/* This file is part of Telegram Desktop, the official desktop application for the Telegram messaging service. For license and copyright information please follow this link: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LEGAL */ #include "ui/chat/chat_theme.h" #include "ui/image/image_prepare.h" #include "ui/ui_utility.h" #include "ui/chat/message_bubble.h" #include "ui/chat/chat_style.h" #include "ui/style/style_core_palette.h" #include "ui/style/style_palette_colorizer.h" #include #include namespace Ui { namespace { constexpr auto kMaxChatEntryHistorySize = 50; constexpr auto kCacheBackgroundTimeout = 1 * crl::time(1000); constexpr auto kCacheBackgroundFastTimeout = crl::time(200); constexpr auto kBackgroundFadeDuration = crl::time(200); constexpr auto kMinimumTiledSize = 512; constexpr auto kMaxSize = 2960; constexpr auto kMaxContrastValue = 21.; constexpr auto kMinAcceptableContrast = 1.14;// 4.5; [[nodiscard]] QColor DefaultBackgroundColor() { return QColor(213, 223, 233); } [[nodiscard]] int ComputeRealRotation(const CacheBackgroundRequest &request) { if (request.background.colors.size() < 3) { return request.background.gradientRotation; } const auto doubled = (request.background.gradientRotation + request.gradientRotationAdd) % 720; return (((doubled % 2) ? (doubled - 45) : doubled) / 2) % 360; } [[nodiscard]] double ComputeRealProgress( const CacheBackgroundRequest &request) { if (request.background.colors.size() < 3) { return 1.; } const auto doubled = (request.background.gradientRotation + request.gradientRotationAdd) % 720; return (doubled % 2) ? 0.5 : 1.; } [[nodiscard]] CacheBackgroundResult CacheBackground( const CacheBackgroundRequest &request) { Expects(!request.area.isEmpty()); const auto ratio = style::DevicePixelRatio(); const auto gradient = request.background.gradientForFill.isNull() ? QImage() : (request.gradientRotationAdd != 0) ? Images::GenerateGradient( request.background.gradientForFill.size(), request.background.colors, ComputeRealRotation(request), ComputeRealProgress(request)) : request.background.gradientForFill; if (request.background.isPattern || request.background.tile || request.background.prepared.isNull()) { auto result = gradient.isNull() ? QImage( request.area * ratio, QImage::Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied) : gradient.scaled( request.area * ratio, Qt::IgnoreAspectRatio, Qt::SmoothTransformation); result.setDevicePixelRatio(ratio); if (!request.background.prepared.isNull()) { QPainter p(&result); if (!gradient.isNull()) { if (request.background.patternOpacity >= 0.) { p.setCompositionMode(QPainter::CompositionMode_SoftLight); p.setOpacity(request.background.patternOpacity); } else { p.setCompositionMode( QPainter::CompositionMode_DestinationIn); } } const auto tiled = request.background.isPattern ? request.background.prepared.scaled( request.area.height() * ratio, request.area.height() * ratio, Qt::KeepAspectRatio, Qt::SmoothTransformation) : request.background.preparedForTiled; const auto w = tiled.width() / float(ratio); const auto h = tiled.height() / float(ratio); const auto cx = int(std::ceil(request.area.width() / w)); const auto cy = int(std::ceil(request.area.height() / h)); const auto rows = cy; const auto cols = request.background.isPattern ? (((cx / 2) * 2) + 1) : cx; const auto xshift = request.background.isPattern ? (request.area.width() * ratio - cols * tiled.width()) / 2 : 0; const auto useshift = xshift / float(ratio); for (auto y = 0; y != rows; ++y) { for (auto x = 0; x != cols; ++x) { p.drawImage(QPointF(useshift + x * w, y * h), tiled); } } if (!gradient.isNull() && request.background.patternOpacity < 0. && request.background.patternOpacity > -1.) { p.setCompositionMode(QPainter::CompositionMode_SourceOver); p.setOpacity(1. + request.background.patternOpacity); p.fillRect(QRect(QPoint(), request.area), Qt::black); } } return { .image = std::move(result).convertToFormat( QImage::Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied), .gradient = gradient, .area = request.area, .waitingForNegativePattern = request.background.waitingForNegativePattern() }; } else { const auto rects = ComputeChatBackgroundRects( request.area, request.background.prepared.size()); auto result = request.background.prepared.copy(rects.from).scaled( rects.to.width() * style::DevicePixelRatio(), rects.to.height() * style::DevicePixelRatio(), Qt::IgnoreAspectRatio, Qt::SmoothTransformation); result.setDevicePixelRatio(style::DevicePixelRatio()); return { .image = std::move(result).convertToFormat( QImage::Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied), .gradient = gradient, .area = request.area, .x = rects.to.x(), .y = rects.to.y(), }; } } [[nodiscard]] QImage PrepareBubblesBackground( const ChatThemeBubblesData &data) { if (data.colors.size() < 2) { return QImage(); } constexpr auto kSize = 512; return Images::GenerateLinearGradient(QSize(kSize, kSize), data.colors); } // https://stackoverflow.com/a/9733420 [[nodiscard]] float64 CountContrast(const QColor &a, const QColor &b) { const auto luminance = [](const QColor &c) { const auto map = [](double value) { return (value <= 0.03928) ? (value / 12.92) : std::pow((value + 0.055) / 1.055, 2.4); }; return map(c.redF()) * 0.2126 + map(c.greenF()) * 0.7152 + map(c.blueF()) * 0.0722; }; const auto luminance1 = luminance(a); const auto luminance2 = luminance(b); const auto brightest = std::max(luminance1, luminance2); const auto darkest = std::min(luminance1, luminance2); return (brightest + 0.05) / (darkest + 0.05); } } // namespace bool operator==(const ChatThemeBackground &a, const ChatThemeBackground &b) { return (a.prepared.cacheKey() == b.prepared.cacheKey()) && (a.gradientForFill.cacheKey() == b.gradientForFill.cacheKey()) && (a.tile == b.tile) && (a.patternOpacity == b.patternOpacity); } bool operator!=(const ChatThemeBackground &a, const ChatThemeBackground &b) { return !(a == b); } bool operator==( const CacheBackgroundRequest &a, const CacheBackgroundRequest &b) { return (a.background == b.background) && (a.area == b.area) && (a.gradientRotationAdd == b.gradientRotationAdd) && (a.gradientProgress == b.gradientProgress); } bool operator!=( const CacheBackgroundRequest &a, const CacheBackgroundRequest &b) { return !(a == b); } CachedBackground::CachedBackground(CacheBackgroundResult &&result) : pixmap(PixmapFromImage(std::move(result.image))) , area(result.area) , x(result.x) , y(result.y) , waitingForNegativePattern(result.waitingForNegativePattern) { } ChatTheme::ChatTheme() { } // Runs from background thread. ChatTheme::ChatTheme(ChatThemeDescriptor &&descriptor) : _key(descriptor.key) , _palette(std::make_unique()) { descriptor.preparePalette(*_palette); setBackground(PrepareBackgroundImage(descriptor.backgroundData)); setBubblesBackground(PrepareBubblesBackground(descriptor.bubblesData)); adjustPalette(descriptor); } ChatTheme::~ChatTheme() = default; void ChatTheme::adjustPalette(const ChatThemeDescriptor &descriptor) { auto &p = *_palette; const auto overrideOutBg = (descriptor.bubblesData.colors.size() == 1); if (overrideOutBg) { set(p.msgOutBg(), descriptor.bubblesData.colors.front()); } const auto &background = descriptor.backgroundData.colors; if (!background.empty()) { const auto average = CountAverageColor(background); adjust(p.msgServiceBg(), average); adjust(p.msgServiceBgSelected(), average); adjust(p.historyScrollBg(), average); adjust(p.historyScrollBgOver(), average); adjust(p.historyScrollBarBg(), average); adjust(p.historyScrollBarBgOver(), average); } const auto bubblesAccent = descriptor.bubblesData.accent ? descriptor.bubblesData.accent : (!descriptor.bubblesData.colors.empty()) ? ThemeAdjustedColor( p.msgOutReplyBarColor()->c, CountAverageColor(descriptor.bubblesData.colors)) : std::optional(); if (bubblesAccent) { // First set hue/saturation the same for all those colors from accent. const auto by = *bubblesAccent; if (!overrideOutBg) { adjust(p.msgOutBg(), by); } adjust(p.msgOutShadow(), by); adjust(p.msgOutServiceFg(), by); adjust(p.msgOutDateFg(), by); adjust(p.msgFileThumbLinkOutFg(), by); adjust(p.msgFileOutBg(), by); adjust(p.msgOutReplyBarColor(), by); adjust(p.msgWaveformOutActive(), by); adjust(p.msgWaveformOutInactive(), by); adjust(p.historyFileOutRadialFg(), by); // historyFileOutIconFg adjust(p.mediaOutFg(), by); adjust(p.historyLinkOutFg(), by); adjust(p.msgOutMonoFg(), by); adjust(p.historyOutIconFg(), by); adjust(p.historySendingOutIconFg(), by); adjust(p.historyCallArrowOutFg(), by); adjust(p.historyFileOutIconFg(), by); // msgOutBg // After make msgFileOutBg exact accent and adjust some others. const auto colorizer = bubblesAccentColorizer(by); adjust(p.msgOutServiceFg(), colorizer); adjust(p.msgOutDateFg(), colorizer); adjust(p.msgFileThumbLinkOutFg(), colorizer); adjust(p.msgFileOutBg(), colorizer); adjust(p.msgOutReplyBarColor(), colorizer); adjust(p.msgWaveformOutActive(), colorizer); adjust(p.msgWaveformOutInactive(), colorizer); adjust(p.mediaOutFg(), colorizer); adjust(p.historyLinkOutFg(), colorizer); adjust(p.historyOutIconFg(), colorizer); adjust(p.historySendingOutIconFg(), colorizer); adjust(p.historyCallArrowOutFg(), colorizer); if (!descriptor.basedOnDark) { adjust(p.msgOutBgSelected(), by); adjust(p.msgOutShadowSelected(), by); adjust(p.msgOutServiceFgSelected(), by); adjust(p.msgOutDateFgSelected(), by); adjust(p.msgFileThumbLinkOutFgSelected(), by); adjust(p.msgFileOutBgSelected(), by); adjust(p.msgOutReplyBarSelColor(), by); adjust(p.msgWaveformOutActiveSelected(), by); adjust(p.msgWaveformOutInactiveSelected(), by); adjust(p.historyFileOutRadialFgSelected(), by); adjust(p.mediaOutFgSelected(), by); adjust(p.historyLinkOutFgSelected(), by); adjust(p.msgOutMonoFgSelected(), by); adjust(p.historyOutIconFgSelected(), by); // adjust(p.historySendingOutIconFgSelected(), by); adjust(p.historyCallArrowOutFgSelected(), by); adjust(p.historyFileOutIconFgSelected(), by); // msgOutBg adjust(p.msgOutServiceFgSelected(), colorizer); adjust(p.msgOutDateFgSelected(), colorizer); adjust(p.msgFileThumbLinkOutFgSelected(), colorizer); adjust(p.msgFileOutBgSelected(), colorizer); adjust(p.msgOutReplyBarSelColor(), colorizer); adjust(p.msgWaveformOutActiveSelected(), colorizer); adjust(p.msgWaveformOutInactiveSelected(), colorizer); adjust(p.mediaOutFgSelected(), colorizer); adjust(p.historyLinkOutFgSelected(), colorizer); adjust(p.historyOutIconFgSelected(), colorizer); //adjust(p.historySendingOutIconFgSelected(), colorizer); adjust(p.historyCallArrowOutFgSelected(), colorizer); } } auto outBgColors = descriptor.bubblesData.colors; if (outBgColors.empty()) { outBgColors.push_back(p.msgOutBg()->c); } const auto colors = { p.msgOutServiceFg(), p.msgOutDateFg(), p.msgFileThumbLinkOutFg(), p.msgFileOutBg(), p.msgOutReplyBarColor(), p.msgWaveformOutActive(), p.historyTextOutFg(), p.mediaOutFg(), p.historyLinkOutFg(), p.msgOutMonoFg(), p.historyOutIconFg(), p.historyCallArrowOutFg(), }; const auto minimal = [&](const QColor &with) { auto result = kMaxContrastValue; for (const auto &color : colors) { result = std::min(result, CountContrast(color->c, with)); } return result; }; const auto withBg = [&](auto &&count) { auto result = kMaxContrastValue; for (const auto &bg : outBgColors) { result = std::min(result, count(bg)); } return result; }; //const auto singleWithBg = [&](const QColor &c) { // return withBg([&](const QColor &with) { // return CountContrast(c, with); // }); //}; if (withBg(minimal) < kMinAcceptableContrast) { const auto white = QColor(255, 255, 255); const auto black = QColor(0, 0, 0); // This one always gives black :) //const auto now = (singleWithBg(white) >= singleWithBg(black)) // ? white // : black; const auto now = descriptor.basedOnDark ? white : black; for (const auto &color : colors) { set(color, now); } } } style::colorizer ChatTheme::bubblesAccentColorizer( const QColor &accent) const { const auto color = [](const QColor &value) { auto hue = 0; auto saturation = 0; auto lightness = 0; value.getHsv(&hue, &saturation, &lightness); return style::colorizer::Color{ hue, saturation, lightness }; }; return { .hueThreshold = 255, .was = color(_palette->msgFileOutBg()->c), .now = color(accent), }; } void ChatTheme::set(const style::color &my, const QColor &color) { auto r = 0, g = 0, b = 0, a = 0; color.getRgb(&r, &g, &b, &a); my.set(uchar(r), uchar(g), uchar(b), uchar(a)); } void ChatTheme::adjust(const style::color &my, const QColor &by) { set(my, ThemeAdjustedColor(my->c, by)); } void ChatTheme::adjust(const style::color &my, const style::colorizer &by) { if (const auto adjusted = style::colorize(my->c, by)) { set(my, *adjusted); } } void ChatTheme::setBackground(ChatThemeBackground &&background) { _mutableBackground = std::move(background); _backgroundState = {}; _backgroundNext = {}; _backgroundFade.stop(); if (_cacheBackgroundTimer) { _cacheBackgroundTimer->cancel(); } _repaintBackgroundRequests.fire({}); } void ChatTheme::updateBackgroundImageFrom(ChatThemeBackground &&background) { _mutableBackground.prepared = std::move(background.prepared); _mutableBackground.preparedForTiled = std::move( background.preparedForTiled); if (!_backgroundState.now.pixmap.isNull()) { if (_cacheBackgroundTimer) { _cacheBackgroundTimer->cancel(); } cacheBackgroundNow(); } else { _repaintBackgroundRequests.fire({}); } } ChatThemeKey ChatTheme::key() const { return _key; } void ChatTheme::setBubblesBackground(QImage image) { if (image.isNull() && _bubblesBackgroundPrepared.isNull()) { return; } _bubblesBackgroundPrepared = std::move(image); if (_bubblesBackgroundPrepared.isNull()) { _bubblesBackgroundPattern = nullptr; _repaintBackgroundRequests.fire({}); return; } _bubblesBackground = CacheBackground({ .background = { .prepared = _bubblesBackgroundPrepared, }, .area = (_bubblesBackground.area.isEmpty() ? _bubblesBackgroundPrepared.size() : _bubblesBackground.area), }); if (!_bubblesBackgroundPattern) { _bubblesBackgroundPattern = PrepareBubblePattern(palette()); } _bubblesBackgroundPattern->pixmap = _bubblesBackground.pixmap; _repaintBackgroundRequests.fire({}); } ChatPaintContext ChatTheme::preparePaintContext( not_null st, QRect viewport, QRect clip) { const auto area = viewport.size(); if (!_bubblesBackgroundPrepared.isNull() && _bubblesBackground.area != area) { if (!_cacheBubblesTimer) { _cacheBubblesTimer.emplace([=] { cacheBubbles(); }); } if (_cacheBubblesArea != area || (!_cacheBubblesTimer->isActive() && !_bubblesCachingRequest)) { _cacheBubblesArea = area; _lastBubblesAreaChangeTime = crl::now(); _cacheBubblesTimer->callOnce(kCacheBackgroundFastTimeout); } } return { .st = st, .bubblesPattern = _bubblesBackgroundPattern.get(), .viewport = viewport, .clip = clip, .now = crl::now(), }; } const BackgroundState &ChatTheme::backgroundState(QSize area) { if (!_cacheBackgroundTimer) { _cacheBackgroundTimer.emplace([=] { cacheBackground(); }); } _backgroundState.shown = _backgroundFade.value(1.); if (_backgroundState.now.pixmap.isNull() && !background().gradientForFill.isNull()) { // We don't support direct painting of patterned gradients. // So we need to sync-generate cache image here. _cacheBackgroundArea = area; setCachedBackground(CacheBackground(cacheBackgroundRequest(area))); _cacheBackgroundTimer->cancel(); } else if (_backgroundState.now.area != area) { if (_cacheBackgroundArea != area || (!_cacheBackgroundTimer->isActive() && !_backgroundCachingRequest)) { _cacheBackgroundArea = area; _lastBackgroundAreaChangeTime = crl::now(); _cacheBackgroundTimer->callOnce(kCacheBackgroundFastTimeout); } } generateNextBackgroundRotation(); return _backgroundState; } void ChatTheme::clearBackgroundState() { _backgroundState = BackgroundState(); _backgroundFade.stop(); } bool ChatTheme::readyForBackgroundRotation() const { Expects(_cacheBackgroundTimer.has_value()); return !anim::Disabled() && !_backgroundFade.animating() && !_cacheBackgroundTimer->isActive() && !_backgroundState.now.pixmap.isNull(); } void ChatTheme::generateNextBackgroundRotation() { if (_backgroundCachingRequest || !_backgroundNext.image.isNull() || !readyForBackgroundRotation()) { return; } if (background().colors.size() < 3) { return; } constexpr auto kAddRotationDoubled = (720 - 45); const auto request = cacheBackgroundRequest( _backgroundState.now.area, kAddRotationDoubled); if (!request) { return; } cacheBackgroundAsync(request, [=](CacheBackgroundResult &&result) { const auto forRequest = base::take(_backgroundCachingRequest); if (!readyForBackgroundRotation()) { return; } const auto request = cacheBackgroundRequest( _backgroundState.now.area, kAddRotationDoubled); if (forRequest == request) { _mutableBackground.gradientRotation = (_mutableBackground.gradientRotation + kAddRotationDoubled) % 720; _backgroundNext = std::move(result); } }); } auto ChatTheme::cacheBackgroundRequest(QSize area, int addRotation) const -> CacheBackgroundRequest { if (background().colorForFill) { return {}; } return { .background = background(), .area = area, .gradientRotationAdd = addRotation, }; } void ChatTheme::cacheBackground() { Expects(_cacheBackgroundTimer.has_value()); const auto now = crl::now(); if (now - _lastBackgroundAreaChangeTime < kCacheBackgroundTimeout && QGuiApplication::mouseButtons() != 0) { _cacheBackgroundTimer->callOnce(kCacheBackgroundFastTimeout); return; } cacheBackgroundNow(); } void ChatTheme::cacheBackgroundNow() { if (!_backgroundCachingRequest) { if (const auto request = cacheBackgroundRequest( _cacheBackgroundArea)) { cacheBackgroundAsync(request); } } } void ChatTheme::cacheBackgroundAsync( const CacheBackgroundRequest &request, Fn done) { _backgroundCachingRequest = request; const auto weak = base::make_weak(this); crl::async([=] { if (!weak) { return; } crl::on_main(weak, [=, result = CacheBackground(request)]() mutable { if (done) { done(std::move(result)); } else if (const auto request = cacheBackgroundRequest( _cacheBackgroundArea)) { if (_backgroundCachingRequest != request) { cacheBackgroundAsync(request); } else { _backgroundCachingRequest = {}; setCachedBackground(std::move(result)); } } }); }); } void ChatTheme::setCachedBackground(CacheBackgroundResult &&cached) { _backgroundNext = {}; if (background().gradientForFill.isNull() || _backgroundState.now.pixmap.isNull() || anim::Disabled()) { _backgroundFade.stop(); _backgroundState.shown = 1.; _backgroundState.now = std::move(cached); return; } // #TODO themes compose several transitions. _backgroundState.was = std::move(_backgroundState.now); _backgroundState.now = std::move(cached); _backgroundState.shown = 0.; const auto callback = [=] { if (!_backgroundFade.animating()) { _backgroundState.was = {}; _backgroundState.shown = 1.; } _repaintBackgroundRequests.fire({}); }; _backgroundFade.start( callback, 0., 1., kBackgroundFadeDuration); } auto ChatTheme::cacheBubblesRequest(QSize area) const -> CacheBackgroundRequest { if (_bubblesBackgroundPrepared.isNull()) { return {}; } return { .background = { .gradientForFill = _bubblesBackgroundPrepared, }, .area = area, }; } void ChatTheme::cacheBubbles() { Expects(_cacheBubblesTimer.has_value()); const auto now = crl::now(); if (now - _lastBubblesAreaChangeTime < kCacheBackgroundTimeout && QGuiApplication::mouseButtons() != 0) { _cacheBubblesTimer->callOnce(kCacheBackgroundFastTimeout); return; } cacheBubblesNow(); } void ChatTheme::cacheBubblesNow() { if (!_bubblesCachingRequest) { if (const auto request = cacheBackgroundRequest( _cacheBubblesArea)) { cacheBubblesAsync(request); } } } void ChatTheme::cacheBubblesAsync( const CacheBackgroundRequest &request) { _bubblesCachingRequest = request; const auto weak = base::make_weak(this); crl::async([=] { if (!weak) { return; } crl::on_main(weak, [=, result = CacheBackground(request)]() mutable { if (const auto request = cacheBubblesRequest( _cacheBubblesArea)) { if (_bubblesCachingRequest != request) { cacheBubblesAsync(request); } else { _bubblesCachingRequest = {}; _bubblesBackground = std::move(result); _bubblesBackgroundPattern->pixmap = _bubblesBackground.pixmap; } } }); }); } rpl::producer<> ChatTheme::repaintBackgroundRequests() const { return _repaintBackgroundRequests.events(); } void ChatTheme::rotateComplexGradientBackground() { if (!_backgroundFade.animating() && !_backgroundNext.image.isNull()) { if (_mutableBackground.gradientForFill.size() == _backgroundNext.gradient.size()) { _mutableBackground.gradientForFill = std::move(_backgroundNext.gradient); } setCachedBackground(base::take(_backgroundNext)); } } ChatBackgroundRects ComputeChatBackgroundRects( QSize fillSize, QSize imageSize) { if (uint64(imageSize.width()) * fillSize.height() > uint64(imageSize.height()) * fillSize.width()) { const auto pxsize = fillSize.height() / float64(imageSize.height()); auto takewidth = int(std::ceil(fillSize.width() / pxsize)); if (takewidth > imageSize.width()) { takewidth = imageSize.width(); } else if ((imageSize.width() % 2) != (takewidth % 2)) { ++takewidth; } return { .from = QRect( (imageSize.width() - takewidth) / 2, 0, takewidth, imageSize.height()), .to = QRect( int((fillSize.width() - takewidth * pxsize) / 2.), 0, int(std::ceil(takewidth * pxsize)), fillSize.height()), }; } else { const auto pxsize = fillSize.width() / float64(imageSize.width()); auto takeheight = int(std::ceil(fillSize.height() / pxsize)); if (takeheight > imageSize.height()) { takeheight = imageSize.height(); } else if ((imageSize.height() % 2) != (takeheight % 2)) { ++takeheight; } return { .from = QRect( 0, (imageSize.height() - takeheight) / 2, imageSize.width(), takeheight), .to = QRect( 0, int((fillSize.height() - takeheight * pxsize) / 2.), fillSize.width(), int(std::ceil(takeheight * pxsize))), }; } } QColor CountAverageColor(const QImage &image) { Expects(image.format() == QImage::Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied || image.format() == QImage::Format_RGB32); uint64 components[3] = { 0 }; const auto w = image.width(); const auto h = image.height(); const auto size = w * h; if (const auto pix = image.constBits()) { for (auto i = 0, l = size * 4; i != l; i += 4) { components[2] += pix[i + 0]; components[1] += pix[i + 1]; components[0] += pix[i + 2]; } } if (size) { for (auto &component : components) { component /= size; } } return QColor(components[0], components[1], components[2]); } QColor CountAverageColor(const std::vector &colors) { Expects(colors.size() < (std::numeric_limits::max() / 256)); int components[3] = { 0 }; auto r = 0; auto g = 0; auto b = 0; for (const auto &color : colors) { color.getRgb(&r, &g, &b); components[0] += r; components[1] += g; components[2] += b; } if (const auto size = colors.size()) { for (auto &component : components) { component /= size; } } return QColor(components[0], components[1], components[2]); } bool IsPatternInverted( const std::vector &background, float64 patternOpacity) { return (patternOpacity > 0.) && (CountAverageColor(background).toHsv().valueF() <= 0.3); } QColor ThemeAdjustedColor(QColor original, QColor background) { return QColor::fromHslF( background.hslHueF(), background.hslSaturationF(), original.lightnessF(), original.alphaF() ).toRgb(); } QImage PreprocessBackgroundImage(QImage image) { if (image.isNull()) { return image; } if (image.format() != QImage::Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied) { image = std::move(image).convertToFormat( QImage::Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied); } if (image.width() > 40 * image.height()) { const auto width = 40 * image.height(); const auto height = image.height(); image = image.copy((image.width() - width) / 2, 0, width, height); } else if (image.height() > 40 * image.width()) { const auto width = image.width(); const auto height = 40 * image.width(); image = image.copy(0, (image.height() - height) / 2, width, height); } if (image.width() > kMaxSize || image.height() > kMaxSize) { image = image.scaled( kMaxSize, kMaxSize, Qt::KeepAspectRatio, Qt::SmoothTransformation); } return image; } std::optional CalculateImageMonoColor(const QImage &image) { Expects(image.bytesPerLine() == 4 * image.width()); if (image.isNull()) { return std::nullopt; } const auto bits = reinterpret_cast(image.constBits()); const auto first = bits[0]; for (auto i = 0; i < image.width() * image.height(); i++) { if (first != bits[i]) { return std::nullopt; } } return image.pixelColor(QPoint()); } QImage PrepareImageForTiled(const QImage &prepared) { const auto width = prepared.width(); const auto height = prepared.height(); const auto isSmallForTiled = (width > 0 && height > 0) && (width < kMinimumTiledSize || height < kMinimumTiledSize); if (!isSmallForTiled) { return prepared; } const auto repeatTimesX = (kMinimumTiledSize + width - 1) / width; const auto repeatTimesY = (kMinimumTiledSize + height - 1) / height; auto result = QImage( width * repeatTimesX, height * repeatTimesY, QImage::Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied); result.setDevicePixelRatio(prepared.devicePixelRatio()); auto imageForTiledBytes = result.bits(); auto bytesInLine = width * sizeof(uint32); for (auto timesY = 0; timesY != repeatTimesY; ++timesY) { auto imageBytes = prepared.constBits(); for (auto y = 0; y != height; ++y) { for (auto timesX = 0; timesX != repeatTimesX; ++timesX) { memcpy(imageForTiledBytes, imageBytes, bytesInLine); imageForTiledBytes += bytesInLine; } imageBytes += prepared.bytesPerLine(); imageForTiledBytes += result.bytesPerLine() - (repeatTimesX * bytesInLine); } } return result; } [[nodiscard]] QImage ReadBackgroundImage( const QString &path, const QByteArray &content, bool gzipSvg) { return Images::Read({ .path = path, .content = content, .maxSize = QSize(kMaxSize, kMaxSize), .gzipSvg = gzipSvg, }).image; } QImage GenerateBackgroundImage( QSize size, const std::vector &bg, int gradientRotation, float64 patternOpacity, Fn drawPattern) { auto result = bg.empty() ? Images::GenerateGradient(size, { DefaultBackgroundColor() }) : Images::GenerateGradient(size, bg, gradientRotation); if (bg.size() > 1 && (!drawPattern || patternOpacity >= 0.)) { result = Images::DitherImage(std::move(result)); } if (drawPattern) { auto p = QPainter(&result); if (patternOpacity >= 0.) { p.setCompositionMode(QPainter::CompositionMode_SoftLight); p.setOpacity(patternOpacity); } else { p.setCompositionMode(QPainter::CompositionMode_DestinationIn); } drawPattern(p, IsPatternInverted(bg, patternOpacity)); if (patternOpacity < 0. && patternOpacity > -1.) { p.setCompositionMode(QPainter::CompositionMode_SourceOver); p.setOpacity(1. + patternOpacity); p.fillRect(QRect{ QPoint(), size }, Qt::black); } } return std::move(result).convertToFormat( QImage::Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied); } QImage PreparePatternImage( QImage pattern, const std::vector &bg, int gradientRotation, float64 patternOpacity) { auto result = GenerateBackgroundImage( pattern.size(), bg, gradientRotation, patternOpacity, [&](QPainter &p, bool inverted) { if (inverted) { pattern = InvertPatternImage(std::move(pattern)); } p.drawImage(QRect(QPoint(), pattern.size()), pattern); }); pattern = QImage(); return result; } QImage InvertPatternImage(QImage pattern) { pattern = std::move(pattern).convertToFormat( QImage::Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied); const auto w = pattern.bytesPerLine() / 4; auto ints = reinterpret_cast(pattern.bits()); for (auto y = 0, h = pattern.height(); y != h; ++y) { for (auto x = 0; x != w; ++x) { const auto value = (*ints >> 24); *ints++ = (value << 24) | (value << 16) | (value << 8) | value; } } return pattern; } QImage PrepareBlurredBackground(QImage image) { constexpr auto kSize = 900; constexpr auto kRadius = 24; if (image.width() > kSize || image.height() > kSize) { image = image.scaled( kSize, kSize, Qt::KeepAspectRatio, Qt::SmoothTransformation); } return Images::BlurLargeImage(std::move(image), kRadius); } QImage GenerateDitheredGradient( const std::vector &colors, int rotation) { constexpr auto kSize = 512; const auto size = QSize(kSize, kSize); if (colors.empty()) { return Images::GenerateGradient(size, { DefaultBackgroundColor() }); } auto result = Images::GenerateGradient(size, colors, rotation); if (colors.size() > 1) { result = Images::DitherImage(std::move(result)); } return result; } ChatThemeBackground PrepareBackgroundImage( const ChatThemeBackgroundData &data) { auto prepared = (data.isPattern || data.colors.empty()) ? PreprocessBackgroundImage( ReadBackgroundImage(data.path, data.bytes, data.gzipSvg)) : QImage(); if (data.isPattern && !prepared.isNull()) { if (data.colors.size() < 2) { prepared = PreparePatternImage( std::move(prepared), data.colors, data.gradientRotation, data.patternOpacity); } else if (IsPatternInverted(data.colors, data.patternOpacity)) { prepared = InvertPatternImage(std::move(prepared)); } prepared.setDevicePixelRatio(style::DevicePixelRatio()); } else if (data.colors.empty()) { prepared.setDevicePixelRatio(style::DevicePixelRatio()); } const auto imageMonoColor = (data.colors.size() < 2) ? CalculateImageMonoColor(prepared) : std::nullopt; if (!prepared.isNull() && !data.isPattern && data.isBlurred) { prepared = PrepareBlurredBackground(std::move(prepared)); } auto gradientForFill = (data.generateGradient && data.colors.size() > 1) ? Ui::GenerateDitheredGradient(data.colors, data.gradientRotation) : QImage(); return ChatThemeBackground{ .prepared = prepared, .preparedForTiled = PrepareImageForTiled(prepared), .gradientForFill = std::move(gradientForFill), .colorForFill = (!prepared.isNull() ? imageMonoColor : (data.colors.size() > 1 || data.colors.empty()) ? std::nullopt : std::make_optional(data.colors.front())), .colors = data.colors, .patternOpacity = data.patternOpacity, .gradientRotation = data.generateGradient ? data.gradientRotation : 0, .isPattern = data.isPattern, }; } } // namespace Window::Theme