InfoflowAnalysisTab 0 0 774 846 0 0 QAbstractScrollArea::AdjustToContents true 0 0 772 844 0 0 16777215 16777215 QFrame::StyledPanel QFrame::Raised 6 6 6 6 3 Options 3 3 6 6 6 6 Minimum permission weight: 1 10 Limit results: 1 1000 20 Excluded Types: Edit... 16777215 100 Target Type 6 6 6 6 3 Qt::Horizontal 40 20 0 0 150 0 250 16777215 16777215 100 Source Type 6 6 6 6 3 Qt::Horizontal 40 20 0 0 150 0 250 16777215 QDialogButtonBox::Apply Analysis Mode 6 6 6 6 3 The limit for path length. steps 1 3 All information flows into the target type will be shown. Flows into the target type All paths from the source type to the target type, up to the specified maximum length, will be shown. All paths up to All shortest paths from the source type to the target type will be shown. Shortest paths true All information flows out of the source type will be shown. Flows out of the source type source_criteria target_criteria buttonBox groupBox groupBox_2 0 0 16777215 20 12 75 true Information Flow Analysis Qt::Horizontal 40 20 Show: 0 1 0 0 0 Raw Results 3 6 6 6 6 0 0 0 0 Monospace QPlainTextEdit::NoWrap true Show or hide the search criteria (no settings are lost) Criteria true Show or hide the notes field (no data is lost) Notes 0 0 0 80 Optionally enter notes here about the query. Enter notes here. criteria_expander notes_expander source target all_shortest_paths all_paths max_path_length flows_out flows_in min_perm_weight limit_paths exclude_types results_frame raw_results notes criteria_expander toggled(bool) criteria_frame setVisible(bool) 583 19 386 174 notes_expander toggled(bool) notes setVisible(bool) 732 19 386 708