package me.rigamortis.seppuku.impl.module.player; import; import; import me.rigamortis.seppuku.api.module.Module; import me.rigamortis.seppuku.api.value.Value; import*; import; import team.stiff.pomelo.impl.annotated.handler.annotation.Listener; /** * @author noil */ public final class NoPacketModule extends Module { public final Value player = new Value("Player", new String[]{"pos", "p"}, "Cancel all player related movement packets", false); public final Value playerPosition = new Value("Position", new String[]{"pos", "p"}, "Cancel player position packets", false); public final Value playerRotation = new Value("Rotation", new String[]{"rot", "r"}, "Cancel player rotation packets", false); public final Value playerPosRot = new Value("PositionRotation", new String[]{"PosRot", "pr"}, "Cancel player position & rotation packets", false); public final Value steerBoat = new Value("SteerBoat", new String[]{"steer", "boat", "sb"}, "Cancel boat steering packets", false); public final Value vehicleMove = new Value("VehicleMove", new String[]{"vehicle", "vehicle-move", "vm", "move"}, "Cancel vehicle movement packets", false); public final Value input = new Value("Input", new String[]{"in", "i"}, "Cancel player input packets", false); public final Value abilities = new Value("Abilities", new String[]{"abilities", "player", "ability", "pa"}, "Cancel \"player-ability\" packets", false); public final Value removeEntity = new Value("RemoveEntity", new String[]{"DestroyEntities", "RemoveEntities", "remove", "destroy", "re", "de"}, "Cancel receiving all \"remove/destroy entity\" packets", false); public NoPacketModule() { super("NoPacket", new String[]{"NoPacket", "NoPac", "AntiPacket", "PacketDisable", "PacketCancel"}, "Disables various packets from being sent to the server, or back to the client", "NONE", -1, ModuleType.PLAYER); } @Listener public void onSendPacket(EventSendPacket event) { if (this.playerPosRot.getValue()) if (event.getPacket() instanceof CPacketPlayer.PositionRotation) event.setCanceled(true); if (this.playerPosition.getValue()) if (event.getPacket() instanceof CPacketPlayer.Position) event.setCanceled(true); if (this.playerRotation.getValue()) if (event.getPacket() instanceof CPacketPlayer.Rotation) event.setCanceled(true); if (this.player.getValue()) if (event.getPacket() instanceof CPacketPlayer) event.setCanceled(true); if (this.steerBoat.getValue()) if (event.getPacket() instanceof CPacketSteerBoat) event.setCanceled(true); if (this.vehicleMove.getValue()) if (event.getPacket() instanceof CPacketVehicleMove) event.setCanceled(true); if (this.abilities.getValue()) if (event.getPacket() instanceof CPacketPlayerAbilities) event.setCanceled(true); if (this.input.getValue()) if (event.getPacket() instanceof CPacketInput) event.setCanceled(true); } @Listener public void onReceivePacket(EventReceivePacket event) { if (this.removeEntity.getValue()) if (event.getPacket() instanceof SPacketDestroyEntities) event.setCanceled(true); } }