## Build instructions for Linux using Docker ### Obtain your API credentials You will require **api_id** and **api_hash** to access the Telegram API servers. To learn how to obtain them [click here][api_credentials]. ### Clone source code git clone --recursive https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop.git ### Prepare libraries Go to the `tdesktop` directory and run docker build -t tdesktop:centos_env Telegram/build/docker/centos_env/ ### Building the project Make sure that you're still in the `tdesktop` directory and run (using [your **api_id** and **api_hash**](#obtain-your-api-credentials)) docker run --rm -it \ -v $PWD:/usr/src/tdesktop \ tdesktop:centos_env \ /usr/src/tdesktop/Telegram/build/docker/centos_env/build.sh \ -D TDESKTOP_API_ID=YOUR_API_ID \ -D TDESKTOP_API_HASH=YOUR_API_HASH \ -D DESKTOP_APP_USE_PACKAGED=OFF \ -D DESKTOP_APP_DISABLE_CRASH_REPORTS=OFF Or, to create a debug build, run (also using [your **api_id** and **api_hash**](#obtain-your-api-credentials)) docker run --rm -it \ -v $PWD:/usr/src/tdesktop \ -e DEBUG=1 \ tdesktop:centos_env \ /usr/src/tdesktop/Telegram/build/docker/centos_env/build.sh \ -D TDESKTOP_API_ID=YOUR_API_ID \ -D TDESKTOP_API_HASH=YOUR_API_HASH \ -D DESKTOP_APP_USE_PACKAGED=OFF \ -D DESKTOP_APP_DISABLE_CRASH_REPORTS=OFF The built files will be in the `out` directory. [api_credentials]: api_credentials.md