/* This file is part of Telegram Desktop, the official desktop application for the Telegram messaging service. For license and copyright information please follow this link: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LEGAL */ #include "passport/passport_edit_identity_box.h" #include "passport/passport_panel_controller.h" #include "ui/widgets/fields/input_field.h" #include "ui/widgets/buttons.h" #include "ui/text_options.h" #include "lang/lang_keys.h" #include "core/file_utilities.h" #include "styles/style_widgets.h" #include "styles/style_boxes.h" #include "styles/style_passport.h" namespace Passport { class ScanButton : public Ui::RippleButton { public: ScanButton( QWidget *parent, const QString &title, const QString &description); void setImage(const QImage &image); void setDescription(const QString &description); rpl::producer<> deleteClicks() const { return _delete->clicks(); } protected: int resizeGetHeight(int newWidth) override; void paintEvent(QPaintEvent *e) override; private: int countAvailableWidth() const; int countAvailableWidth(int newWidth) const; Text _title; Text _description; int _titleHeight = 0; int _descriptionHeight = 0; QImage _image; object_ptr _delete = { nullptr }; }; ScanButton::ScanButton( QWidget *parent, const QString &title, const QString &description) : RippleButton(parent, st::passportRowRipple) , _title( st::semiboldTextStyle, title, Ui::NameTextOptions()) , _description( st::defaultTextStyle, description, Ui::NameTextOptions()) , _delete(this, st::passportScanDelete) { } void ScanButton::setImage(const QImage &image) { _image = image; update(); } void ScanButton::setDescription(const QString &description) { _description.setText( st::defaultTextStyle, description, Ui::NameTextOptions()); update(); } int ScanButton::resizeGetHeight(int newWidth) { const auto availableWidth = countAvailableWidth(newWidth); _titleHeight = st::semiboldFont->height; _descriptionHeight = st::normalFont->height; const auto result = st::passportRowPadding.top() + _titleHeight + st::passportRowSkip + _descriptionHeight + st::passportRowPadding.bottom(); const auto right = st::passportRowPadding.right(); _delete->moveToRight( right, (result - _delete->height()) / 2, newWidth); return result; } int ScanButton::countAvailableWidth(int newWidth) const { return newWidth - st::passportRowPadding.left() - st::passportRowPadding.right() - _delete->width(); } int ScanButton::countAvailableWidth() const { return countAvailableWidth(width()); } void ScanButton::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *e) { Painter p(this); const auto ms = getms(); paintRipple(p, 0, 0, ms); auto left = st::passportRowPadding.left(); auto availableWidth = countAvailableWidth(); auto top = st::passportRowPadding.top(); const auto size = height() - top - st::passportRowPadding.bottom(); if (_image.isNull()) { p.fillRect(left, top, size, size, Qt::black); } else { PainterHighQualityEnabler hq(p); if (_image.width() > _image.height()) { auto newheight = size * _image.height() / _image.width(); p.drawImage(QRect(left, top + (size - newheight) / 2, size, newheight), _image); } else { auto newwidth = size * _image.width() / _image.height(); p.drawImage(QRect(left + (size - newwidth) / 2, top, newwidth, size), _image); } } left += size + st::passportRowPadding.left(); availableWidth -= size + st::passportRowPadding.left(); _title.drawLeftElided(p, left, top, availableWidth, width()); top += _titleHeight + st::passportRowSkip; _description.drawLeftElided(p, left, top, availableWidth, width()); top += _descriptionHeight + st::passportRowPadding.bottom(); } IdentityBox::IdentityBox( QWidget*, not_null controller, int valueIndex, const IdentityData &data, std::vector &&files) : _controller(controller) , _valueIndex(valueIndex) , _files(std::move(files)) , _uploadScan(this, "Upload scans") // #TODO langs , _name( this, st::defaultInputField, langFactory(lng_signup_firstname), data.name) , _surname( this, st::defaultInputField, langFactory(lng_signup_lastname), data.surname) { } void IdentityBox::prepare() { setTitle(langFactory(lng_passport_identity_title)); auto index = 0; for (const auto &scan : _files) { _scans.push_back(object_ptr( this, QString("Scan %1").arg(++index), // #TODO langs scan.status)); _scans.back()->setImage(scan.thumb); _scans.back()->resizeToWidth(st::boxWideWidth); _scans.back()->deleteClicks( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=] { _controller->deleteScan(_valueIndex, index - 1); }, lifetime()); } addButton(langFactory(lng_settings_save), [=] { save(); }); addButton(langFactory(lng_cancel), [=] { closeBox(); }); _controller->scanUpdated( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=](ScanInfo &&info) { updateScan(std::move(info)); }, lifetime()); _uploadScan->addClickHandler([=] { chooseScan(); }); setDimensions(st::boxWideWidth, countHeight()); } int IdentityBox::countHeight() const { auto height = st::contactPadding.top(); for (const auto &scan : _scans) { height += scan->height(); } height += st::contactPadding.top() + _uploadScan->height() + st::contactSkip + _name->height() + st::contactSkip + _surname->height() + st::contactPadding.bottom() + st::boxPadding.bottom(); return height; } void IdentityBox::updateScan(ScanInfo &&info) { const auto i = ranges::find(_files, info.key, [](const ScanInfo &file) { return file.key; }); if (i != _files.end()) { *i = info; _scans[i - _files.begin()]->setDescription(i->status); _scans[i - _files.begin()]->setImage(i->thumb); } else { _files.push_back(std::move(info)); _scans.push_back(object_ptr( this, QString("Scan %1").arg(_files.size()), _files.back().status)); _scans.back()->setImage(_files.back().thumb); _scans.back()->resizeToWidth(st::boxWideWidth); _scans.back()->show(); updateControlsPosition(); setDimensions(st::boxWideWidth, countHeight()); } update(); } void IdentityBox::setInnerFocus() { _name->setFocusFast(); } void IdentityBox::resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *e) { BoxContent::resizeEvent(e); _name->resize((width() - st::boxPadding.left() - st::boxPadding.right()), _name->height()); _surname->resize(_name->width(), _surname->height()); updateControlsPosition(); } void IdentityBox::updateControlsPosition() { auto top = st::contactPadding.top(); for (const auto &scan : _scans) { scan->moveToLeft(0, top); top += scan->height(); } top += st::contactPadding.top(); _uploadScan->moveToLeft(st::boxPadding.left(), top); top += _uploadScan->height() + st::contactSkip; _name->moveToLeft(st::boxPadding.left(), top); top += _name->height() + st::contactSkip; _surname->moveToLeft(st::boxPadding.left(), top); } void IdentityBox::chooseScan() { const auto filter = FileDialog::AllFilesFilter() + u";;Image files (*"_q + cImgExtensions().join(u" *"_q) + u")"_q; const auto callback = [=](FileDialog::OpenResult &&result) { if (result.paths.size() == 1) { encryptScan(result.paths.front()); } else if (!result.remoteContent.isEmpty()) { encryptScanContent(std::move(result.remoteContent)); } }; FileDialog::GetOpenPath( "Choose scan image", filter, base::lambda_guarded(this, callback)); } void IdentityBox::encryptScan(const QString &path) { encryptScanContent([&] { QFile f(path); if (!f.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) { return QByteArray(); } return f.readAll(); }()); } void IdentityBox::encryptScanContent(QByteArray &&content) { _controller->uploadScan(_valueIndex, std::move(content)); } void IdentityBox::save() { auto data = IdentityData(); data.name = _name->getLastText(); data.surname = _surname->getLastText(); _controller->saveValueIdentity(_valueIndex, data); } } // namespace Passport