/* This file is part of Telegram Desktop, the official desktop application for the Telegram messaging service. For license and copyright information please follow this link: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LEGAL */ #pragma once #include "data/data_statistics_chart.h" namespace Data { struct StatisticsMessageInteractionInfo final { MsgId messageId; StoryId storyId = StoryId(0); int viewsCount = 0; int forwardsCount = 0; int reactionsCount = 0; }; struct StatisticsMessageSenderInfo final { UserId userId = UserId(0); int sentMessageCount = 0; int averageCharacterCount = 0; }; struct StatisticsAdministratorActionsInfo final { UserId userId = UserId(0); int deletedMessageCount = 0; int bannedUserCount = 0; int restrictedUserCount = 0; }; struct StatisticsInviterInfo final { UserId userId = UserId(0); int addedMemberCount = 0; }; struct StatisticalValue final { float64 value = 0.; float64 previousValue = 0.; float64 growthRatePercentage = 0.; }; struct ChannelStatistics final { [[nodiscard]] bool empty() const { return !startDate || !endDate; } [[nodiscard]] explicit operator bool() const { return !empty(); } int startDate = 0; int endDate = 0; StatisticalValue memberCount; StatisticalValue meanViewCount; StatisticalValue meanShareCount; StatisticalValue meanReactionCount; StatisticalValue meanStoryViewCount; StatisticalValue meanStoryShareCount; StatisticalValue meanStoryReactionCount; float64 enabledNotificationsPercentage = 0.; StatisticalGraph memberCountGraph; StatisticalGraph joinGraph; StatisticalGraph muteGraph; StatisticalGraph viewCountByHourGraph; StatisticalGraph viewCountBySourceGraph; StatisticalGraph joinBySourceGraph; StatisticalGraph languageGraph; StatisticalGraph messageInteractionGraph; StatisticalGraph instantViewInteractionGraph; StatisticalGraph reactionsByEmotionGraph; StatisticalGraph storyInteractionsGraph; StatisticalGraph storyReactionsByEmotionGraph; std::vector recentMessageInteractions; }; struct SupergroupStatistics final { [[nodiscard]] bool empty() const { return !startDate || !endDate; } [[nodiscard]] explicit operator bool() const { return !empty(); } int startDate = 0; int endDate = 0; StatisticalValue memberCount; StatisticalValue messageCount; StatisticalValue viewerCount; StatisticalValue senderCount; StatisticalGraph memberCountGraph; StatisticalGraph joinGraph; StatisticalGraph joinBySourceGraph; StatisticalGraph languageGraph; StatisticalGraph messageContentGraph; StatisticalGraph actionGraph; StatisticalGraph dayGraph; StatisticalGraph weekGraph; std::vector topSenders; std::vector topAdministrators; std::vector topInviters; }; struct MessageStatistics final { explicit operator bool() const { return !messageInteractionGraph.chart.empty() || views; } Data::StatisticalGraph messageInteractionGraph; Data::StatisticalGraph reactionsByEmotionGraph; int publicForwards = 0; int privateForwards = 0; int views = 0; int reactions = 0; }; // At the moment, the structures are identical. using StoryStatistics = MessageStatistics; struct AnyStatistics final { Data::ChannelStatistics channel; Data::SupergroupStatistics supergroup; Data::MessageStatistics message; Data::StoryStatistics story; }; struct RecentPostId final { FullMsgId messageId; FullStoryId storyId; [[nodiscard]] bool valid() const { return messageId || storyId; } explicit operator bool() const { return valid(); } friend inline auto operator<=>(RecentPostId, RecentPostId) = default; friend inline bool operator==(RecentPostId, RecentPostId) = default; }; struct PublicForwardsSlice final { using OffsetToken = QString; QVector list; int total = 0; bool allLoaded = false; OffsetToken token; }; } // namespace Data