producer<>) appearanceChanges; @end // @interface CommonDelegate @implementation CommonDelegate { rpl::event_stream<> _closes; rpl::event_stream<> _aboutToShowRequests; rpl::event_stream<> _appearanceChanges; } - (void) menuDidClose:(NSMenu *)menu { Core::Sandbox::Instance().customEnterFromEventLoop([&] { _closes.fire({}); }); } - (void) menuWillOpen:(NSMenu *)menu { Core::Sandbox::Instance().customEnterFromEventLoop([&] { _aboutToShowRequests.fire({}); }); } // Thanks https://stackoverflow.com/a/64525038 - (void) observeValueForKeyPath:(NSString *)keyPath ofObject:(id)object change:(NSDictionary *)change context:(void *)context { if ([keyPath isEqualToString:@"button.effectiveAppearance"]) { _appearanceChanges.fire({}); } } - (rpl::producer<>) closes { return _closes.events(); } - (rpl::producer<>) aboutToShowRequests { return _aboutToShowRequests.events(); } - (rpl::producer<>) appearanceChanges { return _appearanceChanges.events(); } @end // @implementation MenuDelegate namespace Platform { namespace { [[nodiscard]] bool IsAnyActiveForTrayMenu() { for (const NSWindow *w in [[NSApplication sharedApplication] windows]) { if (w.isKeyWindow) { return true; } } return false; } [[nodiscard]] QImage TrayIconBack(bool darkMode) { static const auto WithColor = [](QColor color) { return st::macTrayIcon.instance(color, 100); }; static const auto DarkModeResult = WithColor({ 255, 255, 255 }); static const auto LightModeResult = WithColor({ 0, 0, 0, 180 }); auto result = darkMode ? DarkModeResult : LightModeResult; result.detach(); return result; } void PlaceCounter( QImage &img, int size, int count, style::color bg, style::color color) { if (!count) { return; } const auto savedRatio = img.devicePixelRatio(); img.setDevicePixelRatio(1.); { Painter p(&img); PainterHighQualityEnabler hq(p); const auto cnt = (count < 100) ? QString("%1").arg(count) : QString("..%1").arg(count % 100, 2, 10, QChar('0')); const auto cntSize = cnt.size(); p.setBrush(bg); p.setPen(Qt::NoPen); int32 fontSize, skip; if (size == 22) { skip = 1; fontSize = 8; } else { skip = 2; fontSize = 16; } style::font f(fontSize, 0, 0); int32 w = f->width(cnt), d, r; if (size == 22) { d = (cntSize < 2) ? 3 : 2; r = (cntSize < 2) ? 6 : 5; } else { d = (cntSize < 2) ? 6 : 5; r = (cntSize < 2) ? 9 : 11; } p.drawRoundedRect( QRect( size - w - d * 2 - skip, size - f->height - skip, w + d * 2, f->height), r, r); p.setCompositionMode(QPainter::CompositionMode_Source); p.setFont(f); p.setPen(color); p.drawText( size - w - d - skip, size - f->height + f->ascent - skip, cnt); } img.setDevicePixelRatio(savedRatio); } void UpdateIcon(const NSStatusItem *status) { if (!status) { return; } const auto appearance = status.button.effectiveAppearance; const auto darkMode = [[appearance.name lowercaseString] containsString:@"dark"]; // The recommended maximum title bar icon height is 18 points // (device independent pixels). The menu height on past and // current OS X versions is 22 points. Provide some future-proofing // by deriving the icon height from the menu height. const int padding = 0; const int menuHeight = NSStatusBar.systemStatusBar.thickness; // [[status.button window] backingScaleFactor]; const int maxImageHeight = (menuHeight - padding) * style::DevicePixelRatio(); // Select pixmap based on the device pixel height. Ideally we would use // the devicePixelRatio of the target screen, but that value is not // known until draw time. Use qApp->devicePixelRatio, which returns the // devicePixelRatio for the "best" screen on the system. const auto side = 22 * style::DevicePixelRatio(); const auto selectedSize = QSize(side, side); auto result = TrayIconBack(darkMode); auto resultActive = result; resultActive.detach(); const auto counter = Core::App().unreadBadge(); const auto muted = Core::App().unreadBadgeMuted(); const auto &bg = (muted ? st::trayCounterBgMute : st::trayCounterBg); const auto &fg = st::trayCounterFg; const auto &fgInvert = st::trayCounterFgMacInvert; const auto &bgInvert = st::trayCounterBgMacInvert; const auto &resultFg = !darkMode ? fg : muted ? fgInvert : fg; PlaceCounter(result, side, counter, bg, resultFg); PlaceCounter(resultActive, side, counter, bgInvert, fgInvert); // Scale large pixmaps to fit the available menu bar area. if (result.height() > maxImageHeight) { result = result.scaledToHeight( maxImageHeight, Qt::SmoothTransformation); } if (resultActive.height() > maxImageHeight) { resultActive = resultActive.scaledToHeight( maxImageHeight, Qt::SmoothTransformation); } status.button.image = Q2NSImage(result); status.button.alternateImage = Q2NSImage(resultActive); status.button.imageScaling = NSImageScaleProportionallyDown; } [[nodiscard]] QWidget *Parent() { Expects(Core::App().primaryWindow() != nullptr); return Core::App().primaryWindow()->widget(); } } // namespace class NativeIcon final { public: NativeIcon(); ~NativeIcon(); void updateIcon(); void showMenu(not_null menu); void deactivateButton(); [[nodiscard]] rpl::producer<> clicks() const; [[nodiscard]] rpl::producer<> aboutToShowRequests() const; private: CommonDelegate *_delegate; NSStatusItem *_status; rpl::event_stream<> _clicks; rpl::lifetime _lifetime; }; NativeIcon::NativeIcon() : _delegate([[CommonDelegate alloc] init]) , _status([ [NSStatusBar.systemStatusBar statusItemWithLength:NSSquareStatusItemLength] retain]) { [_status addObserver:_delegate forKeyPath:@"button.effectiveAppearance" options:0 | NSKeyValueObservingOptionNew | NSKeyValueObservingOptionInitial context:nil]; [_delegate closes] | rpl::start_with_next([=] { _status.menu = nil; }, _lifetime); [_delegate appearanceChanges] | rpl::start_with_next([=] { updateIcon(); }, _lifetime); const auto masks = NSEventMaskLeftMouseDown | NSEventMaskLeftMouseUp | NSEventMaskRightMouseDown | NSEventMaskRightMouseUp | NSEventMaskOtherMouseUp; [_status.button sendActionOn:masks]; id buttonCallback = [^{ const auto type = NSApp.currentEvent.type; if ((type == NSEventTypeLeftMouseDown) || (type == NSEventTypeRightMouseDown)) { Core::Sandbox::Instance().customEnterFromEventLoop([=] { _clicks.fire({}); }); } } copy]; _lifetime.add([=] { [buttonCallback release]; }); _status.button.target = buttonCallback; _status.button.action = @selector(invoke); _status.button.toolTip = Q2NSString(AppName.utf16()); } NativeIcon::~NativeIcon() { [_status removeObserver:_delegate forKeyPath:@"button.effectiveAppearance"]; [NSStatusBar.systemStatusBar removeStatusItem:_status]; [_status release]; [_delegate release]; } void NativeIcon::updateIcon() { UpdateIcon(_status); } void NativeIcon::showMenu(not_null menu) { _status.menu = menu->toNSMenu(); _status.menu.delegate = _delegate; [_status.button performClick:nil]; } void NativeIcon::deactivateButton() { [_status.button highlight:false]; } rpl::producer<> NativeIcon::clicks() const { return _clicks.events(); } rpl::producer<> NativeIcon::aboutToShowRequests() const { return [_delegate aboutToShowRequests]; } Tray::Tray() { } void Tray::createIcon() { if (!_nativeIcon) { _nativeIcon = std::make_unique(); // On macOS we are activating the window on click // instead of showing the menu, when the window is not activated. _nativeIcon->clicks( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=] { if (IsAnyActiveForTrayMenu()) { _nativeIcon->showMenu(_menu.get()); } else { _nativeIcon->deactivateButton(); _showFromTrayRequests.fire({}); } }, _lifetime); } updateIcon(); } void Tray::destroyIcon() { _nativeIcon = nullptr; } void Tray::updateIcon() { if (_nativeIcon) { _nativeIcon->updateIcon(); } } void Tray::createMenu() { if (!_menu) { _menu = base::make_unique_q(Parent()); } } void Tray::destroyMenu() { if (_menu) { _menu->clear(); } _actionsLifetime.destroy(); } void Tray::addAction(rpl::producer text, Fn &&callback) { if (!_menu) { return; } const auto action = _menu->addAction(QString(), std::move(callback)); std::move( text ) | rpl::start_with_next([=](const QString &text) { action->setText(text); }, _actionsLifetime); } void Tray::showTrayMessage() const { } bool Tray::hasTrayMessageSupport() const { return false; } rpl::producer<> Tray::aboutToShowRequests() const { return _nativeIcon ? _nativeIcon->aboutToShowRequests() : rpl::never<>(); } rpl::producer<> Tray::showFromTrayRequests() const { return _showFromTrayRequests.events(); } rpl::producer<> Tray::hideToTrayRequests() const { return rpl::never<>(); } rpl::producer<> Tray::iconClicks() const { return rpl::never<>(); } bool Tray::hasIcon() const { return _nativeIcon != nullptr; } rpl::lifetime &Tray::lifetime() { return _lifetime; } Tray::~Tray() = default; } // namespace Platform