Domain Transition Analysis

A key feature of Type Enforcement (TE) security is the ability to define domain types with which programs run, use that domain type to control access to objects (which are also typed), and strictly control the ability of a process to change its domain type. This last ability is known as domain transition.

Apol supports analysis of an SELinux policy to understand the domain transitions it allows. As with all access in SELinux, the ability to transition from one domain to another is controlled by 'allow' rules in the policy. Below, we describe how apol performs a domain transition analysis.

Types Used in Domain Transitions

When discussing domain transition access, there are three different types we must consider:

Domain Transition Criteria

In SELinux, there are two ways for a domain transition to occur, on exec(), and on setcon(). The common case is for a domain transition to occur on exec().

Transitions on Exec()

In SELinux, four types of access (and hence at four rules) must be allowed by the policy for a domain transition to occur. These access types form the criteria used by apol to determine allowed transitions.

The criteria for an allowed domain transition are as follows. In the examples below, assume user_t is the source type, passwd_t is the target type, and passwd_exec_t is the file entry point type.

  1. A rule must exist that allows the SOURCE domain type transition access for process object class for the TARGET domain type. For example, the rule:
        allow user_t passwd_t : process transition;
    meets this criterion by allowing the source type (user_t) process: transition permission to the target type (passwd_t).
  2. A rule must exist that allows the SOURCE domain type execute access to the FILE ENTRYPOINT type. For example, the rule:
        allow user_t passwd_exec_t : file { read getattr execute };
    meets the criterion by allowing the source type (user_t) execute access to the file entrypoint type (passwd_exec_t).
  3. A rule must exist that allows the TARGET domain type entrypoint access to the FILE ENTRYPOINT type for file objects. For example, the rule:
        allow passwd_t passwd_exec_t : file entrypoint;
    meets this criterion by allowing the target type (passwd_t) file: entrypoint access to the file entrypoint type (passwd_exec_t).
  4. There must be a way for the transition to be triggered. Typically this is accomplished in the policy with a TYPE TRANSITION statement. For example, the statement:
        type_transition user_t password_exec_t : process passwd_t;
    meets this criterion by specifying that when user_t executes a program with the passwd_exec_t type, the default type of the new process is passwd_t. This is the most common specifier because it does not require the programs to be SELinux-aware. Alternatively, the program can be made SELinux-aware and the program itself may specify the type of the new process. For example, the statement:
        allow user_t self : process setexec;
    allows the source type (user_t) to specify the type of new processes when executing programs. In both the type transition and setexec cases, the types that the source domain may transition to are limited by the previous three criterion.

In the analysis results, apol will list all the types that meet the above four criteria.

Transitions on Setcon()

SELinux also supports domain transitions that are requested by SELinux-aware programs (also known as a dynamic domain transition), using the setcon() libselinux function. Two types of access must be allowed by the policy for a dynamic domain transition to occur. These access types form the criteria used by apol to determine allowed transitions.

The criteria for an allowed dynamic domain transition are as follows. In the examples below, assume souce_t is the source type and, target_t is the target type.

  1. A rule must exist that allows the SOURCE domain type dyntransition access for process object class for the TARGET domain type. For example, the rule:
        allow source_t target_t : process transition;
    meets this criterion by allowing the source type (source_t) process: dyntransition permission to the target type (target_t).
  2. A rule must exist that allows the SOURCE domain type setcurrent access so it can set its current SELinux context. For example, the rule:
        allow source_t source_t : process setcurrent;
    meets the criterion by allowing the source type (source_t) setcurrent access on itself.

In the analysis results, apol will list all the types that meet the above two criteria.

Reverse Transitions

Apol supports both forward and reverse domain transition analysis. A forward analysis determines all the TARGET types to which the selected SOURCE types may transition (find child domains/processes). A reverse analysis is the opposite; select a TARGET type and determine all the SOURCE types that may transition to the target type (find parent domains/processes).