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# Copyright 2014-2016, Tresys Technology, LLC
# Copyright 2016-2018, Chris PeBenito <pebenito@ieee.org>
# This file is part of SETools.
# SETools is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
# published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2.1 of
# the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# SETools is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License along with SETools. If not, see
# <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
import itertools
# Classes
class TERuletype(PolicyEnum):
"""Enumeration of types of TE rules."""
allow = sepol.AVTAB_ALLOWED
neverallow = sepol.AVTAB_NEVERALLOW
auditallow = sepol.AVTAB_AUDITALLOW
dontaudit = sepol.AVTAB_AUDITDENY
allowxperm = sepol.AVTAB_XPERMS_ALLOWED
neverallowxperm = sepol.AVTAB_XPERMS_NEVERALLOW
auditallowxperm = sepol.AVTAB_XPERMS_AUDITALLOW
dontauditxperm = sepol.AVTAB_XPERMS_DONTAUDIT
type_transition = sepol.AVTAB_TRANSITION
type_change = sepol.AVTAB_CHANGE
type_member = sepol.AVTAB_MEMBER
cdef class BaseTERule(PolicyRule):
"""Base class for TE rules."""
readonly ObjClass tclass
str rule_string
Conditional _conditional
bint _conditional_block
def filename(self):
"""The type_transition rule's file name."""
# Since name type_transitions have a different
# class, this is always an error.
if self.ruletype == TERuletype.type_transition:
raise TERuleNoFilename
raise RuleUseError("{0} rules do not have file names".format(self.ruletype))
def conditional(self):
"""The rule's conditional expression."""
if self._conditional is None:
raise RuleNotConditional
return self._conditional
def conditional_block(self):
The conditional block of the rule (T/F)
For example, if the policy looks like this:
if ( the_conditional_expression ) {
If the rule is here, this property is True
} else {
If the rule is here, this property is False
if self._conditional_block is None:
raise RuleNotConditional
return self._conditional_block
cdef class AVRule(BaseTERule):
"""An access vector type enforcement rule."""
cdef factory(SELinuxPolicy policy, sepol.avtab_key_t *key, sepol.avtab_datum_t *datum,
conditional, conditional_block):
"""Factory function for creating AVRule objects."""
r = AVRule()
r.policy = policy
r.key = key
r.datum = datum
r._conditional = conditional
r._conditional_block = conditional_block
return r
def __str__(self):
if not self.rule_string:
self.rule_string = "{0.ruletype} {0.source} {0.target}:{0.tclass} ".format(self)
# allow/dontaudit/auditallow/neverallow rules
perms = self.perms
if len(perms) > 1:
self.rule_string += "{{ {0} }};".format(' '.join(sorted(perms)))
# convert to list since sets cannot be indexed
self.rule_string += "{0};".format(list(perms)[0])
self.rule_string += " [ {0.conditional} ]:{0.conditional_block}".format(self)
except RuleNotConditional:
return self.rule_string
def __lt__(self, other):
return str(self) < str(other)
def __deepcopy__(self, memo):
# shallow copy as all of the members are immutable
newobj = AVRule.factory(self.policy, self.key, self.datum, self._conditional,
memo[id(self)] = newobj
return newobj
def __getstate__(self):
return self._pickle()
def __setstate__(self, state):
cdef _pickle(self):
return self.policy, <bytes>(<char *>self.key), <bytes>(<char *>self.datum), \
self._conditional, self._conditional_block
cdef _unpickle(self, objs):
self.policy = objs[0]
memcpy(&self.key, <char *>objs[1], sizeof(sepol.avtab_key_t*))
memcpy(&self.datum, <char *>objs[2], sizeof(sepol.avtab_datum_t*))
self._conditional = objs[3]
self._conditional_block = objs[4]
def perms(self):
"""The rule's permission set."""
return set(p for p in PermissionVectorIterator.factory(self.policy, self.tclass,
~self.datum.data if self.key.specified & sepol.AVTAB_AUDITDENY else self.datum.data))
def default(self):
"""The rule's default type."""
raise RuleUseError("{0} rules do not have a default type.".format(self.ruletype))
def filename(self):
raise RuleUseError("{0} rules do not have file names".format(self.ruletype))
def expand(self):
"""Expand the rule into an equivalent set of rules without attributes."""
for s, t in itertools.product(self.source.expand(), self.target.expand()):
r = ExpandedAVRule()
r.policy = self.policy
r.key = self.key
r.datum = self.datum
r.source = s
r.target = t
r.origin = self
r.perms = self.perms
r._conditional = self._conditional
r._conditional_block = self._conditional_block
yield r
cdef class IoctlSet(set):
A set with overridden string functions which compresses
the output into ioctl ranges instead of individual elements.
def __format__(self, spec):
String formating.
The standard formatting (no specification) will render the
ranges of ioctls, space separated.
The , option by itself will render the ranges of ioctls,
comma separated
Any other combination of formatting options will fall back
to set's formatting behavior.
# generate short permission notation
perms = sorted(self)
shortlist = []
for _, i in itertools.groupby(perms, key=lambda k, c=itertools.count(): k - next(c)):
group = list(i)
if len(group) > 1:
shortlist.append("{0:#06x}-{1:#06x}".format(group[0], group[-1]))
if not spec:
return " ".join(shortlist)
elif spec == ",":
return ", ".join(shortlist)
return super(IoctlSet, self).__format__(spec)
def __str__(self):
return "{0}".format(self)
def __repr__(self):
return "{{ {0:,} }}".format(self)
def ranges(self):
Return the number of ranges in the set. Main use
is to determine if brackets need to be used in
string output.
return sum(1 for (_a, _b) in itertools.groupby(
sorted(self), key=lambda k, c=itertools.count(): k - next(c)))
cdef class AVRuleXperm(AVRule):
"""An extended permission access vector type enforcement rule."""
cdef factory(SELinuxPolicy policy, sepol.avtab_key_t *key, sepol.avtab_datum_t *datum,
conditional, conditional_block):
"""Factory function for creating AVRule objects."""
r = AVRuleXperm()
r.policy = policy
r.key = key
r.datum = datum
r._conditional = conditional
r._conditional_block = conditional_block
return r
def __cinit__(self):
self.extended = True
def __str__(self):
if not self.rule_string:
self.rule_string = "{0.ruletype} {0.source} {0.target}:{0.tclass} {0.xperm_type} ". \
# generate short permission notation
perms = self.perms
if perms.ranges() > 1:
self.rule_string += "{{ {0} }};".format(perms)
self.rule_string += "{0};".format(perms)
return self.rule_string
def __hash__(self):
return hash("{0.ruletype}|{0.source}|{0.target}|{0.tclass}|{0.xperm_type}|{1}|{2}".
format(self, self._conditional, self._conditional_block))
def __lt__(self, other):
return str(self) < str(other)
def __deepcopy__(self, memo):
# shallow copy as all of the members are immutable
newobj = AVRuleXperm.factory(self.policy, self.key, self.datum, self._conditional,
memo[id(self)] = newobj
return newobj
def __getstate__(self):
return self._pickle()
def __setstate__(self, state):
cdef _pickle(self):
return self.policy, <bytes>(<char *>self.key), <bytes>(<char *>self.datum), \
self._conditional, self._conditional_block
cdef _unpickle(self, objs):
self.policy = objs[0]
memcpy(&self.key, <char *>objs[1], sizeof(sepol.avtab_key_t*))
memcpy(&self.datum, <char *>objs[2], sizeof(sepol.avtab_datum_t*))
self._conditional = objs[3]
self._conditional_block = objs[4]
def xperm_type(self):
"""The standard permission extended by these permissions (e.g. ioctl)."""
if self.datum.xperms == NULL:
raise LowLevelPolicyError("Extended permission information is NULL")
if self.datum.xperms.specified == sepol.AVTAB_XPERMS_IOCTLFUNCTION \
or self.datum.xperms.specified == sepol.AVTAB_XPERMS_IOCTLDRIVER:
return intern("ioctl")
raise LowLevelPolicyError("Unknown extended permission: {}".format(
def perms(self):
"""The rule's extended permission set."""
sepol.avtab_extended_perms_t *xperms = self.datum.xperms
IoctlSet ret = IoctlSet()
size_t curr = 0
size_t len = sizeof(xperms.perms) * sepol.EXTENDED_PERMS_LEN
while curr < len:
if sepol.xperm_test(curr, xperms.perms):
if xperms.specified & sepol.AVTAB_XPERMS_IOCTLFUNCTION:
ret.add(xperms.driver << 8 | curr)
elif xperms.specified & sepol.AVTAB_XPERMS_IOCTLDRIVER:
ret.add(curr << 8)
raise LowLevelPolicyError("Unknown extended permission: {}".format(
curr += 1
return ret
def expand(self):
"""Expand the rule into an equivalent set of rules without attributes."""
for s, t in itertools.product(self.source.expand(), self.target.expand()):
r = ExpandedAVRuleXperm()
r.policy = self.policy
r.key = self.key
r.datum = self.datum
r.source = s
r.target = t
r.origin = self
r.perms = self.perms
r._conditional = self._conditional
r._conditional_block = self._conditional_block
yield r
cdef class TERule(BaseTERule):
"""A type_* type enforcement rule."""
cdef factory(SELinuxPolicy policy, sepol.avtab_key_t *key, sepol.avtab_datum_t *datum,
conditional, conditional_block):
"""Factory function for creating TERule objects."""
r = TERule()
r.policy = policy
r.key = key
r.datum = datum
r._conditional = conditional
r._conditional_block = conditional_block
return r
def __str__(self):
if not self.rule_string:
self.rule_string = "{0.ruletype} {0.source} {0.target}:{0.tclass} {0.default};". \
self.rule_string += " [ {0.conditional} ]:{0.conditional_block}".format(self)
except RuleNotConditional:
return self.rule_string
def __lt__(self, other):
return str(self) < str(other)
def __deepcopy__(self, memo):
# shallow copy as all of the members are immutable
newobj = TERule.factory(self.policy, self.key, self.datum, self._conditional,
memo[id(self)] = newobj
return newobj
def __getstate__(self):
return self._pickle()
def __setstate__(self, state):
cdef _pickle(self):
return self.policy, <bytes>(<char *>self.key), <bytes>(<char *>self.datum), \
self._conditional, self._conditional_block
cdef _unpickle(self, objs):
self.policy = objs[0]
memcpy(&self.key, <char *>objs[1], sizeof(sepol.avtab_key_t*))
memcpy(&self.datum, <char *>objs[2], sizeof(sepol.avtab_datum_t*))
self._conditional = objs[3]
self._conditional_block = objs[4]
def perms(self):
"""The rule's permission set."""
raise RuleUseError("{0} rules do not have a permission set.".format(self.ruletype))
def default(self):
"""The rule's default type."""
return Type.factory(self.policy,
self.policy.type_value_to_datum(self.datum.data - 1))
def expand(self):
"""Expand the rule into an equivalent set of rules without attributes."""
for s, t in itertools.product(self.source.expand(), self.target.expand()):
r = ExpandedTERule()
r.policy = self.policy
r.key = self.key
r.datum = self.datum
r.source = s
r.target = t
r._conditional = self._conditional
r._conditional_block = self._conditional_block
r.origin = self
yield r
cdef class FileNameTERule(PolicyRule):
"""A type_transition type enforcement rule with filename."""
sepol.filename_trans_t *key
sepol.filename_trans_datum_t *datum
readonly object ruletype
cdef factory(SELinuxPolicy policy, sepol.filename_trans_t *key, sepol.filename_trans_datum_t *datum):
"""Factory function for creating TERule objects."""
r = FileNameTERule()
r.policy = policy
r.key = key
r.datum = datum
return r
def __cinit__(self):
self.ruletype = TERuletype.type_transition
def __str__(self):
return "{0.ruletype} {0.source} {0.target}:{0.tclass} {0.default} {0.filename};". \
def __hash__(self):
return hash("{0.ruletype}|{0.source}|{0.target}|{0.tclass}|{0.filename}|{1}|{2}".format(
self, None, None))
def __lt__(self, other):
return str(self) < str(other)
def __deepcopy__(self, memo):
# shallow copy as all of the members are immutable
newobj = FileNameTERule.factory(self.policy, self.key, self.datum)
memo[id(self)] = newobj
return newobj
def __getstate__(self):
return self._pickle()
def __setstate__(self, state):
cdef _pickle(self):
return self.policy, <bytes>(<char *>self.key), <bytes>(<char *>self.datum), \
self._conditional, self._conditional_block
cdef _unpickle(self, objs):
self.policy = objs[0]
memcpy(&self.key, <char *>objs[1], sizeof(sepol.filename_trans_t*))
memcpy(&self.datum, <char *>objs[2], sizeof(sepol.filename_trans_datum_t*))
self._conditional = objs[3]
self._conditional_block = objs[4]
def _eq(self, FileNameTERule other):
"""Low-level equality check (C pointers)."""
return self.key == other.key and self.datum == other.datum
def source(self):
"""The rule's source type/attribute."""
return type_or_attr_factory(self.policy,
self.policy.type_value_to_datum(self.key.stype - 1))
def target(self):
"""The rule's target type/attribute."""
return type_or_attr_factory(self.policy,
self.policy.type_value_to_datum(self.key.ttype - 1))
def tclass(self):
"""The rule's object class."""
return ObjClass.factory(self.policy,
self.policy.class_value_to_datum(self.key.tclass - 1))
def perms(self):
"""The rule's permission set."""
raise RuleUseError("{0} rules do not have a permission set.".format(self.ruletype))
def default(self):
"""The rule's default type."""
return Type.factory(self.policy, self.policy.type_value_to_datum(self.datum.otype - 1))
def filename(self):
"""The type_transition rule's file name."""
return intern(self.key.name)
def expand(self):
"""Expand the rule into an equivalent set of rules without attributes."""
for s, t in itertools.product(self.source.expand(), self.target.expand()):
r = ExpandedFileNameTERule()
r.policy = self.policy
r.key = self.key
r.datum = self.datum
r.source = s
r.target = t
r.origin = self
yield r
cdef class ExpandedAVRule(AVRule):
"""An expanded access vector type enforcement rule."""
public object source
public object target
public object perms
public object origin
def __hash__(self):
return hash("{0.ruletype}|{0.source}|{0.target}|{0.tclass}|{1}|{2}".
format(self, self._conditional, self._conditional_block))
def __lt__(self, other):
return str(self) < str(other)
cdef class ExpandedAVRuleXperm(AVRuleXperm):
"""An expanded extended permission access vector type enforcement rule."""
public object source
public object target
public object perms
public object origin
def __hash__(self):
return hash("{0.ruletype}|{0.source}|{0.target}|{0.tclass}|{0.xperm_type}|{1}|{2}".
format(self, self._conditional, self._conditional_block))
def __lt__(self, other):
return str(self) < str(other)
cdef class ExpandedTERule(TERule):
"""An expanded type_* type enforcement rule."""
public object source
public object target
public object origin
def __hash__(self):
return hash("{0.ruletype}|{0.source}|{0.target}|{0.tclass}|{1}|{2}|{3}".format(
self, None, self._conditional, self._conditional_block))
def __lt__(self, other):
return str(self) < str(other)
cdef class ExpandedFileNameTERule(FileNameTERule):
"""An expanded filename type_transition rule."""
public object source
public object target
public object origin
def __hash__(self):
return hash("{0.ruletype}|{0.source}|{0.target}|{0.tclass}|{0.filename}|{1}|{2}".format(
self, None, None))
def __lt__(self, other):
return str(self) < str(other)
# Iterators
cdef class TERuleIterator(PolicyIterator):
"""Iterator for access vector tables."""
sepol.avtab_t *table
sepol.avtab_ptr_t node
unsigned int bucket
object conditional
object cond_block
cdef factory(SELinuxPolicy policy, sepol.avtab *table):
"""Factory function for creating TERule iterators."""
i = TERuleIterator()
i.policy = policy
i.table = table
return i
def _next_bucket(self):
"""Internal method for advancing to the next bucket."""
self.bucket += 1
if self.bucket < self.table.nslot:
self.node = self.table.htable[self.bucket]
self.node = NULL
def _next_node(self):
"""Internal method for advancing to the next node."""
if self.node != NULL and self.node.next != NULL:
self.node = self.node.next
while self.bucket < self.table.nslot and self.node == NULL:
def __next__(self):
sepol.avtab_key_t *key
sepol.avtab_datum_t *datum
if self.table == NULL or self.table.nel == 0 or self.bucket >= self.table.nslot:
raise StopIteration
key = &self.node.key
datum = &self.node.datum
if key.specified & sepol.AVRULE_AV:
return AVRule.factory(self.policy, key, datum, None, None)
elif key.specified & sepol.AVRULE_TYPE:
return TERule.factory(self.policy, key, datum, None, None)
elif key.specified & sepol.AVRULE_XPERMS:
return AVRuleXperm.factory(self.policy, key, datum, None, None)
raise LowLevelPolicyError("Unknown AV rule type 0x{}".format(key.specified, '04x'))
def __len__(self):
return self.table.nel
def reset(self):
"""Reset the iterator to the start."""
self.node = self.table.htable[0]
# advance to first item
if self.node == NULL:
cdef class ConditionalTERuleIterator(PolicyIterator):
"""Conditional TE rule iterator."""
sepol.cond_av_list_t *head
sepol.cond_av_list_t *curr
object conditional
object conditional_block
cdef factory(SELinuxPolicy policy, sepol.cond_av_list_t *head, conditional, cond_block):
"""ConditionalTERuleIterator iterator factory."""
c = ConditionalTERuleIterator()
c.policy = policy
c.head = head
c.conditional = conditional
c.conditional_block = cond_block
return c
def __next__(self):
if self.curr == NULL:
raise StopIteration
key = &self.curr.node.key
datum = &self.curr.node.datum
self.curr = self.curr.next
if key.specified & sepol.AVRULE_AV:
return AVRule.factory(self.policy, key, datum, self.conditional, self.conditional_block)
elif key.specified & sepol.AVRULE_TYPE:
return TERule.factory(self.policy, key, datum, self.conditional, self.conditional_block)
elif key.specified & sepol.AVRULE_XPERMS:
return AVRuleXperm.factory(self.policy, key, datum, self.conditional, self.conditional_block)
raise LowLevelPolicyError("Unknown AV rule type 0x{}".format(key.specified, '04x'))
def __len__(self):
sepol.cond_av_list_t *curr
size_t count = 0
curr = self.head
while curr != NULL:
count += 1
curr = curr.next
return count
def reset(self):
"""Reset the iterator back to the start."""
self.curr = self.head
cdef class FileNameTERuleIterator(HashtabIterator):
"""Iterate over FileNameTERules in the policy."""
cdef factory(SELinuxPolicy policy, sepol.hashtab_t *table):
"""Factory function for creating FileNameTERule iterators."""
i = FileNameTERuleIterator()
i.policy = policy
i.table = table
return i
def __next__(self):
return FileNameTERule.factory(self.policy, <sepol.filename_trans_t *>self.curr.key,
<sepol.filename_trans_datum_t *>self.curr.datum)