# Copyright 2015, Tresys Technology, LLC # # This file is part of SETools. # # SETools is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2.1 of # the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # SETools is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public # License along with SETools. If not, see # . # import logging from PyQt5.QtCore import Qt from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QAction, QApplication, QDialog, QFileDialog, QLineEdit, QMainWindow, \ QMenu, QMessageBox, QTreeWidgetItem, QVBoxLayout, QWidget from setools import PermissionMap, SELinuxPolicy from ..widget import SEToolsWidget from ..logtosignal import LogHandlerToSignal # Analysis tabs: from .boolquery import BoolQueryTab from .dta import DomainTransitionAnalysisTab from .fsusequery import FSUseQueryTab from .infoflow import InfoFlowAnalysisTab from .mlsrulequery import MLSRuleQueryTab from .rbacrulequery import RBACRuleQueryTab from .rolequery import RoleQueryTab from .terulequery import TERuleQueryTab from .typeattrquery import TypeAttributeQueryTab from .typequery import TypeQueryTab from .userquery import UserQueryTab class ApolMainWindow(SEToolsWidget, QMainWindow): def __init__(self, filename): super(ApolMainWindow, self).__init__() self.log = logging.getLogger(__name__) if filename: self._policy = SELinuxPolicy(filename) else: self._policy = None try: # try to load default permission map self._permmap = PermissionMap() except (IOError, OSError) as ex: self.log.info("Failed to load default permission map: {0}".format(ex)) self._permmap = None self.setupUi() def setupUi(self): self.load_ui("apol.ui") self.tab_counter = 0 self.update_window_title() # set up error message dialog self.error_msg = QMessageBox(self) self.error_msg.setStandardButtons(QMessageBox.Ok) # set up tab name editor self.tab_editor = QLineEdit(self.AnalysisTabs) self.tab_editor.setWindowFlags(Qt.Popup) # configure tab bar context menu tabBar = self.AnalysisTabs.tabBar() tabBar.addAction(self.rename_tab_action) tabBar.addAction(self.close_tab_action) tabBar.setContextMenuPolicy(Qt.ActionsContextMenu) # capture INFO and higher Python messages from setools lib for status bar handler = LogHandlerToSignal() handler.message.connect(self.statusbar.showMessage) logging.getLogger("setools").addHandler(handler) logging.getLogger("setoolsgui").addHandler(handler) # connect signals self.open_policy.triggered.connect(self.select_policy) self.open_permmap.triggered.connect(self.select_permmap) self.new_analysis.triggered.connect(self.choose_analysis) self.AnalysisTabs.tabCloseRequested.connect(self.close_tab) self.AnalysisTabs.tabBarDoubleClicked.connect(self.tab_name_editor) self.tab_editor.editingFinished.connect(self.rename_tab) self.rename_tab_action.triggered.connect(self.rename_active_tab) self.close_tab_action.triggered.connect(self.close_active_tab) self.copy_action.triggered.connect(self.copy) self.cut_action.triggered.connect(self.cut) self.paste_action.triggered.connect(self.paste) self.show() def update_window_title(self): if self._policy: self.setWindowTitle("{0} - apol".format(self._policy)) else: self.setWindowTitle("apol") def select_policy(self): filename = QFileDialog.getOpenFileName(self, "Open policy file", ".")[0] if filename: try: self._policy = SELinuxPolicy(filename) except Exception as ex: self.error_msg.critical(self, "Policy loading error", str(ex)) else: self.update_window_title() if self._permmap: self._permmap.map_policy(self._policy) def select_permmap(self): filename = QFileDialog.getOpenFileName(self, "Open permission map file", ".")[0] if filename: try: self._permmap = PermissionMap(filename) except Exception as ex: self.error_msg.critical(self, "Permission map loading error", str(ex)) else: if self._policy: self._permmap.map_policy(self._policy) def choose_analysis(self): if not self._policy: self.error_msg.critical(self, "No open policy", "Cannot start a new analysis. Please open a policy first.") self.select_policy() if self._policy: # this check of self._policy is here in case someone # tries to start an analysis with no policy open, but then # cancels out of the policy file chooser or there is an # error opening the policy file. chooser = ChooseAnalysis(self, self._policy.mls) chooser.show() def create_new_analysis(self, tabtitle, tabclass): self.tab_counter += 1 counted_name = "{0}: {1}".format(self.tab_counter, tabtitle) newtab = QWidget() newtab.setObjectName(counted_name) newanalysis = tabclass(newtab, self._policy, self._permmap) # create a vertical layout in the tab, place the analysis ui inside. tabLayout = QVBoxLayout() tabLayout.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0) tabLayout.addWidget(newanalysis) newtab.setLayout(tabLayout) index = self.AnalysisTabs.addTab(newtab, counted_name) self.AnalysisTabs.setTabToolTip(index, tabtitle) def tab_name_editor(self, index): if index >= 0: tab_area = self.AnalysisTabs.tabBar().tabRect(index) self.tab_editor.move(self.AnalysisTabs.mapToGlobal(tab_area.topLeft())) self.tab_editor.setText(self.AnalysisTabs.tabText(index)) self.tab_editor.selectAll() self.tab_editor.show() self.tab_editor.setFocus() def close_active_tab(self): index = self.AnalysisTabs.currentIndex() if index >= 0: self.close_tab(index) def rename_active_tab(self): index = self.AnalysisTabs.currentIndex() if index >= 0: self.tab_name_editor(index) def close_tab(self, index): widget = self.AnalysisTabs.widget(index) widget.close() widget.deleteLater() self.AnalysisTabs.removeTab(index) def rename_tab(self): # this should never be negative since the editor is modal index = self.AnalysisTabs.currentIndex() self.tab_editor.hide() self.AnalysisTabs.setTabText(index, self.tab_editor.text()) def copy(self): """Copy text from the currently-focused widget.""" try: QApplication.instance().focusWidget().copy() except AttributeError: pass def cut(self): """Cut text from the currently-focused widget.""" try: QApplication.instance().focusWidget().cut() except AttributeError: pass def paste(self): """Paste text into the currently-focused widget.""" try: QApplication.instance().focusWidget().paste() except AttributeError: pass class ChooseAnalysis(SEToolsWidget, QDialog): """ Dialog for choosing a new analysis The below class attributes are used for populating the GUI contents and mapping them to the appropriate tab widget class for the analysis. The item_mapping attribute will be populated to map the tree list items to the analysis tab widgets. """ _analysis_map = {"Domain Transition Analysis": DomainTransitionAnalysisTab, "Information Flow Analysis": InfoFlowAnalysisTab} _components_map = {"Booleans": BoolQueryTab, "Roles": RoleQueryTab, "Types": TypeQueryTab, "Type Attributes": TypeAttributeQueryTab, "Users": UserQueryTab} _rule_map = {"RBAC Rules": RBACRuleQueryTab, "TE Rules": TERuleQueryTab} _labeling_map = {"fs_use_* Statements": FSUseQueryTab} _analysis_choices = {"Components": _components_map, "Rules": _rule_map, "Analyses": _analysis_map, "Labeling": _labeling_map} def __init__(self, parent, mls): super(ChooseAnalysis, self).__init__(parent) self.item_mapping = {} self.parent = parent self.setupUi(mls) def setupUi(self, mls): self.load_ui("choose_analysis.ui") self.buttonBox.accepted.connect(self.ok_clicked) self.analysisTypes.doubleClicked.connect(self.ok_clicked) if mls: self._rule_map["MLS Rules"] = MLSRuleQueryTab # populate the item list: self.analysisTypes.clear() for groupname, group in self._analysis_choices.items(): groupitem = QTreeWidgetItem(self.analysisTypes) groupitem.setText(0, groupname) groupitem._tab_class = None for entryname, cls in group.items(): item = QTreeWidgetItem(groupitem) item.setText(0, entryname) item._tab_class = cls groupitem.addChild(item) self.analysisTypes.expandAll() self.analysisTypes.sortByColumn(0, Qt.AscendingOrder) def ok_clicked(self): try: # .ui is set for single item selection. item = self.analysisTypes.selectedItems()[0] title = item.text(0) self.parent.create_new_analysis(title, item._tab_class) except (IndexError, TypeError): # IndexError: nothing is selected # TypeError: one of the group items was selected. pass else: self.accept()