/* This file is part of Telegram Desktop, the official desktop version of Telegram messaging app, see https://telegram.org Telegram Desktop is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. Full license: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LICENSE Copyright (c) 2014 John Preston, https://desktop.telegram.org */ #include "stdafx.h" #include "style.h" #include "lang.h" #include "window.h" #include "dialogswidget.h" #include "mainwidget.h" #include "boxes/addcontactbox.h" #include "boxes/newgroupbox.h" DialogsListWidget::DialogsListWidget(QWidget *parent, MainWidget *main) : QWidget(parent), dialogs(false), contactsNoDialogs(true), contacts(true), sel(0), contactSel(false), selByMouse(false), filteredSel(-1), searchedCount(0), searchedSel(-1), peopleSel(-1), _lastSearchId(0), _state(DefaultState), _addContactLnk(this, lang(lng_add_contact_button)) { connect(main, SIGNAL(dialogToTop(const History::DialogLinks&)), this, SLOT(onDialogToTop(const History::DialogLinks&))); connect(main, SIGNAL(peerNameChanged(PeerData*,const PeerData::Names&,const PeerData::NameFirstChars&)), this, SLOT(onPeerNameChanged(PeerData*,const PeerData::Names&,const PeerData::NameFirstChars&))); connect(main, SIGNAL(peerPhotoChanged(PeerData*)), this, SLOT(onPeerPhotoChanged(PeerData*))); connect(main, SIGNAL(dialogRowReplaced(DialogRow*,DialogRow*)), this, SLOT(onDialogRowReplaced(DialogRow*,DialogRow*))); connect(&_addContactLnk, SIGNAL(clicked()), App::wnd(), SLOT(onShowAddContact())); refresh(false); } void DialogsListWidget::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *e) { QRect r(e->rect()); bool trivial = (rect() == r); QPainter p(this); if (!trivial) { p.setClipRect(r); } if (_state == DefaultState) { int32 otherStart = dialogs.list.count * st::dlgHeight; PeerData *active = App::main()->activePeer(), *selected = sel ? sel->history->peer : 0; if (otherStart) { dialogs.list.paint(p, width(), r.top(), r.bottom(), active, selected); } if (contactsNoDialogs.list.count) { contactsNoDialogs.list.paint(p, width(), r.top() - otherStart, r.bottom() - otherStart, active, selected); } else if (!otherStart) { p.setFont(st::noContactsFont->f); p.setPen(st::noContactsColor->p); p.drawText(QRect(0, 0, width(), st::noContactsHeight - (cContactsReceived() ? st::noContactsFont->height : 0)), lang(cContactsReceived() ? lng_no_contacts : lng_contacts_loading), style::al_center); } } else if (_state == FilteredState || _state == SearchedState) { if (filterResults.isEmpty()) { // .. paint no dialogs } else { int32 from = r.top() / int32(st::dlgHeight); if (from < 0) { from = 0; } else if (from > filterResults.size()) { from = filterResults.size(); } p.translate(0, from * st::dlgHeight); if (from < filterResults.size()) { int32 to = (r.bottom() / int32(st::dlgHeight)) + 1, w = width(); if (to > filterResults.size()) to = filterResults.size(); for (; from < to; ++from) { bool active = (filterResults[from]->history->peer == App::main()->activePeer() && !App::main()->activeMsgId()); bool selected = (from == filteredSel); filterResults[from]->paint(p, w, active, selected); p.translate(0, st::dlgHeight); } } } if (!peopleResults.isEmpty()) { p.fillRect(0, 0, width(), st::searchedBarHeight, st::searchedBarBG->b); p.setFont(st::searchedBarFont->f); p.setPen(st::searchedBarColor->p); p.drawText(QRect(0, 0, width(), st::searchedBarHeight), lang(lng_search_global_results), style::al_center); p.translate(0, st::searchedBarHeight); int32 skip = filterResults.size() * st::dlgHeight + st::searchedBarHeight; int32 from = (r.top() - skip) / int32(st::dlgHeight); if (from < 0) { from = 0; } else if (from > peopleResults.size()) { from = peopleResults.size(); } p.translate(0, from * st::dlgHeight); if (from < peopleResults.size()) { int32 to = ((r.bottom() - skip) / int32(st::dlgHeight)) + 1, w = width(); if (to > peopleResults.size()) to = peopleResults.size(); for (; from < to; ++from) { bool active = (peopleResults[from] == App::main()->activePeer() && !App::main()->activeMsgId()); bool selected = (from == peopleSel); peopleResultPaint(peopleResults[from], p, w, active, selected); p.translate(0, st::dlgHeight); } } } if (_state == SearchedState || !searchResults.isEmpty()) { QString text = searchResults.isEmpty() ? lang(lng_search_no_results) : lang(searchedCount > 1 ? lng_search_n_results : lng_search_one_result).replace(qsl("{count}"), QString::number(searchedCount)); p.fillRect(0, 0, width(), st::searchedBarHeight, st::searchedBarBG->b); p.setFont(st::searchedBarFont->f); p.setPen(st::searchedBarColor->p); p.drawText(QRect(0, 0, width(), st::searchedBarHeight), text, style::al_center); p.translate(0, st::searchedBarHeight); int32 skip = filterResults.size() * st::dlgHeight + st::searchedBarHeight; if (!peopleResults.isEmpty()) skip += peopleResults.size() * st::dlgHeight + st::searchedBarHeight; int32 from = (r.top() - skip) / int32(st::dlgHeight); if (from < 0) { from = 0; } else if (from > searchResults.size()) { from = searchResults.size(); } p.translate(0, from * st::dlgHeight); if (from < searchResults.size()) { int32 to = ((r.bottom() - skip) / int32(st::dlgHeight)) + 1, w = width(); if (to > searchResults.size()) to = searchResults.size(); for (; from < to; ++from) { bool active = (searchResults[from]->_item->id == App::main()->activeMsgId()); bool selected = (from == searchedSel); searchResults[from]->paint(p, w, active, selected); p.translate(0, st::dlgHeight); } } } } } void DialogsListWidget::peopleResultPaint(UserData *user, QPainter &p, int32 w, bool act, bool sel) const { QRect fullRect(0, 0, w, st::dlgHeight); p.fillRect(fullRect, (act ? st::dlgActiveBG : (sel ? st::dlgHoverBG : st::dlgBG))->b); History *history = App::history(user->id); p.drawPixmap(st::dlgPaddingHor, st::dlgPaddingVer, history->peer->photo->pix(st::dlgPhotoSize)); int32 nameleft = st::dlgPaddingHor + st::dlgPhotoSize + st::dlgPhotoPadding; int32 namewidth = w - nameleft - st::dlgPaddingHor; QRect rectForName(nameleft, st::dlgPaddingVer + st::dlgNameTop, namewidth, st::msgNameFont->height); // draw chat icon if (history->peer->chat) { p.drawPixmap(QPoint(rectForName.left() + st::dlgChatImgLeft, rectForName.top() + st::dlgChatImgTop), App::sprite(), (act ? st::dlgActiveChatImg : st::dlgChatImg)); rectForName.setLeft(rectForName.left() + st::dlgChatImgSkip); } QRect tr(nameleft, st::dlgPaddingVer + st::dlgFont->height + st::dlgSep, namewidth, st::dlgFont->height); p.setFont(st::dlgHistFont->f); if (!act && user->username.toLower().startsWith(peopleQuery)) { QString first = '@' + user->username.mid(0, peopleQuery.size()), second = user->username.mid(peopleQuery.size()); int32 w = st::dlgHistFont->m.width(first); if (w >= tr.width()) { p.setPen(st::dlgSystemColor->p); p.drawText(tr.left(), tr.top() + st::dlgHistFont->ascent, st::dlgHistFont->m.elidedText(first, Qt::ElideRight, tr.width())); } else { p.setPen(st::dlgSystemColor->p); p.drawText(tr.left(), tr.top() + st::dlgHistFont->ascent, first); p.setPen(st::dlgTextColor->p); p.drawText(tr.left() + w, tr.top() + st::dlgHistFont->ascent, st::dlgHistFont->m.elidedText(second, Qt::ElideRight, tr.width() - w)); } } else { p.setPen((act ? st::dlgActiveColor : st::dlgSystemColor)->p); p.drawText(tr.left(), tr.top() + st::dlgHistFont->ascent, st::dlgHistFont->m.elidedText('@' + user->username, Qt::ElideRight, tr.width())); } p.setPen((act ? st::dlgActiveColor : st::dlgNameColor)->p); history->nameText.drawElided(p, rectForName.left(), rectForName.top(), rectForName.width()); } void DialogsListWidget::activate() { if (_state == DefaultState && !sel) { selectSkip(1); } } void DialogsListWidget::mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *e) { lastMousePos = mapToGlobal(e->pos()); selByMouse = true; onUpdateSelected(true); update(); } void DialogsListWidget::onUpdateSelected(bool force) { QPoint mouse(mapFromGlobal(lastMousePos)); if ((!force && !rect().contains(mouse)) || !selByMouse) return; int w = width(), mouseY = mouse.y(); if (_state == DefaultState) { DialogRow *newSel = dialogs.list.rowAtY(mouseY, st::dlgHeight); int32 otherStart = dialogs.list.count * st::dlgHeight; if (newSel) { contactSel = false; } else { newSel = contactsNoDialogs.list.rowAtY(mouseY - otherStart, st::dlgHeight); contactSel = true; } if (newSel != sel) { sel = newSel; setCursor(sel ? style::cur_pointer : style::cur_default); parentWidget()->update(); } } else if (_state == FilteredState || _state == SearchedState) { if (!filterResults.isEmpty()) { int32 newFilteredSel = mouseY / int32(st::dlgHeight); if (newFilteredSel < 0 || newFilteredSel >= filterResults.size()) { newFilteredSel = -1; } if (newFilteredSel != filteredSel) { filteredSel = newFilteredSel; setCursor((filteredSel >= 0) ? style::cur_pointer : style::cur_default); parentWidget()->update(); } } mouseY -= filterResults.size() * st::dlgHeight + st::searchedBarHeight; if (!peopleResults.isEmpty()) { int32 newPeopleSel = (mouseY >= 0) ? (mouseY / int32(st::dlgHeight)) : -1; if (newPeopleSel < 0 || newPeopleSel >= peopleResults.size()) { newPeopleSel = -1; } if (newPeopleSel != peopleSel) { peopleSel = newPeopleSel; setCursor((peopleSel >= 0) ? style::cur_pointer : style::cur_default); parentWidget()->update(); } mouseY -= peopleResults.size() * st::dlgHeight + st::searchedBarHeight; } if (_state == SearchedState && !searchResults.isEmpty()) { int32 newSearchedSel = (mouseY >= 0) ? (mouseY / int32(st::dlgHeight)) : -1; if (newSearchedSel < 0 || newSearchedSel >= searchResults.size()) { newSearchedSel = -1; } if (newSearchedSel != searchedSel) { searchedSel = newSearchedSel; setCursor((searchedSel >= 0) ? style::cur_pointer : style::cur_default); parentWidget()->update(); } } } } void DialogsListWidget::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *e) { lastMousePos = mapToGlobal(e->pos()); selByMouse = true; onUpdateSelected(true); if (e->button() == Qt::LeftButton) { choosePeer(); } } void DialogsListWidget::resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *e) { _addContactLnk.move((width() - _addContactLnk.width()) / 2, (st::noContactsHeight + st::noContactsFont->height) / 2); } void DialogsListWidget::onDialogRowReplaced(DialogRow *oldRow, DialogRow *newRow) { if (_state == FilteredState || _state == SearchedState) { for (FilteredDialogs::iterator i = filterResults.begin(); i != filterResults.end();) { if (*i == oldRow) { // this row is shown in filtered and maybe is in contacts! if (newRow) { *i = newRow; ++i; } else { i = filterResults.erase(i); } } else { ++i; } } } if (sel == oldRow) { sel = newRow; } } void DialogsListWidget::createDialogAtTop(History *history, int32 unreadCount) { history->updateNameText(); History::DialogLinks links = dialogs.addToEnd(history); int32 movedFrom = links[0]->pos * st::dlgHeight; dialogs.bringToTop(links); history->dialogs = links; contactsNoDialogs.del(history->peer, links[0]); emit dialogToTopFrom(movedFrom); emit App::main()->dialogsUpdated(); refresh(); } void DialogsListWidget::removePeer(PeerData *peer) { if (sel && sel->history->peer == peer) { sel = 0; } History *history = App::history(peer->id); dialogs.del(peer); history->dialogs = History::DialogLinks(); if (contacts.list.rowByPeer.constFind(peer->id) != contacts.list.rowByPeer.cend()) { if (contactsNoDialogs.list.rowByPeer.constFind(peer->id) == contactsNoDialogs.list.rowByPeer.cend()) { contactsNoDialogs.addByName(App::history(peer->id)); } } // contactsNoDialogs.del(peer); // contacts.del(peer); // App::deleteHistory(peer->id); emit App::main()->dialogsUpdated(); refresh(); } void DialogsListWidget::removeContact(UserData *user) { if (sel && sel->history->peer == user) { sel = 0; } contactsNoDialogs.del(user); contacts.del(user); emit App::main()->dialogsUpdated(); refresh(); } void DialogsListWidget::dlgUpdated(DialogRow *row) { if (_state == DefaultState) { update(0, row->pos * st::dlgHeight, width(), st::dlgHeight); } else if (_state == FilteredState || _state == SearchedState) { int32 cnt = 0; for (FilteredDialogs::const_iterator i = filterResults.cbegin(), e = filterResults.cend(); i != e; ++i) { if ((*i)->history == row->history) { update(0, cnt * st::dlgHeight, width(), st::dlgHeight); break; } ++cnt; } } } void DialogsListWidget::dlgUpdated(History *history) { if (_state == DefaultState) { DialogRow *row = 0; DialogsList::RowByPeer::iterator i = dialogs.list.rowByPeer.find(history->peer->id); if (i != dialogs.list.rowByPeer.cend()) { update(0, i.value()->pos * st::dlgHeight, width(), st::dlgHeight); } else { i = contactsNoDialogs.list.rowByPeer.find(history->peer->id); if (i != contactsNoDialogs.list.rowByPeer.cend()) { update(0, (dialogs.list.count + i.value()->pos) * st::dlgHeight, width(), st::dlgHeight); } } } else if (_state == FilteredState || _state == SearchedState) { int32 cnt = 0; for (FilteredDialogs::const_iterator i = filterResults.cbegin(), e = filterResults.cend(); i != e; ++i) { if ((*i)->history == history) { update(0, cnt * st::dlgHeight, width(), st::dlgHeight); break; } ++cnt; } if (!peopleResults.isEmpty()) { int32 cnt = 0, add = filterResults.size() * st::dlgHeight + st::searchedBarHeight; for (PeopleResults::const_iterator i = peopleResults.cbegin(), e = peopleResults.cend(); i != e; ++i) { if ((*i) == history->peer) { update(0, add + cnt * st::dlgHeight, width(), st::dlgHeight); break; } ++cnt; } } if (!searchResults.isEmpty()) { int32 cnt = 0, add = (filterResults.size() + peopleResults.size()) * st::dlgHeight + (peopleResults.isEmpty() ? 0 : st::searchedBarHeight) + st::searchedBarHeight; for (SearchResults::const_iterator i = searchResults.cbegin(), e = searchResults.cend(); i != e; ++i) { if ((*i)->_item->history() == history) { update(0, add + cnt * st::dlgHeight, width(), st::dlgHeight); break; } ++cnt; } } } } void DialogsListWidget::enterEvent(QEvent *e) { setMouseTracking(true); lastMousePos = QCursor::pos(); onUpdateSelected(true); } void DialogsListWidget::leaveEvent(QEvent *e) { setMouseTracking(false); if (sel || filteredSel >= 0) { sel = 0; filteredSel = -1; parentWidget()->update(); } } void DialogsListWidget::onParentGeometryChanged() { lastMousePos = QCursor::pos(); if (rect().contains(mapFromGlobal(lastMousePos))) { setMouseTracking(true); onUpdateSelected(true); } } void DialogsListWidget::onDialogToTop(const History::DialogLinks &links) { int32 movedFrom = links[0]->pos * st::dlgHeight; dialogs.bringToTop(links); emit dialogToTopFrom(movedFrom); emit App::main()->dialogsUpdated(); parentWidget()->update(); } void DialogsListWidget::onPeerNameChanged(PeerData *peer, const PeerData::Names &oldNames, const PeerData::NameFirstChars &oldChars) { dialogs.peerNameChanged(peer, oldNames, oldChars); contactsNoDialogs.peerNameChanged(peer, oldNames, oldChars); contacts.peerNameChanged(peer, oldNames, oldChars); parentWidget()->update(); } void DialogsListWidget::onPeerPhotoChanged(PeerData *peer) { parentWidget()->update(); } void DialogsListWidget::onFilterUpdate(QString newFilter, bool force) { newFilter = textSearchKey(newFilter); if (newFilter != filter || force) { QStringList f; if (!newFilter.isEmpty()) { QStringList filterList = newFilter.split(cWordSplit(), QString::SkipEmptyParts); int l = filterList.size(); f.reserve(l); for (int i = 0; i < l; ++i) { QString filterName = filterList[i].trimmed(); if (filterName.isEmpty()) continue; f.push_back(filterName); } newFilter = f.join(' '); } if (newFilter != filter || force) { filter = newFilter; if (filter.isEmpty()) { _state = DefaultState; filterResults.clear(); peopleResults.clear(); searchResults.clear(); _lastSearchId = 0; } else { QStringList::const_iterator fb = f.cbegin(), fe = f.cend(), fi; _state = FilteredState; filterResults.clear(); if (!f.isEmpty()) { DialogsList *dialogsToFilter = 0, *contactsNoDialogsToFilter = 0; if (dialogs.list.count) { for (fi = fb; fi != fe; ++fi) { DialogsIndexed::DialogsIndex::iterator i = dialogs.index.find(fi->at(0)); if (i == dialogs.index.cend()) { dialogsToFilter = 0; break; } if (!dialogsToFilter || dialogsToFilter->count > i.value()->count) { dialogsToFilter = i.value(); } } } if (contactsNoDialogs.list.count) { for (fi = fb; fi != fe; ++fi) { DialogsIndexed::DialogsIndex::iterator i = contactsNoDialogs.index.find(fi->at(0)); if (i == contactsNoDialogs.index.cend()) { contactsNoDialogsToFilter = 0; break; } if (!contactsNoDialogsToFilter || contactsNoDialogsToFilter->count > i.value()->count) { contactsNoDialogsToFilter = i.value(); } } } filterResults.reserve((dialogsToFilter ? dialogsToFilter->count : 0) + (contactsNoDialogsToFilter ? contactsNoDialogsToFilter->count : 0)); if (dialogsToFilter && dialogsToFilter->count) { for (DialogRow *i = dialogsToFilter->begin, *e = dialogsToFilter->end; i != e; i = i->next) { const PeerData::Names &names(i->history->peer->names); PeerData::Names::const_iterator nb = names.cbegin(), ne = names.cend(), ni; for (fi = fb; fi != fe; ++fi) { QString filterName(*fi); for (ni = nb; ni != ne; ++ni) { if (ni->startsWith(*fi)) { break; } } if (ni == ne) { break; } } if (fi == fe) { filterResults.push_back(i); } } } if (contactsNoDialogsToFilter && contactsNoDialogsToFilter->count) { for (DialogRow *i = contactsNoDialogsToFilter->begin, *e = contactsNoDialogsToFilter->end; i != e; i = i->next) { const PeerData::Names &names(i->history->peer->names); PeerData::Names::const_iterator nb = names.cbegin(), ne = names.cend(), ni; for (fi = fb; fi != fe; ++fi) { QString filterName(*fi); for (ni = nb; ni != ne; ++ni) { if (ni->startsWith(*fi)) { break; } } if (ni == ne) { break; } } if (fi == fe) { filterResults.push_back(i); } } } } } } refresh(true); setMouseSel(false, true); } if (_state != DefaultState) { emit searchMessages(); } } DialogsListWidget::~DialogsListWidget() { clearSearchResults(); } void DialogsListWidget::clearSearchResults(bool clearPeople) { if (clearPeople) peopleResults.clear(); if (!searchResults.isEmpty()) { for (SearchResults::const_iterator i = searchResults.cbegin(), e = searchResults.cend(); i != e; ++i) { delete *i; } searchResults.clear(); } _lastSearchId = 0; } void DialogsListWidget::itemReplaced(HistoryItem *oldItem, HistoryItem *newItem) { for (int i = 0; i < searchResults.size(); ++i) { if (searchResults[i]->_item == oldItem) { searchResults[i]->_item = newItem; } } } void DialogsListWidget::itemRemoved(HistoryItem *item) { int wasCount = searchResults.size(); for (int i = 0; i < searchResults.size();) { if (searchResults[i]->_item == item) { searchResults.remove(i); if (searchedCount > 0) --searchedCount; } else { ++i; } } if (wasCount != searchResults.size()) { refresh(); } } void DialogsListWidget::dialogsReceived(const QVector &added) { for (QVector::const_iterator i = added.cbegin(), e = added.cend(); i != e; ++i) { if (i->type() == mtpc_dialog) { addDialog(i->c_dialog()); } } if (App::wnd()) App::wnd()->psUpdateCounter(); if (!sel && dialogs.list.count) { sel = dialogs.list.begin; contactSel = false; } refresh(); } void DialogsListWidget::searchReceived(const QVector &messages, bool fromStart, int32 fullCount) { if (fromStart) { clearSearchResults(false); } for (QVector::const_iterator i = messages.cbegin(), e = messages.cend(); i != e; ++i) { HistoryItem *item = App::histories().addToBack(*i, -1); searchResults.push_back(new FakeDialogRow(item)); _lastSearchId = item->id; } searchedCount = fullCount; if (_state == FilteredState) { _state = SearchedState; } refresh(); } void DialogsListWidget::peopleReceived(const QString &query, const QVector &people) { peopleQuery = query.toLower().trimmed(); peopleResults.clear(); peopleResults.reserve(people.size()); for (QVector::const_iterator i = people.cbegin(), e = people.cend(); i != e; ++i) { int32 uid = i->c_contactFound().vuser_id.v; History *h = App::historyLoaded(uid); if (h && !h->isEmpty()) continue; // skip dialogs peopleResults.push_back(App::user(uid)); } refresh(); } void DialogsListWidget::contactsReceived(const QVector &contacts) { cSetContactsReceived(true); for (QVector::const_iterator i = contacts.cbegin(), e = contacts.cend(); i != e; ++i) { addNewContact(i->c_contact().vuser_id.v); } if (!sel && contactsNoDialogs.list.count) { sel = contactsNoDialogs.list.begin; contactSel = true; } refresh(); } int32 DialogsListWidget::addNewContact(int32 uid, bool select) { PeerId peer = App::peerFromUser(uid); if (!App::peerLoaded(peer)) return -1; History *history = App::history(peer); contacts.addByName(history); DialogsList::RowByPeer::const_iterator i = dialogs.list.rowByPeer.constFind(peer); if (i == dialogs.list.rowByPeer.cend()) { DialogRow *added = contactsNoDialogs.addByName(history); if (!added) return -1; if (select) { sel = added; contactSel = true; } return added ? ((dialogs.list.count + added->pos) * st::dlgHeight) : -1; } if (select) { sel = i.value(); contactSel = false; } return i.value()->pos * st::dlgHeight; } void DialogsListWidget::refresh(bool toTop) { int32 h = 0; if (_state == DefaultState) { h = (dialogs.list.count + contactsNoDialogs.list.count) * st::dlgHeight; if (h) { if (!_addContactLnk.isHidden()) _addContactLnk.hide(); } else { h = st::noContactsHeight; if (cContactsReceived()) { if (_addContactLnk.isHidden()) _addContactLnk.show(); } else { if (!_addContactLnk.isHidden()) _addContactLnk.hide(); } } } else { if (!_addContactLnk.isHidden()) _addContactLnk.hide(); if (_state == FilteredState) { h = (filterResults.count() + peopleResults.count() + searchResults.count()) * st::dlgHeight + (peopleResults.isEmpty() ? 0 : st::searchedBarHeight) + (searchResults.isEmpty() ? 0 : st::searchedBarHeight); } else if (_state == SearchedState) { h = (filterResults.count() + peopleResults.count() + searchResults.count()) * st::dlgHeight + (peopleResults.isEmpty() ? 0 : st::searchedBarHeight) + st::searchedBarHeight; } } resize(width(), h); if (toTop) { emit mustScrollTo(0, 0); loadPeerPhotos(0); } parentWidget()->update(); } void DialogsListWidget::setMouseSel(bool msel, bool toTop) { selByMouse = msel; if (!selByMouse && toTop) { if (_state == DefaultState) { sel = (dialogs.list.count ? dialogs.list.begin : (contactsNoDialogs.list.count ? contactsNoDialogs.list.begin : 0)); contactSel = !dialogs.list.count && contactsNoDialogs.list.count; } else if (_state == FilteredState || _state == SearchedState) { // don't select first elem in search filteredSel = peopleSel = searchedSel = -1; } } } void DialogsListWidget::setState(State newState) { _state = newState; if (_state == DefaultState) { clearSearchResults(); searchedSel = peopleSel = filteredSel = -1; } else if (_state == DefaultState || _state == SearchedState) { filterResults.clear(); filteredSel = -1; } onFilterUpdate(filter, true); refresh(true); } DialogsListWidget::State DialogsListWidget::state() const { return _state; } void DialogsListWidget::clearFilter() { if (_state == FilteredState || _state == SearchedState) { _state = DefaultState; filterResults.clear(); peopleResults.clear(); searchResults.clear(); _lastSearchId = 0; filter = QString(); refresh(true); } } void DialogsListWidget::addDialog(const MTPDdialog &dialog) { History *history = App::history(App::peerFromMTP(dialog.vpeer), dialog.vunread_count.v); History::DialogLinks links = dialogs.addToEnd(history); history->dialogs = links; contactsNoDialogs.del(history->peer); App::main()->applyNotifySetting(MTP_notifyPeer(dialog.vpeer), dialog.vnotify_settings, history); } void DialogsListWidget::selectSkip(int32 direction) { if (_state == DefaultState) { if (!sel) { if (dialogs.list.count && direction > 0) { sel = dialogs.list.begin; } else if (contactsNoDialogs.list.count && direction > 0) { sel = contactsNoDialogs.list.begin; } else { return; } } else if (direction > 0) { if (sel->next->next) { sel = sel->next; } else if (sel->next == dialogs.list.end && contactsNoDialogs.list.count) { sel = contactsNoDialogs.list.begin; contactSel = true; } } else { if (sel->prev) { sel = sel->prev; } else if (sel == contactsNoDialogs.list.begin && dialogs.list.count) { sel = dialogs.list.end->prev; contactSel = false; } } int32 fromY = (sel->pos + (contactSel ? dialogs.list.count : 0)) * st::dlgHeight; emit mustScrollTo(fromY, fromY + st::dlgHeight); } else if (_state == FilteredState || _state == SearchedState) { if (filterResults.isEmpty() && peopleResults.isEmpty() && searchResults.isEmpty()) return; if ((filteredSel < 0 || filteredSel >= filterResults.size()) && (peopleSel < 0 || peopleSel >= peopleResults.size()) && (searchedSel < 0 || searchedSel >= searchResults.size())) { if (filterResults.isEmpty() && peopleResults.isEmpty()) { searchedSel = 0; } else if (filterResults.isEmpty()) { peopleSel = 0; } else { filteredSel = 0; } } else { int32 cur = (filteredSel >= 0 && filteredSel < filterResults.size()) ? filteredSel : ((peopleSel >= 0 && peopleSel < peopleResults.size()) ? (peopleSel + filterResults.size()) : (searchedSel + peopleResults.size() + filterResults.size())); cur = snap(cur + direction, 0, filterResults.size() + peopleResults.size() + searchResults.size() - 1); if (cur < filterResults.size()) { filteredSel = cur; peopleSel = searchedSel = -1; } else if (cur < filterResults.size() + peopleResults.size()) { peopleSel = cur - filterResults.size(); filteredSel = searchedSel = -1; } else { filteredSel = peopleSel = -1; searchedSel = cur - filterResults.size() - peopleResults.size(); } } if (filteredSel >= 0 && filteredSel < filterResults.size()) { emit mustScrollTo(filteredSel * st::dlgHeight, (filteredSel + 1) * st::dlgHeight); } else if (peopleSel >= 0 && peopleSel < peopleResults.size()) { emit mustScrollTo((peopleSel + filterResults.size()) * st::dlgHeight + (peopleSel ? st::searchedBarHeight : 0), (peopleSel + filterResults.size() + 1) * st::dlgHeight); } else { emit mustScrollTo((searchedSel + peopleResults.size() + filterResults.size()) * st::dlgHeight + (peopleResults.size() ? st::searchedBarHeight : 0) + (searchedSel ? st::searchedBarHeight : 0), (searchedSel + peopleResults.size() + filterResults.size() + 1) * st::dlgHeight + (peopleResults.size() ? st::searchedBarHeight : 0) + st::searchedBarHeight); } } parentWidget()->update(); } void DialogsListWidget::scrollToPeer(const PeerId &peer, MsgId msgId) { int32 fromY = -1; if (_state == DefaultState) { DialogsList::RowByPeer::const_iterator i = dialogs.list.rowByPeer.constFind(peer); if (i != dialogs.list.rowByPeer.cend()) { fromY = i.value()->pos * st::dlgHeight; } else { i = contactsNoDialogs.list.rowByPeer.constFind(peer); if (i != contactsNoDialogs.list.rowByPeer.cend()) { fromY = (i.value()->pos + dialogs.list.count) * st::dlgHeight; } } } else if (_state == FilteredState || _state == SearchedState) { if (msgId) { for (int32 i = 0, c = searchResults.size(); i < c; ++i) { if (searchResults[i]->_item->history()->peer->id == peer && searchResults[i]->_item->id == msgId) { fromY = filterResults.size() * st::dlgHeight + st::searchedBarHeight + i * st::dlgHeight; break; } } } if (fromY < 0) { for (int32 i = 0, c = filterResults.size(); i < c; ++i) { if (filterResults[i]->history->peer->id == peer) { fromY = i * st::dlgHeight; break; } } } } if (fromY >= 0) { emit mustScrollTo(fromY, fromY + st::dlgHeight); } } void DialogsListWidget::selectSkipPage(int32 pixels, int32 direction) { int32 toSkip = pixels / int32(st::dlgHeight); if (_state == DefaultState) { if (!sel) { if (direction > 0 && dialogs.list.count) { sel = dialogs.list.begin; } else if (direction > 0 && contactsNoDialogs.list.count) { sel = contactsNoDialogs.list.begin; } else { return; } } if (direction > 0) { while (toSkip-- && sel->next->next) { sel = sel->next; } if (toSkip >= 0 && sel->next == dialogs.list.end && contactsNoDialogs.list.count) { sel = contactsNoDialogs.list.begin; while (toSkip-- && sel->next->next) { sel = sel->next; } contactSel = true; } } else { while (toSkip-- && sel->prev) { sel = sel->prev; } if (toSkip >= 0 && sel == contactsNoDialogs.list.begin && dialogs.list.count) { sel = dialogs.list.end->prev; while (toSkip-- && sel->prev) { sel = sel->prev; } contactSel = false; } } int32 fromY = (sel->pos + (contactSel ? dialogs.list.count : 0)) * st::dlgHeight; emit mustScrollTo(fromY, fromY + st::dlgHeight); } else { return selectSkip(direction * toSkip); } parentWidget()->update(); } void DialogsListWidget::loadPeerPhotos(int32 yFrom) { int32 yTo = yFrom + parentWidget()->height() * 5; MTP::clearLoaderPriorities(); if (_state == DefaultState) { int32 otherStart = dialogs.list.count * st::dlgHeight; if (yFrom < otherStart) { dialogs.list.adjustCurrent(yFrom, st::dlgHeight); for (DialogRow *row = dialogs.list.current; row != dialogs.list.end && (row->pos * st::dlgHeight) < yTo; row = row->next) { row->history->peer->photo->load(); } yFrom = 0; } else { yFrom -= otherStart; } yTo -= otherStart; if (yTo > 0) { contactsNoDialogs.list.adjustCurrent(yFrom, st::dlgHeight); for (DialogRow *row = contactsNoDialogs.list.current; row != contactsNoDialogs.list.end && (row->pos * st::dlgHeight) < yTo; row = row->next) { row->history->peer->photo->load(); } } } else if (_state == FilteredState || _state == SearchedState) { int32 from = yFrom / st::dlgHeight; if (from < 0) from = 0; if (from < filterResults.size()) { int32 to = (yTo / int32(st::dlgHeight)) + 1, w = width(); if (to > filterResults.size()) to = filterResults.size(); for (; from < to; ++from) { filterResults[from]->history->peer->photo->load(); } } from = (yFrom > st::searchedBarHeight ? ((yFrom - st::searchedBarHeight) / int32(st::dlgHeight)) : 0) - filterResults.size(); if (from < 0) from = 0; if (from < peopleResults.size()) { int32 to = (yTo > st::searchedBarHeight ? ((yTo - st::searchedBarHeight) / int32(st::dlgHeight)) : 0) - filterResults.size() + 1, w = width(); if (to > peopleResults.size()) to = peopleResults.size(); for (; from < to; ++from) { peopleResults[from]->photo->load(); } } from = (yFrom > ((peopleResults.isEmpty() ? 0 : st::searchedBarHeight) + st::searchedBarHeight) ? ((yFrom - (peopleResults.isEmpty() ? 0 : st::searchedBarHeight) - st::searchedBarHeight) / int32(st::dlgHeight)) : 0) - filterResults.size() - peopleResults.size(); if (from < 0) from = 0; if (from < searchResults.size()) { int32 to = (yTo >(peopleResults.isEmpty() ? 0 : st::searchedBarHeight) + st::searchedBarHeight ? ((yTo - (peopleResults.isEmpty() ? 0 : st::searchedBarHeight) - st::searchedBarHeight) / int32(st::dlgHeight)) : 0) - filterResults.size() - peopleResults.size() + 1, w = width(); if (to > searchResults.size()) to = searchResults.size(); for (; from < to; ++from) { searchResults[from]->_item->history()->peer->photo->load(); } } } } bool DialogsListWidget::choosePeer() { History *history = 0; MsgId msgId = 0; if (_state == DefaultState) { if (sel) history = sel->history; } else if (_state == FilteredState || _state == SearchedState) { if (filteredSel >= 0 && filteredSel < filterResults.size()) { history = filterResults[filteredSel]->history; } else if (peopleSel >= 0 && peopleSel < peopleResults.size()) { history = App::history(peopleResults[peopleSel]->id); } else if (searchedSel >= 0 && searchedSel < searchResults.size()) { history = searchResults[searchedSel]->_item->history(); msgId = searchResults[searchedSel]->_item->id; } } if (history) { bool chosen = (!App::main()->selectingPeer() && (_state == FilteredState || _state == SearchedState) && filteredSel >= 0 && filteredSel < filterResults.size()); App::main()->showPeer(history->peer->id, msgId); if (chosen) { emit searchResultChosen(); } sel = 0; filteredSel = peopleSel = searchedSel = -1; parentWidget()->update(); return true; } return false; } void DialogsListWidget::destroyData() { sel = 0; contactSel = false; filteredSel = -1; filterResults.clear(); filter.clear(); searchedSel = peopleSel = -1; clearSearchResults(); contacts.clear(); contactsNoDialogs.clear(); dialogs.clear(); } void DialogsListWidget::peerBefore(const PeerData *inPeer, MsgId inMsg, PeerData *&outPeer, MsgId &outMsg) const { if (_state == DefaultState) { DialogsList::RowByPeer::const_iterator i = dialogs.list.rowByPeer.constFind(inPeer->id); if (i == dialogs.list.rowByPeer.constEnd()) { i = contactsNoDialogs.list.rowByPeer.constFind(inPeer->id); if (i == contactsNoDialogs.list.rowByPeer.cend()) { outPeer = 0; outMsg = 0; return; } if (i.value()->prev) { outPeer = i.value()->prev->history->peer; outMsg = 0; return; } else if (dialogs.list.count) { outPeer = dialogs.list.end->prev->history->peer; outMsg = 0; return; } outPeer = 0; outMsg = 0; return; } if (i.value()->prev) { outPeer = i.value()->prev->history->peer; outMsg = 0; return; } } else if (_state == FilteredState || _state == SearchedState) { if (inMsg && !searchResults.isEmpty()) { for (SearchResults::const_iterator b = searchResults.cbegin(), i = b + 1, e = searchResults.cend(); i != e; ++i) { if ((*i)->_item->history()->peer == inPeer && (*i)->_item->id == inMsg) { SearchResults::const_iterator j = i - 1; outPeer = (*j)->_item->history()->peer; outMsg = (*j)->_item->id; return; } } if (searchResults.at(0)->_item->history()->peer == inPeer && searchResults.at(0)->_item->id == inMsg) { outMsg = 0; if (peopleResults.isEmpty()) { if (filterResults.isEmpty()) { outPeer = 0; } else { outPeer = filterResults.back()->history->peer; } } else { outPeer = peopleResults.back(); } return; } } if (!peopleResults.isEmpty() && peopleResults.at(0) == inPeer) { outPeer = filterResults.isEmpty() ? 0 : filterResults.back()->history->peer; outMsg = 0; return; } if (!peopleResults.isEmpty()) { for (PeopleResults::const_iterator b = peopleResults.cbegin(), i = b + 1, e = peopleResults.cend(); i != e; ++i) { if ((*i) == inPeer) { outPeer = (*(i - 1)); outMsg = 0; return; } } } if (filterResults.isEmpty() || filterResults.at(0)->history->peer == inPeer) { outPeer = 0; outMsg = 0; return; } for (FilteredDialogs::const_iterator b = filterResults.cbegin(), i = b + 1, e = filterResults.cend(); i != e; ++i) { if ((*i)->history->peer == inPeer) { outPeer = (*(i - 1))->history->peer; outMsg = 0; return; } } } outPeer = 0; outMsg = 0; } void DialogsListWidget::peerAfter(const PeerData *inPeer, MsgId inMsg, PeerData *&outPeer, MsgId &outMsg) const { if (_state == DefaultState) { DialogsList::RowByPeer::const_iterator i = dialogs.list.rowByPeer.constFind(inPeer->id); if (i == dialogs.list.rowByPeer.constEnd()) { i = contactsNoDialogs.list.rowByPeer.constFind(inPeer->id); if (i == contactsNoDialogs.list.rowByPeer.cend()) { outPeer = 0; outMsg = 0; return; } if (i.value()->next != contactsNoDialogs.list.end) { outPeer = i.value()->next->history->peer; outMsg = 0; return; } outPeer = 0; outMsg = 0; return; } if (i.value()->next != dialogs.list.end) { outPeer = i.value()->next->history->peer; outMsg = 0; return; } else if (contactsNoDialogs.list.count) { outPeer = contactsNoDialogs.list.begin->history->peer; outMsg = 0; return; } } else if (_state == FilteredState || _state == SearchedState) { if (inMsg) { for (SearchResults::const_iterator i = searchResults.cbegin(), e = searchResults.cend(); i != e; ++i) { if ((*i)->_item->history()->peer == inPeer && (*i)->_item->id == inMsg) { ++i; outPeer = (i == e) ? 0 : (*i)->_item->history()->peer; outMsg = (i == e) ? 0 : (*i)->_item->id; return; } } } for (PeopleResults::const_iterator i = peopleResults.cbegin(), e = peopleResults.cend(); i != e; ++i) { if ((*i) == inPeer) { ++i; if (i == e && !searchResults.isEmpty()) { outPeer = searchResults.front()->_item->history()->peer; outMsg = searchResults.front()->_item->id; } else { outPeer = (i == e) ? 0 : (*i); outMsg = 0; } return; } } for (FilteredDialogs::const_iterator i = filterResults.cbegin(), e = filterResults.cend(); i != e; ++i) { if ((*i)->history->peer == inPeer) { ++i; if (i == e && !peopleResults.isEmpty()) { outPeer = peopleResults.front(); outMsg = 0; } else if (i == e && !searchResults.isEmpty()) { outPeer = searchResults.front()->_item->history()->peer; outMsg = searchResults.front()->_item->id; } else { outPeer = (i == e) ? 0 : (*i)->history->peer; outMsg = 0; } return; } } } outPeer = 0; outMsg = 0; } DialogsIndexed &DialogsListWidget::contactsList() { return contacts; } DialogsIndexed &DialogsListWidget::dialogsList() { return dialogs; } DialogsListWidget::FilteredDialogs &DialogsListWidget::filteredList() { return filterResults; } DialogsListWidget::PeopleResults &DialogsListWidget::peopleList() { return peopleResults; } DialogsListWidget::SearchResults &DialogsListWidget::searchList() { return searchResults; } MsgId DialogsListWidget::lastSearchId() const { return _lastSearchId; } DialogsWidget::DialogsWidget(MainWidget *parent) : QWidget(parent) , _drawShadow(true) , dlgOffset(0) , dlgCount(-1) , dlgPreloading(0) , contactsRequest(0) , _filter(this, st::dlgFilter, lang(lng_dlg_filter)) , _newGroup(this, st::btnNewGroup) , _addContact(this, st::btnAddContact) , _cancelSearch(this, st::btnCancelSearch) , scroll(this, st::dlgScroll) , list(&scroll, parent) , _searchFull(false) , _peopleFull(false) { scroll.setWidget(&list); scroll.setFocusPolicy(Qt::NoFocus); connect(&list, SIGNAL(mustScrollTo(int, int)), &scroll, SLOT(scrollToY(int, int))); connect(&list, SIGNAL(dialogToTopFrom(int)), this, SLOT(onDialogToTopFrom(int))); connect(&list, SIGNAL(searchMessages()), this, SLOT(onNeedSearchMessages())); connect(&list, SIGNAL(searchResultChosen()), this, SLOT(onCancel())); connect(&scroll, SIGNAL(geometryChanged()), &list, SLOT(onParentGeometryChanged())); connect(&scroll, SIGNAL(scrolled()), &list, SLOT(onUpdateSelected())); connect(&scroll, SIGNAL(scrolled()), this, SLOT(onListScroll())); connect(&_filter, SIGNAL(cancelled()), this, SLOT(onCancel())); connect(&_filter, SIGNAL(changed()), this, SLOT(onFilterUpdate())); connect(parent, SIGNAL(dialogsUpdated()), this, SLOT(onListScroll())); connect(&_addContact, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(onAddContact())); connect(&_newGroup, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(onNewGroup())); connect(&_cancelSearch, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(onCancelSearch())); _searchTimer.setSingleShot(true); connect(&_searchTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(onSearchMessages())); scroll.show(); _filter.show(); _filter.move(st::dlgPaddingHor, st::dlgFilterPadding); _filter.setFocusPolicy(Qt::StrongFocus); _filter.customUpDown(true); _addContact.hide(); _newGroup.show(); _cancelSearch.hide(); _newGroup.move(width() - _newGroup.width() - st::dlgPaddingHor, 0); _addContact.move(width() - _addContact.width() - st::dlgPaddingHor, 0); _cancelSearch.move(width() - _cancelSearch.width() - st::dlgPaddingHor, 0); } void DialogsWidget::activate() { _filter.setFocus(); list.activate(); } void DialogsWidget::createDialogAtTop(History *history, int32 unreadCount) { list.createDialogAtTop(history, unreadCount); } void DialogsWidget::dlgUpdated(DialogRow *row) { list.dlgUpdated(row); } void DialogsWidget::dlgUpdated(History *row) { list.dlgUpdated(row); } void DialogsWidget::dialogsToUp() { if (_filter.text().trimmed().isEmpty()) { scroll.scrollToY(0); } } void DialogsWidget::setInnerFocus() { _filter.setFocus(); } void DialogsWidget::regTyping(History *history, UserData *user) { uint64 ms = getms(true); history->typing[user] = ms + 6000; Histories::TypingHistories::const_iterator i = App::histories().typing.find(history); if (i == App::histories().typing.cend()) { App::histories().typing.insert(history, ms); history->typingFrame = 0; } history->updateTyping(ms, history->typingFrame, true); anim::start(this); } bool DialogsWidget::animStep(float64) { uint64 ms = getms(true); Histories::TypingHistories &typing(App::histories().typing); for (Histories::TypingHistories::iterator i = typing.begin(), e = typing.end(); i != e;) { uint32 typingFrame = (ms - i.value()) / 150; if (i.key()->updateTyping(ms, typingFrame)) { list.dlgUpdated(i.key()); App::main()->topBar()->update(); } if (i.key()->typing.isEmpty()) { i = typing.erase(i); } else { ++i; } } return !typing.isEmpty(); } void DialogsWidget::onCancel() { onCancelSearch(); emit cancelled(); } void DialogsWidget::itemRemoved(HistoryItem *item) { list.itemRemoved(item); } void DialogsWidget::itemReplaced(HistoryItem *oldItem, HistoryItem *newItem) { list.itemReplaced(oldItem, newItem); } void DialogsWidget::unreadCountsReceived(const QVector &dialogs) { for (QVector::const_iterator i = dialogs.cbegin(), e = dialogs.cend(); i != e; ++i) { const MTPDdialog &d(i->c_dialog()); Histories::iterator j = App::histories().find(App::peerFromMTP(d.vpeer)); if (j != App::histories().end()) { App::main()->applyNotifySetting(MTP_notifyPeer(d.vpeer), d.vnotify_settings, j.value()); j.value()->setUnreadCount(d.vunread_count.v, false); } } if (App::wnd()) App::wnd()->psUpdateCounter(); } void DialogsWidget::dialogsReceived(const MTPmessages_Dialogs &dialogs) { const QVector *dlgList = 0; switch (dialogs.type()) { case mtpc_messages_dialogs: { const MTPDmessages_dialogs &data(dialogs.c_messages_dialogs()); App::feedUsers(data.vusers); App::feedChats(data.vchats); App::feedMsgs(data.vmessages); dlgList = &data.vdialogs.c_vector().v; dlgCount = dlgList->size(); } break; case mtpc_messages_dialogsSlice: { const MTPDmessages_dialogsSlice &data(dialogs.c_messages_dialogsSlice()); App::feedUsers(data.vusers); App::feedChats(data.vchats); App::feedMsgs(data.vmessages); dlgList = &data.vdialogs.c_vector().v; dlgCount = data.vcount.v; } break; } unreadCountsReceived(*dlgList); if (!contactsRequest) { contactsRequest = MTP::send(MTPcontacts_GetContacts(MTP_string("")), rpcDone(&DialogsWidget::contactsReceived), rpcFail(&DialogsWidget::contactsFailed)); } if (dlgList) { list.dialogsReceived(*dlgList); onListScroll(); if (dlgList->size()) { dlgOffset += dlgList->size(); } else { dlgCount = dlgOffset; } } else { dlgCount = dlgOffset; } dlgPreloading = 0; if (dlgList) { loadDialogs(); } } bool DialogsWidget::dialogsFailed(const RPCError &e) { LOG(("RPC Error: %1 %2: %3").arg(e.code()).arg(e.type()).arg(e.description())); dlgPreloading = 0; return true; } bool DialogsWidget::onSearchMessages(bool searchCache) { QString q = _filter.text().trimmed(); if (q.isEmpty()) { if (_searchRequest) { _searchRequest = 0; } if (_peopleRequest) { _peopleRequest = 0; } return true; } if (searchCache) { SearchCache::const_iterator i = _searchCache.constFind(q); if (i != _searchCache.cend()) { _searchQuery = q; _searchFull = false; _searchRequest = 0; searchReceived(true, i.value(), 0); return true; } } else if (_searchQuery != q) { _searchQuery = q; _searchFull = false; _searchRequest = MTP::send(MTPmessages_Search(MTP_inputPeerEmpty(), MTP_string(_searchQuery), MTP_inputMessagesFilterEmpty(), MTP_int(0), MTP_int(0), MTP_int(0), MTP_int(0), MTP_int(SearchPerPage)), rpcDone(&DialogsWidget::searchReceived, true), rpcFail(&DialogsWidget::searchFailed)); _searchQueries.insert(_searchRequest, _searchQuery); } if (q.size() >= MinUsernameLength) { if (searchCache) { PeopleCache::const_iterator i = _peopleCache.constFind(q); if (i != _peopleCache.cend()) { _peopleQuery = q; _peopleRequest = 0; peopleReceived(i.value(), 0); return true; } } else if (_peopleQuery != q) { _peopleQuery = q; _peopleFull = false; _peopleRequest = MTP::send(MTPcontacts_Search(MTP_string(_peopleQuery), MTP_int(SearchPeopleLimit)), rpcDone(&DialogsWidget::peopleReceived), rpcFail(&DialogsWidget::peopleFailed)); _peopleQueries.insert(_peopleRequest, _peopleQuery); } } return false; } void DialogsWidget::onNeedSearchMessages() { if (!onSearchMessages(true)) { _searchTimer.start(AutoSearchTimeout); } } void DialogsWidget::searchMessages(const QString &query) { if (_filter.text() != query) { _filter.setText(query); _filter.updatePlaceholder(); onFilterUpdate(); _searchTimer.stop(); onSearchMessages(); } } void DialogsWidget::onSearchMore(MsgId minMsgId) { if (!_searchRequest && !_searchFull) { _searchRequest = MTP::send(MTPmessages_Search(MTP_inputPeerEmpty(), MTP_string(_searchQuery), MTP_inputMessagesFilterEmpty(), MTP_int(0), MTP_int(0), MTP_int(0), MTP_int(minMsgId), MTP_int(SearchPerPage)), rpcDone(&DialogsWidget::searchReceived, !minMsgId), rpcFail(&DialogsWidget::searchFailed)); if (!minMsgId) { _searchQueries.insert(_searchRequest, _searchQuery); } } } void DialogsWidget::loadDialogs() { if (dlgPreloading) return; if (dlgCount >= 0 && dlgOffset >= dlgCount) return; int32 loadCount = dlgOffset ? DialogsPerPage : DialogsFirstLoad; dlgPreloading = MTP::send(MTPmessages_GetDialogs(MTP_int(dlgOffset), MTP_int(0), MTP_int(loadCount)), rpcDone(&DialogsWidget::dialogsReceived), rpcFail(&DialogsWidget::dialogsFailed)); } void DialogsWidget::contactsReceived(const MTPcontacts_Contacts &contacts) { if (contacts.type() == mtpc_contacts_contacts) { const MTPDcontacts_contacts &d(contacts.c_contacts_contacts()); App::feedUsers(d.vusers); list.contactsReceived(d.vcontacts.c_vector().v); } } bool DialogsWidget::contactsFailed() { return true; } void DialogsWidget::searchReceived(bool fromStart, const MTPmessages_Messages &result, mtpRequestId req) { if (fromStart && (list.state() == DialogsListWidget::FilteredState || list.state() == DialogsListWidget::SearchedState)) { SearchQueries::iterator i = _searchQueries.find(req); if (i != _searchQueries.cend()) { _searchCache[i.value()] = result; _searchQueries.erase(i); } } if (_searchRequest == req) { switch (result.type()) { case mtpc_messages_messages: { App::feedUsers(result.c_messages_messages().vusers); App::feedChats(result.c_messages_messages().vchats); const QVector &msgs(result.c_messages_messages().vmessages.c_vector().v); list.searchReceived(msgs, fromStart, msgs.size()); if (msgs.isEmpty()) { _searchFull = true; } } break; case mtpc_messages_messagesSlice: { App::feedUsers(result.c_messages_messagesSlice().vusers); App::feedChats(result.c_messages_messagesSlice().vchats); const QVector &msgs(result.c_messages_messagesSlice().vmessages.c_vector().v); list.searchReceived(msgs, fromStart, result.c_messages_messagesSlice().vcount.v); if (msgs.isEmpty()) { _searchFull = true; } } break; } _searchRequest = 0; onListScroll(); } } void DialogsWidget::peopleReceived(const MTPcontacts_Found &result, mtpRequestId req) { QString q = _peopleQuery; if (list.state() == DialogsListWidget::FilteredState || list.state() == DialogsListWidget::SearchedState) { PeopleQueries::iterator i = _peopleQueries.find(req); if (i != _peopleQueries.cend()) { q = i.value(); _peopleCache[q] = result; _peopleQueries.erase(i); } } if (_peopleRequest == req) { switch (result.type()) { case mtpc_contacts_found: { App::feedUsers(result.c_contacts_found().vusers); list.peopleReceived(q, result.c_contacts_found().vresults.c_vector().v); } break; } _peopleRequest = 0; onListScroll(); } } bool DialogsWidget::searchFailed(const RPCError &error, mtpRequestId req) { if (_searchRequest == req) { _searchRequest = 0; _searchFull = true; } return true; } bool DialogsWidget::peopleFailed(const RPCError &error, mtpRequestId req) { if (_peopleRequest == req) { _peopleRequest = 0; _peopleFull = true; } return true; } bool DialogsWidget::addNewContact(int32 uid, bool show) { _filter.setText(QString()); onFilterUpdate(); int32 to = list.addNewContact(uid, true); if (to < 0 || !show) return false; list.refresh(); scroll.scrollToY(to); return true; } void DialogsWidget::onListScroll() { list.loadPeerPhotos(scroll.scrollTop()); if (list.state() == DialogsListWidget::SearchedState) { if (scroll.scrollTop() > (list.searchList().size() + list.filteredList().size() + list.peopleList().size()) * st::dlgHeight - PreloadHeightsCount * scroll.height()) { onSearchMore(list.lastSearchId()); } } else if (scroll.scrollTop() > list.dialogsList().list.count * st::dlgHeight - PreloadHeightsCount * scroll.height()) { loadDialogs(); } } void DialogsWidget::onFilterUpdate() { QString filterText = _filter.text(); list.onFilterUpdate(filterText); if (filterText.isEmpty()) { _searchCache.clear(); _searchQueries.clear(); _searchQuery = QString(); if (!_cancelSearch.isHidden()) { _cancelSearch.hide(); _newGroup.show(); } } else if (_cancelSearch.isHidden()) { _cancelSearch.show(); _newGroup.hide(); } if (filterText.size() < MinUsernameLength) { _peopleCache.clear(); _peopleQueries.clear(); _peopleQuery = QString(); } } void DialogsWidget::resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *e) { int32 w = width() - st::dlgShadow; _filter.setGeometry(st::dlgPaddingHor, st::dlgFilterPadding, w - 2 * st::dlgPaddingHor, _filter.height()); _newGroup.move(w - _newGroup.width() - st::dlgPaddingHor, _filter.y()); _addContact.move(w - _addContact.width() - st::dlgPaddingHor, _filter.y()); _cancelSearch.move(w - _cancelSearch.width() - st::dlgPaddingHor, _filter.y()); scroll.move(0, _filter.height() + 2 * st::dlgFilterPadding); scroll.resize(w, height() - _filter.y() - _filter.height() - st::dlgFilterPadding - st::dlgPaddingVer); list.resize(w, list.height()); onListScroll(); } void DialogsWidget::keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent *e) { if (e->key() == Qt::Key_Escape) { e->ignore(); } else if (e->key() == Qt::Key_Return || e->key() == Qt::Key_Enter) { if (!list.choosePeer() && (list.state() == DialogsListWidget::SearchedState || list.state() == DialogsListWidget::FilteredState)) { onSearchMessages(); } } else if (e->key() == Qt::Key_Down) { list.setMouseSel(false); list.selectSkip(1); } else if (e->key() == Qt::Key_Up) { list.setMouseSel(false); list.selectSkip(-1); } else if (e->key() == Qt::Key_PageDown) { list.setMouseSel(false); list.selectSkipPage(scroll.height(), 1); } else if (e->key() == Qt::Key_PageUp) { list.setMouseSel(false); list.selectSkipPage(scroll.height(), -1); } else { e->ignore(); } } void DialogsWidget::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *e) { QPainter p(this); if (_drawShadow) { p.fillRect(width() - st::dlgShadow, 0, st::dlgShadow, height(), st::dlgShadowColor->b); } } void DialogsWidget::destroyData() { list.destroyData(); } void DialogsWidget::peerBefore(const PeerData *inPeer, MsgId inMsg, PeerData *&outPeer, MsgId &outMsg) const { return list.peerBefore(inPeer, inMsg, outPeer, outMsg); } void DialogsWidget::peerAfter(const PeerData *inPeer, MsgId inMsg, PeerData *&outPeer, MsgId &outMsg) const { return list.peerAfter(inPeer, inMsg, outPeer, outMsg); } void DialogsWidget::scrollToPeer(const PeerId &peer, MsgId msgId) { list.scrollToPeer(peer, msgId); } void DialogsWidget::removePeer(PeerData *peer) { _filter.setText(QString()); onFilterUpdate(); list.removePeer(peer); } void DialogsWidget::removeContact(UserData *user) { _filter.setText(QString()); onFilterUpdate(); list.removeContact(user); } DialogsIndexed &DialogsWidget::contactsList() { return list.contactsList(); } void DialogsWidget::onAddContact() { App::wnd()->replaceLayer(new AddContactBox()); } void DialogsWidget::onNewGroup() { App::wnd()->showLayer(new NewGroupBox()); } void DialogsWidget::onCancelSearch() { list.clearFilter(); _filter.clear(); _filter.updatePlaceholder(); onFilterUpdate(); } void DialogsWidget::onDialogToTopFrom(int movedFrom) { if (scroll.scrollTop() > 0) { if (movedFrom > scroll.scrollTop()) { scroll.scrollToY(scroll.scrollTop() + st::dlgHeight); } } } void DialogsWidget::enableShadow(bool enable) { _drawShadow = enable; }