/* This file is part of Telegram Desktop, the official desktop application for the Telegram messaging service. For license and copyright information please follow this link: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LEGAL */ #include "boxes/dictionaries_manager.h" #ifndef TDESKTOP_DISABLE_SPELLCHECK #include "base/event_filter.h" #include "chat_helpers/spellchecker_common.h" #include "core/application.h" #include "main/main_account.h" #include "main/main_session.h" #include "mainwidget.h" #include "mtproto/dedicated_file_loader.h" #include "spellcheck/spellcheck_utils.h" #include "styles/style_layers.h" #include "styles/style_settings.h" #include "styles/style_boxes.h" #include "ui/wrap/vertical_layout.h" #include "ui/widgets/buttons.h" #include "ui/widgets/labels.h" #include "ui/widgets/multi_select.h" #include "ui/widgets/popup_menu.h" #include "ui/wrap/slide_wrap.h" #include "ui/effects/animations.h" #include "window/window_session_controller.h" namespace Ui { namespace { using Dictionaries = std::vector; using namespace Storage::CloudBlob; using Loading = MTP::DedicatedLoader::Progress; using DictState = BlobState; using QueryCallback = Fn; constexpr auto kMaxQueryLength = 15; #if QT_VERSION < QT_VERSION_CHECK(5, 10, 0) #define OLD_QT using QStringView = QString; #endif class Inner : public Ui::RpWidget { public: Inner( QWidget *parent, not_null controller, Dictionaries enabledDictionaries); Dictionaries enabledRows() const; QueryCallback queryCallback() const; private: void setupContent( not_null controller, Dictionaries enabledDictionaries); Dictionaries _enabledRows; QueryCallback _queryCallback; }; inline auto DictExists(int langId) { return Spellchecker::DictionaryExists(langId); } inline auto FilterEnabledDict(Dictionaries dicts) { return dicts | ranges::views::filter( DictExists ) | ranges::to_vector; } DictState ComputeState(int id, bool enabled) { const auto result = enabled ? DictState(Active()) : DictState(Ready()); if (DictExists(id)) { return result; } return Available{ Spellchecker::GetDownloadSize(id) }; } QString StateDescription(const DictState &state) { return StateDescription( state, tr::lng_settings_manage_enabled_dictionary); } auto CreateMultiSelect(QWidget *parent) { const auto result = Ui::CreateChild( parent, st::contactsMultiSelect, tr::lng_participant_filter()); result->resizeToWidth(st::boxWidth); result->moveToLeft(0, 0); return result; } Inner::Inner( QWidget *parent, not_null controller, Dictionaries enabledDictionaries) : RpWidget(parent) { setupContent(controller, std::move(enabledDictionaries)); } QueryCallback Inner::queryCallback() const { return _queryCallback; } Dictionaries Inner::enabledRows() const { return _enabledRows; } auto AddButtonWithLoader( not_null content, not_null controller, const Spellchecker::Dict &dict, bool buttonEnabled, rpl::producer query) { const auto id = dict.id; buttonEnabled &= DictExists(id); const auto locale = Spellchecker::LocaleFromLangId(id); const std::vector indexList = { dict.name, QLocale::languageToString(locale.language()), QLocale::countryToString(locale.country()) }; const auto wrap = content->add( object_ptr>( content, object_ptr( content, rpl::single(dict.name), st::dictionariesSectionButton ) ) ); const auto button = wrap->entity(); std::move( query ) | rpl::start_with_next([=](auto string) { wrap->toggle( ranges::any_of(indexList, [&](const QString &s) { return s.startsWith(string, Qt::CaseInsensitive); }), anim::type::instant); }, button->lifetime()); using Loader = Spellchecker::DictLoader; using GlobalLoaderPtr = std::shared_ptr>; const auto localLoader = button->lifetime() .make_state>(); const auto localLoaderValues = button->lifetime() .make_state>(); const auto setLocalLoader = [=](base::unique_qptr loader) { *localLoader = std::move(loader); localLoaderValues->fire(localLoader->get()); }; const auto destroyLocalLoader = [=] { setLocalLoader(nullptr); }; const auto buttonState = button->lifetime() .make_state>(); const auto dictionaryRemoved = button->lifetime() .make_state>(); const auto dictionaryFromGlobalLoader = button->lifetime() .make_state>(); const auto globalLoader = button->lifetime() .make_state(); const auto rawGlobalLoaderPtr = [=]() -> Loader* { if (!globalLoader || !*globalLoader || !*globalLoader->get()) { return nullptr; } return globalLoader->get()->get(); }; const auto setGlobalLoaderPtr = [=](GlobalLoaderPtr loader) { if (localLoader->get()) { if (loader && loader->get()) { loader->get()->destroy(); } return; } *globalLoader = std::move(loader); localLoaderValues->fire(rawGlobalLoaderPtr()); if (rawGlobalLoaderPtr()) { dictionaryFromGlobalLoader->fire({}); } }; Spellchecker::GlobalLoaderChanged( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=](int langId) { if (!langId && rawGlobalLoaderPtr()) { setGlobalLoaderPtr(nullptr); } else if (langId == id) { setGlobalLoaderPtr(Spellchecker::GlobalLoader()); } }, button->lifetime()); const auto label = Ui::CreateChild( button, buttonState->value() | rpl::map(StateDescription), st::settingsUpdateState); label->setAttribute(Qt::WA_TransparentForMouseEvents); rpl::combine( button->widthValue(), label->widthValue() ) | rpl::start_with_next([=] { label->moveToLeft( st::settingsUpdateStatePosition.x(), st::settingsUpdateStatePosition.y()); }, label->lifetime()); buttonState->value( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=](const DictState &state) { const auto isToggledSet = state.is(); const auto toggled = isToggledSet ? 1. : 0.; const auto over = !button->isDisabled() && (button->isDown() || button->isOver()); if (toggled == 0. && !over) { label->setTextColorOverride(std::nullopt); } else { label->setTextColorOverride(anim::color( over ? st::contactsStatusFgOver : st::contactsStatusFg, st::contactsStatusFgOnline, toggled)); } }, label->lifetime()); button->toggleOn( rpl::single( buttonEnabled ) | rpl::then( rpl::merge( // Events to toggle on. dictionaryFromGlobalLoader->events( ) | rpl::map([] { return true; }), // Events to toggle off. rpl::merge( dictionaryRemoved->events(), buttonState->value( ) | rpl::filter([](const DictState &state) { return state.is(); }) | rpl::map([] { return rpl::empty_value(); }) ) | rpl::map([] { return false; }) ) ) ); *buttonState = localLoaderValues->events_starting_with( rawGlobalLoaderPtr() ? rawGlobalLoaderPtr() : localLoader->get() ) | rpl::map([=](Loader *loader) { return (loader && loader->id() == id) ? loader->state() : rpl::single( buttonEnabled ) | rpl::then( rpl::merge( dictionaryRemoved->events( ) | rpl::map([] { return false; }), button->toggledValue() ) ) | rpl::map([=](auto enabled) { return ComputeState(id, enabled); }); }) | rpl::flatten_latest( ) | rpl::filter([=](const DictState &state) { return !buttonState->current().is() || !state.is(); }); button->toggledValue( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=](bool toggled) { const auto &state = buttonState->current(); if (toggled && (state.is() || state.is())) { const auto weak = Ui::MakeWeak(button); setLocalLoader(base::make_unique_q( QCoreApplication::instance(), &controller->session(), id, Spellchecker::GetDownloadLocation(id), Spellchecker::DictPathByLangId(id), Spellchecker::GetDownloadSize(id), crl::guard(weak, destroyLocalLoader))); } else if (!toggled && state.is()) { if (const auto g = rawGlobalLoaderPtr()) { g->destroy(); return; } if (localLoader && localLoader->get()->id() == id) { destroyLocalLoader(); } } }, button->lifetime()); const auto contextMenu = button->lifetime() .make_state>(); const auto showMenu = [=] { if (!DictExists(id)) { return false; } *contextMenu = base::make_unique_q(button); contextMenu->get()->addAction( tr::lng_settings_manage_remove_dictionary(tr::now), [=] { Spellchecker::RemoveDictionary(id); dictionaryRemoved->fire({}); }); contextMenu->get()->popup(QCursor::pos()); return true; }; base::install_event_filter(button, [=](not_null e) { if (e->type() == QEvent::ContextMenu && showMenu()) { return base::EventFilterResult::Cancel; } return base::EventFilterResult::Continue; }); if (const auto g = Spellchecker::GlobalLoader()) { if (g.get() && g->get()->id() == id) { setGlobalLoaderPtr(g); } } return button; } void Inner::setupContent( not_null controller, Dictionaries enabledDictionaries) { const auto content = Ui::CreateChild(this); const auto queryStream = content->lifetime() .make_state>(); for (const auto &dict : Spellchecker::Dictionaries()) { const auto id = dict.id; const auto row = AddButtonWithLoader( content, controller, dict, ranges::contains(enabledDictionaries, id), queryStream->events()); row->toggledValue( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=](auto enabled) { if (enabled) { _enabledRows.push_back(id); } else { auto &rows = _enabledRows; rows.erase(ranges::remove(rows, id), end(rows)); } }, row->lifetime()); } _queryCallback = [=](const QString &query) { if (query.size() >= kMaxQueryLength) { return; } queryStream->fire_copy(query); }; content->resizeToWidth(st::boxWidth); Ui::ResizeFitChild(this, content); } } // namespace ManageDictionariesBox::ManageDictionariesBox( QWidget*, not_null controller) : _controller(controller) { } void ManageDictionariesBox::setInnerFocus() { _setInnerFocus(); } void ManageDictionariesBox::prepare() { const auto multiSelect = CreateMultiSelect(this); const auto session = &_controller->session(); const auto inner = setInnerWidget( object_ptr( this, _controller, session->settings().dictionariesEnabled()), st::boxScroll, multiSelect->height() ); multiSelect->setQueryChangedCallback(inner->queryCallback()); _setInnerFocus = [=] { multiSelect->setInnerFocus(); }; // The initial list of enabled rows may differ from the list of languages // in settings, so we should store it when box opens // and save it when box closes (don't do it when "Save" was pressed). const auto initialEnabledRows = inner->enabledRows(); setTitle(tr::lng_settings_manage_dictionaries()); addButton(tr::lng_settings_save(), [=] { session->settings().setDictionariesEnabled( FilterEnabledDict(inner->enabledRows())); session->saveSettingsDelayed(); // Ignore boxClosing() when the Save button was pressed. lifetime().destroy(); closeBox(); }); addButton(tr::lng_close(), [=] { closeBox(); }); boxClosing() | rpl::start_with_next([=] { session->settings().setDictionariesEnabled( FilterEnabledDict(initialEnabledRows)); session->saveSettingsDelayed(); }, lifetime()); setDimensionsToContent(st::boxWidth, inner); using namespace rpl::mappers; const auto max = lifetime().make_state(0); rpl::combine( inner->heightValue(), multiSelect->heightValue(), _1 + _2 ) | rpl::start_with_next([=](int height) { using std::min; accumulate_max(*max, height); setDimensions(st::boxWidth, min(*max, st::boxMaxListHeight), true); }, inner->lifetime()); } } // namespace Ui #endif // !TDESKTOP_DISABLE_SPELLCHECK