/* This file is part of Telegram Desktop, the official desktop application for the Telegram messaging service. For license and copyright information please follow this link: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LEGAL */ #include "storage/localimageloader.h" #include "data/data_document.h" #include "core/file_utilities.h" #include "core/mime_type.h" #include "media/media_audio.h" #include "boxes/send_files_box.h" #include "media/media_clip_reader.h" #include "mainwidget.h" #include "mainwindow.h" #include "lang/lang_keys.h" #include "boxes/confirm_box.h" #include "storage/file_download.h" #include "storage/storage_media_prepare.h" namespace { constexpr auto kThumbnailQuality = 87; } // namespace using Storage::ValidateThumbDimensions; SendMediaReady PreparePeerPhoto(PeerId peerId, QImage &&image) { PreparedPhotoThumbs photoThumbs; QVector<MTPPhotoSize> photoSizes; QByteArray jpeg; QBuffer jpegBuffer(&jpeg); image.save(&jpegBuffer, "JPG", 87); const auto scaled = [&](int size) { return image.scaled( size, size, Qt::KeepAspectRatio, Qt::SmoothTransformation); }; const auto push = [&](const char *type, QImage &&image) { photoSizes.push_back(MTP_photoSize( MTP_string(type), MTP_fileLocationUnavailable( MTP_long(0), MTP_int(0), MTP_long(0)), MTP_int(image.width()), MTP_int(image.height()), MTP_int(0))); photoThumbs.insert(type[0], std::move(image)); }; push("a", scaled(160)); push("b", scaled(320)); push("c", std::move(image)); const auto id = rand_value<PhotoId>(); const auto photo = MTP_photo( MTP_flags(0), MTP_long(id), MTP_long(0), MTP_bytes(QByteArray()), MTP_int(unixtime()), MTP_vector<MTPPhotoSize>(photoSizes)); QString file, filename; int32 filesize = 0; QByteArray data; return SendMediaReady( SendMediaType::Photo, file, filename, filesize, data, id, id, qsl("jpg"), peerId, photo, photoThumbs, MTP_documentEmpty(MTP_long(0)), jpeg, 0); } TaskQueue::TaskQueue(TimeMs stopTimeoutMs) { if (stopTimeoutMs > 0) { _stopTimer = new QTimer(this); connect(_stopTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(stop())); _stopTimer->setSingleShot(true); _stopTimer->setInterval(int(stopTimeoutMs)); } } TaskId TaskQueue::addTask(std::unique_ptr<Task> &&task) { const auto result = task->id(); { QMutexLocker lock(&_tasksToProcessMutex); _tasksToProcess.push_back(std::move(task)); } wakeThread(); return result; } void TaskQueue::addTasks(std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Task>> &&tasks) { { QMutexLocker lock(&_tasksToProcessMutex); for (auto &task : tasks) { _tasksToProcess.push_back(std::move(task)); } } wakeThread(); } void TaskQueue::wakeThread() { if (!_thread) { _thread = new QThread(); _worker = new TaskQueueWorker(this); _worker->moveToThread(_thread); connect(this, SIGNAL(taskAdded()), _worker, SLOT(onTaskAdded())); connect(_worker, SIGNAL(taskProcessed()), this, SLOT(onTaskProcessed())); _thread->start(); } if (_stopTimer) _stopTimer->stop(); emit taskAdded(); } void TaskQueue::cancelTask(TaskId id) { const auto removeFrom = [&](std::deque<std::unique_ptr<Task>> &queue) { const auto proj = [](const std::unique_ptr<Task> &task) { return task->id(); }; auto i = ranges::find(queue, id, proj); if (i != queue.end()) { queue.erase(i); } }; { QMutexLocker lock(&_tasksToProcessMutex); removeFrom(_tasksToProcess); if (_taskInProcessId == id) { _taskInProcessId = TaskId(); } } QMutexLocker lock(&_tasksToFinishMutex); removeFrom(_tasksToFinish); } void TaskQueue::onTaskProcessed() { do { auto task = std::unique_ptr<Task>(); { QMutexLocker lock(&_tasksToFinishMutex); if (_tasksToFinish.empty()) break; task = std::move(_tasksToFinish.front()); _tasksToFinish.pop_front(); } task->finish(); } while (true); if (_stopTimer) { QMutexLocker lock(&_tasksToProcessMutex); if (_tasksToProcess.empty() && !_taskInProcessId) { _stopTimer->start(); } } } void TaskQueue::stop() { if (_thread) { _thread->requestInterruption(); _thread->quit(); DEBUG_LOG(("Waiting for taskThread to finish")); _thread->wait(); delete _worker; delete _thread; _worker = 0; _thread = 0; } _tasksToProcess.clear(); _tasksToFinish.clear(); _taskInProcessId = TaskId(); } TaskQueue::~TaskQueue() { stop(); delete _stopTimer; } void TaskQueueWorker::onTaskAdded() { if (_inTaskAdded) return; _inTaskAdded = true; bool someTasksLeft = false; do { auto task = std::unique_ptr<Task>(); { QMutexLocker lock(&_queue->_tasksToProcessMutex); if (!_queue->_tasksToProcess.empty()) { task = std::move(_queue->_tasksToProcess.front()); _queue->_tasksToProcess.pop_front(); _queue->_taskInProcessId = task->id(); } } if (task) { task->process(); bool emitTaskProcessed = false; { QMutexLocker lockToProcess(&_queue->_tasksToProcessMutex); if (_queue->_taskInProcessId == task->id()) { _queue->_taskInProcessId = TaskId(); someTasksLeft = !_queue->_tasksToProcess.empty(); QMutexLocker lockToFinish(&_queue->_tasksToFinishMutex); emitTaskProcessed = _queue->_tasksToFinish.empty(); _queue->_tasksToFinish.push_back(std::move(task)); } } if (emitTaskProcessed) { emit taskProcessed(); } } QCoreApplication::processEvents(); } while (someTasksLeft && !thread()->isInterruptionRequested()); _inTaskAdded = false; } SendingAlbum::SendingAlbum() : groupId(rand_value<uint64>()) { } FileLoadResult::FileLoadResult( TaskId taskId, uint64 id, const FileLoadTo &to, const TextWithTags &caption, std::shared_ptr<SendingAlbum> album) : taskId(taskId) , id(id) , to(to) , album(std::move(album)) , caption(caption) { } FileLoadTask::FileLoadTask( const QString &filepath, const QByteArray &content, std::unique_ptr<FileMediaInformation> information, SendMediaType type, const FileLoadTo &to, const TextWithTags &caption, std::shared_ptr<SendingAlbum> album) : _id(rand_value<uint64>()) , _to(to) , _album(std::move(album)) , _filepath(filepath) , _content(content) , _information(std::move(information)) , _type(type) , _caption(caption) { } FileLoadTask::FileLoadTask( const QByteArray &voice, int32 duration, const VoiceWaveform &waveform, const FileLoadTo &to, const TextWithTags &caption) : _id(rand_value<uint64>()) , _to(to) , _content(voice) , _duration(duration) , _waveform(waveform) , _type(SendMediaType::Audio) , _caption(caption) { } std::unique_ptr<FileMediaInformation> FileLoadTask::ReadMediaInformation( const QString &filepath, const QByteArray &content, const QString &filemime) { auto result = std::make_unique<FileMediaInformation>(); result->filemime = filemime; if (CheckForSong(filepath, content, result)) { return result; } else if (CheckForVideo(filepath, content, result)) { return result; } else if (CheckForImage(filepath, content, result)) { return result; } return result; } template <typename Mimes, typename Extensions> bool FileLoadTask::CheckMimeOrExtensions( const QString &filepath, const QString &filemime, Mimes &mimes, Extensions &extensions) { if (std::find(std::begin(mimes), std::end(mimes), filemime) != std::end(mimes)) { return true; } if (std::find_if(std::begin(extensions), std::end(extensions), [&filepath](auto &extension) { return filepath.endsWith(extension, Qt::CaseInsensitive); }) != std::end(extensions)) { return true; } return false; } bool FileLoadTask::CheckForSong( const QString &filepath, const QByteArray &content, std::unique_ptr<FileMediaInformation> &result) { static const auto mimes = { qstr("audio/mp3"), qstr("audio/m4a"), qstr("audio/aac"), qstr("audio/ogg"), qstr("audio/flac"), }; static const auto extensions = { qstr(".mp3"), qstr(".m4a"), qstr(".aac"), qstr(".ogg"), qstr(".flac"), }; if (!CheckMimeOrExtensions(filepath, result->filemime, mimes, extensions)) { return false; } auto media = Media::Player::PrepareForSending(filepath, content); if (media.duration < 0) { return false; } if (!ValidateThumbDimensions(media.cover.width(), media.cover.height())) { media.cover = QImage(); } result->media = std::move(media); return true; } bool FileLoadTask::CheckForVideo( const QString &filepath, const QByteArray &content, std::unique_ptr<FileMediaInformation> &result) { static const auto mimes = { qstr("video/mp4"), qstr("video/quicktime"), }; static const auto extensions = { qstr(".mp4"), qstr(".mov"), }; if (!CheckMimeOrExtensions(filepath, result->filemime, mimes, extensions)) { return false; } auto media = Media::Clip::PrepareForSending(filepath, content); if (media.duration < 0) { return false; } auto coverWidth = media.thumbnail.width(); auto coverHeight = media.thumbnail.height(); if (!ValidateThumbDimensions(coverWidth, coverHeight)) { return false; } if (filepath.endsWith(qstr(".mp4"), Qt::CaseInsensitive)) { result->filemime = qstr("video/mp4"); } result->media = std::move(media); return true; } bool FileLoadTask::CheckForImage( const QString &filepath, const QByteArray &content, std::unique_ptr<FileMediaInformation> &result) { auto animated = false; auto image = ([&filepath, &content, &animated] { if (!content.isEmpty()) { return App::readImage(content, nullptr, false, &animated); } else if (!filepath.isEmpty()) { return App::readImage(filepath, nullptr, false, &animated); } return QImage(); })(); return FillImageInformation(std::move(image), animated, result); } bool FileLoadTask::FillImageInformation( QImage &&image, bool animated, std::unique_ptr<FileMediaInformation> &result) { Expects(result != nullptr); if (image.isNull()) { return false; } auto media = FileMediaInformation::Image(); media.data = std::move(image); media.animated = animated; result->media = media; return true; } void FileLoadTask::process() { const auto stickerMime = qsl("image/webp"); _result = std::make_shared<FileLoadResult>( id(), _id, _to, _caption, _album); QString filename, filemime; qint64 filesize = 0; QByteArray filedata; uint64 thumbId = 0; auto thumbname = qsl("thumb.jpg"); QByteArray thumbdata; auto isAnimation = false; auto isSong = false; auto isVideo = false; auto isVoice = (_type == SendMediaType::Audio); auto fullimage = QImage(); auto info = _filepath.isEmpty() ? QFileInfo() : QFileInfo(_filepath); if (info.exists()) { if (info.isDir()) { _result->filesize = -1; return; } // Voice sending is supported only from memory for now. // Because for voice we force mime type and don't read MediaInformation. // For a real file we always read mime type and read MediaInformation. Assert(!isVoice); filesize = info.size(); filename = info.fileName(); if (!_information) { _information = readMediaInformation(Core::MimeTypeForFile(info).name()); } filemime = _information->filemime; if (auto image = base::get_if<FileMediaInformation::Image>( &_information->media)) { fullimage = base::take(image->data); if (auto opaque = (filemime != stickerMime)) { fullimage = Images::prepareOpaque(std::move(fullimage)); } isAnimation = image->animated; } } else if (!_content.isEmpty()) { filesize = _content.size(); if (isVoice) { filename = filedialogDefaultName(qsl("audio"), qsl(".ogg"), QString(), true); filemime = "audio/ogg"; } else { if (_information) { if (auto image = base::get_if<FileMediaInformation::Image>( &_information->media)) { fullimage = base::take(image->data); } } const auto mimeType = Core::MimeTypeForData(_content); filemime = mimeType.name(); if (filemime != stickerMime) { fullimage = Images::prepareOpaque(std::move(fullimage)); } if (filemime == "image/jpeg") { filename = filedialogDefaultName(qsl("photo"), qsl(".jpg"), QString(), true); } else if (filemime == "image/png") { filename = filedialogDefaultName(qsl("image"), qsl(".png"), QString(), true); } else { QString ext; QStringList patterns = mimeType.globPatterns(); if (!patterns.isEmpty()) { ext = patterns.front().replace('*', QString()); } filename = filedialogDefaultName(qsl("file"), ext, QString(), true); } } } else { if (_information) { if (auto image = base::get_if<FileMediaInformation::Image>( &_information->media)) { fullimage = base::take(image->data); } } if (!fullimage.isNull() && fullimage.width() > 0) { if (_type == SendMediaType::Photo) { if (ValidateThumbDimensions(fullimage.width(), fullimage.height())) { filesize = -1; // Fill later. filemime = Core::MimeTypeForName("image/jpeg").name(); filename = filedialogDefaultName(qsl("image"), qsl(".jpg"), QString(), true); } else { _type = SendMediaType::File; } } if (_type == SendMediaType::File) { filemime = Core::MimeTypeForName("image/png").name(); filename = filedialogDefaultName(qsl("image"), qsl(".png"), QString(), true); { QBuffer buffer(&_content); fullimage.save(&buffer, "PNG"); } filesize = _content.size(); } fullimage = Images::prepareOpaque(std::move(fullimage)); } } _result->filesize = (int32)qMin(filesize, qint64(INT_MAX)); if (!filesize || filesize > App::kFileSizeLimit) { return; } PreparedPhotoThumbs photoThumbs; QVector<MTPPhotoSize> photoSizes; QImage thumb, goodThumbnail; QByteArray goodThumbnailBytes; QVector<MTPDocumentAttribute> attributes(1, MTP_documentAttributeFilename(MTP_string(filename))); auto thumbSize = MTP_photoSizeEmpty(MTP_string("")); auto photo = MTP_photoEmpty(MTP_long(0)); auto document = MTP_documentEmpty(MTP_long(0)); if (!isVoice) { if (!_information) { _information = readMediaInformation(filemime); filemime = _information->filemime; } if (auto song = base::get_if<FileMediaInformation::Song>( &_information->media)) { isSong = true; auto flags = MTPDdocumentAttributeAudio::Flag::f_title | MTPDdocumentAttributeAudio::Flag::f_performer; attributes.push_back(MTP_documentAttributeAudio(MTP_flags(flags), MTP_int(song->duration), MTP_string(song->title), MTP_string(song->performer), MTPstring())); if (!song->cover.isNull()) { // cover to thumb auto coverWidth = song->cover.width(); auto coverHeight = song->cover.height(); auto full = (coverWidth > 90 || coverHeight > 90) ? song->cover.scaled(90, 90, Qt::KeepAspectRatio, Qt::SmoothTransformation) : std::move(song->cover); { auto thumbFormat = QByteArray("JPG"); auto thumbQuality = 87; QBuffer buffer(&thumbdata); full.save(&buffer, thumbFormat, thumbQuality); } thumb = full; thumbSize = MTP_photoSize(MTP_string(""), MTP_fileLocationUnavailable(MTP_long(0), MTP_int(0), MTP_long(0)), MTP_int(full.width()), MTP_int(full.height()), MTP_int(0)); thumbId = rand_value<uint64>(); } } else if (auto video = base::get_if<FileMediaInformation::Video>( &_information->media)) { isVideo = true; auto coverWidth = video->thumbnail.width(); auto coverHeight = video->thumbnail.height(); if (video->isGifv && !_album) { attributes.push_back(MTP_documentAttributeAnimated()); } auto flags = MTPDdocumentAttributeVideo::Flags(0); if (video->supportsStreaming) { flags |= MTPDdocumentAttributeVideo::Flag::f_supports_streaming; } attributes.push_back(MTP_documentAttributeVideo(MTP_flags(flags), MTP_int(video->duration), MTP_int(coverWidth), MTP_int(coverHeight))); goodThumbnail = video->thumbnail; { QBuffer buffer(&goodThumbnailBytes); goodThumbnail.save(&buffer, "JPG", kThumbnailQuality); } thumbId = rand_value<uint64>(); thumb = (coverWidth > 90 || coverHeight > 90) ? video->thumbnail.scaled(90, 90, Qt::KeepAspectRatio, Qt::SmoothTransformation) : std::move(video->thumbnail); { QBuffer buffer(&thumbdata); thumb.save(&buffer, "JPG", kThumbnailQuality); } thumbSize = MTP_photoSize(MTP_string(""), MTP_fileLocationUnavailable(MTP_long(0), MTP_int(0), MTP_long(0)), MTP_int(thumb.width()), MTP_int(thumb.height()), MTP_int(0)); } } if (!fullimage.isNull() && fullimage.width() > 0 && !isSong && !isVideo && !isVoice) { auto w = fullimage.width(), h = fullimage.height(); attributes.push_back(MTP_documentAttributeImageSize(MTP_int(w), MTP_int(h))); if (ValidateThumbDimensions(w, h)) { if (isAnimation) { attributes.push_back(MTP_documentAttributeAnimated()); } else if (_type != SendMediaType::File) { auto thumb = (w > 100 || h > 100) ? fullimage.scaled(100, 100, Qt::KeepAspectRatio, Qt::SmoothTransformation) : fullimage; photoThumbs.insert('s', thumb); photoSizes.push_back(MTP_photoSize(MTP_string("s"), MTP_fileLocationUnavailable(MTP_long(0), MTP_int(0), MTP_long(0)), MTP_int(thumb.width()), MTP_int(thumb.height()), MTP_int(0))); auto medium = (w > 320 || h > 320) ? fullimage.scaled(320, 320, Qt::KeepAspectRatio, Qt::SmoothTransformation) : fullimage; photoThumbs.insert('m', medium); photoSizes.push_back(MTP_photoSize(MTP_string("m"), MTP_fileLocationUnavailable(MTP_long(0), MTP_int(0), MTP_long(0)), MTP_int(medium.width()), MTP_int(medium.height()), MTP_int(0))); auto full = (w > 1280 || h > 1280) ? fullimage.scaled(1280, 1280, Qt::KeepAspectRatio, Qt::SmoothTransformation) : fullimage; photoThumbs.insert('y', full); photoSizes.push_back(MTP_photoSize(MTP_string("y"), MTP_fileLocationUnavailable(MTP_long(0), MTP_int(0), MTP_long(0)), MTP_int(full.width()), MTP_int(full.height()), MTP_int(0))); { QBuffer buffer(&filedata); full.save(&buffer, "JPG", 87); } photo = MTP_photo( MTP_flags(0), MTP_long(_id), MTP_long(0), MTP_bytes(QByteArray()), MTP_int(unixtime()), MTP_vector<MTPPhotoSize>(photoSizes)); if (filesize < 0) { filesize = _result->filesize = filedata.size(); } } QByteArray thumbFormat = "JPG"; auto thumbQuality = 87; if (!isAnimation && filemime == stickerMime && w > 0 && h > 0 && w <= StickerMaxSize && h <= StickerMaxSize && filesize < Storage::kMaxStickerInMemory) { attributes.push_back(MTP_documentAttributeSticker(MTP_flags(0), MTP_string(""), MTP_inputStickerSetEmpty(), MTPMaskCoords())); thumbFormat = "webp"; thumbname = qsl("thumb.webp"); } thumbId = rand_value<uint64>(); thumb = (w > 90 || h > 90) ? fullimage.scaled(90, 90, Qt::KeepAspectRatio, Qt::SmoothTransformation) : fullimage; thumbSize = MTP_photoSize(MTP_string(""), MTP_fileLocationUnavailable(MTP_long(0), MTP_int(0), MTP_long(0)), MTP_int(thumb.width()), MTP_int(thumb.height()), MTP_int(0)); { QBuffer buffer(&thumbdata); thumb.save(&buffer, thumbFormat, thumbQuality); } } } if (_type == SendMediaType::Photo && photo.type() == mtpc_photoEmpty) { _type = SendMediaType::File; } if (isVoice) { auto flags = MTPDdocumentAttributeAudio::Flag::f_voice | MTPDdocumentAttributeAudio::Flag::f_waveform; attributes[0] = MTP_documentAttributeAudio(MTP_flags(flags), MTP_int(_duration), MTPstring(), MTPstring(), MTP_bytes(documentWaveformEncode5bit(_waveform))); attributes.resize(1); document = MTP_document( MTP_long(_id), MTP_long(0), MTP_bytes(QByteArray()), MTP_int(unixtime()), MTP_string(filemime), MTP_int(filesize), thumbSize, MTP_int(MTP::maindc()), MTP_vector<MTPDocumentAttribute>(attributes)); } else if (_type != SendMediaType::Photo) { document = MTP_document( MTP_long(_id), MTP_long(0), MTP_bytes(QByteArray()), MTP_int(unixtime()), MTP_string(filemime), MTP_int(filesize), thumbSize, MTP_int(MTP::maindc()), MTP_vector<MTPDocumentAttribute>(attributes)); _type = SendMediaType::File; } _result->type = _type; _result->filepath = _filepath; _result->content = _content; _result->filename = filename; _result->filemime = filemime; _result->setFileData(filedata); _result->thumbId = thumbId; _result->thumbname = thumbname; _result->setThumbData(thumbdata); _result->thumb = std::move(thumb); _result->goodThumbnail = std::move(goodThumbnail); _result->goodThumbnailBytes = std::move(goodThumbnailBytes); _result->photo = photo; _result->document = document; _result->photoThumbs = photoThumbs; } void FileLoadTask::finish() { if (!_result || !_result->filesize || _result->filesize < 0) { Ui::show( Box<InformBox>(lng_send_image_empty(lt_name, _filepath)), LayerOption::KeepOther); removeFromAlbum(); } else if (_result->filesize > App::kFileSizeLimit) { Ui::show( Box<InformBox>( lng_send_image_too_large(lt_name, _filepath)), LayerOption::KeepOther); removeFromAlbum(); } else if (App::main()) { App::main()->onSendFileConfirm(_result); } } void FileLoadTask::removeFromAlbum() { if (!_album) { return; } const auto proj = [](const SendingAlbum::Item &item) { return item.taskId; }; const auto it = ranges::find(_album->items, id(), proj); Assert(it != _album->items.end()); _album->items.erase(it); }