
876 lines
35 KiB

package me.rigamortis.seppuku.api.util.shader;
import me.rigamortis.seppuku.Seppuku;
import me.rigamortis.seppuku.api.value.Value;
import net.minecraft.client.renderer.GlStateManager;
import net.minecraft.client.renderer.OpenGlHelper;
import org.json.simple.JSONArray;
import org.json.simple.JSONObject;
import org.json.simple.parser.JSONParser;
import org.json.simple.parser.ParseException;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.nio.FloatBuffer;
import java.nio.IntBuffer;
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import static org.lwjgl.opengl.GL11.glGetInteger;
import static org.lwjgl.opengl.GL13.GL_TEXTURE3;
import static org.lwjgl.opengl.GL20.*;
public class ShaderProgram {
public static final String TEXTURE_UNIFORM = "texture";
public static final String LIGHTMAP_UNIFORM = "lightmap";
public static final String ANIMATE_UNIFORM = "animate";
public static final String DEPTH_UNIFORM = "depth";
public static final String DEPTHDIMS_UNIFORM = "depthdims";
public static final String ENTITYBRIGHTNESS_UNIFORM = "entitybrightness";
private static int depthTextureCounter = 0;
private static int programBeforeGrab = 0;
private static final LinkedList<ShaderProgram> programStack = new LinkedList();
public static final File shadersFsDir;
public static final String SHADER_FS_PATH = "Seppuku/Shaders/";
public static final String SHADER_RES_PATH = "/assets/seppukumod/shaders/";
public static final String SHADER_RES_PATH_FORMATTED = "resource://" + SHADER_RES_PATH;
static {
// make shaders directory if needed
shadersFsDir = new File(SHADER_FS_PATH);
if (!shadersFsDir.exists()) {
private final Map<String, Integer> files = new HashMap<String, Integer>();
private boolean boundDepth = false;
private boolean triedCompiling = false;
private boolean valid = false;
private int program = 0;
private String name;
// user uniforms. these are configurable by the user and are set when the
// program is used
public final Map<String, Value> userUniforms = new HashMap<String, Value>();
// cache uniform locations to minimise number of glGetUniformLocation calls
private final Map<String, Integer> locations = new HashMap<String, Integer>();
// if you are nesting shaders and you want to update the uniform of a shader
// not currently in use, it will be queued in one of these depending on the
// type of uniform
private final Map<Integer, UniformUtil.UValue> uniformQueue = new HashMap();
public ShaderProgram(String name) { = name;
private static RuntimeException jsonException(String message) {
return new RuntimeException("Invalid shader program JSON: " + message);
private static RuntimeException jsonTypeException(String subject, String targetType, Object obj) {
String objType;
if (obj == null) {
objType = "null";
} else {
objType = obj.getClass().getSimpleName();
return jsonException(subject + " must be " + targetType + " (is " + objType + ")");
public static ShaderProgram loadFromJSON(String filename) throws IOException, ParseException {
try (BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(getInputStream(filename), StandardCharsets.UTF_8))) {
final JSONParser parser = new JSONParser();
final Object objRaw = parser.parse(reader);
if (!(objRaw instanceof JSONObject)) {
throw jsonTypeException("JSON root value", "a JSON object", objRaw);
final JSONObject obj = (JSONObject) objRaw;
// parse shader program name or default to its filename
ShaderProgram shader;
final Object name = obj.get("name");
if (name == null) {
shader = new ShaderProgram(filename);
} else if (name instanceof String) {
shader = new ShaderProgram((String) name);
} else {
throw jsonTypeException("name property", "a string or missing", name);
// parse shader file list
final Object files = obj.get("files");
if (files == null) {
throw jsonException("files array missing");
} else if (files instanceof JSONArray) {
for (final Object file : (JSONArray) files) {
if (file instanceof String) {
shader.addShaderFile((String) file);
} else {
throw jsonTypeException("a member of the files array", "a string", file);
} else {
throw jsonTypeException("files property", "an array", files);
// parse shader user uniform list (these will be shown in the
// uniforms hud component). this code looks like a turd, but thats
// sanitisation for you
final Object uniforms = obj.get("uniforms");
if (uniforms instanceof JSONObject) {
for (HashMap.Entry<String, Object> entry : ((HashMap<String, Object>) uniforms).entrySet()) {
final String uniform = entry.getKey();
if (isUniformReserved(uniform)) {
throw jsonException("the uniform name '" + uniform + "' is reserved");
// get uniform object
final Object uniformObjRaw = entry.getValue();
if (!(uniformObjRaw instanceof JSONObject)) {
throw jsonTypeException("a uniform entry", "JSON object", uniformObjRaw);
final JSONObject uniformObj = (JSONObject) uniformObjRaw;
// get display name
String uName;
final Object displayName = uniformObj.get("displayname");
if (displayName instanceof String) {
uName = (String) displayName;
} else if (displayName == null) {
uName = uniform;
} else {
throw jsonTypeException("uniform display name", "a string or missing", displayName);
// get aliases
String[] uAlias;
final Object aliases = uniformObj.get("alias");
if (aliases instanceof JSONArray) {
for (final Object alias : (JSONArray) aliases) {
if (!(alias instanceof String)) {
throw jsonTypeException("a member of the uniform alias array", "a string", alias);
uAlias = ((ArrayList<String>) aliases).toArray(new String[((ArrayList<String>) aliases).size()]);
} else if (aliases == null) {
uAlias = new String[]{uniform};
} else {
throw jsonTypeException("uniform alias", "an array of strings or missing", aliases);
// get description
String uDesc;
final Object description = uniformObj.get("description");
if (description instanceof String) {
uDesc = (String) description;
} else if (description == null) {
uDesc = null;
} else {
throw jsonTypeException("uniform description", "a string or missing", description);
// get default, min, max and increment value
Object uDefault = uniformObj.get("default");
final Object uMin = uniformObj.get("min");
final Object uMax = uniformObj.get("max");
Object uIncrements = uniformObj.get("increments");
// get type
final Object uType = uniformObj.get("type");
if (!(uType instanceof String)) {
if (uType == null) {
throw jsonException("uniform type missing");
} else {
throw jsonTypeException("uniform type", "a string", uType);
// make value object that can be used in the ui
Value finalValue;
switch ((String) uType) {
case "int":
case "float":
if (uDefault == null) {
uDefault = uMin;
if (uIncrements == null) {
uIncrements = new Long(0);
if (!(uMin instanceof Number)) {
throw jsonTypeException("uniform min value type mismatched;", "a number", uMin);
} else if (!(uMax instanceof Number)) {
throw jsonTypeException("uniform max value type mismatched;", "a number", uMax);
} else if (!(uIncrements instanceof Number)) {
throw jsonTypeException("uniform increments value type mismatched;", "a number or missing", uIncrements);
} else if (!(uDefault instanceof Number)) {
throw jsonTypeException("uniform default value type mismatched;", "a number or missing", uDefault);
if (((String) uType).equals("int")) {
// check that numbers are whole
// XXX org.json.simple stores whole numbers as Long (at least it seemed so in testing, if not, my bad -rafern)
if (!(uMin instanceof Long)) {
throw jsonException("uniform min value is an integer and must therefore be whole");
} else if (!(uMax instanceof Long)) {
throw jsonException("uniform max value is an integer and must therefore be whole");
} else if (!(uIncrements instanceof Long)) {
throw jsonException("uniform increments value is an integer and must therefore be whole");
} else if (!(uDefault instanceof Long)) {
throw jsonException("uniform default value is an integer and must therefore be whole");
if (((Number) uMin).intValue() > ((Number) uMax).intValue()) {
throw jsonException("uniform min must not be greater than max");
finalValue = new Value<Integer>(uName, uAlias, uDesc, ((Number) uDefault).intValue(), ((Number) uMin).intValue(), ((Number) uMax).intValue(), ((Number) uIncrements).intValue());
} else {
if (((Number) uMin).floatValue() > ((Number) uMax).floatValue()) {
throw jsonException("uniform min must not be greater than max");
finalValue = new Value<Float>(uName, uAlias, uDesc, ((Number) uDefault).floatValue(), ((Number) uMin).floatValue(), ((Number) uMax).floatValue(), ((Number) uIncrements).floatValue());
case "bool":
if (uMin != null) {
throw jsonException("boolean uniforms must not have a minimum value");
} else if (uMax != null) {
throw jsonException("boolean uniforms must not have a maximum value");
} else if (uIncrements != null) {
throw jsonException("boolean uniforms must not have increments");
} else if (uDefault == null) {
uDefault = new Boolean(false);
} else if (!(uDefault instanceof Boolean)) {
throw jsonTypeException("uniform default value type mismatched;", "a boolean or missing", uDefault);
finalValue = new Value<Boolean>(uName, uAlias, uDesc, (Boolean) uDefault);
throw jsonException("unsupported uniform type '" + uType + "'");
shader.addUserUniform(uniform, finalValue);
} else if (uniforms != null) {
throw jsonTypeException("uniforms property", "an object or missing", uniforms);
return shader;
public static ShaderProgram loadFromJSONNoThrow(String filename) {
try {
return loadFromJSON(filename);
} catch (Exception e) {
Seppuku.INSTANCE.getLogger().log(Level.WARNING, "Failed to load shader program from json (see stack trace)");
return null;
protected static InputStream getInputStream(String filename) throws IOException {
// if filename starts with resource:// read as resource path, else, read
// from shaders folder. although this may seem overkill, this is good
// for having default shaders since they have to be included as resource
// files. if theres another way, its too late now
if (filename.startsWith("resource://")) {
final String resourcePath = filename.substring(11);
final InputStream is = ShaderProgram.class.getResourceAsStream(resourcePath);
if (is == null) {
throw new IOException("Resource not found: " + resourcePath);
return is;
} else {
return new FileInputStream(new File(shadersFsDir, filename));
public static Iterator<ShaderProgram> getProgramsInUse() {
return programStack.iterator();
public static boolean isUniformReserved(String name) {
switch (name) {
return true;
return false;
protected int attachShaderFile(String filename, int shaderType) throws IOException {
int shader = this.compileShaderFile(filename, shaderType);
OpenGlHelper.glAttachShader(this.program, shader);
return shader;
public boolean make() {
if (this.triedCompiling) {
return this.valid;
this.triedCompiling = true;
final List<Integer> shaders = new ArrayList<Integer>();
try {
if (!OpenGlHelper.shadersSupported) {
throw new RuntimeException("Shaders not supported; You need at least OpenGL 2.1 or ARB shader extension support");
this.program = OpenGlHelper.glCreateProgram();
if (this.program == 0) {
throw new RuntimeException("glCreateProgram returned 0. This should never happen");
boolean hasVertex = false;
boolean hasFragment = false;
for (Map.Entry<String, Integer> entry : files.entrySet()) {
int shaderType = entry.getValue();
if (shaderType == OpenGlHelper.GL_VERTEX_SHADER) {
hasVertex = true;
} else if (shaderType == OpenGlHelper.GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER) {
hasFragment = true;
shaders.add(this.attachShaderFile(entry.getKey(), shaderType));
// add default vertex/fragment shader if none added since some video
// cards fail when you try to use a program without at least one of
// either
if (!hasVertex) {
shaders.add(this.attachShaderFile("resource:///assets/seppukumod/shaders/default.vert", GL_VERTEX_SHADER));
if (!hasFragment) {
shaders.add(this.attachShaderFile("resource:///assets/seppukumod/shaders/func_applyColor_default.frag", GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER));
shaders.add(this.attachShaderFile("resource:///assets/seppukumod/shaders/func_applyTexture_default.frag", GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER));
shaders.add(this.attachShaderFile("resource:///assets/seppukumod/shaders/func_applyLighting_default.frag", GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER));
shaders.add(this.attachShaderFile("resource:///assets/seppukumod/shaders/func_applyShading_default.frag", GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER));
shaders.add(this.attachShaderFile("resource:///assets/seppukumod/shaders/default.frag", GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER));
if (OpenGlHelper.glGetProgrami(this.program, OpenGlHelper.GL_LINK_STATUS) == 0) {
throw new RuntimeException("Error occurred while linking shader program: " + OpenGlHelper.glGetProgramInfoLog(this.program, 32768));
} catch (Exception e) {
if (this.program != 0) {
this.program = 0;
Seppuku.INSTANCE.getLogger().log(Level.WARNING, "Failed to make shader program '" + + "' (see stack trace)");
return false;
} finally {
// program already linked, don't need shader objects anymore
for (Integer shader : shaders) {
this.valid = true;
return true;
public void destroy() {
if (this.valid) {
// release all, delete and invalidate program
while (this.release(true)) ;
this.program = 0;
this.valid = false;
// clear all caches
// set this flag to make sure the program can't be made again
this.triedCompiling = true;
// make sure the user knows this shader program has been destroyed += " (destroyed)";
public boolean use(boolean setDefaultUniforms) {
if (this.make()) {
if (programStack.isEmpty()) {
programBeforeGrab = glGetInteger(GL_CURRENT_PROGRAM);
if (setDefaultUniforms) {
this.setEntityBrightnessUniform(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
for (Map.Entry<String, Value> entry : this.userUniforms.entrySet()) {
final String uniformName = entry.getKey();
final Object val = entry.getValue().getValue();
if (val instanceof Integer) {
this.setUniform(uniformName, (Integer) val);
} else if (val instanceof Float) {
this.setUniform(uniformName, (Float) val);
} else if (val instanceof Boolean) {
this.setUniform(uniformName, (Boolean) val);
return true;
return false;
public boolean use() {
return this.use(true);
private boolean release(boolean noThrow) {
if (this.valid) {
int stackIndex = programStack.lastIndexOf(this);
if (stackIndex == -1) {
if (noThrow) {
// for .destroy() use only. if you are reading this and
// wondering how to suppress exceptions from this method,
// then you are doing something wrong. its fine to call
// release even if the program is not valid though, since
// that can be the user's fault (i.e., they made a shader
// that fails to compile) or the shader may have been
// destroyed (i.e., a reload occurred)
return false;
} else {
throw new RuntimeException("ShaderProgram.release called but the program is not in the program stack; there's a bug somewhere, report this. Make sure to only call release once after calling use");
if (programStack.isEmpty()) {
} else if (programStack.size() == stackIndex) {
ShaderProgram newProgram = programStack.peekLast();
return true;
} else {
return false;
public void release() {
public int getUniformLocation(String name) {
if (!this.make()) {
return -1;
final Integer cached = locations.get(name);
if (cached == null) {
int fetched = OpenGlHelper.glGetUniformLocation(this.program, name);
locations.put(name, new Integer(fetched));
return fetched;
} else {
return (int) cached;
public void flushUniformQueue() {
if (this.make()) {
for (Map.Entry<Integer, UniformUtil.UValue> entry : this.uniformQueue.entrySet()) {
entry.getValue().set((int) entry.getKey());
private boolean uniformNeedsQueue() {
return programStack.isEmpty() || programStack.peekLast() != this;
// huge number of convenience methods that mostly just map to UniformUtil
public void setUniform(int location, float v0) {
if (location == -1 || !this.make()) {
} else if (this.uniformNeedsQueue()) {
this.uniformQueue.put(location, UniformUtil.wrap(v0));
} else {
UniformUtil.set(location, v0);
public void setUniform(int location, float v0, float v1) {
if (location == -1 || !this.make()) {
} else if (this.uniformNeedsQueue()) {
this.uniformQueue.put(location, UniformUtil.wrap(v0, v1));
} else {
UniformUtil.set(location, v0, v1);
public void setUniform(int location, float v0, float v1, float v2) {
if (location == -1 || !this.make()) {
} else if (this.uniformNeedsQueue()) {
this.uniformQueue.put(location, UniformUtil.wrap(v0, v1, v2));
} else {
UniformUtil.set(location, v0, v1, v2);
public void setUniform(int location, float v0, float v1, float v2, float v3) {
if (location == -1 || !this.make()) {
} else if (this.uniformNeedsQueue()) {
this.uniformQueue.put(location, UniformUtil.wrap(v0, v1, v2, v3));
} else {
UniformUtil.set(location, v0, v1, v2, v3);
public void setUniform(int location, int v0) {
if (location == -1 || !this.make()) {
} else if (this.uniformNeedsQueue()) {
this.uniformQueue.put(location, UniformUtil.wrap(v0));
} else {
UniformUtil.set(location, v0);
public void setUniform(int location, int v0, int v1) {
if (location == -1 || !this.make()) {
} else if (this.uniformNeedsQueue()) {
this.uniformQueue.put(location, UniformUtil.wrap(v0, v1));
} else {
UniformUtil.set(location, v0, v1);
public void setUniform(int location, int v0, int v1, int v2) {
if (location == -1 || !this.make()) {
} else if (this.uniformNeedsQueue()) {
this.uniformQueue.put(location, UniformUtil.wrap(v0, v1, v2));
} else {
UniformUtil.set(location, v0, v1, v2);
public void setUniform(int location, int v0, int v1, int v2, int v3) {
if (location == -1 || !this.make()) {
} else if (this.uniformNeedsQueue()) {
this.uniformQueue.put(location, UniformUtil.wrap(v0, v1, v2, v3));
} else {
UniformUtil.set(location, v0, v1, v2, v3);
public void setUniform(int location, boolean v0) {
this.setUniform(location, v0 ? 1 : 0);
public void setUniform(int location, boolean v0, boolean v1) {
this.setUniform(location, v0 ? 1 : 0, v1 ? 1 : 0);
public void setUniform(int location, boolean v0, boolean v1, boolean v2) {
this.setUniform(location, v0 ? 1 : 0, v1 ? 1 : 0, v2 ? 1 : 0);
public void setUniform(int location, boolean v0, boolean v1, boolean v2, boolean v3) {
this.setUniform(location, v0 ? 1 : 0, v1 ? 1 : 0, v2 ? 1 : 0, v3 ? 1 : 0);
public void setUniform(int location, int vecSize, FloatBuffer val) {
if (location == -1 || !this.make()) {
} else if (this.uniformNeedsQueue()) {
this.uniformQueue.put(location, UniformUtil.wrap(vecSize, val));
} else {
UniformUtil.set(location, vecSize, val);
public void setUniform(int location, int vecSize, IntBuffer val) {
if (location == -1 || !this.make()) {
} else if (this.uniformNeedsQueue()) {
this.uniformQueue.put(location, UniformUtil.wrap(vecSize, val));
} else {
UniformUtil.set(location, vecSize, val);
public void setUniform(int location, int matrixSize, boolean transpose, FloatBuffer val) {
if (location == -1 || !this.make()) {
} else if (this.uniformNeedsQueue()) {
this.uniformQueue.put(location, UniformUtil.wrap(matrixSize, transpose, val));
} else {
UniformUtil.set(location, matrixSize, transpose, val);
public void setColorUniform(int location, int color) {
(float) (color >> 16 & 0xFF) * 0.003921569f,
(float) (color >> 8 & 0xFF) * 0.003921569f,
(float) (color & 0xFF) * 0.003921569f,
(float) (color >> 24 & 0xFF) * 0.003921569f
// same as before but gets uniform location from string
public void setUniform(String name, float v0) {
this.setUniform(this.getUniformLocation(name), v0);
public void setUniform(String name, float v0, float v1) {
this.setUniform(this.getUniformLocation(name), v0, v1);
public void setUniform(String name, float v0, float v1, float v2) {
this.setUniform(this.getUniformLocation(name), v0, v1, v2);
public void setUniform(String name, float v0, float v1, float v2, float v3) {
this.setUniform(this.getUniformLocation(name), v0, v1, v2, v3);
public void setUniform(String name, int v0) {
this.setUniform(this.getUniformLocation(name), v0);
public void setUniform(String name, int v0, int v1) {
this.setUniform(this.getUniformLocation(name), v0, v1);
public void setUniform(String name, int v0, int v1, int v2) {
this.setUniform(this.getUniformLocation(name), v0, v1, v2);
public void setUniform(String name, int v0, int v1, int v2, int v3) {
this.setUniform(this.getUniformLocation(name), v0, v1, v2, v3);
public void setUniform(String name, boolean v0) {
this.setUniform(this.getUniformLocation(name), v0);
public void setUniform(String name, boolean v0, boolean v1) {
this.setUniform(this.getUniformLocation(name), v0, v1);
public void setUniform(String name, boolean v0, boolean v1, boolean v2) {
this.setUniform(this.getUniformLocation(name), v0, v1, v2);
public void setUniform(String name, boolean v0, boolean v1, boolean v2, boolean v3) {
this.setUniform(this.getUniformLocation(name), v0, v1, v2, v3);
public void setUniform(String name, int vecSize, FloatBuffer val) {
this.setUniform(this.getUniformLocation(name), vecSize, val);
public void setUniform(String name, int vecSize, IntBuffer val) {
this.setUniform(this.getUniformLocation(name), vecSize, val);
public void setUniform(String name, int vecSize, boolean transpose, FloatBuffer val) {
this.setUniform(this.getUniformLocation(name), vecSize, transpose, val);
public void setColorUniform(String name, int color) {
this.setColorUniform(this.getUniformLocation(name), color);
public void setTextureUniform() {
this.setUniform(TEXTURE_UNIFORM, 0);
public void setLightmapUniform() {
this.setUniform(LIGHTMAP_UNIFORM, 1);
public void setAnimateUniform() {
// not passing time directly or it will lead to floating point precision problems where the value never changes because of how big it is
this.setUniform(ANIMATE_UNIFORM, (float) (System.currentTimeMillis() % 1000) / 1000.0f);
public void setDepthUniformAndBindTexture() {
final int depthUniform = this.getUniformLocation(DEPTH_UNIFORM);
// only get depth sample if needed by shader since this is expensive
if (depthUniform != -1 && !this.boundDepth) {
this.boundDepth = true;
if (this.depthTextureCounter == 1) {
GlStateManager.setActiveTexture(GL_TEXTURE3); // nothing special about texture 3, it's just never used (at least in vanilla)
this.setUniform(depthUniform, 3);
this.setUniform(DEPTHDIMS_UNIFORM, (float) FramebufferUtil.getWidth(), (float) FramebufferUtil.getHeight());
if (this.depthTextureCounter == 1) {
public void setEntityBrightnessUniform(float red, float green, float blue, float alpha) {
this.setUniform(ENTITYBRIGHTNESS_UNIFORM, red, green, blue, alpha);
private void unbindDepthTexture() {
if (this.boundDepth) {
this.boundDepth = false;
if (this.depthTextureCounter < 0) {
throw new RuntimeException("Too many depth texture unbinds; there's a bug somewhere, report this");
} else if (this.depthTextureCounter == 0) {
protected ByteBuffer getShaderFileContents(String filename) throws IOException {
try (InputStream is = getInputStream(filename)) {
try (ByteArrayOutputStream os = new ByteArrayOutputStream()) {
// TODO make this read chunks at a time instead of single bytes
// at a time (although this is only done once so its not really
// neccessary)
while (is.available() > 0) {
final ByteBuffer buf = ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(os.size());
buf.put(os.toByteArray(), 0, os.size());
return buf;
protected int compileShaderFile(String filename, int shaderType) throws IOException, RuntimeException {
int shader = 0;
try {
// TODO keep shader objects and reuse them if other programs require
// them to avoid compiling unneccessarily, although its probably not
// needed that much
shader = OpenGlHelper.glCreateShader(shaderType);
if (shader == 0) {
throw new RuntimeException("glCreateShader returned 0");
OpenGlHelper.glShaderSource(shader, this.getShaderFileContents(filename));
if (OpenGlHelper.glGetShaderi(shader, OpenGlHelper.GL_COMPILE_STATUS) == 0) {
throw new RuntimeException("Error occurred while compiling shader file '" + filename + "': " + OpenGlHelper.glGetShaderInfoLog(shader, 32768));
return shader;
} catch (Exception e) {
throw e;
public ShaderProgram addShaderFile(String filename, int shaderType) {
if (this.triedCompiling) {
Seppuku.INSTANCE.getLogger().log(Level.WARNING, "Already tried compiling before adding a shader file; skipped");
} else if (this.files.containsKey(filename)) {
Seppuku.INSTANCE.getLogger().log(Level.WARNING, "Already added shader file '" + filename + "'; skipped");
} else {
this.files.put(filename, shaderType);
return this;
public ShaderProgram addShaderFile(String filename) {
if (filename.endsWith(".vert")) {
return this.addVertexShaderFile(filename);
} else if (filename.endsWith(".frag")) {
return this.addFragmentShaderFile(filename);
} else {
Seppuku.INSTANCE.getLogger().log(Level.WARNING, "Unknown file extension for shader file '" + filename + "'; could not auto-detect shader type, skipped");
return this;
public ShaderProgram addVertexShaderFile(String filename) {
return this.addShaderFile(filename, OpenGlHelper.GL_VERTEX_SHADER);
public ShaderProgram addFragmentShaderFile(String filename) {
return this.addShaderFile(filename, OpenGlHelper.GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER);
public ShaderProgram addUserUniform(String name, Value value) {
if (this.userUniforms.containsKey(name)) {
Seppuku.INSTANCE.getLogger().log(Level.WARNING, "Already added user uniform '" + name + "'; skipped");
} else {
this.userUniforms.put(name, value);
return this;
public String getName() {
public int getProgram() {
return program;