/* This file is part of Telegram Desktop, the official desktop application for the Telegram messaging service. For license and copyright information please follow this link: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LEGAL */ #include "chat_helpers/message_field.h" #include "history/history_widget.h" #include "history/history.h" // History::session #include "history/history_item.h" // HistoryItem::originalText #include "history/history_item_helpers.h" // DropDisallowedCustomEmoji #include "base/qthelp_regex.h" #include "base/qthelp_url.h" #include "base/event_filter.h" #include "ui/chat/chat_style.h" #include "ui/layers/generic_box.h" #include "ui/rect.h" #include "core/shortcuts.h" #include "core/application.h" #include "core/core_settings.h" #include "core/ui_integration.h" #include "ui/text/text_utilities.h" #include "ui/toast/toast.h" #include "ui/wrap/vertical_layout.h" #include "ui/widgets/buttons.h" #include "ui/widgets/popup_menu.h" #include "ui/power_saving.h" #include "ui/ui_utility.h" #include "data/data_session.h" #include "data/data_user.h" #include "data/data_document.h" #include "data/stickers/data_custom_emoji.h" #include "chat_helpers/emoji_suggestions_widget.h" #include "window/window_session_controller.h" #include "lang/lang_keys.h" #include "mainwindow.h" #include "main/main_session.h" #include "settings/settings_premium.h" #include "styles/style_layers.h" #include "styles/style_boxes.h" #include "styles/style_chat.h" #include "styles/style_chat_helpers.h" #include "styles/style_settings.h" #include "base/qt/qt_common_adapters.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace { using namespace Ui::Text; using EditLinkAction = Ui::InputField::EditLinkAction; using EditLinkSelection = Ui::InputField::EditLinkSelection; constexpr auto kParseLinksTimeout = crl::time(1000); constexpr auto kTypesDuration = 4 * crl::time(1000); constexpr auto kCodeLanguageLimit = 32; // For mention / custom emoji tags save and validate selfId, // ignore tags for different users. [[nodiscard]] Fn FieldTagMimeProcessor( not_null session, Fn)> allowPremiumEmoji) { return [=](QStringView mimeTag) { const auto id = session->userId().bare; auto all = TextUtilities::SplitTags(mimeTag); auto premiumSkipped = (DocumentData*)nullptr; for (auto i = all.begin(); i != all.end();) { const auto tag = *i; if (TextUtilities::IsMentionLink(tag) && TextUtilities::MentionNameDataToFields(tag).selfId != id) { i = all.erase(i); continue; } else if (Ui::InputField::IsCustomEmojiLink(tag)) { const auto data = Ui::InputField::CustomEmojiEntityData(tag); const auto emoji = Data::ParseCustomEmojiData(data); if (!emoji) { i = all.erase(i); continue; } else if (!session->premium()) { const auto document = session->data().document(emoji); if (document->isPremiumEmoji()) { if (!allowPremiumEmoji || premiumSkipped || !session->premiumPossible() || !allowPremiumEmoji(document)) { premiumSkipped = document; i = all.erase(i); continue; } } } } ++i; } return TextUtilities::JoinTag(all); }; } //bool ValidateUrl(const QString &value) { // const auto match = qthelp::RegExpDomain().match(value); // if (!match.hasMatch() || match.capturedStart() != 0) { // return false; // } // const auto protocolMatch = RegExpProtocol().match(value); // return protocolMatch.hasMatch() // && IsGoodProtocol(protocolMatch.captured(1)); //} void EditLinkBox( not_null box, std::shared_ptr show, const QString &startText, const QString &startLink, Fn callback, const style::InputField *fieldStyle, Fn validate) { Expects(callback != nullptr); const auto &fieldSt = fieldStyle ? *fieldStyle : st::defaultInputField; const auto content = box->verticalLayout(); const auto text = content->add( object_ptr( content, fieldSt, tr::lng_formatting_link_text(), startText), st::markdownLinkFieldPadding); text->setInstantReplaces(Ui::InstantReplaces::Default()); text->setInstantReplacesEnabled( Core::App().settings().replaceEmojiValue()); Ui::Emoji::SuggestionsController::Init( box->getDelegate()->outerContainer(), text, &show->session()); InitSpellchecker(show, text, fieldStyle != nullptr); const auto placeholder = content->add( object_ptr(content), st::markdownLinkFieldPadding); placeholder->setAttribute(Qt::WA_TransparentForMouseEvents); const auto url = Ui::AttachParentChild( content, object_ptr( content, fieldSt, tr::lng_formatting_link_url(), startLink.trimmed())); url->heightValue( ) | rpl::start_with_next([placeholder](int height) { placeholder->resize(placeholder->width(), height); }, placeholder->lifetime()); placeholder->widthValue( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=](int width) { url->resize(width, url->height()); }, placeholder->lifetime()); url->move(placeholder->pos()); const auto submit = [=] { const auto linkText = text->getLastText(); const auto linkUrl = validate(url->getLastText()); if (linkText.isEmpty()) { text->showError(); return; } else if (linkUrl.isEmpty()) { url->showError(); return; } const auto weak = Ui::MakeWeak(box); callback(linkText, linkUrl); if (weak) { box->closeBox(); } }; text->submits( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=] { url->setFocusFast(); }, text->lifetime()); url->submits( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=] { if (text->getLastText().isEmpty()) { text->setFocusFast(); } else { submit(); } }, url->lifetime()); box->setTitle(url->getLastText().isEmpty() ? tr::lng_formatting_link_create_title() : tr::lng_formatting_link_edit_title()); box->addButton(tr::lng_formatting_link_create(), submit); box->addButton(tr::lng_cancel(), [=] { box->closeBox(); }); content->resizeToWidth(st::boxWidth); content->moveToLeft(0, 0); box->setWidth(st::boxWidth); box->setFocusCallback([=] { if (startText.isEmpty()) { text->setFocusFast(); } else { url->setFocusFast(); } }); url->customTab(true); text->customTab(true); url->tabbed( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=] { text->setFocus(); }, url->lifetime()); text->tabbed( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=] { url->setFocus(); }, text->lifetime()); } void EditCodeLanguageBox( not_null box, QString now, Fn save) { Expects(save != nullptr); box->setTitle(tr::lng_formatting_code_title()); box->addRow(object_ptr( box, tr::lng_formatting_code_language(), st::settingsAddReplyLabel)); const auto field = box->addRow(object_ptr( box, st::settingsAddReplyField, tr::lng_formatting_code_auto(), now.trimmed())); box->setFocusCallback([=] { field->setFocusFast(); }); field->selectAll(); field->setMaxLength(kCodeLanguageLimit); Ui::AddLengthLimitLabel(field, kCodeLanguageLimit); const auto callback = [=] { const auto name = field->getLastText().trimmed(); const auto check = QRegularExpression("^[a-zA-Z0-9\\+\\-]*$"); if (check.match(name).hasMatch()) { auto weak = Ui::MakeWeak(box); save(name); if (const auto strong = weak.data()) { strong->closeBox(); } } else { field->showError(); } }; field->submits( ) | rpl::start_with_next(callback, field->lifetime()); box->addButton(tr::lng_settings_save(), callback); box->addButton(tr::lng_cancel(), [=] { box->closeBox(); }); } TextWithEntities StripSupportHashtag(TextWithEntities text) { static const auto expression = QRegularExpression( u"\\n?#tsf[a-z0-9_-]*[\\s#a-z0-9_-]*$"_q, QRegularExpression::CaseInsensitiveOption); const auto match = expression.match(text.text); if (!match.hasMatch()) { return text; } text.text.chop(match.capturedLength()); const auto length = text.text.size(); if (!length) { return TextWithEntities(); } for (auto i = text.entities.begin(); i != text.entities.end();) { auto &entity = *i; if (entity.offset() >= length) { i = text.entities.erase(i); continue; } else if (entity.offset() + entity.length() > length) { entity.shrinkFromRight(length - entity.offset()); } ++i; } return text; } } // namespace QString PrepareMentionTag(not_null user) { return TextUtilities::kMentionTagStart + QString::number(user->id.value) + '.' + QString::number(user->accessHash()) + ':' + QString::number(user->session().userId().bare); } TextWithTags PrepareEditText(not_null item) { auto original = item->history()->session().supportMode() ? StripSupportHashtag(item->originalText()) : item->originalText(); original = DropDisallowedCustomEmoji( item->history()->peer, std::move(original)); return TextWithTags{ original.text, TextUtilities::ConvertEntitiesToTextTags(original.entities) }; } bool EditTextChanged( not_null item, TextWithTags updated) { const auto original = PrepareEditText(item); auto originalWithEntities = TextWithEntities{ std::move(original.text), TextUtilities::ConvertTextTagsToEntities(original.tags) }; auto updatedWithEntities = TextWithEntities{ std::move(updated.text), TextUtilities::ConvertTextTagsToEntities(updated.tags) }; TextUtilities::PrepareForSending(originalWithEntities, 0); TextUtilities::PrepareForSending(updatedWithEntities, 0); // Tags can be different for the same entities, because for // animated emoji each tag contains a different random number. // So we compare entities instead of tags. return originalWithEntities != updatedWithEntities; } Fn DefaultEditLinkCallback( std::shared_ptr show, not_null field, const style::InputField *fieldStyle) { const auto weak = Ui::MakeWeak(field); return [=]( EditLinkSelection selection, QString text, QString link, EditLinkAction action) { if (action == EditLinkAction::Check) { return Ui::InputField::IsValidMarkdownLink(link) && !TextUtilities::IsMentionLink(link); } auto callback = [=](const QString &text, const QString &link) { if (const auto strong = weak.data()) { strong->commitMarkdownLinkEdit(selection, text, link); } }; show->showBox(Box( EditLinkBox, show, text, link, std::move(callback), fieldStyle, qthelp::validate_url)); return true; }; } Fn save)> DefaultEditLanguageCallback( std::shared_ptr show) { return [=](QString now, Fn save) { show->showBox(Box(EditCodeLanguageBox, now, save)); }; } void InitMessageFieldHandlers( not_null session, std::shared_ptr show, not_null field, Fn customEmojiPaused, Fn)> allowPremiumEmoji, const style::InputField *fieldStyle) { const auto paused = [customEmojiPaused] { return customEmojiPaused && customEmojiPaused(); }; field->setTagMimeProcessor( FieldTagMimeProcessor(session, allowPremiumEmoji)); field->setCustomTextContext([=](Fn repaint) { return std::any(Core::MarkedTextContext{ .session = session, .customEmojiRepaint = std::move(repaint), }); }, [paused] { return On(PowerSaving::kEmojiChat) || paused(); }, [paused] { return On(PowerSaving::kChatSpoiler) || paused(); }); field->setInstantReplaces(Ui::InstantReplaces::Default()); field->setInstantReplacesEnabled( Core::App().settings().replaceEmojiValue()); field->setMarkdownReplacesEnabled(true); if (show) { field->setEditLinkCallback( DefaultEditLinkCallback(show, field, fieldStyle)); field->setEditLanguageCallback(DefaultEditLanguageCallback(show)); InitSpellchecker(show, field, fieldStyle != nullptr); } const auto style = field->lifetime().make_state( session->colorIndicesValue()); field->setPreCache([=] { return style->messageStyle(false, false).preCache.get(); }); field->setBlockquoteCache([=] { const auto colorIndex = session->user()->colorIndex(); return style->coloredQuoteCache(false, colorIndex).get(); }); } [[nodiscard]] bool IsGoodFactcheckUrl(QStringView url) { return url.startsWith(u"t.me/"_q) || url.startsWith(u"https://t.me/"_q); } [[nodiscard]] Fn FactcheckEditLinkCallback( std::shared_ptr show, not_null field) { const auto weak = Ui::MakeWeak(field); return [=]( EditLinkSelection selection, QString text, QString link, EditLinkAction action) { const auto validate = [=](QString url) { if (IsGoodFactcheckUrl(url)) { const auto start = u"https://"_q; return url.startsWith(start) ? url : (start + url); } show->showToast( tr::lng_factcheck_links(tr::now, Ui::Text::RichLangValue)); return QString(); }; if (action == EditLinkAction::Check) { return IsGoodFactcheckUrl(link); } auto callback = [=](const QString &text, const QString &link) { if (const auto strong = weak.data()) { strong->commitMarkdownLinkEdit(selection, text, link); } }; show->showBox(Box( EditLinkBox, show, text, link, std::move(callback), nullptr, validate)); return true; }; } Fn)> FactcheckFieldIniter( std::shared_ptr show) { Expects(show != nullptr); return [=](not_null field) { field->setTagMimeProcessor([](QStringView mimeTag) { using Field = Ui::InputField; auto all = TextUtilities::SplitTags(mimeTag); for (auto i = all.begin(); i != all.end();) { const auto tag = *i; if (tag != Field::kTagBold && tag != Field::kTagItalic && (!Field::IsValidMarkdownLink(mimeTag) || TextUtilities::IsMentionLink(mimeTag))) { i = all.erase(i); continue; } ++i; } return TextUtilities::JoinTag(all); }); field->setInstantReplaces(Ui::InstantReplaces::Default()); field->setInstantReplacesEnabled( Core::App().settings().replaceEmojiValue()); field->setMarkdownReplacesEnabled(rpl::single( Ui::MarkdownEnabledState{ Ui::MarkdownEnabled{ { Ui::InputField::kTagBold, Ui::InputField::kTagItalic } } } )); field->setEditLinkCallback(FactcheckEditLinkCallback(show, field)); InitSpellchecker(show, field); }; } void InitMessageFieldHandlers( not_null controller, not_null field, ChatHelpers::PauseReason pauseReasonLevel, Fn)> allowPremiumEmoji) { InitMessageFieldHandlers( &controller->session(), controller->uiShow(), field, [=] { return controller->isGifPausedAtLeastFor(pauseReasonLevel); }, allowPremiumEmoji); } void InitMessageFieldGeometry(not_null field) { field->setMinHeight( st::historySendSize.height() - 2 * st::historySendPadding); field->setMaxHeight(st::historyComposeFieldMaxHeight); field->setDocumentMargin(4.); field->setAdditionalMargin(style::ConvertScale(4) - 4); } void InitMessageField( std::shared_ptr show, not_null field, Fn)> allowPremiumEmoji) { InitMessageFieldHandlers( &show->session(), show, field, [=] { return show->paused(ChatHelpers::PauseReason::Any); }, std::move(allowPremiumEmoji)); InitMessageFieldGeometry(field); field->customTab(true); } void InitMessageField( not_null controller, not_null field, Fn)> allowPremiumEmoji) { return InitMessageField( controller->uiShow(), field, std::move(allowPremiumEmoji)); } void InitSpellchecker( std::shared_ptr show, not_null field, bool skipDictionariesManager) { #ifndef TDESKTOP_DISABLE_SPELLCHECK using namespace Spellchecker; const auto session = &show->session(); const auto menuItem = skipDictionariesManager ? std::nullopt : std::make_optional(SpellingHighlighter::CustomContextMenuItem{ tr::lng_settings_manage_dictionaries(tr::now), [=] { show->showBox(Box(session)); } }); const auto s = Ui::CreateChild( field.get(), Core::App().settings().spellcheckerEnabledValue(), menuItem); field->setExtendedContextMenu(s->contextMenuCreated()); #endif // TDESKTOP_DISABLE_SPELLCHECK } bool HasSendText(not_null field) { const auto &text = field->getTextWithTags().text; for (const auto &ch : text) { const auto code = ch.unicode(); if (!IsTrimmed(ch) && !IsReplacedBySpace(code)) { return true; } } return false; } void InitMessageFieldFade( not_null field, const style::color &bg) { class Fade final : public Ui::RpWidget { public: using Ui::RpWidget::RpWidget; void setFade(QPixmap &&fade) { _fade = std::move(fade); } int resizeGetHeight(int newWidth) override { return st::historyComposeFieldFadeHeight; } private: void paintEvent(QPaintEvent *event) override { auto p = QPainter(this); p.drawTiledPixmap(rect(), _fade); } QPixmap _fade; }; const auto topFade = Ui::CreateChild(field.get()); const auto bottomFade = Ui::CreateChild(field.get()); const auto generateFade = [=] { const auto size = QSize(1, st::historyComposeFieldFadeHeight); auto fade = QPixmap(size * style::DevicePixelRatio()); fade.setDevicePixelRatio(style::DevicePixelRatio()); fade.fill(Qt::transparent); { auto p = QPainter(&fade); auto gradient = QLinearGradient(0, 1, 0, size.height()); gradient.setStops({ { 0., bg->c }, { .9, Qt::transparent } }); p.setPen(Qt::NoPen); p.setBrush(gradient); p.drawRect(Rect(size)); } bottomFade->setFade(fade.transformed(QTransform().scale(1, -1))); topFade->setFade(std::move(fade)); }; generateFade(); style::PaletteChanged( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=] { generateFade(); }, topFade->lifetime()); field->sizeValue( ) | rpl::start_with_next_done([=](const QSize &size) { topFade->resizeToWidth(size.width()); bottomFade->resizeToWidth(size.width()); bottomFade->move( 0, size.height() - st::historyComposeFieldFadeHeight); }, [t = Ui::MakeWeak(topFade), b = Ui::MakeWeak(bottomFade)] { Ui::DestroyChild(t.data()); Ui::DestroyChild(b.data()); }, topFade->lifetime()); const auto descent = field->st().style.font->descent; rpl::merge( field->changes(), field->scrollTop().changes() | rpl::to_empty, field->sizeValue() | rpl::to_empty ) | rpl::start_with_next([=] { // InputField::changes fires before the auto-resize is being applied, // so for the scroll values to be accurate we enqueue the check. InvokeQueued(field, [=] { const auto topHidden = !field->scrollTop().current(); if (topFade->isHidden() != topHidden) { topFade->setVisible(!topHidden); } const auto adjusted = field->scrollTop().current() + descent; const auto bottomHidden = (adjusted >= field->scrollTopMax()); if (bottomFade->isHidden() != bottomHidden) { bottomFade->setVisible(!bottomHidden); } }); }, topFade->lifetime()); } InlineBotQuery ParseInlineBotQuery( not_null session, not_null field) { auto result = InlineBotQuery(); const auto &full = field->getTextWithTags(); const auto &text = full.text; const auto textLength = text.size(); auto inlineUsernameStart = 1; auto inlineUsernameLength = 0; if (textLength > 2 && text[0] == '@' && text[1].isLetter()) { inlineUsernameLength = 1; for (auto i = inlineUsernameStart + 1; i != textLength; ++i) { const auto ch = text[i]; if (ch.isLetterOrNumber() || ch.unicode() == '_') { ++inlineUsernameLength; continue; } else if (!ch.isSpace()) { inlineUsernameLength = 0; } break; } auto inlineUsernameEnd = inlineUsernameStart + inlineUsernameLength; auto inlineUsernameEqualsText = (inlineUsernameEnd == textLength); auto validInlineUsername = false; if (inlineUsernameEqualsText) { validInlineUsername = text.endsWith(u"bot"_q); } else if (inlineUsernameEnd < textLength && inlineUsernameLength) { validInlineUsername = text[inlineUsernameEnd].isSpace(); } if (validInlineUsername) { if (!full.tags.isEmpty() && (full.tags.front().offset < inlineUsernameStart + inlineUsernameLength)) { return InlineBotQuery(); } auto username = base::StringViewMid(text, inlineUsernameStart, inlineUsernameLength); if (username != result.username) { result.username = username.toString(); if (const auto peer = session->data().peerByUsername(result.username)) { if (const auto user = peer->asUser()) { result.bot = peer->asUser(); } else { result.bot = nullptr; } result.lookingUpBot = false; } else { result.bot = nullptr; result.lookingUpBot = true; } } if (result.bot && (!result.bot->isBot() || result.bot->botInfo->inlinePlaceholder.isEmpty())) { result.bot = nullptr; } else { result.query = inlineUsernameEqualsText ? QString() : text.mid(inlineUsernameEnd + 1); return result; } } else { inlineUsernameLength = 0; } } if (inlineUsernameLength < 3) { result.bot = nullptr; result.username = QString(); } result.query = QString(); return result; } AutocompleteQuery ParseMentionHashtagBotCommandQuery( not_null field, ChatHelpers::ComposeFeatures features) { auto result = AutocompleteQuery(); const auto cursor = field->textCursor(); if (cursor.hasSelection()) { return result; } const auto position = cursor.position(); const auto document = field->document(); const auto block = document->findBlock(position); for (auto item = block.begin(); !item.atEnd(); ++item) { const auto fragment = item.fragment(); if (!fragment.isValid()) { continue; } const auto fragmentPosition = fragment.position(); const auto fragmentEnd = fragmentPosition + fragment.length(); if (fragmentPosition >= position || fragmentEnd < position) { continue; } const auto format = fragment.charFormat(); if (format.isImageFormat()) { continue; } bool mentionInCommand = false; const auto text = fragment.text(); for (auto i = position - fragmentPosition; i != 0; --i) { if (text[i - 1] == '@') { if (!features.autocompleteMentions) { return {}; } if ((position - fragmentPosition - i < 1 || text[i].isLetter()) && (i < 2 || !(text[i - 2].isLetterOrNumber() || text[i - 2] == '_'))) { result.fromStart = (i == 1) && (fragmentPosition == 0); result.query = text.mid(i - 1, position - fragmentPosition - i + 1); } else if ((position - fragmentPosition - i < 1 || text[i].isLetter()) && i > 2 && (text[i - 2].isLetterOrNumber() || text[i - 2] == '_') && !mentionInCommand) { mentionInCommand = true; --i; continue; } return result; } else if (text[i - 1] == '#') { if (!features.autocompleteHashtags) { return {}; } if (i < 2 || !(text[i - 2].isLetterOrNumber() || text[i - 2] == '_')) { result.fromStart = (i == 1) && (fragmentPosition == 0); result.query = text.mid(i - 1, position - fragmentPosition - i + 1); } return result; } else if (text[i - 1] == '/') { if (!features.autocompleteCommands) { return {}; } if (i < 2 && !fragmentPosition) { result.fromStart = (i == 1) && (fragmentPosition == 0); result.query = text.mid(i - 1, position - fragmentPosition - i + 1); } return result; } if (position - fragmentPosition - i > 127 || (!mentionInCommand && (position - fragmentPosition - i > 63))) { break; } if (!text[i - 1].isLetterOrNumber() && text[i - 1] != '_') { break; } } break; } return result; } MessageLinksParser::MessageLinksParser(not_null field) : _field(field) , _timer([=] { parse(); }) { _lifetime = _field->changes( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=] { const auto length = _field->getTextWithTags().text.size(); if (!length) { _lastLength = 0; _timer.cancel(); parse(); return; } const auto timeout = (std::abs(length - _lastLength) > 2) ? 0 : kParseLinksTimeout; if (!_timer.isActive() || timeout < _timer.remainingTime()) { _timer.callOnce(timeout); } _lastLength = length; }); _field->installEventFilter(this); } void MessageLinksParser::parseNow() { _timer.cancel(); parse(); } void MessageLinksParser::setDisabled(bool disabled) { _disabled = disabled; } bool MessageLinksParser::eventFilter(QObject *object, QEvent *event) { if (object == _field) { if (event->type() == QEvent::KeyPress) { const auto text = static_cast(event)->text(); if (!text.isEmpty() && text.size() < 3) { const auto ch = text[0]; if (IsSpace(ch)) { _timer.callOnce(0); } } } else if (event->type() == QEvent::Drop) { _timer.callOnce(0); } } return QObject::eventFilter(object, event); } void MessageLinksParser::parse() { const auto &textWithTags = _field->getTextWithTags(); const auto &text = textWithTags.text; const auto &tags = textWithTags.tags; const auto &markdownTags = _field->getMarkdownTags(); if (_disabled || text.isEmpty()) { _ranges = {}; _list = QStringList(); return; } const auto tagCanIntersectWithLink = [](const QString &tag) { return (tag == Ui::InputField::kTagBold) || (tag == Ui::InputField::kTagItalic) || (tag == Ui::InputField::kTagUnderline) || (tag == Ui::InputField::kTagStrikeOut) || (tag == Ui::InputField::kTagSpoiler) || (tag == Ui::InputField::kTagBlockquote) || (tag == Ui::InputField::kTagBlockquoteCollapsed); }; _ranges.clear(); auto tag = tags.begin(); const auto tagsEnd = tags.end(); const auto processTag = [&] { Expects(tag != tagsEnd); if (Ui::InputField::IsValidMarkdownLink(tag->id) && !TextUtilities::IsMentionLink(tag->id)) { _ranges.push_back({ tag->offset, tag->length, tag->id }); } ++tag; }; const auto processTagsBefore = [&](int offset) { while (tag != tagsEnd && (tag->offset + tag->length <= offset || tagCanIntersectWithLink(tag->id))) { processTag(); } }; const auto hasTagsIntersection = [&](int till) { if (tag == tagsEnd || tag->offset >= till) { return false; } while (tag != tagsEnd && tag->offset < till) { processTag(); } return true; }; auto markdownTag = markdownTags.begin(); const auto markdownTagsEnd = markdownTags.end(); const auto markdownTagsAllow = [&](int from, int length) { while (markdownTag != markdownTagsEnd && (markdownTag->adjustedStart + markdownTag->adjustedLength <= from || !markdownTag->closed || tagCanIntersectWithLink(markdownTag->tag))) { ++markdownTag; } if (markdownTag == markdownTagsEnd || markdownTag->adjustedStart >= from + length) { return true; } // Ignore http-links that are completely inside some tags. // This will allow sending http://test.com/__test__/test correctly. return (markdownTag->adjustedStart > from) || (markdownTag->adjustedStart + markdownTag->adjustedLength < from + length); }; const auto len = text.size(); const QChar *start = text.unicode(), *end = start + text.size(); for (auto offset = 0, matchOffset = offset; offset < len;) { auto m = qthelp::RegExpDomain().match(text, matchOffset); if (!m.hasMatch()) break; auto domainOffset = m.capturedStart(); auto protocol = m.captured(1).toLower(); auto topDomain = m.captured(3).toLower(); auto isProtocolValid = protocol.isEmpty() || TextUtilities::IsValidProtocol(protocol); auto isTopDomainValid = !protocol.isEmpty() || TextUtilities::IsValidTopDomain(topDomain); if (protocol.isEmpty() && domainOffset > offset + 1 && *(start + domainOffset - 1) == QChar('@')) { auto forMailName = text.mid(offset, domainOffset - offset - 1); auto mMailName = TextUtilities::RegExpMailNameAtEnd().match(forMailName); if (mMailName.hasMatch()) { offset = matchOffset = m.capturedEnd(); continue; } } if (!isProtocolValid || !isTopDomainValid) { offset = matchOffset = m.capturedEnd(); continue; } QStack parenth; const QChar *domainEnd = start + m.capturedEnd(), *p = domainEnd; for (; p < end; ++p) { QChar ch(*p); if (IsLinkEnd(ch)) { break; // link finished } else if (IsAlmostLinkEnd(ch)) { const QChar *endTest = p + 1; while (endTest < end && IsAlmostLinkEnd(*endTest)) { ++endTest; } if (endTest >= end || IsLinkEnd(*endTest)) { break; // link finished at p } p = endTest; ch = *p; } if (ch == '(' || ch == '[' || ch == '{' || ch == '<') { parenth.push(p); } else if (ch == ')' || ch == ']' || ch == '}' || ch == '>') { if (parenth.isEmpty()) break; const QChar *q = parenth.pop(), open(*q); if ((ch == ')' && open != '(') || (ch == ']' && open != '[') || (ch == '}' && open != '{') || (ch == '>' && open != '<')) { p = q; break; } } } if (p > domainEnd) { // check, that domain ended if (domainEnd->unicode() != '/' && domainEnd->unicode() != '?') { matchOffset = domainEnd - start; continue; } } const auto range = MessageLinkRange{ int(domainOffset), static_cast(p - start - domainOffset), QString() }; processTagsBefore(domainOffset); if (!hasTagsIntersection(range.start + range.length)) { if (markdownTagsAllow(range.start, range.length)) { _ranges.push_back(range); } } offset = matchOffset = p - start; } processTagsBefore(Ui::kQFixedMax); applyRanges(text); } void MessageLinksParser::applyRanges(const QString &text) { const auto count = int(_ranges.size()); const auto current = _list.current(); const auto computeLink = [&](const MessageLinkRange &range) { return range.custom.isEmpty() ? base::StringViewMid(text, range.start, range.length) : QStringView(range.custom); }; const auto changed = [&] { if (current.size() != count) { return true; } for (auto i = 0; i != count; ++i) { if (computeLink(_ranges[i]) != current[i]) { return true; } } return false; }(); if (!changed) { return; } auto parsed = QStringList(); parsed.reserve(count); for (const auto &range : _ranges) { parsed.push_back(computeLink(range).toString()); } _list = std::move(parsed); } base::unique_qptr CreateDisabledFieldView( QWidget *parent, not_null peer) { auto result = base::make_unique_q(parent); const auto raw = result.get(); const auto label = CreateChild( result.get(), tr::lng_send_text_no(), st::historySendDisabled); label->setAttribute(Qt::WA_TransparentForMouseEvents); raw->setPointerCursor(false); const auto &st = st::historyComposeField; const auto metrics = QFontMetricsF(st.style.font->f); const auto realAscent = int(base::SafeRound(metrics.ascent())); const auto ascentAdd = st.style.font->ascent - realAscent; const auto customFontMarginTop = ascentAdd; const auto leading = qMax(metrics.leading(), qreal(0.0)); const auto adjustment = (metrics.ascent() + leading) - ((st.style.font->height * 4) / 5); const auto placeholderCustomFontSkip = int(base::SafeRound(-adjustment)); const auto margins = st.textMargins + st.placeholderMargins + QMargins(0, style::ConvertScale(4) + placeholderCustomFontSkip + customFontMarginTop, 0, 0); raw->widthValue( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=](int width) { const auto available = width - margins.left() - margins.right(); const auto skip = st::historySendDisabledIconSkip; label->resizeToWidth(available - skip); label->moveToLeft(margins.left() + skip, margins.top(), width); }, label->lifetime()); raw->paintRequest( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=] { auto p = QPainter(raw); const auto &icon = st::historySendDisabledIcon; icon.paint( p, margins.left() + st::historySendDisabledPosition.x(), margins.top() + st::historySendDisabledPosition.y(), raw->width()); }, raw->lifetime()); using WeakToast = base::weak_ptr; const auto toast = raw->lifetime().make_state(); raw->setClickedCallback([=] { if (toast->get()) { return; } using Flag = ChatRestriction; const auto map = base::flat_map>{ { Flag::SendPhotos, tr::lng_send_text_type_photos }, { Flag::SendVideos, tr::lng_send_text_type_videos }, { Flag::SendVideoMessages, tr::lng_send_text_type_video_messages, }, { Flag::SendMusic, tr::lng_send_text_type_music }, { Flag::SendVoiceMessages, tr::lng_send_text_type_voice_messages, }, { Flag::SendFiles, tr::lng_send_text_type_files }, { Flag::SendStickers, tr::lng_send_text_type_stickers }, { Flag::SendPolls, tr::lng_send_text_type_polls }, }; auto list = QStringList(); for (const auto &[flag, phrase] : map) { if (Data::CanSend(peer, flag, false)) { list.append(phrase(tr::now)); } } if (list.empty()) { return; } const auto types = (list.size() > 1) ? tr::lng_send_text_type_and_last( tr::now, lt_types, list.mid(0, list.size() - 1).join(", "), lt_last, list.back()) : list.back(); *toast = Ui::Toast::Show(parent, { .text = { tr::lng_send_text_no_about(tr::now, lt_types, types) }, .attach = RectPart::Bottom, .duration = kTypesDuration, }); }); return result; } base::unique_qptr TextErrorSendRestriction( QWidget *parent, const QString &text) { auto result = base::make_unique_q(parent); const auto raw = result.get(); const auto label = CreateChild( result.get(), text, st::historySendPremiumRequired); label->setAttribute(Qt::WA_TransparentForMouseEvents); raw->paintRequest() | rpl::start_with_next([=](QRect clip) { QPainter(raw).fillRect(clip, st::windowBg); }, raw->lifetime()); raw->sizeValue( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=](QSize size) { const auto &st = st::historyComposeField; const auto width = size.width(); const auto margins = (st.textMargins + st.placeholderMargins); const auto available = width - margins.left() - margins.right(); label->resizeToWidth(available); label->moveToLeft( margins.left(), (size.height() - label->height()) / 2, width); }, label->lifetime()); return result; } base::unique_qptr PremiumRequiredSendRestriction( QWidget *parent, not_null user, not_null controller) { auto result = base::make_unique_q(parent); const auto raw = result.get(); const auto label = CreateChild( result.get(), tr::lng_restricted_send_non_premium( tr::now, lt_user, user->shortName()), st::historySendPremiumRequired); label->setAttribute(Qt::WA_TransparentForMouseEvents); const auto link = CreateChild( result.get(), tr::lng_restricted_send_non_premium_more(tr::now)); raw->paintRequest() | rpl::start_with_next([=](QRect clip) { QPainter(raw).fillRect(clip, st::windowBg); }, raw->lifetime()); raw->widthValue( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=](int width) { const auto &st = st::historyComposeField; const auto margins = (st.textMargins + st.placeholderMargins); const auto available = width - margins.left() - margins.right(); label->resizeToWidth(available); const auto height = label->height() + link->height(); const auto top = (raw->height() - height) / 2; label->moveToLeft(margins.left(), top, width); link->move( (width - link->width()) / 2, label->y() + label->height()); }, label->lifetime()); link->setClickedCallback([=] { Settings::ShowPremium(controller, u"require_premium"_q); }); return result; } void SelectTextInFieldWithMargins( not_null field, const TextSelection &selection) { if (selection.empty()) { return; } auto textCursor = field->textCursor(); // Try to set equal margins for top and bottom sides. const auto charsCountInLine = field->width() / field->st().style.font->width('W'); const auto linesCount = field->height() / field->st().style.font->height; const auto selectedLines = (selection.to - selection.from) / charsCountInLine; constexpr auto kMinDiff = ushort(3); if ((linesCount - selectedLines) > kMinDiff) { textCursor.setPosition(selection.from - charsCountInLine * ((linesCount - 1) / 2)); field->setTextCursor(textCursor); } textCursor.setPosition(selection.from); field->setTextCursor(textCursor); textCursor.setPosition(selection.to, QTextCursor::KeepAnchor); field->setTextCursor(textCursor); }