/* This file is part of Telegram Desktop, an unofficial desktop messaging app, see https://telegram.org Telegram Desktop is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. Full license: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LICENSE Copyright (c) 2014 John Preston, https://tdesktop.com */ #include "stdafx.h" #include "pspecific_mac_p.h" #include "lang.h" #include #include #include class QNSString { public: QNSString(const QString &str) : _str([NSString stringWithUTF8String:str.toUtf8().constData()]) { } NSString *s() { return _str; } private: NSString *_str; }; typedef QMap ObjcLang; ObjcLang objcLang; QNSString objc_lang(LangKey key) { ObjcLang::const_iterator i = objcLang.constFind(key); if (i == objcLang.cend()) { i = objcLang.insert(key, lang(key)); } return i.value(); } @interface ObserverHelper : NSObject { } - (id) init:(PsMacWindowPrivate *)aWnd; - (void) activeSpaceDidChange:(NSNotification *)aNotification; @end @interface NotifyHandler : NSObject { } - (id) init:(PsMacWindowPrivate *)aWnd; - (void)userNotificationCenter:(NSUserNotificationCenter *)center didActivateNotification:(NSUserNotification *)notification; - (BOOL)userNotificationCenter:(NSUserNotificationCenter *)center shouldPresentNotification:(NSUserNotification *)notification; @end class PsMacWindowData { public: PsMacWindowData(PsMacWindowPrivate *wnd) : wnd(wnd), observerHelper([[ObserverHelper alloc] init:wnd]), notifyHandler([[NotifyHandler alloc] init:wnd]) { } void onNotifyClick(NSUserNotification *notification) { NSNumber *peerObj = [[notification userInfo] objectForKey:@"peer"]; unsigned long long peerLong = [peerObj unsignedLongLongValue]; wnd->notifyClicked(peerLong); } void onNotifyReply(NSUserNotification *notification) { NSNumber *peerObj = [[notification userInfo] objectForKey:@"peer"]; unsigned long long peerLong = [peerObj unsignedLongLongValue]; wnd->notifyReplied(peerLong, [[[notification response] string] UTF8String]); } ~PsMacWindowData() { [observerHelper release]; [notifyHandler release]; } PsMacWindowPrivate *wnd; ObserverHelper *observerHelper; NotifyHandler *notifyHandler; }; @implementation ObserverHelper { PsMacWindowPrivate *wnd; } - (id) init:(PsMacWindowPrivate *)aWnd { if (self = [super init]) { wnd = aWnd; } return self; } - (void) activeSpaceDidChange:(NSNotification *)aNotification { wnd->activeSpaceChanged(); } @end @implementation NotifyHandler { PsMacWindowPrivate *wnd; } - (id) init:(PsMacWindowPrivate *)aWnd { if (self = [super init]) { wnd = aWnd; } return self; } - (void) userNotificationCenter:(NSUserNotificationCenter *)center didActivateNotification:(NSUserNotification *)notification { NSNumber *instObj = [[notification userInfo] objectForKey:@"inst"]; unsigned long long instLong = [instObj unsignedLongLongValue]; if (instLong != cInstance()) { // other app instance notification return; } if (notification.activationType == NSUserNotificationActivationTypeReplied){ wnd->data->onNotifyReply(notification); } else if (notification.activationType == NSUserNotificationActivationTypeContentsClicked) { wnd->data->onNotifyClick(notification); } [center removeDeliveredNotification: notification]; } - (BOOL)userNotificationCenter:(NSUserNotificationCenter *)center shouldPresentNotification:(NSUserNotification *)notification { return YES; } @end PsMacWindowPrivate::PsMacWindowPrivate() : data(new PsMacWindowData(this)) { [[[NSWorkspace sharedWorkspace] notificationCenter] addObserver:data->observerHelper selector:@selector(activeSpaceDidChange:) name:NSWorkspaceActiveSpaceDidChangeNotification object:nil]; NSUserNotificationCenter *center = [NSUserNotificationCenter defaultUserNotificationCenter]; [center setDelegate:data->notifyHandler]; } void PsMacWindowPrivate::setWindowBadge(const QString &str) { [[NSApp dockTile] setBadgeLabel:QNSString(str).s()]; } void PsMacWindowPrivate::startBounce() { [NSApp requestUserAttention:NSInformationalRequest]; } void PsMacWindowPrivate::holdOnTop(WId winId) { NSWindow *wnd = [reinterpret_cast(winId) window]; [wnd setHidesOnDeactivate:NO]; } void PsMacWindowPrivate::showOverAll(WId winId) { NSWindow *wnd = [reinterpret_cast(winId) window]; [wnd setLevel:NSFloatingWindowLevel]; [wnd setStyleMask:NSUtilityWindowMask | NSNonactivatingPanelMask]; [wnd setCollectionBehavior:NSWindowCollectionBehaviorCanJoinAllSpaces|NSWindowCollectionBehaviorFullScreenAuxiliary|NSWindowCollectionBehaviorIgnoresCycle]; } void PsMacWindowPrivate::activateWnd(WId winId) { NSWindow *wnd = [reinterpret_cast(winId) window]; [wnd orderFront:wnd]; } void PsMacWindowPrivate::showNotify(uint64 peer, const QString &title, const QString &subtitle, const QString &msg) { NSUserNotification *notification = [[NSUserNotification alloc] init]; [notification setUserInfo:[NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:[NSNumber numberWithUnsignedLongLong:peer],@"peer",[NSNumber numberWithUnsignedLongLong:cInstance()],@"inst",nil]]; [notification setTitle:QNSString(title).s()]; [notification setSubtitle:QNSString(subtitle).s()]; [notification setInformativeText:QNSString(msg).s()]; [notification setHasReplyButton:YES]; [notification setSoundName:nil]; NSUserNotificationCenter *center = [NSUserNotificationCenter defaultUserNotificationCenter]; [center deliverNotification:notification]; [notification release]; } void PsMacWindowPrivate::enableShadow(WId winId) { // [[(NSView*)winId window] setStyleMask:NSBorderlessWindowMask]; // [[(NSView*)winId window] setHasShadow:YES]; } void PsMacWindowPrivate::clearNotifies(unsigned long long peer) { NSUserNotificationCenter *center = [NSUserNotificationCenter defaultUserNotificationCenter]; if (peer) { NSArray *notifies = [center deliveredNotifications]; for (id notify in notifies) { if ([[[notify userInfo] objectForKey:@"peer"] unsignedLongLongValue] == peer) { [center removeDeliveredNotification:notify]; } } } else { [center removeAllDeliveredNotifications]; } } void objc_debugShowAlert(const QString &str) { [[NSAlert alertWithMessageText:@"Debug Message" defaultButton:@"OK" alternateButton:nil otherButton:nil informativeTextWithFormat:@"%@", QNSString(str).s()] runModal]; } void objc_outputDebugString(const QString &str) { NSLog(@"%@", QNSString(str).s()); } PsMacWindowPrivate::~PsMacWindowPrivate() { delete data; } int64 objc_idleTime() { // taken from https://github.com/trueinteractions/tint/issues/53 CFMutableDictionaryRef properties = 0; CFTypeRef obj; mach_port_t masterPort; io_iterator_t iter; io_registry_entry_t curObj; IOMasterPort(MACH_PORT_NULL, &masterPort); /* Get IOHIDSystem */ IOServiceGetMatchingServices(masterPort, IOServiceMatching("IOHIDSystem"), &iter); if (iter == 0) { return -1; } else { curObj = IOIteratorNext(iter); } if (IORegistryEntryCreateCFProperties(curObj, &properties, kCFAllocatorDefault, 0) == KERN_SUCCESS && properties != NULL) { obj = CFDictionaryGetValue(properties, CFSTR("HIDIdleTime")); CFRetain(obj); } else { return -1; } uint64 err = ~0L, result = err; if (obj) { CFTypeID type = CFGetTypeID(obj); if (type == CFDataGetTypeID()) { CFDataGetBytes((CFDataRef) obj, CFRangeMake(0, sizeof(result)), (UInt8*)&result); } else if (type == CFNumberGetTypeID()) { CFNumberGetValue((CFNumberRef)obj, kCFNumberSInt64Type, &result); } else { // error } CFRelease(obj); if (result != err) { result /= 1000000; // return as ms } } else { // error } CFRelease((CFTypeRef)properties); IOObjectRelease(curObj); IOObjectRelease(iter); return (result == err) ? -1 : int64(result); } void objc_showInFinder(const QString &file, const QString &path) { [[NSWorkspace sharedWorkspace] selectFile:QNSString(file).s() inFileViewerRootedAtPath:QNSString(path).s()]; } @interface NSURL(CompareUrls) - (BOOL) isEquivalent:(NSURL *)aURL; @end @implementation NSURL(CompareUrls) - (BOOL) isEquivalent:(NSURL *)aURL { if ([self isEqual:aURL]) return YES; if ([[self scheme] caseInsensitiveCompare:[aURL scheme]] != NSOrderedSame) return NO; if ([[self host] caseInsensitiveCompare:[aURL host]] != NSOrderedSame) return NO; if ([[self path] compare:[aURL path]] != NSOrderedSame) return NO; if ([[self port] compare:[aURL port]] != NSOrderedSame) return NO; if ([[self query] compare:[aURL query]] != NSOrderedSame) return NO; return YES; } @end @interface ChooseApplicationDelegate : NSObject { } - (id) init:(NSArray *)recommendedApps withPanel:(NSOpenPanel *)creator withSelector:(NSPopUpButton *)menu withGood:(NSTextField *)goodLabel withBad:(NSTextField *)badLabel withIcon:(NSImageView *)badIcon withAccessory:(NSView *)acc; - (BOOL) panel:(id)sender shouldEnableURL:(NSURL *)url; - (void) panelSelectionDidChange:(id)sender; - (void) menuDidClose; - (void) dealloc; @end @implementation ChooseApplicationDelegate { BOOL onlyRecommended; NSArray *apps; NSOpenPanel *panel; NSPopUpButton *selector; NSTextField *good, *bad; NSImageView *icon; NSString *recom; NSView *accessory; } - (id) init:(NSArray *)recommendedApps withPanel:(NSOpenPanel *)creator withSelector:(NSPopUpButton *)menu withGood:(NSTextField *)goodLabel withBad:(NSTextField *)badLabel withIcon:(NSImageView *)badIcon withAccessory:(NSView *)acc { if (self = [super init]) { onlyRecommended = YES; recom = [objc_lang(lng_mac_recommended_apps).s() copy]; apps = recommendedApps; panel = creator; selector = menu; good = goodLabel; bad = badLabel; icon = badIcon; accessory = acc; [selector setAction:@selector(menuDidClose)]; } return self; } - (BOOL) isRecommended:(NSURL *)url { if (apps) { for (id app in apps) { if ([(NSURL*)app isEquivalent:url]) { return YES; } } } return NO; } - (BOOL) panel:(id)sender shouldEnableURL:(NSURL *)url { NSNumber *isDirectory; if ([url getResourceValue:&isDirectory forKey:NSURLIsDirectoryKey error:nil] && isDirectory != nil && [isDirectory boolValue]) { if (onlyRecommended) { CFStringRef ext = CFURLCopyPathExtension((CFURLRef)url); NSNumber *isPackage; if ([url getResourceValue:&isPackage forKey:NSURLIsPackageKey error:nil] && isPackage != nil && [isPackage boolValue]) { return [self isRecommended:url]; } } return YES; } return NO; } - (void) panelSelectionDidChange:(id)sender { NSArray *urls = [panel URLs]; if ([urls count]) { if ([self isRecommended:[urls firstObject]]) { [bad removeFromSuperview]; [icon removeFromSuperview]; [accessory addSubview:good]; } else { [good removeFromSuperview]; [accessory addSubview:bad]; [accessory addSubview:icon]; } } else { [good removeFromSuperview]; [bad removeFromSuperview]; [icon removeFromSuperview]; } } - (void) menuDidClose { onlyRecommended = [[[selector selectedItem] title] isEqualToString:recom]; [self refreshPanelTable]; } - (BOOL) refreshDataInViews: (NSArray*)subviews { for (id view in subviews) { NSString *cls = [view className]; if ([cls isEqualToString:@"FI_TBrowserTableView"]) { [view reloadData]; } else if ([cls isEqualToString:@"FI_TListView"] || [cls isEqualToString:@"FI_TIconView"]) { [view reloadData]; return YES; } else { NSArray *next = [view subviews]; if ([next count] && [self refreshDataInViews:next]) { return YES; } } } return NO; } - (void) refreshPanelTable { [self refreshDataInViews:[[panel contentView] subviews]]; [panel validateVisibleColumns]; } - (void) dealloc { if (apps) { [apps release]; [recom release]; } [super dealloc]; } @end void objc_openFile(const QString &f, bool openwith) { NSString *file = QNSString(f).s(); if (openwith || [[NSWorkspace sharedWorkspace] openFile:file] == NO) { @try { NSURL *url = [NSURL fileURLWithPath:file]; NSString *ext = [url pathExtension]; NSArray *names =[url pathComponents]; NSString *name = [names count] ? [names lastObject] : @""; NSArray *apps = (NSArray*)LSCopyApplicationURLsForURL(CFURLRef(url), kLSRolesAll); NSOpenPanel *openPanel = [NSOpenPanel openPanel]; NSView *accessory = [[NSView alloc] init]; [openPanel setAccessoryView:accessory]; NSRect fullRect = [[accessory superview] frame]; fullRect.origin = NSMakePoint(0, 0); fullRect.size.height = st::macAccessoryHeight; [accessory setFrame:fullRect]; [accessory setAutoresizesSubviews:YES]; NSPopUpButton *selector = [[NSPopUpButton alloc] init]; [accessory addSubview:selector]; [selector addItemWithTitle:objc_lang(lng_mac_recommended_apps).s()]; [selector addItemWithTitle:objc_lang(lng_mac_all_apps).s()]; [selector sizeToFit]; NSTextField *enableLabel = [[NSTextField alloc] init]; [accessory addSubview:enableLabel]; [enableLabel setStringValue:objc_lang(lng_mac_enable_filter).s()]; [enableLabel setFont:[selector font]]; [enableLabel setBezeled:NO]; [enableLabel setDrawsBackground:NO]; [enableLabel setEditable:NO]; [enableLabel setSelectable:NO]; [enableLabel sizeToFit]; NSRect selectorFrame = [selector frame], enableFrame = [enableLabel frame]; enableFrame.size.width += st::macEnableFilterAdd; enableFrame.origin.x = (fullRect.size.width - selectorFrame.size.width - enableFrame.size.width) / 2.; selectorFrame.origin.x = (fullRect.size.width - selectorFrame.size.width + enableFrame.size.width) / 2.; enableFrame.origin.y = fullRect.size.height - selectorFrame.size.height - st::macEnableFilterTop + (selectorFrame.size.height - enableFrame.size.height) / 2.; selectorFrame.origin.y = fullRect.size.height - selectorFrame.size.height - st::macSelectorTop; [enableLabel setFrame:enableFrame]; [enableLabel setAutoresizingMask:NSViewMinXMargin|NSViewMaxXMargin]; [selector setFrame:selectorFrame]; [selector setAutoresizingMask:NSViewMinXMargin|NSViewMaxXMargin]; NSButton *button = [[NSButton alloc] init]; [accessory addSubview:button]; [button setButtonType:NSSwitchButton]; [button setFont:[selector font]]; [button setTitle:objc_lang(lng_mac_always_open_with).s()]; [button sizeToFit]; NSRect alwaysRect = [button frame]; alwaysRect.origin.x = (fullRect.size.width - alwaysRect.size.width) / 2; alwaysRect.origin.y = selectorFrame.origin.y - alwaysRect.size.height - st::macAlwaysThisAppTop; [button setFrame:alwaysRect]; [button setAutoresizingMask:NSViewMinXMargin|NSViewMaxXMargin]; NSTextField *goodLabel = [[NSTextField alloc] init]; [goodLabel setStringValue:[objc_lang(lng_mac_this_app_can_open).s() stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:@"{file}" withString:name]]; [goodLabel setFont:[NSFont systemFontOfSize:[NSFont smallSystemFontSize]]]; [goodLabel setBezeled:NO]; [goodLabel setDrawsBackground:NO]; [goodLabel setEditable:NO]; [goodLabel setSelectable:NO]; [goodLabel sizeToFit]; NSRect goodFrame = [goodLabel frame]; goodFrame.origin.x = (fullRect.size.width - goodFrame.size.width) / 2.; goodFrame.origin.y = alwaysRect.origin.y - goodFrame.size.height - st::macAppHintTop; [goodLabel setFrame:goodFrame]; NSTextField *badLabel = [[NSTextField alloc] init]; [badLabel setStringValue:[objc_lang(lng_mac_not_known_app).s() stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:@"{file}" withString:name]]; [badLabel setFont:[goodLabel font]]; [badLabel setBezeled:NO]; [badLabel setDrawsBackground:NO]; [badLabel setEditable:NO]; [badLabel setSelectable:NO]; [badLabel sizeToFit]; NSImageView *badIcon = [[NSImageView alloc] init]; NSImage *badImage = [NSImage imageNamed:NSImageNameCaution]; [badIcon setImage:badImage]; [badIcon setFrame:NSMakeRect(0, 0, st::macCautionIconSize.width(), st::macCautionIconSize.height())]; NSRect badFrame = [badLabel frame], badIconFrame = [badIcon frame]; badFrame.origin.x = (fullRect.size.width - badFrame.size.width + badIconFrame.size.width) / 2.; badIconFrame.origin.x = (fullRect.size.width - badFrame.size.width - badIconFrame.size.width) / 2.; badFrame.origin.y = alwaysRect.origin.y - badFrame.size.height - st::macAppHintTop; badIconFrame.origin.y = badFrame.origin.y; [badLabel setFrame:badFrame]; [badIcon setFrame:badIconFrame]; ChooseApplicationDelegate *delegate = [[ChooseApplicationDelegate alloc] init:apps withPanel:openPanel withSelector:selector withGood:goodLabel withBad:badLabel withIcon:badIcon withAccessory:accessory]; [openPanel setDelegate:delegate]; [openPanel setCanChooseDirectories:NO]; [openPanel setCanChooseFiles:YES]; [openPanel setAllowsMultipleSelection:NO]; [openPanel setResolvesAliases:YES]; [openPanel setTitle:objc_lang(lng_mac_choose_app).s()]; [openPanel setMessage:[[objc_lang(lng_mac_choose_text).s() stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:@"{file}" withString:name] stringByAppendingFormat:@"%d", [[NSProcessInfo processInfo] processIdentifier]]]; NSArray *appsPaths = [[NSFileManager defaultManager] URLsForDirectory:NSApplicationDirectory inDomains:NSLocalDomainMask]; if ([appsPaths count]) [openPanel setDirectoryURL:[appsPaths firstObject]]; [openPanel beginWithCompletionHandler:^(NSInteger result){ if (result == NSFileHandlingPanelOKButton) { if ([[openPanel URLs] count] > 0) { NSURL *app = [[openPanel URLs] objectAtIndex:0]; NSString *path = [app path]; if ([button state] == NSOnState) { NSArray *UTIs = (NSArray *)UTTypeCreateAllIdentifiersForTag(kUTTagClassFilenameExtension, (CFStringRef)ext, nil); for (NSString *UTI in UTIs) { LSSetDefaultRoleHandlerForContentType((CFStringRef)UTI, kLSRolesEditor, (CFStringRef)[[NSBundle bundleWithPath:path] bundleIdentifier]); } [UTIs release]; } [[NSWorkspace sharedWorkspace] openFile:file withApplication:[app path]]; } } [selector release]; [button release]; [enableLabel release]; [goodLabel release]; [badLabel release]; [badIcon release]; [accessory release]; [delegate release]; }]; } @catch (NSException *exception) { [[NSWorkspace sharedWorkspace] openFile:file]; } @finally { } } } void objc_finish() { if (!objcLang.isEmpty()) { objcLang.clear(); } } BOOL _execUpdater(BOOL update = YES) { NSString *path = @"", *args = @""; @try { path = [[NSBundle mainBundle] bundlePath]; if (!path) { LOG(("Could not get bundle path!!")); return NO; } path = [path stringByAppendingString:@"/Contents/Frameworks/Updater"]; NSMutableArray *args = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithObjects:@"-workpath", QNSString(cWorkingDir()).s(), @"-tosettings", @"-procid", nil]; [args addObject:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%d", [[NSProcessInfo processInfo] processIdentifier]]]; if (!update) [args addObject:@"-noupdate"]; if (cFromAutoStart()) [args addObject:@"-autostart"]; if (cDebug()) [args addObject:@"-debug"]; if (cDataFile() != (cTestMode() ? qsl("data_test") : qsl("data"))) { [args addObject:@"-key"]; [args addObject:QNSString(cDataFile()).s()]; } DEBUG_LOG(("Application Info: executing %1 %2").arg(QString::fromUtf8([path cStringUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding])).arg(QString::fromUtf8([[args componentsJoinedByString:@" "] cStringUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]))); if (![NSTask launchedTaskWithLaunchPath:path arguments:args]) { LOG(("Task not launched while executing %1 %2").arg(QString::fromUtf8([path cStringUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding])).arg(QString::fromUtf8([[args componentsJoinedByString:@" "] cStringUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]))); return NO; } } @catch (NSException *exception) { LOG(("Exception caught while executing %1 %2").arg(QString::fromUtf8([path cStringUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding])).arg(QString::fromUtf8([args cStringUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]))); return NO; } @finally { } return YES; } bool objc_execUpdater() { return !!_execUpdater(); } void objc_execTelegram() { _execUpdater(NO); } void objc_activateProgram() { [NSApp activateIgnoringOtherApps:YES]; } bool objc_moveFile(const QString &from, const QString &to) { NSString *f = QNSString(from).s(), *t = QNSString(to).s(); if ([[NSFileManager defaultManager] fileExistsAtPath:t]) { NSData *data = [NSData dataWithContentsOfFile:f]; if (data) { if ([data writeToFile:t atomically:YES]) { if ([[NSFileManager defaultManager] removeItemAtPath:f error:nil]) { return true; } } } } else { if ([[NSFileManager defaultManager] moveItemAtPath:f toPath:t error:nil]) { return true; } } return false; } void objc_deleteDir(const QString &dir) { [[NSFileManager defaultManager] removeItemAtPath:QNSString(dir).s() error:nil]; } QString objc_appDataPath() { NSURL *url = [[NSFileManager defaultManager] URLForDirectory:NSApplicationSupportDirectory inDomain:NSUserDomainMask appropriateForURL:nil create:YES error:nil]; if (url) { return QString::fromUtf8([[url path] fileSystemRepresentation]) + '/' + QString::fromWCharArray(AppName) + '/'; } return QString(); } QString objc_currentCountry() { NSLocale *currentLocale = [NSLocale currentLocale]; // get the current locale. NSString *countryCode = [currentLocale objectForKey:NSLocaleCountryCode]; return countryCode ? QString::fromUtf8([countryCode cStringUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]) : QString(); } QString objc_currentLang() { NSLocale *currentLocale = [NSLocale currentLocale]; // get the current locale. NSString *currentLang = [currentLocale objectForKey:NSLocaleLanguageCode]; return currentLang ? QString::fromUtf8([currentLang cStringUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]) : QString(); }