From aeecacc896988d84b948a79abcc0b6bc6cd3da52 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Chris PeBenito <>
Date: Sun, 18 Feb 2018 10:07:41 -0500
Subject: [PATCH] Conditional: Convert to direct sepol structure access.  Add

 setools/policyrep/boolcond.pxi      | 252 ++++++++++++++--------------
 setools/policyrep/libpolicyrep.pyx  |  18 --
 setools/policyrep/selinuxpolicy.pxi |   6 +-
 setools/policyrep/terule.pxi        |   4 +-                            |   1 -
 5 files changed, 132 insertions(+), 149 deletions(-)

diff --git a/setools/policyrep/boolcond.pxi b/setools/policyrep/boolcond.pxi
index ec58baf..3a34d87 100644
--- a/setools/policyrep/boolcond.pxi
+++ b/setools/policyrep/boolcond.pxi
@@ -23,65 +23,8 @@ from collections import namedtuple
 truth_table_row = namedtuple("truth_table_row", ["values", "result"])
-# Conditional expression factory functions
 cdef dict _cond_cache = {}
-cdef inline Conditional conditional_factory_iter(SELinuxPolicy policy, QpolIteratorItem symbol):
-    """Factory function variant for iterating over Conditional objects."""
-    return conditional_factory(policy, <const qpol_cond_t *> symbol.obj)
-cdef inline Conditional conditional_factory(SELinuxPolicy policy, const qpol_cond_t *symbol):
-    """Factory function for creating Conditional objects."""
-    try:
-        return _cond_cache[<uintptr_t>symbol]
-    except KeyError:
-        c = Conditional()
-        c.policy = policy
-        c.handle = symbol
-        _cond_cache[<uintptr_t>symbol] = c
-        return c
-# Conditional node factory functions
-cdef inline object conditional_node_factory_iter(SELinuxPolicy policy, QpolIteratorItem item):
-    """Factory function variant for iterating over conditional node objects."""
-    cdef const qpol_cond_expr_node_t *symbol = <const qpol_cond_expr_node_t *> item.obj
-    cdef uint32_t et
-    cdef qpol_bool_t *b
-    # Determine if this node is a Boolean or an operator
-    if qpol_cond_expr_node_get_expr_type(policy.handle, symbol, &et):
-        ex = LowLevelPolicyError("Error reading conditional expression node type: {}".format(
-                                 strerror(errno)))
-        ex.errno = errno
-        raise ex
-    if (et == QPOL_COND_EXPR_BOOL):
-        if qpol_cond_expr_node_get_bool(policy.handle, symbol, &b):
-            ex =  LowLevelPolicyError("Error reading boolean from conditional expression node: {}".
-                                      format(strerror(errno)))
-            ex.errno = errno
-            raise ex
-        return Boolean.factory(policy, <sepol.cond_bool_datum_t *>b)
-    else:
-        return conditional_op_factory(policy, symbol)
-cdef inline ConditionalOperator conditional_op_factory(SELinuxPolicy policy, const qpol_cond_expr_node_t *symbol):
-    """Factory function for creating conditional node objects."""
-    op = ConditionalOperator()
-    op.policy = policy
-    op.handle = symbol
-    return op
 # Classes
@@ -120,7 +63,19 @@ cdef class Conditional(PolicySymbol):
     """A conditional policy block."""
-    cdef const qpol_cond_t *handle
+    cdef sepol.cond_node_t *handle
+    @staticmethod
+    cdef factory(SELinuxPolicy policy, sepol.cond_node_t *symbol):
+        """Factory function for creating Conditional objects."""
+        try:
+            return _cond_cache[<uintptr_t>symbol]
+        except KeyError:
+            c = Conditional()
+            c.policy = policy
+            c.handle = symbol
+            _cond_cache[<uintptr_t>symbol] = c
+            return c
     def __contains__(self, other):
         for b in self.booleans:
@@ -247,52 +202,18 @@ cdef class Conditional(PolicySymbol):
     def expression(self):
         """Iterator over The conditional expression."""
-        cdef qpol_iterator_t *iter;
-        if qpol_cond_get_expr_node_iter(self.policy.handle, self.handle, &iter):
-            raise MemoryError
-        return qpol_iterator_factory(self.policy, iter, conditional_node_factory_iter)
+        return ConditionalExprIterator.factory(self.policy, <sepol.cond_expr_t *>self.handle.expr)
     def false_rules(self):
         """An iterator over the rules in the false (else) block of the conditional."""
-        cdef qpol_iterator_t *av_iter
-        cdef qpol_iterator_t *te_iter
-        cdef uint32_t av_rule_types = QPOL_RULE_ALLOW | QPOL_RULE_AUDITALLOW | QPOL_RULE_DONTAUDIT \
-        cdef uint32_t te_rule_types = QPOL_RULE_TYPE_TRANS | QPOL_RULE_TYPE_CHANGE | QPOL_RULE_TYPE_MEMBER
-        if qpol_cond_get_av_false_iter(self.policy.handle, self.handle, av_rule_types, &av_iter):
-            raise MemoryError
-        if qpol_cond_get_te_false_iter(self.policy.handle, self.handle, te_rule_types, &te_iter):
-            raise MemoryError
-        return chain(qpol_iterator_factory(self.policy, av_iter, avrule_factory_iter),
-                     qpol_iterator_factory(self.policy, te_iter, terule_factory_iter))
+        pass
     def statement(self):
         raise NoStatement
     def true_rules(self):
         """An iterator over the rules in the true block of the conditional."""
-        cdef qpol_iterator_t *av_iter
-        cdef qpol_iterator_t *te_iter
-        cdef uint32_t av_rule_types = QPOL_RULE_ALLOW | QPOL_RULE_AUDITALLOW | QPOL_RULE_DONTAUDIT \
-        cdef uint32_t te_rule_types = QPOL_RULE_TYPE_TRANS | QPOL_RULE_TYPE_CHANGE | QPOL_RULE_TYPE_MEMBER
-        if qpol_cond_get_av_true_iter(self.policy.handle, self.handle, av_rule_types, &av_iter):
-            raise MemoryError
-        if qpol_cond_get_te_true_iter(self.policy.handle, self.handle, te_rule_types, &te_iter):
-            raise MemoryError
-        return chain(qpol_iterator_factory(self.policy, av_iter, avrule_factory_iter),
-                     qpol_iterator_factory(self.policy, te_iter, terule_factory_iter))
+        pass
     def truth_table(self):
@@ -327,52 +248,48 @@ cdef class ConditionalOperator(PolicySymbol):
     """A conditional expression operator"""
-    cdef const qpol_cond_expr_node_t *handle
+    cdef sepol.cond_expr_t *handle
     _cond_expr_val_to_text = {
-        QPOL_COND_EXPR_NOT: "!",
-        QPOL_COND_EXPR_OR: "||",
-        QPOL_COND_EXPR_AND: "&&",
-        QPOL_COND_EXPR_XOR: "^",
-        QPOL_COND_EXPR_EQ: "==",
-        QPOL_COND_EXPR_NEQ: "!="}
+        sepol.COND_NOT: "!",
+        sepol.COND_OR: "||",
+        sepol.COND_AND: "&&",
+        sepol.COND_XOR: "^",
+        sepol.COND_EQ: "==",
+        sepol.COND_NEQ: "!="}
     _cond_expr_val_to_precedence = {
-        QPOL_COND_EXPR_NOT: 5,
-        QPOL_COND_EXPR_OR: 1,
-        QPOL_COND_EXPR_AND: 3,
-        QPOL_COND_EXPR_XOR: 2,
-        QPOL_COND_EXPR_EQ: 4,
-        QPOL_COND_EXPR_NEQ: 4}
+        sepol.COND_NOT: 5,
+        sepol.COND_OR: 1,
+        sepol.COND_AND: 3,
+        sepol.COND_XOR: 2,
+        sepol.COND_EQ: 4,
+        sepol.COND_NEQ: 4}
+    @staticmethod
+    cdef factory(SELinuxPolicy policy, sepol.cond_expr_t *symbol):
+        """Factory function for conditional operators."""
+        op = ConditionalOperator()
+        op.policy = policy
+        op.handle = symbol
+        return op
     def __str__(self):
-        return self._cond_expr_val_to_text[self._type]
+        return self._cond_expr_val_to_text[self.handle.expr_type]
     def _eq(self, ConditionalOperator other):
         """Low-level equality check (C pointers)."""
         return self.handle == other.handle
-    @property
-    def _type(self):
-        """The type of operator."""
-        cdef uint32_t et
-        if qpol_cond_expr_node_get_expr_type(self.policy.handle, self.handle, &et):
-            ex = LowLevelPolicyError("Error reading conditional expression node type: {}".format(
-                                     strerror(errno)))
-            ex.errno = errno
-            raise ex
-        return et
     def precedence(self):
         """The precedence of this operator."""
-        return self._cond_expr_val_to_precedence[self._type]
+        return self._cond_expr_val_to_precedence[self.handle.expr_type]
     def unary(self):
         """T/F the operator is unary"""
-        return self._type == QPOL_COND_EXPR_NOT
+        return self.handle.expr_type == sepol.COND_NOT
@@ -394,3 +311,92 @@ cdef class BooleanHashtabIterator(HashtabIterator):
     def __next__(self):
         return Boolean.factory(self.policy, <sepol.cond_bool_datum_t *>self.curr.datum)
+cdef class ConditionalIterator(PolicyIterator):
+    """Conditionals iterator."""
+    cdef:
+        sepol.cond_node_t *head
+        sepol.cond_node_t *curr
+    @staticmethod
+    cdef factory(SELinuxPolicy policy, sepol.cond_node_t *head):
+        """Constraint iterator factory."""
+        c = ConditionalIterator()
+        c.policy = policy
+        c.head = head
+        c.reset()
+        return c
+    def __next__(self):
+        if self.curr == NULL:
+            raise StopIteration
+        item = Conditional.factory(self.policy, self.curr)
+        self.curr =
+        return item
+    def __len__(self):
+        cdef:
+            sepol.cond_node_t *curr
+            size_t count = 0
+        curr = self.head
+        while curr != NULL:
+             count += 1
+             curr =
+        return count
+    def reset(self):
+        """Reset the iterator back to the start."""
+        self.curr = self.head
+cdef class ConditionalExprIterator(PolicyIterator):
+    """Conditional expression iterator."""
+    cdef:
+        sepol.cond_expr_t *head
+        sepol.cond_expr_t *curr
+    @staticmethod
+    cdef factory(SELinuxPolicy policy, sepol.cond_expr_t *head):
+        """Conditional expression iterator factory."""
+        e = ConditionalExprIterator()
+        e.policy = policy
+        e.head = head
+        e.reset()
+        return e
+    def __next__(self):
+        if self.curr == NULL:
+            raise StopIteration
+        if self.curr.expr_type == sepol.COND_BOOL:
+            item = Boolean.factory(self.policy,
+                                   self.policy.handle.p.p.bool_val_to_struct[self.curr.bool - 1])
+        else:
+            item = ConditionalOperator.factory(self.policy, self.curr)
+        self.curr =
+        return item
+    def __len__(self):
+        cdef:
+            sepol.cond_expr_t *curr
+            size_t count = 0
+        curr = self.head
+        while curr != NULL:
+             count += 1
+             curr =
+        return count
+    def reset(self):
+        """Reset the iterator back to the start."""
+        self.curr = self.head
diff --git a/setools/policyrep/libpolicyrep.pyx b/setools/policyrep/libpolicyrep.pyx
index 5834d22..634f4a7 100644
--- a/setools/policyrep/libpolicyrep.pyx
+++ b/setools/policyrep/libpolicyrep.pyx
@@ -116,24 +116,6 @@ cdef extern from "include/qpol/cond_query.h":
     ctypedef struct qpol_cond_expr_node_t:
-    cdef int QPOL_COND_RULE_LIST
-    int qpol_policy_get_cond_iter(const qpol_policy_t * policy, qpol_iterator_t ** iter)
-    int qpol_cond_get_expr_node_iter(const qpol_policy_t * policy, const qpol_cond_t * cond, qpol_iterator_t ** iter)
-    int qpol_cond_get_av_true_iter(const qpol_policy_t * policy, const qpol_cond_t * cond, uint32_t rule_type_mask, qpol_iterator_t ** iter)
-    int qpol_cond_get_te_true_iter(const qpol_policy_t * policy, const qpol_cond_t * cond, uint32_t rule_type_mask, qpol_iterator_t ** iter)
-    int qpol_cond_get_av_false_iter(const qpol_policy_t * policy, const qpol_cond_t * cond, uint32_t rule_type_mask, qpol_iterator_t ** iter)
-    int qpol_cond_get_te_false_iter(const qpol_policy_t * policy, const qpol_cond_t * cond, uint32_t rule_type_mask, qpol_iterator_t ** iter)
-    int qpol_cond_eval(const qpol_policy_t * policy, const qpol_cond_t * cond, uint32_t * is_true)
-    cdef int QPOL_COND_EXPR_BOOL
-    cdef int QPOL_COND_EXPR_NOT
-    cdef int QPOL_COND_EXPR_OR
-    cdef int QPOL_COND_EXPR_AND
-    cdef int QPOL_COND_EXPR_XOR
-    cdef int QPOL_COND_EXPR_EQ
-    cdef int QPOL_COND_EXPR_NEQ
-    int qpol_cond_expr_node_get_expr_type(const qpol_policy_t * policy, const qpol_cond_expr_node_t * node, uint32_t * expr_type)
-    int qpol_cond_expr_node_get_bool(const qpol_policy_t * policy, const qpol_cond_expr_node_t * node, qpol_bool_t ** cond_bool)
 cdef extern from "include/qpol/constraint_query.h":
     ctypedef struct qpol_constraint_t:
diff --git a/setools/policyrep/selinuxpolicy.pxi b/setools/policyrep/selinuxpolicy.pxi
index 9433261..39b2abb 100644
--- a/setools/policyrep/selinuxpolicy.pxi
+++ b/setools/policyrep/selinuxpolicy.pxi
@@ -589,11 +589,7 @@ cdef class SELinuxPolicy:
     def conditionals(self):
         """Iterator over all conditional rule blocks."""
-        cdef qpol_iterator_t *iter
-        if qpol_policy_get_cond_iter(self.handle, &iter):
-            raise MemoryError
-        return qpol_iterator_factory(self, iter, conditional_factory_iter)
+        return ConditionalIterator.factory(self, self.handle.p.p.cond_list)
     def mlsrules(self):
         """Iterator over all MLS rules."""
diff --git a/setools/policyrep/terule.pxi b/setools/policyrep/terule.pxi
index bf59255..8763a25 100644
--- a/setools/policyrep/terule.pxi
+++ b/setools/policyrep/terule.pxi
@@ -274,7 +274,7 @@ cdef class AVRule(PolicyRule):
             raise ex
         if c:
-            return conditional_factory(self.policy, c)
+            return Conditional.factory(self.policy, <sepol.cond_node_t *>c)
             raise RuleNotConditional
@@ -567,7 +567,7 @@ cdef class TERule(PolicyRule):
             raise ex
         if c:
-            return conditional_factory(self.policy, c)
+            return Conditional.factory(self.policy, <sepol.cond_node_t *>c)
             raise RuleNotConditional
diff --git a/ b/
index 4ba49f8..f6bbbb9 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -67,7 +67,6 @@ else:
 ext_py_mods = [Extension('setools.policyrep.libpolicyrep',
-                          'libqpol/cond_query.c',