/* This file is part of Telegram Desktop, the official desktop application for the Telegram messaging service. For license and copyright information please follow this link: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LEGAL */ #pragma once #include "base/timer.h" #include "base/object_ptr.h" #include "base/binary_guard.h" #include "ui/rp_widget.h" #include "ui/unread_badge.h" #include "ui/layers/layer_widget.h" namespace Ui { class IconButton; class FlatLabel; class UserpicButton; class PopupMenu; class ScrollArea; class VerticalLayout; class RippleButton; class PlainShadow; class SettingsButton; template class SlideWrap; } // namespace Ui namespace Info::Profile { class Badge; class EmojiStatusPanel; } // namespace Info::Profile namespace Main { class Account; } // namespace Main namespace Window { class SessionController; class MainMenu final : public Ui::LayerWidget { public: MainMenu(QWidget *parent, not_null controller); ~MainMenu(); void parentResized() override; void showFinished() override; protected: void paintEvent(QPaintEvent *e) override; void resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *e) override; void doSetInnerFocus() override { setFocus(); } private: class ToggleAccountsButton; class ResetScaleButton; void moveBadge(); void setupUserpicButton(); void setupAccounts(); void setupAccountsToggle(); void setupSetEmojiStatus(); void setupArchive(); void setupMenu(); void updateControlsGeometry(); void updateInnerControlsGeometry(); void initResetScaleButton(); void toggleAccounts(); void chooseEmojiStatus(); void drawName(Painter &p); const not_null _controller; object_ptr _userpicButton; Ui::Text::String _name; int _nameVersion = 0; object_ptr _toggleAccounts; object_ptr _setEmojiStatus; std::unique_ptr _emojiStatusPanel; std::unique_ptr _badge; object_ptr _resetScaleButton = { nullptr }; object_ptr _scroll; not_null _inner; not_null _topShadowSkip; not_null*> _accounts; not_null*> _shadow; not_null _menu; not_null _footer; not_null _telegram; not_null _version; QPointer _nightThemeToggle; rpl::event_stream _nightThemeSwitches; base::Timer _nightThemeSwitch; base::unique_qptr _contextMenu; rpl::variable _showFinished = false; }; struct OthersUnreadState { int count = 0; bool allMuted = false; }; [[nodiscard]] OthersUnreadState OtherAccountsUnreadStateCurrent(); [[nodiscard]] rpl::producer OtherAccountsUnreadState(); } // namespace Window