/* This file is part of Telegram Desktop, the official desktop application for the Telegram messaging service. For license and copyright information please follow this link: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LEGAL */ #pragma once #include "base/runtime_composer.h" #include "base/flags.h" #include "data/data_media_types.h" #include "history/history_item_edition.h" #include "history/history_item_reply_markup.h" #include class HiddenSenderInfo; class History; struct HistoryMessageReply; struct HistoryMessageViews; struct HistoryMessageMarkupData; struct HistoryMessageReplyMarkup; struct HistoryMessageTranslation; struct HistoryServiceDependentData; enum class HistorySelfDestructType; struct PreparedServiceText; class ReplyKeyboard; struct LanguageId; namespace base { template class enum_mask; } // namespace base namespace Storage { enum class SharedMediaType : signed char; using SharedMediaTypesMask = base::enum_mask; } // namespace Storage namespace Ui { class RippleAnimation; } // namespace Ui namespace style { struct BotKeyboardButton; struct RippleAnimation; } // namespace style namespace Data { struct MessagePosition; struct RecentReaction; struct ReactionId; class Media; struct MessageReaction; class MessageReactions; class ForumTopic; class Thread; struct SponsoredFrom; } // namespace Data namespace Main { class Session; } // namespace Main namespace Window { class SessionController; } // namespace Window namespace HistoryUnreadThings { enum class AddType; } // namespace HistoryUnreadThings namespace HistoryView { struct TextState; struct StateRequest; enum class CursorState : char; enum class PointState : char; enum class Context : char; class ElementDelegate; class Element; class Message; class Service; class ServiceMessagePainter; } // namespace HistoryView class HistoryItem final : public RuntimeComposer { public: [[nodiscard]] static std::unique_ptr CreateMedia( not_null item, const MTPMessageMedia &media); HistoryItem( not_null history, MsgId id, const MTPDmessage &data, MessageFlags localFlags); HistoryItem( not_null history, MsgId id, const MTPDmessageService &data, MessageFlags localFlags); HistoryItem( not_null history, MsgId id, const MTPDmessageEmpty &data, MessageFlags localFlags); HistoryItem( // Sponsored message. not_null history, MsgId id, Data::SponsoredFrom from, const TextWithEntities &textWithEntities, HistoryItem *injectedAfter); HistoryItem( // Local message. not_null history, MsgId id, MessageFlags flags, MsgId replyTo, UserId viaBotId, TimeId date, PeerId from, const QString &postAuthor, const TextWithEntities &textWithEntities, const MTPMessageMedia &media, HistoryMessageMarkupData &&markup, uint64 groupedId); HistoryItem( // Local service message. not_null history, MsgId id, MessageFlags flags, TimeId date, PreparedServiceText &&message, PeerId from = 0, PhotoData *photo = nullptr); HistoryItem( // Local forwarded. not_null history, MsgId id, MessageFlags flags, TimeId date, PeerId from, const QString &postAuthor, not_null original, MsgId topicRootId); HistoryItem( // Local photo. not_null history, MsgId id, MessageFlags flags, MsgId replyTo, UserId viaBotId, TimeId date, PeerId from, const QString &postAuthor, not_null photo, const TextWithEntities &caption, HistoryMessageMarkupData &&markup); HistoryItem( // Local document. not_null history, MsgId id, MessageFlags flags, MsgId replyTo, UserId viaBotId, TimeId date, PeerId from, const QString &postAuthor, not_null document, const TextWithEntities &caption, HistoryMessageMarkupData &&markup); HistoryItem( // Local game. not_null history, MsgId id, MessageFlags flags, MsgId replyTo, UserId viaBotId, TimeId date, PeerId from, const QString &postAuthor, not_null game, HistoryMessageMarkupData &&markup); ~HistoryItem(); struct Destroyer { void operator()(HistoryItem *value); }; void dependencyItemRemoved(not_null dependency); void updateDependencyItem(); [[nodiscard]] MsgId dependencyMsgId() const; [[nodiscard]] bool notificationReady() const; [[nodiscard]] PeerData *specialNotificationPeer() const; void checkBuyButton(); void updateServiceText(PreparedServiceText &&text); [[nodiscard]] UserData *viaBot() const; [[nodiscard]] UserData *getMessageBot() const; [[nodiscard]] bool isHistoryEntry() const; [[nodiscard]] bool isAdminLogEntry() const; [[nodiscard]] bool isFromScheduled() const; [[nodiscard]] bool isScheduled() const; [[nodiscard]] bool isSponsored() const; [[nodiscard]] bool skipNotification() const; [[nodiscard]] bool isUserpicSuggestion() const; void addLogEntryOriginal( WebPageId localId, const QString &label, const TextWithEntities &content); [[nodiscard]] not_null notificationThread() const; [[nodiscard]] not_null history() const { return _history; } [[nodiscard]] Data::ForumTopic *topic() const; [[nodiscard]] not_null from() const { return _from; } [[nodiscard]] HistoryView::Element *mainView() const { return _mainView; } void setMainView(not_null view) { _mainView = view; } void refreshMainView(); void clearMainView(); void removeMainView(); void invalidateChatListEntry(); void destroy(); [[nodiscard]] bool out() const { return _flags & MessageFlag::Outgoing; } [[nodiscard]] bool isPinned() const { return _flags & MessageFlag::Pinned; } [[nodiscard]] bool unread(not_null thread) const; [[nodiscard]] bool showNotification() const; void markClientSideAsRead(); [[nodiscard]] bool mentionsMe() const; [[nodiscard]] bool isUnreadMention() const; [[nodiscard]] bool hasUnreadReaction() const; [[nodiscard]] bool isUnreadMedia() const; [[nodiscard]] bool isIncomingUnreadMedia() const; [[nodiscard]] bool hasUnreadMediaFlag() const; void markReactionsRead(); void markMediaAndMentionRead(); bool markContentsRead(bool fromThisClient = false); void setIsPinned(bool isPinned); // For edit media in history_message. void returnSavedMedia(); void savePreviousMedia(); [[nodiscard]] bool isEditingMedia() const; void clearSavedMedia(); // Zero result means this message is not self-destructing right now. [[nodiscard]] crl::time getSelfDestructIn(crl::time now); [[nodiscard]] bool definesReplyKeyboard() const; [[nodiscard]] ReplyMarkupFlags replyKeyboardFlags() const; void cacheOnlyEmojiAndSpaces(bool only); [[nodiscard]] bool isOnlyEmojiAndSpaces() const; [[nodiscard]] bool hasSwitchInlineButton() const { return _flags & MessageFlag::HasSwitchInlineButton; } [[nodiscard]] bool hasTextLinks() const { return _flags & MessageFlag::HasTextLinks; } [[nodiscard]] bool isGroupEssential() const { return _flags & MessageFlag::IsGroupEssential; } [[nodiscard]] bool isLocalUpdateMedia() const { return _flags & MessageFlag::IsLocalUpdateMedia; } void setIsLocalUpdateMedia(bool flag) { if (flag) { _flags |= MessageFlag::IsLocalUpdateMedia; } else { _flags &= ~MessageFlag::IsLocalUpdateMedia; } } [[nodiscard]] bool isGroupMigrate() const { return isGroupEssential() && isEmpty(); } [[nodiscard]] bool hasViews() const { return _flags & MessageFlag::HasViews; } [[nodiscard]] bool isPost() const { return _flags & MessageFlag::Post; } [[nodiscard]] bool isSilent() const { return _flags & MessageFlag::Silent; } [[nodiscard]] bool isSending() const { return _flags & MessageFlag::BeingSent; } [[nodiscard]] bool hasFailed() const { return _flags & MessageFlag::SendingFailed; } [[nodiscard]] bool hideEditedBadge() const { return (_flags & MessageFlag::HideEdited); } [[nodiscard]] bool isLocal() const { return _flags & MessageFlag::Local; } [[nodiscard]] bool isFakeBotAbout() const { return _flags & MessageFlag::FakeBotAbout; } [[nodiscard]] bool isRegular() const; [[nodiscard]] bool isUploading() const; void sendFailed(); [[nodiscard]] int viewsCount() const; [[nodiscard]] int repliesCount() const; [[nodiscard]] bool repliesAreComments() const; [[nodiscard]] bool externalReply() const; [[nodiscard]] bool hasExtendedMediaPreview() const; void setCommentsInboxReadTill(MsgId readTillId); void setCommentsMaxId(MsgId maxId); void setCommentsPossibleMaxId(MsgId possibleMaxId); [[nodiscard]] bool areCommentsUnread() const; [[nodiscard]] FullMsgId commentsItemId() const; void setCommentsItemId(FullMsgId id); [[nodiscard]] bool needCheck() const; [[nodiscard]] bool isService() const; void applyEdition(HistoryMessageEdition &&edition); void applyEdition(const MTPDmessageService &message); void applyEdition(const MTPMessageExtendedMedia &media); void updateForwardedInfo(const MTPMessageFwdHeader *fwd); void updateSentContent( const TextWithEntities &textWithEntities, const MTPMessageMedia *media); void applySentMessage(const MTPDmessage &data); void applySentMessage( const QString &text, const MTPDupdateShortSentMessage &data, bool wasAlready); void updateReactions(const MTPMessageReactions *reactions); void applyEditionToHistoryCleared(); void updateReplyMarkup(HistoryMessageMarkupData &&markup); void contributeToSlowmode(TimeId realDate = 0); void addToUnreadThings(HistoryUnreadThings::AddType type); void destroyHistoryEntry(); [[nodiscard]] Storage::SharedMediaTypesMask sharedMediaTypes() const; void indexAsNewItem(); void removeFromSharedMediaIndex(); struct NotificationTextOptions { bool spoilerLoginCode = false; }; [[nodiscard]] QString notificationHeader() const; [[nodiscard]] TextWithEntities notificationText( NotificationTextOptions options) const; [[nodiscard]] TextWithEntities notificationText() const { return notificationText({}); } using ToPreviewOptions = HistoryView::ToPreviewOptions; using ItemPreview = HistoryView::ItemPreview; // Returns text with link-start and link-end commands for service-color highlighting. // Example: "[link1-start]You:[link1-end] [link1-start]Photo,[link1-end] caption text" [[nodiscard]] ItemPreview toPreview(ToPreviewOptions options) const; [[nodiscard]] TextWithEntities inReplyText() const; [[nodiscard]] const TextWithEntities &originalText() const; [[nodiscard]] const TextWithEntities &translatedText() const; [[nodiscard]] TextWithEntities translatedTextWithLocalEntities() const; [[nodiscard]] const std::vector &customTextLinks() const; [[nodiscard]] TextForMimeData clipboardText() const; bool changeViewsCount(int count); void setForwardsCount(int count); void setReplies(HistoryMessageRepliesData &&data); void clearReplies(); void changeRepliesCount(int delta, PeerId replier); void setReplyFields( MsgId replyTo, MsgId replyToTop, bool isForumPost); void setPostAuthor(const QString &author); void setRealId(MsgId newId); void incrementReplyToTopCounter(); [[nodiscard]] bool emptyText() const { return _text.empty(); } [[nodiscard]] bool canPin() const; [[nodiscard]] bool canBeEdited() const; [[nodiscard]] bool canStopPoll() const; [[nodiscard]] bool forbidsForward() const; [[nodiscard]] bool forbidsSaving() const; [[nodiscard]] bool allowsSendNow() const; [[nodiscard]] bool allowsForward() const; [[nodiscard]] bool allowsEdit(TimeId now) const; [[nodiscard]] bool canDelete() const; [[nodiscard]] bool canDeleteForEveryone(TimeId now) const; [[nodiscard]] bool suggestReport() const; [[nodiscard]] bool suggestBanReport() const; [[nodiscard]] bool suggestDeleteAllReport() const; [[nodiscard]] ChatRestriction requiredSendRight() const; [[nodiscard]] bool requiresSendInlineRight() const; [[nodiscard]] std::optional errorTextForForward( not_null to) const; [[nodiscard]] const HistoryMessageTranslation *translation() const; [[nodiscard]] bool translationShowRequiresCheck(LanguageId to) const; bool translationShowRequiresRequest(LanguageId to); void translationDone(LanguageId to, TextWithEntities result); [[nodiscard]] bool canReact() const; enum class ReactionSource { Selector, Quick, Existing, }; void toggleReaction( const Data::ReactionId &reaction, ReactionSource source); void updateReactionsUnknown(); [[nodiscard]] auto reactions() const -> const std::vector &; [[nodiscard]] auto recentReactions() const -> const base::flat_map< Data::ReactionId, std::vector> &; [[nodiscard]] bool canViewReactions() const; [[nodiscard]] std::vector chosenReactions() const; [[nodiscard]] Data::ReactionId lookupUnreadReaction( not_null from) const; [[nodiscard]] crl::time lastReactionsRefreshTime() const; [[nodiscard]] bool hasDirectLink() const; [[nodiscard]] bool changesWallPaper() const; [[nodiscard]] FullMsgId fullId() const; [[nodiscard]] GlobalMsgId globalId() const; [[nodiscard]] Data::MessagePosition position() const; [[nodiscard]] TimeId date() const; [[nodiscard]] static TimeId NewMessageDate(TimeId scheduled); [[nodiscard]] Data::Media *media() const { return _media.get(); } [[nodiscard]] bool computeDropForwardedInfo() const; void setText(const TextWithEntities &textWithEntities); [[nodiscard]] MsgId replyToId() const; [[nodiscard]] MsgId replyToTop() const; [[nodiscard]] MsgId topicRootId() const; [[nodiscard]] bool inThread(MsgId rootId) const; [[nodiscard]] not_null author() const; [[nodiscard]] TimeId dateOriginal() const; [[nodiscard]] PeerData *senderOriginal() const; [[nodiscard]] const HiddenSenderInfo *hiddenSenderInfo() const; [[nodiscard]] not_null fromOriginal() const; [[nodiscard]] QString authorOriginal() const; [[nodiscard]] MsgId idOriginal() const; [[nodiscard]] bool isEmpty() const; [[nodiscard]] MessageGroupId groupId() const; [[nodiscard]] const HistoryMessageReplyMarkup *inlineReplyMarkup() const { return const_cast(this)->inlineReplyMarkup(); } [[nodiscard]] const ReplyKeyboard *inlineReplyKeyboard() const { return const_cast(this)->inlineReplyKeyboard(); } [[nodiscard]] HistoryMessageReplyMarkup *inlineReplyMarkup(); [[nodiscard]] ReplyKeyboard *inlineReplyKeyboard(); [[nodiscard]] ChannelData *discussionPostOriginalSender() const; [[nodiscard]] bool isDiscussionPost() const; [[nodiscard]] HistoryItem *lookupDiscussionPostOriginal() const; [[nodiscard]] PeerData *displayFrom() const; [[nodiscard]] std::unique_ptr createView( not_null delegate, HistoryView::Element *replacing = nullptr); void updateDate(TimeId newDate); [[nodiscard]] bool canUpdateDate() const; void customEmojiRepaint(); [[nodiscard]] TimeId ttlDestroyAt() const { return _ttlDestroyAt; } MsgId id; private: struct CreateConfig; struct SavedMediaData { TextWithEntities text; std::unique_ptr media; }; HistoryItem( not_null history, MsgId id, MessageFlags flags, TimeId date, PeerId from); void createComponentsHelper( MessageFlags flags, MsgId replyTo, UserId viaBotId, const QString &postAuthor, HistoryMessageMarkupData &&markup); void createComponents(CreateConfig &&config); void setupForwardedComponent(const CreateConfig &config); [[nodiscard]] bool generateLocalEntitiesByReply() const; [[nodiscard]] TextWithEntities withLocalEntities( const TextWithEntities &textWithEntities) const; void setTextValue(TextWithEntities text); [[nodiscard]] bool isTooOldForEdit(TimeId now) const; [[nodiscard]] bool isLegacyMessage() const { return _flags & MessageFlag::Legacy; } [[nodiscard]] bool checkCommentsLinkedChat(ChannelId id) const; void setReplyMarkup(HistoryMessageMarkupData &&markup); void changeReplyToTopCounter( not_null reply, int delta); void refreshRepliesText( not_null views, bool forceResize = false); [[nodiscard]] bool checkRepliesPts( const HistoryMessageRepliesData &data) const; [[nodiscard]] HistoryServiceDependentData *GetServiceDependentData(); [[nodiscard]] auto GetServiceDependentData() const -> const HistoryServiceDependentData *; void updateDependentServiceText(); bool updateServiceDependent(bool force = false); void setServiceText(PreparedServiceText &&prepared); void finishEdition(int oldKeyboardTop); void finishEditionToEmpty(); void clearDependencyMessage(); void setupChatThemeChange(); void setupTTLChange(); void translationToggle( not_null translation, bool used); void setSelfDestruct(HistorySelfDestructType type, int ttlSeconds); TextWithEntities fromLinkText() const; ClickHandlerPtr fromLink() const; void setGroupId(MessageGroupId groupId); static void FillForwardedInfo( CreateConfig &config, const MTPDmessageFwdHeader &data); void createComponents(const MTPDmessage &data); void setMedia(const MTPMessageMedia &media); void applyServiceDateEdition(const MTPDmessageService &data); void setReactions(const MTPMessageReactions *reactions); [[nodiscard]] bool changeReactions(const MTPMessageReactions *reactions); void setServiceMessageByAction(const MTPmessageAction &action); void applyAction(const MTPMessageAction &action); void refreshMedia(const MTPMessageMedia *media); void refreshSentMedia(const MTPMessageMedia *media); void createServiceFromMtp(const MTPDmessage &message); void createServiceFromMtp(const MTPDmessageService &message); void applyTTL(const MTPDmessage &data); void applyTTL(const MTPDmessageService &data); void applyTTL(TimeId destroyAt); // For an invoice button we replace the button text with a "Receipt" key. // It should show the receipt for the payed invoice. Still let mobile apps do that. void replaceBuyWithReceiptInMarkup(); void setSponsoredFrom(const Data::SponsoredFrom &from); [[nodiscard]] PreparedServiceText preparePinnedText(); [[nodiscard]] PreparedServiceText prepareGameScoreText(); [[nodiscard]] PreparedServiceText preparePaymentSentText(); [[nodiscard]] PreparedServiceText prepareInvitedToCallText( const std::vector> &users, CallId linkCallId); [[nodiscard]] PreparedServiceText prepareCallScheduledText( TimeId scheduleDate); const not_null _history; const not_null _from; MessageFlags _flags = 0; TextWithEntities _text; std::unique_ptr _savedLocalEditMediaData; std::unique_ptr _media; std::unique_ptr _reactions; crl::time _reactionsLastRefreshed = 0; TimeId _date = 0; TimeId _ttlDestroyAt = 0; HistoryView::Element *_mainView = nullptr; MessageGroupId _groupId = MessageGroupId(); friend class HistoryView::Element; friend class HistoryView::Message; friend class HistoryView::Service; friend class HistoryView::ServiceMessagePainter; };