/* This file is part of Telegram Desktop, the official desktop application for the Telegram messaging service. For license and copyright information please follow this link: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LEGAL */ #include "data/data_message_reactions.h" #include "history/history.h" #include "history/history_item.h" #include "main/main_session.h" #include "main/main_account.h" #include "main/main_app_config.h" #include "data/data_user.h" #include "data/data_session.h" #include "data/data_histories.h" #include "data/data_changes.h" #include "data/data_document.h" #include "data/data_document_media.h" #include "data/data_peer_values.h" #include "data/stickers/data_custom_emoji.h" #include "storage/localimageloader.h" #include "ui/image/image_location_factory.h" #include "ui/animated_icon.h" #include "mtproto/mtproto_config.h" #include "base/timer_rpl.h" #include "base/call_delayed.h" #include "apiwrap.h" #include "styles/style_chat.h" namespace Data { namespace { constexpr auto kRefreshFullListEach = 60 * 60 * crl::time(1000); constexpr auto kPollEach = 20 * crl::time(1000); constexpr auto kSizeForDownscale = 64; constexpr auto kRecentRequestTimeout = 10 * crl::time(1000); constexpr auto kRecentReactionsLimit = 40; constexpr auto kTopRequestDelay = 60 * crl::time(1000); constexpr auto kTopReactionsLimit = 14; [[nodiscard]] QString ReactionIdToLog(const ReactionId &id) { if (const auto custom = id.custom()) { return "custom:" + QString::number(custom); } return id.emoji(); } [[nodiscard]] std::vector ListFromMTP( const MTPDmessages_reactions &data) { const auto &list = data.vreactions().v; auto result = std::vector(); result.reserve(list.size()); for (const auto &reaction : list) { const auto id = ReactionFromMTP(reaction); if (id.empty()) { LOG(("API Error: reactionEmpty in messages.reactions.")); } else { result.push_back(id); } } return result; } [[nodiscard]] Reaction CustomReaction(not_null document) { return Reaction{ .id = { { document->id } }, .title = "Custom reaction", .appearAnimation = document, .selectAnimation = document, .centerIcon = document, .active = true, }; } [[nodiscard]] int SentReactionsLimit(not_null item) { const auto session = &item->history()->session(); const auto config = &session->account().appConfig(); return session->premium() ? config->get("reactions_user_max_premium", 3) : config->get("reactions_user_max_default", 1); } } // namespace PossibleItemReactionsRef LookupPossibleReactions( not_null item) { if (!item->canReact()) { return {}; } auto result = PossibleItemReactionsRef(); const auto peer = item->history()->peer; const auto session = &peer->session(); const auto reactions = &session->data().reactions(); const auto &full = reactions->list(Reactions::Type::Active); const auto &top = reactions->list(Reactions::Type::Top); const auto &recent = reactions->list(Reactions::Type::Recent); const auto &all = item->reactions(); const auto limit = UniqueReactionsLimit(peer); const auto premiumPossible = session->premiumPossible(); const auto limited = (all.size() >= limit) && [&] { const auto my = item->chosenReactions(); if (my.empty()) { return true; } return true; // #TODO reactions }(); auto added = base::flat_set(); const auto add = [&](auto predicate) { auto &&all = ranges::views::concat(top, recent, full); for (const auto &reaction : all) { if (predicate(reaction)) { if (added.emplace(reaction.id).second) { result.recent.push_back(&reaction); } } } }; reactions->clearTemporary(); if (limited) { result.recent.reserve(all.size()); add([&](const Reaction &reaction) { return ranges::contains(all, reaction.id, &MessageReaction::id); }); for (const auto &reaction : all) { const auto id = reaction.id; if (!added.contains(id)) { if (const auto temp = reactions->lookupTemporary(id)) { result.recent.push_back(temp); } } } } else { const auto &allowed = PeerAllowedReactions(peer); result.recent.reserve((allowed.type == AllowedReactionsType::Some) ? allowed.some.size() : full.size()); add([&](const Reaction &reaction) { const auto id = reaction.id; if (id.custom() && !premiumPossible) { return false; } else if ((allowed.type == AllowedReactionsType::Some) && !ranges::contains(allowed.some, id)) { return false; } else if (id.custom() && allowed.type == AllowedReactionsType::Default) { return false; } else if (reaction.premium && !session->premium() && !ranges::contains(all, id, &MessageReaction::id)) { if (premiumPossible) { result.morePremiumAvailable = true; } return false; } return true; }); result.customAllowed = (allowed.type == AllowedReactionsType::All) && premiumPossible; } const auto i = ranges::find( result.recent, reactions->favoriteId(), &Reaction::id); if (i != end(result.recent) && i != begin(result.recent)) { std::rotate(begin(result.recent), i, i + 1); } return result; } PossibleItemReactions::PossibleItemReactions( const PossibleItemReactionsRef &other) : recent(other.recent | ranges::views::transform([](const auto &value) { return *value; }) | ranges::to_vector) , morePremiumAvailable(other.morePremiumAvailable) , customAllowed(other.customAllowed) { } Reactions::Reactions(not_null owner) : _owner(owner) , _topRefreshTimer([=] { refreshTop(); }) , _repaintTimer([=] { repaintCollected(); }) { refreshDefault(); base::timer_each( kRefreshFullListEach ) | rpl::start_with_next([=] { refreshDefault(); }, _lifetime); _owner->session().changes().messageUpdates( MessageUpdate::Flag::Destroyed ) | rpl::start_with_next([=](const MessageUpdate &update) { const auto item = update.item; _pollingItems.remove(item); _pollItems.remove(item); _repaintItems.remove(item); }, _lifetime); crl::on_main(&owner->session(), [=] { // applyFavorite accesses not yet constructed parts of session. rpl::single(rpl::empty) | rpl::then( _owner->session().mtp().config().updates() ) | rpl::map([=] { const auto &config = _owner->session().mtp().configValues(); return config.reactionDefaultCustom ? ReactionId{ DocumentId(config.reactionDefaultCustom) } : ReactionId{ config.reactionDefaultEmoji }; }) | rpl::filter([=](const ReactionId &id) { return !_saveFaveRequestId; }) | rpl::start_with_next([=](ReactionId &&id) { applyFavorite(id); }, _lifetime); }); } Reactions::~Reactions() = default; Main::Session &Reactions::session() const { return _owner->session(); } void Reactions::refreshTop() { requestTop(); } void Reactions::refreshRecent() { requestRecent(); } void Reactions::refreshRecentDelayed() { if (_recentRequestId || _recentRequestScheduled) { return; } _recentRequestScheduled = true; base::call_delayed(kRecentRequestTimeout, &_owner->session(), [=] { if (_recentRequestScheduled) { requestRecent(); } }); } void Reactions::refreshDefault() { requestDefault(); } const std::vector &Reactions::list(Type type) const { switch (type) { case Type::Active: return _active; case Type::Recent: return _recent; case Type::Top: return _top; case Type::All: return _available; } Unexpected("Type in Reactions::list."); } ReactionId Reactions::favoriteId() const { return _favoriteId; } const Reaction *Reactions::favorite() const { return _favorite ? &*_favorite : nullptr; } void Reactions::setFavorite(const ReactionId &id) { const auto api = &_owner->session().api(); if (_saveFaveRequestId) { api->request(_saveFaveRequestId).cancel(); } _saveFaveRequestId = api->request(MTPmessages_SetDefaultReaction( ReactionToMTP(id) )).done([=] { _saveFaveRequestId = 0; }).fail([=] { _saveFaveRequestId = 0; }).send(); applyFavorite(id); } DocumentData *Reactions::chooseGenericAnimation( not_null custom) const { const auto sticker = custom->sticker(); const auto i = sticker ? ranges::find( _available, ::Data::ReactionId{ { sticker->alt } }, &::Data::Reaction::id) : end(_available); if (i != end(_available) && i->aroundAnimation) { const auto view = i->aroundAnimation->createMediaView(); view->checkStickerLarge(); if (view->loaded()) { return i->aroundAnimation; } } if (_genericAnimations.empty()) { return nullptr; } auto copy = _genericAnimations; ranges::shuffle(copy); const auto first = copy.front(); const auto view = first->createMediaView(); view->checkStickerLarge(); if (view->loaded()) { return first; } const auto k = ranges::find_if(copy, [&](not_null value) { return value->createMediaView()->loaded(); }); return (k != end(copy)) ? (*k) : first; } void Reactions::applyFavorite(const ReactionId &id) { if (_favoriteId != id) { _favoriteId = id; _favorite = resolveById(_favoriteId); if (!_favorite && _unresolvedFavoriteId != _favoriteId) { _unresolvedFavoriteId = _favoriteId; resolve(_favoriteId); } _favoriteUpdated.fire({}); } } rpl::producer<> Reactions::topUpdates() const { return _topUpdated.events(); } rpl::producer<> Reactions::recentUpdates() const { return _recentUpdated.events(); } rpl::producer<> Reactions::defaultUpdates() const { return _defaultUpdated.events(); } rpl::producer<> Reactions::favoriteUpdates() const { return _favoriteUpdated.events(); } void Reactions::preloadImageFor(const ReactionId &id) { if (_images.contains(id) || id.emoji().isEmpty()) { return; } auto &set = _images.emplace(id).first->second; const auto i = ranges::find(_available, id, &Reaction::id); const auto document = (i == end(_available)) ? nullptr : i->centerIcon ? i->centerIcon : i->selectAnimation.get(); if (document) { loadImage(set, document, !i->centerIcon); } else if (!_waitingForList) { _waitingForList = true; refreshRecent(); } } void Reactions::preloadAnimationsFor(const ReactionId &id) { const auto custom = id.custom(); const auto document = custom ? _owner->document(custom).get() : nullptr; const auto customSticker = document ? document->sticker() : nullptr; const auto findId = custom ? ReactionId{ { customSticker ? customSticker->alt : QString() } } : id; const auto i = ranges::find(_available, findId, &Reaction::id); if (i == end(_available)) { return; } const auto preload = [&](DocumentData *document) { const auto view = document ? document->activeMediaView() : nullptr; if (view) { view->checkStickerLarge(); } }; if (!custom) { preload(i->centerIcon); } preload(i->aroundAnimation); } QImage Reactions::resolveImageFor( const ReactionId &emoji, ImageSize size) { const auto i = _images.find(emoji); if (i == end(_images)) { preloadImageFor(emoji); } auto &set = (i != end(_images)) ? i->second : _images[emoji]; const auto resolve = [&](QImage &image, int size) { const auto factor = style::DevicePixelRatio(); const auto frameSize = set.fromSelectAnimation ? (size / 2) : size; image = set.icon->frame().scaled( frameSize * factor, frameSize * factor, Qt::IgnoreAspectRatio, Qt::SmoothTransformation); if (set.fromSelectAnimation) { auto result = QImage( size * factor, size * factor, QImage::Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied); result.fill(Qt::transparent); auto p = QPainter(&result); p.drawImage( (size - frameSize) * factor / 2, (size - frameSize) * factor / 2, image); p.end(); std::swap(result, image); } image.setDevicePixelRatio(factor); }; if (set.bottomInfo.isNull() && set.icon) { resolve(set.bottomInfo, st::reactionInfoImage); resolve(set.inlineList, st::reactionInlineImage); crl::async([icon = std::move(set.icon)]{}); } switch (size) { case ImageSize::BottomInfo: return set.bottomInfo; case ImageSize::InlineList: return set.inlineList; } Unexpected("ImageSize in Reactions::resolveImageFor."); } void Reactions::resolveImages() { for (auto &[id, set] : _images) { if (!set.bottomInfo.isNull() || set.icon || set.media) { continue; } const auto i = ranges::find(_available, id, &Reaction::id); const auto document = (i == end(_available)) ? nullptr : i->centerIcon ? i->centerIcon : i->selectAnimation.get(); if (document) { loadImage(set, document, !i->centerIcon); } else { LOG(("API Error: Reaction '%1' not found!" ).arg(ReactionIdToLog(id))); } } } void Reactions::loadImage( ImageSet &set, not_null document, bool fromSelectAnimation) { if (!set.bottomInfo.isNull() || set.icon) { return; } else if (!set.media) { set.fromSelectAnimation = fromSelectAnimation; set.media = document->createMediaView(); set.media->checkStickerLarge(); } if (set.media->loaded()) { setAnimatedIcon(set); } else if (!_imagesLoadLifetime) { document->session().downloaderTaskFinished( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=] { downloadTaskFinished(); }, _imagesLoadLifetime); } } void Reactions::setAnimatedIcon(ImageSet &set) { const auto size = style::ConvertScale(kSizeForDownscale); set.icon = Ui::MakeAnimatedIcon({ .generator = DocumentIconFrameGenerator(set.media), .sizeOverride = QSize(size, size), }); set.media = nullptr; } void Reactions::downloadTaskFinished() { auto hasOne = false; for (auto &[emoji, set] : _images) { if (!set.media) { continue; } else if (set.media->loaded()) { setAnimatedIcon(set); } else { hasOne = true; } } if (!hasOne) { _imagesLoadLifetime.destroy(); } } void Reactions::requestTop() { if (_topRequestId) { return; } auto &api = _owner->session().api(); _topRefreshTimer.cancel(); _topRequestId = api.request(MTPmessages_GetTopReactions( MTP_int(kTopReactionsLimit), MTP_long(_topHash) )).done([=](const MTPmessages_Reactions &result) { _topRequestId = 0; result.match([&](const MTPDmessages_reactions &data) { updateTop(data); }, [](const MTPDmessages_reactionsNotModified&) { }); }).fail([=] { _topRequestId = 0; _topHash = 0; }).send(); } void Reactions::requestRecent() { if (_recentRequestId) { return; } auto &api = _owner->session().api(); _recentRequestScheduled = false; _recentRequestId = api.request(MTPmessages_GetRecentReactions( MTP_int(kRecentReactionsLimit), MTP_long(_recentHash) )).done([=](const MTPmessages_Reactions &result) { _recentRequestId = 0; result.match([&](const MTPDmessages_reactions &data) { updateRecent(data); }, [](const MTPDmessages_reactionsNotModified&) { }); }).fail([=] { _recentRequestId = 0; _recentHash = 0; }).send(); } void Reactions::requestDefault() { if (_defaultRequestId) { return; } auto &api = _owner->session().api(); _defaultRequestId = api.request(MTPmessages_GetAvailableReactions( MTP_int(_defaultHash) )).done([=](const MTPmessages_AvailableReactions &result) { _defaultRequestId = 0; result.match([&](const MTPDmessages_availableReactions &data) { updateDefault(data); }, [&](const MTPDmessages_availableReactionsNotModified &) { }); }).fail([=] { _defaultRequestId = 0; _defaultHash = 0; }).send(); } void Reactions::requestGeneric() { if (_genericRequestId) { return; } auto &api = _owner->session().api(); _genericRequestId = api.request(MTPmessages_GetStickerSet( MTP_inputStickerSetEmojiGenericAnimations(), MTP_int(0) // hash )).done([=](const MTPmessages_StickerSet &result) { _genericRequestId = 0; result.match([&](const MTPDmessages_stickerSet &data) { updateGeneric(data); }, [](const MTPDmessages_stickerSetNotModified &) { LOG(("API Error: Unexpected messages.stickerSetNotModified.")); }); }).fail([=] { _genericRequestId = 0; }).send(); } void Reactions::updateTop(const MTPDmessages_reactions &data) { _topHash = data.vhash().v; _topIds = ListFromMTP(data); _top = resolveByIds(_topIds, _unresolvedTop); _topUpdated.fire({}); } void Reactions::updateRecent(const MTPDmessages_reactions &data) { _recentHash = data.vhash().v; _recentIds = ListFromMTP(data); _recent = resolveByIds(_recentIds, _unresolvedRecent); recentUpdated(); } void Reactions::updateDefault(const MTPDmessages_availableReactions &data) { _defaultHash = data.vhash().v; const auto &list = data.vreactions().v; const auto oldCache = base::take(_iconsCache); const auto toCache = [&](DocumentData *document) { if (document) { _iconsCache.emplace(document, document->createMediaView()); } }; _active.clear(); _available.clear(); _active.reserve(list.size()); _available.reserve(list.size()); _iconsCache.reserve(list.size() * 4); for (const auto &reaction : list) { if (const auto parsed = parse(reaction)) { _available.push_back(*parsed); if (parsed->active) { _active.push_back(*parsed); toCache(parsed->appearAnimation); toCache(parsed->selectAnimation); toCache(parsed->centerIcon); toCache(parsed->aroundAnimation); } } } if (_waitingForList) { _waitingForList = false; resolveImages(); } defaultUpdated(); } void Reactions::updateGeneric(const MTPDmessages_stickerSet &data) { const auto oldCache = base::take(_genericCache); const auto toCache = [&](not_null document) { if (document->sticker()) { _genericAnimations.push_back(document); _genericCache.emplace(document, document->createMediaView()); } }; const auto &list = data.vdocuments().v; _genericAnimations.clear(); _genericAnimations.reserve(list.size()); _genericCache.reserve(list.size()); for (const auto &sticker : data.vdocuments().v) { toCache(_owner->processDocument(sticker)); } if (!_genericCache.empty()) { _genericCache.front().second->checkStickerLarge(); } } void Reactions::recentUpdated() { _topRefreshTimer.callOnce(kTopRequestDelay); _recentUpdated.fire({}); } void Reactions::defaultUpdated() { refreshTop(); refreshRecent(); if (_genericAnimations.empty()) { requestGeneric(); } _defaultUpdated.fire({}); } not_null Reactions::resolveListener() { return static_cast(this); } void Reactions::customEmojiResolveDone(not_null document) { const auto id = ReactionId{ { document->id } }; const auto favorite = (_unresolvedFavoriteId == id); const auto i = _unresolvedTop.find(id); const auto top = (i != end(_unresolvedTop)); const auto j = _unresolvedRecent.find(id); const auto recent = (j != end(_unresolvedRecent)); if (favorite) { _unresolvedFavoriteId = ReactionId(); _favorite = resolveById(_favoriteId); } if (top) { _unresolvedTop.erase(i); _top = resolveByIds(_topIds, _unresolvedTop); } if (recent) { _unresolvedRecent.erase(j); _recent = resolveByIds(_recentIds, _unresolvedRecent); } if (favorite) { _favoriteUpdated.fire({}); } if (top) { _topUpdated.fire({}); } if (recent) { _recentUpdated.fire({}); } } std::optional Reactions::resolveById(const ReactionId &id) { if (const auto emoji = id.emoji(); !emoji.isEmpty()) { const auto i = ranges::find(_available, id, &Reaction::id); if (i != end(_available)) { return *i; } } else if (const auto customId = id.custom()) { const auto document = _owner->document(customId); if (document->sticker()) { return CustomReaction(document); } } return {}; } std::vector Reactions::resolveByIds( const std::vector &ids, base::flat_set &unresolved) { auto result = std::vector(); result.reserve(ids.size()); for (const auto &id : ids) { if (const auto resolved = resolveById(id)) { result.push_back(*resolved); } else if (unresolved.emplace(id).second) { resolve(id); } } return result; } void Reactions::resolve(const ReactionId &id) { if (const auto emoji = id.emoji(); !emoji.isEmpty()) { refreshDefault(); } else if (const auto customId = id.custom()) { _owner->customEmojiManager().resolve( customId, resolveListener()); } } std::optional Reactions::parse(const MTPAvailableReaction &entry) { return entry.match([&](const MTPDavailableReaction &data) { const auto emoji = qs(data.vreaction()); const auto known = (Ui::Emoji::Find(emoji) != nullptr); if (!known) { LOG(("API Error: Unknown emoji in reactions: %1").arg(emoji)); } return known ? std::make_optional(Reaction{ .id = ReactionId{ emoji }, .title = qs(data.vtitle()), //.staticIcon = _owner->processDocument(data.vstatic_icon()), .appearAnimation = _owner->processDocument( data.vappear_animation()), .selectAnimation = _owner->processDocument( data.vselect_animation()), //.activateAnimation = _owner->processDocument( // data.vactivate_animation()), //.activateEffects = _owner->processDocument( // data.veffect_animation()), .centerIcon = (data.vcenter_icon() ? _owner->processDocument(*data.vcenter_icon()).get() : nullptr), .aroundAnimation = (data.varound_animation() ? _owner->processDocument( *data.varound_animation()).get() : nullptr), .active = !data.is_inactive(), .premium = data.is_premium(), }) : std::nullopt; }); } void Reactions::send(not_null item, bool addToRecent) { const auto id = item->fullId(); auto &api = _owner->session().api(); auto i = _sentRequests.find(id); if (i != end(_sentRequests)) { api.request(i->second).cancel(); } else { i = _sentRequests.emplace(id).first; } const auto chosen = item->chosenReactions(); using Flag = MTPmessages_SendReaction::Flag; const auto flags = (chosen.empty() ? Flag(0) : Flag::f_reaction) | (addToRecent ? Flag::f_add_to_recent : Flag(0)); i->second = api.request(MTPmessages_SendReaction( MTP_flags(flags), item->history()->peer->input, MTP_int(id.msg), MTP_vector(chosen | ranges::views::transform( ReactionToMTP ) | ranges::to>()) )).done([=](const MTPUpdates &result) { _sentRequests.remove(id); _owner->session().api().applyUpdates(result); }).fail([=](const MTP::Error &error) { _sentRequests.remove(id); }).send(); } void Reactions::poll(not_null item, crl::time now) { // Group them by one second. const auto last = item->lastReactionsRefreshTime(); const auto grouped = ((last + 999) / 1000) * 1000; if (!grouped || item->history()->peer->isUser()) { // First reaction always edits message. return; } else if (const auto left = grouped + kPollEach - now; left > 0) { if (!_repaintItems.contains(item)) { _repaintItems.emplace(item, grouped + kPollEach); if (!_repaintTimer.isActive() || _repaintTimer.remainingTime() > left) { _repaintTimer.callOnce(left); } } } else if (!_pollingItems.contains(item)) { if (_pollItems.empty() && !_pollRequestId) { crl::on_main(&_owner->session(), [=] { pollCollected(); }); } _pollItems.emplace(item); } } void Reactions::updateAllInHistory(not_null peer, bool enabled) { if (const auto history = _owner->historyLoaded(peer)) { history->reactionsEnabledChanged(enabled); } } void Reactions::clearTemporary() { _temporary.clear(); } Reaction *Reactions::lookupTemporary(const ReactionId &id) { if (const auto emoji = id.emoji(); !emoji.isEmpty()) { const auto i = ranges::find(_available, id, &Reaction::id); return (i != end(_available)) ? &*i : nullptr; } else if (const auto customId = id.custom()) { if (const auto i = _temporary.find(customId); i != end(_temporary)) { return &i->second; } const auto document = _owner->document(customId); if (document->sticker()) { return &_temporary.emplace( customId, CustomReaction(document)).first->second; } _owner->customEmojiManager().resolve( customId, resolveListener()); return nullptr; } return nullptr; } void Reactions::repaintCollected() { const auto now = crl::now(); auto closest = crl::time(); for (auto i = begin(_repaintItems); i != end(_repaintItems);) { if (i->second <= now) { _owner->requestItemRepaint(i->first); i = _repaintItems.erase(i); } else { if (!closest || i->second < closest) { closest = i->second; } ++i; } } if (closest) { _repaintTimer.callOnce(closest - now); } } void Reactions::pollCollected() { auto toRequest = base::flat_map, QVector>(); _pollingItems = std::move(_pollItems); for (const auto &item : _pollingItems) { toRequest[item->history()->peer].push_back(MTP_int(item->id)); } auto &api = _owner->session().api(); for (const auto &[peer, ids] : toRequest) { const auto finalize = [=] { const auto now = crl::now(); for (const auto &item : base::take(_pollingItems)) { const auto last = item->lastReactionsRefreshTime(); if (last && last + kPollEach <= now) { item->updateReactions(nullptr); } } _pollRequestId = 0; if (!_pollItems.empty()) { crl::on_main(&_owner->session(), [=] { pollCollected(); }); } }; _pollRequestId = api.request(MTPmessages_GetMessagesReactions( peer->input, MTP_vector(ids) )).done([=](const MTPUpdates &result) { _owner->session().api().applyUpdates(result); finalize(); }).fail([=] { finalize(); }).send(); } } bool Reactions::sending(not_null item) const { return _sentRequests.contains(item->fullId()); } bool Reactions::HasUnread(const MTPMessageReactions &data) { return data.match([&](const MTPDmessageReactions &data) { if (const auto &recent = data.vrecent_reactions()) { for (const auto &one : recent->v) { if (one.match([&](const MTPDmessagePeerReaction &data) { return data.is_unread(); })) { return true; } } } return false; }); } void Reactions::CheckUnknownForUnread( not_null owner, const MTPMessage &message) { message.match([&](const MTPDmessage &data) { if (data.vreactions() && HasUnread(*data.vreactions())) { const auto peerId = peerFromMTP(data.vpeer_id()); if (const auto history = owner->historyLoaded(peerId)) { owner->histories().requestDialogEntry(history); } } }, [](const auto &) { }); } MessageReactions::MessageReactions(not_null item) : _item(item) { } void MessageReactions::add(const ReactionId &id, bool addToRecent) { Expects(!id.empty()); const auto history = _item->history(); const auto self = history->session().user(); const auto myLimit = SentReactionsLimit(_item); if (ranges::contains(chosen(), id)) { return; } auto my = 0; _list.erase(ranges::remove_if(_list, [&](MessageReaction &one) { const auto removing = one.my && (my == myLimit || ++my == myLimit); if (!removing) { return false; } one.my = false; const auto removed = !--one.count; const auto j = _recent.find(one.id); if (j != end(_recent)) { j->second.erase( ranges::remove(j->second, self, &RecentReaction::peer), end(j->second)); if (j->second.empty()) { _recent.erase(j); } else { Assert(!removed); } } return removed; }), end(_list)); if (_item->canViewReactions() || history->peer->isUser()) { auto &list = _recent[id]; list.insert(begin(list), RecentReaction{ self }); } const auto i = ranges::find(_list, id, &MessageReaction::id); if (i != end(_list)) { i->my = true; ++i->count; std::rotate(i, i + 1, end(_list)); } else { _list.push_back({ .id = id, .count = 1, .my = true }); } auto &owner = history->owner(); owner.reactions().send(_item, addToRecent); owner.notifyItemDataChange(_item); } void MessageReactions::remove(const ReactionId &id) { const auto history = _item->history(); const auto self = history->session().user(); const auto i = ranges::find(_list, id, &MessageReaction::id); const auto j = _recent.find(id); if (i == end(_list)) { Assert(j == end(_recent)); return; } else if (!i->my) { Assert(j == end(_recent) || !ranges::contains(j->second, self, &RecentReaction::peer)); return; } i->my = false; const auto removed = !--i->count; if (removed) { _list.erase(i); } if (j != end(_recent)) { j->second.erase( ranges::remove(j->second, self, &RecentReaction::peer), end(j->second)); if (j->second.empty()) { _recent.erase(j); } else { Assert(!removed); } } auto &owner = history->owner(); owner.reactions().send(_item, false); owner.notifyItemDataChange(_item); } bool MessageReactions::checkIfChanged( const QVector &list, const QVector &recent) const { auto &owner = _item->history()->owner(); if (owner.reactions().sending(_item)) { // We'll apply non-stale data from the request response. return false; } auto existing = base::flat_set(); for (const auto &count : list) { const auto changed = count.match([&](const MTPDreactionCount &data) { const auto id = ReactionFromMTP(data.vreaction()); const auto nowCount = data.vcount().v; const auto i = ranges::find(_list, id, &MessageReaction::id); const auto wasCount = (i != end(_list)) ? i->count : 0; if (wasCount != nowCount) { return true; } existing.emplace(id); return false; }); if (changed) { return true; } } for (const auto &reaction : _list) { if (!existing.contains(reaction.id)) { return true; } } auto parsed = base::flat_map>(); for (const auto &reaction : recent) { reaction.match([&](const MTPDmessagePeerReaction &data) { const auto id = ReactionFromMTP(data.vreaction()); if (ranges::contains(_list, id, &MessageReaction::id)) { parsed[id].push_back(RecentReaction{ .peer = owner.peer(peerFromMTP(data.vpeer_id())), .unread = data.is_unread(), .big = data.is_big(), }); } }); } return !ranges::equal(_recent, parsed, []( const auto &a, const auto &b) { return ranges::equal(a.second, b.second, []( const RecentReaction &a, const RecentReaction &b) { return (a.peer == b.peer) && (a.big == b.big); }); }); } bool MessageReactions::change( const QVector &list, const QVector &recent, bool ignoreChosen) { auto &owner = _item->history()->owner(); if (owner.reactions().sending(_item)) { // We'll apply non-stale data from the request response. return false; } auto changed = false; auto existing = base::flat_set(); auto order = base::flat_map(); for (const auto &count : list) { count.match([&](const MTPDreactionCount &data) { const auto id = ReactionFromMTP(data.vreaction()); const auto &chosen = data.vchosen_order(); if (!ignoreChosen && chosen) { order[id] = chosen->v; } const auto i = ranges::find(_list, id, &MessageReaction::id); const auto nowCount = data.vcount().v; if (i == end(_list)) { changed = true; _list.push_back({ .id = id, .count = nowCount, .my = (!ignoreChosen && chosen) }); } else { const auto nowMy = ignoreChosen ? i->my : chosen.has_value(); if (i->count != nowCount || i->my != nowMy) { i->count = nowCount; i->my = nowMy; changed = true; } } existing.emplace(id); }); } if (!ignoreChosen && !order.empty()) { const auto min = std::numeric_limits::min(); const auto proj = [&](const MessageReaction &reaction) { return reaction.my ? order[reaction.id] : min; }; const auto correctOrder = [&] { auto previousOrder = min; for (const auto &reaction : _list) { const auto nowOrder = proj(reaction); if (nowOrder < previousOrder) { return false; } previousOrder = nowOrder; } return true; }(); if (!correctOrder) { changed = true; ranges::sort(_list, std::less(), proj); } } if (_list.size() != existing.size()) { changed = true; for (auto i = begin(_list); i != end(_list);) { if (!existing.contains(i->id)) { i = _list.erase(i); } else { ++i; } } } auto parsed = base::flat_map>(); for (const auto &reaction : recent) { reaction.match([&](const MTPDmessagePeerReaction &data) { const auto id = ReactionFromMTP(data.vreaction()); const auto i = ranges::find(_list, id, &MessageReaction::id); if (i != end(_list)) { auto &list = parsed[id]; if (list.size() < i->count) { list.push_back(RecentReaction{ .peer = owner.peer(peerFromMTP(data.vpeer_id())), .unread = data.is_unread(), .big = data.is_big(), }); } } }); } if (_recent != parsed) { _recent = std::move(parsed); changed = true; } return changed; } const std::vector &MessageReactions::list() const { return _list; } auto MessageReactions::recent() const -> const base::flat_map> & { return _recent; } bool MessageReactions::empty() const { return _list.empty(); } bool MessageReactions::hasUnread() const { for (auto &[emoji, list] : _recent) { if (ranges::contains(list, true, &RecentReaction::unread)) { return true; } } return false; } void MessageReactions::markRead() { for (auto &[emoji, list] : _recent) { for (auto &reaction : list) { reaction.unread = false; } } } std::vector MessageReactions::chosen() const { return _list | ranges::views::filter(&MessageReaction::my) | ranges::views::transform(&MessageReaction::id) | ranges::to_vector; } } // namespace Data