package me.rigamortis.seppuku.impl.gui.hud.component; import com.mojang.realmsclient.gui.ChatFormatting; import me.rigamortis.seppuku.Seppuku; import me.rigamortis.seppuku.api.gui.hud.component.ColorComponent; import me.rigamortis.seppuku.api.gui.hud.component.ComponentListener; import me.rigamortis.seppuku.api.gui.hud.component.HudComponent; import me.rigamortis.seppuku.api.gui.hud.component.ResizableHudComponent; import me.rigamortis.seppuku.api.module.Module; import me.rigamortis.seppuku.api.texture.Texture; import me.rigamortis.seppuku.api.util.ColorUtil; import me.rigamortis.seppuku.api.util.RenderUtil; import me.rigamortis.seppuku.api.value.Value; import me.rigamortis.seppuku.impl.config.HudConfig; import me.rigamortis.seppuku.impl.config.ModuleConfig; import me.rigamortis.seppuku.impl.gui.hud.GuiHudEditor; import net.minecraft.client.gui.ScaledResolution; import net.minecraft.client.renderer.GlStateManager; import net.minecraft.util.math.MathHelper; import org.lwjgl.input.Mouse; import org.lwjgl.opengl.GL11; import java.awt.*; import java.util.logging.Level; /** * @author noil */ public final class ColorsComponent extends ResizableHudComponent { private int scroll; private int totalHeight; private final int SCROLL_WIDTH = 5; private final int BORDER = 2; private final int TEXT_GAP = 1; private final int TITLE_BAR_HEIGHT = mc.fontRenderer.FONT_HEIGHT + 1; private ColorComponent currentColorComponent = null; private final Texture spectrum; private int lastGradientMouseX = -1; private int lastGradientMouseY = -1; private int lastSpectrumMouseX = -1; private int lastSpectrumMouseY = -1; public int baseColor = 0xFFFFFFFF; public int selectedColor = 0xFFFFFFFF; public ColorsComponent() { super("Colors", 100, 120, 215, 1000); this.setSnappable(false); this.setW(120); this.setH(120); this.setX((mc.displayWidth / 2.0f) - (this.getW() / 2)); this.setY((mc.displayHeight / 2.0f) - (this.getH() / 2)); this.spectrum = new Texture("spectrum.jpg"); } @Override public void render(int mouseX, int mouseY, float partialTicks) { super.render(mouseX, mouseY, partialTicks); if (!(mc.currentScreen instanceof GuiHudEditor)) return; final ScaledResolution sr = new ScaledResolution(mc); // Render Y pos offset (make this all modular eventually...) int offsetY = 0; // Scrolling this.handleScrolling(mouseX, mouseY); // No dragging inside box final boolean insideTitlebar = mouseY <= this.getY() + TITLE_BAR_HEIGHT + BORDER; if (!insideTitlebar) { this.setDragging(false); } // Is mouse inside final boolean mouseInside = this.isMouseInside(mouseX, mouseY); // clamp max width & height if (this.isResizeDragging()) { if (this.getH() > this.getTotalHeight()) { this.setH(this.getTotalHeight()); this.setResizeDragging(false); } } // Background & title RenderUtil.drawRect(this.getX() - 1, this.getY() - 1, this.getX() + this.getW() + 1, this.getY() + this.getH() + 1, 0x99101010); RenderUtil.drawRect(this.getX(), this.getY(), this.getX() + this.getW(), this.getY() + this.getH(), 0xFF202020); mc.fontRenderer.drawStringWithShadow(this.getName(), this.getX() + BORDER, this.getY() + BORDER, 0xFFFFFFFF); offsetY += mc.fontRenderer.FONT_HEIGHT + 1; // Behind list final float listTop = this.getY() + offsetY + BORDER; RenderUtil.drawRect(this.getX() + BORDER, listTop, this.getX() + this.getW() - SCROLL_WIDTH - BORDER, this.getY() + this.getH() - BORDER, 0xFF101010); // Scrollbar bg RenderUtil.drawRect(this.getX() + this.getW() - SCROLL_WIDTH, this.getY() + offsetY + BORDER, this.getX() + this.getW() - BORDER, this.getY() + this.getH() - BORDER, 0xFF101010); // Scrollbar highlights if (mouseInside) { if (mouseX >= (this.getX() + this.getW() - SCROLL_WIDTH) && mouseX <= (this.getX() + this.getW() - BORDER)) { // mouse is inside scroll area on x-axis RenderUtil.drawGradientRect(this.getX() + this.getW() - SCROLL_WIDTH, this.getY() + offsetY + BORDER, this.getX() + this.getW() - BORDER, this.getY() + offsetY + 8 + BORDER, 0xFF909090, 0x00101010); RenderUtil.drawGradientRect(this.getX() + this.getW() - SCROLL_WIDTH, this.getY() + this.getH() - 8 - BORDER, this.getX() + this.getW() - BORDER, this.getY() + this.getH() - BORDER, 0x00101010, 0xFF909090); float diffY = this.getY() + TITLE_BAR_HEIGHT + ((this.getH() - TITLE_BAR_HEIGHT) / 2); if (mouseY > diffY) { RenderUtil.drawGradientRect(this.getX() + this.getW() - SCROLL_WIDTH, this.getY() + (this.getH() / 2) + BORDER + BORDER, this.getX() + this.getW() - BORDER, this.getY() + this.getH() - BORDER, 0x00101010, 0x90909090); } else { RenderUtil.drawGradientRect(this.getX() + this.getW() - SCROLL_WIDTH, this.getY() + offsetY + BORDER, this.getX() + this.getW() - BORDER, this.getY() + (this.getH() / 2) + BORDER + BORDER, 0x90909090, 0x00101010); } } } // Scrollbar RenderUtil.drawRect(this.getX() + this.getW() - SCROLL_WIDTH, MathHelper.clamp((this.getY() + offsetY + BORDER) + ((this.getH() * this.scroll) / this.totalHeight), (this.getY() + offsetY + BORDER), (this.getY() + this.getH() - BORDER)), this.getX() + this.getW() - BORDER, MathHelper.clamp((this.getY() + this.getH() - BORDER) - (this.getH() * (this.totalHeight - this.getH() - this.scroll) / this.totalHeight), (this.getY() + offsetY + BORDER), (this.getY() + this.getH() - BORDER)), 0xFF909090); // Begin scissoring and render the component "buttons" GL11.glEnable(GL11.GL_SCISSOR_TEST); RenderUtil.glScissor(this.getX() + BORDER, this.getY() + offsetY + BORDER, this.getX() + this.getW() - BORDER - SCROLL_WIDTH, this.getY() + this.getH() - BORDER, sr); for (HudComponent component : Seppuku.INSTANCE.getHudManager().getComponentList()) { if (component != this && component.getValueList().size() > 0) { for (Value value : component.getValueList()) { if (value.getValue().getClass() != Color.class) continue; RenderUtil.drawRect(this.getX() + BORDER + TEXT_GAP, this.getY() + offsetY + BORDER + TEXT_GAP - this.scroll, this.getX() + BORDER + TEXT_GAP + this.getW() - BORDER - SCROLL_WIDTH - BORDER - 2, this.getY() + offsetY + BORDER + TEXT_GAP + mc.fontRenderer.FONT_HEIGHT - this.scroll, 0x45303030); final boolean insideComponent = mouseX >= (this.getX() + BORDER) && mouseX <= (this.getX() + this.getW() - BORDER - SCROLL_WIDTH) && mouseY >= (this.getY() + BORDER + mc.fontRenderer.FONT_HEIGHT + 1 + offsetY - this.scroll - mc.fontRenderer.FONT_HEIGHT + 1) && mouseY <= (this.getY() + BORDER + (mc.fontRenderer.FONT_HEIGHT) + 1 + offsetY - this.scroll); if (insideComponent) { RenderUtil.drawGradientRect(this.getX() + BORDER + TEXT_GAP, this.getY() + offsetY + BORDER + TEXT_GAP - this.scroll, this.getX() + BORDER + TEXT_GAP + this.getW() - BORDER - SCROLL_WIDTH - BORDER - 2, this.getY() + offsetY + BORDER + TEXT_GAP + mc.fontRenderer.FONT_HEIGHT - this.scroll, 0x30909090, 0x00101010); } // draw button text final int valueColor = ((Color) value.getValue()).getRGB(); mc.fontRenderer.drawStringWithShadow(ChatFormatting.GRAY + component.getName() + ": " + ChatFormatting.RESET + value.getName(), this.getX() + BORDER + TEXT_GAP + 1, this.getY() + offsetY + BORDER + TEXT_GAP - this.scroll, valueColor); offsetY += mc.fontRenderer.FONT_HEIGHT + TEXT_GAP; } } } for (Module module : Seppuku.INSTANCE.getModuleManager().getModuleList()) { if (module.getValueList().size() > 0) { for (Value value : module.getValueList()) { if (value.getValue().getClass() != Color.class) continue; RenderUtil.drawRect(this.getX() + BORDER + TEXT_GAP, this.getY() + offsetY + BORDER + TEXT_GAP - this.scroll, this.getX() + BORDER + TEXT_GAP + this.getW() - BORDER - SCROLL_WIDTH - BORDER - 2, this.getY() + offsetY + BORDER + TEXT_GAP + mc.fontRenderer.FONT_HEIGHT - this.scroll, 0x45303030); final boolean insideComponent = mouseX >= (this.getX() + BORDER) && mouseX <= (this.getX() + this.getW() - BORDER - SCROLL_WIDTH) && mouseY >= (this.getY() + BORDER + mc.fontRenderer.FONT_HEIGHT + 1 + offsetY - this.scroll - mc.fontRenderer.FONT_HEIGHT + 1) && mouseY <= (this.getY() + BORDER + (mc.fontRenderer.FONT_HEIGHT) + 1 + offsetY - this.scroll); if (insideComponent) { RenderUtil.drawGradientRect(this.getX() + BORDER + TEXT_GAP, this.getY() + offsetY + BORDER + TEXT_GAP - this.scroll, this.getX() + BORDER + TEXT_GAP + this.getW() - BORDER - SCROLL_WIDTH - BORDER - 2, this.getY() + offsetY + BORDER + TEXT_GAP + mc.fontRenderer.FONT_HEIGHT - this.scroll, 0x30909090, 0x00101010); } // draw button text final int valueColor = ((Color) value.getValue()).getRGB(); mc.fontRenderer.drawStringWithShadow(ChatFormatting.GRAY + module.getDisplayName() + ": " + ChatFormatting.RESET + value.getName(), this.getX() + BORDER + TEXT_GAP + 1, this.getY() + offsetY + BORDER + TEXT_GAP - this.scroll, valueColor); offsetY += mc.fontRenderer.FONT_HEIGHT + TEXT_GAP; } } } if (this.currentColorComponent != null) { // draw overlay RenderUtil.drawRect(this.getX() + BORDER, this.getY() + BORDER + mc.fontRenderer.FONT_HEIGHT + 1, this.getX() + this.getW() - BORDER, this.getY() + this.getH() - BORDER, 0xCC101010); // draw exit button RenderUtil.drawRect(this.getX() + BORDER + 3, this.getY() + BORDER + mc.fontRenderer.FONT_HEIGHT + 4, this.getX() + BORDER + 14, this.getY() + BORDER + mc.fontRenderer.FONT_HEIGHT + 15, 0xFF101010); RenderUtil.drawRect(this.getX() + BORDER + 4, this.getY() + BORDER + mc.fontRenderer.FONT_HEIGHT + 5, this.getX() + BORDER + 13, this.getY() + BORDER + mc.fontRenderer.FONT_HEIGHT + 14, 0xFF303030); RenderUtil.drawLine(this.getX() + BORDER + 6, this.getY() + BORDER + mc.fontRenderer.FONT_HEIGHT + 12, this.getX() + BORDER + 11, this.getY() + BORDER + mc.fontRenderer.FONT_HEIGHT + 7, 1.0f, 0xFFFF0000); RenderUtil.drawLine(this.getX() + BORDER + 6, this.getY() + BORDER + mc.fontRenderer.FONT_HEIGHT + 7, this.getX() + BORDER + 11, this.getY() + BORDER + mc.fontRenderer.FONT_HEIGHT + 12, 1.0f, 0xFFFF0000); // draw color RenderUtil.drawRect(this.getX() + (this.getW() / 2) - 10, this.getY() + (this.getH() / 4) - 10, this.getX() + (this.getW() / 2) + 10, this.getY() + (this.getH() / 4) + 10, this.currentColorComponent.getCurrentColor().getRGB()); RenderUtil.drawBorderedRect(this.getX() + (this.getW() / 2) - 10, this.getY() + (this.getH() / 4) - 10, this.getX() + (this.getW() / 2) + 10, this.getY() + (this.getH() / 4) + 10, 1.0f, 0x00000000, 0xFFAAAAAA); // draw spectrum this.spectrum.bind(); this.spectrum.render(this.getX() + this.getW() / 4 + this.getW() / 16, this.getY() + this.getH() / 2 + 10, this.getW() / 2 - this.getW() / 16, this.getH() / 2 - 18); // draw gradients GlStateManager.enableBlend(); RenderUtil.drawRect(this.getX() + this.getW() / 4, this.getY() + this.getH() / 2 + 10, this.getX() + this.getW() / 4 + this.getW() / 16, this.getY() + this.getH() - 8, 0xFFFFFFFF); RenderUtil.drawGradientRect(this.getX() + this.getW() / 4, this.getY() + this.getH() / 2 + 10, this.getX() + this.getW() / 4 + this.getW() / 16, this.getY() + this.getH() - 8, 0x00000000, 0xFF000000); RenderUtil.drawSideGradientRect(this.getX() + this.getW() / 4 + this.getW() / 16, this.getY() + this.getH() / 2 + 10, this.getX() + this.getW() / 2 + this.getW() / 4, this.getY() + this.getH() - 8, ColorUtil.changeAlpha(this.baseColor, 0xFF), 0x00000000); GlStateManager.disableBlend(); // draw line between spectrum & gradients RenderUtil.drawLine(this.getX() + this.getW() / 4 + this.getW() / 16, this.getY() + this.getH() / 2 + 10, this.getX() + this.getW() / 4 + this.getW() / 16, this.getY() + this.getH() - 8, 1.0f, 0xFF000000); // draw selection rects if (this.lastGradientMouseX != -1 && this.lastGradientMouseY != -1) { if (this.lastGradientMouseY - 4 > this.getY() + this.getH() / 2 + 10) RenderUtil.drawLine(this.getX() + this.getW() / 4, this.lastGradientMouseY - 4, this.getX() + this.getW() / 4 + this.getW() / 16, this.lastGradientMouseY - 4, 1f, 0xFF000000); if (this.lastGradientMouseY + 2 < this.getY() + this.getH() - 8) RenderUtil.drawLine(this.getX() + this.getW() / 4, this.lastGradientMouseY + 2, this.getX() + this.getW() / 4 + this.getW() / 16, this.lastGradientMouseY + 2, 1f, 0xFF000000); } if (this.lastSpectrumMouseX != -1 && this.lastSpectrumMouseY != -1) { final Color color = new Color(this.selectedColor).darker(); RenderUtil.drawLine(this.lastSpectrumMouseX - 1, this.lastSpectrumMouseY - 1, this.lastSpectrumMouseX + 1, this.lastSpectrumMouseY + 1, 1f, color.getRGB()); RenderUtil.drawLine(this.lastSpectrumMouseX - 1, this.lastSpectrumMouseY + 1, this.lastSpectrumMouseX + 1, this.lastSpectrumMouseY - 1, 1f, color.getRGB()); } // draw color data if (this.getW() > 180) { final String hexColor = "#" + Integer.toHexString(this.currentColorComponent.getCurrentColor().getRGB()).toLowerCase().substring(2); final String rgbColor = String.format("r%s g%s b%s", this.currentColorComponent.getCurrentColor().getRed(), this.currentColorComponent.getCurrentColor().getGreen(), this.currentColorComponent.getCurrentColor().getBlue()); mc.fontRenderer.drawStringWithShadow(hexColor, this.getX() + (this.getW() / 2) + 12, this.getY() + (this.getH() / 4) - 16 + mc.fontRenderer.FONT_HEIGHT, 0xFFAAAAAA); mc.fontRenderer.drawStringWithShadow(rgbColor, this.getX() + (this.getW() / 2) + 12, this.getY() + (this.getH() / 4) - 16 + (mc.fontRenderer.FONT_HEIGHT * 2), 0xFFAAAAAA); } // draw name mc.fontRenderer.drawStringWithShadow(this.currentColorComponent.getName(), this.getX() + (this.getW() / 2) - mc.fontRenderer.getStringWidth(this.currentColorComponent.getName()) / 2.0f, this.getY() + (this.getH() / 4) + 14, 0xFFFFFFFF); } // end scissoring GL11.glDisable(GL11.GL_SCISSOR_TEST); // Over list if (this.currentColorComponent == null) { if (this.scroll > 6) { RenderUtil.drawGradientRect(this.getX() + BORDER, listTop, this.getX() + this.getW() - SCROLL_WIDTH - BORDER, listTop + 8, 0xFF101010, 0x00000000); } if (this.getH() != this.getTotalHeight() && this.scroll != (this.totalHeight - this.getH())) { RenderUtil.drawGradientRect(this.getX() + BORDER, this.getY() + this.getH() - BORDER - 8, this.getX() + this.getW() - SCROLL_WIDTH - BORDER, this.getY() + this.getH() - BORDER, 0x00000000, 0xFF101010); } } // render current color component if (this.currentColorComponent != null) { this.currentColorComponent.setX(this.getX() + 20); this.currentColorComponent.setY(this.getY() + (this.getH() / 2)); this.currentColorComponent.setW(this.getW() - 40); // draw bg RenderUtil.drawRect(this.currentColorComponent.getX(), this.currentColorComponent.getY(), this.currentColorComponent.getX() + this.currentColorComponent.getW(), this.currentColorComponent.getY() + this.currentColorComponent.getH(), 0xFF101010); this.currentColorComponent.render(mouseX, mouseY, partialTicks); } // figures up a "total height (pixels)" of the inside of the list area (for calculating scroll height) this.totalHeight = BORDER + TEXT_GAP + offsetY + BORDER; } @Override public void mouseRelease(int mouseX, int mouseY, int button) { final boolean inside = this.isMouseInside(mouseX, mouseY); final boolean insideTitlebar = mouseY <= this.getY() + BORDER + TITLE_BAR_HEIGHT; if (this.currentColorComponent != null) { if (this.currentColorComponent.isMouseInside(mouseX, mouseY)) { this.currentColorComponent.mouseRelease(mouseX, mouseY, button); } else if (inside && !insideTitlebar) { final boolean insideExit = mouseX <= this.getX() + BORDER + 14 && mouseY <= this.getY() + BORDER + TITLE_BAR_HEIGHT + 15; if (insideExit) { this.currentColorComponent = null; this.removeSelections(); this.baseColor = 0xFFFFFFFF; return; } } } super.mouseRelease(mouseX, mouseY, button); if (inside && button == 0 && !insideTitlebar) { int offsetY = BORDER; for (HudComponent component : Seppuku.INSTANCE.getHudManager().getComponentList()) { if (component != this && component.getValueList().size() > 0) { for (Value value : component.getValueList()) { if (value.getValue().getClass() != Color.class) continue; final boolean insideComponent = mouseX >= (this.getX() + BORDER) && mouseX <= (this.getX() + this.getW() - BORDER - SCROLL_WIDTH) && mouseY >= (this.getY() + BORDER + mc.fontRenderer.FONT_HEIGHT + 1 + offsetY - this.scroll) && mouseY <= (this.getY() + BORDER + (mc.fontRenderer.FONT_HEIGHT * 2) + 1 + offsetY - this.scroll); if (insideComponent && this.currentColorComponent == null) { ColorComponent colorComponent = new ColorComponent(component.getName() + " " + value.getName(), ((Color) value.getValue()).getRGB(), ChatFormatting.WHITE + "Edit..."); colorComponent.returnListener = new ComponentListener() { @Override public void onComponentEvent() { value.setValue(colorComponent.getCurrentColor()); Seppuku.INSTANCE.getConfigManager().save(HudConfig.class); } }; this.currentColorComponent = colorComponent; } offsetY += mc.fontRenderer.FONT_HEIGHT + TEXT_GAP; } } } for (Module module : Seppuku.INSTANCE.getModuleManager().getModuleList()) { if (module.getValueList().size() > 0) { for (Value value : module.getValueList()) { if (value.getValue().getClass() != Color.class) continue; final boolean insideComponent = mouseX >= (this.getX() + BORDER) && mouseX <= (this.getX() + this.getW() - BORDER - SCROLL_WIDTH) && mouseY >= (this.getY() + BORDER + mc.fontRenderer.FONT_HEIGHT + 1 + offsetY - this.scroll) && mouseY <= (this.getY() + BORDER + (mc.fontRenderer.FONT_HEIGHT * 2) + 1 + offsetY - this.scroll); if (insideComponent && this.currentColorComponent == null) { ColorComponent colorComponent = new ColorComponent(module.getDisplayName() + " " + value.getName(), ((Color) value.getValue()).getRGB(), ChatFormatting.WHITE + "Edit..."); colorComponent.returnListener = new ComponentListener() { @Override public void onComponentEvent() { value.setValue(colorComponent.getCurrentColor()); Seppuku.INSTANCE.getConfigManager().save(ModuleConfig.class); } }; this.currentColorComponent = colorComponent; } offsetY += mc.fontRenderer.FONT_HEIGHT + TEXT_GAP; } } } if (mouseX >= (this.getX() + this.getW() - SCROLL_WIDTH) && mouseX <= (this.getX() + this.getW() - BORDER)) { // mouse is inside scroll area on x-axis float diffY = this.getY() + TITLE_BAR_HEIGHT + ((this.getH() - TITLE_BAR_HEIGHT) / 2); if (mouseY > diffY) { scroll += 10; } else { scroll -= 10; } this.clampScroll(); } } } @Override public void mouseClick(int mouseX, int mouseY, int button) { final boolean insideDragZone = mouseY <= this.getY() + TITLE_BAR_HEIGHT + BORDER || mouseY >= ((this.getY() + this.getH()) - CLICK_ZONE); if (insideDragZone) { super.mouseClick(mouseX, mouseY, button); } if (this.isDragging() || this.isResizeDragging()) { this.removeSelections(); return; } if (this.isMouseInside(mouseX, mouseY) && this.currentColorComponent != null) { this.currentColorComponent.mouseClick(mouseX, mouseY, button); final boolean insideSpectrum = mouseX >= this.getX() + this.getW() / 4 + this.getW() / 16 && mouseY >= this.getY() + this.getH() / 2 + 10 && mouseX <= this.getX() + this.getW() / 4 + this.getW() / 16 + this.getW() / 2 - this.getW() / 16 && mouseY <= this.getY() + this.getH() / 2 + 10 + this.getH() / 2 - 18; final boolean insideGradient = mouseX >= this.getX() + this.getW() / 4 && mouseY >= this.getY() + this.getH() / 2 + 10 && mouseX <= this.getX() + this.getW() / 4 + this.getW() / 16 && mouseY <= this.getY() + this.getH() - 8; if (insideGradient || insideSpectrum) { if (insideGradient) this.removeSelections(); Robot robot = null; try { robot = new Robot(); } catch (AWTException e) { Seppuku.INSTANCE.getLogger().log(Level.WARNING, "Could not create robot for " + this.getName()); } if (robot != null) { PointerInfo pointerInfo = MouseInfo.getPointerInfo(); Point point = pointerInfo.getLocation(); int mX = (int) point.getX(); int mY = (int) point.getY(); Color colorAtMouseClick = robot.getPixelColor(mX, mY); if (insideSpectrum) { this.selectedColor = colorAtMouseClick.getRGB(); this.currentColorComponent.setCurrentColor(colorAtMouseClick); this.currentColorComponent.returnListener.onComponentEvent(); this.currentColorComponent.displayValue = "#" + Integer.toHexString(this.selectedColor).toLowerCase().substring(2); this.lastSpectrumMouseX = mouseX; this.lastSpectrumMouseY = mouseY; } else { this.baseColor = colorAtMouseClick.getRGB(); this.lastGradientMouseX = mouseX; this.lastGradientMouseY = mouseY; } } } } } @Override public void keyTyped(char typedChar, int keyCode) { super.keyTyped(typedChar, keyCode); if (this.currentColorComponent != null) this.currentColorComponent.keyTyped(typedChar, keyCode); } private void clampScroll() { if (this.scroll < 0) { this.scroll = 0; } if (this.scroll > this.totalHeight - this.getH()) { this.scroll = this.totalHeight - (int) this.getH(); } } private void handleScrolling(int mouseX, int mouseY) { if (this.isMouseInside(mouseX, mouseY) && Mouse.hasWheel()) { this.scroll += -(Mouse.getDWheel() / 5); this.clampScroll(); } } private void removeSelections() { this.lastGradientMouseX = -1; this.lastGradientMouseY = -1; this.lastSpectrumMouseX = -1; this.lastSpectrumMouseY = -1; } public int getScroll() { return scroll; } public void setScroll(int scroll) { this.scroll = scroll; } public int getTotalHeight() { return totalHeight; } public ColorComponent getCurrentColorComponent() { return currentColorComponent; } public void setCurrentColorComponent(ColorComponent currentColorComponent) { this.currentColorComponent = currentColorComponent; } }