/* This file is part of Telegram Desktop, the official desktop version of Telegram messaging app, see https://telegram.org Telegram Desktop is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to link the code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library. Full license: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LICENSE Copyright (c) 2014-2017 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org */ #include "window/notifications_manager.h" #include "platform/platform_notifications_manager.h" #include "window/notifications_manager_default.h" #include "lang.h" #include "mainwindow.h" #include "mainwidget.h" #include "apiwrap.h" #include "auth_session.h" namespace Window { namespace Notifications { System::System(AuthSession *session) : _authSession(session) { createManager(); _waitTimer.setTimeoutHandler([this] { showNext(); }); subscribe(settingsChanged(), [this](ChangeType type) { if (type == ChangeType::DesktopEnabled) { App::wnd()->updateTrayMenu(); clearAll(); } else if (type == ChangeType::ViewParams) { updateAll(); } else if (type == ChangeType::IncludeMuted) { Notify::unreadCounterUpdated(); } }); } void System::createManager() { _manager = Platform::Notifications::Create(this); if (!_manager) { _manager = std::make_unique(this); } } void System::schedule(History *history, HistoryItem *item) { if (App::quitting() || !history->currentNotification() || !App::api()) return; auto notifyByFrom = (!history->peer->isUser() && item->mentionsMe()) ? item->from() : nullptr; if (item->isSilent()) { history->popNotification(item); return; } bool haveSetting = (history->peer->notify != UnknownNotifySettings); if (haveSetting) { if (history->peer->notify != EmptyNotifySettings && history->peer->notify->mute > unixtime()) { if (notifyByFrom) { haveSetting = (item->from()->notify != UnknownNotifySettings); if (haveSetting) { if (notifyByFrom->notify != EmptyNotifySettings && notifyByFrom->notify->mute > unixtime()) { history->popNotification(item); return; } } else { App::api()->requestNotifySetting(notifyByFrom); } } else { history->popNotification(item); return; } } } else { if (notifyByFrom && notifyByFrom->notify == UnknownNotifySettings) { App::api()->requestNotifySetting(notifyByFrom); } App::api()->requestNotifySetting(history->peer); } if (!item->notificationReady()) { haveSetting = false; } int delay = item->Has() ? 500 : 100, t = unixtime(); auto ms = getms(true); bool isOnline = App::main()->lastWasOnline(), otherNotOld = ((cOtherOnline() * 1000LL) + Global::OnlineCloudTimeout() > t * 1000LL); bool otherLaterThanMe = (cOtherOnline() * 1000LL + (ms - App::main()->lastSetOnline()) > t * 1000LL); if (!isOnline && otherNotOld && otherLaterThanMe) { delay = Global::NotifyCloudDelay(); } else if (cOtherOnline() >= t) { delay = Global::NotifyDefaultDelay(); } auto when = ms + delay; _whenAlerts[history].insert(when, notifyByFrom); if (Global::DesktopNotify() && !Platform::Notifications::SkipToast()) { auto &whenMap = _whenMaps[history]; if (whenMap.constFind(item->id) == whenMap.cend()) { whenMap.insert(item->id, when); } auto &addTo = haveSetting ? _waiters : _settingWaiters; auto it = addTo.constFind(history); if (it == addTo.cend() || it->when > when) { addTo.insert(history, Waiter(item->id, when, notifyByFrom)); } } if (haveSetting) { if (!_waitTimer.isActive() || _waitTimer.remainingTime() > delay) { _waitTimer.start(delay); } } } void System::clearAll() { _manager->clearAll(); for (auto i = _whenMaps.cbegin(), e = _whenMaps.cend(); i != e; ++i) { i.key()->clearNotifications(); } _whenMaps.clear(); _whenAlerts.clear(); _waiters.clear(); _settingWaiters.clear(); } void System::clearFromHistory(History *history) { _manager->clearFromHistory(history); history->clearNotifications(); _whenMaps.remove(history); _whenAlerts.remove(history); _waiters.remove(history); _settingWaiters.remove(history); _waitTimer.stop(); showNext(); } void System::clearFromItem(HistoryItem *item) { _manager->clearFromItem(item); } void System::clearAllFast() { _manager->clearAllFast(); _whenMaps.clear(); _whenAlerts.clear(); _waiters.clear(); _settingWaiters.clear(); } void System::checkDelayed() { int32 t = unixtime(); for (auto i = _settingWaiters.begin(); i != _settingWaiters.end();) { auto history = i.key(); bool loaded = false, muted = false; if (history->peer->notify != UnknownNotifySettings) { if (history->peer->notify == EmptyNotifySettings || history->peer->notify->mute <= t) { loaded = true; } else if (PeerData *from = i.value().notifyByFrom) { if (from->notify != UnknownNotifySettings) { if (from->notify == EmptyNotifySettings || from->notify->mute <= t) { loaded = true; } else { loaded = muted = true; } } } else { loaded = muted = true; } } if (loaded) { if (HistoryItem *item = App::histItemById(history->channelId(), i.value().msg)) { if (!item->notificationReady()) { loaded = false; } } else { muted = true; } } if (loaded) { if (!muted) { _waiters.insert(i.key(), i.value()); } i = _settingWaiters.erase(i); } else { ++i; } } _waitTimer.stop(); showNext(); } void System::showNext() { if (App::quitting()) return; auto ms = getms(true), nextAlert = 0LL; bool alert = false; int32 now = unixtime(); for (auto i = _whenAlerts.begin(); i != _whenAlerts.end();) { while (!i.value().isEmpty() && i.value().begin().key() <= ms) { NotifySettingsPtr n = i.key()->peer->notify, f = i.value().begin().value() ? i.value().begin().value()->notify : UnknownNotifySettings; while (!i.value().isEmpty() && i.value().begin().key() <= ms + 500) { // not more than one sound in 500ms from one peer - grouping i.value().erase(i.value().begin()); } if (n == EmptyNotifySettings || (n != UnknownNotifySettings && n->mute <= now)) { alert = true; } else if (f == EmptyNotifySettings || (f != UnknownNotifySettings && f->mute <= now)) { // notify by from() alert = true; } } if (i.value().isEmpty()) { i = _whenAlerts.erase(i); } else { if (!nextAlert || nextAlert > i.value().begin().key()) { nextAlert = i.value().begin().key(); } ++i; } } if (alert) { Platform::Notifications::FlashBounce(); App::playSound(); } if (_waiters.isEmpty() || !Global::DesktopNotify() || Platform::Notifications::SkipToast()) { if (nextAlert) { _waitTimer.start(nextAlert - ms); } return; } while (true) { auto next = 0LL; HistoryItem *notifyItem = nullptr; History *notifyHistory = nullptr; for (auto i = _waiters.begin(); i != _waiters.end();) { History *history = i.key(); if (history->currentNotification() && history->currentNotification()->id != i.value().msg) { auto j = _whenMaps.find(history); if (j == _whenMaps.end()) { history->clearNotifications(); i = _waiters.erase(i); continue; } do { auto k = j.value().constFind(history->currentNotification()->id); if (k != j.value().cend()) { i.value().msg = k.key(); i.value().when = k.value(); break; } history->skipNotification(); } while (history->currentNotification()); } if (!history->currentNotification()) { _whenMaps.remove(history); i = _waiters.erase(i); continue; } auto when = i.value().when; if (!notifyItem || next > when) { next = when; notifyItem = history->currentNotification(); notifyHistory = history; } ++i; } if (notifyItem) { if (next > ms) { if (nextAlert && nextAlert < next) { next = nextAlert; nextAlert = 0; } _waitTimer.start(next - ms); break; } else { HistoryItem *fwd = notifyItem->Has() ? notifyItem : nullptr; // forwarded notify grouping int32 fwdCount = 1; auto ms = getms(true); History *history = notifyItem->history(); auto j = _whenMaps.find(history); if (j == _whenMaps.cend()) { history->clearNotifications(); } else { HistoryItem *nextNotify = 0; do { history->skipNotification(); if (!history->hasNotification()) { break; } j.value().remove((fwd ? fwd : notifyItem)->id); do { auto k = j.value().constFind(history->currentNotification()->id); if (k != j.value().cend()) { nextNotify = history->currentNotification(); _waiters.insert(notifyHistory, Waiter(k.key(), k.value(), 0)); break; } history->skipNotification(); } while (history->hasNotification()); if (nextNotify) { if (fwd) { HistoryItem *nextFwd = nextNotify->Has() ? nextNotify : nullptr; if (nextFwd && fwd->author() == nextFwd->author() && qAbs(int64(nextFwd->date.toTime_t()) - int64(fwd->date.toTime_t())) < 2) { fwd = nextFwd; ++fwdCount; } else { nextNotify = nullptr; } } else { nextNotify = nullptr; } } } while (nextNotify); } _manager->showNotification(notifyItem, fwdCount); if (!history->hasNotification()) { _waiters.remove(history); _whenMaps.remove(history); continue; } } } else { break; } } if (nextAlert) { _waitTimer.start(nextAlert - ms); } } void System::updateAll() { _manager->updateAll(); } Manager::DisplayOptions Manager::getNotificationOptions(HistoryItem *item) { auto hideEverything = (App::passcoded() || Global::ScreenIsLocked()); DisplayOptions result; result.hideNameAndPhoto = hideEverything || (Global::NotifyView() > dbinvShowName); result.hideMessageText = hideEverything || (Global::NotifyView() > dbinvShowPreview); result.hideReplyButton = result.hideMessageText || !item || !item->history()->peer->canWrite(); return result; } void Manager::notificationActivated(PeerId peerId, MsgId msgId) { onBeforeNotificationActivated(peerId, msgId); if (auto window = App::wnd()) { auto history = App::history(peerId); window->showFromTray(); #if defined Q_OS_LINUX32 || defined Q_OS_LINUX64 window->reActivateWindow(); #endif if (App::passcoded()) { window->setInnerFocus(); system()->clearAll(); } else { auto tomsg = !history->peer->isUser() && (msgId > 0); if (tomsg) { auto item = App::histItemById(peerToChannel(peerId), msgId); if (!item || !item->mentionsMe()) { tomsg = false; } } Ui::showPeerHistory(history, tomsg ? msgId : ShowAtUnreadMsgId); system()->clearFromHistory(history); } } onAfterNotificationActivated(peerId, msgId); } void Manager::notificationReplied(PeerId peerId, MsgId msgId, const QString &reply) { if (!peerId) return; auto history = App::history(peerId); MainWidget::MessageToSend message; message.history = history; message.textWithTags = { reply, TextWithTags::Tags() }; message.replyTo = (msgId > 0 && !history->peer->isUser()) ? msgId : 0; message.silent = false; message.clearDraft = false; if (auto main = App::main()) { main->sendMessage(message); } } void NativeManager::doShowNotification(HistoryItem *item, int forwardedCount) { auto options = getNotificationOptions(item); QString title = options.hideNameAndPhoto ? qsl("Telegram Desktop") : item->history()->peer->name; QString subtitle = options.hideNameAndPhoto ? QString() : item->notificationHeader(); QString text = options.hideMessageText ? lang(lng_notification_preview) : (forwardedCount < 2 ? item->notificationText() : lng_forward_messages(lt_count, forwardedCount)); doShowNativeNotification(item->history()->peer, item->id, title, subtitle, text, options.hideNameAndPhoto, options.hideReplyButton); } } // namespace Notifications } // namespace Window