# Copyright 2015-2016, Tresys Technology, LLC # Copyright 2016, Chris PeBenito # # This file is part of SETools. # # SETools is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2.1 of # the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # SETools is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public # License along with SETools. If not, see # . # import os import sys import stat import logging import json from errno import ENOENT from contextlib import suppress import pkg_resources from PyQt5.QtCore import pyqtSlot, Qt, QProcess from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QApplication, QFileDialog, QLineEdit, QMainWindow, QMessageBox from setools import __version__, PermissionMap, SELinuxPolicy from ..widget import SEToolsWidget from ..logtosignal import LogHandlerToSignal from .chooseanalysis import ChooseAnalysis, tab_map from .exception import TabFieldError from .permmapedit import PermissionMapEditor from .summary import SummaryTab class ApolMainWindow(SEToolsWidget, QMainWindow): def __init__(self, filename): super(ApolMainWindow, self).__init__() self.log = logging.getLogger(__name__) self._permmap = None self._policy = None self.setupUi() self.load_permmap() if filename: self.load_policy(filename) if self._policy: self.create_new_analysis("Summary", SummaryTab) self.update_window_title() self.toggle_workspace_actions() def setupUi(self): self.load_ui("apol/apol.ui") self.tab_counter = 0 # set up analysis menu self.chooser = ChooseAnalysis(self) # set up error message dialog self.error_msg = QMessageBox(self) self.error_msg.setStandardButtons(QMessageBox.Ok) # set up permission map editor self.permmap_editor = PermissionMapEditor(self, True) # set up tab name editor self.tab_editor = QLineEdit(self.AnalysisTabs) self.tab_editor.setWindowFlags(Qt.Popup) # configure tab bar context menu tabBar = self.AnalysisTabs.tabBar() tabBar.addAction(self.rename_tab_action) tabBar.addAction(self.close_tab_action) tabBar.setContextMenuPolicy(Qt.ActionsContextMenu) # capture INFO and higher Python messages from setools lib for status bar handler = LogHandlerToSignal() handler.message.connect(self.statusbar.showMessage) logging.getLogger("setools").addHandler(handler) logging.getLogger("setoolsgui").addHandler(handler) # set up help browser process self.help_process = QProcess() # connect signals self.open_policy.triggered.connect(self.select_policy) self.close_policy_action.triggered.connect(self.close_policy) self.open_permmap.triggered.connect(self.select_permmap) self.new_analysis.triggered.connect(self.choose_analysis) self.AnalysisTabs.currentChanged.connect(self.toggle_workspace_actions) self.AnalysisTabs.tabCloseRequested.connect(self.close_tab) self.AnalysisTabs.tabBarDoubleClicked.connect(self.tab_name_editor) self.tab_editor.editingFinished.connect(self.rename_tab) self.rename_tab_action.triggered.connect(self.rename_active_tab) self.close_tab_action.triggered.connect(self.close_active_tab) self.new_from_settings_action.triggered.connect(self.new_analysis_from_config) self.load_settings_action.triggered.connect(self.load_settings) self.save_settings_action.triggered.connect(self.save_settings) self.load_workspace_action.triggered.connect(self.load_workspace) self.save_workspace_action.triggered.connect(self.save_workspace) self.copy_action.triggered.connect(self.copy) self.cut_action.triggered.connect(self.cut) self.paste_action.triggered.connect(self.paste) self.edit_permmap_action.triggered.connect(self.edit_permmap) self.save_permmap_action.triggered.connect(self.save_permmap) self.about_apol_action.triggered.connect(self.about_apol) self.apol_help_action.triggered.connect(self.apol_help) self.show() def update_window_title(self): if self._policy: self.setWindowTitle("{0} - apol".format(self._policy)) else: self.setWindowTitle("apol") # # Policy handling # def select_policy(self): old_policy = self._policy if old_policy and self.AnalysisTabs.count() > 0: reply = QMessageBox.question( self, "Continue?", "Loading a policy will close all existing analyses. Continue?", QMessageBox.Yes | QMessageBox.No) if reply == QMessageBox.No: return filename = QFileDialog.getOpenFileName(self, "Open policy file", ".", "SELinux Policies (policy.* sepolicy);;" "All Files (*)")[0] if filename: self.load_policy(filename) if self._policy != old_policy: # policy loading succeeded, clear any # existing tabs self.AnalysisTabs.clear() self.create_new_analysis("Summary", SummaryTab) def load_policy(self, filename): try: self._policy = SELinuxPolicy(filename) except Exception as ex: self.log.critical("Failed to load policy \"{0}\"".format(filename)) self.error_msg.critical(self, "Policy loading error", str(ex)) else: self.update_window_title() self.toggle_workspace_actions() if self._permmap: self._permmap.map_policy(self._policy) self.apply_permmap() def close_policy(self): if self.AnalysisTabs.count() > 0: reply = QMessageBox.question( self, "Continue?", "Loading a policy will close all existing analyses. Continue?", QMessageBox.Yes | QMessageBox.No) if reply == QMessageBox.No: return self.AnalysisTabs.clear() self._policy = None self.update_window_title() self.toggle_workspace_actions() # # Permission map handling # def select_permmap(self): filename = QFileDialog.getOpenFileName(self, "Open permission map file", ".")[0] if filename: self.load_permmap(filename) def load_permmap(self, filename=None): try: self._permmap = PermissionMap(filename) except Exception as ex: self.log.critical("Failed to load default permission map: {0}".format(ex)) self.error_msg.critical(self, "Permission map loading error", str(ex)) else: if self._policy: self._permmap.map_policy(self._policy) self.apply_permmap() def edit_permmap(self): if not self._permmap: self.error_msg.critical(self, "No open permission map", "Cannot edit permission map. Please open a map first.") self.select_permmap() # in case user cancels out of # choosing a permmap, recheck if self._permmap: self.permmap_editor.show(self._permmap) def apply_permmap(self, perm_map=None): if perm_map: self._permmap = perm_map for index in range(self.AnalysisTabs.count()): tab = self.AnalysisTabs.widget(index) self.log.debug("Updating permmap in tab {0} ({1}: \"{2}\")".format( index, tab, tab.objectName())) tab.perm_map = self._permmap def save_permmap(self): path = str(self._permmap) if self._permmap else "perm_map" filename = QFileDialog.getSaveFileName(self, "Save permission map file", path)[0] if filename: try: self._permmap.save(filename) except Exception as ex: self.log.critical("Failed to save permission map: {0}".format(ex)) self.error_msg.critical(self, "Permission map saving error", str(ex)) # # Analysis tab handling # def choose_analysis(self): if not self._policy: self.error_msg.critical(self, "No open policy", "Cannot start a new analysis. Please open a policy first.") self.select_policy() if self._policy: # this check of self._policy is here in case someone # tries to start an analysis with no policy open, but then # cancels out of the policy file chooser or there is an # error opening the policy file. self.chooser.show(self._policy.mls) def create_new_analysis(self, tabtitle, tabclass): self.tab_counter += 1 counted_name = "{0}: {1}".format(self.tab_counter, tabtitle) newanalysis = tabclass(self, self._policy, self._permmap) newanalysis.setAttribute(Qt.WA_DeleteOnClose) newanalysis.setObjectName(counted_name) index = self.AnalysisTabs.addTab(newanalysis, counted_name) self.AnalysisTabs.setTabToolTip(index, tabtitle) self.AnalysisTabs.setCurrentIndex(index) return index def tab_name_editor(self, index): if index >= 0: tab_area = self.AnalysisTabs.tabBar().tabRect(index) self.tab_editor.move(self.AnalysisTabs.mapToGlobal(tab_area.topLeft())) self.tab_editor.setText(self.AnalysisTabs.tabText(index)) self.tab_editor.selectAll() self.tab_editor.show() self.tab_editor.setFocus() def close_active_tab(self): """Close the active tab. This is called from the context menu.""" index = self.AnalysisTabs.currentIndex() if index >= 0: self.close_tab(index) def rename_active_tab(self): """Rename the active tab.""" index = self.AnalysisTabs.currentIndex() if index >= 0: self.tab_name_editor(index) def close_tab(self, index): """Close a tab specified by index.""" widget = self.AnalysisTabs.widget(index) widget.close() self.AnalysisTabs.removeTab(index) def rename_tab(self): # this should never be negative since the editor is modal index = self.AnalysisTabs.currentIndex() tab = self.AnalysisTabs.widget(index) title = self.tab_editor.text() self.tab_editor.hide() self.AnalysisTabs.setTabText(index, title) tab.setObjectName(title) # # Workspace actions # def toggle_workspace_actions(self, index=-1): """ Enable or disable workspace actions depending on how many tabs are open and if a policy is open. This is a slot for the QTabWidget.currentChanged() signal, though index is ignored. """ open_tabs = self.AnalysisTabs.count() > 0 open_policy = self._policy is not None self.log.debug("{0} actions requiring an open policy.". format("Enabling" if open_policy else "Disabling")) self.log.debug("{0} actions requiring open tabs.". format("Enabling" if open_tabs else "Disabling")) self.save_settings_action.setEnabled(open_tabs) self.save_workspace_action.setEnabled(open_tabs) self.new_analysis.setEnabled(open_policy) self.new_from_settings_action.setEnabled(open_policy) self.load_settings_action.setEnabled(open_tabs) def _get_settings(self, index=None): """Return a dictionary with the settings of the tab at the specified index.""" if index is None: index = self.AnalysisTabs.currentIndex() assert index >= 0, "Tab index is negative in _get_settings. This is an SETools bug." tab = self.AnalysisTabs.widget(index) settings = tab.save() # add the tab info to the settings. settings["__title__"] = self.AnalysisTabs.tabText(index) settings["__tab__"] = type(tab).__name__ return settings def _put_settings(self, settings, index=None): """Load the settings into the specified tab.""" if index is None: index = self.AnalysisTabs.currentIndex() assert index >= 0, "Tab index is negative in _put_settings. This is an SETools bug." tab = self.AnalysisTabs.widget(index) if settings["__tab__"] != type(tab).__name__: raise TypeError("The current tab ({0}) does not match the tab in the settings file " "({1}).".format(type(tab).__name__, settings["__tab__"])) try: self.AnalysisTabs.setTabText(index, str(settings["__title__"])) except KeyError: self.log.warning("Settings file does not have a title setting.") tab.load(settings) def load_settings(self, new=False): filename = QFileDialog.getOpenFileName(self, "Open settings file", ".", "Apol Tab Settings File (*.apolt);;" "All Files (*)")[0] if not filename: return try: with open(filename, "r") as fd: settings = json.load(fd) except ValueError as ex: self.log.critical("Invalid settings file \"{0}\"".format(filename)) self.error_msg.critical(self, "Failed to load settings", "Invalid settings file: \"{0}\"".format(filename)) return except OSError as ex: self.log.critical("Unable to load settings file \"{0.filename}\": {0.strerror}". format(ex)) self.error_msg.critical(self, "Failed to load settings", "Failed to load \"{0.filename}\": {0.strerror}".format(ex)) return except Exception as ex: self.log.critical("Unable to load settings file \"{0}\": {1}".format(filename, ex)) self.error_msg.critical(self, "Failed to load settings", str(ex)) return self.log.info("Loading analysis settings from \"{0}\"".format(filename)) if new: try: tabclass = tab_map[settings["__tab__"]] except KeyError: self.log.critical("Missing analysis type in \"{0}\"".format(filename)) self.error_msg.critical(self, "Failed to load settings", "The type of analysis is missing in the settings file.") return # The tab title will be set by _put_settings. index = self.create_new_analysis("Tab", tabclass) else: index = None try: self._put_settings(settings, index) except Exception as ex: self.log.critical("Error loading settings file \"{0}\": {1}".format(filename, ex)) self.error_msg.critical(self, "Failed to load settings", "Error loading settings file \"{0}\":\n\n{1}". format(filename, ex)) else: self.log.info("Successfully loaded analysis settings from \"{0}\"".format(filename)) def new_analysis_from_config(self): self.load_settings(new=True) def save_settings(self): try: settings = self._get_settings() except TabFieldError as ex: self.log.critical("Errors in the query prevent saving the settings. {0}".format(ex)) self.error_msg.critical(self, "Unable to save settings", "Please resolve errors in the tab before saving the settings." ) return filename = QFileDialog.getSaveFileName(self, "Save analysis tab settings", "analysis.apolt", "Apol Tab Settings File (*.apolt);;" "All Files (*)")[0] if not filename: return try: with open(filename, "w") as fd: json.dump(settings, fd, indent=1) except OSError as ex: self.log.critical("Unable to save settings file \"{0.filename}\": {0.strerror}". format(ex)) self.error_msg.critical(self, "Failed to save settings", "Failed to save \"{0.filename}\": {0.strerror}".format(ex)) except Exception as ex: self.log.critical("Unable to save settings file \"{0}\": {1}".format(filename, ex)) self.error_msg.critical(self, "Failed to save settings", str(ex)) else: self.log.info("Successfully saved settings file \"{0}\"".format(filename)) def load_workspace(self): # 1. if number of tabs > 0, check if we really want to do this if self.AnalysisTabs.count() > 0: reply = QMessageBox.question( self, "Continue?", "Loading a workspace will close all existing analyses. Continue?", QMessageBox.Yes | QMessageBox.No) if reply == QMessageBox.No: return # 2. try to load the workspace file, if we fail, bail filename = QFileDialog.getOpenFileName(self, "Open workspace file", ".", "Apol Workspace Files (*.apolw);;" "All Files (*)")[0] if not filename: return try: with open(filename, "r") as fd: workspace = json.load(fd) except ValueError as ex: self.log.critical("Invalid workspace file \"{0}\"".format(filename)) self.error_msg.critical(self, "Failed to load workspace", "Invalid workspace file: \"{0}\"".format(filename)) return except OSError as ex: self.log.critical("Unable to load workspace file \"{0.filename}\": {0.strerror}". format(ex)) self.error_msg.critical(self, "Failed to load workspace", "Failed to load \"{0.filename}\": {0.strerror}".format(ex)) return except Exception as ex: self.log.critical("Unable to load workspace file \"{0}\": {1}".format(filename, ex)) self.error_msg.critical(self, "Failed to load workspace", str(ex)) return # 3. close all tabs. Explicitly do this to avoid the question # about closing the policy with tabs open. self.AnalysisTabs.clear() # 4. close policy self.close_policy() # 5. try to open the specified policy, if we fail, bail. Note: # handling exceptions from the policy load is done inside # the load_policy function, so only the KeyError needs to be caught here try: self.load_policy(workspace["__policy__"]) except KeyError: self.log.critical("Missing policy in workspace file \"{0}\"".format(filename)) self.error_msg.critical(self, "Missing policy in workspace file \"{0}\"". format(filename)) if self._policy is None: self.log.critical("The policy could not be loaded in workspace file \"{0}\"". format(filename)) self.error_msg.critical(self, "The policy could not be loaded in workspace file \"{0}\"" ". Aborting workspace load.".format(filename)) return # 6. try to open the specified perm map, if we fail, # tell the user we will continue with the default map; load the default map # Note: handling exceptions from the map load is done inside # the load_permmap function, so only the KeyError needs to be caught here try: self.load_permmap(workspace["__permmap__"]) except KeyError: self.log.warning("Missing permission map in workspace file \"{0}\"".format(filename)) self.error_msg.warning(self, "Missing permission map setting.", "Missing permission map in workspace file \"{0}\"". format(filename)) if self._permmap is None: self.error_msg.information(self, "Loading default permission map.", "The default permisison map will be loaded.") self.load_permmap() # 7. try to open all tabs and apply settings. Record any errors try: tab_list = list(workspace["__tabs__"]) except KeyError: self.log.critical("Missing tab list in workspace file \"{0}\"".format(filename)) self.error_msg.critical(self, "Failed to load workspace", "The workspace file is missing the tab list. Aborting.") return except TypeError: self.log.critical("Invalid tab list in workspace file.") self.error_msg.critical(self, "Failed to load workspace", "The tab count is invalid. Aborting.") return loading_errors = [] for i, settings in enumerate(tab_list): try: tabclass = tab_map[settings["__tab__"]] except KeyError: error_str = "Missing analysis type for tab {0}. Skipping this tab.".format(i) self.log.error(error_str) loading_errors.append(error_str) continue # The tab title will be set by _put_settings. index = self.create_new_analysis("Tab", tabclass) try: self._put_settings(settings, index) except Exception as ex: error_str = "Error loading settings for tab {0}: {1}".format(i, ex) self.log.error(error_str) loading_errors.append(error_str) self.log.info("Completed loading workspace from \"{0}\"".format(filename)) # 8. if there are any errors, open a dialog with the # complete list of tab errors if loading_errors: self.error_msg.warning(self, "Errors while loading workspace:", "There were errors while loading the workspace:\n\n{0}". format("\n\n".join(loading_errors))) def save_workspace(self): workspace = {} save_errors = [] workspace["__policy__"] = os.path.abspath(str(self._policy)) workspace["__permmap__"] = os.path.abspath(str(self._permmap)) workspace["__tabs__"] = [] for index in range(self.AnalysisTabs.count()): tab = self.AnalysisTabs.widget(index) try: settings = tab.save() except TabFieldError as ex: tab_name = self.AnalysisTabs.tabText(index) save_errors.append(tab_name) self.log.error("Error: tab \"{0}\": {1}".format(tab_name, str(ex))) else: # add the tab info to the settings. settings["__title__"] = self.AnalysisTabs.tabText(index) settings["__tab__"] = type(tab).__name__ workspace["__tabs__"].append(settings) if save_errors: self.log.critical("Errors in tabs prevent saving the workspace.") self.error_msg.critical(self, "Unable to save workspace", "Please resolve errors in the following tabs before saving the" " workspace:\n\n{0}".format("\n".join(save_errors))) return filename = QFileDialog.getSaveFileName(self, "Save analysis workspace", "workspace.apolw", "Apol Workspace Files (*.apolw);;" "All Files (*)")[0] if not filename: return with open(filename, "w") as fd: json.dump(workspace, fd, indent=1) # # Edit actions # def copy(self): """Copy text from the currently-focused widget.""" with suppress(AttributeError): QApplication.instance().focusWidget().copy() def cut(self): """Cut text from the currently-focused widget.""" with suppress(AttributeError): QApplication.instance().focusWidget().cut() def paste(self): """Paste text into the currently-focused widget.""" with suppress(AttributeError): QApplication.instance().focusWidget().paste() # # Help actions # def about_apol(self): QMessageBox.about(self, "About Apol", "Version {0}
" "Apol is a graphical SELinux policy analysis tool and part of " "" "SETools.

" "Copyright (C) 2015-2016, Tresys Technology.".format(__version__)) def apol_help(self): """Open the main help window.""" if self.help_process.state() != QProcess.NotRunning: return distro = pkg_resources.get_distribution("setools") helpfile = "{0}/setoolsgui/apol/apol.qhc".format(distro.location) self.log.debug("Starting assistant with help file {0}".format(helpfile)) self.help_process.start("assistant", ["-collectionFile", helpfile, "-showUrl", "qthelp://com.github.tresystechnology.setools/doc/index.html", "-show", "contents", "-enableRemoteControl"]) @pyqtSlot(str) def set_help(self, location): """Set the help window to the specified document.""" if self.help_process.state() == QProcess.NotStarted: self.apol_help() if not self.help_process.waitForStarted(): self.log.warning("Timed out waiting for Qt assistant to start.") return elif self.help_process.state() == QProcess.Starting: if not self.help_process.waitForStarted(): self.log.warning("Timed out waiting for Qt assistant to start.") return self.help_process.write("setSource qthelp://com.github.tresystechnology.setools/doc/{0}\n". format(location))