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Raw Normal View History

This file is part of Telegram Desktop,
the official desktop application for the Telegram messaging service.
For license and copyright information please follow this link:
#include "media/view/media_view_pip_raster.h"
#include "ui/image/image_prepare.h"
#include "ui/widgets/shadow.h"
2022-09-16 20:23:27 +00:00
#include "ui/painter.h"
#include "styles/style_calls.h" // st::callShadow.
namespace Media::View {
namespace {
[[nodiscard]] Streaming::FrameRequest UnrotateRequest(
const Streaming::FrameRequest &request,
int rotation) {
if (!rotation) {
return request;
const auto unrotatedCorner = [&](int index) {
using namespace Images;
switch (index) {
case kTopLeft:
return (rotation == 90)
? kBottomLeft
: (rotation == 180)
? kBottomRight
: kTopRight;
case kTopRight:
return (rotation == 90)
? kTopLeft
: (rotation == 180)
? kBottomLeft
: kBottomRight;
case kBottomRight:
return (rotation == 90)
? kTopRight
: (rotation == 180)
? kTopLeft
: kBottomLeft;
case kBottomLeft:
return (rotation == 90)
? kBottomRight
: (rotation == 180)
? kTopRight
: kTopLeft;
Unexpected("Corner in rotateCorner.");
auto result = request;
result.outer = FlipSizeByRotation(request.outer, rotation);
result.resize = FlipSizeByRotation(request.resize, rotation);
auto rounding = result.rounding;
for (auto i = 0; i != 4; ++i) {
result.rounding.p[unrotatedCorner(i)] = rounding.p[i];
return result;
} // namespace
Pip::RendererSW::RendererSW(not_null<Pip*> owner)
: _owner(owner)
, _roundRect(ImageRoundRadius::Large, st::radialBg) {
void Pip::RendererSW::paintFallback(
Painter &&p,
const QRegion &clip,
Ui::GL::Backend backend) {
_p = &p;
_clip = &clip;
_clipOuter = clip.boundingRect();
_p = nullptr;
_clip = nullptr;
void Pip::RendererSW::paintTransformedVideoFrame(
ContentGeometry geometry) {
void Pip::RendererSW::paintTransformedStaticContent(
const QImage &image,
ContentGeometry geometry) {
staticContentByRequest(image, frameRequest(geometry)),
void Pip::RendererSW::paintFade(ContentGeometry geometry) const {
using Part = RectPart;
const auto sides = geometry.attached;
const auto rounded = RectPart(0)
| ((sides & (Part::Top | Part::Left)) ? Part(0) : Part::TopLeft)
| ((sides & (Part::Top | Part::Right)) ? Part(0) : Part::TopRight)
| ((sides & (Part::Bottom | Part::Right))
? Part(0)
: Part::BottomRight)
| ((sides & (Part::Bottom | Part::Left))
? Part(0)
: Part::BottomLeft);
rounded | Part::NoTopBottom | Part::Top | Part::Bottom);
void Pip::RendererSW::paintButtonsStart() {
void Pip::RendererSW::paintButton(
const Button &button,
int outerWidth,
float64 shown,
float64 over,
const style::icon &icon,
const style::icon &iconOver) {
if (over < 1.) {
icon.paint(*_p, button.icon.x(), button.icon.y(), outerWidth);
if (over > 0.) {
_p->setOpacity(over * shown);
iconOver.paint(*_p, button.icon.x(), button.icon.y(), outerWidth);
Pip::FrameRequest Pip::RendererSW::frameRequest(
ContentGeometry geometry) const {
using namespace Images;
auto result = FrameRequest();
result.outer = geometry.inner.size() * style::DevicePixelRatio();
result.resize = result.outer;
result.rounding = CornersMaskRef(CornersMask(ImageRoundRadius::Large));
if (geometry.attached & (RectPart::Top | RectPart::Left)) {
result.rounding.p[kTopLeft] = nullptr;
if (geometry.attached & (RectPart::Top | RectPart::Right)) {
result.rounding.p[kTopRight] = nullptr;
if (geometry.attached & (RectPart::Bottom | RectPart::Left)) {
result.rounding.p[kBottomLeft] = nullptr;
if (geometry.attached & (RectPart::Bottom | RectPart::Right)) {
result.rounding.p[kBottomRight] = nullptr;
return UnrotateRequest(result, geometry.rotation);
QImage Pip::RendererSW::staticContentByRequest(
const QImage &image,
const FrameRequest &request) {
if (request.resize.isEmpty()) {
return QImage();
} else if (!_preparedStaticContent.isNull()
&& _preparedStaticRequest == request
&& image.cacheKey() == _preparedStaticKey) {
return _preparedStaticContent;
_preparedStaticKey = image.cacheKey();
_preparedStaticRequest = request;
_preparedStaticContent = Images::Round(
{ .outer = request.outer / style::DevicePixelRatio() }),
return _preparedStaticContent;
void Pip::RendererSW::paintTransformedImage(
const QImage &image,
ContentGeometry geometry) {
const auto rect = geometry.inner;
const auto rotation = geometry.rotation;
if (geometry.useTransparency) {
Ui::Shadow::paint(*_p, rect, geometry.outer.width(), st::callShadow);
if (UsePainterRotation(rotation)) {
if (rotation) {
PainterHighQualityEnabler hq(*_p);
_p->drawImage(RotatedRect(rect, rotation), image);
if (rotation) {
} else {
_p->drawImage(rect, RotateFrameImage(image, rotation));
if (geometry.fade > 0) {
void Pip::RendererSW::paintRadialLoading(
QRect inner,
float64 controlsShown) {
_owner->paintRadialLoadingContent(*_p, inner, st::radialFg->c);
void Pip::RendererSW::paintPlayback(QRect outer, float64 shown) {
_owner->paintPlaybackContent(*_p, outer, shown);
void Pip::RendererSW::paintVolumeController(QRect outer, float64 shown) {
_owner->paintVolumeControllerContent(*_p, outer, shown);
} // namespace Media::View