SummaryTab 0 0 774 749 QAbstractScrollArea::AdjustToContents true 0 0 772 747 0 0 6 6 6 6 3 0 0 16777215 20 12 75 true SELinux Policy Summary Policy Properties 75 true Policy Version: 0 75 true Unknown Permissions: 0 75 true MLS: 0 0 0 200 60 true 75 true Policy Capabilities: 0 0 Show or hide the notes field (no data is lost) Notes Rule Counts 75 true allow: 75 true allowxperm: 75 true auditallow: 75 true auditallowxperm: 75 true neverallow: 75 true neverallowxperm: 75 true dontaudit: 75 true dontauditxperm: 75 true type_transition: 75 true type_member: 75 true type_change: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 75 true role_transition: 75 true allow (role): 75 true range_transition: 0 0 0 Component Counts 75 true Classes: 0 75 true Permissions: 75 true Types: 0 0 75 true Attributes: 0 75 true Roles: 75 true Users: 75 true Booleans: 75 true Sensitivities: 75 true Categories: 0 0 0 0 0 Constraint Counts 75 true constrain: 0 75 true validatetrans: 0 75 true mlsconstrain: 0 75 true mlsvalidatetrans: 0 Other 75 true Permissive Types: 0 75 true Defaults: 0 75 true Typebounds: 0 Labeling Counts 75 true Initial SIDs: 75 true fs_use_*: 75 true Genfscon: 75 true Portcon: 75 true Nodecon: 0 0 0 0 0 75 true Netifcon: 0 0 0 0 80 Optionally enter notes here about the query. Enter notes here. 0 0 Show: Qt::AlignRight|Qt::AlignTrailing|Qt::AlignVCenter notes_expander polcaps notes notes_expander toggled(bool) notes setVisible(bool) 735 16 386 776