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2018-05-07 17:44:33 +00:00
This file is part of Telegram Desktop,
the official desktop application for the Telegram messaging service.
For license and copyright information please follow this link:
#pragma once
#include "ui/abstract_button.h"
#include "base/timer.h"
namespace Ui {
class LinkButton;
} // namespace Ui
namespace Window {
class ConnectingWidget
: public Ui::AbstractButton
, private base::Subscriber {
ConnectingWidget(QWidget *parent);
rpl::producer<float64> visibility() const;
void finishAnimating();
void setForceHidden(bool hidden);
void setVisibleHook(bool visible) override;
static base::unique_qptr<ConnectingWidget> CreateDefaultWidget(
Ui::RpWidget *parent,
rpl::producer<bool> shown);
void resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *e) override;
void paintEvent(QPaintEvent *e) override;
void onStateChanged(State was, StateChangeSource source) override;
class ProxyIcon;
struct State {
enum class Type {
Type type = Type::Connected;
bool useProxy = false;
bool underCursor = false;
int waitTillRetry = 0;
bool operator==(const State &other) const;
struct Layout {
bool visible = false;
bool hasRetry = false;
bool proxyEnabled = false;
bool progressShown = false;
int contentWidth = 0;
QString text;
int textWidth = 0;
void updateRetryGeometry();
void updateWidth();
void updateVisibility();
void refreshState();
void applyState(const State &state);
void changeVisibilityWithLayout(const Layout &layout);
void refreshRetryLink(bool hasRetry);
Layout computeLayout(const State &state) const;
void setLayout(const Layout &layout);
float64 currentVisibility() const;
QRect innerRect() const;
QRect contentRect() const;
QRect textRect() const;
base::Timer _refreshTimer;
State _state;
Layout _currentLayout;
TimeMs _connectingStartedAt = 0;
Animation _contentWidth;
Animation _visibility;
base::unique_qptr<Ui::LinkButton> _retry;
QPointer<Ui::RpWidget> _progress;
QPointer<ProxyIcon> _proxyIcon;
bool _forceHidden = false;
bool _realHidden = false;
rpl::event_stream<float64> _visibilityValues;
rpl::producer<bool> AdaptiveIsOneColumn();
} // namespace Window