Apol supports the ability to automate the search for overt information flows between two types. The purpose of this analysis is to identify undesirable or unexpected flows of information allowed by a Type Enforcement (TE) policy. For example, imagine that the type shadow_t is assigned to the shadow password file /etc/shadow. To determine all the types to which information can flow from the shadow_t type (e.g, indicating possible paths for encrypted passwords to be unintentionally leaked), do a "flow from" analysis on the shadow_t type. Another example might be a firewall application where the intent is to understand all flows allowed between two network interfaces.
Information flow analysis in SELinux is challenging for several reasons, including:
The remainder of this file provides an overview on how apol performs information flow analysis.
Information flow is defined in terms of access allowed (not necessarily whether that access is actually used). In SELinux, all objects and subjects have an associated type. Generally speaking, subjects can read or write objects, and thereby cause information to flow into and out of objects, and into and out of themselves. For example, given two types (say subject_t and object_t) and a subject (with subject_t type) able to read, but not write, an object (with object_t type), a rule that would allow this access might look like the following:
allow subject_t object_t : {file link_file} read;
This case would have the following direct information flows for the types subject_t and object_t:
subject_t: FROM object_t object_t: TO subject_t
If this were the only rule relating to these two types, there would be no other direct information flows from or to either.
An information flow can only occur when a subject is involved; a flow directly between two objects cannot exist since a subject is required to cause action. In SELinux, processes are generally the subject. There are dozens of object classes (including processes, which are both subjects and objects).
In apol, the subject is easy to recognize; any type that is used in the 'source' field of an allow rule is presumed to be associated with a subject, usually as the domain type of some process. The object type is the type used in the 'target' field of an allow rule.
In the case of objects, the allow rule also explicitly identifies the object classes for which the rule applies. This fact results in a complication for analyzing information flows; specifically that flows between types are restricted by object classes. A flow between types is typically not allowed for all object classes, but for only those classes identified. So to be more precise, the direct information flows allowed by the object rules for object_t in the example above are:
object_t [file, link_file]: TO subject_t
A perspective difference exists between source (subject) types and target (object) types. A read permission between a source type and a target type is a flow out of the target (which is being read) and flow into the source (which, being a process, is receiving the data being read into its memory).
The above examples used 'read' permission, but described flows as 'in' or 'out' or 'from' and 'to'. In general, for information flow analysis, the only access between subjects and objects that are of interest, are read and write. Remembering the perspective difference mentioned above, read and write access results in the following flow for subjects (sources) and objects (targets):
NOTE: A process can be either a subject or an object, so when the process object class is specified in the allow rule, the target type is associated with process object class and the object flow rules apply.
Although read and write access are the only access rights of interest for an information flow analysis, 'read' and 'write' permissions are not the only SELinux permissions of interest. The name of a permission does not necessarily imply whether it allows read or write access. Indeed, to perform an information flow analysis requires mapping all defined permissions for all object classes to read and write access.
This mapping can be a difficult chore, and certainly requires
extensive understanding of the access allowed by each of the hundreds
of permissions currently defined. For example, the file object class
has the getattr
permission defined that allows the ability to
determine information about a file (such as date created and size).
One could consider this a read access since the subject is reading
information about the file. Then again this begins to feel like
COVERT information flow analysis, where one is concerned about illicit
signaling of information through non-traditional means (e.g.,
signaling the critical data by varying the size of file is a covert
flow, writing the data directly in the file so it can be read is an
overt flow). This type of decision must be made for each defined
object permission for each defined object class.
The permission mapping mechanism in apol allows each permission to be mapped to read, write, both or none. In addition, the tool attempts to 'fix' a permission map to fit the needs of the currently opened policy. So, for example, if a permission map file does not map a set of permissions, or skips an entire object class, apol will label the missing permissions to "unmapped" and treat them as if they were mapped to 'none.' Likewise, if a map has permissions that are undefined in the current policy, it will ignore those mappings.
Apol provides mechanisms to manage and customize permission mappings that best suit the analyst's needs. Use the Tools menu (see below) to modify permission mappings.
In addition to mapping each permission to read, write, both, or none,
it is possible to assign the permission a weight between 1 and 10.
Apol uses this weight to rate the importance of the
information flow this permission represents and allows the user to
make fine-grained distinctions between high-bandwidth, overt
information flows and low-bandwidth, or difficult to exploit, covert
information flows. For example, the permissions read
and write
the file object could be given a weight of 10 because they are very
high-bandwidth information flows. Additionally, the use
on the fd
object (file descriptor) would probably be given a weight of
1 as it is a very low-bandwidth covert flow at best. Note that a
permission might be important for access control, like fd: use
, but be
given a low weight for information flow because it cannot be used to
pass large amounts of information.
The default permission maps that are installed with apol have weights assigned for all of the permissions. The weights are in four general categories as follows:
These categories are loosely defined and the placement of permissions into these categories is subjective. Additional work needs to be done to verify the accuracy of both the mappings of the permissions and the assigned weights.
The examples so far have only looked at 'direct' information flows. As its name implies, direct information flow analysis examines a policy for information flows that are directly permitted by one or more allow rules. In essence, every allow rule defines a direct information flow between the source and target types (for those allowed permissions that map to read, write, or both). The direct information flow analysis automates the search for these direct flows.
Transitive information flow analysis attempts to link together a series of direct information flows to find an indirect path in which information can flow between two types. The results for a transitive closure will show one or more steps in the chain required for information to flow between the start and end types. Currently, the results will only show one such path for each end type; specifically the shortest path.
For example, given the following rules:
allow one_t two_t : file write; allow three_t two_t: file read;
A direct flow analysis between one_t and three_t would not show any flows since no rule explicitly allows access between them. However, a two-step flow exists that would allow flow between these two types, namely one_t writing information into a file type (two_t) that three_t can read. These are the types of flows that the transitive analysis attempts to find.
For direct analyses, the results are presented in tree form in the browser tab. Each node in the tree represents a flow (in the direction selected) between the type of the parent node and the type of the node. The results window shows each step of the flow including the contributing access rule(s).
The ability to directly manage permission maps is important for the following reasons:
Because of these reasons, apol was designed to provide great latitude
in managing permission mappings using Permission Map menu. A user need not
manage permission maps directly; apol is installed with default
permission maps (typically in /usr/share/setools/perm_map
that will be loaded automatically when an information flow analysis is
Use the Permission Map menu to manually load a permission map from an arbitrary file. This capability allows the user to keep several versions of permission map files, loading the correct one for a given analysis.
Although the user could view and modify mappings by editing a map file directly, an easier (and less error-prone) approach is apol's perm map viewer. Select Edit Permission Mapfrom the Permission Map menu to display all object classes and permissions currently mapped (or unmapped) in the currently loaded policy. In addition, each permission's weight value is shown. These values tell apol the importance of each permission to the analysis. The user can configure these weight values according to the analysis goals. For example, the user may consider any read or write permissions of highest importance to the analysis, whereas permission to use a file descriptor may be of least importance. A permission will default to a weight of 1 if a weight value is not provided for the permission in the permission map.
For a transitive information flow, there might be many different information flows between two types. For example, given the following policy:
allow one_t two_t : file write; allow three_t two_t: file read; allow four_t two_t: file read; allow four_t three_t: file write;
In this policy, two ways exist that information can flow between one_t and three_t: through three_t and through three_t and four_t. In complicated policies, many information flows between two types can exist. The analysis algorithm can find all information flows, but this would be time prohibitive on large policies. Apol provides two ways of constraining the analysis time. Two analysis algorithms are provided:
Additionally, the analysis can be constrained by number of results. The Limit Results option will stop the analysis if the specified number of results is reached. There is no idication if there are more results