/* This file is part of Telegram Desktop, the official desktop application for the Telegram messaging service. For license and copyright information please follow this link: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LEGAL */ #include "window/main_window.h" #include "storage/localstorage.h" #include "platform/platform_specific.h" #include "ui/platform/ui_platform_window.h" #include "platform/platform_window_title.h" #include "base/platform/base_platform_info.h" #include "history/history.h" #include "window/window_session_controller.h" #include "window/window_lock_widgets.h" #include "window/window_controller.h" #include "main/main_account.h" // Account::sessionValue. #include "core/application.h" #include "core/sandbox.h" #include "lang/lang_keys.h" #include "data/data_session.h" #include "main/main_session.h" #include "main/main_session_settings.h" #include "base/crc32hash.h" #include "ui/toast/toast.h" #include "ui/widgets/shadow.h" #include "ui/controls/window_outdated_bar.h" #include "ui/ui_utility.h" #include "apiwrap.h" #include "mainwindow.h" #include "mainwidget.h" // session->content()->windowShown(). #include "facades.h" #include "styles/style_widgets.h" #include "styles/style_window.h" #include #include #include #include #include namespace Window { namespace { constexpr auto kSaveWindowPositionTimeout = crl::time(1000); } // namespace const QImage &Logo() { static const auto result = QImage(u":/gui/art/logo_256.png"_q); return result; } const QImage &LogoNoMargin() { static const auto result = QImage(u":/gui/art/logo_256_no_margin.png"_q); return result; } void ConvertIconToBlack(QImage &image) { if (image.format() != QImage::Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied) { image = std::move(image).convertToFormat( QImage::Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied); } //const auto gray = red * 0.299 + green * 0.587 + blue * 0.114; //const auto result = (gray - 100 < 0) ? 0 : (gray - 100) * 255 / 155; constexpr auto scale = 255 / 155.; constexpr auto red = 0.299; constexpr auto green = 0.587; constexpr auto blue = 0.114; static constexpr auto shift = (1 << 24); auto shifter = [](double value) { return uint32(value * shift); }; constexpr auto iscale = shifter(scale); constexpr auto ired = shifter(red); constexpr auto igreen = shifter(green); constexpr auto iblue = shifter(blue); constexpr auto threshold = 100; const auto width = image.width(); const auto height = image.height(); const auto data = reinterpret_cast(image.bits()); const auto intsPerLine = image.bytesPerLine() / 4; const auto intsPerLineAdded = intsPerLine - width; auto pixel = data; for (auto j = 0; j != height; ++j) { for (auto i = 0; i != width; ++i) { const auto value = *pixel; const auto gray = (((value >> 16) & 0xFF) * ired + ((value >> 8) & 0xFF) * igreen + (value & 0xFF) * iblue) >> 24; const auto small = gray - threshold; const auto test = ~small; const auto result = (test >> 31) * small * iscale; const auto component = (result >> 24) & 0xFF; *pixel++ = (value & 0xFF000000U) | (component << 16) | (component << 8) | component; } pixel += intsPerLineAdded; } } QIcon CreateOfficialIcon(Main::Session *session) { const auto support = (session && session->supportMode()); if (!support) { return QIcon(); } auto image = Logo(); ConvertIconToBlack(image); return QIcon(Ui::PixmapFromImage(std::move(image))); } QIcon CreateIcon(Main::Session *session, bool returnNullIfDefault) { const auto officialIcon = CreateOfficialIcon(session); if (!officialIcon.isNull() || returnNullIfDefault) { return officialIcon; } auto result = QIcon(Ui::PixmapFromImage(base::duplicate(Logo()))); #if defined Q_OS_UNIX && !defined Q_OS_MAC const auto iconFromTheme = QIcon::fromTheme( Platform::GetIconName(), result); result = QIcon(); static const auto iconSizes = { 16, 22, 32, 48, 64, 128, 256, }; // Qt's standard QIconLoaderEngine sets availableSizes // to XDG directories sizes, since svg icons are scalable, // they could be only in one XDG folder (like 48x48) // and Qt will set only a 48px icon to the window // even though the icon could be scaled to other sizes. // Thus, scale it manually to the most widespread sizes. for (const auto iconSize : iconSizes) { // We can't use QIcon::actualSize here // since it works incorrectly with svg icon themes const auto iconPixmap = iconFromTheme.pixmap(iconSize); const auto iconPixmapSize = iconPixmap.size() / iconPixmap.devicePixelRatio(); // Not a svg icon, don't scale it if (iconPixmapSize.width() != iconSize) { return iconFromTheme; } result.addPixmap(iconPixmap); } #endif return result; } QImage GenerateCounterLayer(CounterLayerArgs &&args) { // platform/linux/main_window_linux depends on count used the same // way for all the same (count % 1000) values. const auto count = args.count.value(); const auto text = (count < 1000) ? QString::number(count) : u"..%1"_q.arg(count % 100, 2, 10, QChar('0')); const auto textSize = text.size(); struct Dimensions { int size = 0; int font = 0; int delta = 0; int radius = 0; }; const auto d = [&]() -> Dimensions { switch (args.size.value()) { case 16: return { .size = 16, .font = ((textSize < 2) ? 11 : (textSize < 3) ? 11 : 8), .delta = ((textSize < 2) ? 5 : (textSize < 3) ? 2 : 1), .radius = ((textSize < 2) ? 8 : (textSize < 3) ? 7 : 3), }; case 20: return { .size = 20, .font = ((textSize < 2) ? 14 : (textSize < 3) ? 13 : 10), .delta = ((textSize < 2) ? 6 : (textSize < 3) ? 2 : 1), .radius = ((textSize < 2) ? 10 : (textSize < 3) ? 9 : 5), }; case 24: return { .size = 24, .font = ((textSize < 2) ? 17 : (textSize < 3) ? 16 : 12), .delta = ((textSize < 2) ? 7 : (textSize < 3) ? 3 : 1), .radius = ((textSize < 2) ? 12 : (textSize < 3) ? 11 : 6), }; default: return { .size = 32, .font = ((textSize < 2) ? 22 : (textSize < 3) ? 20 : 16), .delta = ((textSize < 2) ? 9 : (textSize < 3) ? 4 : 2), .radius = ((textSize < 2) ? 16 : (textSize < 3) ? 14 : 8), }; } }(); auto result = QImage(d.size, d.size, QImage::Format_ARGB32); result.fill(Qt::transparent); auto p = QPainter(&result); auto hq = PainterHighQualityEnabler(p); const auto f = style::font{ d.font, 0, 0 }; const auto w = f->width(text); p.setBrush(args.bg.value()); p.setPen(Qt::NoPen); p.drawRoundedRect( QRect( d.size - w - d.delta * 2, d.size - f->height, w + d.delta * 2, f->height), d.radius, d.radius); p.setFont(f); p.setPen(args.fg.value()); p.drawText(d.size - w - d.delta, d.size - f->height + f->ascent, text); p.end(); return result; } QImage WithSmallCounter(QImage image, CounterLayerArgs &&args) { const auto count = args.count.value(); const auto text = (count < 100) ? QString::number(count) : QString("..%1").arg(count % 10, 1, 10, QChar('0')); const auto textSize = text.size(); struct Dimensions { int size = 0; int font = 0; int delta = 0; int radius = 0; }; const auto d = [&]() -> Dimensions { switch (args.size.value()) { case 16: return { .size = 16, .font = 8, .delta = ((textSize < 2) ? 2 : 1), .radius = ((textSize < 2) ? 4 : 3), }; case 32: return { .size = 32, .font = 12, .delta = ((textSize < 2) ? 5 : 2), .radius = ((textSize < 2) ? 8 : 7), }; default: return { .size = 64, .font = 22, .delta = ((textSize < 2) ? 9 : 4), .radius = ((textSize < 2) ? 16 : 14), }; } }(); auto p = QPainter(&image); auto hq = PainterHighQualityEnabler(p); const auto f = style::font{ d.font, 0, 0 }; const auto w = f->width(text); p.setBrush(args.bg.value()); p.setPen(Qt::NoPen); p.drawRoundedRect( QRect( d.size - w - d.delta * 2, d.size - f->height, w + d.delta * 2, f->height), d.radius, d.radius); p.setFont(f); p.setPen(args.fg.value()); p.drawText(d.size - w - d.delta, d.size - f->height + f->ascent, text); p.end(); return image; } MainWindow::MainWindow(not_null controller) : _controller(controller) , _positionUpdatedTimer([=] { savePosition(); }) , _outdated(Ui::CreateOutdatedBar(body(), cWorkingDir())) , _body(body()) { style::PaletteChanged( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=] { updatePalette(); }, lifetime()); Core::App().unreadBadgeChanges( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=] { updateUnreadCounter(); }, lifetime()); Core::App().settings().workModeChanges( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=](Core::Settings::WorkMode mode) { workmodeUpdated(mode); }, lifetime()); Ui::Toast::SetDefaultParent(_body.data()); body()->sizeValue( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=](QSize size) { updateControlsGeometry(); }, lifetime()); if (_outdated) { _outdated->heightValue( ) | rpl::filter([=] { return window()->windowHandle() != nullptr; }) | rpl::start_with_next([=](int height) { if (!height) { crl::on_main(this, [=] { _outdated.destroy(); }); } updateControlsGeometry(); }, _outdated->lifetime()); } } Main::Account &MainWindow::account() const { return _controller->account(); } PeerData *MainWindow::singlePeer() const { return _controller->singlePeer(); } bool MainWindow::isPrimary() const { return _controller->isPrimary(); } Window::SessionController *MainWindow::sessionController() const { return _controller->sessionController(); } bool MainWindow::hideNoQuit() { if (Core::Quitting()) { return false; } const auto workMode = Core::App().settings().workMode(); if (workMode == Core::Settings::WorkMode::TrayOnly || workMode == Core::Settings::WorkMode::WindowAndTray) { if (minimizeToTray()) { if (const auto controller = sessionController()) { Ui::showChatsList(&controller->session()); } return true; } } if (Platform::IsMac() || Core::App().settings().closeToTaskbar()) { if (Platform::IsMac()) { closeWithoutDestroy(); } else { setWindowState(window()->windowState() | Qt::WindowMinimized); } controller().updateIsActiveBlur(); updateGlobalMenu(); if (const auto controller = sessionController()) { Ui::showChatsList(&controller->session()); } return true; } return false; } void MainWindow::clearWidgets() { clearWidgetsHook(); updateGlobalMenu(); } void MainWindow::updateIsActive() { const auto isActive = computeIsActive(); if (_isActive != isActive) { _isActive = isActive; activeChangedHook(); } } bool MainWindow::computeIsActive() const { return isActiveWindow() && isVisible() && !(windowState() & Qt::WindowMinimized); } void MainWindow::updateWindowIcon() { const auto session = sessionController() ? &sessionController()->session() : nullptr; const auto supportIcon = session && session->supportMode(); if (supportIcon != _usingSupportIcon || _icon.isNull()) { _icon = CreateIcon(session); _usingSupportIcon = supportIcon; } setWindowIcon(_icon); } QRect MainWindow::desktopRect() const { const auto now = crl::now(); if (!_monitorLastGot || now >= _monitorLastGot + crl::time(1000)) { _monitorLastGot = now; _monitorRect = computeDesktopRect(); } return _monitorRect; } void MainWindow::init() { createWinId(); initHook(); updateWindowIcon(); // Non-queued activeChanged handlers must use QtSignalProducer. connect( windowHandle(), &QWindow::activeChanged, this, [=] { handleActiveChanged(); }, Qt::QueuedConnection); connect( windowHandle(), &QWindow::windowStateChanged, this, [=](Qt::WindowState state) { handleStateChanged(state); }); connect( windowHandle(), &QWindow::visibleChanged, this, [=](bool visible) { handleVisibleChanged(visible); }); updatePalette(); if (Ui::Platform::NativeWindowFrameSupported()) { Core::App().settings().nativeWindowFrameChanges( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=](bool native) { refreshTitleWidget(); recountGeometryConstraints(); }, lifetime()); } refreshTitleWidget(); initGeometry(); updateUnreadCounter(); } void MainWindow::handleStateChanged(Qt::WindowState state) { stateChangedHook(state); updateControlsGeometry(); if (state == Qt::WindowMinimized) { controller().updateIsActiveBlur(); } else { controller().updateIsActiveFocus(); } Core::App().updateNonIdle(); using WorkMode = Core::Settings::WorkMode; if (state == Qt::WindowMinimized && (Core::App().settings().workMode() == WorkMode::TrayOnly)) { minimizeToTray(); } savePosition(state); } void MainWindow::handleActiveChanged() { if (isActiveWindow()) { Core::App().checkMediaViewActivation(); } InvokeQueued(this, [=] { handleActiveChangedHook(); }); } void MainWindow::handleVisibleChanged(bool visible) { if (visible) { if (_maximizedBeforeHide) { DEBUG_LOG(("Window Pos: Window was maximized before hidding, setting maximized.")); setWindowState(Qt::WindowMaximized); } } else { _maximizedBeforeHide = Core::App().settings().windowPosition().maximized; } handleVisibleChangedHook(visible); } void MainWindow::showFromTray() { InvokeQueued(this, [=] { updateGlobalMenu(); }); activate(); updateUnreadCounter(); } void MainWindow::quitFromTray() { Core::Quit(); } void MainWindow::activate() { bool wasHidden = !isVisible(); setWindowState(windowState() & ~Qt::WindowMinimized); setVisible(true); psActivateProcess(); raise(); activateWindow(); controller().updateIsActiveFocus(); if (wasHidden) { if (const auto session = sessionController()) { session->content()->windowShown(); } } } void MainWindow::updatePalette() { Ui::ForceFullRepaint(this); auto p = palette(); p.setColor(QPalette::Window, st::windowBg->c); setPalette(p); } int MainWindow::computeMinWidth() const { auto result = st::windowMinWidth; if (const auto session = _controller->sessionController()) { if (const auto add = session->filtersWidth()) { result += add; } } if (_rightColumn) { result += _rightColumn->width(); } return result; } int MainWindow::computeMinHeight() const { const auto outdated = [&] { if (!_outdated) { return 0; } _outdated->resizeToWidth(st::windowMinWidth); return _outdated->height(); }(); return outdated + st::windowMinHeight; } void MainWindow::refreshTitleWidget() { if (Ui::Platform::NativeWindowFrameSupported() && Core::App().settings().nativeWindowFrame()) { setNativeFrame(true); if (Platform::NativeTitleRequiresShadow()) { _titleShadow.create(this); _titleShadow->show(); } } else { setNativeFrame(false); _titleShadow.destroy(); } } void MainWindow::updateMinimumSize() { setMinimumSize(QSize(computeMinWidth(), computeMinHeight())); } void MainWindow::recountGeometryConstraints() { updateMinimumSize(); updateControlsGeometry(); fixOrder(); } Core::WindowPosition MainWindow::positionFromSettings() const { auto position = Core::App().settings().windowPosition(); DEBUG_LOG(("Window Pos: Initializing first %1, %2, %3, %4 " "(scale %5%, maximized %6)") .arg(position.x) .arg(position.y) .arg(position.w) .arg(position.h) .arg(position.scale) .arg(Logs::b(position.maximized))); if (!position.scale) { return position; } const auto scaleFactor = cScale() / float64(position.scale); if (scaleFactor != 1.) { // Change scale while keeping the position center in place. position.x += position.w / 2; position.y += position.h / 2; position.w *= scaleFactor; position.h *= scaleFactor; position.x -= position.w / 2; position.y -= position.h / 2; } return position; } QRect MainWindow::countInitialGeometry(Core::WindowPosition position) { const auto primaryScreen = QGuiApplication::primaryScreen(); const auto primaryAvailable = primaryScreen ? primaryScreen->availableGeometry() : QRect(0, 0, st::windowDefaultWidth, st::windowDefaultHeight); const auto initialWidth = Core::Settings::ThirdColumnByDefault() ? st::windowBigDefaultWidth : st::windowDefaultWidth; const auto initialHeight = Core::Settings::ThirdColumnByDefault() ? st::windowBigDefaultHeight : st::windowDefaultHeight; const auto initial = QRect( primaryAvailable.x() + std::max( (primaryAvailable.width() - initialWidth) / 2, 0), primaryAvailable.y() + std::max( (primaryAvailable.height() - initialHeight) / 2, 0), initialWidth, initialHeight); if (!position.w || !position.h) { return initial; } const auto screen = [&]() -> QScreen* { for (const auto screen : QGuiApplication::screens()) { if (position.moncrc == screenNameChecksum(screen->name())) { return screen; } } return nullptr; }(); if (!screen) { return initial; } const auto frame = frameMargins(); const auto screenGeometry = screen->geometry(); const auto availableGeometry = screen->availableGeometry(); const auto spaceForInner = availableGeometry.marginsRemoved(frame); DEBUG_LOG(("Window Pos: " "Screen found, screen geometry: %1, %2, %3, %4, " "available: %5, %6, %7, %8" ).arg(screenGeometry.x() ).arg(screenGeometry.y() ).arg(screenGeometry.width() ).arg(screenGeometry.height() ).arg(availableGeometry.x() ).arg(availableGeometry.y() ).arg(availableGeometry.width() ).arg(availableGeometry.height())); DEBUG_LOG(("Window Pos: " "Window frame margins: %1, %2, %3, %4, " "available space for inner geometry: %5, %6, %7, %8" ).arg(frame.left() ).arg(frame.top() ).arg(frame.right() ).arg(frame.bottom() ).arg(spaceForInner.x() ).arg(spaceForInner.y() ).arg(spaceForInner.width() ).arg(spaceForInner.height())); const auto x = spaceForInner.x() - screenGeometry.x(); const auto y = spaceForInner.y() - screenGeometry.y(); const auto w = spaceForInner.width(); const auto h = spaceForInner.height(); if (w < st::windowMinWidth || h < st::windowMinHeight) { return initial; } if (position.x < x) position.x = x; if (position.y < y) position.y = y; if (position.w > w) position.w = w; if (position.h > h) position.h = h; const auto rightPoint = position.x + position.w; const auto screenRightPoint = x + w; if (rightPoint > screenRightPoint) { const auto distance = rightPoint - screenRightPoint; const auto newXPos = position.x - distance; if (newXPos >= x) { position.x = newXPos; } else { position.x = x; const auto newRightPoint = position.x + position.w; const auto newDistance = newRightPoint - screenRightPoint; position.w -= newDistance; } } const auto bottomPoint = position.y + position.h; const auto screenBottomPoint = y + h; if (bottomPoint > screenBottomPoint) { const auto distance = bottomPoint - screenBottomPoint; const auto newYPos = position.y - distance; if (newYPos >= y) { position.y = newYPos; } else { position.y = y; const auto newBottomPoint = position.y + position.h; const auto newDistance = newBottomPoint - screenBottomPoint; position.h -= newDistance; } } position.x += screenGeometry.x(); position.y += screenGeometry.y(); if ((position.x + st::windowMinWidth > screenGeometry.x() + screenGeometry.width()) || (position.y + st::windowMinHeight > screenGeometry.y() + screenGeometry.height())) { return initial; } DEBUG_LOG(("Window Pos: Resulting geometry is %1, %2, %3, %4" ).arg(position.x ).arg(position.y ).arg(position.w ).arg(position.h)); return QRect(position.x, position.y, position.w, position.h); } void MainWindow::initGeometry() { updateMinimumSize(); if (initGeometryFromSystem()) { return; } // #TODO windows const auto geometry = countInitialGeometry(isPrimary() ? positionFromSettings() : Core::WindowPosition()); DEBUG_LOG(("Window Pos: Setting first %1, %2, %3, %4" ).arg(geometry.x() ).arg(geometry.y() ).arg(geometry.width() ).arg(geometry.height())); setGeometry(geometry); } void MainWindow::positionUpdated() { _positionUpdatedTimer.callOnce(kSaveWindowPositionTimeout); } int32 MainWindow::screenNameChecksum(const QString &name) const { const auto bytes = name.toUtf8(); return base::crc32(bytes.constData(), bytes.size()); } void MainWindow::setPositionInited() { _positionInited = true; } void MainWindow::attachToTrayIcon(not_null icon) { icon->setToolTip(AppName.utf16()); connect(icon, &QSystemTrayIcon::activated, this, [=]( QSystemTrayIcon::ActivationReason reason) { Core::Sandbox::Instance().customEnterFromEventLoop([&] { handleTrayIconActication(reason); }); }); } rpl::producer<> MainWindow::leaveEvents() const { return _leaveEvents.events(); } void MainWindow::leaveEventHook(QEvent *e) { _leaveEvents.fire({}); } void MainWindow::updateControlsGeometry() { const auto inner = body()->rect(); auto bodyLeft = inner.x(); auto bodyTop = inner.y(); auto bodyWidth = inner.width(); if (_titleShadow) { _titleShadow->setGeometry(inner.x(), bodyTop, inner.width(), st::lineWidth); } if (_outdated) { Ui::SendPendingMoveResizeEvents(_outdated.data()); _outdated->resizeToWidth(inner.width()); _outdated->moveToLeft(inner.x(), bodyTop); bodyTop += _outdated->height(); } if (_rightColumn) { bodyWidth -= _rightColumn->width(); _rightColumn->setGeometry(bodyWidth, bodyTop, inner.width() - bodyWidth, inner.height() - (bodyTop - inner.y())); } _body->setGeometry(bodyLeft, bodyTop, bodyWidth, inner.height() - (bodyTop - inner.y())); } void MainWindow::updateUnreadCounter() { if (Core::Quitting()) { return; } const auto counter = Core::App().unreadBadge(); setTitle((counter > 0) ? qsl("Telegram (%1)").arg(counter) : qsl("Telegram")); unreadCounterChangedHook(); } QRect MainWindow::computeDesktopRect() const { return (screen() ? screen() : QApplication::primaryScreen())->availableGeometry(); } void MainWindow::savePosition(Qt::WindowState state) { if (state == Qt::WindowActive) { state = windowHandle()->windowState(); } if (state == Qt::WindowMinimized || !isVisible() || !isPrimary() // #TODO windows || !positionInited()) { return; } const auto &savedPosition = Core::App().settings().windowPosition(); auto realPosition = savedPosition; if (state == Qt::WindowMaximized) { realPosition.maximized = 1; DEBUG_LOG(("Window Pos: Saving maximized position.")); } else { auto r = body()->mapToGlobal(body()->rect()); realPosition.x = r.x(); realPosition.y = r.y(); realPosition.w = r.width() - (_rightColumn ? _rightColumn->width() : 0); realPosition.h = r.height(); realPosition.scale = cScale(); realPosition.maximized = 0; realPosition.moncrc = 0; DEBUG_LOG(("Window Pos: Saving non-maximized position: %1, %2, %3, %4").arg(realPosition.x).arg(realPosition.y).arg(realPosition.w).arg(realPosition.h)); auto centerX = realPosition.x + realPosition.w / 2; auto centerY = realPosition.y + realPosition.h / 2; int minDelta = 0; QScreen *chosen = nullptr; const auto screens = QGuiApplication::screens(); for (auto screen : screens) { auto delta = (screen->geometry().center() - QPoint(centerX, centerY)).manhattanLength(); if (!chosen || delta < minDelta) { minDelta = delta; chosen = screen; } } if (chosen) { auto screenGeometry = chosen->geometry(); DEBUG_LOG(("Window Pos: Screen found, geometry: %1, %2, %3, %4" ).arg(screenGeometry.x() ).arg(screenGeometry.y() ).arg(screenGeometry.width() ).arg(screenGeometry.height())); realPosition.x -= screenGeometry.x(); realPosition.y -= screenGeometry.y(); realPosition.moncrc = screenNameChecksum(chosen->name()); } } if (realPosition.w >= st::windowMinWidth && realPosition.h >= st::windowMinHeight) { if (realPosition.x != savedPosition.x || realPosition.y != savedPosition.y || realPosition.w != savedPosition.w || realPosition.h != savedPosition.h || realPosition.scale != savedPosition.scale || realPosition.moncrc != savedPosition.moncrc || realPosition.maximized != savedPosition.maximized) { DEBUG_LOG(("Window Pos: Writing: %1, %2, %3, %4 (scale %5%, maximized %6)") .arg(realPosition.x) .arg(realPosition.y) .arg(realPosition.w) .arg(realPosition.h) .arg(realPosition.scale) .arg(Logs::b(realPosition.maximized))); Core::App().settings().setWindowPosition(realPosition); Core::App().saveSettingsDelayed(); } } } bool MainWindow::minimizeToTray() { if (Core::Quitting() || !hasTrayIcon()) { return false; } closeWithoutDestroy(); controller().updateIsActiveBlur(); updateGlobalMenu(); showTrayTooltip(); return true; } void MainWindow::reActivateWindow() { #if defined Q_OS_UNIX && !defined Q_OS_MAC const auto weak = Ui::MakeWeak(this); const auto reActivate = [=] { if (const auto w = weak.data()) { if (auto f = QApplication::focusWidget()) { f->clearFocus(); } w->activate(); if (auto f = QApplication::focusWidget()) { f->clearFocus(); } w->setInnerFocus(); } }; crl::on_main(this, reActivate); base::call_delayed(200, this, reActivate); #endif // Q_OS_UNIX && !Q_OS_MAC } void MainWindow::showRightColumn(object_ptr widget) { const auto wasWidth = width(); const auto wasRightWidth = _rightColumn ? _rightColumn->width() : 0; _rightColumn = std::move(widget); if (_rightColumn) { _rightColumn->setParent(body()); _rightColumn->show(); _rightColumn->setFocus(); } else { setInnerFocus(); } const auto nowRightWidth = _rightColumn ? _rightColumn->width() : 0; const auto wasMinimumWidth = minimumWidth(); const auto nowMinimumWidth = computeMinWidth(); const auto firstResize = (nowMinimumWidth < wasMinimumWidth); if (firstResize) { setMinimumWidth(nowMinimumWidth); } if (!isMaximized()) { tryToExtendWidthBy(wasWidth + nowRightWidth - wasRightWidth - width()); } else { updateControlsGeometry(); } if (!firstResize) { setMinimumWidth(nowMinimumWidth); } } int MainWindow::maximalExtendBy() const { auto desktop = (screen() ? screen() : QApplication::primaryScreen())->availableGeometry(); return std::max(desktop.width() - body()->width(), 0); } bool MainWindow::canExtendNoMove(int extendBy) const { auto desktop = (screen() ? screen() : QApplication::primaryScreen())->availableGeometry(); auto inner = body()->mapToGlobal(body()->rect()); auto innerRight = (inner.x() + inner.width() + extendBy); auto desktopRight = (desktop.x() + desktop.width()); return innerRight <= desktopRight; } int MainWindow::tryToExtendWidthBy(int addToWidth) { auto desktop = (screen() ? screen() : QApplication::primaryScreen())->availableGeometry(); auto inner = body()->mapToGlobal(body()->rect()); accumulate_min( addToWidth, std::max(desktop.width() - inner.width(), 0)); auto newWidth = inner.width() + addToWidth; auto newLeft = std::min( inner.x(), desktop.x() + desktop.width() - newWidth); if (inner.x() != newLeft || inner.width() != newWidth) { setGeometry(QRect(newLeft, inner.y(), newWidth, inner.height())); } else { updateControlsGeometry(); } return addToWidth; } void MainWindow::launchDrag( std::unique_ptr data, Fn &&callback) { // Qt destroys this QDrag automatically after the drag is finished // We must not delete this at the end of this function, as this breaks DnD on Linux auto drag = new QDrag(this); drag->setMimeData(data.release()); drag->exec(Qt::CopyAction); // We don't receive mouseReleaseEvent when drag is finished. ClickHandler::unpressed(); callback(); } MainWindow::~MainWindow() { // Otherwise: // ~QWidget // QWidgetPrivate::close_helper // QWidgetPrivate::setVisible // QWidgetPrivate::hide_helper // QWidgetPrivate::hide_sys // QWindowPrivate::setVisible // QMetaObject::activate // Window::MainWindow::handleVisibleChanged on a destroyed MainWindow. hide(); } } // namespace Window