
137 lines
4.1 KiB
Raw Normal View History

This file is part of Telegram Desktop,
the official desktop application for the Telegram messaging service.
For license and copyright information please follow this link:
#include "statistics/statistics_data_deserialize.h"
#include "base/debug_log.h"
#include "data/data_statistics_chart.h"
#include <QtCore/QJsonArray>
#include <QtCore/QJsonDocument>
#include <QtCore/QJsonObject>
#include <QtCore/QJsonValue>
namespace Statistic {
Data::StatisticalChart StatisticalChartFromJSON(const QByteArray &json) {
auto error = QJsonParseError{ 0, QJsonParseError::NoError };
const auto document = QJsonDocument::fromJson(json, &error);
if (error.error != QJsonParseError::NoError || !document.isObject()) {
LOG(("API Error: Bad stats graph json received."));
return {};
const auto root = document.object();
const auto columns = root.value(u"columns"_q).toArray();
if (columns.empty()) {
LOG(("API Error: Empty columns list from stats graph received."));
return {};
const auto hiddenLinesRaw = root.value(u"hidden"_q).toArray();
const auto hiddenLines = ranges::views::all(
) | ranges::views::transform([](const auto &q) {
return q.toString();
}) | ranges::to_vector;
auto result = Data::StatisticalChart();
auto columnIdCount = 0;
for (const auto &column : columns) {
const auto array = column.toArray();
if (array.empty()) {
LOG(("API Error: Empty column from stats graph received."));
return {};
const auto columnId = array.first().toString();
if (columnId == u"x"_q) {
const auto length = array.size() - 1;
for (auto i = 0; i < length; i++) {
result.x[i] = + 1).toDouble();
} else {
auto line = Data::StatisticalChart::Line();
const auto length = array.size() - 1; = (++columnIdCount);
line.idString = columnId;
line.isHiddenOnStart = ranges::contains(hiddenLines, columnId);
for (auto i = 0; i < length; i++) {
const auto value = + 1).toInt();
line.y[i] = value;
if (value > line.maxValue) {
line.maxValue = value;
if (value < line.minValue) {
line.minValue = value;
if (result.x.size() > 1) {
result.timeStep = result.x[1] - result.x[0];
} else {
constexpr auto kOneDay = 3600 * 24 * 1000;
result.timeStep = kOneDay;
const auto subchart = root.value(u"subchart"_q).toObject();
const auto subchartShowIt = subchart.constFind(u"show"_q);
if (subchartShowIt != subchart.constEnd()) {
if (subchartShowIt->isBool()) {
result.isFooterHidden = !(subchartShowIt->toBool());
const auto defaultZoomIt = subchart.constFind(u"defaultZoom"_q);
auto min = int(0);
auto max = int(result.x.size() - 1);
if (defaultZoomIt != subchart.constEnd()) {
if (const auto array = defaultZoomIt->toArray(); !array.empty()) {
const auto minValue = array.first().toDouble();
const auto maxValue = array.last().toDouble();
for (auto i = 0; i < result.x.size(); i++) {
if (result.x[i] == minValue) {
min = i;
if (result.x[i] == maxValue) {
max = i;
result.defaultZoomXIndex.min = std::min(min, max);
result.defaultZoomXIndex.max = std::max(min, max);
const auto colors = root.value(u"colors"_q).toObject();
const auto names = root.value(u"names"_q).toObject();
const auto colorPattern = u"(.*)(#.*)"_q;
for (auto &line : result.lines) {
const auto colorIt = colors.constFind(line.idString);
if (colorIt != colors.constEnd() && (*colorIt).isString()) {
const auto match = QRegularExpression(colorPattern).match(
if (match.hasMatch()) {
line.colorKey = match.captured(1);
line.color = QColor(match.captured(2));
const auto nameIt = names.constFind(line.idString);
if (nameIt != names.constEnd() && (*nameIt).isString()) { = nameIt->toString().replace('-', QChar(8212));
return result;
} // namespace Statistic