''' This file is part of Telegram Desktop, the official desktop application for the Telegram messaging service. For license and copyright information please follow this link: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LEGAL ''' import sys, os, re, subprocess def finish(code): global executePath os.chdir(executePath) sys.exit(code) if sys.platform == 'win32' and not 'COMSPEC' in os.environ: print('[ERROR] COMSPEC environment variable is not set.') finish(1) executePath = os.getcwd() scriptPath = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) apiId = '' apiHash = '' nextApiId = False nextApiHash = False for arg in sys.argv: if nextApiId: apiId = re.sub(r'[^\d]', '', arg) nextApiId = False elif nextApiHash: apiHash = re.sub(r'[^a-fA-F\d]', '', arg) nextApiHash = False else: nextApiId = (arg == '--api-id') nextApiHash = (arg == '--api-hash') officialTarget = '' officialTargetFile = scriptPath + '/../build/target' if os.path.isfile(officialTargetFile): with open(officialTargetFile, 'r') as f: for line in f: officialTarget = line.strip() if officialTarget != '': officialApiIdFile = scriptPath + '/../../../TelegramPrivate/custom_api_id.h' if not os.path.isfile(officialApiIdFile): print("[ERROR] TelegramPrivate/custom_api_id.h not found.") finish(1) with open(officialApiIdFile, 'r') as f: for line in f: apiIdMatch = re.search(r'ApiId\s+=\s+(\d+)', line) apiHashMatch = re.search(r'ApiHash\s+=\s+"([a-fA-F\d]+)"', line) if apiIdMatch: apiId = apiIdMatch.group(1) elif apiHashMatch: apiHash = apiHashMatch.group(1) if apiId == '' or apiHash == '': print("""[USAGE]: refresh --api-id YOUR_API_ID --api-hash YOUR_API_HASH > To build your version of Telegram Desktop you're required to provide > your own 'api_id' and 'api_hash' for the Telegram API access. > > How to obtain your 'api_id' and 'api_hash' is described here: > https://core.telegram.org/api/obtaining_api_id > > If you're building the application not for deployment, > but only for test purposes you can use TEST ONLY credentials, > which are very limited by the Telegram API server: > > api_id: 17349 > api_hash: 344583e45741c457fe1862106095a5eb > > Your users will start getting internal server errors on login > if you deploy an app using those 'api_id' and 'api_hash'.""") finish(0) gypScript = 'gyp' gypFormats = [] gypArguments = [] cmakeConfigurations = [] gypArguments.append('--depth=.') gypArguments.append('--generator-output=..') gypArguments.append('-Goutput_dir=../out') gypArguments.append('-Dapi_id=' + apiId) gypArguments.append('-Dapi_hash=' + apiHash) gypArguments.append('-Dofficial_build_target=' + officialTarget) if 'TDESKTOP_BUILD_DEFINES' in os.environ: buildDefines = os.environ['TDESKTOP_BUILD_DEFINES'] gypArguments.append('-Dbuild_defines=' + buildDefines) print('[INFO] Set build defines to ' + buildDefines) if sys.platform == 'win32': gypFormats.append('ninja') gypFormats.append('msvs-ninja') elif sys.platform == 'darwin': # use patched gyp with Xcode project generator gypScript = '../../../Libraries/gyp/gyp' gypArguments.append('-Gxcode_upgrade_check_project_version=1020') gypFormats.append('xcode') else: gypScript = '../../../Libraries/gyp/gyp' gypFormats.append('cmake') cmakeConfigurations.append('Debug') cmakeConfigurations.append('Release') os.chdir(scriptPath) if sys.platform == 'darwin': subprocess.call('mkdir -p ../../out', shell=True) for format in gypFormats: command = gypArguments[:] command.insert(0, gypScript) command.append('--format=' + format) command.append('Telegram.gyp') result = subprocess.call(' '.join(command), shell=True) if result != 0: print('[ERROR] Failed generating for format: ' + format) finish(result) os.chdir(scriptPath + '/../../out') for configuration in cmakeConfigurations: os.chdir(configuration) result = subprocess.call('cmake "-GCodeBlocks - Unix Makefiles" .', shell=True) if result != 0: print('[ERROR] Failed calling cmake for ' + configuration) finish(result) os.chdir('..') finish(0)