mirror of
synced 2025-03-11 06:07:53 +00:00
Automatically copy syncplay.lua to VLC user intf directory
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,9 +1,5 @@
ifeq ($(shell uname)),FreeBSD)
BSD = true
@ -69,13 +65,6 @@ client:
ifeq ($(SINGLE_USER),false)
chmod 755 $(APP_SHORTCUT_PATH)/syncplay.desktop
ifeq ($(VLC_SUPPORT),true)
-mkdir -p ${DESTDIR}$(VLC_LIB_PATH)/vlc/lua/intf/
cp resources/lua/intf/syncplay.lua ${DESTDIR}$(VLC_LIB_PATH)/vlc/lua/intf/
-mkdir -p ${DESTDIR}$(VLC_LIB_PATH64)/vlc/lua/intf/
cp resources/lua/intf/syncplay.lua ${DESTDIR}$(VLC_LIB_PATH64)/vlc/lua/intf/
-rm $(BIN_PATH)/syncplay
@ -39,7 +39,6 @@ files = [
# Symlinks to create
symlinks = {
'Applications': '/Applications',
'Install for VLC': '.macos_vlc_install.command',
'Read Me': '.macOS_readme.pdf'
@ -95,8 +95,6 @@ NSIS_SCRIPT_TEMPLATE = r"""
LangString ^SyncplayLanguage $${LANG_ENGLISH} "en"
LangString ^Associate $${LANG_ENGLISH} "Associate Syncplay with multimedia files."
LangString ^VLC $${LANG_ENGLISH} "Install Syncplay interface for VLC 2 and above"
LangString ^BrowseVLCBtn $${LANG_ENGLISH} "Select VLC folder"
LangString ^Shortcut $${LANG_ENGLISH} "Create Shortcuts in following locations:"
LangString ^StartMenu $${LANG_ENGLISH} "Start Menu"
LangString ^Desktop $${LANG_ENGLISH} "Desktop"
@ -106,8 +104,6 @@ NSIS_SCRIPT_TEMPLATE = r"""
LangString ^SyncplayLanguage $${LANG_POLISH} "pl"
LangString ^Associate $${LANG_POLISH} "Skojarz Syncplaya z multimediami"
LangString ^VLC $${LANG_POLISH} "Zainstaluj interface Syncplaya dla VLC 2+"
LangString ^BrowseVLCBtn $${LANG_POLISH} "Określ folder VLC"
LangString ^Shortcut $${LANG_POLISH} "Utworz skroty w nastepujacych miejscach:"
LangString ^StartMenu $${LANG_POLISH} "Menu Start"
LangString ^Desktop $${LANG_POLISH} "Pulpit"
@ -116,8 +112,6 @@ NSIS_SCRIPT_TEMPLATE = r"""
LangString ^SyncplayLanguage $${LANG_RUSSIAN} "ru"
LangString ^Associate $${LANG_RUSSIAN} "Ассоциировать Syncplay с видеофайлами"
LangString ^VLC $${LANG_RUSSIAN} "Установить интерфейс Syncplay для VLC 2+"
LangString ^BrowseVLCBtn $${LANG_RUSSIAN} "Укажите папку VLC"
LangString ^Shortcut $${LANG_RUSSIAN} "Создать ярлыки:"
LangString ^StartMenu $${LANG_RUSSIAN} "в меню Пуск"
LangString ^Desktop $${LANG_RUSSIAN} "на рабочем столе"
@ -127,9 +121,7 @@ NSIS_SCRIPT_TEMPLATE = r"""
LangString ^SyncplayLanguage $${LANG_GERMAN} "de"
LangString ^Associate $${LANG_GERMAN} "Syncplay als Standardprogramm für Multimedia-Dateien verwenden."
LangString ^VLC $${LANG_GERMAN} "Syncplay-Interface für VLC installieren (ab VLC 2+)"
LangString ^Shortcut $${LANG_GERMAN} "Erstelle Verknüpfungen an folgenden Orten:"
LangString ^BrowseVLCBtn $${LANG_GERMAN} "VLC-Ordner wählen"
LangString ^StartMenu $${LANG_GERMAN} "Startmenü"
LangString ^Desktop $${LANG_GERMAN} "Desktop"
LangString ^QuickLaunchBar $${LANG_GERMAN} "Schnellstartleiste"
@ -138,8 +130,6 @@ NSIS_SCRIPT_TEMPLATE = r"""
LangString ^SyncplayLanguage $${LANG_ITALIAN} "it"
LangString ^Associate $${LANG_ITALIAN} "Associa Syncplay con i file multimediali."
LangString ^VLC $${LANG_ITALIAN} "Installa l'interfaccia di Syncplay per VLC 2+"
LangString ^BrowseVLCBtn $${LANG_ITALIAN} "Cartella di VLC"
LangString ^Shortcut $${LANG_ITALIAN} "Crea i collegamenti nei percorsi seguenti:"
LangString ^StartMenu $${LANG_ITALIAN} "Menu Start"
LangString ^Desktop $${LANG_ITALIAN} "Desktop"
@ -163,19 +153,16 @@ NSIS_SCRIPT_TEMPLATE = r"""
Var Icon_Syncplay
Var Icon_Syncplay_Handle
;Var CheckBox_Associate
Var CheckBox_VLC
Var CheckBox_AutomaticUpdates
Var CheckBox_StartMenuShortcut
Var CheckBox_DesktopShortcut
Var CheckBox_QuickLaunchShortcut
;Var CheckBox_Associate_State
Var CheckBox_VLC_State
Var CheckBox_AutomaticUpdates_State
Var CheckBox_StartMenuShortcut_State
Var CheckBox_DesktopShortcut_State
Var CheckBox_QuickLaunchShortcut_State
Var Button_Browse
Var Button_Browse_VLC
Var Directory
Var GroupBox_DirSub
Var Label_Text
@ -234,8 +221,6 @@ NSIS_SCRIPT_TEMPLATE = r"""
;StrCpy $$CheckBox_Associate_State $${BST_CHECKED}
StrCpy $$CheckBox_StartMenuShortcut_State $${BST_CHECKED}
Call GetVLCDir
Call UpdateVLCCheckbox
Call GetSize
Call DriveSpace
@ -297,38 +282,26 @@ NSIS_SCRIPT_TEMPLATE = r"""
;$${NSD_CreateCheckBox} 8u 59u 187u 10u "$$(^Associate)"
;Pop $$CheckBox_Associate
$${NSD_CreateBrowseButton} 185u 70u 70u 14u "$$(^BrowseVLCBtn)"
Pop $$Button_Browse_VLC
$${NSD_OnClick} $$Button_Browse_VLC DirectoryBrowseDialogVLC
$${NSD_CreateCheckBox} 8u 72u 250u 10u "$$(^VLC)"
Pop $$CheckBox_VLC
$${NSD_CreateCheckBox} 8u 85u 250u 10u "$$(^AutomaticUpdates)"
$${NSD_CreateCheckBox} 8u 72u 250u 10u "$$(^AutomaticUpdates)"
Pop $$CheckBox_AutomaticUpdates
$${NSD_Check} $$CheckBox_AutomaticUpdates
$${NSD_CreateLabel} 8u 98u 187u 10u "$$(^Shortcut)"
$${NSD_CreateLabel} 8u 95u 187u 10u "$$(^Shortcut)"
Pop $$Label_Shortcut
$${NSD_CreateCheckbox} 8u 111u 60u 10u "$$(^StartMenu)"
$${NSD_CreateCheckbox} 8u 105u 60u 10u "$$(^StartMenu)"
Pop $$CheckBox_StartMenuShortcut
$${NSD_CreateCheckbox} 78u 111u 70u 10u "$$(^Desktop)"
$${NSD_CreateCheckbox} 78u 105u 70u 10u "$$(^Desktop)"
Pop $$CheckBox_DesktopShortcut
$${NSD_CreateCheckbox} 158u 111u 130u 10u "$$(^QuickLaunchBar)"
$${NSD_CreateCheckbox} 158u 105u 130u 10u "$$(^QuickLaunchBar)"
Pop $$CheckBox_QuickLaunchShortcut
;$${If} $$CheckBox_Associate_State == $${BST_CHECKED}
; $${NSD_Check} $$CheckBox_Associate
$${If} $$CheckBox_VLC_State == $${BST_CHECKED}
$${NSD_Check} $$CheckBox_VLC
Call UpdateVLCCheckbox
$${If} $$CheckBox_StartMenuShortcut_State == $${BST_CHECKED}
$${NSD_Check} $$CheckBox_StartMenuShortcut
@ -355,7 +328,6 @@ NSIS_SCRIPT_TEMPLATE = r"""
Function DirectoryCustomLeave
$${NSD_GetText} $$Text_Directory $$INSTDIR
;$${NSD_GetState} $$CheckBox_Associate $$CheckBox_Associate_State
$${NSD_GetState} $$CheckBox_VLC $$CheckBox_VLC_State
$${NSD_GetState} $$CheckBox_AutomaticUpdates $$CheckBox_AutomaticUpdates_State
$${NSD_GetState} $$CheckBox_StartMenuShortcut $$CheckBox_StartMenuShortcut_State
$${NSD_GetState} $$CheckBox_DesktopShortcut $$CheckBox_DesktopShortcut_State
@ -374,47 +346,6 @@ NSIS_SCRIPT_TEMPLATE = r"""
Function GetVLCDir
IfFileExists "$$VLC_Directory\vlc.exe" VLCFound 0
ReadRegStr $$VLC_Directory HKLM "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Syncplay" "VLCInstallLocation"
IfFileExists "$$VLC_Directory\vlc.exe" VLCFound 0
ReadRegStr $$VLC_Directory HKLM "Software\VideoLAN\VLC" "InstallDir"
IfFileExists "$$VLC_Directory\vlc.exe" VLCFound 0
StrCpy $$VLC_Directory "c:\program files (x86)\videolan\vlc"
IfFileExists "$$VLC_Directory\vlc.exe" VLCFound 0
StrCpy $$VLC_Directory "c:\program files\videolan\vlc"
IfFileExists "$$VLC_Directory\vlc.exe" VLCFound 0
StrCpy $$VLC_Directory ""
Function UpdateVLCCheckbox
IfFileExists "$$VLC_Directory\vlc.exe" VLC_Enabled VLC_Disabled
EnableWindow $$CheckBox_VLC 1
StrCpy $$CheckBox_VLC_State $${BST_CHECKED}
$${NSD_SetState} $$CheckBox_VLC $$CheckBox_VLC_State
goto CheckboxUpdated
EnableWindow $$CheckBox_VLC 0
StrCpy $$CheckBox_VLC_State $${BST_UNCHECKED}
$${NSD_SetState} $$CheckBox_VLC $$CheckBox_VLC_State
Function DirectoryBrowseDialogVLC
nsDialogs::SelectFolderDialog $$(^BrowseVLCBtn) $$VLC_Directory
Pop $$Directory
$${If} $$Directory != error
StrCpy $$VLC_Directory $$Directory
Call UpdateVLCCheckbox
Function GetSize
StrCpy $$Size "$totalSize"
IntOp $$Size $$Size / 1024
@ -452,13 +383,6 @@ NSIS_SCRIPT_TEMPLATE = r"""
$${If} $$CheckBox_QuickLaunchShortcut_State == $${BST_CHECKED}
CreateShortCut "$$QUICKLAUNCH\Syncplay.lnk" "$$INSTDIR\Syncplay.exe" ""
$${If} $$CheckBox_VLC_State == $${BST_CHECKED}
IfFileExists "$$VLC_Directory\vlc.exe" 0 EndOfVLC
SetOutPath $$VLC_Directory\lua\intf
File resources\lua\intf\syncplay.lua
;Associates extensions with Syncplay
@ -494,7 +418,6 @@ NSIS_SCRIPT_TEMPLATE = r"""
WriteRegStr HKLM SOFTWARE\Syncplay "Install_Dir" "$$INSTDIR"
WriteRegStr HKLM "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Syncplay" "DisplayName" "Syncplay"
WriteRegStr HKLM "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Syncplay" "InstallLocation" "$$INSTDIR"
WriteRegStr HKLM "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Syncplay" "VLCInstallLocation" "$$VLC_Directory"
WriteRegStr HKLM "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Syncplay" "UninstallString" '"$$INSTDIR\uninstall.exe"'
WriteRegStr HKLM "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Syncplay" "DisplayIcon" "$$INSTDIR\resources\icon.ico"
WriteRegStr HKLM "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Syncplay" "Publisher" "Syncplay"
@ -17,13 +17,7 @@
=== Installation instructions ===
Place the syncplay.lua file in the main (all user) VLC /lua/intf/ sub-directory:
* Window: %ProgramFiles%\VideoLAN\VLC\lua\intf\
* Linux: /usr/lib/vlc/lua/intf/ or /usr/lib64/vlc/lua/intf/ or /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/vlc/lua/intf on some systems (look for where the .luac files are)
* Mac OS X: /Applications/VLC.app/Contents/MacOS/share/lua/intf/
* FreeBSD, OpenBSD etc.: /usr/local/lib/vlc/lua/intf/
You may also need to re-copy the syncplay.lua file when you update VLC.
Syncplay should install this automatically to your user folder.
=== Commands and responses ===
= Note: ? denotes optional responses; * denotes mandatory response; uses \n terminator.
@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
You must follow the following instructions to use Syncplay with VLC:
Place the syncplay.lua file from /resources/lua/intf/ into the main (all user) VLC /lua/intf/ sub-directory:
* Window: %ProgramFiles%\VideoLAN\VLC\lua\intf\
Note: A version of these instructions is also available from http://syncplay.pl/LUA
@ -94,9 +94,6 @@ de = {
"language-changed-msgbox-label": "Die Sprache wird geändert, wenn du Syncplay neu startest.",
"promptforupdate-label": "Soll Syncplay regelmäßig nach Updates suchen?",
"vlc-interface-version-mismatch": "Du nutzt Version {} des VLC-Syncplay Interface-Moduls, Syncplay benötigt aber mindestens Version {}. In der Syncplay-Anleitung unter https://syncplay.pl/guide/ [Englisch] findest du Details zur Installation des syncplay.lua-Skripts.", # VLC interface version, VLC interface min version
"vlc-interface-oldversion-warning": "Warnung: Es ist eine alte Version des Syncplay Interface-Moduls für VLC im VLC-Verzeichnis installiert. In der Syncplay-Anleitung unter https://syncplay.pl/guide/ [Englisch] findest du Details zur Installation des syncplay.lua-Skripts.",
"vlc-interface-not-installed": "Warnung: Es wurde kein Syncplay Interface-Modul für VLC im VLC-Verzeichnis gefunden. Daher wird, wenn du VLC 2.0 nutzt, die syncplay.lua die mit Syncplay mitgeliefert wurde, verwendet. Dies bedeutet allerdings, dass keine anderen Interface-Skripts und Erweiterungen geladen werden. In der Syncplay-Anleitung unter https://syncplay.pl/guide/ [Englisch] findest du Details zur Installation des syncplay.lua-Skripts.",
"media-player-latency-warning": "Warnung: Der Mediaplayer brauchte {} Sekunden zum Antworten. Wenn Probleme bei der Synchronisation auftreten, schließe bitte andere Anwendungen, um Ressourcen freizugeben. Sollte das nicht funktionieren, versuche es mit einem anderen Media-Player.", # Seconds to respond
"mpv-unresponsive-error": "MPV hat für {} Sekunden nicht geantwortet und scheint abgestürzt zu sein. Bitte starte Syncplay neu.", # Seconds to respond
@ -94,9 +94,6 @@ en = {
"language-changed-msgbox-label": "Language will be changed when you run Syncplay.",
"promptforupdate-label": "Is it okay for Syncplay to automatically check for updates from time to time?",
"vlc-interface-version-mismatch": "You are running version {} of the Syncplay interface module for VLC, but Syncplay is designed to run with version {} and above. Please refer to the Syncplay User Guide at https://syncplay.pl/guide/ for instructions on how to install syncplay.lua.", # VLC interface version, VLC interface min version
"vlc-interface-oldversion-warning": "Warning: Syncplay detected that an old version version of the Syncplay interface module for VLC was installed in the VLC directory. Please refer to the Syncplay User Guide at https://syncplay.pl/guide/ for instructions on how to install syncplay.lua.",
"vlc-interface-not-installed": "Warning: The Syncplay interface module for VLC was not found in the VLC directory. As such, if you are running VLC 2.0 then VLC will use the syncplay.lua module contained within the Syncplay directory, but this will mean that other custom interface scripts and extensions will not work. Please refer to the Syncplay User Guide at https://syncplay.pl/guide/ for instructions on how to install syncplay.lua.",
"media-player-latency-warning": "Warning: The media player took {} seconds to respond. If you experience syncing issues then close applications to free up system resources, and if that doesn't work then try a different media player.", # Seconds to respond
"mpv-unresponsive-error": "mpv has not responded for {} seconds so appears to have malfunctioned. Please restart Syncplay.", # Seconds to respond
@ -94,10 +94,7 @@ it = {
"language-changed-msgbox-label": "La lingua sarà cambiata quando avvierai Syncplay.",
"promptforupdate-label": "Ti piacerebbe che, di tanto in tanto, Syncplay controllasse automaticamente la presenza di aggiornamenti?",
"vlc-interface-version-mismatch": "Stai eseguendo la versione {} del modulo di interfaccia per VLC di Syncplay, ma Syncplay è progettato per essere utilizzato con la versione {} o superiore. Per favore, fai riferimento alla User Guide di Syncplay presso https://syncplay.pl/guide/ per istruzioni su come installare syncplay.lua.", # VLC interface version, VLC interface min version
"vlc-interface-oldversion-warning": "Attenzione: Syncplay ha rilevato una vecchia versione del modulo di interfaccia per VLC di Syncplay installata nella cartella di VLC. Per favore, fai riferimento alla User Guide di Syncplay presso https://syncplay.pl/guide/ per istruzioni su come installare syncplay.lua.",
"media-player-latency-warning": "Attenzione: il media player ha impiegato {} secondi per rispondere. Se stai avendo problemi di sincronizzazione, chiudi delle applicazioni per liberare le risorse di sistema e, se ciò non dovesse avere alcun effetto, prova un altro media player.", # Seconds to respond
"vlc-interface-not-installed": "Attenzione: il modulo di interfaccia per VLC di Syncplay non è stato trovato nella cartella di VLC. Se stai utilizzando VLC 2.0, VLC userà il modulo syncplay.lua contenuto nella cartella di Syncplay, ma ciò significa che altri custom script di interfaccia ed estensioni non funzioneranno. Per favore, fai riferimento alla User Guide di Syncplay presso https://syncplay.pl/guide/ per istruzioni su come installare syncplay.lua.",
"mpv-unresponsive-error": "mpv non ha risposto per {} secondi, quindi sembra non funzionare correttamente. Per favore, riavvia Syncplay.", # Seconds to respond
# Client prompts
@ -94,9 +94,6 @@ ru = {
"language-changed-msgbox-label": "Язык переключится при следующем запуске Syncplay.",
"promptforupdate-label": "Вы не против, если Syncplay будет автоматически изредка проверять наличие обновлений?",
"vlc-interface-version-mismatch": "Вы используете модуль интерфейса Syncplay устаревшей версии {} для VLC. К сожалению, Syncplay способен работать с версией {} и выше. Пожалуйста, обратитесь к Руководству Пользователя Syncplay (https://syncplay.pl/guide/) за инструкциями о том, как установить syncplay.lua.", # VLC interface version, VLC interface min version
"vlc-interface-oldversion-warning": "Внимание: Syncplay обнаружил, что старая версия модуля интерфейса Syncplay для VLC уже установлена в директорию VLC. Пожалуйста, обратитесь к Руководству Пользователя Syncplay (https://syncplay.pl/guide/) за инструкциями о том, как установить syncplay.lua.",
"vlc-interface-not-installed": "Внимание: Модуль интерфейса Syncplay для VLC не обнаружен в директории VLC. По существу, если Вы используете VLC 2.0, то VLC будет использовать модуль syncplay.lua из директории Syncplay, но в таком случае другие пользовательские скрипты и расширения интерфейса не будут работать. Пожалуйста, обратитесь к Руководству Пользователя Syncplay (https://syncplay.pl/guide/) за инструкциями о том, как установить syncplay.lua.",
"media-player-latency-warning": "Внимание: У Вашего проигрывателя слишком большой отклик ({} секунд). Если Вы замечаете проблемы с синхронизацией, то закройте ресурсоемкие приложения. Если это не помогло - попробуйте другой проигрыватель.", # Seconds to respond
"mpv-unresponsive-error": "mpv не отвечает {} секунд, по-видимому, произошел сбой. Пожалуйста, перезапустите Syncplay.", # Seconds to respond
@ -356,7 +356,6 @@ class VlcPlayer(BasePlayer):
self.oldIntfVersion = line[26:31]
return False
return False
if isLinux():
playerController.vlcIntfPath = "/usr/lib/vlc/lua/intf/"
@ -374,9 +373,14 @@ class VlcPlayer(BasePlayer):
playerController.vlcIntfPath = os.path.dirname(playerPath).replace("\\", "/") + "/lua/intf/"
playerController.vlcIntfUserPath = os.path.join(os.getenv('APPDATA', '.'), "VLC\\lua\\intf\\")
playerController.vlcModulePath = playerController.vlcIntfPath + "modules/?.luac"
if _usevlcintf(playerController.vlcIntfPath, playerController.vlcIntfUserPath):
copyForm = utils.findResourcePath("syncplay.lua")
copyTo = os.path.join(playerController.vlcIntfUserPath, "syncplay.lua")
self.__playerController._client.ui.showDebugMessage("Copying VLC Lua Interface from '{}' to '{}'".format(copyForm, copyTo))
import shutil
shutil.copyfile(copyForm, copyTo)
except Exception as e:
if isLinux():
playerController.vlcDataPath = "/usr/lib/syncplay/resources"
@ -395,49 +399,43 @@ class VlcPlayer(BasePlayer):
self._vlcclosed = vlcClosed
self._vlcVersion = None
if self.oldIntfVersion:
self.oldIntfVersion, constants.VLC_INTERFACE_MIN_VERSION))
if isWindows() and getattr(sys, 'frozen', '') and getattr(sys, '_MEIPASS', '') is not None: # Needed for pyinstaller --onefile bundle
self.__process = subprocess.Popen(
call, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
shell=False, creationflags=0x08000000)
if isWindows() and getattr(sys, 'frozen', '') and getattr(sys, '_MEIPASS', '') is not None: # Needed for pyinstaller --onefile bundle
self.__process = subprocess.Popen(
call, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
shell=False, creationflags=0x08000000)
self.__process = subprocess.Popen(call, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
self.timeVLCLaunched = time.time()
if self._shouldListenForSTDOUT():
for line in iter(self.__process.stderr.readline, ''):
line = line.decode('utf-8')
self.vlcHasResponded = True
self.timeVLCLaunched = None
if "[syncplay]" in line:
if "Listening on host" in line:
if "Hosting Syncplay" in line:
elif "Couldn't find lua interface" in line:
getMessage("vlc-failed-noscript").format(line), True)
elif "lua interface error" in line:
getMessage("media-player-error").format(line), True)
if not isMacOS():
self.__process.stderr = None
vlcoutputthread = threading.Thread(target=self.handle_vlcoutput, args=())
threading.Thread.__init__(self, name="VLC Listener")
self._ibuffer = []
self.create_socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
self._sendingData = threading.Lock()
self.__process = subprocess.Popen(call, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
self.timeVLCLaunched = time.time()
if self._shouldListenForSTDOUT():
for line in iter(self.__process.stderr.readline, ''):
line = line.decode('utf-8')
self.vlcHasResponded = True
self.timeVLCLaunched = None
if "[syncplay]" in line:
if "Listening on host" in line:
if "Hosting Syncplay" in line:
elif "Couldn't find lua interface" in line:
getMessage("vlc-failed-noscript").format(line), True)
elif "lua interface error" in line:
getMessage("media-player-error").format(line), True)
if not isMacOS():
self.__process.stderr = None
vlcoutputthread = threading.Thread(target=self.handle_vlcoutput, args=())
threading.Thread.__init__(self, name="VLC Listener")
self._ibuffer = []
self.create_socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
self._sendingData = threading.Lock()
def _shouldListenForSTDOUT(self):
return not isWindows()
@ -147,7 +147,7 @@ def isASCII(s):
def findResourcePath(resourceName):
if resourceName == "syncplay.lua":
resourcePath = os.path.join(findWorkingDir(), "lua", "intf", "resources", resourceName)
resourcePath = os.path.join(findWorkingDir(),"resources", "lua", "intf", resourceName)
resourcePath = os.path.join(findWorkingDir(), "resources", resourceName)
return resourcePath
Reference in New Issue
Block a user