/* This file is part of Telegram Desktop, the official desktop version of Telegram messaging app, see https://telegram.org Telegram Desktop is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to link the code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library. Full license: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LICENSE Copyright (c) 2014-2016 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org */ #pragma once class FileLocation; namespace Media { namespace Clip { enum class State { Reading, Error, Finished, }; struct FrameRequest { bool valid() const { return factor > 0; } int factor = 0; int framew = 0; int frameh = 0; int outerw = 0; int outerh = 0; bool rounded = false; }; enum ReaderSteps { WaitingForDimensionsStep = -3, // before ReaderPrivate read the first image and got the original frame size WaitingForRequestStep = -2, // before Reader got the original frame size and prepared the frame request WaitingForFirstFrameStep = -1, // before ReaderPrivate got the frame request and started waiting for the 1-2 delay }; class ReaderPrivate; class Reader { public: using Callback = Function; enum class Mode { Gif, Video, }; Reader(const FileLocation &location, const QByteArray &data, Callback &&callback, Mode mode = Mode::Gif, int64 seekMs = 0); static void callback(Reader *reader, int threadIndex, Notification notification); // reader can be deleted void setAutoplay() { _autoplay = true; } bool autoplay() const { return _autoplay; } uint64 playId() const { return _playId; } int64 seekPositionMs() const { return _seekPositionMs; } void start(int framew, int frameh, int outerw, int outerh, bool rounded); QPixmap current(int framew, int frameh, int outerw, int outerh, uint64 ms); QPixmap frameOriginal() const { Frame *frame = frameToShow(); if (!frame) return QPixmap(); QPixmap result(frame ? QPixmap::fromImage(frame->original) : QPixmap()); result.detach(); return result; } bool currentDisplayed() const { Frame *frame = frameToShow(); return frame ? (frame->displayed.loadAcquire() != 0) : true; } bool autoPausedGif() const { return _autoPausedGif.loadAcquire(); } bool videoPaused() const; int threadIndex() const { return _threadIndex; } int width() const; int height() const; State state() const; bool started() const { int step = _step.loadAcquire(); return (step == WaitingForFirstFrameStep) || (step >= 0); } bool ready() const; bool hasAudio() const; int64 getPositionMs() const; int64 getDurationMs() const; void pauseResumeVideo(); void stop(); void error(); void finished(); Mode mode() const { return _mode; } ~Reader(); private: Callback _callback; Mode _mode; State _state = State::Reading; uint64 _playId; bool _hasAudio = false; int64 _durationMs = 0; int64 _seekPositionMs = 0; mutable int _width = 0; mutable int _height = 0; // -2, -1 - init, 0-5 - work, show ((state + 1) / 2) % 3 state, write ((state + 3) / 2) % 3 mutable QAtomicInt _step = WaitingForDimensionsStep; struct Frame { void clear() { pix = QPixmap(); original = QImage(); } QPixmap pix; QImage original; FrameRequest request; QAtomicInt displayed = 0; // Should be counted from the end, // so that positionMs <= _durationMs. int64 positionMs = 0; }; mutable Frame _frames[3]; Frame *frameToShow(int *index = 0) const; // 0 means not ready Frame *frameToWrite(int *index = 0) const; // 0 means not ready Frame *frameToWriteNext(bool check, int *index = 0) const; void moveToNextShow() const; void moveToNextWrite() const; QAtomicInt _autoPausedGif = 0; QAtomicInt _videoPauseRequest = 0; int32 _threadIndex; bool _autoplay = false; friend class Manager; ReaderPrivate *_private = nullptr; }; enum class ProcessResult { Error, Started, Finished, Paused, Repaint, CopyFrame, Wait, }; class Manager : public QObject { Q_OBJECT public: Manager(QThread *thread); int32 loadLevel() const { return _loadLevel.load(); } void append(Reader *reader, const FileLocation &location, const QByteArray &data); void start(Reader *reader); void update(Reader *reader); void stop(Reader *reader); bool carries(Reader *reader) const; ~Manager(); signals: void processDelayed(); void callback(Media::Clip::Reader *reader, qint32 threadIndex, qint32 notification); public slots: void process(); void finish(); private: void clear(); QAtomicInt _loadLevel; struct MutableAtomicInt { MutableAtomicInt(int value) : v(value) { } mutable QAtomicInt v; }; typedef QMap ReaderPointers; ReaderPointers _readerPointers; mutable QReadWriteLock _readerPointersMutex; ReaderPointers::const_iterator constUnsafeFindReaderPointer(ReaderPrivate *reader) const; ReaderPointers::iterator unsafeFindReaderPointer(ReaderPrivate *reader); bool handleProcessResult(ReaderPrivate *reader, ProcessResult result, uint64 ms); enum ResultHandleState { ResultHandleRemove, ResultHandleStop, ResultHandleContinue, }; ResultHandleState handleResult(ReaderPrivate *reader, ProcessResult result, uint64 ms); typedef QMap Readers; Readers _readers; QTimer _timer; QThread *_processingInThread; bool _needReProcess; }; MTPDocumentAttribute readAttributes(const QString &fname, const QByteArray &data, QImage &cover); void Finish(); } // namespace Clip } // namespace Media