/* This file is part of Telegram Desktop, the official desktop application for the Telegram messaging service. For license and copyright information please follow this link: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LEGAL */ #include "platform/linux/main_window_linux.h" #include "styles/style_window.h" #include "platform/linux/linux_libs.h" #include "platform/linux/specific_linux.h" #include "platform/linux/linux_desktop_environment.h" #include "platform/platform_notifications_manager.h" #include "history/history.h" #include "mainwindow.h" #include "core/application.h" #include "core/sandbox.h" #include "lang/lang_keys.h" #include "storage/localstorage.h" #include "facades.h" #include "app.h" #include #ifndef TDESKTOP_DISABLE_DBUS_INTEGRATION #include #endif // !TDESKTOP_DISABLE_DBUS_INTEGRATION namespace Platform { namespace { constexpr auto kDisableTrayCounter = "TDESKTOP_DISABLE_TRAY_COUNTER"_cs; constexpr auto kTrayIconName = "telegram"_cs; constexpr auto kPanelTrayIconName = "telegram-panel"_cs; constexpr auto kMutePanelTrayIconName = "telegram-mute-panel"_cs; constexpr auto kAttentionPanelTrayIconName = "telegram-attention-panel"_cs; constexpr auto kSNIWatcherService = "org.kde.StatusNotifierWatcher"_cs; constexpr auto kTrayIconFilename = "tdesktop-trayicon-XXXXXX.png"_cs; int32 _trayIconSize = 48; bool _trayIconMuted = true; int32 _trayIconCount = 0; QImage _trayIconImageBack, _trayIconImage; QString _trayIconThemeName, _trayIconName; #ifndef TDESKTOP_DISABLE_DBUS_INTEGRATION bool UseUnityCount = false; QString UnityCountDesktopFile; QString UnityCountDBusPath = "/"; #endif // !TDESKTOP_DISABLE_DBUS_INTEGRATION #define QT_RED 0 #define QT_GREEN 1 #define QT_BLUE 2 #define QT_ALPHA 3 QString GetTrayIconName() { const auto counter = Core::App().unreadBadge(); const auto muted = Core::App().unreadBadgeMuted(); return (counter > 0) ? (muted ? kMutePanelTrayIconName.utf16() : kAttentionPanelTrayIconName.utf16()) : kPanelTrayIconName.utf16(); } QImage TrayIconImageGen() { const auto counter = Core::App().unreadBadge(); const auto muted = Core::App().unreadBadgeMuted(); const auto counterSlice = (counter >= 1000) ? (1000 + (counter % 100)) : counter; const auto iconThemeName = QIcon::themeName(); const auto iconName = GetTrayIconName(); const auto desiredSize = QSize(_trayIconSize, _trayIconSize); if (_trayIconImage.isNull() || _trayIconImage.size() != desiredSize || iconThemeName != _trayIconThemeName || iconName != _trayIconName || muted != _trayIconMuted || counterSlice != _trayIconCount) { if (_trayIconImageBack.isNull() || _trayIconImageBack.size() != desiredSize || iconThemeName != _trayIconThemeName || iconName != _trayIconName) { const auto hasPanelIcon = QIcon::hasThemeIcon(iconName); if (hasPanelIcon || QIcon::hasThemeIcon(kTrayIconName.utf16())) { QIcon systemIcon; if (hasPanelIcon) { systemIcon = QIcon::fromTheme(iconName); } else { systemIcon = QIcon::fromTheme(kTrayIconName.utf16()); } if (systemIcon.actualSize(desiredSize) == desiredSize) { _trayIconImageBack = systemIcon .pixmap(desiredSize) .toImage(); } else { const auto biggestSize = systemIcon .availableSizes() .last(); _trayIconImageBack = systemIcon .pixmap(biggestSize) .toImage(); } } else { _trayIconImageBack = Core::App().logo(); } if (_trayIconImageBack.size() != desiredSize) { _trayIconImageBack = _trayIconImageBack.scaled( desiredSize, Qt::IgnoreAspectRatio, Qt::SmoothTransformation); } _trayIconImageBack = _trayIconImageBack.convertToFormat( QImage::Format_ARGB32); const auto w = _trayIconImageBack.width(); const auto h = _trayIconImageBack.height(); const auto perline = _trayIconImageBack.bytesPerLine(); auto *bytes = _trayIconImageBack.bits(); for (int32 y = 0; y < h; ++y) { for (int32 x = 0; x < w; ++x) { int32 srcoff = y * perline + x * 4; bytes[srcoff + QT_RED ] = qMax( bytes[srcoff + QT_RED ], uchar(224)); bytes[srcoff + QT_GREEN] = qMax( bytes[srcoff + QT_GREEN], uchar(165)); bytes[srcoff + QT_BLUE ] = qMax( bytes[srcoff + QT_BLUE ], uchar(44)); } } } _trayIconImage = _trayIconImageBack; _trayIconMuted = muted; _trayIconCount = counterSlice; _trayIconThemeName = iconThemeName; _trayIconName = iconName; if (counter > 0) { QPainter p(&_trayIconImage); int32 layerSize = -16; if (_trayIconSize >= 48) { layerSize = -32; } else if (_trayIconSize >= 36) { layerSize = -24; } else if (_trayIconSize >= 32) { layerSize = -20; } auto &bg = (muted ? st::trayCounterBgMute : st::trayCounterBg); auto &fg = st::trayCounterFg; auto layer = App::wnd()->iconWithCounter( layerSize, counter, bg, fg, false); p.drawImage( _trayIconImage.width() - layer.width() - 1, _trayIconImage.height() - layer.height() - 1, layer); } } return _trayIconImage; } bool IsAppIndicator() { #ifdef TDESKTOP_DISABLE_DBUS_INTEGRATION static const auto AppIndicator = false; #else // TDESKTOP_DISABLE_DBUS_INTEGRATION static const auto AppIndicator = QDBusInterface( qsl("com.canonical.indicator.application"), qsl("/com/canonical/indicator/application/service"), qsl("com.canonical.indicator.application.service")).isValid() || QDBusInterface( qsl("org.ayatana.indicator.application"), qsl("/org/ayatana/indicator/application/service"), qsl("org.ayatana.indicator.application.service")).isValid(); #endif // !TDESKTOP_DISABLE_DBUS_INTEGRATION return AppIndicator; } #ifndef TDESKTOP_DISABLE_DBUS_INTEGRATION static bool NeedTrayIconFile() { // Hack for indicator-application, which doesn't handle icons sent across D-Bus: // save the icon to a temp file and set the icon name to that filename. static const auto TrayIconFileNeeded = IsAppIndicator() // Ubuntu's tray extension doesn't zoom image data, but zooms image file || DesktopEnvironment::IsGnome(); return TrayIconFileNeeded; } static inline QString TrayIconFileTemplate() { static const auto TempFileTemplate = AppRuntimeDirectory() + kTrayIconFilename.utf16(); return TempFileTemplate; } std::unique_ptr TrayIconFile( const QImage &icon, QObject *parent) { auto ret = std::make_unique( TrayIconFileTemplate(), parent); ret->open(); icon.save(ret.get()); ret->close(); return ret; } #endif // !TDESKTOP_DISABLE_DBUS_INTEGRATION bool IsSNIAvailable() { static const auto SNIAvailable = [&] { #ifndef TDESKTOP_DISABLE_DBUS_INTEGRATION QDBusInterface systrayHost( kSNIWatcherService.utf16(), qsl("/StatusNotifierWatcher"), kSNIWatcherService.utf16()); return systrayHost.isValid() && systrayHost .property("IsStatusNotifierHostRegistered") .toBool(); #endif // !TDESKTOP_DISABLE_DBUS_INTEGRATION return false; }(); return SNIAvailable; } quint32 djbStringHash(QString string) { quint32 hash = 5381; QByteArray chars = string.toLatin1(); for(int i = 0; i < chars.length(); i++){ hash = (hash << 5) + hash + chars[i]; } return hash; } } // namespace MainWindow::MainWindow(not_null controller) : Window::MainWindow(controller) { } bool MainWindow::hasTrayIcon() const { #ifndef TDESKTOP_DISABLE_DBUS_INTEGRATION return trayIcon || _sniTrayIcon; #else return trayIcon; #endif // !TDESKTOP_DISABLE_DBUS_INTEGRATION } void MainWindow::psShowTrayMenu() { if (!IsSNIAvailable()) { _trayIconMenuXEmbed->popup(QCursor::pos()); } } void MainWindow::psTrayMenuUpdated() { #ifndef TDESKTOP_DISABLE_DBUS_INTEGRATION if (IsSNIAvailable()) { if (_sniTrayIcon && trayIconMenu) { _sniTrayIcon->setContextMenu(trayIconMenu); } } #endif // !TDESKTOP_DISABLE_DBUS_INTEGRATION } #ifndef TDESKTOP_DISABLE_DBUS_INTEGRATION void MainWindow::setSNITrayIcon( const QIcon &icon, const QImage &iconImage) { if (!NeedTrayIconFile()) { _sniTrayIcon->setIconByPixmap(icon); _sniTrayIcon->setToolTipIconByPixmap(icon); } if (qEnvironmentVariableIsSet(kDisableTrayCounter.utf8())) { const auto iconName = GetTrayIconName(); _sniTrayIcon->setIconByName(iconName); _sniTrayIcon->setToolTipIconByName(iconName); } else if (NeedTrayIconFile()) { _trayIconFile = TrayIconFile(iconImage, this); if (_trayIconFile) { _sniTrayIcon->setIconByName(_trayIconFile->fileName()); _sniTrayIcon->setToolTipIconByName(_trayIconFile->fileName()); } } } void MainWindow::attachToSNITrayIcon() { _sniTrayIcon->setToolTipTitle(AppName.utf16()); connect(_sniTrayIcon, &StatusNotifierItem::activateRequested, this, [=](const QPoint &) { Core::Sandbox::Instance().customEnterFromEventLoop([&] { handleTrayIconActication(QSystemTrayIcon::Trigger); }); }); connect(_sniTrayIcon, &StatusNotifierItem::secondaryActivateRequested, this, [=](const QPoint &) { Core::Sandbox::Instance().customEnterFromEventLoop([&] { handleTrayIconActication(QSystemTrayIcon::MiddleClick); }); }); updateTrayMenu(); } #endif // !TDESKTOP_DISABLE_DBUS_INTEGRATION void MainWindow::psSetupTrayIcon() { const auto iconImage = TrayIconImageGen(); const auto icon = QIcon(QPixmap::fromImage(iconImage)); if (IsSNIAvailable()) { #ifndef TDESKTOP_DISABLE_DBUS_INTEGRATION LOG(("Using SNI tray icon.")); if (!_sniTrayIcon) { _sniTrayIcon = new StatusNotifierItem( QCoreApplication::applicationName(), this); _sniTrayIcon->setTitle(AppName.utf16()); setSNITrayIcon(icon, iconImage); attachToSNITrayIcon(); } updateIconCounters(); #endif // !TDESKTOP_DISABLE_DBUS_INTEGRATION } else { LOG(("Using Qt tray icon.")); if (!_trayIconMenuXEmbed) { _trayIconMenuXEmbed = new Ui::PopupMenu(nullptr, trayIconMenu); _trayIconMenuXEmbed->deleteOnHide(false); } if (!trayIcon) { trayIcon = new QSystemTrayIcon(this); trayIcon->setIcon(icon); attachToTrayIcon(trayIcon); } updateIconCounters(); trayIcon->show(); } } void MainWindow::workmodeUpdated(DBIWorkMode mode) { if (!cSupportTray()) return; if (mode == dbiwmWindowOnly) { if (IsSNIAvailable()) { #ifndef TDESKTOP_DISABLE_DBUS_INTEGRATION if (_sniTrayIcon) { _sniTrayIcon->setContextMenu(0); _sniTrayIcon->deleteLater(); } _sniTrayIcon = 0; #endif // !TDESKTOP_DISABLE_DBUS_INTEGRATION } else { if (trayIcon) { trayIcon->setContextMenu(0); trayIcon->deleteLater(); } trayIcon = 0; } } else { psSetupTrayIcon(); } } void MainWindow::unreadCounterChangedHook() { setWindowTitle(titleText()); updateIconCounters(); } void MainWindow::updateIconCounters() { updateWindowIcon(); #ifndef TDESKTOP_DISABLE_DBUS_INTEGRATION if (UseUnityCount) { const auto counter = Core::App().unreadBadge(); QVariantMap dbusUnityProperties; if (counter > 0) { // Gnome requires that count is a 64bit integer dbusUnityProperties.insert( "count", (qint64) ((counter > 9999) ? 9999 : (counter))); dbusUnityProperties.insert("count-visible", true); } else { dbusUnityProperties.insert("count-visible", false); } QDBusMessage signal = QDBusMessage::createSignal( UnityCountDBusPath, "com.canonical.Unity.LauncherEntry", "Update"); signal << "application://" + UnityCountDesktopFile; signal << dbusUnityProperties; QDBusConnection::sessionBus().send(signal); } #endif // !TDESKTOP_DISABLE_DBUS_INTEGRATION const auto iconImage = TrayIconImageGen(); const auto icon = QIcon(QPixmap::fromImage(iconImage)); if (IsSNIAvailable()) { #ifndef TDESKTOP_DISABLE_DBUS_INTEGRATION if (_sniTrayIcon) { setSNITrayIcon(icon, iconImage); } #endif // !TDESKTOP_DISABLE_DBUS_INTEGRATION } else if (trayIcon) { trayIcon->setIcon(icon); } } void MainWindow::LibsLoaded() { #ifndef TDESKTOP_DISABLE_DBUS_INTEGRATION qDBusRegisterMetaType(); qDBusRegisterMetaType(); qDBusRegisterMetaType(); #endif // !TDESKTOP_DISABLE_DBUS_INTEGRATION if (!IsSNIAvailable() || IsAppIndicator()) { _trayIconSize = 22; } } void MainWindow::psFirstShow() { const auto trayAvailable = IsSNIAvailable() || QSystemTrayIcon::isSystemTrayAvailable(); LOG(("System tray available: %1").arg(Logs::b(trayAvailable))); cSetSupportTray(trayAvailable); #ifndef TDESKTOP_DISABLE_DBUS_INTEGRATION if (QDBusInterface("com.canonical.Unity", "/").isValid()) { const std::vector possibleDesktopFiles = { GetLauncherFilename(), "Telegram.desktop" }; for (auto it = possibleDesktopFiles.begin(); it != possibleDesktopFiles.end(); it++) { if (!QStandardPaths::locate( QStandardPaths::ApplicationsLocation, *it).isEmpty()) { UnityCountDesktopFile = *it; LOG(("Found Unity Launcher entry %1!") .arg(UnityCountDesktopFile)); UseUnityCount = true; break; } } if (!UseUnityCount) { LOG(("Could not get Unity Launcher entry!")); } UnityCountDBusPath = "/com/canonical/unity/launcherentry/" + QString::number( djbStringHash("application://" + UnityCountDesktopFile)); } else { LOG(("Not using Unity Launcher count.")); } #endif // !TDESKTOP_DISABLE_DBUS_INTEGRATION show(); if (cWindowPos().maximized) { DEBUG_LOG(("Window Pos: First show, setting maximized.")); setWindowState(Qt::WindowMaximized); } if ((cLaunchMode() == LaunchModeAutoStart && cStartMinimized()) || cStartInTray()) { // If I call hide() synchronously here after show() then on Ubuntu 14.04 // it will show a window frame with transparent window body, without content. // And to be able to "Show from tray" one more hide() will be required. crl::on_main(this, [=] { setWindowState(Qt::WindowMinimized); if (Global::WorkMode().value() == dbiwmTrayOnly || Global::WorkMode().value() == dbiwmWindowAndTray) { hide(); } else { show(); } }); } setPositionInited(); } MainWindow::~MainWindow() { #ifndef TDESKTOP_DISABLE_DBUS_INTEGRATION delete _sniTrayIcon; #endif // !TDESKTOP_DISABLE_DBUS_INTEGRATION delete _trayIconMenuXEmbed; } } // namespace Platform