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This file is part of Telegram Desktop,
the official desktop application for the Telegram messaging service.
For license and copyright information please follow this link:
#include "stripe/stripe_error.h"
#include "stripe/stripe_decode.h"
namespace Stripe {
Error::Code Error::code() const {
return _code;
QString Error::description() const {
return _description;
QString Error::message() const {
return _message;
QString Error::parameter() const {
return _parameter;
Error Error::None() {
return Error(Code::None, {}, {}, {});
Error Error::DecodedObjectFromResponse(QJsonObject object) {
const auto entry = object.value("error");
if (!entry.isObject()) {
return Error::None();
const auto error = entry.toObject();
const auto string = [&](QStringView key) {
return error.value(key).toString();
const auto type = string(u"type");
const auto message = string(u"message");
const auto parameterSnakeCase = string(u"param");
// There should always be a message and type for the error
if (message.isEmpty() || type.isEmpty()) {
return {
"Could not interpret the error response "
"that was returned from Stripe."
auto parameterWords = parameterSnakeCase.isEmpty()
? QStringList()
: parameterSnakeCase.split('_', Qt::SkipEmptyParts);
auto first = true;
for (auto &word : parameterWords) {
if (first) {
first = false;
} else {
word = word[0].toUpper() + word.mid(1);
const auto parameter = parameterWords.join(QString());
if (type == "api_error") {
return { Code::API, "GenericError", message, parameter };
} else if (type == "invalid_request_error") {
return { Code::InvalidRequest, "GenericError", message, parameter };
} else if (type != "card_error") {
return { Code::Unknown, type, message, parameter };
const auto code = string(u"code");
const auto cardError = [&](const QString &description) {
return Error{ Code::Card, description, message, parameter };
if (code == "incorrect_number") {
return cardError("IncorrectNumber");
} else if (code == "invalid_number") {
return cardError("InvalidNumber");
} else if (code == "invalid_expiry_month") {
return cardError("InvalidExpiryMonth");
} else if (code == "invalid_expiry_year") {
return cardError("InvalidExpiryYear");
} else if (code == "invalid_cvc") {
return cardError("InvalidCVC");
} else if (code == "expired_card") {
return cardError("ExpiredCard");
} else if (code == "incorrect_cvc") {
return cardError("IncorrectCVC");
} else if (code == "card_declined") {
return cardError("CardDeclined");
} else if (code == "processing_error") {
return cardError("ProcessingError");
} else {
return cardError(code);
bool Error::empty() const {
return (_code == Code::None);
} // namespace Stripe