/* This file is part of Telegram Desktop, the official desktop application for the Telegram messaging service. For license and copyright information please follow this link: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LEGAL */ #include "logs.h" #include "platform/platform_specific.h" #include "core/crash_reports.h" #include "core/launcher.h" #include "mtproto/facade.h" namespace { std::atomic ThreadCounter/* = 0*/; thread_local bool WritingEntryFlag/* = false*/; class WritingEntryScope final { public: WritingEntryScope() { WritingEntryFlag = true; } ~WritingEntryScope() { WritingEntryFlag = false; } }; } // namespace enum LogDataType { LogDataMain, LogDataDebug, LogDataTcp, LogDataMtp, LogDataCount }; QMutex *_logsMutex(LogDataType type, bool clear = false) { static QMutex *LogsMutexes = 0; if (clear) { delete[] LogsMutexes; LogsMutexes = 0; } else if (!LogsMutexes) { LogsMutexes = new QMutex[LogDataCount]; } return &LogsMutexes[type]; } QString _logsFilePath(LogDataType type, const QString &postfix = QString()) { QString path(cWorkingDir()); switch (type) { case LogDataMain: path += u"log"_q + postfix + u".txt"_q; break; case LogDataDebug: path += u"DebugLogs/log"_q + postfix + u".txt"_q; break; case LogDataTcp: path += u"DebugLogs/tcp"_q + postfix + u".txt"_q; break; case LogDataMtp: path += u"DebugLogs/mtp"_q + postfix + u".txt"_q; break; } return path; } int32 LogsStartIndexChosen = -1; QString _logsEntryStart() { static thread_local auto threadId = ThreadCounter++; static auto index = 0; const auto tm = QDateTime::currentDateTime(); return QString("[%1 %2-%3]").arg(tm.toString("hh:mm:ss.zzz"), QString("%1").arg(threadId, 2, 10, QChar('0'))).arg(++index, 7, 10, QChar('0')); } class LogsDataFields { public: LogsDataFields() { for (int32 i = 0; i < LogDataCount; ++i) { files[i].reset(new QFile()); } } bool openMain() { return reopen(LogDataMain, 0, u"start"_q); } void closeMain() { QMutexLocker lock(_logsMutex(LogDataMain)); WritingEntryScope scope; const auto file = files[LogDataMain].get(); if (file && file->isOpen()) { file->close(); } } bool instanceChecked() { return reopen(LogDataMain, 0, QString()); } QString full() { const auto file = files[LogDataMain].get(); if (!file || !file->isOpen()) { return QString(); } QFile out(file->fileName()); if (out.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) { return QString::fromUtf8(out.readAll()); } return QString(); } void write(LogDataType type, const QString &msg) { QMutexLocker lock(_logsMutex(type)); WritingEntryScope scope; if (type != LogDataMain) { reopenDebug(); } const auto file = files[type].get(); if (!file || !file->isOpen()) { return; } file->write(msg.toUtf8()); file->flush(); } private: std::unique_ptr files[LogDataCount]; int32 part = -1; bool reopen(LogDataType type, int32 dayIndex, const QString &postfix) { if (files[type] && files[type]->isOpen()) { if (type == LogDataMain) { if (!postfix.isEmpty()) { return true; } } else { files[type]->close(); } } auto mode = QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Text; if (type == LogDataMain) { // we can call LOG() in LogDataMain reopen - mutex not locked if (postfix.isEmpty()) { // instance checked, need to move to log.txt Assert(!files[type]->fileName().isEmpty()); // one of log_startXX.txt should've been opened already auto to = std::make_unique(_logsFilePath(type, postfix)); if (to->exists() && !to->remove()) { LOG(("Could not delete '%1' file to start new logging: %2").arg(to->fileName(), to->errorString())); return false; } if (auto from = QFile(files[type]->fileName()); !from.copy(to->fileName())) { // don't close files[type] yet LOG(("Could not copy '%1' to '%2' to start new logging: %3").arg(files[type]->fileName(), to->fileName(), from.errorString())); return false; } if (to->open(mode | QIODevice::Append)) { std::swap(files[type], to); LOG(("Moved logging from '%1' to '%2'!").arg(to->fileName(), files[type]->fileName())); to->remove(); LogsStartIndexChosen = -1; QDir working(cWorkingDir()); // delete all other log_startXX.txt that we can QStringList oldlogs = working.entryList(QStringList("log_start*.txt"), QDir::Files); for (QStringList::const_iterator i = oldlogs.cbegin(), e = oldlogs.cend(); i != e; ++i) { QString oldlog = cWorkingDir() + *i, oldlogend = i->mid(u"log_start"_q.size()); if (oldlogend.size() == 1 + u".txt"_q.size() && oldlogend.at(0).isDigit() && base::StringViewMid(oldlogend, 1) == u".txt"_q) { bool removed = QFile(oldlog).remove(); LOG(("Old start log '%1' found, deleted: %2").arg(*i, Logs::b(removed))); } } return true; } LOG(("Could not open '%1' file to start new logging: %2").arg(to->fileName(), to->errorString())); return false; } else { bool found = false; int32 oldest = -1; // find not existing log_startX.txt or pick the oldest one (by lastModified) QDateTime oldestLastModified; for (int32 i = 0; i < 10; ++i) { QString trying = _logsFilePath(type, u"_start%1"_q.arg(i)); files[type]->setFileName(trying); if (!files[type]->exists()) { LogsStartIndexChosen = i; found = true; break; } QDateTime lastModified = QFileInfo(trying).lastModified(); if (oldest < 0 || lastModified < oldestLastModified) { oldestLastModified = lastModified; oldest = i; } } if (!found) { files[type]->setFileName(_logsFilePath(type, u"_start%1"_q.arg(oldest))); LogsStartIndexChosen = oldest; } } } else { files[type]->setFileName(_logsFilePath(type, postfix)); if (files[type]->exists()) { if (files[type]->open(QIODevice::ReadOnly | QIODevice::Text)) { if (QString::fromUtf8(files[type]->readLine()).toInt() == dayIndex) { mode |= QIODevice::Append; } files[type]->close(); } } else { QDir().mkdir(cWorkingDir() + u"DebugLogs"_q); } } if (files[type]->open(mode)) { if (type != LogDataMain) { files[type]->write(((mode & QIODevice::Append) ? qsl("\ ----------------------------------------------------------------\n\ NEW LOGGING INSTANCE STARTED!!!\n\ ----------------------------------------------------------------\n") : qsl("%1\n").arg(dayIndex)).toUtf8()); files[type]->flush(); } return true; } else if (type != LogDataMain) { LOG(("Could not open debug log '%1': %2").arg(files[type]->fileName(), files[type]->errorString())); } return false; } void reopenDebug() { time_t t = time(NULL); struct tm tm; mylocaltime(&tm, &t); static const int switchEach = 15; // minutes int32 newPart = (tm.tm_min + tm.tm_hour * 60) / switchEach; if (newPart == part) return; part = newPart; int32 dayIndex = (tm.tm_year + 1900) * 10000 + (tm.tm_mon + 1) * 100 + tm.tm_mday; QString postfix = QString("_%4_%5").arg((part * switchEach) / 60, 2, 10, QChar('0')).arg((part * switchEach) % 60, 2, 10, QChar('0')); reopen(LogDataDebug, dayIndex, postfix); reopen(LogDataTcp, dayIndex, postfix); reopen(LogDataMtp, dayIndex, postfix); } }; LogsDataFields *LogsData = 0; using LogsInMemoryList = QList>; LogsInMemoryList *LogsInMemory = 0; LogsInMemoryList *DeletedLogsInMemory = SharedMemoryLocation(); QString LogsBeforeSingleInstanceChecked; // LogsInMemory already dumped in LogsData, but LogsData is about to be deleted void _logsWrite(LogDataType type, const QString &msg) { if (LogsData && (type == LogDataMain || LogsStartIndexChosen < 0)) { if (type == LogDataMain || Logs::DebugEnabled()) { LogsData->write(type, msg); } } else if (LogsInMemory != DeletedLogsInMemory) { if (!LogsInMemory) { LogsInMemory = new LogsInMemoryList; } LogsInMemory->push_back(qMakePair(type, msg)); } else if (!LogsBeforeSingleInstanceChecked.isEmpty() && type == LogDataMain) { LogsBeforeSingleInstanceChecked += msg; } } namespace Logs { namespace { bool DebugModeEnabled = false; [[maybe_unused]] void MoveOldDataFiles(const QString &wasDir) { if (wasDir.isEmpty()) { return; } QFile data(wasDir + "data"), dataConfig(wasDir + "data_config"), tdataConfig(wasDir + "tdata/config"); if (data.exists() && dataConfig.exists() && !QFileInfo::exists(cWorkingDir() + "data") && !QFileInfo::exists(cWorkingDir() + "data_config")) { // move to home dir LOG(("Copying data to home dir '%1' from '%2'").arg(cWorkingDir(), wasDir)); if (data.copy(cWorkingDir() + "data")) { LOG(("Copied 'data' to home dir")); if (dataConfig.copy(cWorkingDir() + "data_config")) { LOG(("Copied 'data_config' to home dir")); bool tdataGood = true; if (tdataConfig.exists()) { tdataGood = false; QDir().mkpath(cWorkingDir() + "tdata"); if (tdataConfig.copy(cWorkingDir() + "tdata/config")) { LOG(("Copied 'tdata/config' to home dir")); tdataGood = true; } else { LOG(("Copied 'data' and 'data_config', but could not copy 'tdata/config'!")); } } if (tdataGood) { if (data.remove()) { LOG(("Removed 'data'")); } else { LOG(("Could not remove 'data'")); } if (dataConfig.remove()) { LOG(("Removed 'data_config'")); } else { LOG(("Could not remove 'data_config'")); } if (!tdataConfig.exists() || tdataConfig.remove()) { LOG(("Removed 'tdata/config'")); } else { LOG(("Could not remove 'tdata/config'")); } QDir().rmdir(wasDir + "tdata"); } } else { LOG(("Copied 'data', but could not copy 'data_config'!!")); } } else { LOG(("Could not copy 'data'!")); } } } } // namespace void SetDebugEnabled(bool enabled) { DebugModeEnabled = enabled; } bool DebugEnabled() { #if defined _DEBUG return true; #else return DebugModeEnabled; #endif } bool WritingEntry() { return WritingEntryFlag; } void start() { Assert(LogsData == nullptr); auto &launcher = Core::Launcher::Instance(); if (!launcher.checkPortableVersionFolder()) { return; } LogsData = new LogsDataFields(); if (cWorkingDir().isEmpty()) { #if (!defined Q_OS_WIN && !defined _DEBUG) || defined Q_OS_WINRT || defined OS_WIN_STORE || defined OS_MAC_STORE cForceWorkingDir(psAppDataPath()); #else // (!Q_OS_WIN && !_DEBUG) || Q_OS_WINRT || OS_WIN_STORE || OS_MAC_STORE cForceWorkingDir(cExeDir()); if (!LogsData->openMain()) { cForceWorkingDir(psAppDataPath()); } #endif // (!Q_OS_WIN && !_DEBUG) || Q_OS_WINRT || OS_WIN_STORE || OS_MAC_STORE } if (launcher.validateCustomWorkingDir()) { delete LogsData; LogsData = new LogsDataFields(); } // WinRT build requires the working dir to stay the same for plugin loading. #ifndef Q_OS_WINRT QDir::setCurrent(cWorkingDir()); #endif // !Q_OS_WINRT QDir().mkpath(cWorkingDir() + u"tdata"_q); launcher.workingFolderReady(); CrashReports::StartCatching(); if (!LogsData->openMain()) { delete LogsData; LogsData = nullptr; } LOG(("Launched version: %1, install beta: %2, alpha: %3, debug mode: %4" ).arg(AppVersion ).arg(Logs::b(cInstallBetaVersion()) ).arg(cAlphaVersion() ).arg(Logs::b(DebugEnabled()))); LOG(("Executable dir: %1, name: %2").arg(cExeDir(), cExeName())); LOG(("Initial working dir: %1").arg(launcher.initialWorkingDir())); LOG(("Working dir: %1").arg(cWorkingDir())); LOG(("Command line: %1").arg(launcher.arguments().join(' '))); if (!LogsData) { LOG(("FATAL: Could not open '%1' for writing log!" ).arg(_logsFilePath(LogDataMain, u"_startXX"_q))); return; } #ifdef Q_OS_WIN if (cWorkingDir() == psAppDataPath()) { // fix old "Telegram Win (Unofficial)" version MoveOldDataFiles(psAppDataPathOld()); } #elif !defined Q_OS_MAC && !defined _DEBUG // fix first version MoveOldDataFiles(launcher.initialWorkingDir()); #endif if (LogsInMemory) { Assert(LogsInMemory != DeletedLogsInMemory); LogsInMemoryList list = *LogsInMemory; for (LogsInMemoryList::const_iterator i = list.cbegin(), e = list.cend(); i != e; ++i) { if (i->first == LogDataMain) { _logsWrite(i->first, i->second); } } } LOG(("Logs started")); } void finish() { delete LogsData; LogsData = 0; if (LogsInMemory && LogsInMemory != DeletedLogsInMemory) { delete LogsInMemory; } LogsInMemory = DeletedLogsInMemory; _logsMutex(LogDataMain, true); CrashReports::FinishCatching(); } bool started() { return LogsData != 0; } bool instanceChecked() { if (!LogsData) return false; if (!LogsData->instanceChecked()) { LogsBeforeSingleInstanceChecked = Logs::full(); delete LogsData; LogsData = 0; LOG(("FATAL: Could not move logging to '%1'!").arg(_logsFilePath(LogDataMain))); return false; } if (LogsInMemory) { Assert(LogsInMemory != DeletedLogsInMemory); LogsInMemoryList list = *LogsInMemory; for (LogsInMemoryList::const_iterator i = list.cbegin(), e = list.cend(); i != e; ++i) { if (i->first != LogDataMain) { _logsWrite(i->first, i->second); } } } if (LogsInMemory) { Assert(LogsInMemory != DeletedLogsInMemory); delete LogsInMemory; } LogsInMemory = DeletedLogsInMemory; DEBUG_LOG(("Debug logs started.")); LogsBeforeSingleInstanceChecked.clear(); return true; } void multipleInstances() { if (LogsInMemory) { Assert(LogsInMemory != DeletedLogsInMemory); delete LogsInMemory; } LogsInMemory = DeletedLogsInMemory; if (Logs::DebugEnabled()) { LOG(("WARNING: debug logs are not written in multiple instances mode!")); } LogsBeforeSingleInstanceChecked.clear(); } void closeMain() { LOG(("Explicitly closing main log and finishing crash handlers.")); if (LogsData) { LogsData->closeMain(); } } void writeMain(const QString &v) { time_t t = time(NULL); struct tm tm; mylocaltime(&tm, &t); const auto msg = QString("[%1.%2.%3 %4:%5:%6] %7\n" ).arg(tm.tm_year + 1900 ).arg(tm.tm_mon + 1, 2, 10, QChar('0') ).arg(tm.tm_mday, 2, 10, QChar('0') ).arg(tm.tm_hour, 2, 10, QChar('0') ).arg(tm.tm_min, 2, 10, QChar('0') ).arg(tm.tm_sec, 2, 10, QChar('0') ).arg(v); _logsWrite(LogDataMain, msg); writeDebug(v); } void writeDebug(const QString &v) { const auto msg = QString("%1 %2\n").arg(_logsEntryStart(), v); _logsWrite(LogDataDebug, msg); #ifdef Q_OS_WIN //OutputDebugString(reinterpret_cast(msg.utf16())); #elif defined Q_OS_MAC //objc_outputDebugString(msg); #elif defined _DEBUG //std::cout << msg.toUtf8().constData(); #endif } void writeTcp(const QString &v) { const auto msg = QString("%1 %2\n").arg(_logsEntryStart(), v); _logsWrite(LogDataTcp, msg); } void writeMtp(int32 dc, const QString &v) { const auto expanded = [&] { const auto bare = MTP::isTemporaryDcId(dc) ? MTP::getRealIdFromTemporaryDcId(dc) : MTP::BareDcId(dc); const auto base = (MTP::isTemporaryDcId(dc) ? "temporary_" : "") + QString::number(bare); const auto shift = MTP::GetDcIdShift(dc); if (shift == 0) { return base + "_main"; } else if (shift == MTP::kExportDcShift) { return base + "_export"; } else if (shift == MTP::kExportMediaDcShift) { return base + "_export_download"; } else if (shift == MTP::kConfigDcShift) { return base + "_config_enumeration"; } else if (shift == MTP::kLogoutDcShift) { return base + "_logout_guest"; } else if (shift == MTP::kUpdaterDcShift) { return base + "_download_update"; } else if (shift == MTP::kGroupCallStreamDcShift) { return base + "_stream"; } else if (MTP::isDownloadDcId(dc)) { const auto index = shift - MTP::kBaseDownloadDcShift; return base + "_download" + QString::number(index); } else if (MTP::isUploadDcId(dc)) { const auto index = shift - MTP::kBaseUploadDcShift; return base + "_upload" + QString::number(index); } else if (shift >= MTP::kDestroyKeyStartDcShift) { const auto index = shift - MTP::kDestroyKeyStartDcShift; return base + "_key_destroyer" + QString::number(index); } return base + "_unknown" + QString::number(shift); }(); const auto msg = _logsEntryStart() + u" (dc:%1) "_q.arg(expanded) + v + '\n'; _logsWrite(LogDataMtp, msg); } QString full() { if (LogsData) { return LogsData->full(); } if (!LogsInMemory || LogsInMemory == DeletedLogsInMemory) { return LogsBeforeSingleInstanceChecked; } int32 size = LogsBeforeSingleInstanceChecked.size(); for (LogsInMemoryList::const_iterator i = LogsInMemory->cbegin(), e = LogsInMemory->cend(); i != e; ++i) { if (i->first == LogDataMain) { size += i->second.size(); } } QString result; result.reserve(size); if (!LogsBeforeSingleInstanceChecked.isEmpty()) { result.append(LogsBeforeSingleInstanceChecked); } for (LogsInMemoryList::const_iterator i = LogsInMemory->cbegin(), e = LogsInMemory->cend(); i != e; ++i) { if (i->first == LogDataMain) { result += i->second; } } return result; } } // namespace Logs