/* This file is part of Telegram Desktop, the official desktop application for the Telegram messaging service. For license and copyright information please follow this link: https://github.com/telegramdesktop/tdesktop/blob/master/LEGAL */ #include "boxes/peer_lists_box.h" #include "lang/lang_keys.h" #include "ui/wrap/slide_wrap.h" #include "ui/wrap/vertical_layout.h" #include "ui/widgets/multi_select.h" #include "ui/widgets/scroll_area.h" #include "ui/ui_utility.h" #include "main/session/session_show.h" #include "main/main_session.h" #include "data/data_session.h" #include "data/data_peer.h" #include "styles/style_boxes.h" #include "styles/style_layers.h" PeerListsBox::PeerListsBox( QWidget*, std::vector> controllers, Fn)> init) : _lists(makeLists(std::move(controllers))) , _init(std::move(init)) { Expects(!_lists.empty()); } auto PeerListsBox::collectSelectedRows() -> std::vector> { auto result = std::vector>(); auto items = _select ? _select->entity()->getItems() : QVector(); if (!items.empty()) { result.reserve(items.size()); const auto session = &firstController()->session(); for (const auto itemId : items) { const auto foreign = [&] { for (const auto &list : _lists) { if (list.controller->isForeignRow(itemId)) { return true; } } return false; }(); if (!foreign) { result.push_back(session->data().peer(PeerId(itemId))); } } } return result; } PeerListsBox::List PeerListsBox::makeList( std::unique_ptr controller) { auto delegate = std::make_unique(this, controller.get()); return { std::move(controller), std::move(delegate), }; } std::vector PeerListsBox::makeLists( std::vector> controllers) { auto result = std::vector(); result.reserve(controllers.size()); for (auto &controller : controllers) { result.push_back(makeList(std::move(controller))); } return result; } not_null PeerListsBox::firstController() const { return _lists.front().controller.get(); } void PeerListsBox::createMultiSelect() { Expects(_select == nullptr); auto entity = object_ptr( this, (firstController()->selectSt() ? *firstController()->selectSt() : st::defaultMultiSelect), tr::lng_participant_filter()); _select.create(this, std::move(entity)); _select->heightValue( ) | rpl::start_with_next( [this] { updateScrollSkips(); }, lifetime()); _select->entity()->setSubmittedCallback([=](Qt::KeyboardModifiers) { for (const auto &list : _lists) { if (list.content->submitted()) { break; } } }); _select->entity()->setQueryChangedCallback([=](const QString &query) { searchQueryChanged(query); }); _select->entity()->setItemRemovedCallback([=](uint64 itemId) { for (const auto &list : _lists) { if (list.controller->handleDeselectForeignRow(itemId)) { return; } } const auto session = &firstController()->session(); if (const auto peer = session->data().peerLoaded(PeerId(itemId))) { const auto id = peer->id; for (const auto &list : _lists) { if (const auto row = list.delegate->peerListFindRow(id.value)) { list.content->changeCheckState( row, false, anim::type::normal); update(); } list.controller->itemDeselectedHook(peer); } } }); _select->resizeToWidth(firstController()->contentWidth()); _select->moveToLeft(0, 0); } int PeerListsBox::getTopScrollSkip() const { auto result = 0; if (_select && !_select->isHidden()) { result += _select->height(); } return result; } void PeerListsBox::updateScrollSkips() { // If we show / hide the search field scroll top is fixed. // If we resize search field by bubbles scroll bottom is fixed. setInnerTopSkip(getTopScrollSkip(), _scrollBottomFixed); if (!_select->animating()) { _scrollBottomFixed = true; } } void PeerListsBox::prepare() { auto rows = setInnerWidget( object_ptr(this), st::boxScroll); for (auto &list : _lists) { const auto content = rows->add(object_ptr( rows, list.controller.get())); list.content = content; list.delegate->setContent(content); list.controller->setDelegate(list.delegate.get()); content->scrollToRequests( ) | rpl::start_with_next([=](Ui::ScrollToRequest request) { const auto skip = content->y(); scrollToY( skip + request.ymin, (request.ymax >= 0) ? (skip + request.ymax) : request.ymax); }, lifetime()); content->selectedIndexValue( ) | rpl::filter([=](int index) { return (index >= 0); }) | rpl::start_with_next([=] { for (const auto &list : _lists) { if (list.content && list.content != content) { list.content->clearSelection(); } } }, lifetime()); } rows->resizeToWidth(firstController()->contentWidth()); setDimensions(firstController()->contentWidth(), st::boxMaxListHeight); if (_select) { _select->finishAnimating(); Ui::SendPendingMoveResizeEvents(_select); _scrollBottomFixed = true; scrollToY(0); } if (_init) { _init(this); } } void PeerListsBox::keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent *e) { const auto skipRows = [&](int rows) { if (rows == 0) { return; } for (const auto &list : _lists) { if (list.content->hasPressed()) { return; } } const auto from = begin(_lists), till = end(_lists); auto i = from; for (; i != till; ++i) { if (i->content->hasSelection()) { break; } } if (i == till && rows < 0) { return; } if (rows > 0) { if (i == till) { i = from; } for (; i != till; ++i) { const auto result = i->content->selectSkip(rows); if (result.shouldMoveTo - result.reallyMovedTo >= rows) { continue; } else if (result.reallyMovedTo >= result.shouldMoveTo) { return; } else { rows = result.shouldMoveTo - result.reallyMovedTo; } } } else { for (++i; i != from;) { const auto result = (--i)->content->selectSkip(rows); if (result.shouldMoveTo - result.reallyMovedTo <= rows) { continue; } else if (result.reallyMovedTo <= result.shouldMoveTo) { return; } else { rows = result.shouldMoveTo - result.reallyMovedTo; } } } }; const auto rowsInPage = [&] { const auto rowHeight = firstController()->computeListSt().item.height; return height() / rowHeight; }; if (e->key() == Qt::Key_Down) { skipRows(1); } else if (e->key() == Qt::Key_Up) { skipRows(-1); } else if (e->key() == Qt::Key_PageDown) { skipRows(rowsInPage()); } else if (e->key() == Qt::Key_PageUp) { skipRows(-rowsInPage()); } else if (e->key() == Qt::Key_Escape && _select && !_select->entity()->getQuery().isEmpty()) { _select->entity()->clearQuery(); } else { BoxContent::keyPressEvent(e); } } void PeerListsBox::searchQueryChanged(const QString &query) { scrollToY(0); for (const auto &list : _lists) { list.content->searchQueryChanged(query); } } void PeerListsBox::resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *e) { BoxContent::resizeEvent(e); if (_select) { _select->resizeToWidth(width()); _select->moveToLeft(0, 0); updateScrollSkips(); } for (const auto &list : _lists) { list.content->resizeToWidth(width()); } } void PeerListsBox::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *e) { auto p = QPainter(this); const auto &bg = firstController()->computeListSt().bg; for (const auto &rect : e->region()) { p.fillRect(rect, bg); } } void PeerListsBox::setInnerFocus() { if (!_select || !_select->toggled()) { _lists.front().content->setFocus(); } else { _select->entity()->setInnerFocus(); } } PeerListsBox::Delegate::Delegate( not_null box, not_null controller) : _box(box) , _controller(controller) , _show(Main::MakeSessionShow(_box->uiShow(), &_controller->session())) { } void PeerListsBox::Delegate::peerListSetTitle(rpl::producer title) { } void PeerListsBox::Delegate::peerListSetAdditionalTitle( rpl::producer title) { } void PeerListsBox::Delegate::peerListSetRowChecked( not_null row, bool checked) { if (checked) { _box->addSelectItem(row, anim::type::normal); PeerListContentDelegate::peerListSetRowChecked(row, checked); peerListUpdateRow(row); // This call deletes row from _searchRows. _box->_select->entity()->clearQuery(); } else { // The itemRemovedCallback will call changeCheckState() here. _box->_select->entity()->removeItem(row->id()); peerListUpdateRow(row); } } void PeerListsBox::Delegate::peerListSetForeignRowChecked( not_null row, bool checked, anim::type animated) { if (checked) { _box->addSelectItem(row, animated); // This call deletes row from _searchRows. _box->_select->entity()->clearQuery(); } else { // The itemRemovedCallback will call changeCheckState() here. _box->_select->entity()->removeItem(row->id()); } } void PeerListsBox::Delegate::peerListScrollToTop() { _box->scrollToY(0); } void PeerListsBox::Delegate::peerListSetSearchMode(PeerListSearchMode mode) { PeerListContentDelegate::peerListSetSearchMode(mode); _box->setSearchMode(mode); } void PeerListsBox::setSearchMode(PeerListSearchMode mode) { auto selectVisible = (mode != PeerListSearchMode::Disabled); if (selectVisible && !_select) { createMultiSelect(); _select->toggle(!selectVisible, anim::type::instant); } if (_select) { _select->toggle(selectVisible, anim::type::normal); _scrollBottomFixed = false; setInnerFocus(); } } void PeerListsBox::Delegate::peerListFinishSelectedRowsBunch() { Expects(_box->_select != nullptr); _box->_select->entity()->finishItemsBunch(); } auto PeerListsBox::Delegate::peerListUiShow() -> std::shared_ptr { return _show; } bool PeerListsBox::Delegate::peerListIsRowChecked( not_null row) { return _box->_select ? _box->_select->entity()->hasItem(row->id()) : false; } int PeerListsBox::Delegate::peerListSelectedRowsCount() { return _box->_select ? _box->_select->entity()->getItemsCount() : 0; } void PeerListsBox::addSelectItem( not_null peer, anim::type animated) { addSelectItem( peer->id.value, peer->shortName(), (peer->isForum() ? ForceRoundUserpicCallback(peer) : PaintUserpicCallback(peer, false)), animated); } void PeerListsBox::addSelectItem( not_null row, anim::type animated) { addSelectItem( row->id(), row->generateShortName(), row->generatePaintUserpicCallback(true), animated); } void PeerListsBox::addSelectItem( uint64 itemId, const QString &text, Ui::MultiSelect::PaintRoundImage paintUserpic, anim::type animated) { if (!_select) { createMultiSelect(); _select->hide(anim::type::instant); } const auto &activeBg = (firstController()->selectSt() ? *firstController()->selectSt() : st::defaultMultiSelect).item.textActiveBg; if (animated == anim::type::instant) { _select->entity()->addItemInBunch( itemId, text, activeBg, std::move(paintUserpic)); } else { _select->entity()->addItem( itemId, text, activeBg, std::move(paintUserpic)); } }