Determine the differences between two SELinux policies.
\fBsediff\fR supports loading SELinux policies in one of two formats.
A single text file containing a monolithic policy source. This file is usually named policy.conf.
A single file containing a binary policy. This file is usually named by version on Linux systems, for example, \fIpolicy.30\fR. This file is usually named \fIsepolicy\fR on Android systems.
Policies do not need to be the same format. If not provided, \fBsediff\fR will print an error message and exit.
The user may specify an expression listing the policy elements to differentiate.
If not provided, all supported policy elements are examined.
Find differences in common permission sets.
.IP"-c, --class"
Find differences in object classes.
.IP"-t, --type"
Find differences in attributes associated with types.
.IP"-a, --attribute"
Find differences in types assigned to attributes.
.IP"-r, --role"
Find differences in types authorized for roles.
.IP"-u, --user"
Find differences in roles authorized for users.
.IP"-b, --bool"
Find differences in the default values of booleans.