/* This file is part of Telegram Desktop, the official desktop application for the Telegram messaging service. For license and copyright information please follow this link: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LEGAL */ #include "calls/calls_group_members.h" #include "calls/calls_group_call.h" #include "calls/calls_group_common.h" #include "calls/calls_volume_item.h" #include "data/data_channel.h" #include "data/data_chat.h" #include "data/data_user.h" #include "data/data_changes.h" #include "data/data_group_call.h" #include "data/data_peer_values.h" // Data::CanWriteValue. #include "data/data_session.h" // Data::Session::invitedToCallUsers. #include "settings/settings_common.h" // Settings::CreateButton. #include "info/profile/info_profile_values.h" // Info::Profile::AboutValue. #include "ui/paint/arcs.h" #include "ui/paint/blobs.h" #include "ui/widgets/buttons.h" #include "ui/widgets/scroll_area.h" #include "ui/widgets/popup_menu.h" #include "ui/text/text_utilities.h" #include "ui/effects/ripple_animation.h" #include "ui/effects/cross_line.h" #include "core/application.h" // Core::App().domain, Core::App().activeWindow. #include "main/main_domain.h" // Core::App().domain().activate. #include "main/main_session.h" #include "base/timer.h" #include "boxes/peers/edit_participants_box.h" // SubscribeToMigration. #include "lang/lang_keys.h" #include "window/window_controller.h" // Controller::sessionController. #include "window/window_session_controller.h" #include "styles/style_calls.h" namespace Calls::Group { namespace { constexpr auto kBlobsEnterDuration = crl::time(250); constexpr auto kLevelDuration = 100. + 500. * 0.23; constexpr auto kBlobScale = 0.605; constexpr auto kMinorBlobFactor = 0.9f; constexpr auto kUserpicMinScale = 0.8; constexpr auto kMaxLevel = 1.; constexpr auto kWideScale = 5; constexpr auto kKeepRaisedHandStatusDuration = 3 * crl::time(1000); const auto kSpeakerThreshold = std::vector{ Group::kDefaultVolume * 0.1f / Group::kMaxVolume, Group::kDefaultVolume * 0.9f / Group::kMaxVolume }; constexpr auto kArcsStrokeRatio = 0.8; auto RowBlobs() -> std::array { return { { { .segmentsCount = 6, .minScale = kBlobScale * kMinorBlobFactor, .minRadius = st::groupCallRowBlobMinRadius * kMinorBlobFactor, .maxRadius = st::groupCallRowBlobMaxRadius * kMinorBlobFactor, .speedScale = 1., .alpha = .5, }, { .segmentsCount = 8, .minScale = kBlobScale, .minRadius = (float)st::groupCallRowBlobMinRadius, .maxRadius = (float)st::groupCallRowBlobMaxRadius, .speedScale = 1., .alpha = .2, }, } }; } class Row; class RowDelegate { public: struct IconState { float64 speaking = 0.; float64 active = 0.; float64 muted = 0.; bool mutedByMe = false; bool raisedHand = false; }; virtual bool rowIsMe(not_null participantPeer) = 0; virtual bool rowCanMuteMembers() = 0; virtual void rowUpdateRow(not_null row) = 0; virtual void rowScheduleRaisedHandStatusRemove(not_null row) = 0; virtual void rowPaintIcon( Painter &p, QRect rect, IconState state) = 0; }; class Row final : public PeerListRow { public: Row( not_null delegate, not_null participantPeer); enum class State { Active, Inactive, Muted, RaisedHand, MutedByMe, Invited, }; void setAbout(const QString &about); void setSkipLevelUpdate(bool value); void updateState(const Data::GroupCall::Participant *participant); void updateLevel(float level); void updateBlobAnimation(crl::time now); void clearRaisedHandStatus(); [[nodiscard]] State state() const { return _state; } [[nodiscard]] uint32 ssrc() const { return _ssrc; } [[nodiscard]] bool sounding() const { return _sounding; } [[nodiscard]] bool speaking() const { return _speaking; } [[nodiscard]] crl::time speakingLastTime() const { return _speakingLastTime; } [[nodiscard]] int volume() const { return _volume; } [[nodiscard]] uint64 raisedHandRating() const { return _raisedHandRating; } void addActionRipple(QPoint point, Fn updateCallback) override; void stopLastActionRipple() override; int nameIconWidth() const override { return 0; } QSize actionSize() const override { return QSize( st::groupCallActiveButton.width, st::groupCallActiveButton.height); } bool actionDisabled() const override { return _delegate->rowIsMe(peer()) || (_state == State::Invited) || !_delegate->rowCanMuteMembers(); } QMargins actionMargins() const override { return QMargins( 0, 0, st::groupCallMemberButtonSkip, 0); } void paintAction( Painter &p, int x, int y, int outerWidth, bool selected, bool actionSelected) override; auto generatePaintUserpicCallback() -> PaintRoundImageCallback override; void paintStatusText( Painter &p, const style::PeerListItem &st, int x, int y, int availableWidth, int outerWidth, bool selected) override; private: struct BlobsAnimation { BlobsAnimation( std::vector blobDatas, float levelDuration, float maxLevel) : blobs(std::move(blobDatas), levelDuration, maxLevel) { style::PaletteChanged( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=] { userpicCache = QImage(); }, lifetime); } Ui::Paint::Blobs blobs; crl::time lastTime = 0; crl::time lastSoundingUpdateTime = 0; float64 enter = 0.; QImage userpicCache; InMemoryKey userpicKey; rpl::lifetime lifetime; }; struct StatusIcon { StatusIcon(float volume) : speaker(st::groupCallStatusSpeakerIcon) , arcs(std::make_unique( st::groupCallStatusSpeakerArcsAnimation, kSpeakerThreshold, volume, Ui::Paint::ArcsAnimation::Direction::Right)) { } const style::icon &speaker; const std::unique_ptr arcs; int arcsWidth = 0; rpl::lifetime lifetime; }; int statusIconWidth() const; int statusIconHeight() const; void paintStatusIcon( Painter &p, const style::PeerListItem &st, const style::font &font, bool selected); void refreshStatus() override; void setSounding(bool sounding); void setSpeaking(bool speaking); void setState(State state); void setSsrc(uint32 ssrc); void setVolume(int volume); void ensureUserpicCache( std::shared_ptr &view, int size); const not_null _delegate; State _state = State::Inactive; std::unique_ptr _actionRipple; std::unique_ptr _blobsAnimation; std::unique_ptr _statusIcon; Ui::Animations::Simple _speakingAnimation; // For gray-red/green icon. Ui::Animations::Simple _mutedAnimation; // For gray/red icon. Ui::Animations::Simple _activeAnimation; // For icon cross animation. Ui::Animations::Simple _arcsAnimation; // For volume arcs animation. QString _aboutText; crl::time _speakingLastTime = 0; uint64 _raisedHandRating = 0; uint32 _ssrc = 0; int _volume = Group::kDefaultVolume; bool _sounding = false; bool _speaking = false; bool _raisedHandStatus = false; bool _skipLevelUpdate = false; }; class MembersController final : public PeerListController , public RowDelegate , public base::has_weak_ptr { public: MembersController( not_null call, not_null menuParent); ~MembersController(); using MuteRequest = Group::MuteRequest; using VolumeRequest = Group::VolumeRequest; Main::Session &session() const override; void prepare() override; void rowClicked(not_null row) override; void rowActionClicked(not_null row) override; base::unique_qptr rowContextMenu( QWidget *parent, not_null row) override; void loadMoreRows() override; [[nodiscard]] rpl::producer fullCountValue() const { return _fullCount.value(); } [[nodiscard]] rpl::producer toggleMuteRequests() const; [[nodiscard]] rpl::producer changeVolumeRequests() const; [[nodiscard]] auto kickParticipantRequests() const -> rpl::producer>; bool rowIsMe(not_null participantPeer) override; bool rowCanMuteMembers() override; void rowUpdateRow(not_null row) override; void rowScheduleRaisedHandStatusRemove(not_null row) override; void rowPaintIcon( Painter &p, QRect rect, IconState state) override; private: [[nodiscard]] std::unique_ptr createRowForMe(); [[nodiscard]] std::unique_ptr createRow( const Data::GroupCall::Participant &participant); [[nodiscard]] std::unique_ptr createInvitedRow( not_null participantPeer); [[nodiscard]] bool isMe(not_null participantPeer) const; void prepareRows(not_null real); //void repaintByTimer(); [[nodiscard]] base::unique_qptr createRowContextMenu( QWidget *parent, not_null row); void addMuteActionsToContextMenu( not_null menu, not_null participantPeer, bool participantIsCallAdmin, not_null row); void setupListChangeViewers(not_null call); void subscribeToChanges(not_null real); void updateRow( const std::optional &was, const Data::GroupCall::Participant &now); void updateRow( not_null row, const Data::GroupCall::Participant *participant); void removeRow(not_null row); void updateRowLevel(not_null row, float level); void checkRowPosition(not_null row); [[nodiscard]] bool needToReorder(not_null row) const; [[nodiscard]] bool allRowsAboveAreSpeaking(not_null row) const; [[nodiscard]] bool allRowsAboveMoreImportantThanHand( not_null row, uint64 raiseHandRating) const; Row *findRow(not_null participantPeer) const; [[nodiscard]] Data::GroupCall *resolvedRealCall() const; void appendInvitedUsers(); void scheduleRaisedHandStatusRemove(); const base::weak_ptr _call; not_null _peer; // Use only resolvedRealCall() method, not this value directly. Data::GroupCall *_realCallRawValue = nullptr; uint64 _realId = 0; bool _prepared = false; rpl::event_stream _toggleMuteRequests; rpl::event_stream _changeVolumeRequests; rpl::event_stream> _kickParticipantRequests; rpl::variable _fullCount = 1; not_null _menuParent; base::unique_qptr _menu; base::flat_set> _menuCheckRowsAfterHidden; base::flat_map _raisedHandStatusRemoveAt; base::Timer _raisedHandStatusRemoveTimer; base::flat_map> _soundingRowBySsrc; Ui::Animations::Basic _soundingAnimation; crl::time _soundingAnimationHideLastTime = 0; bool _skipRowLevelUpdate = false; Ui::CrossLineAnimation _inactiveCrossLine; Ui::CrossLineAnimation _coloredCrossLine; rpl::lifetime _lifetime; }; Row::Row( not_null delegate, not_null participantPeer) : PeerListRow(participantPeer) , _delegate(delegate) { refreshStatus(); _aboutText = participantPeer->about(); } void Row::setSkipLevelUpdate(bool value) { _skipLevelUpdate = value; } void Row::updateState(const Data::GroupCall::Participant *participant) { setSsrc(participant ? participant->ssrc : 0); setVolume(participant ? participant->volume : Group::kDefaultVolume); if (!participant) { setState(State::Invited); setSounding(false); setSpeaking(false); _raisedHandRating = 0; } else if (!participant->muted || (participant->sounding && participant->ssrc != 0)) { setState(participant->mutedByMe ? State::MutedByMe : State::Active); setSounding(participant->sounding && participant->ssrc != 0); setSpeaking(participant->speaking && participant->ssrc != 0); _raisedHandRating = 0; } else if (participant->canSelfUnmute) { setState(participant->mutedByMe ? State::MutedByMe : State::Inactive); setSounding(false); setSpeaking(false); _raisedHandRating = 0; } else { _raisedHandRating = participant->raisedHandRating; setState(_raisedHandRating ? State::RaisedHand : State::Muted); setSounding(false); setSpeaking(false); } refreshStatus(); } void Row::setSpeaking(bool speaking) { if (_speaking == speaking) { return; } _speaking = speaking; _speakingAnimation.start( [=] { _delegate->rowUpdateRow(this); }, _speaking ? 0. : 1., _speaking ? 1. : 0., st::widgetFadeDuration); if (!_speaking || (_state == State::MutedByMe) || (_state == State::Muted) || (_state == State::RaisedHand)) { _statusIcon = nullptr; } else if (!_statusIcon) { _statusIcon = std::make_unique( (float)_volume / Group::kMaxVolume); _statusIcon->arcs->setStrokeRatio(kArcsStrokeRatio); _statusIcon->arcsWidth = _statusIcon->arcs->finishedWidth(); const auto wasArcsWidth = _statusIcon->lifetime.make_state(0); _statusIcon->arcs->startUpdateRequests( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=] { if (!_arcsAnimation.animating()) { *wasArcsWidth = _statusIcon->arcsWidth; } auto callback = [=](float64 value) { if (_statusIcon) { _statusIcon->arcs->update(crl::now()); _statusIcon->arcsWidth = anim::interpolate( *wasArcsWidth, _statusIcon->arcs->finishedWidth(), value); } _delegate->rowUpdateRow(this); }; _arcsAnimation.start( std::move(callback), 0., 1., st::groupCallSpeakerArcsAnimation.duration); }, _statusIcon->lifetime); } } void Row::setSounding(bool sounding) { if (_sounding == sounding) { return; } _sounding = sounding; if (!_sounding) { _blobsAnimation = nullptr; } else if (!_blobsAnimation) { _blobsAnimation = std::make_unique( RowBlobs() | ranges::to_vector, kLevelDuration, kMaxLevel); _blobsAnimation->lastTime = crl::now(); updateLevel(GroupCall::kSpeakLevelThreshold); } } void Row::clearRaisedHandStatus() { if (!_raisedHandStatus) { return; } _raisedHandStatus = false; refreshStatus(); _delegate->rowUpdateRow(this); } void Row::setState(State state) { if (_state == state) { return; } const auto wasActive = (_state == State::Active); const auto wasMuted = (_state == State::Muted) || (_state == State::RaisedHand); const auto wasRaisedHand = (_state == State::RaisedHand); _state = state; const auto nowActive = (_state == State::Active); const auto nowMuted = (_state == State::Muted) || (_state == State::RaisedHand); const auto nowRaisedHand = (_state == State::RaisedHand); if (!wasRaisedHand && nowRaisedHand) { _raisedHandStatus = true; _delegate->rowScheduleRaisedHandStatusRemove(this); } if (nowActive != wasActive) { _activeAnimation.start( [=] { _delegate->rowUpdateRow(this); }, nowActive ? 0. : 1., nowActive ? 1. : 0., st::widgetFadeDuration); } if (nowMuted != wasMuted) { _mutedAnimation.start( [=] { _delegate->rowUpdateRow(this); }, nowMuted ? 0. : 1., nowMuted ? 1. : 0., st::widgetFadeDuration); } } void Row::setSsrc(uint32 ssrc) { _ssrc = ssrc; } void Row::setVolume(int volume) { _volume = volume; if (_statusIcon) { _statusIcon->arcs->setValue((float)volume / Group::kMaxVolume); } } void Row::updateLevel(float level) { Expects(_blobsAnimation != nullptr); const auto spoke = (level >= GroupCall::kSpeakLevelThreshold) ? crl::now() : crl::time(); if (spoke && _speaking) { _speakingLastTime = spoke; } if (_skipLevelUpdate) { return; } if (spoke) { _blobsAnimation->lastSoundingUpdateTime = spoke; } _blobsAnimation->blobs.setLevel(level); } void Row::updateBlobAnimation(crl::time now) { Expects(_blobsAnimation != nullptr); const auto soundingFinishesAt = _blobsAnimation->lastSoundingUpdateTime + Data::GroupCall::kSoundStatusKeptFor; const auto soundingStartsFinishing = soundingFinishesAt - kBlobsEnterDuration; const auto soundingFinishes = (soundingStartsFinishing < now); if (soundingFinishes) { _blobsAnimation->enter = std::clamp( (soundingFinishesAt - now) / float64(kBlobsEnterDuration), 0., 1.); } else if (_blobsAnimation->enter < 1.) { _blobsAnimation->enter = std::clamp( (_blobsAnimation->enter + ((now - _blobsAnimation->lastTime) / float64(kBlobsEnterDuration))), 0., 1.); } _blobsAnimation->blobs.updateLevel(now - _blobsAnimation->lastTime); _blobsAnimation->lastTime = now; } void Row::ensureUserpicCache( std::shared_ptr &view, int size) { Expects(_blobsAnimation != nullptr); const auto user = peer(); const auto key = user->userpicUniqueKey(view); const auto full = QSize(size, size) * kWideScale * cIntRetinaFactor(); auto &cache = _blobsAnimation->userpicCache; if (cache.isNull()) { cache = QImage(full, QImage::Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied); cache.setDevicePixelRatio(cRetinaFactor()); } else if (_blobsAnimation->userpicKey == key && cache.size() == full) { return; } _blobsAnimation->userpicKey = key; cache.fill(Qt::transparent); { Painter p(&cache); const auto skip = (kWideScale - 1) / 2 * size; user->paintUserpicLeft(p, view, skip, skip, kWideScale * size, size); } } auto Row::generatePaintUserpicCallback() -> PaintRoundImageCallback { auto userpic = ensureUserpicView(); return [=](Painter &p, int x, int y, int outerWidth, int size) mutable { if (_blobsAnimation) { const auto mutedByMe = (_state == State::MutedByMe); const auto shift = QPointF(x + size / 2., y + size / 2.); auto hq = PainterHighQualityEnabler(p); p.translate(shift); const auto brush = mutedByMe ? st::groupCallMemberMutedIcon->b : anim::brush( st::groupCallMemberInactiveStatus, st::groupCallMemberActiveStatus, _speakingAnimation.value(_speaking ? 1. : 0.)); _blobsAnimation->blobs.paint(p, brush); p.translate(-shift); p.setOpacity(1.); const auto enter = _blobsAnimation->enter; const auto &minScale = kUserpicMinScale; const auto scaleUserpic = minScale + (1. - minScale) * _blobsAnimation->blobs.currentLevel(); const auto scale = scaleUserpic * enter + 1. * (1. - enter); if (scale == 1.) { peer()->paintUserpicLeft(p, userpic, x, y, outerWidth, size); } else { ensureUserpicCache(userpic, size); PainterHighQualityEnabler hq(p); auto target = QRect( x + (1 - kWideScale) / 2 * size, y + (1 - kWideScale) / 2 * size, kWideScale * size, kWideScale * size); auto shrink = anim::interpolate( (1 - kWideScale) / 2 * size, 0, scale); auto margins = QMargins(shrink, shrink, shrink, shrink); p.drawImage( target.marginsAdded(margins), _blobsAnimation->userpicCache); } } else { peer()->paintUserpicLeft(p, userpic, x, y, outerWidth, size); } }; } int Row::statusIconWidth() const { if (!_statusIcon) { return 0; } return _speaking ? (_statusIcon->speaker.width() + _statusIcon->arcsWidth) : 0; } int Row::statusIconHeight() const { if (!_statusIcon) { return 0; } return _speaking ? _statusIcon->speaker.height() : 0; } void Row::paintStatusIcon( Painter &p, const style::PeerListItem &st, const style::font &font, bool selected) { if (!_statusIcon) { return; } p.setFont(font); const auto color = (_speaking ? st.statusFgActive : (selected ? st.statusFgOver : st.statusFg))->c; p.setPen(color); const auto speakerRect = QRect( st.statusPosition + QPoint(0, (font->height - statusIconHeight()) / 2), _statusIcon->speaker.size()); const auto arcPosition = speakerRect.topLeft() + QPoint( speakerRect.width() - st::groupCallStatusSpeakerArcsSkip, speakerRect.height() / 2); const auto volume = std::round(_volume / 100.); _statusIcon->speaker.paint( p, speakerRect.topLeft(), speakerRect.width(), color); p.save(); p.translate(arcPosition); _statusIcon->arcs->paint(p, color); p.restore(); } void Row::setAbout(const QString &about) { if (_aboutText == about) { return; } _aboutText = about; _delegate->rowUpdateRow(this); } void Row::paintStatusText( Painter &p, const style::PeerListItem &st, int x, int y, int availableWidth, int outerWidth, bool selected) { const auto &font = st::normalFont; const auto about = (_state == State::Inactive || _state == State::Muted || (_state == State::RaisedHand && !_raisedHandStatus)) ? _aboutText : QString(); if (about.isEmpty() && _state != State::Invited && _state != State::MutedByMe) { p.save(); paintStatusIcon(p, st, font, selected); const auto translatedWidth = statusIconWidth(); p.translate(translatedWidth, 0); const auto guard = gsl::finally([&] { p.restore(); }); PeerListRow::paintStatusText( p, st, x, y, availableWidth - translatedWidth, outerWidth, selected); return; } p.setFont(font); if (_state == State::MutedByMe) { p.setPen(st::groupCallMemberMutedIcon); } else { p.setPen(st::groupCallMemberNotJoinedStatus); } p.drawTextLeft( x, y, outerWidth, (_state == State::MutedByMe ? tr::lng_group_call_muted_by_me_status(tr::now) : !about.isEmpty() ? font->m.elidedText(about, Qt::ElideRight, availableWidth) : _delegate->rowIsMe(peer()) ? tr::lng_status_connecting(tr::now) : tr::lng_group_call_invited_status(tr::now))); } void Row::paintAction( Painter &p, int x, int y, int outerWidth, bool selected, bool actionSelected) { auto size = actionSize(); const auto iconRect = style::rtlrect( x, y, size.width(), size.height(), outerWidth); if (_state == State::Invited) { _actionRipple = nullptr; st::groupCallMemberInvited.paint( p, QPoint(x, y) + st::groupCallMemberInvitedPosition, outerWidth); return; } if (_actionRipple) { _actionRipple->paint( p, x + st::groupCallActiveButton.rippleAreaPosition.x(), y + st::groupCallActiveButton.rippleAreaPosition.y(), outerWidth); if (_actionRipple->empty()) { _actionRipple.reset(); } } const auto speaking = _speakingAnimation.value(_speaking ? 1. : 0.); const auto active = _activeAnimation.value((_state == State::Active) ? 1. : 0.); const auto muted = _mutedAnimation.value( (_state == State::Muted || _state == State::RaisedHand) ? 1. : 0.); const auto mutedByMe = (_state == State::MutedByMe); _delegate->rowPaintIcon(p, iconRect, { .speaking = speaking, .active = active, .muted = muted, .mutedByMe = (_state == State::MutedByMe), .raisedHand = (_state == State::RaisedHand), }); } void Row::refreshStatus() { setCustomStatus( (_speaking ? u"%1% %2"_q .arg(std::round(_volume / 100.)) .arg(tr::lng_group_call_active(tr::now)) : _raisedHandStatus ? tr::lng_group_call_raised_hand_status(tr::now) : tr::lng_group_call_inactive(tr::now)), _speaking); } void Row::addActionRipple(QPoint point, Fn updateCallback) { if (!_actionRipple) { auto mask = Ui::RippleAnimation::ellipseMask(QSize( st::groupCallActiveButton.rippleAreaSize, st::groupCallActiveButton.rippleAreaSize)); _actionRipple = std::make_unique( st::groupCallActiveButton.ripple, std::move(mask), std::move(updateCallback)); } _actionRipple->add(point - st::groupCallActiveButton.rippleAreaPosition); } void Row::stopLastActionRipple() { if (_actionRipple) { _actionRipple->lastStop(); } } MembersController::MembersController( not_null call, not_null menuParent) : _call(call) , _peer(call->peer()) , _menuParent(menuParent) , _raisedHandStatusRemoveTimer([=] { scheduleRaisedHandStatusRemove(); }) , _inactiveCrossLine(st::groupCallMemberInactiveCrossLine) , _coloredCrossLine(st::groupCallMemberColoredCrossLine) { setupListChangeViewers(call); style::PaletteChanged( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=] { _inactiveCrossLine.invalidate(); _coloredCrossLine.invalidate(); }, _lifetime); rpl::combine( rpl::single(anim::Disabled()) | rpl::then(anim::Disables()), Core::App().appDeactivatedValue() ) | rpl::start_with_next([=](bool animDisabled, bool deactivated) { const auto hide = !(!animDisabled && !deactivated); if (!(hide && _soundingAnimationHideLastTime)) { _soundingAnimationHideLastTime = hide ? crl::now() : 0; } for (const auto &[_, row] : _soundingRowBySsrc) { if (hide) { updateRowLevel(row, 0.); } row->setSkipLevelUpdate(hide); } if (!hide && !_soundingAnimation.animating()) { _soundingAnimation.start(); } _skipRowLevelUpdate = hide; }, _lifetime); _soundingAnimation.init([=](crl::time now) { if (const auto &last = _soundingAnimationHideLastTime; (last > 0) && (now - last >= kBlobsEnterDuration)) { _soundingAnimation.stop(); return false; } for (const auto &[ssrc, row] : _soundingRowBySsrc) { row->updateBlobAnimation(now); delegate()->peerListUpdateRow(row); } return true; }); _peer->session().changes().peerUpdates( Data::PeerUpdate::Flag::About ) | rpl::start_with_next([=](const Data::PeerUpdate &update) { if (const auto row = findRow(update.peer)) { row->setAbout(update.peer->about()); } }, _lifetime); } MembersController::~MembersController() { base::take(_menu); } void MembersController::setupListChangeViewers(not_null call) { const auto peer = call->peer(); peer->session().changes().peerFlagsValue( peer, Data::PeerUpdate::Flag::GroupCall ) | rpl::map([=] { return peer->groupCall(); }) | rpl::filter([=](Data::GroupCall *real) { const auto call = _call.get(); return call && real && (real->id() == call->id()); }) | rpl::take( 1 ) | rpl::start_with_next([=](not_null real) { subscribeToChanges(real); }, _lifetime); call->stateValue( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=] { const auto call = _call.get(); const auto real = peer->groupCall(); if (call && real && (real->id() == call->id())) { //updateRow(channel->session().user()); } }, _lifetime); call->levelUpdates( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=](const LevelUpdate &update) { const auto i = _soundingRowBySsrc.find(update.ssrc); if (i != end(_soundingRowBySsrc)) { updateRowLevel(i->second, update.value); } }, _lifetime); call->rejoinEvents( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=](const Group::RejoinEvent &event) { const auto guard = gsl::finally([&] { delegate()->peerListRefreshRows(); }); if (const auto row = findRow(event.wasJoinAs)) { removeRow(row); } if (findRow(event.nowJoinAs)) { return; } else if (auto row = createRowForMe()) { delegate()->peerListAppendRow(std::move(row)); } }, _lifetime); } void MembersController::subscribeToChanges(not_null real) { _realCallRawValue = real; _realId = real->id(); _fullCount = real->fullCountValue(); real->participantsSliceAdded( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=] { prepareRows(real); }, _lifetime); using Update = Data::GroupCall::ParticipantUpdate; real->participantUpdated( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=](const Update &update) { Expects(update.was.has_value() || update.now.has_value()); const auto participantPeer = update.was ? update.was->peer : update.now->peer; if (!update.now) { if (const auto row = findRow(participantPeer)) { const auto owner = &participantPeer->owner(); if (isMe(participantPeer)) { updateRow(row, nullptr); } else { removeRow(row); delegate()->peerListRefreshRows(); } } } else { updateRow(update.was, *update.now); } }, _lifetime); if (_prepared) { appendInvitedUsers(); } } void MembersController::appendInvitedUsers() { for (const auto user : _peer->owner().invitedToCallUsers(_realId)) { if (auto row = createInvitedRow(user)) { delegate()->peerListAppendRow(std::move(row)); } } delegate()->peerListRefreshRows(); using Invite = Data::Session::InviteToCall; _peer->owner().invitesToCalls( ) | rpl::filter([=](const Invite &invite) { return (invite.id == _realId); }) | rpl::start_with_next([=](const Invite &invite) { if (auto row = createInvitedRow(invite.user)) { delegate()->peerListAppendRow(std::move(row)); delegate()->peerListRefreshRows(); } }, _lifetime); } void MembersController::updateRow( const std::optional &was, const Data::GroupCall::Participant &now) { auto reorderIfInvitedBefore = 0; auto checkPosition = (Row*)nullptr; auto addedToBottom = (Row*)nullptr; if (const auto row = findRow(now.peer)) { if (row->state() == Row::State::Invited) { reorderIfInvitedBefore = row->absoluteIndex(); } updateRow(row, &now); if ((now.speaking && (!was || !was->speaking)) || (now.raisedHandRating != (was ? was->raisedHandRating : 0)) || (!now.canSelfUnmute && was && was->canSelfUnmute)) { checkPosition = row; } } else if (auto row = createRow(now)) { if (row->speaking()) { delegate()->peerListPrependRow(std::move(row)); } else { reorderIfInvitedBefore = delegate()->peerListFullRowsCount(); if (now.raisedHandRating != 0) { checkPosition = row.get(); } else { addedToBottom = row.get(); } delegate()->peerListAppendRow(std::move(row)); } delegate()->peerListRefreshRows(); } static constexpr auto kInvited = Row::State::Invited; const auto reorder = [&] { const auto count = reorderIfInvitedBefore; if (count <= 0) { return false; } const auto row = delegate()->peerListRowAt( reorderIfInvitedBefore - 1).get(); return (static_cast(row)->state() == kInvited); }(); if (reorder) { delegate()->peerListPartitionRows([](const PeerListRow &row) { return static_cast(row).state() != kInvited; }); } if (checkPosition) { checkRowPosition(checkPosition); } else if (addedToBottom) { const auto real = resolvedRealCall(); if (real && real->joinedToTop()) { const auto proj = [&](const PeerListRow &other) { const auto &real = static_cast(other); return real.speaking() ? 2 : (&real == addedToBottom) ? 1 : 0; }; delegate()->peerListSortRows([&]( const PeerListRow &a, const PeerListRow &b) { return proj(a) > proj(b); }); } } } bool MembersController::allRowsAboveAreSpeaking(not_null row) const { const auto count = delegate()->peerListFullRowsCount(); for (auto i = 0; i != count; ++i) { const auto above = delegate()->peerListRowAt(i); if (above == row) { // All rows above are speaking. return true; } else if (!static_cast(above.get())->speaking()) { break; } } return false; } bool MembersController::allRowsAboveMoreImportantThanHand( not_null row, uint64 raiseHandRating) const { Expects(raiseHandRating > 0); const auto count = delegate()->peerListFullRowsCount(); for (auto i = 0; i != count; ++i) { const auto above = delegate()->peerListRowAt(i); if (above == row) { // All rows above are 'more important' than this raised hand. return true; } const auto real = static_cast(above.get()); const auto state = real->state(); if (state == Row::State::Muted || (state == Row::State::RaisedHand && real->raisedHandRating() < raiseHandRating)) { break; } } return false; } bool MembersController::needToReorder(not_null row) const { // All reorder cases: // - bring speaking up // - bring raised hand up // - bring muted down if (row->speaking()) { return !allRowsAboveAreSpeaking(row); } else if (!_peer->canManageGroupCall()) { // Raising hands reorder participants only for voice chat admins. return false; } const auto rating = row->raisedHandRating(); if (!rating && row->state() != Row::State::Muted) { return false; } if (rating > 0 && !allRowsAboveMoreImportantThanHand(row, rating)) { return true; } const auto index = row->absoluteIndex(); if (index + 1 == delegate()->peerListFullRowsCount()) { // Last one, can't bring lower. return false; } const auto next = delegate()->peerListRowAt(index + 1); const auto state = static_cast(next.get())->state(); if ((state != Row::State::Muted) && (state != Row::State::RaisedHand)) { return true; } if (!rating && static_cast(next.get())->raisedHandRating()) { return true; } return false; } void MembersController::checkRowPosition(not_null row) { if (_menu) { // Don't reorder rows while we show the popup menu. _menuCheckRowsAfterHidden.emplace(row->peer()); return; } else if (!needToReorder(row)) { return; } // Someone started speaking and has a non-speaking row above him. // Or someone raised hand and has force muted above him. // Or someone was forced muted and had can_unmute_self below him. Sort. static constexpr auto kTop = std::numeric_limits::max(); const auto projForAdmin = [&](const PeerListRow &other) { const auto &real = static_cast(other); return real.speaking() // Speaking 'row' to the top, all other speaking below it. ? (&real == row.get() ? kTop : (kTop - 1)) : (real.raisedHandRating() > 0) // Then all raised hands sorted by rating. ? real.raisedHandRating() : (real.state() == Row::State::Muted) // All force muted at the bottom, but 'row' still above others. ? (&real == row.get() ? 1ULL : 0ULL) // All not force-muted lie between raised hands and speaking. : (kTop - 2); }; const auto projForOther = [&](const PeerListRow &other) { const auto &real = static_cast(other); return real.speaking() // Speaking 'row' to the top, all other speaking below it. ? (&real == row.get() ? kTop : (kTop - 1)) : 0ULL; }; using Comparator = Fn; const auto makeComparator = [&](const auto &proj) -> Comparator { return [&](const PeerListRow &a, const PeerListRow &b) { return proj(a) > proj(b); }; }; delegate()->peerListSortRows(_peer->canManageGroupCall() ? makeComparator(projForAdmin) : makeComparator(projForOther)); } void MembersController::updateRow( not_null row, const Data::GroupCall::Participant *participant) { const auto wasSounding = row->sounding(); const auto wasSsrc = row->ssrc(); const auto wasInChat = (row->state() != Row::State::Invited); row->setSkipLevelUpdate(_skipRowLevelUpdate); row->updateState(participant); const auto nowSounding = row->sounding(); const auto nowSsrc = row->ssrc(); const auto wasNoSounding = _soundingRowBySsrc.empty(); if (wasSsrc == nowSsrc) { if (nowSounding != wasSounding) { if (nowSounding) { _soundingRowBySsrc.emplace(nowSsrc, row); } else { _soundingRowBySsrc.remove(nowSsrc); } } } else { _soundingRowBySsrc.remove(wasSsrc); if (nowSounding) { Assert(nowSsrc != 0); _soundingRowBySsrc.emplace(nowSsrc, row); } } const auto nowNoSounding = _soundingRowBySsrc.empty(); if (wasNoSounding && !nowNoSounding) { _soundingAnimation.start(); } else if (nowNoSounding && !wasNoSounding) { _soundingAnimation.stop(); } delegate()->peerListUpdateRow(row); } void MembersController::removeRow(not_null row) { _soundingRowBySsrc.remove(row->ssrc()); delegate()->peerListRemoveRow(row); } void MembersController::updateRowLevel( not_null row, float level) { if (_skipRowLevelUpdate) { return; } row->updateLevel(level); } Row *MembersController::findRow(not_null participantPeer) const { return static_cast( delegate()->peerListFindRow(participantPeer->id)); } Data::GroupCall *MembersController::resolvedRealCall() const { return (_realCallRawValue && (_peer->groupCall() == _realCallRawValue) && (_realCallRawValue->id() == _realId)) ? _realCallRawValue : nullptr; } Main::Session &MembersController::session() const { return _call->peer()->session(); } void MembersController::prepare() { delegate()->peerListSetSearchMode(PeerListSearchMode::Disabled); //delegate()->peerListSetTitle(std::move(title)); setDescriptionText(tr::lng_contacts_loading(tr::now)); setSearchNoResultsText(tr::lng_blocked_list_not_found(tr::now)); const auto call = _call.get(); if (const auto real = _peer->groupCall() ; real && call && real->id() == call->id()) { prepareRows(real); } else if (auto row = createRowForMe()) { delegate()->peerListAppendRow(std::move(row)); delegate()->peerListRefreshRows(); } loadMoreRows(); if (_realId) { appendInvitedUsers(); } _prepared = true; } bool MembersController::isMe(not_null participantPeer) const { const auto call = _call.get(); return call && (call->joinAs() == participantPeer); } void MembersController::prepareRows(not_null real) { auto foundMe = false; auto changed = false; const auto &participants = real->participants(); auto count = delegate()->peerListFullRowsCount(); for (auto i = 0; i != count;) { auto row = delegate()->peerListRowAt(i); auto participantPeer = row->peer(); if (isMe(participantPeer)) { foundMe = true; ++i; continue; } const auto contains = ranges::contains( participants, participantPeer, &Data::GroupCall::Participant::peer); if (contains) { ++i; } else { changed = true; removeRow(static_cast(row.get())); --count; } } if (!foundMe) { if (const auto call = _call.get()) { const auto me = call->joinAs(); const auto i = ranges::find( participants, me, &Data::GroupCall::Participant::peer); auto row = (i != end(participants)) ? createRow(*i) : createRowForMe(); if (row) { changed = true; delegate()->peerListAppendRow(std::move(row)); } } } for (const auto &participant : participants) { if (auto row = createRow(participant)) { changed = true; delegate()->peerListAppendRow(std::move(row)); } } if (changed) { delegate()->peerListRefreshRows(); } } void MembersController::loadMoreRows() { if (const auto real = _peer->groupCall()) { real->requestParticipants(); } } auto MembersController::toggleMuteRequests() const -> rpl::producer { return _toggleMuteRequests.events(); } auto MembersController::changeVolumeRequests() const -> rpl::producer { return _changeVolumeRequests.events(); } bool MembersController::rowIsMe(not_null participantPeer) { return isMe(participantPeer); } bool MembersController::rowCanMuteMembers() { return _peer->canManageGroupCall(); } void MembersController::rowUpdateRow(not_null row) { delegate()->peerListUpdateRow(row); } void MembersController::rowScheduleRaisedHandStatusRemove( not_null row) { const auto id = row->peer()->id; const auto when = crl::now() + kKeepRaisedHandStatusDuration; const auto i = _raisedHandStatusRemoveAt.find(id); if (i != _raisedHandStatusRemoveAt.end()) { i->second = when; } else { _raisedHandStatusRemoveAt.emplace(id, when); } scheduleRaisedHandStatusRemove(); } void MembersController::scheduleRaisedHandStatusRemove() { auto waiting = crl::time(0); const auto now = crl::now(); for (auto i = begin(_raisedHandStatusRemoveAt) ; i != end(_raisedHandStatusRemoveAt);) { if (i->second <= now) { if (const auto row = delegate()->peerListFindRow(i->first)) { static_cast(row)->clearRaisedHandStatus(); } i = _raisedHandStatusRemoveAt.erase(i); } else { if (!waiting || waiting > (i->second - now)) { waiting = i->second - now; } ++i; } } if (waiting > 0) { if (!_raisedHandStatusRemoveTimer.isActive() || _raisedHandStatusRemoveTimer.remainingTime() > waiting) { _raisedHandStatusRemoveTimer.callOnce(waiting); } } } void MembersController::rowPaintIcon( Painter &p, QRect rect, IconState state) { const auto &greenIcon = st::groupCallMemberColoredCrossLine.icon; const auto left = rect.x() + (rect.width() - greenIcon.width()) / 2; const auto top = rect.y() + (rect.height() - greenIcon.height()) / 2; if (state.speaking == 1. && !state.mutedByMe) { // Just green icon, no cross, no coloring. greenIcon.paintInCenter(p, rect); return; } else if (state.speaking == 0.) { if (state.active == 1.) { // Just gray icon, no cross, no coloring. st::groupCallMemberInactiveCrossLine.icon.paintInCenter(p, rect); return; } else if (state.active == 0.) { if (state.muted == 1.) { if (state.raisedHand) { st::groupCallMemberRaisedHand.paintInCenter(p, rect); return; } // Red crossed icon, colorized once, cached as last frame. _coloredCrossLine.paint( p, left, top, 1., st::groupCallMemberMutedIcon->c); return; } else if (state.muted == 0.) { // Gray crossed icon, no coloring, cached as last frame. _inactiveCrossLine.paint(p, left, top, 1.); return; } } } const auto activeInactiveColor = anim::color( st::groupCallMemberInactiveIcon, (state.mutedByMe ? st::groupCallMemberMutedIcon : st::groupCallMemberActiveIcon), state.speaking); const auto iconColor = anim::color( activeInactiveColor, st::groupCallMemberMutedIcon, state.muted); // Don't use caching of the last frame, // because 'muted' may animate color. const auto crossProgress = std::min(1. - state.active, 0.9999); _inactiveCrossLine.paint(p, left, top, crossProgress, iconColor); } auto MembersController::kickParticipantRequests() const -> rpl::producer>{ return _kickParticipantRequests.events(); } void MembersController::rowClicked(not_null row) { delegate()->peerListShowRowMenu(row, [=](not_null menu) { if (!_menu || _menu.get() != menu) { return; } auto saved = base::take(_menu); for (const auto peer : base::take(_menuCheckRowsAfterHidden)) { if (const auto row = findRow(peer)) { checkRowPosition(row); } } _menu = std::move(saved); }); } void MembersController::rowActionClicked( not_null row) { rowClicked(row); } base::unique_qptr MembersController::rowContextMenu( QWidget *parent, not_null row) { auto result = createRowContextMenu(parent, row); if (result) { // First clear _menu value, so that we don't check row positions yet. base::take(_menu); // Here unique_qptr is used like a shared pointer, where // not the last destroyed pointer destroys the object, but the first. _menu = base::unique_qptr(result.get()); } return result; } base::unique_qptr MembersController::createRowContextMenu( QWidget *parent, not_null row) { const auto participantPeer = row->peer(); const auto real = static_cast(row.get()); auto result = base::make_unique_q( parent, st::groupCallPopupMenu); const auto muteState = real->state(); const auto admin = IsGroupCallAdmin(_peer, participantPeer); const auto session = &_peer->session(); const auto getCurrentWindow = [=]() -> Window::SessionController* { if (const auto window = Core::App().activeWindow()) { if (const auto controller = window->sessionController()) { if (&controller->session() == session) { return controller; } } } return nullptr; }; const auto getWindow = [=] { if (const auto current = getCurrentWindow()) { return current; } else if (&Core::App().domain().active() != &session->account()) { Core::App().domain().activate(&session->account()); } return getCurrentWindow(); }; const auto performOnMainWindow = [=](auto callback) { if (const auto window = getWindow()) { if (_menu) { _menu->discardParentReActivate(); // We must hide PopupMenu before we activate the MainWindow, // otherwise we set focus in field inside MainWindow and then // PopupMenu::hide activates back the group call panel :( _menu = nullptr; } callback(window); window->widget()->activate(); } }; const auto showProfile = [=] { performOnMainWindow([=](not_null window) { window->showPeerInfo(participantPeer); }); }; const auto showHistory = [=] { performOnMainWindow([=](not_null window) { window->showPeerHistory( participantPeer, Window::SectionShow::Way::Forward); }); }; const auto removeFromGroup = crl::guard(this, [=] { _kickParticipantRequests.fire_copy(participantPeer); }); if (real->ssrc() != 0 && (!isMe(participantPeer) || _peer->canManageGroupCall())) { addMuteActionsToContextMenu(result, participantPeer, admin, real); } if (isMe(participantPeer)) { if (const auto strong = _call.get() ; strong && strong->muted() == MuteState::RaisedHand) { const auto removeHand = [=] { if (const auto strong = _call.get() ; strong && strong->muted() == MuteState::RaisedHand) { strong->setMutedAndUpdate(MuteState::ForceMuted); } }; result->addAction( tr::lng_group_call_context_remove_hand(tr::now), removeHand); } } else { result->addAction( tr::lng_context_view_profile(tr::now), showProfile); if (participantPeer->isUser()) { result->addAction( tr::lng_context_send_message(tr::now), showHistory); } const auto canKick = [&] { const auto user = participantPeer->asUser(); if (!user) { return false; } else if (static_cast(row.get())->state() == Row::State::Invited) { return false; } else if (const auto chat = _peer->asChat()) { return chat->amCreator() || (user && chat->canBanMembers() && !chat->admins.contains(user)); } else if (const auto group = _peer->asMegagroup()) { return group->amCreator() || (user && group->canRestrictUser(user)); } return false; }(); if (canKick) { result->addAction( tr::lng_context_remove_from_group(tr::now), removeFromGroup); } } if (result->empty()) { return nullptr; } return result; } void MembersController::addMuteActionsToContextMenu( not_null menu, not_null participantPeer, bool participantIsCallAdmin, not_null row) { const auto muteString = [=] { return (_peer->canManageGroupCall() ? tr::lng_group_call_context_mute : tr::lng_group_call_context_mute_for_me)(tr::now); }; const auto unmuteString = [=] { return (_peer->canManageGroupCall() ? tr::lng_group_call_context_unmute : tr::lng_group_call_context_unmute_for_me)(tr::now); }; const auto toggleMute = crl::guard(this, [=](bool mute, bool local) { _toggleMuteRequests.fire(Group::MuteRequest{ .peer = participantPeer, .mute = mute, .locallyOnly = local, }); }); const auto changeVolume = crl::guard(this, [=]( int volume, bool local) { _changeVolumeRequests.fire(Group::VolumeRequest{ .peer = participantPeer, .volume = std::clamp(volume, 1, Group::kMaxVolume), .locallyOnly = local, }); }); const auto muteState = row->state(); const auto isMuted = (muteState == Row::State::Muted) || (muteState == Row::State::RaisedHand) || (muteState == Row::State::MutedByMe); auto mutesFromVolume = rpl::never() | rpl::type_erased(); const auto call = _call.get(); if (!isMuted || (call && call->joinAs() == participantPeer)) { auto otherParticipantStateValue = call ? call->otherParticipantStateValue( ) | rpl::filter([=](const Group::ParticipantState &data) { return data.peer == participantPeer; }) : rpl::never() | rpl::type_erased(); auto volumeItem = base::make_unique_q( menu->menu(), st::groupCallPopupMenu.menu, otherParticipantStateValue, row->volume(), Group::kMaxVolume, isMuted); mutesFromVolume = volumeItem->toggleMuteRequests(); volumeItem->toggleMuteRequests( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=](bool muted) { if (muted) { // Slider value is changed after the callback is called. // To capture good state inside the slider frame we postpone. crl::on_main(menu, [=] { menu->hideMenu(); }); } toggleMute(muted, false); }, volumeItem->lifetime()); volumeItem->toggleMuteLocallyRequests( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=](bool muted) { if (!isMe(participantPeer)) { toggleMute(muted, true); } }, volumeItem->lifetime()); volumeItem->changeVolumeRequests( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=](int volume) { changeVolume(volume, false); }, volumeItem->lifetime()); volumeItem->changeVolumeLocallyRequests( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=](int volume) { if (!isMe(participantPeer)) { changeVolume(volume, true); } }, volumeItem->lifetime()); menu->addAction(std::move(volumeItem)); }; const auto muteAction = [&]() -> QAction* { if (muteState == Row::State::Invited || isMe(participantPeer) || (muteState == Row::State::Inactive && participantIsCallAdmin && _peer->canManageGroupCall()) || (isMuted && !_peer->canManageGroupCall() && muteState != Row::State::MutedByMe)) { return nullptr; } auto callback = [=] { const auto state = row->state(); const auto muted = (state == Row::State::Muted) || (state == Row::State::RaisedHand) || (state == Row::State::MutedByMe); toggleMute(!muted, false); }; return menu->addAction( isMuted ? unmuteString() : muteString(), std::move(callback)); }(); if (muteAction) { std::move( mutesFromVolume ) | rpl::start_with_next([=](bool muted) { muteAction->setText(muted ? unmuteString() : muteString()); }, menu->lifetime()); } } std::unique_ptr MembersController::createRowForMe() { const auto call = _call.get(); if (!call) { return nullptr; } auto result = std::make_unique(this, call->joinAs()); updateRow(result.get(), nullptr); return result; } std::unique_ptr MembersController::createRow( const Data::GroupCall::Participant &participant) { auto result = std::make_unique(this, participant.peer); updateRow(result.get(), &participant); return result; } std::unique_ptr MembersController::createInvitedRow( not_null participantPeer) { if (findRow(participantPeer)) { return nullptr; } auto result = std::make_unique(this, participantPeer); updateRow(result.get(), nullptr); return result; } } // namespace Members::Members( not_null parent, not_null call) : RpWidget(parent) , _call(call) , _scroll(this, st::defaultSolidScroll) , _listController(std::make_unique(call, parent)) { setupAddMember(call); setupList(); setContent(_list); setupFakeRoundCorners(); _listController->setDelegate(static_cast(this)); } auto Members::toggleMuteRequests() const -> rpl::producer { return static_cast( _listController.get())->toggleMuteRequests(); } auto Members::changeVolumeRequests() const -> rpl::producer { return static_cast( _listController.get())->changeVolumeRequests(); } auto Members::kickParticipantRequests() const -> rpl::producer> { return static_cast( _listController.get())->kickParticipantRequests(); } int Members::desiredHeight() const { const auto top = _addMember ? _addMember->height() : 0; auto count = [&] { if (const auto call = _call.get()) { if (const auto real = call->peer()->groupCall()) { if (call->id() == real->id()) { return real->fullCount(); } } } return 0; }(); const auto use = std::max(count, _list->fullRowsCount()); return top + (use * st::groupCallMembersList.item.height) + (use ? st::lineWidth : 0); } rpl::producer Members::desiredHeightValue() const { const auto controller = static_cast( _listController.get()); return rpl::combine( heightValue(), _addMemberButton.value(), controller->fullCountValue() ) | rpl::map([=] { return desiredHeight(); }); } void Members::setupAddMember(not_null call) { using namespace rpl::mappers; const auto peer = call->peer(); if (const auto channel = peer->asBroadcast()) { _canAddMembers = rpl::single( false ) | rpl::then(peer->session().changes().peerFlagsValue( peer, Data::PeerUpdate::Flag::GroupCall ) | rpl::map([=] { return peer->groupCall(); }) | rpl::filter([=](Data::GroupCall *real) { const auto call = _call.get(); return call && real && (real->id() == call->id()); }) | rpl::take( 1 ) | rpl::map([=] { return Data::PeerFlagValue( channel, MTPDchannel::Flag::f_username); }) | rpl::flatten_latest()); } else { _canAddMembers = Data::CanWriteValue(peer.get()); SubscribeToMigration( peer, lifetime(), [=](not_null channel) { _canAddMembers = Data::CanWriteValue(channel.get()); }); } _canAddMembers.value( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=](bool can) { if (!can) { _addMemberButton = nullptr; _addMember.destroy(); updateControlsGeometry(); return; } _addMember = Settings::CreateButton( this, tr::lng_group_call_invite(), st::groupCallAddMember, &st::groupCallAddMemberIcon, st::groupCallAddMemberIconLeft); _addMember->show(); _addMember->addClickHandler([=] { // TODO throttle(ripple duration) _addMemberRequests.fire({}); }); _addMemberButton = _addMember.data(); resizeToList(); }, lifetime()); } rpl::producer Members::fullCountValue() const { return static_cast( _listController.get())->fullCountValue(); } void Members::setupList() { _listController->setStyleOverrides(&st::groupCallMembersList); _list = _scroll->setOwnedWidget(object_ptr( this, _listController.get())); _list->heightValue( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=] { resizeToList(); }, _list->lifetime()); rpl::combine( _scroll->scrollTopValue(), _scroll->heightValue() ) | rpl::start_with_next([=](int scrollTop, int scrollHeight) { _list->setVisibleTopBottom(scrollTop, scrollTop + scrollHeight); }, _scroll->lifetime()); updateControlsGeometry(); } void Members::resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *e) { updateControlsGeometry(); } void Members::resizeToList() { if (!_list) { return; } const auto listHeight = _list->height(); const auto newHeight = (listHeight > 0) ? ((_addMember ? _addMember->height() : 0) + listHeight + st::lineWidth) : 0; if (height() == newHeight) { updateControlsGeometry(); } else { resize(width(), newHeight); } } void Members::updateControlsGeometry() { if (!_list) { return; } auto topSkip = 0; if (_addMember) { _addMember->resizeToWidth(width()); _addMember->move(0, 0); topSkip = _addMember->height(); } _scroll->setGeometry(0, topSkip, width(), height() - topSkip); _list->resizeToWidth(width()); } void Members::setupFakeRoundCorners() { const auto size = st::roundRadiusLarge; const auto full = 3 * size; const auto imagePartSize = size * cIntRetinaFactor(); const auto imageSize = full * cIntRetinaFactor(); const auto image = std::make_shared( QImage(imageSize, imageSize, QImage::Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied)); image->setDevicePixelRatio(cRetinaFactor()); const auto refreshImage = [=] { image->fill(st::groupCallBg->c); { QPainter p(image.get()); PainterHighQualityEnabler hq(p); p.setCompositionMode(QPainter::CompositionMode_Source); p.setPen(Qt::NoPen); p.setBrush(Qt::transparent); p.drawRoundedRect(0, 0, full, full, size, size); } }; const auto create = [&](QPoint imagePartOrigin) { const auto result = Ui::CreateChild(this); result->show(); result->resize(size, size); result->setAttribute(Qt::WA_TransparentForMouseEvents); result->paintRequest( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=] { QPainter(result).drawImage( result->rect(), *image, QRect(imagePartOrigin, QSize(imagePartSize, imagePartSize))); }, result->lifetime()); result->raise(); return result; }; const auto shift = imageSize - imagePartSize; const auto topleft = create({ 0, 0 }); const auto topright = create({ shift, 0 }); const auto bottomleft = create({ 0, shift }); const auto bottomright = create({ shift, shift }); sizeValue( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=](QSize size) { topleft->move(0, 0); topright->move(size.width() - topright->width(), 0); bottomleft->move(0, size.height() - bottomleft->height()); bottomright->move( size.width() - bottomright->width(), size.height() - bottomright->height()); }, lifetime()); refreshImage(); style::PaletteChanged( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=] { refreshImage(); topleft->update(); topright->update(); bottomleft->update(); bottomright->update(); }, lifetime()); } void Members::peerListSetTitle(rpl::producer title) { } void Members::peerListSetAdditionalTitle(rpl::producer title) { } void Members::peerListSetHideEmpty(bool hide) { } bool Members::peerListIsRowChecked(not_null row) { return false; } void Members::peerListScrollToTop() { } int Members::peerListSelectedRowsCount() { return 0; } void Members::peerListAddSelectedPeerInBunch(not_null peer) { Unexpected("Item selection in Calls::Members."); } void Members::peerListAddSelectedRowInBunch(not_null row) { Unexpected("Item selection in Calls::Members."); } void Members::peerListFinishSelectedRowsBunch() { } void Members::peerListSetDescription( object_ptr description) { description.destroy(); } } // namespace Calls::Group