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Sven Vermeulen 744482a3e6 Update segenxml to include support for templated booleans and tunables
The segenxml tool is used to generate documentation regarding the policy
definitions. Its output is an XML file that contains the in-line
comments associated with boolean generation as well as interface

With booleans also generated inside templates, this information was
(until now) ignored. Templates such as apache's apache_content_template
which created new booleans were not properly documented, as the
in-template comments were ignored.

In this patch, we will go over module code first and seek template
calls. When a template call is matched, the module code is updated
(expanded) with the template content (while substituting the arguments
to get a proper code listing). Only after all templates have been
expanded we seek the necessary boolean definitions.

Changes since v2:
- Fix BOOLEAN statements to match backtick (`) and tick (') usages as
- Fix match for arguments to also include multiple entries ( { ... } )

Changes since v1:
- Also apply the regexp on BOOLEAN to allow generating templated
  boolean/tunable documentation

Signed-off-by: Sven Vermeulen <sven.vermeulen@siphos.be>
2018-06-10 13:23:01 -04:00

391 lines
12 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Author(s): Donald Miner <dminer@tresys.com>
# Dave Sugar <dsugar@tresys.com>
# Brian Williams <bwilliams@tresys.com>
# Caleb Case <ccase@tresys.com>
# Copyright (C) 2005 - 2006 Tresys Technology, LLC
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, version 2.
This script generates XML documentation information for layers specified
by the user.
import sys
import os
import re
import getopt
# Default values of command line arguments:
output_dir = ""
# Pre compiled regular expressions:
# Matches either an interface or a template declaration. Will give the tuple:
# ("interface" or "template", name)
# Some examples:
# "interface(`kernel_read_system_state',`"
# -> ("interface", "kernel_read_system_state")
# "template(`base_user_template',`"
# -> ("template", "base_user_template")
INTERFACE = re.compile(r"^\s*(interface|template)\(`(\w*)'")
# Matches either a gen_bool or a gen_tunable statement. Will give the tuple:
# ("tunable" or "bool", name, "true" or "false")
# Some examples:
# "gen_bool(secure_mode, false)"
# -> ("bool", "secure_mode", "false")
# "gen_tunable(allow_kerberos, false)"
# -> ("tunable", "allow_kerberos", "false")
BOOLEAN = re.compile(r"^\s*gen_(tunable|bool)\(\s*\`?\s*(\w*)\s*\'?\s*,\s*(true|false)\s*\)")
TEMPLATE_BOOLEAN = re.compile(r"^\s*gen_(tunable|bool)\(\s*\`?\s*([\w\$]*)\s*\'?\s*,\s*(true|false)\s*\)")
# Matches a XML comment in the policy, which is defined as any line starting
# with two # and at least one character of white space. Will give the single
# valued tuple:
# ("comment")
# Some Examples:
# "## <summary>"
# -> ("<summary>")
# "## The domain allowed access. "
# -> ("The domain allowed access.")
XML_COMMENT = re.compile(r"^\s*##\s+(.*?)\s*$")
# Matches a template call in the policy, which is defined as any line having
# a function call like structure, being a string, followed by a set of
# arguments between an opening and closing bracket. Regexp cannot deal with
# unknown number of arguments, so we will split arguments in the code later on.
# Some examples:
# "userdom_user_access_template(gpg, gpg_t)"
# "zarafa_domain_template(gateway)"
TEMPLATE_CALL = re.compile(r"^\s*(\w*_template)\(\s*(\w*)\s*(?:,\s*(?:[^,)]*)\s*)*\)")
def getModuleXML(file_name):
Returns the XML data for a module in a list, one line per list item.
# Gather information.
module_dir = os.path.dirname(file_name)
module_name = os.path.basename(file_name)
module_te = "%s/%s.te" % (module_dir, module_name)
module_if = "%s/%s.if" % (module_dir, module_name)
# Try to open the file, if it cant, just ignore it.
module_file = open(module_if, "r")
module_code = module_file.readlines()
except OSError:
warning("cannot open file %s for read, skipping" % file_name)
return []
module_buf = []
# Infer the module name, which is the base of the file name.
module_buf.append("<module name=\"%s\" filename=\"%s\">\n"
% (os.path.splitext(os.path.split(file_name)[-1])[0], module_if))
temp_buf = []
interface = None
# finding_header is a flag to denote whether we are still looking
# for the XML documentation at the head of the file.
finding_header = True
# Get rid of whitespace at top of file
while(module_code and module_code[0].isspace()):
module_code = module_code[1:]
# Go line by line and figure out what to do with it.
line_num = 0
for line in module_code:
line_num += 1
if finding_header:
# If there is a XML comment, add it to the temp buffer.
comment = XML_COMMENT.match(line)
if comment:
temp_buf.append(comment.group(1) + "\n")
# Once a line that is not an XML comment is reached,
# either put the XML out to module buffer as the
# module's documentation, or attribute it to an
# interface/template.
elif temp_buf:
finding_header = False
interface = INTERFACE.match(line)
if not interface:
module_buf += temp_buf
temp_buf = []
# Skip over empty lines
if line.isspace():
# Grab a comment and add it to the temprorary buffer, if it
# is there.
comment = XML_COMMENT.match(line)
if comment:
temp_buf.append(comment.group(1) + "\n")
# Grab the interface information. This is only not true when
# the interface is at the top of the file and there is no
# documentation for the module.
if not interface:
interface = INTERFACE.match(line)
if interface:
# Add the opening tag for the interface/template
groups = interface.groups()
module_buf.append("<%s name=\"%s\" lineno=\"%s\">\n" % (groups[0], groups[1], line_num))
# Add all the comments attributed to this interface to
# the module buffer.
if temp_buf:
module_buf += temp_buf
temp_buf = []
# Add default summaries and parameters so that the
# DTD is happy.
warning ("unable to find XML for %s %s()" % (groups[0], groups[1]))
module_buf.append("Summary is missing!\n")
module_buf.append("<param name=\"?\">\n")
module_buf.append("Parameter descriptions are missing!\n")
# Close the interface/template tag.
module_buf.append("</%s>\n" % interface.group(1))
interface = None
# If the line is a boolean/tunable definition, ignore it for now (these
# lines are processed later on) and dismiss the XML comment received
# thus far as it is otherwise attributed to an interface.
tunable = TEMPLATE_BOOLEAN.match(line)
if tunable:
temp_buf = []
# If the file just had a header, add the comments to the module buffer.
if finding_header:
module_buf += temp_buf
# Otherwise there are some lingering XML comments at the bottom, warn
# the user.
elif temp_buf:
warning("orphan XML comments at bottom of file %s" % file_name)
# Process the TE file if it exists.
module_buf = module_buf + getTunableXML(module_te, "both")
return module_buf
def getTunableXML(file_name, kind):
Return all the XML for the tunables/bools in the file specified.
# Try to open the file, if it cant, just ignore it.
tunable_file = open(file_name, "r")
tunable_code = tunable_file.readlines()
except OSError:
warning("cannot open file %s for read, skipping" % file_name)
return []
tunable_buf = []
temp_buf = []
tunable_processed_code = []
# We first go through the code and substitute template calls with the
# complete template content. This needs to happen iteratively, because
# a template can call another template. In order to ensure no cyclic
# template calls keep us busy, we max out at 9999 substitutions
has_changed = True
subst_threshold = 9999
while (has_changed and (subst_threshold > 0)):
has_changed = False
for line in tunable_code:
# Get the template call match
template_call = TEMPLATE_CALL.match(line)
# If we reach a template call, read in the template data
# from the template directory, but substitute all $1 with
# the second match, $2 with the third match, etc.
if template_call:
# Read template file based on template_call.group(1)
template_file = open(templatedir + "/" + template_call.group(1) + ".iftemplate", "r")
template_code = template_file.readlines()
except OSError:
warning("cannot open file %s for read, bailing out" % templatedir + "/" + template_call.group(1) + ".iftemplate")
return []
# Substitute content (i.e. $1 for argument 1, $2 for argument 2, etc.)
template_split = re.findall(r"[\w\" {}]+", line.strip())
for index, item in enumerate(template_code):
for group in range(1, len(template_split)):
template_code[index] = template_code[index].replace("$" + str(group), template_split[group].strip())
# Now 'inject' the code in the tunable_code variable
has_changed = True
subst_threshold -= 1
# It is a bad practice to try and update lists while in a loop, so we
# created an intermediate one and are now assigning it back
tunable_code = tunable_processed_code
tunable_processed_code = []
# If subst_threshold is 0 or less we want to know
if (subst_threshold <= 0):
warning("Detected a possible loop in policy code and template usage")
# Find tunables and booleans line by line and use the comments above
# them.
for line in tunable_code:
# If it is an XML comment, add it to the buffer and go on.
comment = XML_COMMENT.match(line)
if comment:
temp_buf.append(comment.group(1) + "\n")
# Get the boolean/tunable data.
boolean = BOOLEAN.match(line)
# If we reach a boolean/tunable declaration, attribute all XML
# in the temp buffer to it and add XML to the tunable buffer.
if boolean:
# If there is a gen_bool in a tunable file or a
# gen_tunable in a boolean file, error and exit.
# Skip if both kinds are valid.
if kind != "both":
if boolean.group(1) != kind:
error("%s in a %s file." % (boolean.group(1), kind))
tunable_buf.append("<%s name=\"%s\" dftval=\"%s\">\n" % boolean.groups())
tunable_buf += temp_buf
temp_buf = []
tunable_buf.append("</%s>\n" % boolean.group(1))
# If there are XML comments at the end of the file, they arn't
# attributed to anything. These are ignored.
if len(temp_buf):
warning("orphan XML comments at bottom of file %s" % file_name)
# If the caller requested a the global_tunables and global_booleans to be
# output to a file output them now
if len(output_dir) > 0:
xmlfile = os.path.split(file_name)[1] + ".xml"
xml_outfile = open(output_dir + "/" + xmlfile, "w")
for tunable_line in tunable_buf:
xml_outfile.write (tunable_line)
except OSError:
warning ("cannot write to file %s, skipping creation" % xmlfile)
return tunable_buf
def usage():
Displays a message describing the proper usage of this script.
sys.stdout.write("usage: %s [-w] [-T <templatedir>] [-mtb] <file>\n\n" % sys.argv[0])
sys.stdout.write("-w --warn\t\t\tshow warnings\n"+\
"-m --module <file>\t\tname of module to process\n"+\
"-t --tunable <file>\t\tname of global tunable file to process\n"+\
"-b --boolean <file>\t\tname of global boolean file to process\n"+\
"-T --templates <dir>\t\tname of template directory to use\n\n")
sys.stdout.write("> %s -w -T tmp/templates -m policy/modules/apache\n" % sys.argv[0])
sys.stdout.write("> %s -t policy/global_tunables\n" % sys.argv[0])
def warning(description):
Warns the user of a non-critical error.
if warn:
sys.stderr.write("%s: " % sys.argv[0] )
sys.stderr.write("warning: " + description + "\n")
def error(description):
Describes an error and exists the program.
sys.stderr.write("%s: " % sys.argv[0] )
sys.stderr.write("error: " + description + "\n")
# Defaults
warn = False
module = False
tunable = False
boolean = False
templatedir = ''
# Check that there are command line arguments.
if len(sys.argv) <= 1:
# Parse command line args
opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], 'whm:t:b:T:', ['warn', 'help', 'module=', 'tunable=', 'boolean=', 'templates='])
except getopt.GetoptError:
for o, a in opts:
if o in ('-w', '--warn'):
warn = True
elif o in ('-h', '--help'):
elif o in ('-m', '--module'):
module = a
elif o in ('-t', '--tunable'):
tunable = a
elif o in ('-b', '--boolean'):
boolean = a
elif o in ('-T', '--templates'):
templatedir = a
if module:
elif tunable:
sys.stdout.writelines(getTunableXML(tunable, "tunable"))
elif boolean:
sys.stdout.writelines(getTunableXML(boolean, "bool"))