/* This file is part of Telegram Desktop, the official desktop application for the Telegram messaging service. For license and copyright information please follow this link: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LEGAL */ #include "platform/linux/specific_linux.h" #include "base/random.h" #include "base/platform/base_platform_info.h" #include "platform/linux/linux_desktop_environment.h" #include "platform/linux/linux_wayland_integration.h" #include "lang/lang_keys.h" #include "mainwindow.h" #include "storage/localstorage.h" #include "core/sandbox.h" #include "core/application.h" #include "core/core_settings.h" #include "core/update_checker.h" #include "window/window_controller.h" #include "webview/platform/linux/webview_linux_webkit2gtk.h" #ifndef DESKTOP_APP_DISABLE_DBUS_INTEGRATION #include "base/platform/linux/base_linux_glibmm_helper.h" #include "base/platform/linux/base_linux_dbus_utilities.h" #include "base/platform/linux/base_linux_xdp_utilities.h" #endif // !DESKTOP_APP_DISABLE_DBUS_INTEGRATION #ifndef DESKTOP_APP_DISABLE_X11_INTEGRATION #include "base/platform/linux/base_linux_xcb_utilities.h" #endif // !DESKTOP_APP_DISABLE_X11_INTEGRATION #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifndef DESKTOP_APP_DISABLE_DBUS_INTEGRATION #include #include #endif // !DESKTOP_APP_DISABLE_DBUS_INTEGRATION #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace Platform; using Platform::internal::WaylandIntegration; namespace Platform { namespace { constexpr auto kDesktopFile = ":/misc/telegramdesktop.desktop"_cs; #ifndef DESKTOP_APP_DISABLE_DBUS_INTEGRATION void PortalAutostart(bool start, bool silent) { if (cExeName().isEmpty()) { return; } try { const auto connection = Gio::DBus::Connection::get_sync( Gio::DBus::BusType::BUS_TYPE_SESSION); const auto parentWindowId = [&]() -> Glib::ustring { const auto activeWindow = Core::App().activeWindow(); if (!activeWindow) { return {}; } return base::Platform::XDP::ParentWindowID( activeWindow->widget()->windowHandle()); }(); const auto handleToken = Glib::ustring("tdesktop") + std::to_string(base::RandomValue()); std::map options; options["handle_token"] = Glib::Variant::create( handleToken); options["reason"] = Glib::Variant::create( tr::lng_settings_auto_start(tr::now).toStdString()); options["autostart"] = Glib::Variant::create(start); options["commandline"] = Glib::Variant>::create({ cExeName().toStdString(), "-workdir", cWorkingDir().toStdString(), "-autostart", }); options["dbus-activatable"] = Glib::Variant::create(false); auto uniqueName = connection->get_unique_name(); uniqueName.erase(0, 1); uniqueName.replace(uniqueName.find('.'), 1, 1, '_'); const auto requestPath = Glib::ustring( "/org/freedesktop/portal/desktop/request/") + uniqueName + '/' + handleToken; const auto loop = Glib::MainLoop::create(); const auto signalId = connection->signal_subscribe( [&]( const Glib::RefPtr &connection, const Glib::ustring &sender_name, const Glib::ustring &object_path, const Glib::ustring &interface_name, const Glib::ustring &signal_name, Glib::VariantContainerBase parameters) { try { const auto response = base::Platform::GlibVariantCast< uint>(parameters.get_child(0)); if (response && !silent) { LOG(("Portal Autostart Error: Request denied")); } } catch (const std::exception &e) { if (!silent) { LOG(("Portal Autostart Error: %1").arg( QString::fromStdString(e.what()))); } } loop->quit(); }, std::string(base::Platform::XDP::kService), "org.freedesktop.portal.Request", "Response", requestPath); const auto signalGuard = gsl::finally([&] { if (signalId != 0) { connection->signal_unsubscribe(signalId); } }); connection->call_sync( std::string(base::Platform::XDP::kObjectPath), "org.freedesktop.portal.Background", "RequestBackground", base::Platform::MakeGlibVariant(std::tuple{ parentWindowId, options, }), std::string(base::Platform::XDP::kService)); if (signalId != 0) { QWidget window; window.setAttribute(Qt::WA_DontShowOnScreen); window.setWindowModality(Qt::ApplicationModal); window.show(); loop->run(); } } catch (const Glib::Error &e) { if (!silent) { LOG(("Portal Autostart Error: %1").arg( QString::fromStdString(e.what()))); } } } #endif // !DESKTOP_APP_DISABLE_DBUS_INTEGRATION bool GenerateDesktopFile( const QString &targetPath, const QString &args, bool silent = false) { if (targetPath.isEmpty() || cExeName().isEmpty()) { return false; } DEBUG_LOG(("App Info: placing .desktop file to %1").arg(targetPath)); if (!QDir(targetPath).exists()) QDir().mkpath(targetPath); const auto sourceFile = kDesktopFile.utf16(); const auto targetFile = targetPath + QGuiApplication::desktopFileName(); QString fileText; QFile source(sourceFile); if (source.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) { QTextStream s(&source); fileText = s.readAll(); source.close(); } else { if (!silent) { LOG(("App Error: Could not open '%1' for read").arg(sourceFile)); } return false; } QFile target(targetFile); if (target.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly)) { fileText = fileText.replace( QRegularExpression( qsl("^TryExec=.*$"), QRegularExpression::MultilineOption), qsl("TryExec=%1").arg( QString(cExeDir() + cExeName()).replace('\\', "\\\\"))); fileText = fileText.replace( QRegularExpression( qsl("^Exec=telegram-desktop(.*)$"), QRegularExpression::MultilineOption), qsl("Exec=%1\\1").arg( KShell::joinArgs({ cExeDir() + cExeName(), "-workdir", cWorkingDir(), }).replace('\\', "\\\\"))); fileText = fileText.replace( QRegularExpression( qsl("^Exec=(.*) -- %u$"), QRegularExpression::MultilineOption), qsl("Exec=\\1%1").arg( args.isEmpty() ? QString() : ' ' + args)); target.write(fileText.toUtf8()); target.close(); if (!Core::UpdaterDisabled()) { DEBUG_LOG(("App Info: removing old .desktop files")); QFile::remove(qsl("%1telegram.desktop").arg(targetPath)); QFile::remove(qsl("%1telegramdesktop.desktop").arg(targetPath)); } return true; } else { if (!silent) { LOG(("App Error: Could not open '%1' for write").arg(targetFile)); } return false; } } QString AppRuntimeDirectory() { static const auto Result = [&] { auto runtimeDir = QStandardPaths::writableLocation( QStandardPaths::RuntimeLocation); if (KSandbox::isFlatpak()) { runtimeDir += qsl("/app/") + base::FlatpakID(); } if (!QFileInfo::exists(runtimeDir)) { // non-systemd distros runtimeDir = QDir::tempPath(); } if (!runtimeDir.endsWith('/')) { runtimeDir += '/'; } return runtimeDir; }(); return Result; } } // namespace void SetApplicationIcon(const QIcon &icon) { QApplication::setWindowIcon(icon); } QString SingleInstanceLocalServerName(const QString &hash) { const auto idealSocketPath = AppRuntimeDirectory() + hash + '-' + cGUIDStr(); if ((idealSocketPath.size() + 1) >= sizeof(sockaddr_un().sun_path)) { return AppRuntimeDirectory() + hash; } else { return idealSocketPath; } } std::optional IsDarkMode() { #ifndef DESKTOP_APP_DISABLE_DBUS_INTEGRATION [[maybe_unused]] static const auto Inited = [] { using XDPSettingWatcher = base::Platform::XDP::SettingWatcher; static const XDPSettingWatcher Watcher( [=]( const Glib::ustring &group, const Glib::ustring &key, const Glib::VariantBase &value) { if (group == "org.freedesktop.appearance" && key == "color-scheme") { try { const auto ivalue = base::Platform::GlibVariantCast(value); crl::on_main([=] { Core::App().settings().setSystemDarkMode(ivalue == 1); }); } catch (...) { } } }); return true; }(); try { const auto result = base::Platform::XDP::ReadSetting( "org.freedesktop.appearance", "color-scheme"); if (result.has_value()) { const auto value = base::Platform::GlibVariantCast(*result); return value == 1; } } catch (...) { } #endif // !DESKTOP_APP_DISABLE_DBUS_INTEGRATION return std::nullopt; } bool AutostartSupported() { // snap sandbox doesn't allow creating files // in folders with names started with a dot // and doesn't provide any api to add an app to autostart // thus, autostart isn't supported in snap return !KSandbox::isSnap(); } void AutostartToggle(bool enabled, Fn done) { const auto guard = gsl::finally([&] { if (done) { done(enabled); } }); const auto silent = !done; if (KSandbox::isFlatpak()) { #ifndef DESKTOP_APP_DISABLE_DBUS_INTEGRATION PortalAutostart(enabled, silent); #endif // !DESKTOP_APP_DISABLE_DBUS_INTEGRATION } else { const auto autostart = QStandardPaths::writableLocation( QStandardPaths::GenericConfigLocation) + qsl("/autostart/"); if (enabled) { GenerateDesktopFile(autostart, qsl("-autostart"), silent); } else { QFile::remove(autostart + QGuiApplication::desktopFileName()); } } } bool AutostartSkip() { return !cAutoStart(); } bool TrayIconSupported() { return QSystemTrayIcon::isSystemTrayAvailable(); } bool SkipTaskbarSupported() { if (const auto integration = WaylandIntegration::Instance()) { return integration->skipTaskbarSupported(); } #ifndef DESKTOP_APP_DISABLE_X11_INTEGRATION if (IsX11()) { return base::Platform::XCB::IsSupportedByWM( base::Platform::XCB::GetConnectionFromQt(), "_NET_WM_STATE_SKIP_TASKBAR"); } #endif // !DESKTOP_APP_DISABLE_X11_INTEGRATION return false; } } // namespace Platform void psActivateProcess(uint64 pid) { // objc_activateProgram(); } QString psAppDataPath() { // Previously we used ~/.TelegramDesktop, so look there first. // If we find data there, we should still use it. auto home = QDir::homePath(); if (!home.isEmpty()) { auto oldPath = home + qsl("/.TelegramDesktop/"); auto oldSettingsBase = oldPath + qsl("tdata/settings"); if (QFile::exists(oldSettingsBase + '0') || QFile::exists(oldSettingsBase + '1') || QFile::exists(oldSettingsBase + 's')) { return oldPath; } } return QStandardPaths::writableLocation(QStandardPaths::AppLocalDataLocation) + '/'; } void psDoCleanup() { try { Platform::AutostartToggle(false); psSendToMenu(false, true); } catch (...) { } } int psCleanup() { psDoCleanup(); return 0; } void psDoFixPrevious() { } int psFixPrevious() { psDoFixPrevious(); return 0; } namespace Platform { void start() { QGuiApplication::setDesktopFileName([] { if (!Core::UpdaterDisabled() && !cExeName().isEmpty()) { const auto appimagePath = qsl("file://%1%2").arg( cExeDir(), cExeName()).toUtf8(); char md5Hash[33] = { 0 }; hashMd5Hex( appimagePath.constData(), appimagePath.size(), md5Hash); return qsl("appimagekit_%1-%2.desktop").arg( md5Hash, AppName.utf16().replace(' ', '_')); } return qsl(QT_STRINGIFY(TDESKTOP_LAUNCHER_BASENAME) ".desktop"); }()); LOG(("Launcher filename: %1").arg(QGuiApplication::desktopFileName())); qputenv("PULSE_PROP_application.name", AppName.utf8()); qputenv("PULSE_PROP_application.icon_name", base::IconName().toLatin1()); #ifndef DESKTOP_APP_DISABLE_DBUS_INTEGRATION Glib::init(); Gio::init(); Glib::set_prgname(cExeName().toStdString()); Glib::set_application_name(std::string(AppName)); #ifdef DESKTOP_APP_USE_PACKAGED_RLOTTIE g_warning( "Application has been built with foreign rlottie, " "animated emojis won't be colored to the selected pack."); #endif // DESKTOP_APP_USE_PACKAGED_RLOTTIE #ifdef DESKTOP_APP_USE_PACKAGED_FONTS g_warning( "Application was built without embedded fonts, " "this may lead to font issues."); #endif // DESKTOP_APP_USE_PACKAGED_FONTS #endif // !DESKTOP_APP_DISABLE_DBUS_INTEGRATION const auto d = QFile::encodeName(QDir(cWorkingDir()).absolutePath()); char h[33] = { 0 }; hashMd5Hex(d.constData(), d.size(), h); Webview::WebKit2Gtk::SetSocketPath(qsl("%1/%2-%3-webview-%4").arg( QDir::tempPath(), h, cGUIDStr(), qsl("%1")).toStdString()); } void finish() { } void InstallLauncher(bool force) { static const auto DisabledByEnv = !qEnvironmentVariableIsEmpty( "DESKTOPINTEGRATION"); // don't update desktop file for alpha version or if updater is disabled if ((cAlphaVersion() || Core::UpdaterDisabled() || DisabledByEnv) && !force) { return; } const auto applicationsPath = QStandardPaths::writableLocation( QStandardPaths::ApplicationsLocation) + '/'; GenerateDesktopFile(applicationsPath, qsl("-- %u")); const auto icons = QStandardPaths::writableLocation( QStandardPaths::GenericDataLocation) + qsl("/icons/"); if (!QDir(icons).exists()) QDir().mkpath(icons); const auto icon = icons + base::IconName() + qsl(".png"); auto iconExists = QFile::exists(icon); if (Local::oldSettingsVersion() < 2008012 && iconExists) { // Icon was changed. if (QFile::remove(icon)) { iconExists = false; } } if (!iconExists) { if (QFile::copy(qsl(":/gui/art/logo_256.png"), icon)) { DEBUG_LOG(("App Info: Icon copied to '%1'").arg(icon)); } } QProcess::execute("update-desktop-database", { applicationsPath }); } PermissionStatus GetPermissionStatus(PermissionType type) { return PermissionStatus::Granted; } void RequestPermission(PermissionType type, Fn resultCallback) { resultCallback(PermissionStatus::Granted); } void OpenSystemSettingsForPermission(PermissionType type) { } bool OpenSystemSettings(SystemSettingsType type) { if (type == SystemSettingsType::Audio) { struct Command { QString command; QStringList arguments; }; auto options = std::vector(); const auto add = [&](const char *option, const char *arg = nullptr) { auto command = Command{ .command = option }; if (arg) { command.arguments.push_back(arg); } options.push_back(std::move(command)); }; for (const auto &type : DesktopEnvironment::Get()) { using DesktopEnvironment::Type; if (type == Type::Unity) { add("unity-control-center", "sound"); } else if (type == Type::KDE) { add("kcmshell5", "kcm_pulseaudio"); add("kcmshell4", "phonon"); } else if (type == Type::Gnome) { add("gnome-control-center", "sound"); } else if (type == Type::Cinnamon) { add("cinnamon-settings", "sound"); } else if (type == Type::MATE) { add("mate-volume-control"); } } add("pavucontrol-qt"); add("pavucontrol"); add("alsamixergui"); return ranges::any_of(options, [](const Command &command) { return QProcess::startDetached( command.command, command.arguments); }); } return true; } void NewVersionLaunched(int oldVersion) { InstallLauncher(); if (oldVersion > 0 && oldVersion <= 4000002 && qEnvironmentVariableIsSet("WAYLAND_DISPLAY") && DesktopEnvironment::IsGnome() && !QFile::exists(cWorkingDir() + qsl("tdata/nowayland"))) { QFile f(cWorkingDir() + qsl("tdata/nowayland")); if (f.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly)) { f.write("1"); f.close(); Core::Restart(); // restart with X backend } } if (oldVersion <= 4001001 && cAutoStart()) { AutostartToggle(true); } } namespace ThirdParty { void start() { LOG(("Icon theme: %1").arg(QIcon::themeName())); LOG(("Fallback icon theme: %1").arg(QIcon::fallbackThemeName())); } void finish() { } } // namespace ThirdParty } // namespace Platform void psSendToMenu(bool send, bool silent) { } bool linuxMoveFile(const char *from, const char *to) { FILE *ffrom = fopen(from, "rb"), *fto = fopen(to, "wb"); if (!ffrom) { if (fto) fclose(fto); return false; } if (!fto) { fclose(ffrom); return false; } static const int BufSize = 65536; char buf[BufSize]; while (size_t size = fread(buf, 1, BufSize, ffrom)) { fwrite(buf, 1, size, fto); } struct stat fst; // from http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5486774/keeping-fileowner-and-permissions-after-copying-file-in-c //let's say this wont fail since you already worked OK on that fp if (fstat(fileno(ffrom), &fst) != 0) { fclose(ffrom); fclose(fto); return false; } //update to the same uid/gid if (fchown(fileno(fto), fst.st_uid, fst.st_gid) != 0) { fclose(ffrom); fclose(fto); return false; } //update the permissions if (fchmod(fileno(fto), fst.st_mode) != 0) { fclose(ffrom); fclose(fto); return false; } fclose(ffrom); fclose(fto); if (unlink(from)) { return false; } return true; } bool psLaunchMaps(const Data::LocationPoint &point) { return false; }