/* This file is part of Telegram Desktop, the official desktop application for the Telegram messaging service. For license and copyright information please follow this link: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LEGAL */ #include "chat_helpers/stickers_list_widget.h" #include "core/application.h" #include "data/data_document.h" #include "data/data_document_media.h" #include "data/data_session.h" #include "data/data_channel.h" #include "data/data_file_origin.h" #include "data/data_cloud_file.h" #include "data/data_changes.h" #include "data/data_peer_values.h" #include "menu/menu_send.h" // SendMenu::FillSendMenu #include "chat_helpers/stickers_lottie.h" #include "chat_helpers/stickers_list_footer.h" #include "ui/controls/tabbed_search.h" #include "ui/widgets/buttons.h" #include "ui/widgets/popup_menu.h" #include "ui/effects/animations.h" #include "ui/effects/ripple_animation.h" #include "ui/effects/path_shift_gradient.h" #include "ui/effects/premium_graphics.h" #include "ui/image/image.h" #include "ui/cached_round_corners.h" #include "ui/power_saving.h" #include "lottie/lottie_multi_player.h" #include "lottie/lottie_single_player.h" #include "lottie/lottie_animation.h" #include "boxes/stickers_box.h" #include "inline_bots/inline_bot_result.h" #include "storage/storage_account.h" #include "lang/lang_keys.h" #include "mainwindow.h" #include "dialogs/ui/dialogs_layout.h" #include "boxes/sticker_set_box.h" #include "boxes/stickers_box.h" #include "ui/boxes/confirm_box.h" #include "ui/painter.h" #include "window/window_session_controller.h" // GifPauseReason. #include "main/main_session.h" #include "main/main_session_settings.h" #include "media/clip/media_clip_reader.h" #include "apiwrap.h" #include "api/api_toggling_media.h" // Api::ToggleFavedSticker #include "api/api_premium.h" #include "styles/style_chat_helpers.h" #include "styles/style_window.h" #include "styles/style_menu_icons.h" #include namespace ChatHelpers { namespace { constexpr auto kSearchRequestDelay = 400; constexpr auto kRecentDisplayLimit = 20; constexpr auto kPreloadOfficialPages = 4; constexpr auto kOfficialLoadLimit = 40; constexpr auto kMinRepaintDelay = crl::time(33); constexpr auto kMinAfterScrollDelay = crl::time(33); using Data::StickersSet; using Data::StickersPack; using Data::StickersSetThumbnailView; using SetFlag = Data::StickersSetFlag; [[nodiscard]] bool SetInMyList(Data::StickersSetFlags flags) { return (flags & SetFlag::Installed) && !(flags & SetFlag::Archived); } } // namespace struct StickersListWidget::Sticker { not_null document; std::shared_ptr documentMedia; Lottie::Animation *lottie = nullptr; Media::Clip::ReaderPointer webm; QImage savedFrame; QSize savedFrameFor; QImage premiumLock; void ensureMediaCreated(); }; struct StickersListWidget::Set { Set( uint64 id, Data::StickersSet *set, Data::StickersSetFlags flags, const QString &title, const QString &shortName, int count, bool externalLayout, std::vector &&stickers = {}); Set(Set &&other); Set &operator=(Set &&other); ~Set(); uint64 id = 0; Data::StickersSet *set = nullptr; DocumentData *thumbnailDocument = nullptr; Data::StickersSetFlags flags; QString title; QString shortName; std::vector stickers; std::unique_ptr ripple; crl::time lastUpdateTime = 0; std::unique_ptr lottiePlayer; rpl::lifetime lottieLifetime; int count = 0; bool externalLayout = false; }; auto StickersListWidget::PrepareStickers( const QVector &pack, bool skipPremium) -> std::vector { return ranges::views::all( pack ) | ranges::views::filter([&](DocumentData *document) { return !skipPremium || !document->isPremiumSticker(); }) | ranges::views::transform([](DocumentData *document) { return Sticker{ document }; }) | ranges::to_vector; } StickersListWidget::Set::Set( uint64 id, StickersSet *set, Data::StickersSetFlags flags, const QString &title, const QString &shortName, int count, bool externalLayout, std::vector &&stickers) : id(id) , set(set) , flags(flags) , title(title) , shortName(shortName) , stickers(std::move(stickers)) , count(count) , externalLayout(externalLayout) { } StickersListWidget::Set::Set(Set &&other) = default; StickersListWidget::Set &StickersListWidget::Set::operator=( Set &&other) = default; StickersListWidget::Set::~Set() = default; void StickersListWidget::Sticker::ensureMediaCreated() { if (documentMedia) { return; } documentMedia = document->createMediaView(); } StickersListWidget::StickersListWidget( QWidget *parent, not_null controller, PauseReason level, Mode mode) : StickersListWidget(parent, { .show = controller->uiShow(), .mode = mode, .paused = Window::PausedIn(controller, level), }) { } StickersListWidget::StickersListWidget( QWidget *parent, StickersListDescriptor &&descriptor) : Inner( parent, descriptor.st ? *descriptor.st : st::defaultEmojiPan, descriptor.show, descriptor.paused) , _mode(descriptor.mode) , _show(std::move(descriptor.show)) , _features(descriptor.features) , _overBg(st::roundRadiusLarge, st().overBg) , _api(&session().mtp()) , _localSetsManager(std::make_unique(&session())) , _section(Section::Stickers) , _isMasks(_mode == Mode::Masks) , _updateItemsTimer([=] { updateItems(); }) , _updateSetsTimer([=] { updateSets(); }) , _trendingAddBgOver( ImageRoundRadius::Large, st::stickersTrendingAdd.textBgOver) , _trendingAddBg(ImageRoundRadius::Large, st::stickersTrendingAdd.textBg) , _inactiveButtonBg( ImageRoundRadius::Large, st::stickersTrendingInstalled.textBg) , _groupCategoryAddBgOver( ImageRoundRadius::Large, st::stickerGroupCategoryAdd.textBgOver) , _groupCategoryAddBg( ImageRoundRadius::Large, st::stickerGroupCategoryAdd.textBg) , _pathGradient(std::make_unique( st().pathBg, st().pathFg, [=] { update(); })) , _megagroupSetAbout(st::columnMinimalWidthThird - st::emojiScroll.width - st().headerLeft) , _addText(tr::lng_stickers_featured_add(tr::now)) , _addWidth(st::stickersTrendingAdd.font->width(_addText)) , _installedText(tr::lng_stickers_featured_installed(tr::now)) , _installedWidth(st::stickersTrendingInstalled.font->width(_installedText)) , _settings(this, tr::lng_stickers_you_have(tr::now)) , _previewTimer([=] { showPreview(); }) , _premiumMark(std::make_unique(&session())) , _searchRequestTimer([=] { sendSearchRequest(); }) { setMouseTracking(true); setAttribute(Qt::WA_OpaquePaintEvent); if (!_isMasks) { setupSearch(); } _settings->addClickHandler([=] { if (const auto window = _show->resolveWindow( WindowUsage::PremiumPromo)) { // While media viewer can't show StickersBox. using Section = StickersBox::Section; window->show( Box(_show, Section::Installed, _isMasks)); Core::App().hideMediaView(); Window::ActivateWindow(window); } }); session().downloaderTaskFinished( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=] { if (isVisible()) { updateItems(); readVisibleFeatured(getVisibleTop(), getVisibleBottom()); } }, lifetime()); session().changes().peerUpdates( Data::PeerUpdate::Flag::StickersSet ) | rpl::filter([=](const Data::PeerUpdate &update) { return (update.peer.get() == _megagroupSet); }) | rpl::start_with_next([=] { refreshStickers(); }, lifetime()); session().data().stickers().recentUpdated( _isMasks ? Data::StickersType::Masks : Data::StickersType::Stickers ) | rpl::start_with_next([=] { refreshRecent(); }, lifetime()); positionValue( ) | rpl::skip(1) | rpl::map_to( TabbedSelector::Action::Update ) | rpl::start_to_stream(_choosingUpdated, lifetime()); rpl::merge( Data::AmPremiumValue(&session()) | rpl::to_empty, session().api().premium().cloudSetUpdated() ) | rpl::start_with_next([=] { refreshStickers(); }, lifetime()); } rpl::producer StickersListWidget::chosen() const { return _chosen.events(); } rpl::producer<> StickersListWidget::scrollUpdated() const { return _scrollUpdated.events(); } auto StickersListWidget::choosingUpdated() const -> rpl::producer { return _choosingUpdated.events(); } object_ptr StickersListWidget::createFooter() { Expects(_footer == nullptr); const auto footerPaused = [method = pausedMethod()] { return On(PowerSaving::kStickersPanel) || method(); }; using FooterDescriptor = StickersListFooter::Descriptor; auto result = object_ptr(FooterDescriptor{ .session = &session(), .paused = footerPaused, .parent = this, .st = &st(), .features = _features, }); _footer = result; _footer->setChosen( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=](uint64 setId) { showStickerSet(setId); }, _footer->lifetime()); _footer->openSettingsRequests( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=] { const auto onlyFeatured = !_isMasks && _mySets.empty(); _show->showBox(Box( _show, (onlyFeatured ? StickersBox::Section::Featured : _isMasks ? StickersBox::Section::Masks : StickersBox::Section::Installed), onlyFeatured ? false : _isMasks)); }, _footer->lifetime()); return result; } void StickersListWidget::visibleTopBottomUpdated( int visibleTop, int visibleBottom) { const auto top = getVisibleTop(); Inner::visibleTopBottomUpdated(visibleTop, visibleBottom); if (top != getVisibleTop()) { _lastScrolledAt = crl::now(); _repaintSetsIds.clear(); update(); } if (_section == Section::Featured) { checkVisibleFeatured(visibleTop, visibleBottom); } else { checkVisibleLottie(); } if (_footer) { _footer->validateSelectedIcon( currentSet(visibleTop), ValidateIconAnimations::Full); } } void StickersListWidget::checkVisibleFeatured( int visibleTop, int visibleBottom) { readVisibleFeatured(visibleTop, visibleBottom); const auto visibleHeight = visibleBottom - visibleTop; if (visibleBottom > height() - visibleHeight * kPreloadOfficialPages) { preloadMoreOfficial(); } const auto rowHeight = featuredRowHeight(); const auto destroyAbove = floorclamp(visibleTop - visibleHeight, rowHeight, 0, _officialSets.size()); const auto destroyBelow = ceilclamp(visibleBottom + visibleHeight, rowHeight, 0, _officialSets.size()); for (auto i = 0; i != destroyAbove; ++i) { clearHeavyIn(_officialSets[i]); } for (auto i = destroyBelow; i != _officialSets.size(); ++i) { clearHeavyIn(_officialSets[i]); } } void StickersListWidget::preloadMoreOfficial() { if (_officialRequestId) { return; } _officialRequestId = _api.request(MTPmessages_GetOldFeaturedStickers( MTP_int(_officialOffset), MTP_int(kOfficialLoadLimit), MTP_long(0) // hash )).done([=](const MTPmessages_FeaturedStickers &result) { _officialRequestId = 0; result.match([&](const MTPDmessages_featuredStickersNotModified &d) { LOG(("Api Error: messages.featuredStickersNotModified.")); }, [&](const MTPDmessages_featuredStickers &data) { const auto &list = data.vsets().v; _officialOffset += list.size(); for (int i = 0, l = list.size(); i != l; ++i) { const auto set = session().data().stickers().feedSet( list[i]); if (set->stickers.empty() && set->covers.empty()) { continue; } const auto externalLayout = true; appendSet( _officialSets, set->id, externalLayout, AppendSkip::Installed); } }); resizeToWidth(width()); repaintItems(); }).send(); } void StickersListWidget::readVisibleFeatured( int visibleTop, int visibleBottom) { const auto rowHeight = featuredRowHeight(); const auto rowFrom = floorclamp(visibleTop, rowHeight, 0, _featuredSetsCount); const auto rowTo = ceilclamp(visibleBottom, rowHeight, 0, _featuredSetsCount); for (auto i = rowFrom; i < rowTo; ++i) { auto &set = _officialSets[i]; if (!(set.flags & SetFlag::Unread)) { continue; } if (i * rowHeight < visibleTop || (i + 1) * rowHeight > visibleBottom) { continue; } int count = qMin(int(set.stickers.size()), _columnCount); int loaded = 0; for (int j = 0; j < count; ++j) { if (!set.stickers[j].document->hasThumbnail() || !set.stickers[j].document->thumbnailLoading() || (set.stickers[j].documentMedia && set.stickers[j].documentMedia->loaded())) { ++loaded; } } if (count > 0 && loaded == count) { session().api().readFeaturedSetDelayed(set.id); } } } int StickersListWidget::featuredRowHeight() const { return st::stickersTrendingHeader + _singleSize.height() + st::stickersTrendingSkip; } template bool StickersListWidget::enumerateSections(Callback callback) const { auto info = SectionInfo(); info.top = _search ? _search->height() : 0; const auto &sets = shownSets(); for (auto i = 0; i != sets.size(); ++i) { auto &set = sets[i]; info.section = i; info.count = set.stickers.size(); const auto titleSkip = set.externalLayout ? st::stickersTrendingHeader : setHasTitle(set) ? st().header : st::stickerPanPadding; info.rowsTop = info.top + titleSkip; if (set.externalLayout) { info.rowsCount = 1; info.rowsBottom = info.top + featuredRowHeight(); } else if (set.id == Data::Stickers::MegagroupSetId && !info.count) { info.rowsCount = 0; info.rowsBottom = info.rowsTop + _megagroupSetButtonRect.y() + _megagroupSetButtonRect.height() + st::stickerGroupCategoryAddMargin.bottom(); } else { info.rowsCount = (info.count / _columnCount) + ((info.count % _columnCount) ? 1 : 0); info.rowsBottom = info.rowsTop + info.rowsCount * _singleSize.height(); } if (!callback(info)) { return false; } info.top = info.rowsBottom; } return true; } StickersListWidget::SectionInfo StickersListWidget::sectionInfo(int section) const { Expects(section >= 0 && section < shownSets().size()); auto result = SectionInfo(); enumerateSections([searchForSection = section, &result](const SectionInfo &info) { if (info.section == searchForSection) { result = info; return false; } return true; }); return result; } StickersListWidget::SectionInfo StickersListWidget::sectionInfoByOffset(int yOffset) const { auto result = SectionInfo(); enumerateSections([this, &result, yOffset](const SectionInfo &info) { if (yOffset < info.rowsBottom || info.section == shownSets().size() - 1) { result = info; return false; } return true; }); return result; } int StickersListWidget::countDesiredHeight(int newWidth) { if (newWidth <= st::stickerPanWidthMin) { return 0; } auto availableWidth = newWidth - (st::stickerPanPadding - st().margin.left()); auto columnCount = availableWidth / st::stickerPanWidthMin; auto singleWidth = availableWidth / columnCount; auto fullWidth = (st().margin.left() + newWidth + st::emojiScroll.width); auto rowsRight = (fullWidth - columnCount * singleWidth) / 2; accumulate_max(rowsRight, st::emojiScroll.width); _rowsLeft = fullWidth - columnCount * singleWidth - rowsRight - st().margin.left(); _singleSize = QSize(singleWidth, singleWidth); setColumnCount(columnCount); auto visibleHeight = minimalHeight(); auto minimalHeight = (visibleHeight - st::stickerPanPadding); auto countResult = [this](int minimalLastHeight) { const auto &sets = shownSets(); if (sets.empty()) { return 0; } const auto info = sectionInfo(sets.size() - 1); return info.top + qMax(info.rowsBottom - info.top, minimalLastHeight); }; const auto minimalLastHeight = (_section == Section::Stickers) ? minimalHeight : 0; return qMax(minimalHeight, countResult(minimalLastHeight)) + st::stickerPanPadding; } void StickersListWidget::sendSearchRequest() { if (_searchRequestId || _searchNextQuery.isEmpty()) { return; } _searchRequestTimer.cancel(); _searchQuery = _searchNextQuery; auto it = _searchCache.find(_searchQuery); if (it != _searchCache.cend()) { _search->setLoading(false); return; } _search->setLoading(true); const auto hash = uint64(0); _searchRequestId = _api.request(MTPmessages_SearchStickerSets( MTP_flags(0), MTP_string(_searchQuery), MTP_long(hash) )).done([=](const MTPmessages_FoundStickerSets &result) { searchResultsDone(result); }).fail([=] { // show error? _search->setLoading(false); _searchRequestId = 0; }).handleAllErrors().send(); } void StickersListWidget::searchForSets( const QString &query, std::vector emoji) { const auto cleaned = query.trimmed(); if (cleaned.isEmpty()) { cancelSetsSearch(); return; } _filteredStickers = session().data().stickers().getListByEmoji( std::move(emoji), 0, true); if (_searchQuery != cleaned) { _search->setLoading(false); if (const auto requestId = base::take(_searchRequestId)) { _api.request(requestId).cancel(); } if (_searchCache.find(cleaned) != _searchCache.cend()) { _searchRequestTimer.cancel(); _searchQuery = _searchNextQuery = cleaned; } else { _searchNextQuery = cleaned; _searchRequestTimer.callOnce(kSearchRequestDelay); } showSearchResults(); } } void StickersListWidget::cancelSetsSearch() { _search->setLoading(false); if (const auto requestId = base::take(_searchRequestId)) { _api.request(requestId).cancel(); } _searchRequestTimer.cancel(); _searchQuery = _searchNextQuery = QString(); _filteredStickers.clear(); _searchCache.clear(); refreshSearchRows(nullptr); } void StickersListWidget::showSearchResults() { refreshSearchRows(); scrollTo(0); } void StickersListWidget::refreshSearchRows() { auto it = _searchCache.find(_searchQuery); auto sets = (it != end(_searchCache)) ? &it->second : nullptr; refreshSearchRows(sets); } void StickersListWidget::refreshSearchRows( const std::vector *cloudSets) { clearSelection(); const auto wasSection = _section; auto wasSets = base::take(_searchSets); const auto guard = gsl::finally([&] { if (_section == wasSection && _section == Section::Search) { takeHeavyData(_searchSets, wasSets); } }); fillFilteredStickersRow(); fillLocalSearchRows(_searchNextQuery); if (!cloudSets && _searchNextQuery.isEmpty()) { showStickerSet(!_mySets.empty() ? _mySets[0].id : Data::Stickers::FeaturedSetId); return; } setSection(Section::Search); if (cloudSets) { fillCloudSearchRows(*cloudSets); } refreshIcons(ValidateIconAnimations::Scroll); _lastMousePosition = QCursor::pos(); resizeToWidth(width()); updateSelected(); } void StickersListWidget::fillLocalSearchRows(const QString &query) { const auto searchWordsList = TextUtilities::PrepareSearchWords(query); if (searchWordsList.isEmpty()) { return; } auto searchWordInTitle = []( const QStringList &titleWords, const QString &searchWord) { for (const auto &titleWord : titleWords) { if (titleWord.startsWith(searchWord)) { return true; } } return false; }; auto allSearchWordsInTitle = [&]( const QStringList &titleWords) { for (const auto &searchWord : searchWordsList) { if (!searchWordInTitle(titleWords, searchWord)) { return false; } } return true; }; const auto &sets = session().data().stickers().sets(); for (const auto &[setId, titleWords] : _searchIndex) { if (allSearchWordsInTitle(titleWords)) { if (const auto it = sets.find(setId); it != sets.end()) { addSearchRow(it->second.get()); } } } } void StickersListWidget::fillCloudSearchRows( const std::vector &cloudSets) { const auto &sets = session().data().stickers().sets(); for (const auto setId : cloudSets) { if (const auto it = sets.find(setId); it != sets.end()) { addSearchRow(it->second.get()); } } } void StickersListWidget::fillFilteredStickersRow() { if (_filteredStickers.empty()) { return; } auto elements = ranges::views::all( _filteredStickers ) | ranges::views::transform([](not_null document) { return Sticker{ document }; }) | ranges::to_vector; _searchSets.emplace_back( SearchEmojiSectionSetId(), nullptr, Data::StickersSetFlag::Special, QString(), // title QString(), // shortName _filteredStickers.size(), false, // externalLayout std::move(elements)); } void StickersListWidget::addSearchRow(not_null set) { const auto skipPremium = !session().premiumPossible(); auto elements = PrepareStickers( set->stickers.empty() ? set->covers : set->stickers, skipPremium); _searchSets.emplace_back( set->id, set, set->flags, set->title, set->shortName, set->count, !SetInMyList(set->flags), std::move(elements)); } void StickersListWidget::takeHeavyData( std::vector &to, std::vector &from) { auto indices = base::flat_map(); indices.reserve(from.size()); auto index = 0; for (const auto &set : from) { indices.emplace(set.id, index++); } for (auto &toSet : to) { const auto i = indices.find(toSet.id); if (i != end(indices)) { takeHeavyData(toSet, from[i->second]); } } } void StickersListWidget::takeHeavyData(Set &to, Set &from) { to.lottiePlayer = std::move(from.lottiePlayer); to.lottieLifetime = std::move(from.lottieLifetime); auto &toList = to.stickers; auto &fromList = from.stickers; const auto same = ranges::equal( toList, fromList, ranges::equal_to(), &Sticker::document, &Sticker::document); if (same) { for (auto i = 0, count = int(toList.size()); i != count; ++i) { takeHeavyData(toList[i], fromList[i]); } } else { auto indices = base::flat_map, int>(); indices.reserve(fromList.size()); auto index = 0; for (const auto &fromSticker : fromList) { indices.emplace(fromSticker.document, index++); } for (auto &toSticker : toList) { const auto i = indices.find(toSticker.document); if (i != end(indices)) { takeHeavyData(toSticker, fromList[i->second]); } } for (const auto &sticker : fromList) { if (sticker.lottie) { to.lottiePlayer->remove(sticker.lottie); } } } } void StickersListWidget::takeHeavyData(Sticker &to, Sticker &from) { to.documentMedia = std::move(from.documentMedia); to.savedFrame = std::move(from.savedFrame); to.savedFrameFor = from.savedFrameFor; to.lottie = base::take(from.lottie); to.webm = base::take(from.webm); } auto StickersListWidget::shownSets() const -> const std::vector & { switch (_section) { case Section::Featured: return _officialSets; case Section::Search: return _searchSets; case Section::Stickers: return _mySets; } Unexpected("Section in StickersListWidget."); } auto StickersListWidget::shownSets() -> std::vector & { switch (_section) { case Section::Featured: return _officialSets; case Section::Search: return _searchSets; case Section::Stickers: return _mySets; } Unexpected("Section in StickersListWidget."); } void StickersListWidget::searchResultsDone( const MTPmessages_FoundStickerSets &result) { _search->setLoading(false); _searchRequestId = 0; if (result.type() == mtpc_messages_foundStickerSetsNotModified) { LOG(("API Error: " "messages.foundStickerSetsNotModified not expected.")); return; } Assert(result.type() == mtpc_messages_foundStickerSets); auto it = _searchCache.find(_searchQuery); if (it == _searchCache.cend()) { it = _searchCache.emplace( _searchQuery, std::vector()).first; } auto &d = result.c_messages_foundStickerSets(); for (const auto &data : d.vsets().v) { const auto set = session().data().stickers().feedSet(data); if (set->stickers.empty() && set->covers.empty()) { continue; } it->second.push_back(set->id); } showSearchResults(); } int StickersListWidget::stickersLeft() const { return _rowsLeft; } QRect StickersListWidget::stickerRect(int section, int sel) { auto info = sectionInfo(section); if (sel >= shownSets()[section].stickers.size()) { sel -= shownSets()[section].stickers.size(); } auto countTillItem = (sel - (sel % _columnCount)); auto rowsToSkip = (countTillItem / _columnCount) + ((countTillItem % _columnCount) ? 1 : 0); auto x = stickersLeft() + ((sel % _columnCount) * _singleSize.width()); auto y = info.rowsTop + rowsToSkip * _singleSize.height(); return QRect(QPoint(x, y), _singleSize); } void StickersListWidget::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *e) { Painter p(this); auto clip = e->rect(); p.fillRect(clip, st().bg); paintStickers(p, clip); } void StickersListWidget::paintStickers(Painter &p, QRect clip) { auto fromColumn = floorclamp(clip.x() - stickersLeft(), _singleSize.width(), 0, _columnCount); auto toColumn = ceilclamp(clip.x() + clip.width() - stickersLeft(), _singleSize.width(), 0, _columnCount); if (rtl()) { qSwap(fromColumn, toColumn); fromColumn = _columnCount - fromColumn; toColumn = _columnCount - toColumn; } _pathGradient->startFrame(0, width(), width() / 2); auto &sets = shownSets(); auto selectedSticker = std::get_if(&_selected); auto selectedButton = std::get_if(!v::is_null(_pressed) ? &_pressed : &_selected); const auto now = crl::now(); const auto paused = On(PowerSaving::kStickersPanel) || this->paused(); if (sets.empty() && _section == Section::Search) { paintEmptySearchResults(p); } enumerateSections([&](const SectionInfo &info) { if (clip.top() >= info.rowsBottom) { return true; } else if (clip.top() + clip.height() <= info.top) { return false; } auto &set = sets[info.section]; if (set.externalLayout) { const auto loadedCount = int(set.stickers.size()); const auto count = (set.flags & SetFlag::NotLoaded) ? set.count : loadedCount; auto widthForTitle = stickersRight() - (st().headerLeft - st().margin.left()); { const auto installedSet = !featuredHasAddButton(info.section); const auto add = featuredAddRect(info, installedSet); const auto selected = selectedButton ? (selectedButton->section == info.section) : false; (installedSet ? _inactiveButtonBg : selected ? _trendingAddBgOver : _trendingAddBg).paint(p, myrtlrect(add)); if (set.ripple) { set.ripple->paint(p, add.x(), add.y(), width()); if (set.ripple->empty()) { set.ripple.reset(); } } const auto &text = installedSet ? _installedText : _addText; const auto textWidth = installedSet ? _installedWidth : _addWidth; const auto &st = installedSet ? st::stickersTrendingInstalled : st::stickersTrendingAdd; p.setFont(st.font); p.setPen(selected ? st.textFgOver : st.textFg); p.drawTextLeft( add.x() - (st.width / 2), add.y() + st.textTop, width(), text, textWidth); widthForTitle -= add.width() - (st.width / 2); } if (set.flags & SetFlag::Unread) { widthForTitle -= st::stickersFeaturedUnreadSize + st::stickersFeaturedUnreadSkip; } auto titleText = set.title; auto titleWidth = st::stickersTrendingHeaderFont->width(titleText); if (titleWidth > widthForTitle) { titleText = st::stickersTrendingHeaderFont->elided(titleText, widthForTitle); titleWidth = st::stickersTrendingHeaderFont->width(titleText); } p.setFont(st::stickersTrendingHeaderFont); p.setPen(st().trendingHeaderFg); p.drawTextLeft(st().headerLeft - st().margin.left(), info.top + st::stickersTrendingHeaderTop, width(), titleText, titleWidth); if (set.flags & SetFlag::Unread) { p.setPen(Qt::NoPen); p.setBrush(st().trendingUnreadFg); { PainterHighQualityEnabler hq(p); p.drawEllipse(style::rtlrect(st().headerLeft - st().margin.left() + titleWidth + st::stickersFeaturedUnreadSkip, info.top + st::stickersTrendingHeaderTop + st::stickersFeaturedUnreadTop, st::stickersFeaturedUnreadSize, st::stickersFeaturedUnreadSize, width())); } } auto statusText = (count > 0) ? tr::lng_stickers_count(tr::now, lt_count, count) : tr::lng_contacts_loading(tr::now); p.setFont(st::stickersTrendingSubheaderFont); p.setPen(st().trendingSubheaderFg); p.drawTextLeft(st().headerLeft - st().margin.left(), info.top + st::stickersTrendingSubheaderTop, width(), statusText); if (info.rowsTop >= clip.y() + clip.height()) { return true; } for (int j = fromColumn; j < toColumn; ++j) { int index = j; if (index >= loadedCount) break; auto selected = selectedSticker ? (selectedSticker->section == info.section && selectedSticker->index == index) : false; auto deleteSelected = false; paintSticker(p, set, info.rowsTop, info.section, index, now, paused, selected, deleteSelected); } if (!paused) { markLottieFrameShown(set); } return true; } if (setHasTitle(set) && clip.top() < info.rowsTop) { auto titleText = set.title; auto titleWidth = st::stickersTrendingHeaderFont->width(titleText); auto widthForTitle = stickersRight() - (st().headerLeft - st().margin.left()); if (hasRemoveButton(info.section)) { auto remove = removeButtonRect(info); auto selected = selectedButton ? (selectedButton->section == info.section) : false; const auto &removeSt = st().removeSet; if (set.ripple) { set.ripple->paint(p, remove.x() + removeSt.rippleAreaPosition.x(), remove.y() + removeSt.rippleAreaPosition.y(), width()); if (set.ripple->empty()) { set.ripple.reset(); } } const auto &icon = selected ? removeSt.iconOver : removeSt.icon; icon.paint( p, remove.x() + (remove.width() - icon.width()) / 2, remove.y() + (remove.height() - icon.height()) / 2, width()); widthForTitle -= remove.width(); } if (titleWidth > widthForTitle) { titleText = st::stickersTrendingHeaderFont->elided(titleText, widthForTitle); titleWidth = st::stickersTrendingHeaderFont->width(titleText); } p.setFont(st::emojiPanHeaderFont); p.setPen(st().headerFg); p.drawTextLeft(st().headerLeft - st().margin.left(), info.top + st().headerTop, width(), titleText, titleWidth); } if (clip.top() + clip.height() <= info.rowsTop) { return true; } else if (set.id == Data::Stickers::MegagroupSetId && set.stickers.empty()) { auto buttonSelected = (std::get_if(&_selected) != nullptr); paintMegagroupEmptySet(p, info.rowsTop, buttonSelected); return true; } auto fromRow = floorclamp(clip.y() - info.rowsTop, _singleSize.height(), 0, info.rowsCount); auto toRow = ceilclamp(clip.y() + clip.height() - info.rowsTop, _singleSize.height(), 0, info.rowsCount); for (int i = fromRow; i < toRow; ++i) { for (int j = fromColumn; j < toColumn; ++j) { int index = i * _columnCount + j; if (index >= info.count) break; auto selected = selectedSticker ? (selectedSticker->section == info.section && selectedSticker->index == index) : false; auto deleteSelected = selected && selectedSticker->overDelete; paintSticker(p, set, info.rowsTop, info.section, index, now, paused, selected, deleteSelected); } } if (!paused) { markLottieFrameShown(set); } return true; }); } void StickersListWidget::markLottieFrameShown(Set &set) { if (const auto player = set.lottiePlayer.get()) { player->markFrameShown(); } } void StickersListWidget::checkVisibleLottie() { if (shownSets().empty()) { return; } const auto visibleTop = getVisibleTop(); const auto visibleBottom = getVisibleBottom(); const auto destroyAfterDistance = (visibleBottom - visibleTop) * 2; const auto destroyAbove = visibleTop - destroyAfterDistance; const auto destroyBelow = visibleBottom + destroyAfterDistance; enumerateSections([&](const SectionInfo &info) { if (destroyBelow <= info.rowsTop || destroyAbove >= info.rowsBottom) { clearHeavyIn(shownSets()[info.section]); } else if ((visibleTop > info.rowsTop && visibleTop < info.rowsBottom) || (visibleBottom > info.rowsTop && visibleBottom < info.rowsBottom)) { pauseInvisibleLottieIn(info); } return true; }); } void StickersListWidget::clearHeavyIn(Set &set, bool clearSavedFrames) { const auto player = base::take(set.lottiePlayer); const auto lifetime = base::take(set.lottieLifetime); for (auto &sticker : set.stickers) { if (clearSavedFrames) { sticker.savedFrame = QImage(); sticker.savedFrameFor = QSize(); } sticker.webm = nullptr; sticker.lottie = nullptr; sticker.documentMedia = nullptr; } } void StickersListWidget::pauseInvisibleLottieIn(const SectionInfo &info) { auto &set = shownSets()[info.section]; const auto player = set.lottiePlayer.get(); if (!player) { return; } const auto pauseInRows = [&](int fromRow, int tillRow) { Expects(fromRow <= tillRow); for (auto i = fromRow; i != tillRow; ++i) { for (auto j = 0; j != _columnCount; ++j) { const auto index = i * _columnCount + j; if (index >= info.count) { break; } if (const auto animated = set.stickers[index].lottie) { player->pause(animated); } } } }; const auto visibleTop = getVisibleTop(); const auto visibleBottom = getVisibleBottom(); if (visibleTop >= info.rowsTop + _singleSize.height() && visibleTop < info.rowsBottom) { const auto pauseHeight = (visibleTop - info.rowsTop); const auto pauseRows = std::min( pauseHeight / _singleSize.height(), info.rowsCount); pauseInRows(0, pauseRows); } if (visibleBottom > info.rowsTop && visibleBottom + _singleSize.height() <= info.rowsBottom) { const auto pauseHeight = (info.rowsBottom - visibleBottom); const auto pauseRows = std::min( pauseHeight / _singleSize.height(), info.rowsCount); pauseInRows(info.rowsCount - pauseRows, info.rowsCount); } } void StickersListWidget::paintEmptySearchResults(Painter &p) { Inner::paintEmptySearchResults( p, st::stickersEmpty, tr::lng_stickers_nothing_found(tr::now)); } int StickersListWidget::megagroupSetInfoLeft() const { return st().headerLeft - st().margin.left(); } void StickersListWidget::paintMegagroupEmptySet(Painter &p, int y, bool buttonSelected) { p.setPen(st().headerFg); auto infoLeft = megagroupSetInfoLeft(); _megagroupSetAbout.drawLeft(p, infoLeft, y, width() - infoLeft, width()); auto button = _megagroupSetButtonRect.translated(0, y); (buttonSelected ? _groupCategoryAddBgOver : _groupCategoryAddBg).paint( p, myrtlrect(button)); if (_megagroupSetButtonRipple) { _megagroupSetButtonRipple->paint(p, button.x(), button.y(), width()); if (_megagroupSetButtonRipple->empty()) { _megagroupSetButtonRipple.reset(); } } p.setFont(st::stickerGroupCategoryAdd.font); p.setPen(buttonSelected ? st::stickerGroupCategoryAdd.textFgOver : st::stickerGroupCategoryAdd.textFg); p.drawTextLeft(button.x() - (st::stickerGroupCategoryAdd.width / 2), button.y() + st::stickerGroupCategoryAdd.textTop, width(), _megagroupSetButtonText, _megagroupSetButtonTextWidth); } void StickersListWidget::ensureLottiePlayer(Set &set) { if (set.lottiePlayer) { return; } set.lottiePlayer = std::make_unique( Lottie::Quality::Default, getLottieRenderer()); const auto raw = set.lottiePlayer.get(); raw->updates( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=] { auto &sets = shownSets(); enumerateSections([&](const SectionInfo &info) { if (sets[info.section].lottiePlayer.get() != raw) { return true; } updateSet(info); return false; }); }, set.lottieLifetime); } void StickersListWidget::setupLottie(Set &set, int section, int index) { auto &sticker = set.stickers[index]; ensureLottiePlayer(set); // Document should be loaded already for the animation to be set up. Assert(sticker.documentMedia != nullptr); sticker.lottie = LottieAnimationFromDocument( set.lottiePlayer.get(), sticker.documentMedia.get(), StickerLottieSize::StickersPanel, boundingBoxSize() * cIntRetinaFactor()); } void StickersListWidget::setupWebm(Set &set, int section, int index) { auto &sticker = set.stickers[index]; // Document should be loaded already for the animation to be set up. Assert(sticker.documentMedia != nullptr); const auto setId = set.id; const auto document = sticker.document; auto callback = [=](Media::Clip::Notification notification) { clipCallback(notification, setId, document, index); }; sticker.webm = Media::Clip::MakeReader( sticker.documentMedia->owner()->location(), sticker.documentMedia->bytes(), std::move(callback)); } void StickersListWidget::clipCallback( Media::Clip::Notification notification, uint64 setId, not_null document, int indexHint) { Expects(indexHint >= 0); auto &sets = shownSets(); enumerateSections([&](const SectionInfo &info) { auto &set = sets[info.section]; if (set.id != setId) { return true; } using namespace Media::Clip; switch (notification) { case Notification::Reinit: { const auto j = (indexHint < set.stickers.size() && set.stickers[indexHint].document == document) ? (begin(set.stickers) + indexHint) : ranges::find(set.stickers, document, &Sticker::document); if (j == end(set.stickers) || !j->webm) { break; } const auto index = j - begin(set.stickers); auto &webm = j->webm; if (webm->state() == State::Error) { webm.setBad(); } else if (webm->ready() && !webm->started()) { const auto size = ComputeStickerSize( j->document, boundingBoxSize()); webm->start({ .frame = size, .keepAlpha = true }); } else if (webm->autoPausedGif() && !itemVisible(info, index)) { webm = nullptr; } } break; case Notification::Repaint: break; } updateSet(info); return false; }); } bool StickersListWidget::itemVisible( const SectionInfo &info, int index) const { const auto visibleTop = getVisibleTop(); const auto visibleBottom = getVisibleBottom(); const auto row = index / _columnCount; const auto top = info.rowsTop + row * _singleSize.height(); const auto bottom = top + _singleSize.height(); return (visibleTop < bottom) && (visibleBottom > top); } void StickersListWidget::updateSets() { if (_repaintSetsIds.empty()) { return; } auto repaint = base::take(_repaintSetsIds); auto &sets = shownSets(); enumerateSections([&](const SectionInfo &info) { if (repaint.contains(sets[info.section].id)) { updateSet(info); } return true; }); } void StickersListWidget::updateSet(const SectionInfo &info) { auto &set = shownSets()[info.section]; const auto now = crl::now(); const auto delay = std::max( _lastScrolledAt + kMinAfterScrollDelay - now, set.lastUpdateTime + kMinRepaintDelay - now); if (delay <= 0) { repaintItems(info, now); } else { _repaintSetsIds.emplace(set.id); if (!_updateSetsTimer.isActive() || _updateSetsTimer.remainingTime() > kMinRepaintDelay) { _updateSetsTimer.callOnce(std::max(delay, kMinRepaintDelay)); } } } void StickersListWidget::repaintItems( const SectionInfo &info, crl::time now) { update( 0, info.rowsTop, width(), info.rowsBottom - info.rowsTop); auto &set = shownSets()[info.section]; set.lastUpdateTime = now; } void StickersListWidget::updateItems() { const auto now = crl::now(); const auto delay = std::max( _lastScrolledAt + kMinAfterScrollDelay - now, _lastFullUpdatedAt + kMinRepaintDelay - now); if (delay <= 0) { repaintItems(now); } else if (!_updateItemsTimer.isActive() || _updateItemsTimer.remainingTime() > kMinRepaintDelay) { _updateItemsTimer.callOnce(std::max(delay, kMinRepaintDelay)); } } void StickersListWidget::repaintItems(crl::time now) { update(); _repaintSetsIds.clear(); if (!now) { now = crl::now(); } _lastFullUpdatedAt = now; for (auto &set : shownSets()) { set.lastUpdateTime = now; } } QSize StickersListWidget::boundingBoxSize() const { return QSize( _singleSize.width() - st::roundRadiusSmall * 2, _singleSize.height() - st::roundRadiusSmall * 2); } void StickersListWidget::paintSticker( Painter &p, Set &set, int y, int section, int index, crl::time now, bool paused, bool selected, bool deleteSelected) { auto &sticker = set.stickers[index]; sticker.ensureMediaCreated(); const auto document = sticker.document; const auto &media = sticker.documentMedia; if (!document->sticker()) { return; } const auto premium = document->isPremiumSticker(); const auto isLottie = document->sticker()->isLottie(); const auto isWebm = document->sticker()->isWebm(); if (isLottie && !sticker.lottie && media->loaded()) { setupLottie(set, section, index); } else if (isWebm && !sticker.webm && media->loaded()) { setupWebm(set, section, index); } int row = (index / _columnCount), col = (index % _columnCount); auto pos = QPoint(stickersLeft() + col * _singleSize.width(), y + row * _singleSize.height()); if (selected) { auto tl = pos; if (rtl()) tl.setX(width() - tl.x() - _singleSize.width()); _overBg.paint(p, QRect(tl, _singleSize)); } media->checkStickerSmall(); const auto size = ComputeStickerSize(document, boundingBoxSize()); const auto ppos = pos + QPoint( (_singleSize.width() - size.width()) / 2, (_singleSize.height() - size.height()) / 2); auto lottieFrame = QImage(); if (sticker.lottie && sticker.lottie->ready()) { auto request = Lottie::FrameRequest(); request.box = boundingBoxSize() * cIntRetinaFactor(); lottieFrame = sticker.lottie->frame(request); p.drawImage( QRect(ppos, lottieFrame.size() / cIntRetinaFactor()), lottieFrame); if (sticker.savedFrame.isNull()) { sticker.savedFrame = lottieFrame; sticker.savedFrame.setDevicePixelRatio(cRetinaFactor()); sticker.savedFrameFor = _singleSize; } set.lottiePlayer->unpause(sticker.lottie); } else if (sticker.webm && sticker.webm->started()) { const auto frame = sticker.webm->current( { .frame = size, .keepAlpha = true }, paused ? 0 : now); if (sticker.savedFrame.isNull()) { sticker.savedFrame = frame; sticker.savedFrame.setDevicePixelRatio(cRetinaFactor()); sticker.savedFrameFor = _singleSize; } p.drawImage(ppos, frame); } else { const auto image = media->getStickerSmall(); const auto useSavedFrame = !sticker.savedFrame.isNull() && (sticker.savedFrameFor == _singleSize); if (useSavedFrame) { p.drawImage(ppos, sticker.savedFrame); if (premium) { lottieFrame = sticker.savedFrame; } } else if (image) { const auto pixmap = image->pixSingle(size, { .outer = size }); p.drawPixmapLeft(ppos, width(), pixmap); if (sticker.savedFrame.isNull()) { sticker.savedFrame = pixmap.toImage().convertToFormat( QImage::Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied); sticker.savedFrameFor = _singleSize; } if (premium) { lottieFrame = pixmap.toImage().convertToFormat( QImage::Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied); } } else { p.setOpacity(1.); PaintStickerThumbnailPath( p, media.get(), QRect(ppos, size), _pathGradient.get()); } } if (selected && stickerHasDeleteButton(set, index)) { auto xPos = pos + QPoint(_singleSize.width() - st::stickerPanDeleteIconBg.width(), 0); p.setOpacity(deleteSelected ? st::stickerPanDeleteOpacityBgOver : st::stickerPanDeleteOpacityBg); st::stickerPanDeleteIconBg.paint(p, xPos, width()); p.setOpacity(deleteSelected ? st::stickerPanDeleteOpacityFgOver : st::stickerPanDeleteOpacityFg); st::stickerPanDeleteIconFg.paint(p, xPos, width()); p.setOpacity(1.); } if (premium) { _premiumMark->paint( p, lottieFrame, sticker.premiumLock, pos, _singleSize, width()); } } int StickersListWidget::stickersRight() const { return stickersLeft() + (_columnCount * _singleSize.width()); } bool StickersListWidget::featuredHasAddButton(int index) const { if (index < 0 || index >= shownSets().size() || !shownSets()[index].externalLayout) { return false; } const auto flags = shownSets()[index].flags; return !SetInMyList(flags); } QRect StickersListWidget::featuredAddRect(int index) const { return featuredAddRect(sectionInfo(index), false); } QRect StickersListWidget::featuredAddRect( const SectionInfo &info, bool installedSet) const { const auto addw = (installedSet ? _installedWidth : _addWidth) - st::stickersTrendingAdd.width; const auto addh = st::stickersTrendingAdd.height; const auto addx = stickersRight() - addw; const auto addy = info.top + st::stickersTrendingAddTop; return QRect(addx, addy, addw, addh); } bool StickersListWidget::hasRemoveButton(int index) const { if (index < 0 || index >= shownSets().size()) { return false; } auto &set = shownSets()[index]; if (set.externalLayout) { return false; } auto flags = set.flags; if (!(flags & SetFlag::Special)) { return true; } if (set.id == Data::Stickers::MegagroupSetId) { Assert(_megagroupSet != nullptr); if (index + 1 != shownSets().size()) { return true; } return !set.stickers.empty() && _megagroupSet->canEditStickers(); } return false; } QRect StickersListWidget::removeButtonRect(int index) const { return removeButtonRect(sectionInfo(index)); } QRect StickersListWidget::removeButtonRect(const SectionInfo &info) const { const auto &removeSt = st().removeSet; auto buttonw = removeSt.width; auto buttonh = removeSt.height; auto buttonx = stickersRight() - buttonw; auto buttony = info.top + (st().header - buttonh) / 2; return QRect(buttonx, buttony, buttonw, buttonh); } void StickersListWidget::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *e) { if (e->button() != Qt::LeftButton) { return; } _lastMousePosition = e->globalPos(); updateSelected(); setPressed(_selected); ClickHandler::pressed(); _previewTimer.callOnce(QApplication::startDragTime()); } void StickersListWidget::setPressed(OverState newPressed) { if (auto button = std::get_if(&_pressed)) { auto &sets = shownSets(); Assert(button->section >= 0 && button->section < sets.size()); auto &set = sets[button->section]; if (set.ripple) { set.ripple->lastStop(); } } else if (std::get_if(&_pressed)) { if (_megagroupSetButtonRipple) { _megagroupSetButtonRipple->lastStop(); } } _pressed = newPressed; if (auto button = std::get_if(&_pressed)) { auto &sets = shownSets(); Assert(button->section >= 0 && button->section < sets.size()); auto &set = sets[button->section]; if (!set.ripple) { set.ripple = createButtonRipple(button->section); } set.ripple->add(mapFromGlobal(QCursor::pos()) - buttonRippleTopLeft(button->section)); } else if (std::get_if(&_pressed)) { if (!_megagroupSetButtonRipple) { auto maskSize = _megagroupSetButtonRect.size(); auto mask = Ui::RippleAnimation::RoundRectMask(maskSize, st::roundRadiusLarge); _megagroupSetButtonRipple = std::make_unique(st::stickerGroupCategoryAdd.ripple, std::move(mask), [this] { rtlupdate(megagroupSetButtonRectFinal()); }); } _megagroupSetButtonRipple->add(mapFromGlobal(QCursor::pos()) - myrtlrect(megagroupSetButtonRectFinal()).topLeft()); } } QRect StickersListWidget::megagroupSetButtonRectFinal() const { auto result = QRect(); if (_section == Section::Stickers) { enumerateSections([this, &result](const SectionInfo &info) { if (shownSets()[info.section].id == Data::Stickers::MegagroupSetId) { result = _megagroupSetButtonRect.translated(0, info.rowsTop); return false; } return true; }); } return result; } std::unique_ptr StickersListWidget::createButtonRipple(int section) { Expects(section >= 0 && section < shownSets().size()); if (shownSets()[section].externalLayout) { auto maskSize = QSize(_addWidth - st::stickersTrendingAdd.width, st::stickersTrendingAdd.height); auto mask = Ui::RippleAnimation::RoundRectMask(maskSize, st::roundRadiusLarge); return std::make_unique( st::stickersTrendingAdd.ripple, std::move(mask), [this, section] { rtlupdate(featuredAddRect(section)); }); } const auto &removeSt = st().removeSet; auto maskSize = QSize(removeSt.rippleAreaSize, removeSt.rippleAreaSize); auto mask = Ui::RippleAnimation::EllipseMask(maskSize); return std::make_unique( removeSt.ripple, std::move(mask), [this, section] { rtlupdate(removeButtonRect(section)); }); } QPoint StickersListWidget::buttonRippleTopLeft(int section) const { Expects(section >= 0 && section < shownSets().size()); if (shownSets()[section].externalLayout) { return myrtlrect(featuredAddRect(section)).topLeft(); } return myrtlrect(removeButtonRect(section)).topLeft() + st().removeSet.rippleAreaPosition; } void StickersListWidget::showStickerSetBox(not_null document) { if (document->sticker() && document->sticker()->set) { checkHideWithBox(Box( _show, document->sticker()->set, document->sticker()->setType)); } } base::unique_qptr StickersListWidget::fillContextMenu( SendMenu::Type type) { auto selected = _selected; auto &sets = shownSets(); if (v::is_null(selected) || !v::is_null(_pressed)) { return nullptr; } const auto sticker = std::get_if(&selected); if (!sticker) { return nullptr; } const auto section = sticker->section; const auto index = sticker->index; Assert(section >= 0 && section < sets.size()); auto &set = sets[section]; Assert(index >= 0 && index < set.stickers.size()); auto menu = base::make_unique_q(this, st().menu); const auto document = set.stickers[sticker->index].document; const auto send = [=](Api::SendOptions options) { _chosen.fire({ .document = document, .options = options, .messageSendingFrom = options.scheduled ? Ui::MessageSendingAnimationFrom() : messageSentAnimationInfo(section, index, document), }); }; const auto icons = &st().icons; SendMenu::FillSendMenu( menu, type, SendMenu::DefaultSilentCallback(send), SendMenu::DefaultScheduleCallback(this, type, send), SendMenu::DefaultWhenOnlineCallback(send), icons); const auto show = _show; const auto toggleFavedSticker = [=] { Api::ToggleFavedSticker( show, document, Data::FileOriginStickerSet(Data::Stickers::FavedSetId, 0)); }; const auto isFaved = document->owner().stickers().isFaved(document); menu->addAction( (isFaved ? tr::lng_faved_stickers_remove : tr::lng_faved_stickers_add)(tr::now), toggleFavedSticker, isFaved ? &icons->menuUnfave : &icons->menuFave); if (_features.openStickerSets) { menu->addAction(tr::lng_context_pack_info(tr::now), [=] { showStickerSetBox(document); }, &icons->menuStickerSet); } if (const auto id = set.id; id == Data::Stickers::RecentSetId) { menu->addAction(tr::lng_recent_stickers_remove(tr::now), [=] { Api::ToggleRecentSticker( document, Data::FileOriginStickerSet(id, 0), false); }, &icons->menuRecentRemove); } return menu; } Ui::MessageSendingAnimationFrom StickersListWidget::messageSentAnimationInfo( int section, int index, not_null document) { const auto rect = stickerRect(section, index); const auto size = ComputeStickerSize(document, boundingBoxSize()); const auto innerPos = QPoint( (rect.width() - size.width()) / 2, (rect.height() - size.height()) / 2); return { .type = Ui::MessageSendingAnimationFrom::Type::Sticker, .localId = session().data().nextLocalMessageId(), .globalStartGeometry = mapToGlobal( QRect(rect.topLeft() + innerPos, size)), }; } void StickersListWidget::mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *e) { _previewTimer.cancel(); auto pressed = _pressed; setPressed(v::null); if (pressed != _selected) { repaintItems(); } auto activated = ClickHandler::unpressed(); if (_previewShown) { _previewShown = false; return; } _lastMousePosition = e->globalPos(); updateSelected(); auto &sets = shownSets(); if (!v::is_null(pressed) && pressed == _selected) { if (auto sticker = std::get_if(&pressed)) { Assert(sticker->section >= 0 && sticker->section < sets.size()); auto &set = sets[sticker->section]; Assert(sticker->index >= 0 && sticker->index < set.stickers.size()); if (stickerHasDeleteButton(set, sticker->index) && sticker->overDelete) { if (set.id == Data::Stickers::RecentSetId) { removeRecentSticker(sticker->section, sticker->index); } else if (set.id == Data::Stickers::FavedSetId) { removeFavedSticker(sticker->section, sticker->index); } else { Unexpected("Single sticker delete click."); } return; } const auto document = set.stickers[sticker->index].document; if (_features.openStickerSets && (e->modifiers() & Qt::ControlModifier)) { showStickerSetBox(document); } else { _chosen.fire({ .document = document, .messageSendingFrom = messageSentAnimationInfo( sticker->section, sticker->index, document), }); } } else if (auto set = std::get_if(&pressed)) { Assert(set->section >= 0 && set->section < sets.size()); displaySet(sets[set->section].id); } else if (auto button = std::get_if(&pressed)) { Assert(button->section >= 0 && button->section < sets.size()); if (sets[button->section].externalLayout) { _localSetsManager->install(sets[button->section].id); update(); } else { removeSet(sets[button->section].id); } } else if (std::get_if(&pressed)) { _show->showBox(Box(_show, _megagroupSet)); } } } void StickersListWidget::removeRecentSticker(int section, int index) { if ((_section != Section::Stickers) || (section >= int(_mySets.size())) || (_mySets[section].id != Data::Stickers::RecentSetId)) { return; } clearSelection(); bool refresh = false; const auto &sticker = _mySets[section].stickers[index]; const auto document = sticker.document; auto &recent = session().data().stickers().getRecentPack(); for (int32 i = 0, l = recent.size(); i < l; ++i) { if (recent.at(i).first == document) { recent.removeAt(i); session().saveSettings(); refresh = true; break; } } auto &sets = session().data().stickers().setsRef(); auto it = sets.find(Data::Stickers::CustomSetId); if (it != sets.cend()) { const auto set = it->second.get(); for (int i = 0, l = set->stickers.size(); i < l; ++i) { if (set->stickers.at(i) == document) { set->stickers.removeAt(i); if (set->stickers.isEmpty()) { sets.erase(it); } session().local().writeInstalledStickers(); refresh = true; break; } } } if (refresh) { refreshRecentStickers(); updateSelected(); repaintItems(); } } void StickersListWidget::removeFavedSticker(int section, int index) { if ((_section != Section::Stickers) || (section >= int(_mySets.size())) || (_mySets[section].id != Data::Stickers::FavedSetId)) { return; } clearSelection(); const auto &sticker = _mySets[section].stickers[index]; const auto document = sticker.document; session().data().stickers().setFaved(_show, document, false); Api::ToggleFavedSticker( _show, document, Data::FileOriginStickerSet(Data::Stickers::FavedSetId, 0), false); } void StickersListWidget::setColumnCount(int count) { Expects(count > 0); if (_columnCount != count) { _columnCount = count; refreshFooterIcons(); } } void StickersListWidget::mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *e) { _lastMousePosition = e->globalPos(); updateSelected(); } void StickersListWidget::resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *e) { _settings->moveToLeft( (width() - _settings->width()) / 2, height() / 3); if (!_megagroupSetAbout.isEmpty()) { refreshMegagroupSetGeometry(); } } void StickersListWidget::leaveEventHook(QEvent *e) { clearSelection(); } void StickersListWidget::leaveToChildEvent(QEvent *e, QWidget *child) { clearSelection(); } void StickersListWidget::enterFromChildEvent(QEvent *e, QWidget *child) { _lastMousePosition = QCursor::pos(); updateSelected(); } void StickersListWidget::clearSelection() { setPressed(v::null); setSelected(v::null); repaintItems(); } TabbedSelector::InnerFooter *StickersListWidget::getFooter() const { return _footer; } void StickersListWidget::processHideFinished() { _choosingUpdated.fire(TabbedSelector::Action::Cancel); clearSelection(); clearHeavyData(); if (_footer) { _footer->clearHeavyData(); } } void StickersListWidget::processPanelHideFinished() { if (_localSetsManager->clearInstalledLocally()) { refreshStickers(); } clearHeavyData(); if (_footer) { _footer->clearHeavyData(); } } void StickersListWidget::setSection(Section section) { if (_section == section) { return; } clearHeavyData(); _section = section; } void StickersListWidget::clearHeavyData() { for (auto &set : shownSets()) { clearHeavyIn(set, false); } } void StickersListWidget::refreshStickers() { clearSelection(); refreshMySets(); refreshFeaturedSets(); refreshSearchSets(); resizeToWidth(width()); if (_footer) { refreshFooterIcons(); } refreshSettingsVisibility(); _lastMousePosition = QCursor::pos(); updateSelected(); repaintItems(); visibleTopBottomUpdated(getVisibleTop(), getVisibleBottom()); } void StickersListWidget::refreshMySets() { auto wasSets = base::take(_mySets); _favedStickersMap.clear(); _mySets.reserve(defaultSetsOrder().size() + 3); refreshFavedStickers(); refreshRecentStickers(false); refreshMegagroupStickers(GroupStickersPlace::Visible); for (const auto setId : defaultSetsOrder()) { const auto externalLayout = false; appendSet(_mySets, setId, externalLayout, AppendSkip::Archived); } refreshMegagroupStickers(GroupStickersPlace::Hidden); takeHeavyData(_mySets, wasSets); } void StickersListWidget::refreshFeaturedSets() { auto wasFeaturedSetsCount = base::take(_featuredSetsCount); auto wereOfficial = base::take(_officialSets); _officialSets.reserve( session().data().stickers().featuredSetsOrder().size() + wereOfficial.size() - wasFeaturedSetsCount); for (const auto setId : session().data().stickers().featuredSetsOrder()) { const auto externalLayout = true; appendSet(_officialSets, setId, externalLayout, AppendSkip::Installed); } _featuredSetsCount = _officialSets.size(); if (wereOfficial.size() > wasFeaturedSetsCount) { const auto &sets = session().data().stickers().sets(); const auto from = begin(wereOfficial) + wasFeaturedSetsCount; const auto till = end(wereOfficial); for (auto i = from; i != till; ++i) { auto &set = *i; auto it = sets.find(set.id); if (it == sets.cend() || ((it->second->flags & SetFlag::Installed) && !(it->second->flags & SetFlag::Archived) && !_localSetsManager->isInstalledLocally(set.id))) { continue; } set.flags = it->second->flags; _officialSets.push_back(std::move(set)); } } } void StickersListWidget::refreshSearchSets() { refreshSearchIndex(); const auto &sets = session().data().stickers().sets(); const auto skipPremium = !session().premiumPossible(); for (auto &entry : _searchSets) { if (const auto it = sets.find(entry.id); it != sets.end()) { const auto set = it->second.get(); entry.flags = set->flags; auto elements = PrepareStickers(set->stickers, skipPremium); if (!elements.empty()) { entry.lottiePlayer = nullptr; entry.stickers = std::move(elements); } if (!SetInMyList(entry.flags)) { _localSetsManager->removeInstalledLocally(entry.id); entry.externalLayout = true; } } } } void StickersListWidget::refreshSearchIndex() { _searchIndex.clear(); for (const auto &set : _mySets) { if (set.flags & SetFlag::Special) { continue; } const auto string = set.title + ' ' + set.shortName; const auto list = TextUtilities::PrepareSearchWords(string); _searchIndex.emplace_back(set.id, list); } } void StickersListWidget::refreshSettingsVisibility() { const auto visible = (_section == Section::Stickers) && _mySets.empty() && !_isMasks; _settings->setVisible(visible); } void StickersListWidget::refreshFooterIcons() { refreshIcons(ValidateIconAnimations::None); } void StickersListWidget::preloadImages() { if (_footer) { _footer->preloadImages(); } } uint64 StickersListWidget::currentSet(int yOffset) const { if (_section == Section::Featured) { return Data::Stickers::FeaturedSetId; } const auto &sets = shownSets(); return sets.empty() ? Data::Stickers::RecentSetId : sets[sectionInfoByOffset(yOffset).section].id; } bool StickersListWidget::appendSet( std::vector &to, uint64 setId, bool externalLayout, AppendSkip skip) { const auto &sets = session().data().stickers().sets(); auto it = sets.find(setId); if (it == sets.cend() || (!externalLayout && it->second->stickers.isEmpty())) { return false; } const auto set = it->second.get(); if ((skip == AppendSkip::Archived) && (set->flags & SetFlag::Archived)) { return false; } if ((skip == AppendSkip::Installed) && (set->flags & SetFlag::Installed) && !(set->flags & SetFlag::Archived)) { if (!_localSetsManager->isInstalledLocally(setId)) { return false; } } const auto skipPremium = !session().premiumPossible(); auto elements = PrepareStickers( ((set->stickers.empty() && externalLayout) ? set->covers : set->stickers), skipPremium); if (elements.empty()) { return false; } to.emplace_back( set->id, set, set->flags, set->title, set->shortName, set->count, externalLayout, std::move(elements)); to.back().thumbnailDocument = set->lookupThumbnailDocument(); return true; } void StickersListWidget::refreshRecent() { if (_section == Section::Stickers) { refreshRecentStickers(); } } auto StickersListWidget::collectRecentStickers() -> std::vector { _custom.clear(); auto result = std::vector(); const auto &sets = session().data().stickers().sets(); const auto &recent = _isMasks ? RecentStickerPack() : session().data().stickers().getRecentPack(); const auto customIt = _isMasks ? sets.cend() : sets.find(Data::Stickers::CustomSetId); const auto cloudIt = sets.find(_isMasks ? Data::Stickers::CloudRecentAttachedSetId : Data::Stickers::CloudRecentSetId); const auto customCount = (customIt != sets.cend()) ? customIt->second->stickers.size() : 0; const auto cloudCount = (cloudIt != sets.cend()) ? cloudIt->second->stickers.size() : 0; result.reserve(cloudCount + recent.size() + customCount); _custom.reserve(cloudCount + recent.size() + customCount); auto add = [&](not_null document, bool custom) { if (result.size() >= kRecentDisplayLimit) { return; } const auto i = ranges::find(result, document, &Sticker::document); if (i != end(result)) { const auto index = (i - begin(result)); if (index >= cloudCount && custom) { // Mark stickers from local recent as custom. _custom[index] = true; } } else if (!_favedStickersMap.contains(document)) { result.push_back(Sticker{ document }); _custom.push_back(custom); } }; if (cloudCount > 0) { for (const auto document : std::as_const(cloudIt->second->stickers)) { add(document, false); } } for (const auto &recentSticker : recent) { add(recentSticker.first, false); } if (customCount > 0) { for (const auto document : std::as_const(customIt->second->stickers)) { add(document, true); } } return result; } void StickersListWidget::refreshRecentStickers(bool performResize) { clearSelection(); auto recentPack = collectRecentStickers(); auto recentIt = std::find_if(_mySets.begin(), _mySets.end(), [](auto &set) { return set.id == Data::Stickers::RecentSetId; }); if (!recentPack.empty()) { const auto shortName = QString(); const auto externalLayout = false; auto set = Set( Data::Stickers::RecentSetId, nullptr, (SetFlag::Official | SetFlag::Special), tr::lng_recent_stickers(tr::now), shortName, recentPack.size(), externalLayout, std::move(recentPack)); if (recentIt == _mySets.end()) { const auto where = (_mySets.empty() || _mySets.begin()->id != Data::Stickers::FavedSetId) ? _mySets.begin() : (_mySets.begin() + 1); _mySets.insert(where, std::move(set)); } else { std::swap(*recentIt, set); takeHeavyData(*recentIt, set); } } else if (recentIt != _mySets.end()) { _mySets.erase(recentIt); } if (performResize && (_section == Section::Stickers || _section == Section::Featured)) { resizeToWidth(width()); updateSelected(); } } void StickersListWidget::refreshFavedStickers() { if (_isMasks) { return; } clearSelection(); const auto &sets = session().data().stickers().sets(); const auto it = sets.find(Data::Stickers::FavedSetId); if (it == sets.cend()) { return; } const auto skipPremium = !session().premiumPossible(); const auto set = it->second.get(); const auto externalLayout = false; const auto shortName = QString(); auto elements = PrepareStickers(set->stickers, skipPremium); if (elements.empty()) { return; } _mySets.insert(_mySets.begin(), Set{ Data::Stickers::FavedSetId, nullptr, (SetFlag::Official | SetFlag::Special), Lang::Hard::FavedSetTitle(), shortName, set->count, externalLayout, std::move(elements) }); _favedStickersMap = base::flat_set> { set->stickers.begin(), set->stickers.end() }; } void StickersListWidget::refreshMegagroupStickers(GroupStickersPlace place) { if (!_features.megagroupSet || !_megagroupSet || _isMasks) { return; } auto canEdit = _megagroupSet->canEditStickers(); auto isShownHere = [place](bool hidden) { return (hidden == (place == GroupStickersPlace::Hidden)); }; if (!_megagroupSet->mgInfo->stickerSet) { if (canEdit) { auto hidden = session().settings().isGroupStickersSectionHidden( _megagroupSet->id); if (isShownHere(hidden)) { const auto shortName = QString(); const auto externalLayout = false; const auto count = 0; _mySets.emplace_back( Data::Stickers::MegagroupSetId, nullptr, SetFlag::Special, tr::lng_group_stickers(tr::now), shortName, count, externalLayout); } } return; } auto hidden = session().settings().isGroupStickersSectionHidden(_megagroupSet->id); auto removeHiddenForGroup = [this, &hidden] { if (hidden) { session().settings().removeGroupStickersSectionHidden(_megagroupSet->id); session().saveSettings(); hidden = false; } }; if (canEdit && hidden) { removeHiddenForGroup(); } const auto &set = _megagroupSet->mgInfo->stickerSet; if (!set.id) { return; } const auto &sets = session().data().stickers().sets(); const auto it = sets.find(set.id); if (it != sets.cend()) { const auto set = it->second.get(); auto isInstalled = (set->flags & SetFlag::Installed) && !(set->flags & SetFlag::Archived); if (isInstalled && !canEdit) { removeHiddenForGroup(); } else if (isShownHere(hidden)) { const auto shortName = QString(); const auto externalLayout = false; const auto skipPremium = !session().premiumPossible(); auto elements = PrepareStickers(set->stickers, skipPremium); if (!elements.empty()) { _mySets.emplace_back( Data::Stickers::MegagroupSetId, set, SetFlag::Special, tr::lng_group_stickers(tr::now), shortName, set->count, externalLayout, std::move(elements)); } } return; } else if (!isShownHere(hidden) || _megagroupSetIdRequested == set.id) { return; } _megagroupSetIdRequested = set.id; _api.request(MTPmessages_GetStickerSet( Data::InputStickerSet(set), MTP_int(0) // hash )).done([=](const MTPmessages_StickerSet &result) { result.match([&](const MTPDmessages_stickerSet &data) { if (const auto set = session().data().stickers().feedSetFull(data)) { refreshStickers(); if (set->id == _megagroupSetIdRequested) { _megagroupSetIdRequested = 0; } else { LOG(("API Error: Got different set.")); } } }, [](const MTPDmessages_stickerSetNotModified &) { LOG(("API Error: Unexpected messages.stickerSetNotModified.")); }); }).send(); } std::vector StickersListWidget::fillIcons() { auto result = std::vector(); result.reserve(_mySets.size() + 1); auto i = 0; if (i != _mySets.size() && _mySets[i].id == Data::Stickers::FavedSetId) { ++i; result.emplace_back(Data::Stickers::FavedSetId); } if (i != _mySets.size() && _mySets[i].id == Data::Stickers::RecentSetId) { ++i; if (result.empty() || result.back().setId != Data::Stickers::FavedSetId) { result.emplace_back(Data::Stickers::RecentSetId); } } const auto side = StickersListFooter::IconFrameSize(); for (auto l = _mySets.size(); i != l; ++i) { if (_mySets[i].id == Data::Stickers::MegagroupSetId) { result.emplace_back(Data::Stickers::MegagroupSetId); result.back().megagroup = _megagroupSet; continue; } const auto set = _mySets[i].set; Assert(set != nullptr); const auto s = _mySets[i].thumbnailDocument; const auto size = set->hasThumbnail() ? QSize( set->thumbnailLocation().width(), set->thumbnailLocation().height()) : s->hasThumbnail() ? QSize( s->thumbnailLocation().width(), s->thumbnailLocation().height()) : QSize(); const auto pix = size.scaled(side, side, Qt::KeepAspectRatio); result.emplace_back(set, s, pix.width(), pix.height()); } return result; } void StickersListWidget::updateSelected() { if (!v::is_null(_pressed) && !_previewShown) { return; } auto newSelected = OverState { v::null }; auto p = mapFromGlobal(_lastMousePosition); if (!rect().contains(p) || p.y() < getVisibleTop() || p.y() >= getVisibleBottom() || !isVisible()) { clearSelection(); return; } auto &sets = shownSets(); auto sx = (rtl() ? width() - p.x() : p.x()) - stickersLeft(); if (!shownSets().empty()) { auto info = sectionInfoByOffset(p.y()); auto section = info.section; if (p.y() >= info.top && p.y() < info.rowsTop) { if (hasRemoveButton(section) && myrtlrect(removeButtonRect(info)).contains(p.x(), p.y())) { newSelected = OverButton{ section }; } else if (featuredHasAddButton(section) && myrtlrect(featuredAddRect(info, false)).contains(p.x(), p.y())) { newSelected = OverButton{ section }; } else if (_features.openStickerSets && !(sets[section].flags & SetFlag::Special)) { newSelected = OverSet{ section }; } else if ((sets[section].id == Data::Stickers::MegagroupSetId) && (_megagroupSet->canEditStickers() || !sets[section].stickers.empty())) { newSelected = OverSet{ section }; } } else if (p.y() >= info.rowsTop && p.y() < info.rowsBottom && sx >= 0) { auto yOffset = p.y() - info.rowsTop; auto &set = sets[section]; if (set.id == Data::Stickers::MegagroupSetId && set.stickers.empty()) { if (_megagroupSetButtonRect.contains(stickersLeft() + sx, yOffset)) { newSelected = OverGroupAdd{}; } } else { auto rowIndex = qFloor(yOffset / _singleSize.height()); auto columnIndex = qFloor(sx / _singleSize.width()); auto index = rowIndex * _columnCount + columnIndex; if (index >= 0 && index < set.stickers.size()) { auto overDelete = false; if (stickerHasDeleteButton(set, index)) { auto inx = sx - (columnIndex * _singleSize.width()); auto iny = yOffset - (rowIndex * _singleSize.height()); if (inx >= _singleSize.width() - st::stickerPanDeleteIconBg.width() && iny < st::stickerPanDeleteIconBg.height()) { overDelete = true; } } newSelected = OverSticker { section, index, overDelete }; } } } } setSelected(newSelected); } bool StickersListWidget::setHasTitle(const Set &set) const { if (set.id == Data::Stickers::FavedSetId || set.id == SearchEmojiSectionSetId()) { return false; } else if (set.id == Data::Stickers::RecentSetId) { return !_mySets.empty() && (_isMasks || (_mySets[0].id == Data::Stickers::FavedSetId)); } return true; } bool StickersListWidget::stickerHasDeleteButton(const Set &set, int index) const { if (set.id == Data::Stickers::RecentSetId) { Assert(index >= 0 && index < _custom.size()); return _custom[index]; } return (set.id == Data::Stickers::FavedSetId); } void StickersListWidget::setSelected(OverState newSelected) { if (_selected != newSelected) { setCursor(!v::is_null(newSelected) ? style::cur_pointer : style::cur_default); auto &sets = shownSets(); auto updateSelected = [&]() { if (auto sticker = std::get_if(&_selected)) { rtlupdate(stickerRect(sticker->section, sticker->index)); } else if (auto button = std::get_if(&_selected)) { if (button->section >= 0 && button->section < sets.size() && sets[button->section].externalLayout) { rtlupdate(featuredAddRect(button->section)); } else { rtlupdate(removeButtonRect(button->section)); } } else if (std::get_if(&_selected)) { rtlupdate(megagroupSetButtonRectFinal()); } }; updateSelected(); _selected = newSelected; updateSelected(); if (_previewShown && _pressed != _selected) { if (const auto sticker = std::get_if(&_selected)) { _pressed = _selected; Assert(sticker->section >= 0 && sticker->section < sets.size()); const auto &set = sets[sticker->section]; Assert(sticker->index >= 0 && sticker->index < set.stickers.size()); const auto document = set.stickers[sticker->index].document; _show->showMediaPreview(document->stickerSetOrigin(), document); } } } } void StickersListWidget::showPreview() { if (const auto sticker = std::get_if(&_pressed)) { const auto &sets = shownSets(); Assert(sticker->section >= 0 && sticker->section < sets.size()); const auto &set = sets[sticker->section]; Assert(sticker->index >= 0 && sticker->index < set.stickers.size()); const auto document = set.stickers[sticker->index].document; _show->showMediaPreview(document->stickerSetOrigin(), document); _previewShown = true; } } auto StickersListWidget::getLottieRenderer() -> std::shared_ptr { if (auto result = _lottieRenderer.lock()) { return result; } auto result = Lottie::MakeFrameRenderer(); _lottieRenderer = result; return result; } void StickersListWidget::showStickerSet(uint64 setId) { if (_showingSetById) { return; } _showingSetById = true; const auto guard = gsl::finally([&] { _showingSetById = false; }); clearSelection(); if (_search && (!_searchQuery.isEmpty() || !_searchNextQuery.isEmpty())) { _search->cancel(); cancelSetsSearch(); } if (setId == Data::Stickers::FeaturedSetId) { if (_section != Section::Featured) { setSection(Section::Featured); refreshRecentStickers(true); refreshSettingsVisibility(); refreshIcons(ValidateIconAnimations::Scroll); repaintItems(); } scrollTo(0); _scrollUpdated.fire({}); return; } auto needRefresh = (_section != Section::Stickers); if (needRefresh) { setSection(Section::Stickers); refreshRecentStickers(true); refreshSettingsVisibility(); } auto y = 0; enumerateSections([this, setId, &y](const SectionInfo &info) { if (shownSets()[info.section].id == setId) { y = info.section ? info.top : 0; return false; } return true; }); scrollTo(y); _scrollUpdated.fire({}); if (needRefresh) { refreshIcons(ValidateIconAnimations::Scroll); } _lastMousePosition = QCursor::pos(); repaintItems(); } void StickersListWidget::refreshIcons(ValidateIconAnimations animations) { if (_footer) { _footer->refreshIcons( fillIcons(), currentSet(getVisibleTop()), [=] { return getLottieRenderer(); }, animations); } } void StickersListWidget::refreshMegagroupSetGeometry() { auto left = megagroupSetInfoLeft(); auto availableWidth = (width() - left); auto top = _megagroupSetAbout.countHeight(availableWidth) + st::stickerGroupCategoryAddMargin.top(); _megagroupSetButtonTextWidth = st::stickerGroupCategoryAdd.font->width(_megagroupSetButtonText); auto buttonWidth = _megagroupSetButtonTextWidth - st::stickerGroupCategoryAdd.width; _megagroupSetButtonRect = QRect(left, top, buttonWidth, st::stickerGroupCategoryAdd.height); } void StickersListWidget::showMegagroupSet(ChannelData *megagroup) { Expects(!megagroup || megagroup->isMegagroup()); if (_megagroupSet != megagroup) { _megagroupSet = megagroup; if (_megagroupSetAbout.isEmpty()) { _megagroupSetAbout.setText( st::stickerGroupCategoryAbout, tr::lng_group_stickers_description(tr::now)); _megagroupSetButtonText = tr::lng_group_stickers_add(tr::now); refreshMegagroupSetGeometry(); } _megagroupSetButtonRipple.reset(); refreshStickers(); } } void StickersListWidget::afterShown() { if (_search) { _search->stealFocus(); } } void StickersListWidget::beforeHiding() { if (_search) { _search->returnFocus(); } } void StickersListWidget::setupSearch() { const auto session = &_show->session(); _search = MakeSearch(this, st(), [=](std::vector &&query) { auto set = base::flat_set(); auto text = ranges::accumulate(query, QString(), []( QString a, QString b) { return a.isEmpty() ? b : (a + ' ' + b); }); searchForSets(std::move(text), SearchEmoji(query, set)); }, session, false, (_mode == Mode::UserpicBuilder)); } void StickersListWidget::displaySet(uint64 setId) { if (setId == Data::Stickers::MegagroupSetId) { if (_megagroupSet->canEditStickers()) { checkHideWithBox(Box(_show, _megagroupSet)); return; } else if (_megagroupSet->mgInfo->stickerSet.id) { setId = _megagroupSet->mgInfo->stickerSet.id; } else { return; } } const auto &sets = session().data().stickers().sets(); auto it = sets.find(setId); if (it != sets.cend()) { checkHideWithBox(Box(_show, it->second.get())); } } void StickersListWidget::removeMegagroupSet(bool locally) { if (locally) { session().settings().setGroupStickersSectionHidden(_megagroupSet->id); session().saveSettings(); refreshStickers(); return; } checkHideWithBox(Ui::MakeConfirmBox({ .text = tr::lng_stickers_remove_group_set(), .confirmed = crl::guard(this, [this, group = _megagroupSet]( Fn &&close) { Expects(group->mgInfo != nullptr); if (group->mgInfo->stickerSet) { session().api().setGroupStickerSet(group, {}); } close(); }), .cancelled = [](Fn &&close) { close(); }, .labelStyle = &st().boxLabel, })); } void StickersListWidget::removeSet(uint64 setId) { const auto &st = this->st().boxLabel; if (setId == Data::Stickers::MegagroupSetId) { const auto &sets = shownSets(); const auto i = ranges::find(sets, setId, &Set::id); Assert(i != end(sets)); const auto removeLocally = i->stickers.empty() || !_megagroupSet->canEditStickers(); removeMegagroupSet(removeLocally); } else if (auto box = MakeConfirmRemoveSetBox(&session(), st, setId)) { checkHideWithBox(std::move(box)); } } const Data::StickersSetsOrder &StickersListWidget::defaultSetsOrder() const { return _isMasks ? session().data().stickers().maskSetsOrder() : session().data().stickers().setsOrder(); } Data::StickersSetsOrder &StickersListWidget::defaultSetsOrderRef() { return _isMasks ? session().data().stickers().maskSetsOrderRef() : session().data().stickers().setsOrderRef(); } bool StickersListWidget::mySetsEmpty() const { return _mySets.empty(); } StickersListWidget::~StickersListWidget() = default; object_ptr MakeConfirmRemoveSetBox( not_null session, const style::FlatLabel &st, uint64 setId) { const auto &sets = session->data().stickers().sets(); const auto it = sets.find(setId); if (it == sets.cend()) { return nullptr; } const auto set = it->second.get(); const auto text = tr::lng_stickers_remove_pack( tr::now, lt_sticker_pack, set->title); return Ui::MakeConfirmBox({ .text = text, .confirmed = [=](Fn &&close) { close(); const auto &sets = session->data().stickers().sets(); const auto it = sets.find(setId); if (it != sets.cend()) { const auto set = it->second.get(); if (set->id && set->accessHash) { session->api().request(MTPmessages_UninstallStickerSet( MTP_inputStickerSetID( MTP_long(set->id), MTP_long(set->accessHash))) ).send(); } else if (!set->shortName.isEmpty()) { session->api().request(MTPmessages_UninstallStickerSet( MTP_inputStickerSetShortName( MTP_string(set->shortName))) ).send(); } auto writeRecent = false; auto &recent = session->data().stickers().getRecentPack(); for (auto i = recent.begin(); i != recent.cend();) { if (set->stickers.indexOf(i->first) >= 0) { i = recent.erase(i); writeRecent = true; } else { ++i; } } set->flags &= ~SetFlag::Installed; set->installDate = TimeId(0); auto &orderRef = (set->type() == Data::StickersType::Emoji) ? session->data().stickers().emojiSetsOrderRef() : (set->type() == Data::StickersType::Masks) ? session->data().stickers().maskSetsOrderRef() : session->data().stickers().setsOrderRef(); const auto removeIndex = orderRef.indexOf(setId); if (removeIndex >= 0) { orderRef.removeAt(removeIndex); } if (set->type() == Data::StickersType::Emoji) { session->local().writeInstalledCustomEmoji(); } else if (set->type() == Data::StickersType::Masks) { session->local().writeInstalledMasks(); } else { session->local().writeInstalledStickers(); } if (writeRecent) { session->saveSettings(); } session->data().stickers().notifyUpdated(set->type()); } }, .confirmText = tr::lng_stickers_remove_pack_confirm(), .labelStyle = &st, }); } } // namespace ChatHelpers