package me.rigamortis.seppuku.impl.module.combat; import me.rigamortis.seppuku.Seppuku; import me.rigamortis.seppuku.api.event.player.EventUpdateWalkingPlayer; import; import me.rigamortis.seppuku.api.module.Module; import me.rigamortis.seppuku.api.task.hand.HandSwapContext; import me.rigamortis.seppuku.api.task.rotation.RotationTask; import me.rigamortis.seppuku.api.util.InventoryUtil; import me.rigamortis.seppuku.api.util.MathUtil; import me.rigamortis.seppuku.api.util.Timer; import me.rigamortis.seppuku.api.value.Value; import me.rigamortis.seppuku.impl.module.player.FreeCamModule; import net.minecraft.block.Block; import net.minecraft.block.BlockAir; import net.minecraft.block.state.IBlockState; import net.minecraft.client.Minecraft; import net.minecraft.entity.Entity; import net.minecraft.entity.EntityLivingBase; import net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayer; import net.minecraft.init.Blocks; import; import; import; import net.minecraft.util.EnumFacing; import net.minecraft.util.EnumHand; import net.minecraft.util.math.AxisAlignedBB; import net.minecraft.util.math.BlockPos; import net.minecraft.util.math.Vec3d; import team.stiff.pomelo.impl.annotated.handler.annotation.Listener; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; /** * @author noil */ public final class AutoTrapModule extends Module { public final Value range = new Value<>("Range", new String[]{"Dist"}, "The minimum range to trap", 4.5f, 0.0f, 6.0f, 0.1f); public final Value placeDelay = new Value("Delay", new String[]{"PlaceDelay", "PlaceDel"}, "The delay(ms) between obsidian blocks being placed", 0.0f, 0.0f, 500.0f, 1.0f); public final Value self = new Value("Self", new String[]{"local", "localplayer", "me"}, "Keeps yourself trapped inside with the enemy", false); public final Value selfDistance = new Value("SelfDistance", new String[]{"SelfDist", "LocalDist", "sd", "ld"}, "The distance from the target to start trapping", 2.0f, 0.0f, 6.0f, 0.1f); public final Value extended = new Value("Extended", new String[]{"extend", "e", "big"}, "Enlarges the size of the trap", true); public final Value visible = new Value("Visible", new String[]{"Visible", "v"}, "Casts a ray to the placement position, forces the placement when disabled", true); public final Value rotate = new Value<>("Rotate", new String[]{"R"}, "Rotate the player's head and body while trapping", true); public final Value swing = new Value<>("Swing", new String[]{"S"}, "Swing the player's arm while trapping", true); public final Value disable = new Value("Disable", new String[]{"dis", "autodisable", "autodis", "d"}, "Disable after trap is placed", false); public final Value sneak = new Value("PlaceOnSneak", new String[]{"sneak", "s", "pos", "sneakPlace"}, "When true, AutoTrap will only place while the player is sneaking", false); public final Value overrideTask = new Value("OverrideTask", new String[]{"ot", "otask", "override"}, "Override rotation task system and force placements", true); private final Minecraft mc = Minecraft.getMinecraft(); private final Timer placeTimer = new Timer(); private final RotationTask rotationTask = new RotationTask("AutoTrapTask", 5); public Entity currentTarget = null; private FreeCamModule freeCamModule = null; public AutoTrapModule() { super("AutoTrap", new String[]{"Trap"}, "Automatically traps nearby players", "NONE", -1, ModuleType.COMBAT); this.placeTimer.reset(); } @Override public void onDisable() { super.onDisable(); Seppuku.INSTANCE.getRotationManager().finishTask(this.rotationTask); this.currentTarget = null; } @Listener public void onWalkingUpdate(EventUpdateWalkingPlayer event) { if (mc.player == null || == null) return; if (freeCamModule != null && freeCamModule.isEnabled()) return; switch (event.getStage()) { case PRE: // ensure we have obsidian in inventory if (InventoryUtil.getBlockCount(Blocks.OBSIDIAN) <= 0) { this.currentTarget = null; if (this.rotationTask.isOnline()) { Seppuku.INSTANCE.getRotationManager().finishTask(this.rotationTask); } return; } // find a target this.currentTarget = this.findTarget(); if (this.currentTarget != null) { if (this.overrideTask.getValue()) { if (this.rotationTask.isOnline()) { Seppuku.INSTANCE.getRotationManager().finishTask(this.rotationTask); } } } break; case POST: if (this.currentTarget != null) { final Vec3d targetPos = MathUtil.interpolateEntity(this.currentTarget, mc.getRenderPartialTicks()); final BlockPos interpolatedPos = new BlockPos(targetPos.x, targetPos.y, targetPos.z); final BlockPos north = interpolatedPos.north(); final BlockPos south = interpolatedPos.south(); final BlockPos east = interpolatedPos.east(); final BlockPos west = interpolatedPos.west(); BlockPos[] surroundBlocks; if (this.extended.getValue()) { surroundBlocks = new BlockPos[]{north.down(), south.down(), east.down(), west.down(), north, south, east, west, north.up(), south.up(), east.up(), west.up(), north.up().up(), interpolatedPos.up().up()}; } else { surroundBlocks = new BlockPos[]{interpolatedPos.up().up()}; } final List blocksToPlace = new ArrayList<>(); // find missing blocks (starting from under the player first and going upwards) for (int i = 0; i < surroundBlocks.length; i++) { final BlockPos blockPos = surroundBlocks[i]; if (!this.valid(blockPos)) continue; blocksToPlace.add(blockPos); } if (blocksToPlace.size() != 0) { // we have blocks to place // begin rotation task Seppuku.INSTANCE.getRotationManager().startTask(this.rotationTask); final HandSwapContext handSwapContext = new HandSwapContext( mc.player.inventory.currentItem, InventoryUtil.findObsidianInHotbar(mc.player)); if (handSwapContext.getNewSlot() == -1) { Seppuku.INSTANCE.getRotationManager().finishTask(this.rotationTask); return; } if (!mc.player.isSneaking() && this.sneak.getValue()) { if (this.rotationTask.isOnline()) { Seppuku.INSTANCE.getRotationManager().finishTask(this.rotationTask); } return; } if (this.rotationTask.isOnline() || this.overrideTask.getValue()) { // swap to obsidian handSwapContext.handleHandSwap(false, mc); for (BlockPos blockPos : blocksToPlace) { if (!this.valid(blockPos)) continue; if (this.placeDelay.getValue() <= 0.0f) {; } else if (placeTimer.passed(this.placeDelay.getValue())) {; this.placeTimer.reset(); } } // swap back to original handSwapContext.handleHandSwap(true, mc); } } else { Seppuku.INSTANCE.getRotationManager().finishTask(this.rotationTask); } if (this.disable.getValue()) { if (blocksToPlace.size() == 0) // no more blocks this.toggle(); // auto disable } } else { Seppuku.INSTANCE.getRotationManager().finishTask(this.rotationTask); } break; } } @Listener public void onLoadWorld(EventLoadWorld event) { if (event.getWorld() != null) { freeCamModule = (FreeCamModule) Seppuku.INSTANCE.getModuleManager().find(FreeCamModule.class); } } private boolean valid(BlockPos pos) { // check faces for air (need to do this to place properly) int airFaces = 0; for (int i = 0; i < EnumFacing.values().length; i++) { if ([i])).getBlock() instanceof BlockAir) { airFaces++; } } if (airFaces == EnumFacing.values().length) { return false; } // there are no entities colliding with block placement final AxisAlignedBB axisAlignedBB = new AxisAlignedBB(pos); if (this.currentTarget != null) { if (!, axisAlignedBB).isEmpty()) { return false; } } if (! return false; // player is too far from distance if (mc.player.getDistance(pos.getX(), pos.getY(), pos.getZ()) > this.range.getValue()) return false; // check if the block is replaceable final Block block =; return block.isReplaceable(, pos) && !(block == Blocks.OBSIDIAN) && !(block == Blocks.BEDROCK); } private void place(BlockPos pos) { final Block block =; final EnumFacing direction = this.calcSide(pos); if (direction == null) return; final boolean activated = block.onBlockActivated(, pos,, mc.player, EnumHand.MAIN_HAND, direction, 0, 0, 0); if (activated) mc.player.connection.sendPacket(new CPacketEntityAction(mc.player, CPacketEntityAction.Action.START_SNEAKING)); final EnumFacing otherSide = direction.getOpposite(); final BlockPos sideOffset = pos.offset(direction); if (this.rotate.getValue()) { final float[] angle = MathUtil.calcAngle(mc.player.getPositionEyes(mc.getRenderPartialTicks()), new Vec3d(pos.getX() + 0.5f, pos.getY() + 0.5f, pos.getZ() + 0.5f)); Seppuku.INSTANCE.getRotationManager().setPlayerRotations(angle[0], angle[1]); } if (!this.visible.getValue()) { mc.player.connection.sendPacket(new CPacketPlayerTryUseItemOnBlock(sideOffset, otherSide, EnumHand.MAIN_HAND, 0.5F, 0.5F, 0.5F)); mc.player.connection.sendPacket(new CPacketAnimation(EnumHand.MAIN_HAND)); } else { mc.playerController.processRightClickBlock(mc.player,, sideOffset, otherSide, new Vec3d(0.5F, 0.5F, 0.5F), EnumHand.MAIN_HAND); if (this.swing.getValue()) { mc.player.swingArm(EnumHand.MAIN_HAND); } } if (activated) mc.player.connection.sendPacket(new CPacketEntityAction(mc.player, CPacketEntityAction.Action.STOP_SNEAKING)); } private EnumFacing calcSide(BlockPos pos) { for (EnumFacing side : EnumFacing.values()) { BlockPos sideOffset = pos.offset(side); IBlockState offsetState =; if (!offsetState.getBlock().canCollideCheck(offsetState, false)) continue; if (!offsetState.getMaterial().isReplaceable()) return side; } return null; } private Entity findTarget() { Entity ent = null; float maxDist = this.range.getValue(); for (Entity e : { if (e != null) { if (this.checkFilter(e)) { float currentDist = mc.player.getDistance(e); if (currentDist <= maxDist) { maxDist = currentDist; ent = e; } } } } return ent; } private boolean checkFilter(Entity entity) { boolean ret = false; if (entity instanceof EntityPlayer && entity != mc.player && Seppuku.INSTANCE.getFriendManager().isFriend(entity) == null && !entity.getName().equals(mc.player.getName())) { ret = true; } if (entity instanceof EntityLivingBase) { final EntityLivingBase entityLivingBase = (EntityLivingBase) entity; if (entityLivingBase.getHealth() <= 0) { ret = false; } if (!this.self.getValue()) { // don't trap ourselves with them if (entityLivingBase.getDistance(mc.player) <= this.selfDistance.getValue()) { ret = false; } } } return ret; } public RotationTask getRotationTask() { return rotationTask; } public Entity getCurrentTarget() { return currentTarget; } public void setCurrentTarget(Entity currentTarget) { this.currentTarget = currentTarget; } }