/* This file is part of Telegram Desktop, the official desktop version of Telegram messaging app, see https://telegram.org Telegram Desktop is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to link the code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library. Full license: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LICENSE Copyright (c) 2014-2016 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org */ #include "stdafx.h" #include "history.h" #include "history/history_media_types.h" #include "dialogs/dialogs_indexed_list.h" #include "styles/style_dialogs.h" #include "data/data_drafts.h" #include "lang.h" #include "mainwidget.h" #include "mainwindow.h" #include "localstorage.h" #include "window/top_bar_widget.h" #include "observer_peer.h" namespace { constexpr int kStatusShowClientsideRecordVideo = 6000; constexpr int kStatusShowClientsideUploadVideo = 6000; constexpr int kStatusShowClientsideRecordVoice = 6000; constexpr int kStatusShowClientsideUploadVoice = 6000; constexpr int kStatusShowClientsideUploadPhoto = 6000; constexpr int kStatusShowClientsideUploadFile = 6000; constexpr int kStatusShowClientsideChooseLocation = 6000; constexpr int kStatusShowClientsideChooseContact = 6000; constexpr int kStatusShowClientsidePlayGame = 10000; } // namespace void historyInit() { historyInitMessages(); historyInitMedia(); } History::History(const PeerId &peerId) : peer(App::peer(peerId)) , lastItemTextCache(st::dialogsTextWidthMin) , typingText(st::dialogsTextWidthMin) , cloudDraftTextCache(st::dialogsTextWidthMin) , _mute(isNotifyMuted(peer->notify)) { if (peer->isUser() && peer->asUser()->botInfo) { outboxReadBefore = INT_MAX; } for (auto &countData : overviewCountData) { countData = -1; // not loaded yet } } void History::clearLastKeyboard() { if (lastKeyboardId) { if (lastKeyboardId == lastKeyboardHiddenId) { lastKeyboardHiddenId = 0; } lastKeyboardId = 0; if (auto main = App::main()) { main->updateBotKeyboard(this); } } lastKeyboardInited = true; lastKeyboardFrom = 0; } bool History::canHaveFromPhotos() const { if (peer->isUser() && !Adaptive::Wide()) { return false; } else if (isChannel() && !peer->isMegagroup()) { return false; } return true; } void History::setHasPendingResizedItems() { _flags |= Flag::f_has_pending_resized_items; Global::RefHandleHistoryUpdate().call(); } void History::setLocalDraft(std_::unique_ptr &&draft) { _localDraft = std_::move(draft); } void History::takeLocalDraft(History *from) { if (auto &draft = from->_localDraft) { if (!draft->textWithTags.text.isEmpty() && !_localDraft) { _localDraft = std_::move(draft); // Edit and reply to drafts can't migrate. // Cloud drafts do not migrate automatically. _localDraft->msgId = 0; } from->clearLocalDraft(); } } void History::createLocalDraftFromCloud() { auto draft = cloudDraft(); if (Data::draftIsNull(draft) || !draft->date.isValid()) return; auto existing = localDraft(); if (Data::draftIsNull(existing) || !existing->date.isValid() || draft->date >= existing->date) { if (!existing) { setLocalDraft(std_::make_unique(draft->textWithTags, draft->msgId, draft->cursor, draft->previewCancelled)); existing = localDraft(); } else if (existing != draft) { existing->textWithTags = draft->textWithTags; existing->msgId = draft->msgId; existing->cursor = draft->cursor; existing->previewCancelled = draft->previewCancelled; } existing->date = draft->date; } } void History::setCloudDraft(std_::unique_ptr &&draft) { _cloudDraft = std_::move(draft); cloudDraftTextCache.clear(); } Data::Draft *History::createCloudDraft(Data::Draft *fromDraft) { if (Data::draftIsNull(fromDraft)) { setCloudDraft(std_::make_unique(TextWithTags(), 0, MessageCursor(), false)); cloudDraft()->date = QDateTime(); } else { auto existing = cloudDraft(); if (!existing) { setCloudDraft(std_::make_unique(fromDraft->textWithTags, fromDraft->msgId, fromDraft->cursor, fromDraft->previewCancelled)); existing = cloudDraft(); } else if (existing != fromDraft) { existing->textWithTags = fromDraft->textWithTags; existing->msgId = fromDraft->msgId; existing->cursor = fromDraft->cursor; existing->previewCancelled = fromDraft->previewCancelled; } existing->date = ::date(myunixtime()); } cloudDraftTextCache.clear(); updateChatListSortPosition(); return cloudDraft(); } void History::setEditDraft(std_::unique_ptr &&draft) { _editDraft = std_::move(draft); } void History::clearLocalDraft() { _localDraft = nullptr; } void History::clearCloudDraft() { if (_cloudDraft) { _cloudDraft = nullptr; cloudDraftTextCache.clear(); updateChatListSortPosition(); } } void History::clearEditDraft() { _editDraft = nullptr; } void History::draftSavedToCloud() { updateChatListEntry(); if (App::main()) App::main()->writeDrafts(this); } bool History::updateTyping(uint64 ms, bool force) { bool changed = force; for (auto i = typing.begin(), e = typing.end(); i != e;) { if (ms >= i.value()) { i = typing.erase(i); changed = true; } else { ++i; } } for (auto i = sendActions.begin(); i != sendActions.cend();) { if (ms >= i.value().until) { i = sendActions.erase(i); changed = true; } else { ++i; } } if (changed) { QString newTypingStr; int typingCount = typing.size(); if (typingCount > 2) { newTypingStr = lng_many_typing(lt_count, typingCount); } else if (typingCount > 1) { newTypingStr = lng_users_typing(lt_user, typing.begin().key()->firstName, lt_second_user, (typing.end() - 1).key()->firstName); } else if (typingCount) { newTypingStr = peer->isUser() ? lang(lng_typing) : lng_user_typing(lt_user, typing.begin().key()->firstName); } else if (!sendActions.isEmpty()) { // Handles all actions except game playing. auto sendActionString = [](SendActionType type, const QString &name) -> QString { switch (type) { case SendActionRecordVideo: return name.isEmpty() ? lang(lng_send_action_record_video) : lng_user_action_record_video(lt_user, name); case SendActionUploadVideo: return name.isEmpty() ? lang(lng_send_action_upload_video) : lng_user_action_upload_video(lt_user, name); case SendActionRecordVoice: return name.isEmpty() ? lang(lng_send_action_record_audio) : lng_user_action_record_audio(lt_user, name); case SendActionUploadVoice: return name.isEmpty() ? lang(lng_send_action_upload_audio) : lng_user_action_upload_audio(lt_user, name); case SendActionUploadPhoto: return name.isEmpty() ? lang(lng_send_action_upload_photo) : lng_user_action_upload_photo(lt_user, name); case SendActionUploadFile: return name.isEmpty() ? lang(lng_send_action_upload_file) : lng_user_action_upload_file(lt_user, name); case SendActionChooseLocation: return name.isEmpty() ? lang(lng_send_action_geo_location) : lng_user_action_geo_location(lt_user, name); case SendActionChooseContact: return name.isEmpty() ? lang(lng_send_action_choose_contact) : lng_user_action_choose_contact(lt_user, name); default: break; }; return QString(); }; for (auto i = sendActions.cbegin(), e = sendActions.cend(); i != e; ++i) { newTypingStr = sendActionString(i->type, peer->isUser() ? QString() : i.key()->firstName); if (!newTypingStr.isEmpty()) { break; } } // Everyone in sendActions are playing a game. if (newTypingStr.isEmpty()) { int playingCount = sendActions.size(); if (playingCount > 2) { newTypingStr = lng_many_playing_game(lt_count, playingCount); } else if (playingCount > 1) { newTypingStr = lng_users_playing_game(lt_user, sendActions.begin().key()->firstName, lt_second_user, (sendActions.end() - 1).key()->firstName); } else { newTypingStr = peer->isUser() ? lang(lng_playing_game) : lng_user_playing_game(lt_user, sendActions.begin().key()->firstName); } } } if (!newTypingStr.isEmpty()) { newTypingStr += qsl("..."); } if (typingStr != newTypingStr) { typingText.setText(st::dialogsTextFont, (typingStr = newTypingStr), _textNameOptions); } } if (!typingStr.isEmpty()) { if (typingText.lastDots(typingDots % 4)) { changed = true; } } if (changed && App::main()) { updateChatListEntry(); if (App::main()->historyPeer() == peer) { App::main()->topBar()->update(); } } return changed; } ChannelHistory::ChannelHistory(const PeerId &peer) : History(peer) , _joinedMessage(nullptr) { } void ChannelHistory::getRangeDifference() { MsgId fromId = 0, toId = 0; for (int32 blockIndex = 0, blocksCount = blocks.size(); blockIndex < blocksCount; ++blockIndex) { HistoryBlock *block = blocks.at(blockIndex); for (int32 itemIndex = 0, itemsCount = block->items.size(); itemIndex < itemsCount; ++itemIndex) { HistoryItem *item = block->items.at(itemIndex); if (item->type() == HistoryItemMsg && item->id > 0) { fromId = item->id; break; } } if (fromId) break; } if (!fromId) return; for (int32 blockIndex = blocks.size(); blockIndex > 0;) { HistoryBlock *block = blocks.at(--blockIndex); for (int32 itemIndex = block->items.size(); itemIndex > 0;) { HistoryItem *item = block->items.at(--itemIndex); if (item->type() == HistoryItemMsg && item->id > 0) { toId = item->id; break; } } if (toId) break; } if (fromId > 0 && peer->asChannel()->pts() > 0) { if (_rangeDifferenceRequestId) { MTP::cancel(_rangeDifferenceRequestId); } _rangeDifferenceFromId = fromId; _rangeDifferenceToId = toId; MTP_LOG(0, ("getChannelDifference { good - after channelDifferenceTooLong was received, validating history part }%1").arg(cTestMode() ? " TESTMODE" : "")); getRangeDifferenceNext(peer->asChannel()->pts()); } } void ChannelHistory::getRangeDifferenceNext(int32 pts) { if (!App::main() || _rangeDifferenceToId < _rangeDifferenceFromId) return; int32 limit = _rangeDifferenceToId + 1 - _rangeDifferenceFromId; _rangeDifferenceRequestId = MTP::send(MTPupdates_GetChannelDifference(peer->asChannel()->inputChannel, MTP_channelMessagesFilter(MTP_flags(MTPDchannelMessagesFilter::Flags(0)), MTP_vector(1, MTP_messageRange(MTP_int(_rangeDifferenceFromId), MTP_int(_rangeDifferenceToId)))), MTP_int(pts), MTP_int(limit)), App::main()->rpcDone(&MainWidget::gotRangeDifference, peer->asChannel())); } HistoryJoined *ChannelHistory::insertJoinedMessage(bool unread) { if (_joinedMessage || !peer->asChannel()->amIn() || (peer->isMegagroup() && peer->asChannel()->mgInfo->joinedMessageFound)) { return _joinedMessage; } UserData *inviter = (peer->asChannel()->inviter > 0) ? App::userLoaded(peer->asChannel()->inviter) : nullptr; if (!inviter) return nullptr; MTPDmessage::Flags flags = 0; if (peerToUser(inviter->id) == MTP::authedId()) { unread = false; //} else if (unread) { // flags |= MTPDmessage::Flag::f_unread; } QDateTime inviteDate = peer->asChannel()->inviteDate; if (unread) _maxReadMessageDate = inviteDate; if (isEmpty()) { _joinedMessage = HistoryJoined::create(this, inviteDate, inviter, flags); addNewItem(_joinedMessage, unread); return _joinedMessage; } for (int32 blockIndex = blocks.size(); blockIndex > 0;) { HistoryBlock *block = blocks.at(--blockIndex); for (int32 itemIndex = block->items.size(); itemIndex > 0;) { HistoryItem *item = block->items.at(--itemIndex); HistoryItemType type = item->type(); if (type == HistoryItemMsg) { // Due to a server bug sometimes inviteDate is less (before) than the // first message in the megagroup (message about migration), let us // ignore that and think, that the inviteDate is always greater-or-equal. if (item->isGroupMigrate() && peer->isMegagroup() && peer->migrateFrom()) { peer->asChannel()->mgInfo->joinedMessageFound = true; return nullptr; } if (item->date <= inviteDate) { ++itemIndex; _joinedMessage = HistoryJoined::create(this, inviteDate, inviter, flags); addNewInTheMiddle(_joinedMessage, blockIndex, itemIndex); if (lastMsgDate.isNull() || inviteDate >= lastMsgDate) { setLastMessage(_joinedMessage); if (unread) { newItemAdded(_joinedMessage); } } return _joinedMessage; } } } } startBuildingFrontBlock(); _joinedMessage = HistoryJoined::create(this, inviteDate, inviter, flags); addItemToBlock(_joinedMessage); finishBuildingFrontBlock(); return _joinedMessage; } void ChannelHistory::checkJoinedMessage(bool createUnread) { if (_joinedMessage || peer->asChannel()->inviter <= 0) { return; } if (isEmpty()) { if (loadedAtTop() && loadedAtBottom()) { if (insertJoinedMessage(createUnread)) { if (!_joinedMessage->detached()) { setLastMessage(_joinedMessage); } } return; } } QDateTime inviteDate = peer->asChannel()->inviteDate; QDateTime firstDate, lastDate; for (int blockIndex = 0, blocksCount = blocks.size(); blockIndex < blocksCount; ++blockIndex) { HistoryBlock *block = blocks.at(blockIndex); int itemIndex = 0, itemsCount = block->items.size(); for (; itemIndex < itemsCount; ++itemIndex) { HistoryItem *item = block->items.at(itemIndex); HistoryItemType type = item->type(); if (type == HistoryItemMsg) { firstDate = item->date; break; } } if (itemIndex < itemsCount) break; } for (int blockIndex = blocks.size(); blockIndex > 0;) { HistoryBlock *block = blocks.at(--blockIndex); int itemIndex = block->items.size(); for (; itemIndex > 0;) { HistoryItem *item = block->items.at(--itemIndex); HistoryItemType type = item->type(); if (type == HistoryItemMsg) { lastDate = item->date; ++itemIndex; break; } } if (itemIndex) break; } if (!firstDate.isNull() && !lastDate.isNull() && (firstDate <= inviteDate || loadedAtTop()) && (lastDate > inviteDate || loadedAtBottom())) { bool willBeLastMsg = (inviteDate >= lastDate); if (insertJoinedMessage(createUnread && willBeLastMsg) && willBeLastMsg) { if (!_joinedMessage->detached()) { setLastMessage(_joinedMessage); } } } } void ChannelHistory::checkMaxReadMessageDate() { if (_maxReadMessageDate.isValid()) return; for (int blockIndex = blocks.size(); blockIndex > 0;) { HistoryBlock *block = blocks.at(--blockIndex); for (int itemIndex = block->items.size(); itemIndex > 0;) { HistoryItem *item = block->items.at(--itemIndex); if (!item->unread()) { _maxReadMessageDate = item->date; if (item->isGroupMigrate() && isMegagroup() && peer->migrateFrom()) { _maxReadMessageDate = date(MTP_int(peer->asChannel()->date + 1)); // no report spam panel } return; } } } if (loadedAtTop() && (!isMegagroup() || !isEmpty())) { _maxReadMessageDate = date(MTP_int(peer->asChannel()->date)); } } const QDateTime &ChannelHistory::maxReadMessageDate() { return _maxReadMessageDate; } HistoryItem *ChannelHistory::addNewChannelMessage(const MTPMessage &msg, NewMessageType type) { if (type == NewMessageExisting) return addToHistory(msg); return addNewToBlocks(msg, type); } HistoryItem *ChannelHistory::addNewToBlocks(const MTPMessage &msg, NewMessageType type) { if (!loadedAtBottom()) { HistoryItem *item = addToHistory(msg); if (item) { setLastMessage(item); if (type == NewMessageUnread) { newItemAdded(item); } } return item; } return addNewToLastBlock(msg, type); } void ChannelHistory::cleared(bool leaveItems) { _joinedMessage = nullptr; } HistoryItem *ChannelHistory::findPrevItem(HistoryItem *item) const { if (item->detached()) return nullptr; int itemIndex = item->indexInBlock(); int blockIndex = item->block()->indexInHistory(); for (++blockIndex, ++itemIndex; blockIndex > 0;) { --blockIndex; HistoryBlock *block = blocks.at(blockIndex); if (!itemIndex) itemIndex = block->items.size(); for (; itemIndex > 0;) { --itemIndex; if (block->items.at(itemIndex)->type() == HistoryItemMsg) { return block->items.at(itemIndex); } } } return nullptr; } void ChannelHistory::messageDetached(HistoryItem *msg) { if (_joinedMessage == msg) { _joinedMessage = nullptr; } } ChannelHistory::~ChannelHistory() { // all items must be destroyed before ChannelHistory is destroyed // or they will call history()->asChannelHistory() -> undefined behaviour clearOnDestroy(); } History *Histories::find(const PeerId &peerId) { Map::const_iterator i = map.constFind(peerId); return (i == map.cend()) ? 0 : i.value(); } History *Histories::findOrInsert(const PeerId &peerId) { auto i = map.constFind(peerId); if (i == map.cend()) { auto history = peerIsChannel(peerId) ? static_cast(new ChannelHistory(peerId)) : (new History(peerId)); i = map.insert(peerId, history); } return i.value(); } History *Histories::findOrInsert(const PeerId &peerId, int32 unreadCount, int32 maxInboxRead, int32 maxOutboxRead) { auto i = map.constFind(peerId); if (i == map.cend()) { auto history = peerIsChannel(peerId) ? static_cast(new ChannelHistory(peerId)) : (new History(peerId)); i = map.insert(peerId, history); history->setUnreadCount(unreadCount); history->inboxReadBefore = maxInboxRead + 1; history->outboxReadBefore = maxOutboxRead + 1; } else { auto history = i.value(); if (unreadCount > history->unreadCount()) { history->setUnreadCount(unreadCount); } accumulate_max(history->inboxReadBefore, maxInboxRead + 1); accumulate_max(history->outboxReadBefore, maxOutboxRead + 1); } return i.value(); } void Histories::clear() { App::historyClearMsgs(); Map temp; std::swap(temp, map); for_const (auto history, temp) { delete history; } _unreadFull = _unreadMuted = 0; Notify::unreadCounterUpdated(); App::historyClearItems(); typing.clear(); } void Histories::regSendAction(History *history, UserData *user, const MTPSendMessageAction &action, TimeId when) { if (action.type() == mtpc_sendMessageCancelAction) { history->unregTyping(user); return; } else if (action.type() == mtpc_sendMessageGameStopAction) { auto it = history->sendActions.find(user); if (it != history->sendActions.end() && it->type == SendActionPlayGame) { history->unregTyping(user); } return; } uint64 ms = getms(); switch (action.type()) { case mtpc_sendMessageTypingAction: history->typing[user] = ms + 6000; break; case mtpc_sendMessageRecordVideoAction: history->sendActions.insert(user, SendAction(SendActionRecordVideo, ms + kStatusShowClientsideRecordVideo)); break; case mtpc_sendMessageUploadVideoAction: history->sendActions.insert(user, SendAction(SendActionUploadVideo, ms + kStatusShowClientsideUploadVideo, action.c_sendMessageUploadVideoAction().vprogress.v)); break; case mtpc_sendMessageRecordAudioAction: history->sendActions.insert(user, SendAction(SendActionRecordVoice, ms + kStatusShowClientsideRecordVoice)); break; case mtpc_sendMessageUploadAudioAction: history->sendActions.insert(user, SendAction(SendActionUploadVoice, ms + kStatusShowClientsideUploadVoice, action.c_sendMessageUploadAudioAction().vprogress.v)); break; case mtpc_sendMessageUploadPhotoAction: history->sendActions.insert(user, SendAction(SendActionUploadPhoto, ms + kStatusShowClientsideUploadPhoto, action.c_sendMessageUploadPhotoAction().vprogress.v)); break; case mtpc_sendMessageUploadDocumentAction: history->sendActions.insert(user, SendAction(SendActionUploadFile, ms + kStatusShowClientsideUploadFile, action.c_sendMessageUploadDocumentAction().vprogress.v)); break; case mtpc_sendMessageGeoLocationAction: history->sendActions.insert(user, SendAction(SendActionChooseLocation, ms + kStatusShowClientsideChooseLocation)); break; case mtpc_sendMessageChooseContactAction: history->sendActions.insert(user, SendAction(SendActionChooseContact, ms + kStatusShowClientsideChooseContact)); break; case mtpc_sendMessageGamePlayAction: { auto it = history->sendActions.find(user); if (it == history->sendActions.end() || it->type == SendActionPlayGame || it->until <= ms) { history->sendActions.insert(user, SendAction(SendActionPlayGame, ms + kStatusShowClientsidePlayGame)); } } break; default: return; } user->madeAction(when); auto i = typing.find(history); if (i == typing.cend()) { typing.insert(history, ms); history->typingDots = 0; _a_typings.start(); } history->updateTyping(ms, true); } void Histories::step_typings(uint64 ms, bool timer) { for (TypingHistories::iterator i = typing.begin(), e = typing.end(); i != e;) { i.key()->typingDots = (ms - i.value()) / 150; i.key()->updateTyping(ms); if (i.key()->typing.isEmpty() && i.key()->sendActions.isEmpty()) { i = typing.erase(i); } else { ++i; } } if (typing.isEmpty()) { _a_typings.stop(); } } void Histories::remove(const PeerId &peer) { Map::iterator i = map.find(peer); if (i != map.cend()) { typing.remove(i.value()); delete i.value(); map.erase(i); } } namespace { void checkForSwitchInlineButton(HistoryItem *item) { if (item->out() || !item->hasSwitchInlineButton()) { return; } if (UserData *user = item->history()->peer->asUser()) { if (!user->botInfo || !user->botInfo->inlineReturnPeerId) { return; } if (auto markup = item->Get()) { for_const (auto &row, markup->rows) { for_const (auto &button, row) { if (button.type == HistoryMessageReplyMarkup::Button::Type::SwitchInline) { Notify::switchInlineBotButtonReceived(QString::fromUtf8(button.data)); return; } } } } } } } // namespace HistoryItem *Histories::addNewMessage(const MTPMessage &msg, NewMessageType type) { auto peer = peerFromMessage(msg); if (!peer) return nullptr; auto result = App::history(peer)->addNewMessage(msg, type); if (result && type == NewMessageUnread) { checkForSwitchInlineButton(result); } return result; } int Histories::unreadBadge() const { return _unreadFull - (Global::IncludeMuted() ? 0 : _unreadMuted); } bool Histories::unreadOnlyMuted() const { return Global::IncludeMuted() ? (_unreadMuted >= _unreadFull) : false; } HistoryItem *History::createItem(const MTPMessage &msg, bool applyServiceAction, bool detachExistingItem) { MsgId msgId = 0; switch (msg.type()) { case mtpc_messageEmpty: msgId = msg.c_messageEmpty().vid.v; break; case mtpc_message: msgId = msg.c_message().vid.v; break; case mtpc_messageService: msgId = msg.c_messageService().vid.v; break; } if (!msgId) return nullptr; HistoryItem *result = App::histItemById(channelId(), msgId); if (result) { if (!result->detached() && detachExistingItem) { result->detach(); } if (msg.type() == mtpc_message) { result->updateMedia(msg.c_message().has_media() ? (&msg.c_message().vmedia) : 0); if (applyServiceAction) { App::checkSavedGif(result); } } return result; } switch (msg.type()) { case mtpc_messageEmpty: result = HistoryService::create(this, msg.c_messageEmpty().vid.v, date(), lang(lng_message_empty)); break; case mtpc_message: { const auto &m(msg.c_message()); int badMedia = 0; // 1 - unsupported, 2 - empty if (m.has_media()) switch (m.vmedia.type()) { case mtpc_messageMediaEmpty: case mtpc_messageMediaContact: break; case mtpc_messageMediaGeo: switch (m.vmedia.c_messageMediaGeo().vgeo.type()) { case mtpc_geoPoint: break; case mtpc_geoPointEmpty: badMedia = 2; break; default: badMedia = 1; break; } break; case mtpc_messageMediaVenue: switch (m.vmedia.c_messageMediaVenue().vgeo.type()) { case mtpc_geoPoint: break; case mtpc_geoPointEmpty: badMedia = 2; break; default: badMedia = 1; break; } break; case mtpc_messageMediaPhoto: switch (m.vmedia.c_messageMediaPhoto().vphoto.type()) { case mtpc_photo: break; case mtpc_photoEmpty: badMedia = 2; break; default: badMedia = 1; break; } break; case mtpc_messageMediaDocument: switch (m.vmedia.c_messageMediaDocument().vdocument.type()) { case mtpc_document: break; case mtpc_documentEmpty: badMedia = 2; break; default: badMedia = 1; break; } break; case mtpc_messageMediaWebPage: switch (m.vmedia.c_messageMediaWebPage().vwebpage.type()) { case mtpc_webPage: case mtpc_webPageEmpty: case mtpc_webPagePending: break; default: badMedia = 1; break; } break; case mtpc_messageMediaGame: switch (m.vmedia.c_messageMediaGame().vgame.type()) { case mtpc_game: break; default: badMedia = 1; break; } break; case mtpc_messageMediaUnsupported: default: badMedia = 1; break; } if (badMedia == 1) { QString text(lng_message_unsupported(lt_link, qsl("https://desktop.telegram.org"))); EntitiesInText entities; textParseEntities(text, _historyTextNoMonoOptions.flags, &entities); entities.push_front(EntityInText(EntityInTextItalic, 0, text.size())); result = HistoryMessage::create(this, m.vid.v, m.vflags.v, m.vreply_to_msg_id.v, m.vvia_bot_id.v, date(m.vdate), m.vfrom_id.v, { text, entities }); } else if (badMedia) { result = HistoryService::create(this, m.vid.v, date(m.vdate), lang(lng_message_empty), m.vflags.v, m.has_from_id() ? m.vfrom_id.v : 0); } else { result = HistoryMessage::create(this, m); } } break; case mtpc_messageService: { const auto &d(msg.c_messageService()); result = HistoryService::create(this, d); if (applyServiceAction) { const auto &action(d.vaction); switch (d.vaction.type()) { case mtpc_messageActionChatAddUser: { const auto &d(action.c_messageActionChatAddUser()); if (peer->isMegagroup()) { const auto &v(d.vusers.c_vector().v); for (int32 i = 0, l = v.size(); i < l; ++i) { if (UserData *user = App::userLoaded(peerFromUser(v.at(i)))) { if (peer->asChannel()->mgInfo->lastParticipants.indexOf(user) < 0) { peer->asChannel()->mgInfo->lastParticipants.push_front(user); peer->asChannel()->mgInfo->lastParticipantsStatus |= MegagroupInfo::LastParticipantsAdminsOutdated; Notify::peerUpdatedDelayed(peer, Notify::PeerUpdate::Flag::MembersChanged); } if (user->botInfo) { peer->asChannel()->mgInfo->bots.insert(user); if (peer->asChannel()->mgInfo->botStatus != 0 && peer->asChannel()->mgInfo->botStatus < 2) { peer->asChannel()->mgInfo->botStatus = 2; } } } } } } break; case mtpc_messageActionChatJoinedByLink: { const auto &d(action.c_messageActionChatJoinedByLink()); if (peer->isMegagroup()) { if (result->from()->isUser()) { if (peer->asChannel()->mgInfo->lastParticipants.indexOf(result->from()->asUser()) < 0) { peer->asChannel()->mgInfo->lastParticipants.push_front(result->from()->asUser()); Notify::peerUpdatedDelayed(peer, Notify::PeerUpdate::Flag::MembersChanged); } if (result->from()->asUser()->botInfo) { peer->asChannel()->mgInfo->bots.insert(result->from()->asUser()); if (peer->asChannel()->mgInfo->botStatus != 0 && peer->asChannel()->mgInfo->botStatus < 2) { peer->asChannel()->mgInfo->botStatus = 2; } } } } } break; case mtpc_messageActionChatDeletePhoto: { ChatData *chat = peer->asChat(); if (chat) chat->setPhoto(MTP_chatPhotoEmpty()); } break; case mtpc_messageActionChatDeleteUser: { const auto &d(action.c_messageActionChatDeleteUser()); PeerId uid = peerFromUser(d.vuser_id); if (lastKeyboardFrom == uid) { clearLastKeyboard(); } if (peer->isMegagroup()) { if (auto user = App::userLoaded(uid)) { auto channel = peer->asChannel(); auto megagroupInfo = channel->mgInfo; int32 index = megagroupInfo->lastParticipants.indexOf(user); if (index >= 0) { megagroupInfo->lastParticipants.removeAt(index); Notify::peerUpdatedDelayed(peer, Notify::PeerUpdate::Flag::MembersChanged); } if (peer->asChannel()->membersCount() > 1) { peer->asChannel()->setMembersCount(channel->membersCount() - 1); } else { megagroupInfo->lastParticipantsStatus |= MegagroupInfo::LastParticipantsCountOutdated; megagroupInfo->lastParticipantsCount = 0; } if (megagroupInfo->lastAdmins.contains(user)) { megagroupInfo->lastAdmins.remove(user); if (channel->adminsCount() > 1) { channel->setAdminsCount(channel->adminsCount() - 1); } Notify::peerUpdatedDelayed(peer, Notify::PeerUpdate::Flag::AdminsChanged); } megagroupInfo->bots.remove(user); if (megagroupInfo->bots.isEmpty() && megagroupInfo->botStatus > 0) { megagroupInfo->botStatus = -1; } } } } break; case mtpc_messageActionChatEditPhoto: { const auto &d(action.c_messageActionChatEditPhoto()); if (d.vphoto.type() == mtpc_photo) { const auto &sizes(d.vphoto.c_photo().vsizes.c_vector().v); if (!sizes.isEmpty()) { PhotoData *photo = App::feedPhoto(d.vphoto.c_photo()); if (photo) photo->peer = peer; const auto &smallSize(sizes.front()), &bigSize(sizes.back()); const MTPFileLocation *smallLoc = 0, *bigLoc = 0; switch (smallSize.type()) { case mtpc_photoSize: smallLoc = &smallSize.c_photoSize().vlocation; break; case mtpc_photoCachedSize: smallLoc = &smallSize.c_photoCachedSize().vlocation; break; } switch (bigSize.type()) { case mtpc_photoSize: bigLoc = &bigSize.c_photoSize().vlocation; break; case mtpc_photoCachedSize: bigLoc = &bigSize.c_photoCachedSize().vlocation; break; } if (smallLoc && bigLoc) { if (peer->isChat()) { peer->asChat()->setPhoto(MTP_chatPhoto(*smallLoc, *bigLoc), photo ? photo->id : 0); } else if (peer->isChannel()) { peer->asChannel()->setPhoto(MTP_chatPhoto(*smallLoc, *bigLoc), photo ? photo->id : 0); } peer->loadUserpic(); } } } } break; case mtpc_messageActionChatEditTitle: { auto &d(action.c_messageActionChatEditTitle()); if (auto chat = peer->asChat()) { chat->setName(qs(d.vtitle)); } } break; case mtpc_messageActionChatMigrateTo: { peer->asChat()->flags |= MTPDchat::Flag::f_deactivated; //const auto &d(action.c_messageActionChatMigrateTo()); //PeerData *channel = App::channelLoaded(d.vchannel_id.v); } break; case mtpc_messageActionChannelMigrateFrom: { //const auto &d(action.c_messageActionChannelMigrateFrom()); //PeerData *chat = App::chatLoaded(d.vchat_id.v); } break; case mtpc_messageActionPinMessage: { if (d.has_reply_to_msg_id() && result && result->history()->peer->isMegagroup()) { result->history()->peer->asChannel()->mgInfo->pinnedMsgId = d.vreply_to_msg_id.v; if (App::main()) emit App::main()->peerUpdated(result->history()->peer); } } break; } } } break; } if (applyServiceAction) { App::checkSavedGif(result); } return result; } HistoryItem *History::createItemForwarded(MsgId id, MTPDmessage::Flags flags, QDateTime date, int32 from, HistoryMessage *msg) { return HistoryMessage::create(this, id, flags, date, from, msg); } HistoryItem *History::createItemDocument(MsgId id, MTPDmessage::Flags flags, int32 viaBotId, MsgId replyTo, QDateTime date, int32 from, DocumentData *doc, const QString &caption, const MTPReplyMarkup &markup) { return HistoryMessage::create(this, id, flags, replyTo, viaBotId, date, from, doc, caption, markup); } HistoryItem *History::createItemPhoto(MsgId id, MTPDmessage::Flags flags, int32 viaBotId, MsgId replyTo, QDateTime date, int32 from, PhotoData *photo, const QString &caption, const MTPReplyMarkup &markup) { return HistoryMessage::create(this, id, flags, replyTo, viaBotId, date, from, photo, caption, markup); } HistoryItem *History::createItemGame(MsgId id, MTPDmessage::Flags flags, int32 viaBotId, MsgId replyTo, QDateTime date, int32 from, GameData *game, const MTPReplyMarkup &markup) { return HistoryMessage::create(this, id, flags, replyTo, viaBotId, date, from, game, markup); } HistoryItem *History::addNewService(MsgId msgId, QDateTime date, const QString &text, MTPDmessage::Flags flags, bool newMsg) { return addNewItem(HistoryService::create(this, msgId, date, text, flags), newMsg); } HistoryItem *History::addNewMessage(const MTPMessage &msg, NewMessageType type) { if (isChannel()) return asChannelHistory()->addNewChannelMessage(msg, type); if (type == NewMessageExisting) return addToHistory(msg); if (!loadedAtBottom() || peer->migrateTo()) { HistoryItem *item = addToHistory(msg); if (item) { setLastMessage(item); if (type == NewMessageUnread) { newItemAdded(item); } } return item; } return addNewToLastBlock(msg, type); } HistoryItem *History::addNewToLastBlock(const MTPMessage &msg, NewMessageType type) { bool applyServiceAction = (type == NewMessageUnread), detachExistingItem = (type != NewMessageLast); HistoryItem *item = createItem(msg, applyServiceAction, detachExistingItem); if (!item || !item->detached()) { return item; } return addNewItem(item, (type == NewMessageUnread)); } HistoryItem *History::addToHistory(const MTPMessage &msg) { return createItem(msg, false, false); } HistoryItem *History::addNewForwarded(MsgId id, MTPDmessage::Flags flags, QDateTime date, int32 from, HistoryMessage *item) { return addNewItem(createItemForwarded(id, flags, date, from, item), true); } HistoryItem *History::addNewDocument(MsgId id, MTPDmessage::Flags flags, int32 viaBotId, MsgId replyTo, QDateTime date, int32 from, DocumentData *doc, const QString &caption, const MTPReplyMarkup &markup) { return addNewItem(createItemDocument(id, flags, viaBotId, replyTo, date, from, doc, caption, markup), true); } HistoryItem *History::addNewPhoto(MsgId id, MTPDmessage::Flags flags, int32 viaBotId, MsgId replyTo, QDateTime date, int32 from, PhotoData *photo, const QString &caption, const MTPReplyMarkup &markup) { return addNewItem(createItemPhoto(id, flags, viaBotId, replyTo, date, from, photo, caption, markup), true); } HistoryItem *History::addNewGame(MsgId id, MTPDmessage::Flags flags, int32 viaBotId, MsgId replyTo, QDateTime date, int32 from, GameData *game, const MTPReplyMarkup &markup) { return addNewItem(createItemGame(id, flags, viaBotId, replyTo, date, from, game, markup), true); } bool History::addToOverview(MediaOverviewType type, MsgId msgId, AddToOverviewMethod method) { bool adding = false; switch (method) { case AddToOverviewNew: case AddToOverviewFront: adding = (overviewIds[type].constFind(msgId) == overviewIds[type].cend()); break; case AddToOverviewBack: adding = (overviewCountData[type] != 0); break; } if (!adding) return false; overviewIds[type].insert(msgId); switch (method) { case AddToOverviewNew: case AddToOverviewBack: overview[type].push_back(msgId); break; case AddToOverviewFront: overview[type].push_front(msgId); break; } if (method == AddToOverviewNew) { if (overviewCountData[type] > 0) { ++overviewCountData[type]; } if (App::wnd()) App::wnd()->mediaOverviewUpdated(peer, type); } return true; } void History::eraseFromOverview(MediaOverviewType type, MsgId msgId) { if (overviewIds[type].isEmpty()) return; auto i = overviewIds[type].find(msgId); if (i == overviewIds[type].cend()) return; overviewIds[type].erase(i); for (auto i = overview[type].begin(), e = overview[type].end(); i != e; ++i) { if ((*i) == msgId) { overview[type].erase(i); if (overviewCountData[type] > 0) { --overviewCountData[type]; } break; } } if (App::wnd()) App::wnd()->mediaOverviewUpdated(peer, type); } HistoryItem *History::addNewItem(HistoryItem *adding, bool newMsg) { t_assert(!isBuildingFrontBlock()); addItemToBlock(adding); setLastMessage(adding); if (newMsg) { newItemAdded(adding); } adding->addToOverview(AddToOverviewNew); if (adding->from()->id) { if (adding->from()->isUser()) { QList *lastAuthors = 0; if (peer->isChat()) { lastAuthors = &peer->asChat()->lastAuthors; } else if (peer->isMegagroup()) { lastAuthors = &peer->asChannel()->mgInfo->lastParticipants; if (adding->from()->asUser()->botInfo) { peer->asChannel()->mgInfo->bots.insert(adding->from()->asUser()); if (peer->asChannel()->mgInfo->botStatus != 0 && peer->asChannel()->mgInfo->botStatus < 2) { peer->asChannel()->mgInfo->botStatus = 2; } } } if (lastAuthors) { int prev = lastAuthors->indexOf(adding->from()->asUser()); if (prev > 0) { lastAuthors->removeAt(prev); } else if (prev < 0 && peer->isMegagroup()) { // nothing is outdated if just reordering peer->asChannel()->mgInfo->lastParticipantsStatus |= MegagroupInfo::LastParticipantsAdminsOutdated; } if (prev) { lastAuthors->push_front(adding->from()->asUser()); } if (peer->isMegagroup()) { Notify::peerUpdatedDelayed(peer, Notify::PeerUpdate::Flag::MembersChanged); } } } if (adding->definesReplyKeyboard()) { MTPDreplyKeyboardMarkup::Flags markupFlags = adding->replyKeyboardFlags(); if (!(markupFlags & MTPDreplyKeyboardMarkup::Flag::f_selective) || adding->mentionsMe()) { OrderedSet *markupSenders = 0; if (peer->isChat()) { markupSenders = &peer->asChat()->markupSenders; } else if (peer->isMegagroup()) { markupSenders = &peer->asChannel()->mgInfo->markupSenders; } if (markupSenders) { markupSenders->insert(adding->from()); } if (markupFlags & MTPDreplyKeyboardMarkup_ClientFlag::f_zero) { // zero markup means replyKeyboardHide if (lastKeyboardFrom == adding->from()->id || (!lastKeyboardInited && !peer->isChat() && !peer->isMegagroup() && !adding->out())) { clearLastKeyboard(); } } else { bool botNotInChat = false; if (peer->isChat()) { botNotInChat = adding->from()->isUser() && (!peer->canWrite() || !peer->asChat()->participants.isEmpty()) && !peer->asChat()->participants.contains(adding->from()->asUser()); } else if (peer->isMegagroup()) { botNotInChat = adding->from()->isUser() && (!peer->canWrite() || peer->asChannel()->mgInfo->botStatus != 0) && !peer->asChannel()->mgInfo->bots.contains(adding->from()->asUser()); } if (botNotInChat) { clearLastKeyboard(); } else { lastKeyboardInited = true; lastKeyboardId = adding->id; lastKeyboardFrom = adding->from()->id; lastKeyboardUsed = false; } } } } } return adding; } void History::unregTyping(UserData *from) { uint64 updateAtMs = 0; auto i = typing.find(from); if (i != typing.cend()) { updateAtMs = getms(); i.value() = updateAtMs; } auto j = sendActions.find(from); if (j != sendActions.cend()) { if (!updateAtMs) updateAtMs = getms(); j.value().until = updateAtMs; } if (updateAtMs) { updateTyping(updateAtMs, true); } } void History::newItemAdded(HistoryItem *item) { App::checkImageCacheSize(); if (item->from() && item->from()->isUser()) { if (item->from() == item->author()) { unregTyping(item->from()->asUser()); } MTPint itemServerTime; toServerTime(item->date.toTime_t(), itemServerTime); item->from()->asUser()->madeAction(itemServerTime.v); } if (item->out()) { if (unreadBar) unreadBar->destroyUnreadBar(); if (!item->unread()) { outboxRead(item); } } else if (item->unread()) { bool skip = false; if (!isChannel() || peer->asChannel()->amIn()) { notifies.push_back(item); App::main()->newUnreadMsg(this, item); } } else if (!item->isGroupMigrate() || !peer->isMegagroup()) { inboxRead(item); } } HistoryBlock *History::prepareBlockForAddingItem() { if (isBuildingFrontBlock()) { if (_buildingFrontBlock->block) { return _buildingFrontBlock->block; } HistoryBlock *result = _buildingFrontBlock->block = new HistoryBlock(this); if (_buildingFrontBlock->expectedItemsCount > 0) { result->items.reserve(_buildingFrontBlock->expectedItemsCount + 1); } result->setIndexInHistory(0); blocks.push_front(result); for (int i = 1, l = blocks.size(); i < l; ++i) { blocks.at(i)->setIndexInHistory(i); } return result; } bool addNewBlock = blocks.isEmpty() || (blocks.back()->items.size() >= MessagesPerPage); if (!addNewBlock) { return blocks.back(); } HistoryBlock *result = new HistoryBlock(this); result->setIndexInHistory(blocks.size()); blocks.push_back(result); result->items.reserve(MessagesPerPage); return result; }; void History::addItemToBlock(HistoryItem *item) { t_assert(item != nullptr); t_assert(item->detached()); HistoryBlock *block = prepareBlockForAddingItem(); item->attachToBlock(block, block->items.size()); block->items.push_back(item); item->previousItemChanged(); if (isBuildingFrontBlock() && _buildingFrontBlock->expectedItemsCount > 0) { --_buildingFrontBlock->expectedItemsCount; } } void History::addOlderSlice(const QVector &slice) { if (slice.isEmpty()) { oldLoaded = true; if (isChannel()) { asChannelHistory()->checkJoinedMessage(); asChannelHistory()->checkMaxReadMessageDate(); } return; } startBuildingFrontBlock(slice.size()); for (auto i = slice.cend(), e = slice.cbegin(); i != e;) { --i; HistoryItem *adding = createItem(*i, false, true); if (!adding) continue; addItemToBlock(adding); } HistoryBlock *block = finishBuildingFrontBlock(); if (!block) { // If no items were added it means we've loaded everything old. oldLoaded = true; } else if (loadedAtBottom()) { // add photos to overview and authors to lastAuthors / lastParticipants bool channel = isChannel(); int32 mask = 0; QList *lastAuthors = 0; OrderedSet *markupSenders = 0; if (peer->isChat()) { lastAuthors = &peer->asChat()->lastAuthors; markupSenders = &peer->asChat()->markupSenders; } else if (peer->isMegagroup()) { lastAuthors = &peer->asChannel()->mgInfo->lastParticipants; markupSenders = &peer->asChannel()->mgInfo->markupSenders; } for (int32 i = block->items.size(); i > 0; --i) { HistoryItem *item = block->items[i - 1]; mask |= item->addToOverview(AddToOverviewFront); if (item->from()->id) { if (lastAuthors) { // chats if (item->from()->isUser()) { if (!lastAuthors->contains(item->from()->asUser())) { lastAuthors->push_back(item->from()->asUser()); if (peer->isMegagroup()) { peer->asChannel()->mgInfo->lastParticipantsStatus |= MegagroupInfo::LastParticipantsAdminsOutdated; Notify::peerUpdatedDelayed(peer, Notify::PeerUpdate::Flag::MembersChanged); } } } } } if (item->author()->id) { if (markupSenders) { // chats with bots if (!lastKeyboardInited && item->definesReplyKeyboard() && !item->out()) { MTPDreplyKeyboardMarkup::Flags markupFlags = item->replyKeyboardFlags(); if (!(markupFlags & MTPDreplyKeyboardMarkup::Flag::f_selective) || item->mentionsMe()) { bool wasKeyboardHide = markupSenders->contains(item->author()); if (!wasKeyboardHide) { markupSenders->insert(item->author()); } if (!(markupFlags & MTPDreplyKeyboardMarkup_ClientFlag::f_zero)) { if (!lastKeyboardInited) { bool botNotInChat = false; if (peer->isChat()) { botNotInChat = (!peer->canWrite() || !peer->asChat()->participants.isEmpty()) && item->author()->isUser() && !peer->asChat()->participants.contains(item->author()->asUser()); } else if (peer->isMegagroup()) { botNotInChat = (!peer->canWrite() || peer->asChannel()->mgInfo->botStatus != 0) && item->author()->isUser() && !peer->asChannel()->mgInfo->bots.contains(item->author()->asUser()); } if (wasKeyboardHide || botNotInChat) { clearLastKeyboard(); } else { lastKeyboardInited = true; lastKeyboardId = item->id; lastKeyboardFrom = item->author()->id; lastKeyboardUsed = false; } } } } } } else if (!lastKeyboardInited && item->definesReplyKeyboard() && !item->out()) { // conversations with bots MTPDreplyKeyboardMarkup::Flags markupFlags = item->replyKeyboardFlags(); if (!(markupFlags & MTPDreplyKeyboardMarkup::Flag::f_selective) || item->mentionsMe()) { if (markupFlags & MTPDreplyKeyboardMarkup_ClientFlag::f_zero) { clearLastKeyboard(); } else { lastKeyboardInited = true; lastKeyboardId = item->id; lastKeyboardFrom = item->author()->id; lastKeyboardUsed = false; } } } } } for (int32 t = 0; t < OverviewCount; ++t) { if ((mask & (1 << t)) && App::wnd()) App::wnd()->mediaOverviewUpdated(peer, MediaOverviewType(t)); } } if (isChannel()) { asChannelHistory()->checkJoinedMessage(); asChannelHistory()->checkMaxReadMessageDate(); } checkLastMsg(); } void History::addNewerSlice(const QVector &slice) { bool wasEmpty = isEmpty(), wasLoadedAtBottom = loadedAtBottom(); if (slice.isEmpty()) { newLoaded = true; if (!lastMsg) { setLastMessage(lastImportantMessage()); } } t_assert(!isBuildingFrontBlock()); if (!slice.isEmpty()) { bool atLeastOneAdded = false; for (auto i = slice.cend(), e = slice.cbegin(); i != e;) { --i; HistoryItem *adding = createItem(*i, false, true); if (!adding) continue; addItemToBlock(adding); atLeastOneAdded = true; } if (!atLeastOneAdded) { newLoaded = true; setLastMessage(lastImportantMessage()); } } if (!wasLoadedAtBottom) { checkAddAllToOverview(); } if (isChannel()) asChannelHistory()->checkJoinedMessage(); checkLastMsg(); } void History::checkLastMsg() { if (lastMsg) { if (!newLoaded && !lastMsg->detached()) { newLoaded = true; checkAddAllToOverview(); } } else if (newLoaded) { setLastMessage(lastImportantMessage()); } } void History::checkAddAllToOverview() { if (!loadedAtBottom()) { return; } int32 mask = 0; for (int32 i = 0; i < OverviewCount; ++i) { if (overviewCountData[i] == 0) continue; // all loaded if (!overview[i].isEmpty() || !overviewIds[i].isEmpty()) { overview[i].clear(); overviewIds[i].clear(); mask |= (1 << i); } } for_const (HistoryBlock *block, blocks) { for_const (HistoryItem *item, block->items) { mask |= item->addToOverview(AddToOverviewBack); } } for (int32 t = 0; t < OverviewCount; ++t) { if ((mask & (1 << t)) && App::wnd()) App::wnd()->mediaOverviewUpdated(peer, MediaOverviewType(t)); } } int History::countUnread(MsgId upTo) { int result = 0; for (auto i = blocks.cend(), e = blocks.cbegin(); i != e;) { --i; for (auto j = (*i)->items.cend(), en = (*i)->items.cbegin(); j != en;) { --j; if ((*j)->id > 0 && (*j)->id <= upTo) { break; } else if (!(*j)->out() && (*j)->unread() && (*j)->id > upTo) { ++result; } } } return result; } void History::updateShowFrom() { if (showFrom) return; for (auto i = blocks.cend(); i != blocks.cbegin();) { --i; for (auto j = (*i)->items.cend(); j != (*i)->items.cbegin();) { --j; if ((*j)->type() == HistoryItemMsg && (*j)->id > 0 && (!(*j)->out() || !showFrom)) { if ((*j)->id >= inboxReadBefore) { showFrom = *j; } else { return; } } } } } MsgId History::inboxRead(MsgId upTo) { if (upTo < 0) return upTo; if (unreadCount()) { if (upTo && loadedAtBottom()) App::main()->historyToDown(this); setUnreadCount(upTo ? countUnread(upTo) : 0); } if (!upTo) upTo = msgIdForRead(); accumulate_max(inboxReadBefore, upTo + 1); updateChatListEntry(); if (peer->migrateTo()) { if (auto migrateTo = App::historyLoaded(peer->migrateTo()->id)) { migrateTo->updateChatListEntry(); } } showFrom = nullptr; App::wnd()->notifyClear(this); clearNotifications(); return upTo; } MsgId History::inboxRead(HistoryItem *wasRead) { return inboxRead(wasRead ? wasRead->id : 0); } MsgId History::outboxRead(int32 upTo) { if (upTo < 0) return upTo; if (!upTo) upTo = msgIdForRead(); accumulate_max(outboxReadBefore, upTo + 1); return upTo; } MsgId History::outboxRead(HistoryItem *wasRead) { return outboxRead(wasRead ? wasRead->id : 0); } HistoryItem *History::lastImportantMessage() const { if (isEmpty()) { return nullptr; } bool importantOnly = isChannel() && !isMegagroup(); for (int blockIndex = blocks.size(); blockIndex > 0;) { HistoryBlock *block = blocks.at(--blockIndex); for (int itemIndex = block->items.size(); itemIndex > 0;) { HistoryItem *item = block->items.at(--itemIndex); if (item->type() == HistoryItemMsg) { return item; } } } return nullptr; } void History::setUnreadCount(int newUnreadCount) { if (_unreadCount != newUnreadCount) { if (newUnreadCount == 1) { if (loadedAtBottom()) showFrom = lastImportantMessage(); inboxReadBefore = qMax(inboxReadBefore, msgIdForRead()); } else if (!newUnreadCount) { showFrom = nullptr; inboxReadBefore = qMax(inboxReadBefore, msgIdForRead() + 1); } else { if (!showFrom && !unreadBar && loadedAtBottom()) updateShowFrom(); } if (inChatList(Dialogs::Mode::All)) { App::histories().unreadIncrement(newUnreadCount - _unreadCount, mute()); if (!mute() || Global::IncludeMuted()) { Notify::unreadCounterUpdated(); } } _unreadCount = newUnreadCount; if (auto main = App::main()) { main->unreadCountChanged(this); } if (unreadBar) { int32 count = _unreadCount; if (peer->migrateTo()) { if (History *h = App::historyLoaded(peer->migrateTo()->id)) { count += h->unreadCount(); } } if (count > 0) { unreadBar->setUnreadBarCount(count); } else { unreadBar->setUnreadBarFreezed(); } } } } void History::setMute(bool newMute) { if (_mute != newMute) { _mute = newMute; if (inChatList(Dialogs::Mode::All)) { if (_unreadCount) { App::histories().unreadMuteChanged(_unreadCount, newMute); Notify::unreadCounterUpdated(); } Notify::historyMuteUpdated(this); } updateChatListEntry(); } } void History::getNextShowFrom(HistoryBlock *block, int i) { if (i >= 0) { int l = block->items.size(); for (++i; i < l; ++i) { if (block->items.at(i)->type() == HistoryItemMsg) { showFrom = block->items.at(i); return; } } } for (int j = block->indexInHistory() + 1, s = blocks.size(); j < s; ++j) { block = blocks.at(j); for_const (HistoryItem *item, block->items) { if (item->type() == HistoryItemMsg) { showFrom = item; return; } } } showFrom = nullptr; } void History::countScrollState(int top) { countScrollTopItem(top); if (scrollTopItem) { scrollTopOffset = (top - scrollTopItem->block()->y - scrollTopItem->y); } } void History::countScrollTopItem(int top) { if (isEmpty()) { forgetScrollState(); return; } int itemIndex = 0, blockIndex = 0, itemTop = 0; if (scrollTopItem && !scrollTopItem->detached()) { itemIndex = scrollTopItem->indexInBlock(); blockIndex = scrollTopItem->block()->indexInHistory(); itemTop = blocks.at(blockIndex)->y + scrollTopItem->y; } if (itemTop > top) { // go backward through history while we don't find an item that starts above do { HistoryBlock *block = blocks.at(blockIndex); for (--itemIndex; itemIndex >= 0; --itemIndex) { HistoryItem *item = block->items.at(itemIndex); itemTop = block->y + item->y; if (itemTop <= top) { scrollTopItem = item; return; } } if (--blockIndex >= 0) { itemIndex = blocks.at(blockIndex)->items.size(); } else { break; } } while (true); scrollTopItem = blocks.front()->items.front(); } else { // go forward through history while we don't find the last item that starts above for (int blocksCount = blocks.size(); blockIndex < blocksCount; ++blockIndex) { HistoryBlock *block = blocks.at(blockIndex); for (int itemsCount = block->items.size(); itemIndex < itemsCount; ++itemIndex) { HistoryItem *item = block->items.at(itemIndex); itemTop = block->y + item->y; if (itemTop > top) { t_assert(itemIndex > 0 || blockIndex > 0); if (itemIndex > 0) { scrollTopItem = block->items.at(itemIndex - 1); } else { scrollTopItem = blocks.at(blockIndex - 1)->items.back(); } return; } } itemIndex = 0; } scrollTopItem = blocks.back()->items.back(); } } void History::getNextScrollTopItem(HistoryBlock *block, int32 i) { ++i; if (i > 0 && i < block->items.size()) { scrollTopItem = block->items.at(i); return; } int j = block->indexInHistory() + 1; if (j > 0 && j < blocks.size()) { scrollTopItem = blocks.at(j)->items.front(); return; } scrollTopItem = nullptr; } void History::addUnreadBar() { if (unreadBar || !showFrom || showFrom->detached() || !unreadCount()) return; int32 count = unreadCount(); if (peer->migrateTo()) { if (History *h = App::historyLoaded(peer->migrateTo()->id)) { count += h->unreadCount(); } } showFrom->setUnreadBarCount(count); unreadBar = showFrom; } void History::destroyUnreadBar() { if (unreadBar) { unreadBar->destroyUnreadBar(); } } HistoryItem *History::addNewInTheMiddle(HistoryItem *newItem, int32 blockIndex, int32 itemIndex) { t_assert(blockIndex >= 0); t_assert(blockIndex < blocks.size()); t_assert(itemIndex >= 0); t_assert(itemIndex <= blocks.at(blockIndex)->items.size()); HistoryBlock *block = blocks.at(blockIndex); newItem->attachToBlock(block, itemIndex); block->items.insert(itemIndex, newItem); newItem->previousItemChanged(); for (int i = itemIndex + 1, l = block->items.size(); i < l; ++i) { block->items.at(i)->setIndexInBlock(i); } if (itemIndex + 1 < block->items.size()) { block->items.at(itemIndex + 1)->previousItemChanged(); } return newItem; } void History::startBuildingFrontBlock(int expectedItemsCount) { t_assert(!isBuildingFrontBlock()); t_assert(expectedItemsCount > 0); _buildingFrontBlock.reset(new BuildingBlock()); _buildingFrontBlock->expectedItemsCount = expectedItemsCount; } HistoryBlock *History::finishBuildingFrontBlock() { t_assert(isBuildingFrontBlock()); // Some checks if there was some message history already HistoryBlock *block = _buildingFrontBlock->block; if (block && blocks.size() > 1) { HistoryItem *last = block->items.back(); // ... item, item, item, last ], [ first, item, item ... HistoryItem *first = blocks.at(1)->items.front(); // we've added a new front block, so previous item for // the old first item of a first block was changed first->previousItemChanged(); } _buildingFrontBlock = nullptr; return block; } void History::clearNotifications() { notifies.clear(); } bool History::loadedAtBottom() const { return newLoaded; } bool History::loadedAtTop() const { return oldLoaded; } bool History::isReadyFor(MsgId msgId) { if (msgId < 0 && -msgId < ServerMaxMsgId && peer->migrateFrom()) { // old group history return App::history(peer->migrateFrom()->id)->isReadyFor(-msgId); } if (msgId == ShowAtTheEndMsgId) { return loadedAtBottom(); } if (msgId == ShowAtUnreadMsgId) { if (peer->migrateFrom()) { // old group history if (History *h = App::historyLoaded(peer->migrateFrom()->id)) { if (h->unreadCount()) { return h->isReadyFor(msgId); } } } if (unreadCount()) { if (!isEmpty()) { return (loadedAtTop() || minMsgId() <= inboxReadBefore) && (loadedAtBottom() || maxMsgId() >= inboxReadBefore); } return false; } return loadedAtBottom(); } HistoryItem *item = App::histItemById(channelId(), msgId); return item && (item->history() == this) && !item->detached(); } void History::getReadyFor(MsgId msgId) { if (msgId < 0 && -msgId < ServerMaxMsgId && peer->migrateFrom()) { History *h = App::history(peer->migrateFrom()->id); h->getReadyFor(-msgId); if (h->isEmpty()) { clear(true); } return; } if (msgId == ShowAtUnreadMsgId && peer->migrateFrom()) { if (History *h = App::historyLoaded(peer->migrateFrom()->id)) { if (h->unreadCount()) { clear(true); h->getReadyFor(msgId); return; } } } if (!isReadyFor(msgId)) { clear(true); if (msgId == ShowAtTheEndMsgId) { newLoaded = true; } } } void History::setNotLoadedAtBottom() { newLoaded = false; } namespace { uint32 _dialogsPosToTopShift = 0x80000000UL; } inline uint64 dialogPosFromDate(const QDateTime &date) { if (date.isNull()) return 0; return (uint64(date.toTime_t()) << 32) | (++_dialogsPosToTopShift); } void History::setLastMessage(HistoryItem *msg) { if (msg) { if (!lastMsg) Local::removeSavedPeer(peer); lastMsg = msg; setChatsListDate(msg->date); } else { lastMsg = 0; updateChatListEntry(); } } bool History::needUpdateInChatList() const { if (inChatList(Dialogs::Mode::All)) { return true; } else if (peer->migrateTo()) { return false; } return (!peer->isChannel() || peer->asChannel()->amIn()); } void History::setChatsListDate(const QDateTime &date) { bool updateDialog = needUpdateInChatList(); if (!lastMsgDate.isNull() && lastMsgDate >= date) { if (!updateDialog || !inChatList(Dialogs::Mode::All)) { return; } } lastMsgDate = date; updateChatListSortPosition(); } void History::updateChatListSortPosition() { auto chatListDate = [this]() { if (auto draft = cloudDraft()) { if (!Data::draftIsNull(draft) && draft->date > lastMsgDate) { return draft->date; } } return lastMsgDate; }; _sortKeyInChatList = dialogPosFromDate(chatListDate()); if (auto m = App::main()) { if (needUpdateInChatList()) { if (_sortKeyInChatList) { m->createDialog(this); updateChatListEntry(); } else { m->deleteConversation(peer, false); } } } } void History::fixLastMessage(bool wasAtBottom) { setLastMessage(wasAtBottom ? lastImportantMessage() : 0); } MsgId History::minMsgId() const { for_const (const HistoryBlock *block, blocks) { for_const (const HistoryItem *item, block->items) { if (item->id > 0) { return item->id; } } } return 0; } MsgId History::maxMsgId() const { for (auto i = blocks.cend(), e = blocks.cbegin(); i != e;) { --i; for (auto j = (*i)->items.cend(), en = (*i)->items.cbegin(); j != en;) { --j; if ((*j)->id > 0) { return (*j)->id; } } } return 0; } MsgId History::msgIdForRead() const { MsgId result = (lastMsg && lastMsg->id > 0) ? lastMsg->id : 0; if (loadedAtBottom()) result = qMax(result, maxMsgId()); return result; } int History::resizeGetHeight(int newWidth) { bool resizeAllItems = (_flags & Flag::f_pending_resize) || (width != newWidth); if (!resizeAllItems && !hasPendingResizedItems()) { return height; } _flags &= ~(Flag::f_pending_resize | Flag::f_has_pending_resized_items); width = newWidth; int y = 0; for_const (HistoryBlock *block, blocks) { block->y = y; y += block->resizeGetHeight(newWidth, resizeAllItems); } height = y; return height; } ChannelHistory *History::asChannelHistory() { return isChannel() ? static_cast(this) : 0; } const ChannelHistory *History::asChannelHistory() const { return isChannel() ? static_cast(this) : 0; } bool History::isDisplayedEmpty() const { return isEmpty() || ((blocks.size() == 1) && blocks.front()->items.size() == 1 && blocks.front()->items.front()->isEmpty()); } void History::clear(bool leaveItems) { if (unreadBar) { unreadBar = nullptr; } if (showFrom) { showFrom = nullptr; } if (lastSentMsg) { lastSentMsg = nullptr; } if (scrollTopItem) { forgetScrollState(); } if (!leaveItems) { setLastMessage(nullptr); notifies.clear(); auto &pending = Global::RefPendingRepaintItems(); for (auto i = pending.begin(); i != pending.end();) { if ((*i)->history() == this) { i = pending.erase(i); } else { ++i; } } } for (int32 i = 0; i < OverviewCount; ++i) { if (!overview[i].isEmpty() || !overviewIds[i].isEmpty()) { if (leaveItems) { if (overviewCountData[i] == 0) { overviewCountData[i] = overview[i].size(); } } else { overviewCountData[i] = -1; // not loaded yet } overview[i].clear(); overviewIds[i].clear(); if (App::wnd() && !App::quitting()) App::wnd()->mediaOverviewUpdated(peer, MediaOverviewType(i)); } } clearBlocks(leaveItems); if (leaveItems) { lastKeyboardInited = false; } else { setUnreadCount(0); if (peer->isMegagroup()) { peer->asChannel()->mgInfo->pinnedMsgId = 0; } clearLastKeyboard(); } setPendingResize(); newLoaded = oldLoaded = false; forgetScrollState(); if (peer->isChat()) { peer->asChat()->lastAuthors.clear(); peer->asChat()->markupSenders.clear(); } else if (isChannel()) { asChannelHistory()->cleared(leaveItems); if (isMegagroup()) { peer->asChannel()->mgInfo->markupSenders.clear(); } } if (leaveItems && App::main()) App::main()->historyCleared(this); } void History::clearBlocks(bool leaveItems) { Blocks lst; std::swap(lst, blocks); for_const (HistoryBlock *block, lst) { if (leaveItems) { block->clear(true); } delete block; } } void History::clearOnDestroy() { clearBlocks(false); } History::PositionInChatListChange History::adjustByPosInChatList(Dialogs::Mode list, Dialogs::IndexedList *indexed) { t_assert(indexed != nullptr); Dialogs::Row *lnk = mainChatListLink(list); int32 movedFrom = lnk->pos(); indexed->adjustByPos(chatListLinks(list)); int32 movedTo = lnk->pos(); return { movedFrom, movedTo }; } int History::posInChatList(Dialogs::Mode list) const { return mainChatListLink(list)->pos(); } Dialogs::Row *History::addToChatList(Dialogs::Mode list, Dialogs::IndexedList *indexed) { t_assert(indexed != nullptr); if (!inChatList(list)) { chatListLinks(list) = indexed->addToEnd(this); if (list == Dialogs::Mode::All && unreadCount()) { App::histories().unreadIncrement(unreadCount(), mute()); Notify::unreadCounterUpdated(); } } return mainChatListLink(list); } void History::removeFromChatList(Dialogs::Mode list, Dialogs::IndexedList *indexed) { t_assert(indexed != nullptr); if (inChatList(list)) { indexed->del(peer); chatListLinks(list).clear(); if (list == Dialogs::Mode::All && unreadCount()) { App::histories().unreadIncrement(-unreadCount(), mute()); Notify::unreadCounterUpdated(); } } } void History::removeChatListEntryByLetter(Dialogs::Mode list, QChar letter) { t_assert(letter != 0); if (inChatList(list)) { chatListLinks(list).remove(letter); } } void History::addChatListEntryByLetter(Dialogs::Mode list, QChar letter, Dialogs::Row *row) { t_assert(letter != 0); if (inChatList(list)) { chatListLinks(list).insert(letter, row); } } void History::updateChatListEntry() const { if (MainWidget *m = App::main()) { if (inChatList(Dialogs::Mode::All)) { m->dlgUpdated(Dialogs::Mode::All, mainChatListLink(Dialogs::Mode::All)); if (inChatList(Dialogs::Mode::Important)) { m->dlgUpdated(Dialogs::Mode::Important, mainChatListLink(Dialogs::Mode::Important)); } } } } void History::overviewSliceDone(int32 overviewIndex, const MTPmessages_Messages &result, bool onlyCounts) { const QVector *v = 0; switch (result.type()) { case mtpc_messages_messages: { auto &d(result.c_messages_messages()); App::feedUsers(d.vusers); App::feedChats(d.vchats); v = &d.vmessages.c_vector().v; overviewCountData[overviewIndex] = 0; } break; case mtpc_messages_messagesSlice: { auto &d(result.c_messages_messagesSlice()); App::feedUsers(d.vusers); App::feedChats(d.vchats); overviewCountData[overviewIndex] = d.vcount.v; v = &d.vmessages.c_vector().v; } break; case mtpc_messages_channelMessages: { auto &d(result.c_messages_channelMessages()); if (peer->isChannel()) { peer->asChannel()->ptsReceived(d.vpts.v); } else { LOG(("API Error: received messages.channelMessages when no channel was passed! (History::overviewSliceDone, onlyCounts %1)").arg(Logs::b(onlyCounts))); } App::feedUsers(d.vusers); App::feedChats(d.vchats); overviewCountData[overviewIndex] = d.vcount.v; v = &d.vmessages.c_vector().v; } break; default: return; } if (!onlyCounts && v->isEmpty()) { overviewCountData[overviewIndex] = 0; } else if (overviewCountData[overviewIndex] > 0) { for_const (auto msgId, overviewIds[overviewIndex]) { if (msgId < 0) { ++overviewCountData[overviewIndex]; } else { break; } } } for (QVector::const_iterator i = v->cbegin(), e = v->cend(); i != e; ++i) { HistoryItem *item = App::histories().addNewMessage(*i, NewMessageExisting); if (item && overviewIds[overviewIndex].constFind(item->id) == overviewIds[overviewIndex].cend()) { overviewIds[overviewIndex].insert(item->id); overview[overviewIndex].push_front(item->id); } } } void History::changeMsgId(MsgId oldId, MsgId newId) { for (int32 i = 0; i < OverviewCount; ++i) { auto j = overviewIds[i].find(oldId); if (j != overviewIds[i].cend()) { overviewIds[i].erase(j); int32 index = overview[i].indexOf(oldId); if (overviewIds[i].constFind(newId) == overviewIds[i].cend()) { overviewIds[i].insert(newId); if (index >= 0) { overview[i][index] = newId; } else { overview[i].push_back(newId); } } else if (index >= 0) { overview[i].removeAt(index); } } } } void History::removeBlock(HistoryBlock *block) { t_assert(block->items.isEmpty()); if (_buildingFrontBlock && block == _buildingFrontBlock->block) { _buildingFrontBlock->block = nullptr; } int index = block->indexInHistory(); blocks.removeAt(index); for (int i = index, l = blocks.size(); i < l; ++i) { blocks.at(i)->setIndexInHistory(i); } if (index < blocks.size()) { blocks.at(index)->items.front()->previousItemChanged(); } } History::~History() { clearOnDestroy(); } int HistoryBlock::resizeGetHeight(int newWidth, bool resizeAllItems) { int y = 0; for_const (HistoryItem *item, items) { item->y = y; if (resizeAllItems || item->pendingResize()) { y += item->resizeGetHeight(newWidth); } else { y += item->height(); } } height = y; return height; } void HistoryBlock::clear(bool leaveItems) { Items lst; std::swap(lst, items); if (leaveItems) { for_const (HistoryItem *item, lst) { item->detachFast(); } } else { for_const (HistoryItem *item, lst) { delete item; } } } void HistoryBlock::removeItem(HistoryItem *item) { t_assert(item->block() == this); int blockIndex = indexInHistory(); int itemIndex = item->indexInBlock(); if (history->showFrom == item) { history->getNextShowFrom(this, itemIndex); } if (history->lastSentMsg == item) { history->lastSentMsg = nullptr; } if (history->unreadBar == item) { history->unreadBar = nullptr; } if (history->scrollTopItem == item) { history->getNextScrollTopItem(this, itemIndex); } item->detachFast(); items.remove(itemIndex); for (int i = itemIndex, l = items.size(); i < l; ++i) { items.at(i)->setIndexInBlock(i); } if (items.isEmpty()) { history->removeBlock(this); } else if (itemIndex < items.size()) { items.at(itemIndex)->previousItemChanged(); } else if (blockIndex + 1 < history->blocks.size()) { history->blocks.at(blockIndex + 1)->items.front()->previousItemChanged(); } if (items.isEmpty()) { delete this; } }