/* This file is part of Telegram Desktop, the official desktop application for the Telegram messaging service. For license and copyright information please follow this link: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LEGAL */ #include "data/data_user.h" #include "storage/localstorage.h" #include "main/main_session.h" #include "data/data_session.h" #include "data/data_changes.h" #include "ui/text/text_options.h" #include "apiwrap.h" #include "lang/lang_keys.h" namespace { // User with hidden last seen stays online in UI for such amount of seconds. constexpr auto kSetOnlineAfterActivity = TimeId(30); using UpdateFlag = Data::PeerUpdate::Flag; } // namespace UserData::UserData(not_null owner, PeerId id) : PeerData(owner, id) { } bool UserData::canShareThisContact() const { return canShareThisContactFast() || !owner().findContactPhone(peerToUser(id)).isEmpty(); } void UserData::setIsContact(bool is) { const auto status = is ? ContactStatus::Contact : ContactStatus::NotContact; if (_contactStatus != status) { _contactStatus = status; session().changes().peerUpdated(this, UpdateFlag::IsContact); } } // see Serialize::readPeer as well void UserData::setPhoto(const MTPUserProfilePhoto &photo) { photo.match([&](const MTPDuserProfilePhoto &data) { updateUserpic(data.vphoto_id().v, data.vdc_id().v); }, [&](const MTPDuserProfilePhotoEmpty &) { clearUserpic(); }); } auto UserData::unavailableReasons() const -> const std::vector & { return _unavailableReasons; } void UserData::setUnavailableReasons( std::vector &&reasons) { if (_unavailableReasons != reasons) { _unavailableReasons = std::move(reasons); session().changes().peerUpdated( this, UpdateFlag::UnavailableReason); } } void UserData::setCommonChatsCount(int count) { if (_commonChatsCount != count) { _commonChatsCount = count; session().changes().peerUpdated(this, UpdateFlag::CommonChats); } } void UserData::setName(const QString &newFirstName, const QString &newLastName, const QString &newPhoneName, const QString &newUsername) { bool changeName = !newFirstName.isEmpty() || !newLastName.isEmpty(); QString newFullName; if (changeName && newFirstName.trimmed().isEmpty()) { firstName = newLastName; lastName = QString(); newFullName = firstName; } else { if (changeName) { firstName = newFirstName; lastName = newLastName; } newFullName = lastName.isEmpty() ? firstName : tr::lng_full_name(tr::now, lt_first_name, firstName, lt_last_name, lastName); } updateNameDelayed(newFullName, newPhoneName, newUsername); } void UserData::setPhone(const QString &newPhone) { if (_phone != newPhone) { _phone = newPhone; } } void UserData::setBotInfoVersion(int version) { if (version < 0) { // We don't support bots becoming non-bots. } else if (!botInfo) { botInfo = std::make_unique(); botInfo->version = version; owner().userIsBotChanged(this); } else if (botInfo->version < version) { if (!botInfo->commands.empty()) { botInfo->commands.clear(); owner().botCommandsChanged(this); } botInfo->description.clear(); botInfo->version = version; botInfo->inited = false; } } void UserData::setBotInfo(const MTPBotInfo &info) { switch (info.type()) { case mtpc_botInfo: { const auto &d = info.c_botInfo(); if (peerFromUser(d.vuser_id().v) != id || !isBot()) { return; } QString desc = qs(d.vdescription()); if (botInfo->description != desc) { botInfo->description = desc; botInfo->text = Ui::Text::String(st::msgMinWidth); } const auto changedCommands = Data::UpdateBotCommands( botInfo->commands, d.vcommands()); botInfo->inited = true; if (changedCommands) { owner().botCommandsChanged(this); } } break; } } void UserData::setNameOrPhone(const QString &newNameOrPhone) { if (nameOrPhone != newNameOrPhone) { nameOrPhone = newNameOrPhone; phoneText.setText( st::msgNameStyle, nameOrPhone, Ui::NameTextOptions()); } } void UserData::madeAction(TimeId when) { if (isBot() || isServiceUser() || when <= 0) { return; } else if (onlineTill <= 0 && -onlineTill < when) { onlineTill = -when - kSetOnlineAfterActivity; session().changes().peerUpdated(this, UpdateFlag::OnlineStatus); } else if (onlineTill > 0 && onlineTill < when + 1) { onlineTill = when + kSetOnlineAfterActivity; session().changes().peerUpdated(this, UpdateFlag::OnlineStatus); } } void UserData::setAccessHash(uint64 accessHash) { if (accessHash == kInaccessibleAccessHashOld) { _accessHash = 0; _flags.add(Flag::Deleted); } else { _accessHash = accessHash; } } void UserData::setCallsStatus(CallsStatus callsStatus) { if (callsStatus != _callsStatus) { _callsStatus = callsStatus; session().changes().peerUpdated(this, UpdateFlag::HasCalls); } } bool UserData::hasCalls() const { return (callsStatus() != CallsStatus::Disabled) && (callsStatus() != CallsStatus::Unknown); } namespace Data { void ApplyUserUpdate(not_null user, const MTPDuserFull &update) { user->owner().processUser(update.vuser()); if (const auto photo = update.vprofile_photo()) { user->owner().processPhoto(*photo); } user->setSettings(update.vsettings()); user->session().api().applyNotifySettings( MTP_inputNotifyPeer(user->input), update.vnotify_settings()); user->setMessagesTTL(update.vttl_period().value_or_empty()); if (const auto info = update.vbot_info()) { user->setBotInfo(*info); } else { user->setBotInfoVersion(-1); } if (const auto pinned = update.vpinned_msg_id()) { SetTopPinnedMessageId(user, pinned->v); } using Flag = UserDataFlag; const auto mask = Flag::Blocked | Flag::HasPhoneCalls | Flag::PhoneCallsPrivate | Flag::CanPinMessages; user->setFlags((user->flags() & ~mask) | (update.is_phone_calls_private() ? Flag::PhoneCallsPrivate : Flag()) | (update.is_phone_calls_available() ? Flag::HasPhoneCalls : Flag()) | (update.is_can_pin_message() ? Flag::CanPinMessages : Flag()) | (update.is_blocked() ? Flag::Blocked : Flag())); user->setIsBlocked(update.is_blocked()); user->setCallsStatus(update.is_phone_calls_private() ? UserData::CallsStatus::Private : update.is_phone_calls_available() ? UserData::CallsStatus::Enabled : UserData::CallsStatus::Disabled); user->setAbout(qs(update.vabout().value_or_empty())); user->setCommonChatsCount(update.vcommon_chats_count().v); user->checkFolder(update.vfolder_id().value_or_empty()); user->fullUpdated(); } } // namespace Data