
373 lines
10 KiB
Raw Normal View History

This file is part of Telegram Desktop,
the official desktop application for the Telegram messaging service.
For license and copyright information please follow this link:
#include "ui/effects/reaction_fly_animation.h"
#include "ui/text/text_custom_emoji.h"
#include "ui/animated_icon.h"
2022-09-16 20:23:27 +00:00
#include "ui/painter.h"
#include "data/data_message_reactions.h"
2022-08-29 13:54:56 +00:00
#include "data/data_session.h"
#include "data/data_document.h"
#include "data/data_document_media.h"
#include "base/random.h"
2022-01-12 11:41:33 +00:00
#include "styles/style_chat.h"
namespace Ui {
namespace {
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constexpr auto kFlyDuration = crl::time(300);
constexpr auto kMiniCopies = 7;
constexpr auto kMiniCopiesDurationMax = crl::time(1400);
constexpr auto kMiniCopiesDurationMin = crl::time(700);
constexpr auto kMiniCopiesScaleInDuration = crl::time(200);
constexpr auto kMiniCopiesScaleOutDuration = crl::time(200);
constexpr auto kMiniCopiesMaxScaleMin = 0.6;
constexpr auto kMiniCopiesMaxScaleMax = 0.9;
} // namespace
ReactionFlyAnimationArgs ReactionFlyAnimationArgs::translated(QPoint point) const {
return {
.id = id,
.flyIcon = flyIcon,
.flyFrom = flyFrom.translated(point),
auto ReactionFlyAnimation::flyCallback() {
return [=] {
if (!_fly.animating()) {
_flyIcon = QImage();
if (_repaint) {
auto ReactionFlyAnimation::callback() {
return [=] {
if (_repaint) {
not_null<::Data::Reactions*> owner,
ReactionFlyAnimationArgs &&args,
Fn<void()> repaint,
int size,
Data::CustomEmojiSizeTag customSizeTag)
: _owner(owner)
, _repaint(std::move(repaint))
, _flyFrom(args.flyFrom) {
const auto &list = owner->list(::Data::Reactions::Type::All);
2022-08-29 13:54:56 +00:00
auto centerIcon = (DocumentData*)nullptr;
auto aroundAnimation = (DocumentData*)nullptr;
if (const auto customId = {
const auto esize = Data::FrameSizeFromTag(customSizeTag)
/ style::DevicePixelRatio();
const auto data = &owner->owner();
const auto document = data->document(customId);
_custom = data->customEmojiManager().create(
_colored = std::make_unique<Text::CustomEmojiColored>();
_customSize = esize;
_centerSizeMultiplier = _customSize / float64(size);
aroundAnimation = owner->chooseGenericAnimation(document);
2022-08-29 13:54:56 +00:00
} else {
const auto i = ranges::find(list,, &::Data::Reaction::id);
if (i == end(list) || !i->centerIcon) {
centerIcon = i->centerIcon;
aroundAnimation = i->aroundAnimation;
_centerSizeMultiplier = 1.;
const auto resolve = [&](
std::unique_ptr<AnimatedIcon> &icon,
DocumentData *document,
int size) {
if (!document) {
return false;
const auto media = document->activeMediaView();
if (!media || !media->loaded()) {
return false;
icon = MakeAnimatedIcon({
.generator = DocumentIconFrameGenerator(media),
.sizeOverride = QSize(size, size),
return true;
if (!_custom && !resolve(_center, centerIcon, size)) {
2022-08-29 13:54:56 +00:00
resolve(_effect, aroundAnimation, size * 2);
generateMiniCopies(size + size / 2);
if (!args.flyIcon.isNull()) {
_flyIcon = std::move(args.flyIcon);
_fly.start(flyCallback(), 0., 1., kFlyDuration);
} else if (!_center && !_effect && _miniCopies.empty()) {
} else {
_valid = true;
ReactionFlyAnimation::~ReactionFlyAnimation() = default;
QRect ReactionFlyAnimation::paintGetArea(
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QPainter &p,
QPoint origin,
QRect target,
const QColor &colored,
QRect clip,
crl::time now) const {
2022-08-29 13:54:56 +00:00
if (_flyIcon.isNull()) {
const auto wide = QRect(
target.topLeft() - QPoint(target.width(), target.height()) / 2,
target.size() * 2);
const auto area = _miniCopies.empty()
? wide
: QRect(
target.topLeft() - QPoint(target.width(), target.height()),
target.size() * 3);
if (clip.isEmpty() || area.intersects(clip)) {
paintCenterFrame(p, target, colored, now);
if (const auto effect = _effect.get()) {
p.drawImage(wide, effect->frame());
paintMiniCopies(p,, colored, now);
return area;
const auto from = _flyFrom.translated(origin);
const auto lshift = target.width() / 4;
const auto rshift = target.width() / 2 - lshift;
const auto margins = QMargins{ lshift, lshift, rshift, rshift };
target = target.marginsRemoved(margins);
const auto progress = _fly.value(1.);
const auto rect = QRect(
anim::interpolate(from.x(), target.x(), progress),
anim::interpolate(from.width(), target.width(), progress),
anim::interpolate(from.height(), target.height(), progress));
const auto wide = rect.marginsAdded(margins);
if (clip.isEmpty() || wide.intersects(clip)) {
if (progress < 1.) {
p.setOpacity(1. - progress);
p.drawImage(rect, _flyIcon);
if (progress > 0.) {
paintCenterFrame(p, wide, colored, now);
return wide;
void ReactionFlyAnimation::paintCenterFrame(
QPainter &p,
QRect target,
const QColor &colored,
crl::time now) const {
Expects(_center || _custom);
const auto size = QSize(
int(base::SafeRound(target.width() * _centerSizeMultiplier)),
int(base::SafeRound(target.height() * _centerSizeMultiplier)));
if (_center) {
const auto rect = QRect(
target.x() + (target.width() - size.width()) / 2,
target.y() + (target.height() - size.height()) / 2,
p.drawImage(rect, _center->frame());
} else {
const auto scaled = (size.width() != _customSize);
_colored->color = colored;
_custom->paint(p, {
.preview = QColor(0, 0, 0, 0),
.colored = _colored.get(),
.size = { _customSize, _customSize },
.now = now,
.scale = (scaled ? (size.width() / float64(_customSize)) : 1.),
.position = QPoint(
target.x() + (target.width() - _customSize) / 2,
target.y() + (target.height() - _customSize) / 2),
.scaled = scaled,
void ReactionFlyAnimation::paintMiniCopies(
QPainter &p,
QPoint center,
const QColor &colored,
crl::time now) const {
Expects(_miniCopies.empty() || _custom != nullptr);
if (!_minis.animating()) {
auto hq = PainterHighQualityEnabler(p);
const auto size = QSize(_customSize, _customSize);
const auto preview = QColor(0, 0, 0, 0);
const auto progress = _minis.value(1.);
const auto middle = center - QPoint(_customSize / 2, _customSize / 2);
const auto scaleIn = kMiniCopiesScaleInDuration
/ float64(kMiniCopiesDurationMax);
const auto scaleOut = kMiniCopiesScaleOutDuration
/ float64(kMiniCopiesDurationMax);
_colored->color = colored;
auto context = Text::CustomEmoji::Context{
.preview = preview,
.colored = _colored.get(),
.size = size,
.now = now,
.scaled = true,
for (const auto &mini : _miniCopies) {
if (progress >= mini.duration) {
const auto value = progress / mini.duration;
context.scale = (progress < scaleIn)
? (mini.maxScale * progress / scaleIn)
: (progress <= mini.duration - scaleOut)
? mini.maxScale
: (mini.maxScale * (mini.duration - progress) / scaleOut);
context.position = middle + QPoint(
anim::interpolate(0, mini.finalX, value),
_custom->paint(p, context);
void ReactionFlyAnimation::generateMiniCopies(int size) {
if (!_custom) {
const auto random = [] {
constexpr auto count = 16384;
return base::RandomIndex(count) / float64(count - 1);
const auto between = [](int a, int b) {
return (a > b)
? (b + base::RandomIndex(a - b + 1))
: (a + base::RandomIndex(b - a + 1));
for (auto i = 0; i != kMiniCopies; ++i) {
const auto maxScale = kMiniCopiesMaxScaleMin
+ (kMiniCopiesMaxScaleMax - kMiniCopiesMaxScaleMin) * random();
const auto duration = between(
const auto maxSize = int(std::ceil(maxScale * _customSize));
const auto maxHalf = (maxSize + 1) / 2;
.maxScale = maxScale,
.duration = duration / float64(kMiniCopiesDurationMax),
.flyUp = between(size / 4, size - maxHalf),
.finalX = between(-size, size),
.finalY = between(size - (size / 4), size),
int ReactionFlyAnimation::computeParabolicTop(
Parabolic &cache,
2022-01-12 11:41:33 +00:00
int from,
int to,
int top,
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float64 progress) const {
const auto t = progress;
// result = a * t * t + b * t + c
// y = a * t * t + b * t
// shift = y_1 = y(1) = a + b
// y_0 = y(t_0) = a * t_0 * t_0 + b * t_0
// 0 = 2 * a * t_0 + b
// b = y_1 - a
// a = y_1 / (1 - 2 * t_0)
// b = 2 * t_0 * y_1 / (2 * t_0 - 1)
// t_0 = (y_0 / y_1) +- sqrt((y_0 / y_1) * (y_0 / y_1 - 1))
const auto y_1 = to - from;
if (cache.key != y_1) {
const auto y_0 = std::min(0, y_1) - top;
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const auto ratio = y_1 ? (float64(y_0) / y_1) : 0.;
const auto root = y_1 ? sqrt(ratio * (ratio - 1)) : 0.;
const auto t_0 = !y_1
? 0.5
: (y_1 > 0)
? (ratio + root)
: (ratio - root);
const auto a = y_1 ? (y_1 / (1 - 2 * t_0)) : (-4 * y_0);
const auto b = y_1 - a;
cache.key = y_1;
cache.a = a;
cache.b = b;
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return int(base::SafeRound(cache.a * t * t + cache.b * t + from));
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void ReactionFlyAnimation::startAnimations() {
if (const auto center = _center.get()) {
if (const auto effect = _effect.get()) {
if (!_miniCopies.empty()) {
_minis.start(callback(), 0., 1., kMiniCopiesDurationMax);
void ReactionFlyAnimation::setRepaintCallback(Fn<void()> repaint) {
_repaint = std::move(repaint);
bool ReactionFlyAnimation::flying() const {
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return !_flyIcon.isNull();
float64 ReactionFlyAnimation::flyingProgress() const {
return _fly.value(1.);
bool ReactionFlyAnimation::finished() const {
return !_valid
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|| (_flyIcon.isNull()
&& (!_center || !_center->animating())
&& (!_effect || !_effect->animating())
&& !_minis.animating());
} // namespace HistoryView::Reactions