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synced 2025-03-25 04:26:28 +00:00
policyrep: Refactor MLS classes to load most attributes on construction.
Category sets and aliases deferred still, to prevent too much construction up-front. However, the results are saved, rather than lost.
This commit is contained in:
@ -47,28 +47,34 @@ cdef class Category(PolicySymbol):
"""An MLS category."""
cdef sepol.cat_datum_t *handle
sepol.cat_datum_t *handle
readonly str name
readonly uint32_t _value
list _aliases
cdef factory(SELinuxPolicy policy, sepol.cat_datum_t *symbol):
cdef inline Category factory(SELinuxPolicy policy, sepol.cat_datum_t *symbol):
"""Factory function for creating Category objects."""
cdef Category c
if not policy.mls:
raise MLSDisabled
return _cat_cache[<uintptr_t>symbol]
except KeyError:
c = Category()
c = Category.__new__(Category)
c.policy = policy
c.handle = symbol
c.name = policy.category_value_to_name(symbol.s.value - 1)
c._value = symbol.s.value
_cat_cache[<uintptr_t>symbol] = c
return c
def __str__(self):
return self.policy.category_value_to_name(self.handle.s.value - 1)
return self.name
def __hash__(self):
return hash(str(self))
return hash(self.name)
def __lt__(self, other):
# Comparison based on their index instead of their names.
@ -78,27 +84,29 @@ cdef class Category(PolicySymbol):
"""Low-level equality check (C pointers)."""
return self.handle == other.handle
def _value(self):
The value of the category.
This is a low-level policy detail exposed for internal use only.
return self.handle.s.value
cdef inline void _load_aliases(self):
"""Helper method to load aliases."""
if self._aliases is None:
self._aliases = list(self.policy.category_aliases(self))
def aliases(self):
"""Generator that yields all aliases for this category."""
return self.policy.category_aliases(self)
def statement(self):
aliases = list(self.aliases())
stmt = "category {0}".format(self)
if aliases:
if len(aliases) > 1:
stmt += " alias {{ {0} }}".format(' '.join(aliases))
stmt += " alias {0}".format(aliases[0])
str stmt
size_t count
count = len(self._aliases)
stmt = "category {0}".format(self.name)
if count > 1:
stmt += " alias {{ {0} }}".format(' '.join(self._aliases))
elif count == 1:
stmt += " alias {0}".format(self._aliases[0])
stmt += ";"
return stmt
@ -107,28 +115,36 @@ cdef class Sensitivity(PolicySymbol):
"""An MLS sensitivity"""
cdef sepol.level_datum_t *handle
sepol.level_datum_t *handle
readonly str name
readonly uint32_t _value
list _aliases
LevelDecl _leveldecl
cdef factory(SELinuxPolicy policy, sepol.level_datum_t *symbol):
cdef inline Sensitivity factory(SELinuxPolicy policy, sepol.level_datum_t *symbol):
"""Factory function for creating Sensitivity objects."""
cdef Sensitivity s
if not policy.mls:
raise MLSDisabled
return _sens_cache[<uintptr_t>symbol]
except KeyError:
s = Sensitivity()
s = Sensitivity.__new__(Sensitivity)
_sens_cache[<uintptr_t>symbol] = s
s.policy = policy
s.handle = symbol
_sens_cache[<uintptr_t>symbol] = s
s.name = policy.level_value_to_name(symbol.level.sens - 1)
s._value = symbol.level.sens
return s
def __str__(self):
return self.policy.level_value_to_name(self.handle.level.sens - 1)
return self.name
def __hash__(self):
return hash(str(self))
return hash(self.name)
def __ge__(self, other):
return self._value >= other._value
@ -146,31 +162,36 @@ cdef class Sensitivity(PolicySymbol):
"""Low-level equality check (C pointers)."""
return self.handle == other.handle
def _value(self):
The value of the component.
This is a low-level policy detail exposed for internal use only.
return self.handle.level.sens
cdef inline void _load_aliases(self):
"""Helper method to load aliases."""
if self._aliases is None:
self._aliases = list(self.policy.sensitivity_aliases(self))
def aliases(self):
"""Generator that yields all aliases for this sensitivity."""
return self.policy.sensitivity_aliases(self)
return iter(self._aliases)
def level_decl(self):
"""Get the level declaration corresponding to this sensitivity."""
return LevelDecl.factory(self.policy, self.handle)
if self._leveldecl is None:
self._leveldecl = LevelDecl.factory(self.policy, self.handle)
return self._leveldecl
def statement(self):
aliases = list(self.aliases())
stmt = "sensitivity {0}".format(self)
if aliases:
if len(aliases) > 1:
stmt += " alias {{ {0} }}".format(' '.join(aliases))
stmt += " alias {0}".format(aliases[0])
str stmt
size_t count
count = len(self._aliases)
stmt = "sensitivity {0}".format(self.name)
if count > 1:
stmt += " alias {{ {0} }}".format(' '.join(self._aliases))
elif count == 1:
stmt += " alias {0}".format(self._aliases[0])
stmt += ";"
return stmt
@ -179,11 +200,15 @@ cdef class BaseMLSLevel(PolicySymbol):
"""Base class for MLS levels."""
set _categories
readonly Sensitivity sensitivity
def __str__(self):
lvl = str(self.sensitivity)
# sort by policy declaration order
cats = sorted(self.categories(), key=lambda k: k._value)
cats = sorted(self._categories, key=lambda k: k._value)
if cats:
# generate short category notation
@ -206,11 +231,7 @@ cdef class BaseMLSLevel(PolicySymbol):
All categories are yielded, not a compact notation such as
raise NotImplementedError
def sensitivity(self):
raise NotImplementedError
return iter(self._categories)
cdef class LevelDecl(BaseMLSLevel):
@ -221,21 +242,22 @@ cdef class LevelDecl(BaseMLSLevel):
level s7:c0.c1023;
cdef sepol.level_datum_t *handle
cdef factory(SELinuxPolicy policy, sepol.level_datum_t *symbol):
cdef inline LevelDecl factory(SELinuxPolicy policy, sepol.level_datum_t *symbol):
"""Factory function for creating LevelDecl objects."""
cdef LevelDecl l
if not policy.mls:
raise MLSDisabled
return _leveldecl_cache[<uintptr_t>symbol]
except KeyError:
l = LevelDecl()
l.policy = policy
l.handle = symbol
l = LevelDecl.__new__(LevelDecl)
_leveldecl_cache[<uintptr_t>symbol] = l
l.policy = policy
l._categories = set(CategoryEbitmapIterator.factory(policy, &symbol.level.cat))
# the datum for levels is also used for Sensitivity objects
l.sensitivity = Sensitivity.factory(policy, symbol)
return l
def __hash__(self):
@ -271,25 +293,6 @@ cdef class LevelDecl(BaseMLSLevel):
assert not isinstance(other, Level), "Levels cannot be compared to level declarations"
return self.sensitivity < other.sensitivity
def _eq(self, LevelDecl other):
"""Low-level equality check (C pointers)."""
return self.handle == other.handle
def categories(self):
Generator that yields all individual categories for this level.
All categories are yielded, not a compact notation such as
return CategoryEbitmapIterator.factory(self.policy, &self.handle.level.cat)
def sensitivity(self):
"""The sensitivity of the level."""
# since the datum for levels is also used for
# Sensitivity objects, use self's datum
return Sensitivity.factory(self.policy, self.handle)
def statement(self):
return "level {0};".format(self)
@ -303,39 +306,43 @@ cdef class Level(BaseMLSLevel):
if the level is user-generated.
sepol.mls_level_t *handle
list _categories
Sensitivity _sensitivity
cdef factory(SELinuxPolicy policy, sepol.mls_level_t *symbol):
cdef inline Level factory(SELinuxPolicy policy, sepol.mls_level_t *symbol):
"""Factory function for creating Level objects."""
if not policy.mls:
raise MLSDisabled
l = Level()
cdef Level l = Level.__new__(Level)
l.policy = policy
l.handle = symbol
l.sensitivity = Sensitivity.factory(policy, policy.level_value_to_datum(symbol.sens - 1))
l._categories = set(CategoryEbitmapIterator.factory(policy, &symbol.cat))
return l
cdef factory_from_string(SELinuxPolicy policy, str name):
cdef inline Level factory_from_string(SELinuxPolicy policy, str name):
"""Factory function variant for constructing Level objects by a string."""
if not policy.mls:
raise MLSDisabled
sens_split = name.split(":")
sens = sens_split[0]
Level l = Level.__new__(Level)
list sens_split = name.split(":")
str sens = sens_split[0]
Sensitivity s
list c
str cats
list catrange
str group
l.policy = policy
s = policy.lookup_sensitivity(sens)
l.sensitivity = policy.lookup_sensitivity(sens)
except InvalidSensitivity as ex:
raise InvalidLevel("{0} is not a valid level ({1} is not a valid sensitivity)". \
format(name, sens)) from ex
c = []
l._categories = set()
cats = sens_split[1]
@ -346,9 +353,9 @@ cdef class Level(BaseMLSLevel):
catrange = group.split(".")
if len(catrange) == 2:
except InvalidCategory as ex:
raise InvalidLevel(
"{0} is not a valid level ({1} is not a valid category range)".
@ -356,7 +363,7 @@ cdef class Level(BaseMLSLevel):
elif len(catrange) == 1:
except InvalidCategory as ex:
raise InvalidLevel("{0} is not a valid level ({1} is not a valid category)".
format(name, group)) from ex
@ -364,15 +371,8 @@ cdef class Level(BaseMLSLevel):
raise InvalidLevel("{0} is not a valid level (level parsing error)".format(name))
# build object
l = Level()
l.policy = policy
l.handle = NULL
l._sensitivity = s
l._categories = c
# verify level is valid
if not l <= s.level_decl():
if not l <= l.sensitivity.level_decl():
raise InvalidLevel(
"{0} is not a valid level (one or more categories are not associated with the "
@ -388,61 +388,32 @@ cdef class Level(BaseMLSLevel):
except AttributeError:
return str(self) == str(other)
selfcats = set(self.categories())
return self.sensitivity == other.sensitivity and selfcats == othercats
return self.sensitivity == other.sensitivity and self._categories == othercats
def __ge__(self, other):
# Dom operator
selfcats = set(self.categories())
othercats = set(other.categories())
return self.sensitivity >= other.sensitivity and selfcats >= othercats
return self.sensitivity >= other.sensitivity and self._categories >= othercats
def __gt__(self, other):
selfcats = set(self.categories())
othercats = set(other.categories())
return ((self.sensitivity > other.sensitivity and selfcats >= othercats) or
(self.sensitivity >= other.sensitivity and selfcats > othercats))
return ((self.sensitivity > other.sensitivity and self._categories >= othercats) or
(self.sensitivity >= other.sensitivity and self._categories > othercats))
def __le__(self, other):
# Domby operator
selfcats = set(self.categories())
othercats = set(other.categories())
return self.sensitivity <= other.sensitivity and selfcats <= othercats
return self.sensitivity <= other.sensitivity and self._categories <= othercats
def __lt__(self, other):
selfcats = set(self.categories())
othercats = set(other.categories())
return ((self.sensitivity < other.sensitivity and selfcats <= othercats) or
(self.sensitivity <= other.sensitivity and selfcats < othercats))
return ((self.sensitivity < other.sensitivity and self._categories <= othercats) or
(self.sensitivity <= other.sensitivity and self._categories < othercats))
def __xor__(self, other):
# Incomp operator
return not (self >= other or self <= other)
def _eq(self, Level other):
"""Low-level equality check (C pointers)."""
return self.handle == other.handle
def categories(self):
Generator that yields all individual categories for this level.
All categories are yielded, not a compact notation such as
if self.handle == NULL:
return iter(self._categories)
return CategoryEbitmapIterator.factory(self.policy, &self.handle.cat)
def sensitivity(self):
"""The sensitivity of the level."""
if self.handle == NULL:
return self._sensitivity
return Sensitivity.factory(self.policy,
self.policy.level_value_to_datum(self.handle.sens - 1))
def statement(self):
raise NoStatement
@ -452,63 +423,58 @@ cdef class Range(PolicySymbol):
"""An MLS range"""
sepol.mls_range_t *handle
Level _low
Level _high
readonly Level low
readonly Level high
cdef factory(SELinuxPolicy policy, sepol.mls_range_t *symbol):
cdef inline Range factory(SELinuxPolicy policy, sepol.mls_range_t *symbol):
"""Factory function for creating Range objects."""
if not policy.mls:
raise MLSDisabled
r = Range()
cdef Range r = Range.__new__(Range)
r.policy = policy
r.handle = symbol
r.low = Level.factory(policy, &symbol.level[0])
r.high = Level.factory(policy, &symbol.level[1])
return r
cdef factory_from_string(SELinuxPolicy policy, str name):
cdef inline Range factory_from_string(SELinuxPolicy policy, str name):
"""Factory function variant for constructing Range objects by name."""
if not policy.mls:
raise MLSDisabled
cdef Range r = Range.__new__(Range)
r.policy = policy
# build range:
levels = name.split("-")
cdef list levels = name.split("-")
# strip() levels to handle ranges with spaces in them,
# e.g. s0:c1 - s0:c0.c255
low = Level.factory_from_string(policy, levels[0].strip())
r.low = Level.factory_from_string(policy, levels[0].strip())
except InvalidLevel as ex:
raise InvalidRange("{0} is not a valid range ({1}).".format(name, ex)) from ex
high = Level.factory_from_string(policy, levels[1].strip())
r.high = Level.factory_from_string(policy, levels[1].strip())
except InvalidLevel as ex:
raise InvalidRange("{0} is not a valid range ({1}).".format(name, ex)) from ex
except IndexError:
high = low
r.high = r.low
# verify high level dominates low range
if not high >= low:
raise InvalidRange("{0} is not a valid range ({1} is not dominated by {2})".
format(name, low, high))
r = Range()
r.policy = policy
r.handle = NULL
r._low = low
r._high = high
if not r.high >= r.low:
raise InvalidRange("{0} is not a valid range ({1.low} is not dominated by {1.high})".
format(name, r))
return r
def __str__(self):
high = self.high
low = self.low
if high == low:
return str(low)
if self.high == self.low:
return str(self.low)
return "{0} - {1}".format(low, high)
return "{0.low} - {0.high}".format(self)
def __hash__(self):
return hash(str(self))
@ -527,26 +493,6 @@ cdef class Range(PolicySymbol):
def __contains__(self, other):
return self.low <= other <= self.high
def _eq(self, Range other):
"""Low-level equality check (C pointers)."""
return self.handle == other.handle
def high(self):
"""The high end/clearance level of this range."""
if self.handle == NULL:
return self._high
return Level.factory(self.policy, &self.handle.level[1])
def low(self):
"""The low end/current level of this range."""
if self.handle == NULL:
return self._low
return Level.factory(self.policy, &self.handle.level[0])
def statement(self):
raise NoStatement
Reference in New Issue
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