# Copyright 2016, Tresys Technology, LLC # # This file is part of SETools. # # SETools is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2.1 of # the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # SETools is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public # License along with SETools. If not, see # <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. # import logging import copy from PyQt5.QtCore import pyqtSignal, pyqtSlot, Qt from PyQt5.QtGui import QPalette from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QDialog, QFrame, QWidget from ..models import SEToolsListModel from ..widget import SEToolsWidget class PermissionMapEditor(SEToolsWidget, QDialog): """ A permission map editor. This dialog has two versions, one for editing the weight/direction and another for including or excluding permissions in an analysis. Parameters: parent The parent Qt widget edit (bool) If true, the dialog will take the editor behavior. If False, the dialog will take the enable/disable permission behavior. """ class_toggle = pyqtSignal(bool) def __init__(self, parent, edit): super(PermissionMapEditor, self).__init__(parent) self.log = logging.getLogger(__name__) self.parent = parent self.edit = edit self.setupUi() def setupUi(self): self.load_ui("permmap_editor.ui") # set up class list self.class_model = SEToolsListModel(self) self.classes.setModel(self.class_model) # permission widgets self.widgets = [] # set up editor mode self.enable_all.setHidden(self.edit) self.disable_all.setHidden(self.edit) # connect signals self.classes.selectionModel().selectionChanged.connect(self.class_selected) self.enable_all.clicked.connect(self.enable_all_perms) self.disable_all.clicked.connect(self.disable_all_perms) def show(self, perm_map): # keep an internal copy because the map is mutable # and this dialog may be canceled after some edits. self.perm_map = copy.deepcopy(perm_map) self.class_model.item_list = sorted(perm_map.classes()) # clear class selection and mappings # since this widget will typically # be reused. self.classes.clearSelection() self._clear_mappings() self.enable_all.setToolTip(None) self.disable_all.setToolTip(None) if self.edit: self.setWindowTitle("{0} - Permission Map Editor - apol".format(self.perm_map)) else: self.setWindowTitle("{0} - Permission Map Viewer - apol".format(self.perm_map)) super(PermissionMapEditor, self).show() def accept(self): self.parent.apply_permmap(self.perm_map) super(PermissionMapEditor, self).accept() def class_selected(self): # the .ui is set to 1 selection for index in self.classes.selectionModel().selectedIndexes(): class_name = self.class_model.data(index, Qt.DisplayRole) self.log.debug("Setting class to {0}".format(class_name)) self.enable_all.setToolTip("Include all permissions in the {0} class.".format(class_name)) self.disable_all.setToolTip("Exclude all permissions in the {0} class.".format(class_name)) self._clear_mappings() # populate new mappings for perm in sorted(self.perm_map.perms(class_name)): # create permission mapping mapping = PermissionMapping(self, perm, self.edit) mapping.setAttribute(Qt.WA_DeleteOnClose) self.class_toggle.connect(mapping.enabled.setChecked) self.perm_mappings.addWidget(mapping) self.widgets.append(mapping) # add horizonal line line = QFrame(self) line.setFrameShape(QFrame.HLine) line.setFrameShadow(QFrame.Sunken) self.perm_mappings.addWidget(line) self.widgets.append(line) def enable_all_perms(self): self.class_toggle.emit(True) def disable_all_perms(self): self.class_toggle.emit(False) # # Internal functions # def _clear_mappings(self): # delete current mappings for mapping in self.widgets: mapping.close() # in Python3 a .clear() function was added for lists # keep this implementation for Python 2 compat del self.widgets[:] index_to_setting = ["r", "w", "b", "n"] index_to_word = ["Read", "Write", "Both", "None"] setting_to_index = {"r": 0, "w": 1, "b": 2, "n": 3} class PermissionMapping(SEToolsWidget, QWidget): """ A widget representing mapping for a particular permission. This dialog has two versions, one for editing the weight/direction and another for including or excluding permissions in an analysis. Parameters: parent The parent Qt widget edit (bool) If true, the widget will take the editor behavior. If False, the dialog will take the enable/disable permission behavior. """ def __init__(self, parent, mapping, edit): super(PermissionMapping, self).__init__(parent) self.log = logging.getLogger(__name__) self.parent = parent self.mapping = mapping self.edit = edit self.setupUi() def setupUi(self): self.load_ui("permmapping.ui") self.permission.setText(str(self.mapping.perm)) self.weight.setValue(self.mapping.weight) self.enabled.setChecked(self.mapping.enabled) if self.edit: self.weight.setToolTip("Set the information flow weight of {0}".format( self.mapping.perm)) self.direction.setToolTip("Set the information flow direction of {0}".format( self.mapping.perm)) else: self.enabled.setToolTip("Include or exclude {0} from the analysis.".format( self.mapping.perm)) self.weight.setEnabled(self.edit) self.direction.setEnabled(self.edit) self.enabled.setHidden(self.edit) # setup color palettes for direction self.orig_palette = self.direction.palette() self.error_palette = self.direction.palette() self.error_palette.setColor(QPalette.Button, Qt.red) self.error_palette.setColor(QPalette.ButtonText, Qt.white) # setup direction self.direction.insertItems(0, index_to_word) if self.mapping.direction == 'u': # Temporarily add unmapped value to items self.direction.insertItem(len(index_to_word), "Unmapped") self.direction.setCurrentText("Unmapped") self.direction.setPalette(self.error_palette) self.unmapped = True else: self.direction.setCurrentIndex(setting_to_index[self.mapping.direction]) self.unmapped = False # connect signals self.direction.currentIndexChanged.connect(self.set_direction) self.weight.valueChanged.connect(self.set_weight) self.enabled.toggled.connect(self.set_enabled) def set_direction(self, value): if self.unmapped: if value == "Unmapped": return # Remove unmapped item if setting the mapping. self.direction.removeItem(len(index_to_word)) self.direction.setPalette(self.orig_palette) self.unmapped = False dir_ = index_to_setting[value] self.log.debug("Setting {0.class_}:{0.perm} direction to {1}".format(self.mapping, dir_)) self.mapping.direction = dir_ def set_weight(self, value): self.log.debug("Setting {0.class_}:{0.perm} weight to {1}".format(self.mapping, value)) self.mapping.weight = int(value) def set_enabled(self, value): self.log.debug("Setting {0.class_}:{0.perm} enabled to {1}".format(self.mapping, value)) self.mapping.enabled = value