/* This file is part of Telegram Desktop, the official desktop application for the Telegram messaging service. For license and copyright information please follow this link: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LEGAL */ #include "storage/storage_databases.h" #include "storage/cache/storage_cache_database.h" namespace Storage { DatabasePointer::DatabasePointer( not_null<Databases*> owner, const std::unique_ptr<Cache::Database> &value) : _value(value.get()) , _owner(owner) { } DatabasePointer::DatabasePointer(DatabasePointer &&other) : _value(base::take(other._value)) , _owner(other._owner) { } DatabasePointer &DatabasePointer::operator=(DatabasePointer &&other) { if (this != &other) { destroy(); _owner = other._owner; _value = base::take(other._value); } return *this; } DatabasePointer::~DatabasePointer() { destroy(); } Cache::Database *DatabasePointer::get() const { return _value; } Cache::Database &DatabasePointer::operator*() const { Expects(_value != nullptr); return *get(); } Cache::Database *DatabasePointer::operator->() const { Expects(_value != nullptr); return get(); } DatabasePointer::operator bool() const { return get() != nullptr; } void DatabasePointer::destroy() { if (const auto value = base::take(_value)) { _owner->destroy(value); } } Databases::Kept::Kept(std::unique_ptr<Cache::Database> &&database) : database(std::move(database)) { } DatabasePointer Databases::get( const QString &path, const Cache::details::Settings &settings) { if (const auto i = _map.find(path); i != end(_map)) { auto &kept = i->second; Assert(kept.destroying.alive()); kept.destroying.kill(); kept.database->reconfigure(settings); return DatabasePointer(this, kept.database); } const auto [i, ok] = _map.emplace( path, std::make_unique<Cache::Database>(path, settings)); return DatabasePointer(this, i->second.database); } void Databases::destroy(Cache::Database *database) { for (auto &entry : _map) { const auto &path = entry.first; // Need to capture it in lambda. auto &kept = entry.second; if (kept.database.get() == database) { Assert(!kept.destroying.alive()); auto [first, second] = base::make_binary_guard(); kept.destroying = std::move(first); database->close(); database->waitForCleaner([=, guard = std::move(second)]() mutable { crl::on_main([=, guard = std::move(guard)]{ if (!guard.alive()) { return; } _map.erase(path); }); }); } } } } // namespace Storage