/* This file is part of Telegram Desktop, an unofficial desktop messaging app, see https://telegram.org Telegram Desktop is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. Full license: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LICENSE Copyright (c) 2014 John Preston, https://tdesktop.com */ #pragma once static const int32 AppVersion = 5021; static const wchar_t *AppVersionStr = L"0.5.21"; #ifdef Q_OS_WIN static const wchar_t *AppName = L"Telegram Win (Unofficial)"; #else static const wchar_t *AppName = L"Telegram Desktop"; #endif static const wchar_t *AppId = L"{53F49750-6209-4FBF-9CA8-7A333C87D1ED}"; static const wchar_t *AppFile = L"Telegram"; #include "settings.h" enum { MTPShortBufferSize = 65535, // of ints, 256 kb MTPPacketSizeMax = 67108864, // 64 mb MTPIdsBufferSize = 400, // received msgIds and wereAcked msgIds count stored MTPCheckResendTimeout = 5000, // how much time passed from send till we resend request or check it's state, in ms MTPCheckResendWaiting = 1000, // how much time to wait for some more requests, when resending request or checking it's state, in ms MTPResendThreshold = 1, // how much ints should message contain for us not to resend, but to check it's state MTPContainerLives = 600, // container lives 10 minutes in haveSent map MTPMaxReceiveDelay = 64000, // 64 seconds MTPConnectionOldTimeout = 192000, // 192 seconds MTPTcpConnectionWaitTimeout = 3000, // 3 seconds waiting for tcp, until we accept http MTPMillerRabinIterCount = 30, // 30 Miller-Rabin iterations for dh_prime primality check MTPEnumDCTimeout = 4000, // 4 seconds timeout for help_getConfig to work (them move to other dc) MinReceiveDelay = 1000, // 1 seconds MaxSelectedItems = 100, MaxPhoneTailLength = 18, // rest of the phone number, without country code (seen 12 at least) MaxScrollSpeed = 37, // 37px per 15ms while select-by-drag FingerAccuracyThreshold = 3, // touch flick ignore 3px MaxScrollAccelerated = 4000, // 4000px per second MaxScrollFlick = 2500, // 2500px per second LocalEncryptIterCount = 4000, // key derivation iteration count LocalEncryptNoPwdIterCount = 4, // key derivation iteration count without pwd (not secure anyway) LocalEncryptSaltSize = 32, // 256 bit LocalEncryptKeySize = 256, // 2048 bit AnimationTimerDelta = 7, SaveRecentEmojisTimeout = 3000, // 3 secs SaveWindowPositionTimeout = 1000, // 1 sec AutoSearchTimeout = 900, // 0.9 secs SearchPerPage = 50, SearchManyPerPage = 100, MediaOverviewStartPerPage = 5, MediaOverviewPreloadCount = 4, AudioVoiceMsgSimultaneously = 4, AudioCheckPositionTimeout = 100, // 100ms per check audio pos AudioCheckPositionDelta = 4800, // update position called each 4800 samples AudioFadeTimeout = 10, // 10ms AudioFadeDuration = 500, AudioPreloadSamples = 5 * 48000, // preload next part if less than 5 seconds remains AudioVoiceMsgFrequency = 48000, // 48 kHz AudioVoiceMsgChannels = 2, // stereo AudioVoiceMsgBufferSize = 1024 * 1024, // 1 Mb buffers AudioVoiceMsgInMemory = 1024 * 1024, // 1 Mb audio is hold in memory and auto loaded }; #ifdef Q_OS_WIN inline const GUID &cGUID() { static const GUID gGuid = { 0x87a94ab0, 0xe370, 0x4cde, { 0x98, 0xd3, 0xac, 0xc1, 0x10, 0xc5, 0x96, 0x7d } }; return gGuid; } #endif inline const char *cGUIDStr() { static const char *gGuidStr = "{87A94AB0-E370-4cde-98D3-ACC110C5967D}"; return gGuidStr; } inline const char **cPublicRSAKeys(uint32 &cnt) { static const char *(keys[]) = {"\ -----BEGIN RSA PUBLIC KEY-----\n\ MIIBCgKCAQEAwVACPi9w23mF3tBkdZz+zwrzKOaaQdr01vAbU4E1pvkfj4sqDsm6\n\ lyDONS789sVoD/xCS9Y0hkkC3gtL1tSfTlgCMOOul9lcixlEKzwKENj1Yz/s7daS\n\ an9tqw3bfUV/nqgbhGX81v/+7RFAEd+RwFnK7a+XYl9sluzHRyVVaTTveB2GazTw\n\ Efzk2DWgkBluml8OREmvfraX3bkHZJTKX4EQSjBbbdJ2ZXIsRrYOXfaA+xayEGB+\n\ 8hdlLmAjbCVfaigxX0CDqWeR1yFL9kwd9P0NsZRPsmoqVwMbMu7mStFai6aIhc3n\n\ Slv8kg9qv1m6XHVQY3PnEw+QQtqSIXklHwIDAQAB\n\ -----END RSA PUBLIC KEY-----"}; cnt = sizeof(keys) / sizeof(const char*); return keys; } struct BuiltInDc { int id; const char *ip; int port; }; static const BuiltInDc _builtInDcs[] = { { 1, "", 443 }, { 2, "", 443 }, { 3, "", 443 }, { 4, "", 443 }, { 5, "", 443 } }; static const BuiltInDc _builtInTestDcs[] = { { 1, "", 443 } }; inline const BuiltInDc *builtInDcs() { return cTestMode() ? _builtInTestDcs : _builtInDcs; } inline int builtInDcsCount() { return (cTestMode() ? sizeof(_builtInTestDcs) : sizeof(_builtInDcs)) / sizeof(BuiltInDc); } static const char *UpdatesPublicKey = "\ -----BEGIN RSA PUBLIC KEY-----\n\ MIGJAoGBAMA4ViQrjkPZ9xj0lrer3r23JvxOnrtE8nI69XLGSr+sRERz9YnUptnU\n\ BZpkIfKaRcl6XzNJiN28cVwO1Ui5JSa814UAiDHzWUqCaXUiUEQ6NmNTneiGx2sQ\n\ +9PKKlb8mmr3BB9A45ZNwLT6G9AK3+qkZLHojeSA+m84/a6GP4svAgMBAAE=\n\ -----END RSA PUBLIC KEY-----\ "; #ifdef CUSTOM_API_ID #include "../../../TelegramPrivate/custom_api_id.h" // Custom API id and API hash #else static const int32 ApiId = 17349; static const char *ApiHash = "344583e45741c457fe1862106095a5eb"; #endif inline const char *cApiDeviceModel() { #ifdef Q_OS_WIN return "x86 desktop"; #else return "x64 desktop"; #endif } inline const char *cApiSystemVersion() { #ifdef Q_OS_WIN return "windows"; #elif defined Q_OS_MAC return "os x"; #elif defined Q_OS_LINUX return "linux"; #endif } inline QString cApiAppVersion() { return QString::number(AppVersion); } static const char *ApiLang = "en"; extern QString gKeyFile; inline const QString &cDataFile() { if (!gKeyFile.isEmpty()) return gKeyFile; static const QString res(cTestMode() ? qsl("data_test") : qsl("data")); return res; } inline const QString &cTempDir() { static const QString res = cWorkingDir() + qsl("tdata/tdld/"); return res; } static const char *DefaultCountry = "US"; static const char *DefaultLanguage = "en"; enum { DialogsFirstLoad = 20, // first dialogs part size requested DialogsPerPage = 40, // next dialogs part size MessagesFirstLoad = 30, // first history part size requested MessagesPerPage = 50, // next history part size LinkCropLimit = 360, // 360px link length max DownloadPartSize = 32 * 1024, // 32kb for photo DocumentDownloadPartSize = 128 * 1024, // 128kb for document MaxUploadPhotoSize = 10 * 1024 * 1024, // 10mb photos max MaxUploadDocumentSize = 1500 * 1024 * 1024, // 1500mb documents max UseBigFilesFrom = 10 * 1024 * 1024, // mtp big files methods used for files greater than 10mb MaxFileQueries = 32, // max 32 file parts downloaded at the same time UploadPartSize = 32 * 1024, // 32kb for photo DocumentMaxPartsCount = 3000, // no more than 3000 parts DocumentUploadPartSize0 = 32 * 1024, // 32kb for tiny document ( < 1mb ) DocumentUploadPartSize1 = 64 * 1024, // 64kb for little document ( <= 32mb ) DocumentUploadPartSize2 = 128 * 1024, // 128kb for small document ( <= 375mb ) DocumentUploadPartSize3 = 256 * 1024, // 256kb for medium document ( <= 750mb ) DocumentUploadPartSize4 = 512 * 1024, // 512kb for large document ( <= 1500mb ) MaxUploadFileParallelSize = 512 * 1024, // max 512kb uploaded at the same time UploadRequestInterval = 500, // one part each half second, if not uploaded faster MaxPhotosInMemory = 50, // try to clear some memory after 50 photos are created NoUpdatesTimeout = 180 * 1000, // if nothing is received in 3 min we reconnect MemoryForImageCache = 64 * 1024 * 1024, // after 64mb of unpacked images we try to clear some memory NotifyWindowsCount = 3, // 3 desktop notifies at the same time NotifyWaitTimeout = 1200, // 1.2 seconds timeout before notification NotifySettingSaveTimeout = 1000, // wait 1 second before saving notify setting to server UpdateChunk = 100 * 1024, // 100kb parts when downloading the update IdleMsecs = 60 * 1000, // after 60secs without user input we think we are idle ForwardOnAdd = 120, // how many messages from chat history server should forward to user, that was added to this chat }; inline const QRegularExpression &cWordSplit() { static QRegularExpression regexp(qsl("[\\s\\-\\+\\)\\(\\,\\.\\:\\!\\_\\;\\\"\\'\\x0]")); return regexp; } inline const QRegularExpression &cRussianLetters() { static QRegularExpression regexp(QString::fromUtf8("[а-яА-ЯёЁ]")); return regexp; } inline QStringList cImgExtensions() { static QStringList imgExtensions; if (imgExtensions.isEmpty()) { imgExtensions.reserve(4); imgExtensions.push_back(qsl(".jpg")); imgExtensions.push_back(qsl(".jpeg")); imgExtensions.push_back(qsl(".png")); imgExtensions.push_back(qsl(".gif")); } return imgExtensions; } inline QStringList cPhotoExtensions() { static QStringList photoExtensions; if (photoExtensions.isEmpty()) { photoExtensions.push_back(qsl(".jpg")); photoExtensions.push_back(qsl(".jpeg")); } return photoExtensions; }